ࡱ> a (bjbj 4F\F\(hhL'd%d%d%d%d%?&?&?&&&&&&&&$(+~&?&?&?&?&?&&d%d%'&&&?& d%d%&&?&&&&&d%N*I& &&'0L'&,S&@,&,&$?&?&&?&?&?&?&?&&&&?&?&?&L'?&?&?&?&,?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&h> :  VOLUME I and VOLUME II   "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved Reference and Information: The original concept applied in these two Volumes were originally documented on November 12, 1993 The Alpha and the Omega - Synopsis by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved which is the original 5.1 MB Word Document and a 144 page review of a 820 page manuscript previously posted on the Microsoft Network (MSN) in the Writing Forum on the Manuscript Showcase (adults) section for download, dated Monday, January 15, 1996 8:54 PM. Response from the writing forum: "How much time did you spend writing your book? (Not to mention formatting the content?) Too bad my father isnt alive ... he was a Biblical scholar in his spare time and would have enjoyed reading it." Durant Imboden -- Writing forum manager MSN. "Downloaded your book brief. Excellent, excellent, work. Should get it on the stands. Compared to most of whats out there this is an outstanding work of research and original thought." Gary Weishaupt -- MSN member Napa, Ca. Response from web site synopsis: "Bravo on your hard work on (Zodiac of Denderah) in identifying the symbol for the axis of the Temple! Also your assertion of the Age of Capricorn being the beginning of the Great 25,000+ Year Cycle and the Age of Aquarius being the end was fascinatingly backed up by the Egyptian carvings of the Square Zodiac." James M. Rogers -- Cartersville, Ga., June 10, 1998 "I love this site, its full of the most interesting information. This is a must-see!!!" Cassandra Doyle, July 24, 1998, "http://www.casscorner.com/" "I have been searching for months to try to find any information on Ancient Hebraic/Judaic (Sumerian?) Astronomy. When I came upon your website I couldnt believe my eyes. I really didnt think I would find any references to this subject." Anonymous aol.com, August 20, 1998 "I really enjoyed visiting your webpages. They are very unusual, and informative." Anonymous Japan, November 05, 1998 I am SO impressed by your scholarship and web site, I have ordered both the manuscript and on-line access. This is one of the most incredible pieces of research I have ever seen on this subject. This is a must for people to know. Anonymous -- California, November 20, 1998 The entire work was updated on November 27, 1998 Volume I and Volume II for a finished work. Hebrew transliteration compared to the KJV translation can be ordered separately at present. Volume III will be the web site www.mazzaroth.com/ and anything new discovered to date. Send response to Jim A. Cornwell - Mazzaroth@msn.com or mail to: Jim A. Cornwell 220 Stewart Ln, Ledbetter, Ky. 42058 Foreword I begin with the clarification that I am not a prophet, nor do I belong to one of the thousands of world denominations regarding the religious movements. Each of these believes that theirs is the chosen doctrine that must be spread throughout the world. It is of the utmost importance to attend churches weekly to better ones spiritual self. This allows one to be in fellowship with people who worship God and watch the results of the churches' efforts. I spend several hours a day researching various subjects that generate the books written, and probably spend more time on Biblical studies than most members of present day churches. Besides writing this book, by trade I am a futurist and technocrat specializing in manufacturing engineering with an educational background with computer and general sciences, physics, robotics, astronomy, and extreme organizational skills with procedures and methods. I consider the Bible a very complex book that could not be understood easily by the worlds illiterate people who require verbal preaching of sermons. Even those who can read it, and read it through may not grasp the significance of its chapters and verses. We all know that the message of every Bible verse is very simple, but the total book is very complex. Being head smart does not always mean you can understand the Bible because it requires some spiritual insight, not the doctrines of men but only the truth from Gods viewpoint. As seen in Amos 7:14 Amos (Heb. amos, Gr. amos, burden-bearer) was not a prophet, but a farmer, whom God used to detail the future and the restoration of His people. He protested against the luxuriant, careless lifestyle, the worship of idols, rituals over righteousness, and then asserted a repentance of sin and a renewed spiritual relationship with God. He was accused of sedition by the idolatrous high priest and rulers. Amos had no connection with any prophetic order, nor was he linked politically with the house of David, and even today his book has stood the test from critical scholars. I am not a prophet, nor a theology professor, nor a member of a religious order, but simply a man who has been inspired to write this book as a layman in search for the truth, during a time when people are searching spiritually for answers. This book will cause me more trouble in the end because the controversies in it will generate great persecution from my own people and country. Mans self-centeredness never sees the evil inside himself but only from without. This book Alpha and the Omega was a concept that I have been researching