ࡱ> %` KbjbjNN 9,,(Csss8@st 2uy:zzzzH?~3|moooooo$ hzzzz zzmmqzu si60$*$lqf$ IXN$`$`  Python for S60 Sensor module for S60 Sensor FW Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-4" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161565" 1. Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc223161565 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161566" sensor -- Module to access the device sensors  PAGEREF _Toc223161566 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161567" 2. Module Level Functions  PAGEREF _Toc223161567 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161568" 2.1 List Channels  PAGEREF _Toc223161568 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161569" Function signature : list_channels()  PAGEREF _Toc223161569 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161570" 2.2 Query logical name:  PAGEREF _Toc223161570 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161571" Function signature : get_logicalname(, value)  PAGEREF _Toc223161571 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161572" 3. Classes  PAGEREF _Toc223161572 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161573" 3.1 Base class  PAGEREF _Toc223161573 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161574" 3.1.1 Object creation  PAGEREF _Toc223161574 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161575" Function signature : __init__([data_filter=None])  PAGEREF _Toc223161575 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161576" 3.1.2 Set Data and Error Callback:  PAGEREF _Toc223161576 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161577" Function signature : set_callback(data_callback, [error_callback=None])  PAGEREF _Toc223161577 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161578" 3.1.3 Open and listen  PAGEREF _Toc223161578 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161579" Function signature : start_listening()  PAGEREF _Toc223161579 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161580" 3.1.4 Stop and close  PAGEREF _Toc223161580 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161581" Function signature : stop_listening()  PAGEREF _Toc223161581 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161582" 3.1.5 Set/Get sensor channel property  PAGEREF _Toc223161582 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161583" 3.1.6 Class attributes  PAGEREF _Toc223161583 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161584" 3.2 class AccelerometerXYZAxisData  PAGEREF _Toc223161584 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161585" 3.3 class AccelerometerDoubleTappingData  PAGEREF _Toc223161585 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161586" 3.3.1 Set/Get property  PAGEREF _Toc223161586 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161587" 3.4 class MagnetometerXYZAxisData  PAGEREF _Toc223161587 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161588" 3.5 class MagneticNorthData  PAGEREF _Toc223161588 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161589" 3.6 class AmbientLightData  PAGEREF _Toc223161589 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161590" 3.7 class ProximityMonitor  PAGEREF _Toc223161590 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161591" 3.8 class OrientationData  PAGEREF _Toc223161591 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc223161592" 3.9 class RotationData  PAGEREF _Toc223161592 \h 16  1. Introduction sensor -- Module to access the device sensors This PyS60 sensor module supports accessing the sensors on the devices that have S60 Sensor Framework libraries. The S60 Sensor Framework was introduced in S60 5th Edition, but is also backported to S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2 for some mobile devices, as well as the Nokia E66 device, which is an S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 1 device with sensor APIs based on the S60 Sensor Framework. The sensor module offers direct access to a device's physical sensors. The following sensor channels are supported by the sensor module, provided the device supports them: Accelerometer XYZ sensor channel Rotation sensor channel Orientation sensor channel Accelerometer double-tap sensor channel Proximity monitor sensor channel Ambient light sensor channel Magnetic North sensor channel Magnetometer XYZ sensor channel The following table lists the sensors available on different S60 devices Accelerometer Double TapAccelerometer XYZOrientationRotationAmbient LightMagnetic NorthProximity MonitorMagnetometer XYZS60 platformN85xxxx3rdFP2E66xxxx3rdFP1N96xxxx3rdFP2E75xxxx3rdFP26720xxxx3rdFP25800xxxxxx5thEd6210xxxxxx3rdFP26710xxxxxx3rdFP2E55xxxxxx3rdFP2 These sensors are mapped to a class using which the sensor channel data can be accessed. To access a particular sensor data an object of the respective class has to be created first. Then the data callback function can be set using the set_callback() method. To start and stop receiving updates the start_listening() and stop_listening() methods can be used. Note: This module's API compatibility between 1.9.x versions isn't guaranteed until 2.0. It won't be broken without good reason, but it can happen. 