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Correspondence address: Department of Urology, Ghent University Hospital De Pintelaan,185, 9000 Ghent, Belgium Tel.+3293322284; fax +3293323889  HYPERLINK "mailto:willem.oosterlinck@ugent.be" willem.oosterlinck@ugent.be Keywords: urothelial neoplasm, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, review, bacillus Calmette-Guérin, mitomycine C, epirubicine. Conflict of interest: W.Oosterlinck was speaker at several occasions for Kyowa (Mitomycin) and General Electric (Hexvix). No other disclosers to mention. Abstract This is a review based on a data search until the end of Jan 2012 on strategies in the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. As one of the authors was chairman of the guidelines writing committee of the European Association of Urology, these guidelines served as a backbone. They are updated and adapted according to the most recent data. It is astonishing how many important data were published in the last 2 years. Many data have a high level of evidence and allow well supported recommendations. However, recommendations are not given as this is not the scope of this paper, but the information for reflexion on the guidelines is in this article. Introduction Bladder carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the urinary tract. The worldwide age standardized incidence rate (ASR) is 10.1 per 100,000 for males and 2.5 per 100,000 for females  ADDIN EN.CITE Ploeg200951(1)515117Ploeg, M.Aben, K. K.Kiemeney, L. A.Department of Urology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, PO Box 9101, Nijmegen 6500 HB, The Netherlands. m.ploeg@uro.umcn.nlThe present and future burden of urinary bladder cancer in the worldWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology289-932732009/02/17*Cost of IllnessFemaleForecastingHumansMaleUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*epidemiologyWorld Health2009Jun1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)19219610http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19219610269432310.1007/s00345-009-0383-3( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_1" \o "Ploeg, 2009 #51" 1) . Because of its tendency to recurrence this tumour has a high financial impact on health care. Approximately 75–85% of patients with bladder cancer present with disease that is confined to the mucosa (stage Ta, CIS) or submucosa (stage T1). These categories are grouped as non-muscle invasive tumours (NMIBC) and are the subject of the present expert review and comments. This review is using the EUA guidelines 2011  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_2" \o "Babjuk, 2011 #119" 2) as a backbone as one of us (WO) was co-author and chairman of this guidelines writing committee. It is updated with data which appeared after September 2010. Transurethral resection of the tumour (TUR) The goal of the TUR in TaT1 bladder tumours is to make the correct diagnosis and remove all visible lesions. Complete and correct TUR is considered by all experts as an outmost important step in the diagnosis and treatment of NMIBC ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_3" \o "Brausi, 2002 #56" 3)  ADDIN EN.CITE Mariappan20111(4)1117Mariappan, P.Finney, S. M.Head, E.Somani, B. K.Zachou, A.Smith, G.Mishriki, S. F.N'Dow, J.Grigor, K. M.for members of the Edinburgh Urological Cancer, GroupDepartment of Urology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh Department of Urology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen Department of Pathology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK.Good quality white-light transurethral resection of bladder tumours (GQ-WLTURBT) with experienced surgeons performing complete resections and obtaining detrusor muscle reduces early recurrence in new non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: validation across time and place and recommendation for benchmarkingBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international2011/11/032011Nov 11464-410X (Electronic) 1464-4096 (Linking)22044434http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2204443410.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10571.x( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_4" \o "Mariappan, 2011 #1" 4) . Larger tumours should be resected separately in fractions, which include the exophytic part of the tumour, the underlying bladder wall with the detrusor muscle, and the edges of the resection area and the specimens from different fractions must be referred to the pathologist in separate containers. The absence of detrusor muscle in the specimen is associated with a significantly higher risk of residual disease and early recurrence  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_5" \o "Mariappan, 2010 #57" 5) . Bladder and prostatic urethral biopsies When abnormal areas of urothelium are seen, it is advised to take biopsies .So-called random biopsies should be performed in patients with positive urinary cytology and absence of visible tumour in the bladder. In patients with TaT1 tumours random biopsies are not routinely recommended because the likelihood of detecting CIS, especially in