for some twenty years. In the early 70s when many books were being published to sensationalize the events of gods riding around in spacecraft; spiritism and transcendental meditation was taking hold of the youth of America; and the Revelation events were expanded upon to every extent, I eventually found myself acknowledging that most were premature in their assumptions. During this time I was a person that was on the path of eternal damnation. My sins were great and the influence of society on me at that time had created a person, which I consider a monster now. Most persons during that period were educated and influenced by the influx of German philosophies and Eastern mysticism. This resulted in the anti-establishment phases (political activism, anti-war and alternative lifestyles), drug-cultures (mind expansion and experiments), sexual revolution (free love and sex), and in general a new morality (based on spiritualism and occultic practices). To some persons this is still true even today. A miraculous change came over me one day in 1974 as I repented my sins and asked God to come into my life. I believe I had hit rock bottom and there was only one way out and that was by believing in Jesus Christ. A burden had been lifted from my heart and as a new Christian I began to seek to find the Truth. I began by reading all the red lettered words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, and researched the meanings of His words, with a zeal to know what it meant to be a Christian. Christian professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus teachings. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents. Showing a loving concern for others; humane. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus [Middle English Cristen, from Old English cristen, from Latin Christanus, from Greek Khristianos, from Khristos, Christ]. All of us are sinners and must repent our sins. Jesus died in place of our sins. Now becoming a Christian is not easy, because you must give up and stop doing your old sins. The goal is to sin no more and try to be Christlike, based on his earthly teachings. For many years after this I faltered many times, but always asked God to forgive my sins. Christianity is also a maturing process. From this research came a newly inspired idea which began to be like a snowball rolling down hill and growing larger as it rolled. At first the information was an effort to establish my own beliefs based on what the Bible stated against the subject matter of the relationship of science and religion. I became obsessed to know everything about the subject in my early years. The twist to my original idea is that God had set a specific beginning and an end for present day humanity. That beginning was a specific point in astronomy and would be manifested through movement of the precession of the equinoxes and the twelve symbols of the Zodiac and the completion of a circle 25,920 years long. I began to notice that the archetype symbols of the Zodiac and their definitions correlated to specific historical events, biblical Patriarchs, and numerical values in the Biblical chronology. This may sound totally ludicrous to a person who is trying to be a faithful Christian, but the circumstances beckoned for this end. Then came a startling conclusion that for each symbol the direct opposite confirmed the correlation even further. This started an exhaustive effort to find every correlation that could confirm these connections. The Star Charts developed by myself are very entertaining for the presentation of these connections, which are backed up by a total review of the mythology, Biblical verses, modern science theories and even the esoteric research of this topic. Maybe God does geometrize the universe for his own purpose. During my research I have come across many startling discoveries not considered before. Most of the book is from various sources such as: Biblical text, historical data and recent news articles (past twenty years), archaeological discoveries and previous authors on similar subjects. There are a few items discovered that are highly controversial and will amuse the initiated and uninitiated into the dark ancient meanings as they are revealed. In a time where a generation of Baby Boomers and now their children have grown up in a world that influenced them away from the Word of God, I hope this book will help those who read it to gain some new insight on how they became influenced. This book will also answer most of the questions about what you always wanted to know but there was never anyone (theologically capable) or enough time to explain that subject (religious training courses). The market for this book will probably attract the intellectual groups especially those scientists who have a growing interest in connecting science and spirituality. Some of the New Age movements and pseudo-science groups may pick up on it since it has connotations of astrology, mythology, and esoteric information. The real purpose of releasing this book to the public is to reach those who do not know the truth and have been led to believe otherwise. If you are seeking spirituality and are fed up with the status quo, try this book. It is a refreshing new point of view with nothing like it in the market place. Christians already believe but even in the various denominations there are those who know little about their own doctrine and where it