2. Module Level Functions 2.1 List Channels Function signature : list_channels() This returns a list of dictionaries containing all the available sensors on the device. The returned dictionary has the following format: [ {'id': channel id, 'type': channel type, 'name: channel name} {'id': channel id, 'type': channel type, 'name: channel name} . ] where channel_id, channel_type and channel_name will have the respective channels values as strings. 2.2 Query logical name: Function signature : get_logicalname(, value) This function can be used for querying the logical name based on value. The file sensor_defs.py has the mapping of different sensor properties to their respective hex/decimal values. Following table contains the sensor classes, supported by get_logicalname() and the respective data lookup classes. Sensor ClassDataLookupClassProximityMonitorTProximityStateOrientationDataTSensrvDeviceOrientationAmbientLightDataTSensrvAmbientLightDataAccelerometerDoubleTappingDataKSensrvAccelerometerDirection 3. Classes 3.1 Base class The base class to all types of sensor class is _Sensor. This class provides the methods set_callback, start_listening and stop_listening which are common to all the sensor class objects. The individual sensor class objects should be used to use a specific sensor. 3.1.1 Object creation Function signature : __init__([data_filter=None]) The data_filter argument is only applicable for *XYZAxisData and RotationData sensor classes. Possible Values: MedianFilter(), LowPassFilter() - If nothing is passed then the data is left as-is without any filtering - MedianFilter & LowPassFilter are standard noise filtering algorithms which provide a smoother form of a signal removing the short-term oscillations, leaving only the long-term trend. 3.1.2 Set Data and Error Callback: Function signature : set_callback(data_callback, [error_callback=None]) Sets the data and error callback function. The error callback function will get an argument which will contain a map with Channel ID and error string. The data callback function set will not be passed any arguments. 3.1.3 Open and listen Function signature : start_listening() Opens the sensor channel and start listening. Returns True on success and False on failure. 3.1.4 Stop and close Function signature : stop_listening() Stop listening to the open channel and close the channel. To start receiving updates again the start_listening method can be called on the same sensor object. 3.1.5 Set/Get sensor channel property The current release of PyS60 sensor module does not support either retrieving or modifying all the sensor properties of a particular channel like DataRate, MeasureRange, ScaledRange etc. This feature will be provided in the future dot releases. Refer the individual sensor class description for more details. 3.1.6 Class attributes The sensor classes have one or more attributes which will contain the data returned by the respective sensor. These attributes will be set before the registered data callback function is called and can be accessed using the respective sensor class object. 3.2 class AccelerometerXYZAxisData Detects movement gestures, such as moving the device up or down Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attributes: x : X-axis value y : Y-axis value z : Z-axis value Example: from sensor import * import e32 import time class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.accelerometer = \ AccelerometerXYZAxisData(data_filter=LowPassFilter()) self.accelerometer.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) self.counter = 0 def my_callback(self): # For stream sensor data the callback is hit 35 times per sec(On # 5800). The device cannot handle resource hungry operations like # print in the callback function for such high frequencies. A # workaround is to sample the data as demonstrated below. if self.counter % 5 == 0: print "X:%s, Y:%s, Z:%s" % (self.accelerometer.x, self.accelerometer.y, self.accelerometer.z) self.counter = self.counter + 1 def run(self): self.accelerometer.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(1) d.accelerometer.stop_listening() print "Exiting Accelorometer" 3.3 class AccelerometerDoubleTappingData Detects a double-tap on the device where the taps occur in quick succession and in the same direction. Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attribute: direction : Hex value indicating the tap direction. Using get_logicalname API and classname as KSensrvAccelerometerDirection the direction can be determined in human readable form. 3.3.1 Set/Get property This sensor class provides additional functions which can be used to set/get some of the properties specific to this sensor. NOTE: set/get sensor property API is not complete yet and is not supported for all sensors or all types of properties. These APIs might change in the future dot releases. get_axis_active() Returns x, y, z values: 1 if axis is active else 0. set_axis_active([x=None, y=None, z=None]) Sets one or more axis as active. Pass 1 to set the axis and 0 to disable it. get_properties() Returns TapThresholdValue, TapDurationValue, TapLatencyValue, TapIntervalValue set_properties([DblTapThresholdValue = None, DblTapDurationValue = None, DblTapLatencyValue = None, DblTapIntervalValue = None]) Sets the tap related properties Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.doubletap = AccelerometerDoubleTappingData() self.doubletap.set_axis_active(x=0, y=1, z=1) print "Active Axis are: ", self.doubletap.get_axis_active() self.doubletap.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) def my_callback(self): print "Raw Direction value", self.doubletap.direction print "Direction: ", get_logicalname(KSensrvAccelerometerDirection, self.doubletap.direction) def run(self): self.doubletap.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(15) d.doubletap.stop_listening() print "Exiting Double Tap" 3.4 class MagnetometerXYZAxisData Indicates the strength of the geomagnetic flux density in the X, Y and Z axes. Only calibrated axis data is exposed right now and not raw data. Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attributes: x : X-axis value y : Y-axis value z : Z-axis value calib_level: Indicates the calibration level. Possible values: 0 - Not calibrated 1 - Low calibration. 2 - Medium calibration 3 - High accuracy Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.magnetometer = \ MagnetometerXYZAxisData(data_filter=LowPassFilter()) self.magnetometer.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) self.counter = 0 def my_callback(self): # For stream sensor data the callback is hit 35 times per sec(On # 5800). The device cannot handle resource hungry operations like # print in the callback function for such high frequencies. A # workaround is to sample the data as demonstrated below. if self.counter % 5 == 0: print "Calib:", self.magnetometer.calib_level print "X:%s, Y:%s, Z:%s" % (self.magnetometer.x, self.magnetometer.y, self.magnetometer.z) self.counter = self.counter + 1 def run(self): self.magnetometer.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(5) d.magnetometer.stop_listening() print "Exiting MagnetometerAxis" 3.5 class MagneticNorthData Indicates the number of degrees between the device and magnetic north Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attribute: azimuth : 0 to 359 clockwise degrees from magnetic north Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.magnetic_north = MagneticNorthData() self.magnetic_north.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) def my_callback(self): if self.magnetic_north.calib_level > 0: azimuth = str(self.magnetic_north.azimuth) print "calibration level", self.magnetic_north.calib_level print "azimuth", azimuth def run(self): self.magnetic_north.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(5) d.magnetic_north.stop_listening() print "Exiting MagneticNorth" 3.6 class AmbientLightData Indicates the current light level Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attribute: - ambient_light : 0 to 100 percent light. Use get_logicalname API with classname as TSensrvAmbientLightData to get the logical names. Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.ALS = AmbientLightData() self.ALS.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) def my_callback(self): print 'ALS : ', get_logicalname(TSensrvAmbientLightData, self.ALS.ambient_light) def run(self): self.ALS.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(30) d.ALS.stop_listening() print "Exiting Ambient Light" 3.7 class ProximityMonitor Indicates how close the device is to, for example, the user's hand or ear Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attribute: - proximity_state : The possible values are 0, 1 and 2. Use get_logicalname API with TProximityState as the class name to get the logical names of these values. Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.proxi = ProximityMonitor() self.proxi.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) def my_callback(self): print 'proxi : ', get_logicalname(TProximityState, self.proxi.proximity_state) def run(self): self.proxi.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(10) d.proxi.stop_listening() print "After Stop Listening" e32.ao_sleep(5) print "Exiting Proximity" 3.8 class OrientationData Indicates the orientation of the device, for example: display up or display down Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attribute: - device_orientation : Values range from -1 to 6. To determine the logical names of these values get_logicalname API can be used with classname as TSensrvDeviceOrientation. Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.orientation = OrientationData() self.orientation.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) def my_callback(self): print 'orientation : ', get_logicalname(TSensrvDeviceOrientation, self.orientation.device_orientation) def run(self): self.orientation.