low-risk tumours, is extremely low (< 2%), and the choice of adjuvant intravesical therapy is not influenced by the biopsy result  ADDIN EN.CITE van der Meijden199958(6)585817van der Meijden, A.Oosterlinck, W.Brausi, M.Kurth, K. H.Sylvester, R.de Balincourt, C.Department of Urology, Bosch Medical Center, 'S-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.Significance of bladder biopsies in Ta,T1 bladder tumors: a report from the EORTC Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Cooperative Group. EORTC-GU Group Superficial Bladder CommitteeEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology267-713541999/07/27BiopsyCarcinoma in Situ/epidemiology/*pathologyFemaleHumansIncidenceMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPrognosisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/epidemiology/*pathology1999Apr0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)10419345http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10419345( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_6" \o "van der Meijden, 1999 #58" 6). Cold cup biopsies from normal-looking mucosa should be performed when cytology is positive suggesting a high grade tumour. In T1, high grade tumours involvement of the prostatic urethra with CIS was found the only prognostic factor for recurrence and progression. Therefore it is important to perform a biopsy of the prostatic urethra in patients with high grade NMIBC ADDIN EN.CITE Palou201118(7)181817Palou, J.Sylvester, R. J.Rodriguez Faba, O.Parada, R.Pena, J. A.Algaba, F.Villavicencio, H.Department of Urology, Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.Female Gender and Carcinoma In Situ in the Prostatic Urethra Are Prognostic Factors for Recurrence, Progression, and Disease-Specific Mortality in T1G3 Bladder Cancer Patients Treated With Bacillus Calmette-GuerinEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology2011/11/222011Oct 251873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)22101115http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2210111510.1016/j.eururo.2011.10.029( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_7" \o "Palou, 2011 #18" 7). Photodynamic diagnosis (fluorescence cystoscopy). As a standard procedure, cystoscopy and TUR are performed using white light. Photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) is performed using violet light after intravesical instillation of 5-aminolaevulinic acid or hexaminolaevulinic acid. It has been confirmed that fluorescence-guided biopsy and resection are more sensitive than conventional procedures for detection of malignant tumours, particularly CIS The additional detection rate of PDD was 20% for all tumours and 23% for CIS  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_8" \o "Kausch, 2010 #60" 8). However, false-positivity can be induced by inflammation or recent TUR, and during the first 3 months after BCG intravesical instillation  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_9" \o "Ray, 2010 #29" 9,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_10" \o "Draga, 2010 #165" 10). The benefit of ALA fluorescence-guided TUR for recurrence-free survival has been demonstrated in several small, randomised clinical trials  ADDIN EN.CITE Geavlete201141(11)414117Geavlete, B.Multescu, R.Georgescu, D.Jecu, M.Stanescu, F.Geavlete, P.Department of Urology, 'Saint John' Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania.Treatment changes and long-term recurrence rates after hexaminolevulinate (HAL) fluorescence cystoscopy: does it really make a difference in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC)?BJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international2011/06/302011Jun 281464-410X (Electronic) 1464-4096 (Linking)21711438http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2171143810.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10374.x( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_11" \o "Geavlete, 2011 #41" 11). Cumulative analysis of three trials has shown that recurrence-free survival was 15.8–27% higher at 12 months and 12–15% higher at 24 months in the fluorescence-guided TUR groups compared to the white light alone groups  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_8" \o "Kausch, 2010 #60" 8). However, a large Swedish study could not detect any advantage in using ALA fluorescence-guided TUR routinely in all patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_12" \o "Schumacher, 2010 #61" 12) A large, multicentre, prospective randomised trial that compared HAL fluorescence-guided TUR with standard TUR reported an absolute reduction of no more than 9% in the recurrence rate within 9 months in the HAL arm ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_13" \o "Stenzl, 2010 #63" 13). The value of fluorescence cystoscopy for improvement of the outcome in relation to progression rate remains to be demonstrated. PDD is most useful for detection of CIS, and therefore, it should be restricted to those patients who are suspected of harbouring a high-grade tumour, ea. for biopsy guidance in patients with positive cytology or with the history of high-grade tumour ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_14" \o "Witjes, 2010 #164" 14). The additional cost of the PDD equipment is considerable. If other narrow band imaging is able to obtain similar improvements in TUR needs to be demonstrated but the preliminary results are promising  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_15" \o "Cauberg, 2011 #43" 15,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_16" \o "Shen, 2011 #50" 16). Second resection The significant risk of residual tumour and under staging after initial TUR of TaT1 lesions has been demonstrated  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_17" \o "Kulkarni, 2010 #178" 17,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_18" \o "Fritsche, 2010 #177" 18) . A second TUR should be considered when the initial resection is incomplete, for example, when multiple and/or large tumours are present, or when the pathologist has reported that the specimen contains no muscle tissue. Furthermore, a second TUR is advocated when a high-grade or T1 tumour has been detected at initial TUR. It has been demonstrated that a second TUR can increase recurrence-free survival  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_19" \o "Grimm, 2003 #166" 19-22). Most authors recommend resection at 2–6 weeks after initial TUR. Predicting recurrence and progression At the beginning of the seventies of the last century every bladder tumour was considered as a potentially deadly disease. As a consequence every bladder tumour was attacked maximal diagnostic and therapeutic means .Progressively one learned that papillary tumours of the bladder had a wide range of aggressiveness, from almost nothing to life endangering. The tailoring of treatment and follow-up is one of the mayor achievements of the last decades of clinical NMIBC research. Ta and T1 tumours. Classically one divides patients into low-risk, intermediate-risk and high-risk groups. However, no distinction is drawn between the risk of recurrence and progression. Although prognostic factors may indicate a high risk for recurrence, the risk of progression might still be low, and other tumours might have a high risk of recurrence and progression. The score system developed by he European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) still is the most suitable way to predict separately the risks of recurrence and progression in individual patients  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_23" \o "Sylvester, 2006 #71" 23). The scoring system is based on the six most significant clinical and pathological factors. Number of tumours is the most important prognostic factor for recurrence but not to predict progression. Prior recurrence rate or early recurrence is the second most important factor for recurrence. The third factor was tumour size which was refined in a recent study ADDIN EN.CITE Jancke201115(24)151517Jancke, G.Rosell, J.Jahnson, S.Department of Urology, University Hospital, Linkoping, Sweden. Georg.Jancke@lio.seImpact of tumour size on recurrence and progression in Ta/T1 carcinoma of the urinary bladderScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrology388-924562011/06/182011Dec1651-2065 (Electronic) 0036-5599 (Linking)21679018http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2167901810.3109/00365599.2011.590995( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_24" \o "Jancke, 2011 #15" 24). Presence of CIS was found to be the strongest predictor for progression to invasive cancer. Tumour grade is the second most important bad prognostic factor. Electronic calculator is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.eortc.be/tools/bladdercalculator/" http://www.eortc.be/tools/bladdercalculator/. The validation of the EORTC scoring system in an independent patient population with long-term follow-up has confirmed its prognostic value  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_25" \o "van Rhijn, 2010 #179" 25). A scoring model for BCG-treated patients that predicts the short- and long-term risks of recurrence and progression has also been presented. The calculated risk of recurrence is lower than that obtained by the EORTC  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_26" \o "Fernandez-Gomez, 2009 #72" 26,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_27" \o "Fernandez-Gomez, 2011 #14" 27). For progression probabilities, it is lower only in high-risk patients. The lower risks may be attributed to using a more effective instillation therapy. CIS Without any intravesical treatment, more than half of patients with CIS progress to muscle-invasive disease. Unfortunately, there are no reliable prognostic factors that can be used to predict the course of the disease. Various publications have shown that the response to intravesical treatment with BCG or chemotherapy is an important prognostic factor for subsequent progression caused by bladder cancer  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_28" \o "Chade, 2010 #75" 28,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_29" \o "Lerner, 2009 #137" 29). Approximately 10–20% of complete responders eventually progress to muscle-invasive disease, compared with 66% of non-responders .Several markers have been tested to predict response to BCG. Urinary interleukin 2 came out as the most promising ADDIN EN.CITE Zuiverloon2012222(30)22222217Zuiverloon, T. C.Nieuweboer, A. J.Vekony, H.Kirkels, W. J.Bangma, C. H.Zwarthoff, E. C.Department of Pathology, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands.Markers predicting response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy in high-risk bladder cancer patients: a systematic reviewEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology128-456112011/10/182012Jan1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)22000498http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2200049810.1016/j.eururo.2011.09.026( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_30" \o "Zuiverloon, 2012 #222" 30). Intravesical treatment after TUR. Although TUR by itself can eradicate a TaT1 tumour completely, these tumours recur in a high percentage of cases and progress to muscle-invasive bladder cancer in a limited number of cases. The high variability in the 3-month recurrence rate indicates that TUR is incomplete or provokes recurrences in a high percentage of patients  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_3" \o "Brausi, 2002 #56" 3). It is therefore necessary to consider adjuvant therapy in most patients. One, immediate, postoperative intravesical instillation of chemotherapy In a meta-analysis  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_31" \o "Sylvester, 2004 #81" 31) of seven randomised trials (1,476 patients with a median follow-up of 3.4 years), one immediate instillation of chemotherapy after TUR significantly reduced recurrence rate compared to TUR alone. In absolute values, the reduction was 11.7% (from 48.4% to 36.7%), which implies a 24.2% decrease in the relative risk. The majority of patients (> 80%) in the meta-analysis had a single tumour, but an almost significant (p=0.06) and even greater reduction in recurrence was noted among the limited number of patients with multiple tumours. The efficacy of the single instillation has been confirmed also by 4 recently published studies  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_32" \o "De Nunzio, 2011 #221" 32-35). In 2 of these  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_32" \o "De Nunzio, 2011 #221" 32,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_34" \o "Gudjonsson, 2009 #85" 34), the benefit was mainly seen in primary and single tumours and was in these tumour categories even greater than the 11.7% demonstrated in the meta-analysis. By stratification according to EORTC recurrence scores, the benefit was observed in patients with scores 0–2, but not with scores e" 3. However, the study was not sufficiently powered for subgroup analyses. Insufficient data are available showing that the single instillations significantly reduce recurrence rates in patients with recurrent tumours. Nevertheless, there is significant evidence from one subgroup analysis that immediate instillation might have an impact on the repeat instillation regimens for treatment of patients who are at intermediate and high risk of recurrence  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_36" \o "Kaasinen, 2002 #86" 36) . There are no statistically relevant data that address the role of immediate chemotherapy instillation in tumours at high risk of progression before BCG intravesical treatment .However, one retrospective study showed significant benefit of early instillation in patients who received BCG afterwards ADDIN EN.CITE Badalato201132(37)323217Badalato, G. M.Hruby, G.Razmjoo, M.McKiernan, J. M.Department of Urology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York 10032, USA.Maximizing intravesical therapy options: is there an advantage to the administration of perioperative mitomycin C prior to an induction course of BCG?Can J UrolThe Canadian journal of urologyCan J UrolThe Canadian journal of urologyCan J UrolThe Canadian journal of urology5890-51852011/10/252011Oct1195-9479 (Print) 1195-9479 (Linking)22018151http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22018151( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_37" \o "Badalato, 2011 #32" 37). So further studies are required to determine the definitive role of immediate chemotherapy in intermediate- and high-risk groups. At the end of TUR grade and T stage remains uncertain and thus also the risk group. Therefore it seems reasonable to advocate the early instillation in most cases. Not any later given instillation obtains the same amplitude in prevention of recurrence. In spite of the overwhelming evidence this practice is uncommon among urologists  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_38" \o "Chamie, 2011 #8" 38). The effect of early instillation can be explained by the destruction of circulating tumour cells immediately after TUR, or as an ablative effect on residual tumour. Prevention of tumour cell implantation should be initiated within the first hours after cell seeding. Within a few hours, the cells are implanted firmly and are covered by extracellular matrix. In all single instillation studies, the instillation was administered within 24 h. Subgroup