came from. Most cannot even discern what is biblical and what is not biblical. Even they have been programmed from birth to believe in doctrines which are simply not in their own Bible. Table Of Contents for "The Alpha and the Omega" by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved Volume I Volume I encompasses the Introduction through Chapter Four which is updated online as of 6/26/98, Volume II will cover Chapter Five through Chapter Eight. Some information can only be found on the web site: http://www.mazzaroth.com and may be referred to in the pages of this book in the future. Please check the date in the header of chapters you are viewing to ensure you have the most recent copy. ChapterContents PagesIntroduction1-18 Constellations of the Zodiac2 Mazzaroth3 All the Host of Heaven4-6 Did you know that your Horoscope can kill you?7 Astrology, Astrologer and Astronomy of the Bible8-11 The Twelve Letter Name of God12 The Names of God13-14 Birth of the Universe, Big Bang and Religion and Science15/17 A Valid Warning 18Mazzaroth -- Star Chart -- Job 38:31-32Fold OutMazzaroth -- Star Chart Reduced with OppositesIllustrationOneMazzaroth -- Insert Capricornus through Leo19-40 Things you should know before beginning this book19-20 The 48 Main Constellations21 The Seven Days of the Week22-23 The Gods that men Worshipped24-31 Seven Days of Creation concepts32 The connections of Greek Mythology and the Constellations33-40OneIn the Beginning -- Elohim and Genesis (Six Days of Creation)41-85 Genesis from an Ice Age41-45 God challenges Job46 Genesis -- Day One Capricornus 21810 B.C.47 Attributes of God48-50 Creation in the Bible and Emergence of Life from Science51-52 Genesis -- Day Two Sagittarius 19650 B.C.53 Genesis -- Day Three Scorpius 17490 B.C.54-55 Genesis -- Day Four Libra 15330 B.C.56 Genesis -- Day Five Virgo 13170 B.C.57-58 How Science determines the Age of an Artifact59 Genesis -- Day Six and Genesis Two Leo 11010 B.C.60-64 Photo- The Sphinx and the Pyramid of Giza in comparison65 Mystery of the Sphinx66 Photo - Sphinx (from the Encyclopedia and the Home of the Gods)67 The Age of the Earth68 Photo - Zodiac of Denderah (Home of the Gods)69 Drawing -- Zodiac of Denderah (Astronomy- New Book of Knowledge)70 The Mystery of Ezekiels and Johns Vision OT and NT - Cherubim 71-75 The numbers of the Hebrew Alphabet - The Books of the Bible76-85 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents PagesTwoMazzaroth -- Insert Cancer and Opposite Capricornus86-104 Cancer (Star Chart)86-89 Ursa Minor and Ursa Major90-92 Argo Navis (Carina, Puppis, Pyxis and Vela)93 Capricornus (Star Chart)93-95 Special section on the Eight Figure Symbol on the Denderah Zodiac96-100 Sagitta and Aquila101 Delphinus102 Greco-Roman Mythology for Cancer through Capricornus103-104 TwoThe Seventh Day of Cancer 8850 B.C. 105-132 Mazzaroth -- Star Chart Cancer and Opposite Capricornus105 Day of Rest and Atonement, Azazel, Jarmo, Jericho, and Mythology106-107 Saturn - A Day of Rest109-110 Genesis chapter 3 (The Serpents Lies)111 The Other Accounts of Creation of Mankind112-113 Adam to Seths Knowledge of Heavenly Bodies and Their Order114 Drawing -- The Nations of the Ancient World according to Genesis 10115 A Little Biblical Archaeology Information116 Pottery styles of Neolithic Age to the Iron Age117-118 The Book of Enoch and his translation into heaven119-122 The Patriarchs Genealogy123 The Oncoming Flood - A fountain of Youth or Immortality; the Moon124-126 Tabulated Chronology of the Flood127 The Flood Account in Sumerian and Babylonian Tradition128 The Babylonian Account verses the Biblical Account129-130 The Firmament, Canopy, Ezekiel and Photo of the Ark131-132 ThreeMazzaroth -- Insert Gemini and Opposite Sagittarius133-154 Gemini (Star Chart)133-135 Lepus136 Canis Major137-139 Canis Minor140 Sagittarius (Star Chart)141-144 Lyra145-146 Ara147 Draco and Corona Australis148-151 Greco-Roman Mythology of Gemini through Sagittarius152-154ThreeThe Eighth Day of Gemini 6690 B.C.155-205 Mazzaroth -- Star Chart Gemini and Opposite Sagittarius155 After the Flood -- Noahs Golden Age156 Drawing -- The Path of Noahs descendants from Mount Ararat157 Noahs descendants -- the Twins and the bow in the cloud158-160 Catal Huyak and Textiles161-163 Biblical Information of Giants (8,850 B.C. to 1,300 B.C.)164-167 Sumerian Information of the Annunaki -- compared to the Anakim168-177 The Tower of Babel and Babylon, Gilgamesh, Ningizzida, Gudea178-191 Nimrod and Abrams Beginnings192-193 Patriarch Genealogy -- Shem to Abram -- A confusing Issue194-196 The beginning of language and writing, The various Semitic languages197-199 A Lesson in Faith200 Old Testament Chronology -- From the Creation to the Flood 201 Old Testament Chronology -- From the Flood to Abram (Abraham)202 Chart and Where did the Alphabet and the Art of Writing come from?203-205 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents PagesGenesis InsertTable of Nations Genesis 10-11:32 Hebrew Translation verses KJV Where did we come from? Who are we today? Noahs descendants206-274Four Mazzaroth -- Insert Taurus and Opposite Scorpius275-309 Taurus and Pleiades (Star Chart)275-284 Orion285-288 Auriga289-292 Monoceros293-294 Scorpius (Star Chart)295-298 Ophiuchus, Serpends Caput or Cauda299-300 Hercules301-302 Greco-Roman Mythology of Taurus through Scorpius303-309Sumer and Pre-dynastic Egypt, Scorpion, the Bull of Egypt and Abram the Hebrew. FourThe Ninth Day of Taurus 4530 B.C.310-354 Mazzaroth -- Star Chart Taurus and Opposite Scorpius310 Taurus, Unicorns, Aurochs, Wisent and Bull Worship311 Scorpio, Kudurru, Meli-Shipak and Nebuchadnezzar boundary stones312-314 The Warka Vase315-316 The Beginning of Calendars (Hebrew - about Feast and Holy Days)317-321 Other Calendars and references to the Ages322-323 Pre-Egyptian astronomy and the Golden Ages of Osiris or Dionysus324-327 Pre-Egyptian and Sumerian Origins -- Foreword328-330 Dilmun or Tilmun and the Lord of the Abyss331-335 Flood Evidence Supports Bible Story336-337 Eight kings or pharaohs believed to be Predynastic to the Egyptologist  1) Fayum 5000-4500 B.C. <-> Sumer Ubaid I and Eridu ware.338 2) El Tasi and 3) Badari 4500-4000 B.C. <-> Sumer Ubaid II period. 