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(10) d.orientation.stop_listening() print "Exiting Orientation" 3.9 class RotationData Detects the rotation of the device about each axis Inherits from the _Sensor base class Class attributes: x : X-axis value y : Y-axis value z : Z-axis value Example: from sensor import * import e32 class DemoApp(): def __init__(self): self.rotation = RotationData() self.rotation.set_callback(data_callback=self.my_callback) self.counter = 0 def my_callback(self): # For stream sensor data the callback is hit approximately 20 # times per sec(On 5800). The device cannot handle resource # hungry operations like print in the callback function for such # high frequencies. A workaround is to sample the data as # demonstrated below. if self.counter % 5 == 0: print "X:%s, Y:%s, Z:%s" % (self.rotation.x, self.rotation.y, self.rotation.z) self.counter = self.counter + 1 def run(self): self.rotation.start_listening() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DemoApp() d.run() e32.ao_sleep(5) d.rotation.stop_listening() print "Exiting Rotation"      EMBED Word.Picture.8  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 ( NUMPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT 16)Python for s60Sensor module S60 sensor framework support  ),-1:;]^opqrszszbVbC$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHuh]hN5CJaJ jh]hN5CJUaJ hKNhKNhKN5CJaJh|,5CJaJ hh3hh3hohh3CJ$aJ$hCJ$aJ$hoCJ$aJ$hohCCJ$aJ$h CJ$aJ$hoh18CJ$aJ$h18hChCCJ(aJ(hlCJ(aJ(hCh18CJ(aJ(hlhh3h5CJaJ  ;<=>?@ABCDEFG$a$gdCgdh3gdJ$a$gd|,(KKGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^pqrgdKN$a$gd|,gdh3+ , - G H I J K L M N O λ񰡰f񰡰U jwhlPUmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+5CJ\aJmHnHu j}hlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHu!rM d ? 5  Y>g$' ' $ ' # ' O k l m n λ谡fVE jkhlPUmHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+5CJ\aJmHnHu jqhlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+mHnHu     3 B C D ^ _ ` a b c d e f ӸӅsbӸH2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu jehlPUmHnHu"h@Bh+0J 6^JmHnHuh@Bh+0J ^JmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHu    9 : ; < = ֲtdRA jYhlPUmHnHu"h@Bh+0J 6^JmHnHuh@Bh+0J ^JmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu j_hlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu= > ? @ A ] ^ _ ` j k l үҤtZJh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+5CJ\aJmHnHu jShlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu    / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S T U V µ§tcµ§I2j h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu jG hlPUmHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHuh+mHnHujh+UmHnHu jMhlPUmHnHuV t  Ҳß{aQ@ j; hlPUmHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu2j h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu jA hlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHu"h@Bh+0J 6^JmHnHuh@Bh+0J ^JmHnHu    , - . / _ u v w x ӸӅsbӸH2j h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu j5 hlPUmHnHu"h@Bh+0J 6^JmHnHuh@Bh+0J ^JmHnHu2j h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHu 789STUVWXYZ[wxֲtdSֲ j)hlPUmHnHuh@Bh+0J ^JmHnHu2j h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu j/ hlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHuxyzøӋ}t}ZJh@Bh+0J ^JmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu j#hlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu6789^_`z{|}~µ§raµ§G2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu jhlPUmHnHu"h@Bh+0J 5^JmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHuh+mHnHujh+UmHnHu jhlPUmHnHu89:;<=>?@\]Ҳ헎tc헎 j hlPUmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu jhlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu]^_øӋ}t}ZF&h@Bh+0J 5^JmHnHsH u2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu jhlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu2jh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu !"#DEF`abdefghiµ§tcµ§I2jvh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu jhlPUmHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu2j|h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHuh+mHnHujh+UmHnHu jhlPUmHnHu!"#$%&BCֲtcֲ jhlPUmHnHu2jph+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu jhlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHuCDE_`a{|}øӋ}t}ZøIӋ jhlPUmHnHu2jdh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHuh+CJaJmHnHu jhlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu2jjh+hlP>*B*UmHnHphu2346789:;GJV߼taXOF=hP35CJ aJ hQ5CJ aJ hY5CJaJh*z!5CJaJ$jh]hN5CJU^JaJh+CJaJmHnHu jhlPUmHnHujh+UmHnHuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J 5mHnHu2j^h+hlP>*B*UmHnHphuh+mHnHuh@Bh+0J mHnHu$jh@Bh+0J UmHnHu9;<=>?@ABCDEFGWX8 & Fdhgd%-dhgd%-@&gdP3@&gdZf$ ' VWXWÿ~s~~h~\TIhhCJ^Jhfs!^JaJhh=,5CJaJhphK|^JaJhphO`^JaJhph}F^JaJh=,^JaJh/ |^JaJhP#^JaJhph^JaJhph=,^JaJh^^JaJh^ hHOaJ h7DaJ h^aJhP35CJaJhgWhP35CJ aJ h=,5CJaJhgWh=,5CJ aJ 8Yv)5>L[m~$(&P#$/IfgdFf3$$(&P#$/Ifa$gddhgdfs! 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