analysis of one study has shown that, if the first instillation was not given on the same day as TUR, there was a two fold increase in the relative risk of recurrence  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_36" \o "Kaasinen, 2002 #86" 36) . Moreover, a study in which the instillation was not given strictly on the same day did not find any advantage  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_39" \o "Hendricksen, 2008 #223" 39). This is in contradiction with a recent prospective, randomised trial in prevention of bladder recurrence after upper tract urothelial tumours  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_40" \o "O'Brien, 2011 #34" 40). In which the mitomycin (MMC) instillation was given only at the removal of the bladder catheter. There is no single drug that is superior with regard to efficacy. Mitomycin C, epirubicin and doxorubicin have all shown a beneficial effect  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_41" \o "Sylvester, 2004 #41" 41). In one study, gemcitabine plus 24 h bladder irrigation with physiological saline was not superior to irrigation with physiological saline during 24 hours  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_42" \o "Bohle, 2009 #86" 42). The recurrence was very low in both arms, suggesting that rinsing itself could prevent implantation of tumour cells which seems an acceptable explanation. This is confirmed in a recent study  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_43" \o "Onishi, 2011 #42" 43). The immediate post-operative chemotherapy instillation should be omitted in any case of overt or suspected intra- or extraperitoneal perforation, which is most likely to appear in extensive TUR procedures. Severe complications have been reported in patients in whom extravasation of the drug occurs. Clear instructions should be given to the nursing staff to control the free flow of the bladder catheter at the end of the instillation. It has been demonstrated that administration of instillation is possible in the majority of cases  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_44" \o "Engeler, 2008 #181" 44) . Additional intravesical chemotherapy instillations In patients with a low risk of tumour recurrence, a single immediate instillation reduces the risk of recurrence and is considered as the standard treatment. No further treatment should be given in these patients before subsequent recurrence. For other patients the likelihood of recurrence and/ sometimes progression is considerable. The choice between further chemotherapy and immunotherapy largely depends on the risk that needs to be reduced: recurrence or progression. Chemotherapy prevents recurrence but not progression  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_45" \o "Pawinski, 1996 #89" 45). The efficacy of intravesical chemotherapy in reducing the risk of tumour recurrence has been confirmed by two meta-analyses in primary  ADDIN EN.CITE Huncharek200091(46)919117Huncharek, M.Geschwind, J. F.Witherspoon, B.McGarry, R.Adcock, D.Uro-Oncology Project, Meta-Analysis Research Group, Columbia, SC, USA.Intravesical chemotherapy prophylaxis in primary superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of 3703 patients from 11 randomized trialsJ Clin EpidemiolJournal of clinical epidemiologyJ Clin EpidemiolJournal of clinical epidemiologyJ Clin EpidemiolJournal of clinical epidemiology676-805372000/08/15Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/*prevention & control/surgeryHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*drug therapy/*prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*prevention & control/surgery2000Jul0895-4356 (Print) 0895-4356 (Linking)10941943Meta-Analysishttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10941943( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_46" \o "Huncharek, 2000 #91" 46) and recurrent tumours  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_47" \o "Huncharek, 2001 #90" 47). It is still controversial how long and how frequently instillations of intravesical chemotherapy have to be given. From a systematic review of the literature of randomised clinical trials, which has compared different schedules of intravesical chemotherapy instillations, one can only conclude that the ideal duration and intensity of the schedule remains undefined because of conflicting data  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_48" \o "Sylvester, 2008 #94" 48). Nevertheless, the available evidence does not support any treatment longer than 1 year. The place of gemcitabine and possible advantages over other intravesical drugs remains uncertain  ADDIN EN.CITE Jones201225(49)252517Jones, G.Cleves, A.Wilt, T. J.Mason, M.Kynaston, H. G.Shelley, M.Cochrane Prostatic Diseases and Urological Cancers Unit, Research Department, Velindre NHS Trust, Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF14 2TL.Intravesical gemcitabine for non-muscle invasive bladder cancerCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCD00929412012/01/2020121469-493X (Electronic) 1361-6137 (Linking)22259002http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2225900210.1002/14651858.CD009294.pub2( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_49" \o "Jones, 2012 #25" 49). Optimising intravesical chemotherapy One randomised trial has demonstrated that adapting urinary pH, decreasing urinary excretion and buffering the intravesical solution reduce the recurrence rate  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_50" \o "Au, 2001 #96" 50) . Another randomised trial has documented that concentration is more important than duration of the treatment  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_51" \o "Kuroda, 2004 #98" 51). In view of these data, which need confirmation, it seems advisable to ask the patient not to drink on the morning before instillation, and to dissolve the drug in a buffered solution at optimal pH. Device assisted intravesical chemotherapy Due to suboptimal results of current therapies the search for better outcomes continues. Application of microwave induced hyperthermia during MMC instillation has been tested now for 15 years. A review including 22 studies suggest a 59% reduction in recurrence when compared to MMC alone with slightly more local side effects  ADDIN EN.CITE Lammers201145(52)454517Lammers, R. J.Witjes, J. A.Inman, B. A.Leibovitch, I.Laufer, M.Nativ, O.Colombo, R.Department of Urology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.The role of a combined regimen with intravesical chemotherapy and hyperthermia in the management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic reviewEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology81-936012011/05/03Administration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageCombined Modality TherapyHumans*Hyperthermia, InducedMitomycin/*administration & dosageUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/drug therapy/*therapy2011Jul1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21531502Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2153150210.1016/j.eururo.2011.04.023( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_52" \o "Lammers, 2011 #45" 52). In 83 patients 53% were tumour free at 10years with 86% of bladder preservation  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_53" \o "Colombo, 2011 #46" 53).These results make this technique to an alternative for highly recurrent high grade tumours in patients unsuitable for cystectomy and for those who do not support BCG. Another technique is the electromotive assisted instillation of MMC .The penetration in the bladder wall of the small molecules is enhanced by electro-osmosis  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_54" \o "Kalsi, 2008 #225" 54).This resulted in very long disease free period :69 months in the BCG+electromotive MMC arm versus21 months in the BGG alone arm ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_55" \o "Di Stasi, 2006 #226" 55) Even more astonishing results were obtained with electromotive instillation of MMC immediately before TUR. After MMC immediately after alone 59% of the tumours recurred while after pre-TUR electromotive MMC it was only 38%;the disease free period also was amazingly long (52 vs16 months) ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_56" \o "Di Stasi, 2011 #16" 56) . The excellent results obtained by these devices assisted can no longer be neglected. They should be confirmed by other investigators than the pioneers and then become standard of care for the most difficult cases of NMIBC. Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunotherapy Five meta-analyses have confirmed that BCG after TUR is superior to TUR alone or TUR and chemotherapy for prevention of recurrence of non-muscle invasive tumours  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_57" \o "Shelley, 2004 #99" 57-61) . Since the publication of these meta-analyses, 4 randomised studies of intermediate- and high-risk tumours have been presented. In these studies, BCG was compared with the combination of epirubicin and interferon  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_62" \o "Duchek, 2010 #68" 62), mitomycin C  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_63" \o "Jarvinen, 2009 #102" 63) or epirubicin  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_64" \o "Sylvester, 2010 #107" 64,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_65" \o "Hinotsu, 2011 #48" 65) alone. All of these studies have confirmed the superiority of BCG for prevention of tumour recurrence. It has been shown that the effect was long lasting and was also observed in separate analysis of patients with tumours at intermediate risk  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_64" \o "Sylvester, 2010 #107" 64). One meta-analysis  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_66" \o "Malmstrom, 2009 #112" 66) has evaluated the individual data from 2,820 patients enrolled in nine randomised studies that have compared MMC versus BCG. In the trials with BCG maintenance, a 32% reduction in the risk of recurrence for BCG compared to MMC was found (p < 0.0001), whereas there was a 28% increase in the risk of recurrence (p = 0.006) for BCG in the trials without BCG any maintenance. However, maintenance schedules varied from 10 to 27 instillations in