4) Merimda 4000-3800 B.C. <-> Sumer Ubaid III period.339 5) Naqada I 3800-3600 B.C. (also called Amratian)340-341 6) Maadi 3600-3400 B.C. Hierakonpolis <-> Sumer Ubaid IV period.342-345 7) Naqada II (Gerzean) and 8) Naqada III - 3400-3200 B.C. Hierakonpolis flourished <-> the desert kite and Genesis 15:1 Abram.346-349 L. Waddells chart of Kings No. 2 (3348 B.C.) through No. 34 (2751 B.C.)350-352 8) Iry-Hor before 3200 B.C. Sargons Grandfather king No. 35,353 9) Ro at 3200 B.C. Sargons Father king No. 36.354 This begins Section Four A: pages 355-370 Four 10) Scorpion - at 3200 B.C. and Sargon the Great and Ka-Ap in Egypt (King Scorpion)355-358 Sin-Nanna the Sumerian Moon Goddess Jebel El Arak Knife Handle359 SARGON THE GREAT (King Scorpion) at 3200 B.C. before the other Sargons of 2400 B.C. (Gir.tab, Sargas, Sa.gaz, Sargon connected to Scorpius) 360-364 11) Kaa - at 3200-3100 B.C., Kaa and King Ka (Kad) as in Ap-uat (Opener of the Ways) and King Ap (so-called King Ka-ap), connected to Wepwawet (Upuaut, Ophois), the opener of the roads.365-366 The Book of the Dead and a artifact from 3100 B.C. which baffles scholars. Other items of interest.367-370 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents Pages This begins Section Four B: pages 371-437 In the Protodynastic Period (Dyn. 1-2; 3100-2700 B.C. the Early Period). According to the tradition of Manetho, the first king of united Egypt was Menes, who came from Thinis in Upper Egypt, united the two lands, and established his capital at Memphis in about 3200-3100 B.C. Some scholars believe that he was known as the eldest son of Sargon. An expert, whose name was W. F. Petrie dated the First Dynasty of Menes as commencing in 4777 B.C. the beginning of Taurus, another named J. Breasted around 3400 B.C. the middle of the age, some others suggest 2850 B.C. toward the end. This definitely shows that Taurus was a period of confusion with a range of 1927 years. It may have been that Menes was more than one person. Four The Archaic Period - Unification or the First Dynasty of Egypt around 3100 B.C. - Sargons Eldest Son (Lost History and achievements in Egypt)371 1) Menes-Narmer 3180-3100 B.C. (Egyptian Manj, Gr. Menes, Petrie - Nor-mer, or Men, Budge - Aha, Sumerian Manis, Indian Manja). Min as King Minos of Crete and the Minoan Civilization (page 380) Bull-Man (Minotaur) as Menes son Narmar or Naram "The Wild Bull Lord"372-381 2) Hor-Aha 3100 B.C. (Petrie - Aha, Budge - Narmer, Waddell - Narmer, also Naram-Anenzu (or Sin)).382-383 The Obverse Side of Narmers Palette - The Bull Interpretations.384-386 The Reverse Side of Narmers Palette - Upper Register; First Register: The Four Standards, The Headless Bodies; Second Register: the Serpopards; Third Register: The Great Bull; Protodynastic Period (3100-2700 B.C.) the bull of Memphis387 388 389-392 393-394 395 396 Continuing the Kings of the First Dynasty  3) Djer or Zer of ?3100-3000 B.C. (Petrie - Zer-Ta, Budge - Khent, Manetho - Kenkenes, Waddell - Shar-Gani Shar-Ri or Dilipa) the Upper Crown and Lower Crown.397-399 4) Djet or Uadji of ?3100-3000 B.C. (Petrie - Zet-Ata, Budge - Teha or Tcha, Waddell - Bag-Gid).400-401 5) Den or Udima of ?3100-3000 B .C. (Petrie - Den-Setui, Budge -Teri or Semti, Manetho - Usphaid-os, Waddell - Dudu). A line of bull skulls, the great bull cults at Saqqara, Catal Huyuk, and the Island of Failakah.402-409 6) Enezib or Anedjib of ?3100-3000 B.C. (Petrie - Azab-Merpaba, Budge - Atab, Manetho - Miebidos, Waddell - Bi-Di), 410 7) Semerkhet of ?3100-3000 B.C. (Petrie - Semerkhet-shemshu, Budge - Hu(?), Waddell - Sheshimmah, Pa or Khat)411 8) Kaa of ?3100-3000 B.C. (Petrie - Qa-Sen, Budge - Qa or Sen, Qebhu(?), Waddell - Shudar-kib, Manetho - Kaa).421-414 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents Pages Second Dynasty 3300-2700 B.C. Early Period (Protodynastic) Four (cont. 4B) 1) Hotepsekhemui, 2) Raneb, 3) Nynetjer, 4) Sekhemehet (Peribsen), 5) Khasekhem415-416 Third Dynasty 2700-2200 B.C. Dyn 3-6 (Old Kingdom)  Old Kingdom Dynasty 3-6; Picture of Tomb of Pharaoh Zoser417 1) Sanakht, 2) Djoser Neterikhet, also Zoser, 3) Sekhemkhet, 4) Huni418-419 Fourth Dynasty 2580-2480 B.C. (Old Kingdom) The Fourth Dynasty was the time of the pyramid-builders par excellence: the pyramids of Khufu (Cheops or Kheops, second king of IV Dynasty 2590-2567 B.C. or 2575-2465 B.C.), Khafre (Chephre or Khephren), and Menkaure (Mycerions) were constructed at Giza, on the Nile River outside of Cairo. This also assumes to include the huge Sphinx at Giza.  1) Sneferu, 2) Menkaure, also Mykerinos, 3) Kaufre, Chefra or Chephren, 4) Khufu, Cheops, 5) Shepseskaf. 420-422 The Kings of the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties had their pyramids at Sakkarah; in those were inscribed the religious writings known as the Pyramid Texts. The proverbs of Ptahhotep, a vizier of the Fifth Dynasty, are well-known. Fifth Dynasty 2480-2350 B.C. (Old Kingdom)  1) Userkaf, 2) Sahure or Sahura, 3) Nefer-ir-ka-re, Neferirkara, 4) Horus Wadjtawy Unas, also Unash423-425 Sixth Dynasty 2320-2160 B.C. (Old Kingdom)  A time in Sumer of Sargon of Akkad and the noted Naram Sin. In the Gulf at Qalaat al Bahrain, is the Temple I at Barbar and also Dilmun. Around 2100 B.C. Gudea occupies Lagash. In Egypt: 1) Teti, 2) Pepi I, Merenre (Mernera), 3) Pepi II Egypts decline began and came quickly. The Desert people (sand dwellers) arose, which signaled the appearance of the first great Semitic known as the King of Kish, called Sharukhin, or Sargon of Agade. 426-428The rest of the Dynasties will be seen in the next chapter with the beginning of the Age of Aries 2370 B.C.  The Bull (Apis) of Egypt or Memphis, the celestial cow - and its connections to the stars. The Great Ennead of Heliopolis - Nine gods in the Ninth Age of Taurus.429-432 The Egyptian-Greek connection (Connection with Tubal-Cain of Gen. 5-6, Tu Vul-can Myrtilus -- Auriga - Hephaestus, a son named Erechtheus).433-434Crete and Cretans435Early Mesopotamia and the Aegean cultures436-437 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents Pages This begins Section Four C: pages 438-557 Four Evidence of Abram ---- Sargon did he exist?438-444 An Overview of Genesis 11 through 20445-448 Genesis Hebrew Translation - Gen. 11:26-32; Gen. 12:1-6449-453 Abram Built His First Altar Gen. 12:7, Abram Built His Second Altar 12:8454 Abram During A Famine Went South For His First Trip To Egypt Gen. 12:9-14, the Kingdoms of Egypt, the Egyptians.455-456 Abrams Influence On Egypt Gen. 12:15-20 (The princes of the Pharaoh). Abram Left Egypt (Was It Before or After Its Unification?) Gen. 13:1-18457 458-460 The Kings of Canaan Gen. 14:1-11461-468 Discovery of Sargas, Sa.gaz, Sargon, King Scorpion of Pre-dynastic times, and Abram the Hebrew Gen. 14:12-13469 The Significance of 318 Gen. 14:14-17471-472 The Mystery of Melchizedek the priest of the Most High God Gen. 14:18-24, was Melchizedek a Samaritan high priest?473-478 The Mystery of Eliezer of Damascus, 318 Servants, Gen. 15:1-12 and future Servant, the Ram and Heifer, the Hawks, Falcons and Kites.479-482 Prophecy of Abrams Posterity Gen. 15:13-15483 Prophecy of When They Will Return Gen. 15:16-18484-485 The Ten Canaanite Tribes Gen. 15:19-21486-487 Hagar the handmaid, The Birth of Ishmael Gen. 16:1-16 which leads to the "twelve princes" of Gen. 17:20, or twelve sons of Ishmael corresponding to the twelve sons of Jacob of Gen. 25:13488-490 The Sign of the Covenant - Abrams mysterious transformation into Abraham - Gen. 17:1-9491-492 Covenant of Circumcision Gen. 17:10-14493 Sarai Became Sarah - God changed the barren Sarai into the child bearing Sarah, mother of nations - God foretells the birth of Isaac - and Ishmaels future - Gen. 17:15-27494-495 An Overview of Abrams mysterious transformation to Abraham496-504 Abraham, Nergal, and Babylon - Imdugud, Gudea of Lagash, Ningursu505 Travels of Abram (refer to MIDEAST8.DOC)506 Abraham at Mamre with the Three Angels, Genesis 18:1-26507-509 Abraham spoke to Adonai - Gen. 18:27-32, Adonai and Yahweh are the same Gen. 18:33510 Cities of the Plain511 The Destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah, Genesis 19:1-38512-516 Abrahams first trip to the south Gen. 20:1-18517-518 Names of God Found In Genesis 11-24519 Names of Angels Found in Genesis 11-24520 The definition of the angelic world521-523 The Book of Enoch presents Enochs translation into Heaven, A definition of Heaven, Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Hebrew Alphabet.524-525 Kabbalah, Shekinah, the Kabbalistic Books, the Zohar, their doctrines526-529 The Tree of Life, the Ten Holy Emanations - the Sephira (Sefiroth), the Divine Names530-536 The Nature And Origin Of Speculative and Practical Kabbalism537-541 The Six Pointed Star And Its Symbols-The geometry of the Star of David542-543 Another view of the Heavens - Zodiac Age and the Ten Sefiroth544-549 The Clouds and Darkness550-553 Abrahams future Eldest Servant - Gen. 24:1-67554 Genesis 49 - Shiloh555-556 Drawing -- Abram/Abrahams journey557 This ends Volume I of the book The Alpha and the Omega by Jim A. Cornwell. Please continue on to Volume II. Table Of Contents for "The Alpha and the Omega" by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved Volume II Prior to 6/26/98, this section was a continuation of Volume I, but has been renumbered beginning at page number 1 on 8-8-98 to become a Volume II. Some information can only be found on the web site: http://www.mazzaroth.com and may be referred to in the pages of this book. Please check the date in the header of chapters to ensure you have the most recent copy. ChapterContents PagesFiveMazzaroth -- Insert Aries and Opposite Libra1-318/8/98 Aries (Star Chart)1-6 Cassiopeia7-12 Eridanus13 Perseus14-15 Libra (Star Chart)16-18 Crux19 Lupus20-21 Corona Borealis22 At the end of the Age the Prophets arose23 Greco-Roman Mythology for Aries through Libra24-26 Drawing -- Future Concept of the End of the Age, Promised Land27 Sekhemet28 The Separation of Heaven and Earth29 The Legend of Isis and Osiris30 The Eye of Horus31FiveThe Tenth Day of Aries 2370 B.C.32-628/14/98 Mazzaroth -- Star Chart Aries and Opposite Libra32 The Tenth Day, Tel Megiddo 33 The Fall of the First Empire34-38 The Nine Sons of Abram/Abraham and the Akedah39-41 Early Greek legend of the Age42 Phoenicia and Tyre43-44 Drawing -- Dawn of the Bronze Age 2,000 B.C. to Iron Age 1,050 B.C.45 A history of Babylon in the Age of Aries46 The Abraham tribe at the close of the third millennium B.C.47 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph The Life of Jacob and Abrams posterity48-49 Joseph, the eleventh son50-51 Precession of the Equinoxes something to be understood52-53 Josephs bold dreams to the End of the Book of Genesis54 Ancient Egypts Dynasties and the dawn of the Bronze Age55 Astrological Point of Interest - Moses Birth and Hammurabi Law Code56-57 The Biblical Exodus and the Pharaoh Who Knew Not Joseph58 Egypts religion was a complex polytheism59-61 Greek Mythology - Ophiuchus and Aesculapius -- Akhenaton62 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents PagesFive A(Continuation of Chapter Five)63-1108/14/98 The Genealogy of Moses63-64 The Birth of Moses through the Exodus65-68 The Ten Plagues -- Exodus 7:6 through 10:1069-70 Tenth Plague in the Tenth Month on the Tenth Day71 Astronomical Dating of the Events72 The Chronology Abraham to Moses73 Red Sea and the Red Nile; The Exodus Begins74 Mount Sinai and the Promised Land; Pentateuch75 The Decalogue to the Promised Land; The Ark of the Covenant76 The Twelve Stones of Revelation, Ezekiel and Exodus Breastplate of Judgment, Menorah; Twelve Stones and Twelve Tribes77-85 Canaanite god (Baal or Reshef); Syrian god Hadad86 The Chronology of the Conquest to the Kingdom and the period of the Judges 87-89 The Staff or Rod of Moses; The Trumpets at Jericho; The Promised Land90-93 The Chronology of the United Monarchy. The Period of the Kings94 The Kings of Israel and Judah and the First Temple The Ten Generations Jacob to David The Ten Tribes that broke away95 The Last Word about the Ark of the Covenant96 The Chronology of the Divided Monarchy -- Kings of Israel and of Judah97-99 The Chronology of the Exile and Return100 The Major Prophets before the Exile, Zoroastrianism develops101-103 Drawing -- 745 B.C. to 334 B.C. Three Great Empires -- Seven Powers104 The Twelve Minor Prophets105 The Mystery of the Mithraic Cult106-108 The Mystery Religions109 The Advent of the Messiah110 SixMazzaroth -- Insert Pisces and Opposite Virgo111-1468/22/98 Pisces and the Bands (Star Chart)111-115 Cetus116-119 Andromeda120-121 Cepheus122 Virgo (Star Chart)123-128 Coma Berenices129-132 Centaurus133-134 Bootes135-137 Greco-Roman Mythology for Pisces through Virgo138-142 Seleucid Astrology143 Nabatean, Ed-Deir, Khaznet Farun, Athens, Hieropolis144 Ephesus and the Arcadian Way145 Pergamum146 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents PagesSixThe Eleventh Day of Pisces 210 B.C.147-1699/4/98 Mazzaroth -- Star Chart Pisces and Opposite Virgo147 The Signs of the Age, the results of the Twelve Minor Prophets148-149 Nazarite, Essenes, Qumran and the signs of a new cycle150 Eleven is the Number -- Parables and Visions151-152 Eleven Disciples become Fishers of Men153 The History of the Old Roman Empire and the Maccabean Revolt; Sadducees and Pharisees; Sanhedrin; The New Covenant or Testament; The rebuilding of the Second Temple154-155 156 157 The Eleventh Generation -- Generations of Jesus Christ158 Birth of Jesus Christ and Lineage of Luke and Matthew159-161 Star of Bethlehem and Coma Berenices162-163 The Chronology of the New Testament164 Life Of Christ, Fishers of Men; Parable of fishes; Apostles 165-169Six A(Continuation of Chapter Six)170-2159/4/98 Twelve Chosen Disciples170 The Four Gospels and Portraits of Christ; Revelation One through Five171 Revelation One through Five the Six World Views Revelation One172-174 The Seven Church Ages as Seven Churches in Asia175 Only Eleven Disciples were sent out by Jesus176-177 Revelation Two178-185 The First Church - Ephesus - Apostolic - First Age 33-100 A.D.178 Persecution - First Death of Christ to 75 A.D., Second 75-96 A.D.179-180 The Second Church - Smyrna - Caesars - Second Age 100-312 A.D.181 Persecution - Third 98-117 A.D., Fourth 109-163 A.D.182 Persecution - Fifth 163-200 A.D., Sixth Persecution - 201-235 A.D.183 Seventh Persecution - 235-249 A.D. Eighth Persecution - 249-257 A.D., Ninth Persecution- 257-284 A.D.184-185 Tenth Persecution - 284-305 A.D. The Third Church - Pergamos - Constantine186 Third Age 312-590 A.D. - Constantine - Pergamos187-191 The Roman Empire Divides 395 A.D.; West Falls in 476 A.D. The Fourth Church - Thyatira - Middle (Dark) Ages192-193 Fourth Age 590-1517 A.D. - Middle (Dark) Ages - Thyatira 194-195 Revelation Three196-210 The Fifth Church - Sardis - Reformation 196 Fifth Age 1517-1750 A.D. - Reformation - Sardis197-199 Renaissance, Reformation and the Five Groups of Protestantism The Sixth Church - Philadelphia - Missionary200 Sixth Age 1750-1925 A.D. - Missionary - Philadelphia 201 Spiritualism, Industrial and Scientific Revolution, W.W.I, Zionism The Seventh Church - Laodicea - Apostate202 Seventh Age 1925 A.D. to the Tribulation and Apostate World -203-205 Unity Movement, Ecumenical, Restoration, World Church, WWII Seven Messages to the Seven Churches 206-207 Diaspora208 The Return of Israel209 Generations of Jesus Christ ... Astronomical references to the upcoming Age of Aquarius210 Revelation Four - The Throne - Seven Lamps - Living Creatures -211-213 Revelation Five - Seven Seals - Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Lamb214-215 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents PagesSevenMazzaroth -- Insert Aquarius and Opposite Leo216-2469/7/98 Aquarius (Star Chart) 216-221 Piscis Austrinus222-223 Pegasus224-226 Cygnus227-228 Leo (Star Chart)229-234 Hydra235-237 Crater238-239 Corvus240-241 Greco-Roman Mythology for Aquarius through Leo242-244 What the State of Israel looked like since its formation in 1948245-246 SevenThe Twelfth Day of Aquarius 1950 A.D.247-2619/11/98Mazzaroth -- Star Chart Aquarius and Opposite Leo247Cosmic Sabbath, Reign of Messiah, The Time of Secrecy248-249Drawing -- 1948 A.D. to present day 1996 A.D. Middle East250What has occurred since the Age began: In the 1950s, In the 1960s251In the 1970s252In the 1980s, The Earth shook during the 1980s253-254In the 1990s: Social Earthquakes255-258In 1992 and 1993:259-261Seven A(Continuation of Chapter Seven)262-3139/11/98In 1994: January through October262-272The New World Order: (G-7) Great Seven: the richest industrial nations273-274The Great Seal: What it means and where it came from.275A recap of world news events regarding the evolution of New World Order276-277What has Happened as of October 1994 to December 1994278-292In 1995: January through March 293-295The Council of Ministers, the European Union and the Great Seven296GATT to WTO Revelation 13:1297The 10 Regions of Free Trade under GATT--The New One World Trade Organization298What has Happened Since March to December 1995299-313Seven B(Continuation of Chapter Seven A)314-3449/11/98Future of the 2000s314Renewing the Acts of the Elohim315The Third Temple and the Ark of the Covenant316-320Revelation Symbols and How to Understand the Dark Sayings321-324The Tribulation is the Big Question325-326The Religious Right and the Pagan Left327-328THE NEW WORLD ORDER -- THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT Information about New Age and other groups of Sophia, know your rulers329-330Highlights of articles Nov. 28, 1994 Newsweek In Search of the Sacred332-332NEW AGE PROPHECY AND PREDICTIONS critical review of Metaphysics, Hindu Yuga Cycles and the Age of the Earth, Astrology, Pole Shifts, and the Great Pyramid334-344Seven C(Continuation of Chapter Seven B)345-3789/11/98NEW AGE PROPHECY AND PREDICTIONS critical review of the Hopi, Edgar Cayce, the Bible, Kabbalah, Babylonian Prophecy, Astrological Predictions, Maya Prophecy, Aztec Calendar Stone and New Age Prophecy345-378 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents Pages EightThe Twelfth Day of Aquarius -- The Revelation379-5429/18/98The Greek Translation--Chapter Six through Chapter Twenty-twoA Foreword of Prophecy and the Six World Views of Revelation379Rev. 6A generation of baby boomers -- the first six seals -- and its connection to the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Thessalonians 3801950-1962 The First group of Twelve years -- Rev. 6:1-2 (First Seal)3811963-1974 The Second group of Twelve years -- Rev. 6:3-4 (Second Seal)3821975-1986 The Third group of Twelve years -- Rev. 6:5-6 (Third Seal)3831987-1998 The Fourth group of Twelve years -- Rev. 6:7-8 (Fourth Seal)3841999-2010 The Fifth group of Twelve years -- Rev. 6:9-10 (Fifth Seal)385-3862011-2022 The Sixth group of Twelve years -- Rev. 6:11-17 (Sixth Seal)387-389Symbolism and The Tribulation390-391The remaining verses of Matt., Mark, Luke and Thess. to complete the message in Revelation Six.392-393Rev. 7Four Angels -- Four Corners and Four Winds of the earth; 144,000 Evangelists; A Great Multitude (All Nations) ; Great Tribulation394-397Rev. 8Seventh Seal - Silence; Seven angels with Seven Trumpet 398-399First, Second, Third and Fourth Trumpet Judgments; Three Woes to Come 400-403Salvation404Rev. 9First Woe of the Fifth Trumpet Judgment (The Description of the Locusts)405-407Second Woe of the Sixth Trumpet and the Release of the Four Angels; The 200,000,000 Army; the Last Chance to Repent 408-410Rev. 10 An Open Book; The mystery of the Seven Thunders the unrevealed message; The Angels Oath; The Book Eaten411-413The New Creation414The Speculation of the Mystery of the Seven Thunders 415-416Rev. 11The Temple is Measured; the Two Witnesses; A Great Earthquake; The Third Woe --The Final and Seventh Trumpet417-421Temple of God opened and the Ark of his Testament was seen422The Third Temple and the Ark of the Covenant -- Seven-branched Menorah423-424The Shield of Israel or Coat of Arms shows two olive branches beside Israels Menorah425-426Rev. 12A Woman with a Crown of 12 Stars and was in child birth; A Great Red Dragon; Seven Heads, Ten Horns, Seven Crowns; A Man Child to Rule all nations with a Rod of Iron; Flight into the Wilderness 1260 Days; Michael the archangel - A War in Heaven; Triumph; The Persecuted Woman -- Two Wings of a Great Eagle --Three and One Half427-433Rev. 13The Beast from the Sea: Seven Heads, Ten Horns, Ten Crowns; Leopard, Bear, Lion and Dragon; The Beast with the Wounded Head, and Lived; Forty-two Months of War with the Saints; The Book of Life; Another Beast with Two Horns like a Lamb, but spake as a Dragon; False Prophet;The Second Best does Miracles; The Image of the Beast; The Mark of the Beast 666 Mans imitation of the Trinity of God434-440The Number of the Beast; Other information on the Antichrist idea in Christian History; My Assessment of the meaning of The Number of the Beast The Antichrist; a Beast to God441-445Rev. 14144,000 on Mount Zion with the Lamb; A New Song;The Three Angels who preach; The Son of Man with a Golden Crown and a sickle in His Hand comes sitting on a White Cloud; Three more visions of Angels.446-451 "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents Pages (continued Chapter Eight) Rev. 15A Final Sign; The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb; The Heavenly Temple opens; The Throne of Mercy Becomes a Throne of Judgment452-454Rev. 16Seven Vial or Bowl Judgments; Seven Angels and Seven Vials; Three Spirits like Frogs; Armageddon; It is done Final Wrath of God455-464Rev. 17The Great Whore Babylon; The Mystery of the Beast; The Woman and the Blood of the Saints; The Beast that was, is not, and yet is; Seven Heads are Seven Mountains; Seven Kingdoms, Five are in the past, One is at present, The other is yet to come; The Eighth Head; Ten Horns are Ten Kings; The Woman is the great city, Babylon465-471Rev. 18The Fall of Babylon 472-476The Prophecy of Babylon in Jeremiah 50 and 51477-479The Big Picture A Snap Shot of the Tribulation: Phase One -- The Beginning of Sorrows -- Rev. 6:1-17 Phase Two -- Rev. 7 and Rev. 14 Phase Three -- The Flashback of History -- Rev. 12, 13, and 17 Phase Four -- The Beginning of the Judgments -- Rev. 8, 11,16, 15 Phase Five -- Middle of the 3 1/2 Symbolic Years -- Rev. 9, 11, 16, 18 Phase Six -- Events that occur in Heaven during the Tribulation -- Rev. 10, 11, 16, 18 Phase Seven -- Events of Revelation Occurring after the Tribulation -- Rev. 19, 20, 21, 22480-483Daniels PropheciesDaniel on the End Time chapter 2, 7-12, with Revelation 6, 12, 13, and 17484-499Nebuchadnezzars Dream and Daniels interpretation; Four Great Beast; First Beast; Second Beast; Third Beast; The Four Heads of the Third Beast; Biblical History; Fourth Beast; Little Horn; a time of special persecution The Fourth Beast was Slain; Son of Man coming with Clouds of Heaven; end of the matter.484-487 488 489 490-491 492 493-494 495 496Vision of the evening and the morning -- 2300 days497This is a recap of how Daniel complies to the Seals of Revelation Six498-499Ezekiels ProphecyEzekiel 38 a prophecy against Gog500-503 Gog was kept for future use in the latter years; A recap of the history of Russia "THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA" TABLE OF CONTENTS by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright 1995, all rights reserved ChapterContents Pages (continued Chapter Eight) Rev. 19Alleluia (Praise the Lord); for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth; Marriage Supper of the Lamb; White Horse and Rider called Faithful and True; The Word of God; King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; The Twelve Letter Name of God; The Names of God; Supper of the great God; Beast and the False Prophet thrown into the Lake of Fire;504-512Rev. 20The Dragon Bound for a Thousand Years before he could Deceive the Nations again; That Old Serpent which is the Devil, and Satan; Millennial Reign and First Resurrection; Doom of the Dragon; Final Judgment and the Great White Throne; The Second Death -- Lake of Fire;513-516THE SECOND COMING -- THE SYMBOLIC THOUSAND YEARS517Different Views of the Second Coming - THE Meaning of the Millennium518The Judgments 519-520Rev. 21Twelve is the NumberA New Heaven and a New Earth; New Jerusalem; They Shall Be His New People -- Tabernacle of God -- The New Temple; 521Shekinah Glory522Speculative Kabbalism -- Four Worlds -- Shekinah -- Tree of Life - Heaven523-524I Make All Things New; Alpha and Omega; Water of Life; Second Death; Who will experience it; Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone;525Great City, the Holy Jerusalem from heaven -- New Paradise Twelve (Gates - Angels - Tribes - Foundations - Apostles); The City Measured -- Twelve Thousands Furlongs526-527All Manner of Precious Stones (Twelve)528-532Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the New Temple; Glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the New Light of it.533Heaven and becoming a Christian534-535Rev. 22The Last Chapter -- Twelve Crops of Fruit with a fresh Crop Each Month; the leaves are medicines for the nations; Old Testament on the River, Trees, Fruit by Months, and leaf for Medicine; Prophetic Promised Land; There shall be no more curse; They shall reign for ever and ever; I come quickly; Worship only God; I am Alpha and Omega; I am the root the offspring of David the bright and morning star; Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely;536-542Eight A(Continuation of Chapter Eight)543-55911/27/98Is the Revelation a combination of symbols of the constellations?543The Original 48 Constellations 544Alpha and Omega; Mazzaroth; Living Creatures;545-546The Hebrew Alphabet547The Constellations of the Mazzaroth and the Revelation Connection548-553 Cancer-Capricornus548 Gemini-Sagittarius549 Taurus-Scorpius550 Aries-Libra551 Pisces-Virgo552 Aquarius-Leo553The Last Word 554-555News Articles of interest from November 1995 till book release556-559 This ends Volume II of the book The Alpha and the Omega for continuation of this see http://www.mazzaroth.com for Volume III updates; also see ... /AlphaOmega/News/News1996.doc.  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