total. Two meta-analyses have demonstrated that BCG therapy prevents, or at least delays, the risk of tumour progression  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_67" \o "Bohle, 2004 #114" 67,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_68" \o "Sylvester, 2002 #113" 68). A meta-analysis has evaluated data from 4,863 patients enrolled in 24 randomised trials. A total of 3,967 (81.6%) patients had only papillary tumours and 896 (18.4%) had primary or concurrent CIS. Five different BCG strains were used, and in 20 out of the 24 trials, some form of BCG maintenance was used. In four trials only, a 6-week induction course was used. Based on a median follow-up of 2.5 years and a maximum of 15 years, 9.8% of 2,658 patients on BCG progressed compared to 13.8% out of 2,205 in the control groups (TUR alone, TUR plus intravesical chemotherapy, or TUR plus other immunotherapy). This shows a relative reduction of 27% of progression with BCG treatment (p = 0.0001). The size of the reduction is similar in patients with TaT1 papillary tumours and in those with CIS  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_64" \o "Sylvester, 2010 #107" 64,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_68" \o "Sylvester, 2002 #113" 68). A recent randomised study with long-term observation has demonstrated significantly fewer distant metastases and better overall and disease-specific survival in patients treated with BCG compared to epirubicin  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_64" \o "Sylvester, 2010 #107" 64). On the contrary, a meta-analysis of individual patient data was not able to confirm any statistically significant difference between MMC and BCG for progression, survival and cause of death  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_66" \o "Malmstrom, 2009 #112" 66). In spite of these conflicting results, the majority of data was able to show the reduction in the risk of progression in tumours at high and intermediate risk if the BCG included more than a 6weeks induction schedule. Two other meta-analyses have suggested a possible bias in favour of BCG by the inclusion of patients who were previously treated with intravesical chemotherapy  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_59" \o "Han, 2006 #185" 59,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_69" \o "Sylvester, 2005 #133" 69) In the most recent meta-analysis, however, BCG maintenance was more effective than MMC also in patients who were previously treated with chemotherapy  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_66" \o "Malmstrom, 2009 #112" 66). Optimal BCG schedule According to the meta-analysis BCG must be given more than an induction cycle to obtain maximal response  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_68" \o "Sylvester, 2002 #113" 68). In the four trials in which no maintenance was given, no reduction in progression was observed. In the 20 trials in which some form of BCG maintenance was given, a relative reduction of 37% of progression was observed (p = 0.00004). The meta-analysis was unable to determine which BCG maintenance schedule was the most effective. In 2 other meta-analyses it was concluded that at least 1 year of maintenance BCG is required to show the superiority of BCG over MMC for prevention of recurrence or progression  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_60" \o "Bohle, 2003 #101" 60,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_67" \o "Bohle, 2004 #114" 67). However, many different maintenance schedules have been used, ranging from a total of 10 instillations given in 18 weeks, to 27 instillations over 3 years  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_70" \o "Lamm, 2000 #118" 70). Recently a large series of T1 high grade tumours with a long follow-up  ADDIN EN.CITE Herr201136(71)363617Herr, H. W.Dalbagni, G.Donat, S. M.Department of Urology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA. herrh@mskcc.orgBacillus Calmette-Guerin without maintenance therapy for high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology32-66012011/04/19Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedProspective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapyYoung Adult2011Jul1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21497431Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2149743110.1016/j.eururo.2011.03.051( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_71" \o "Herr, 2011 #36" 71)demonstrated that those patients ,who are disease free 6 months after induction BCG, don’t need further instillations unless they recur. Percentage of progression and disease free period were comparable with the results mentioned in the meta-analysis, but sparing a lot of instillations and toxicity. At a first glance this is in contradiction with this meta-analysis but it is not because in the recent study all non-BCG responders at 6 months were eliminated from further analysis while they were not in the meta-analysis. The final message is that in responders there is no further need for BCG, while non early responders may benefit from additional instillations. To reduce BCG toxicity, one has proposed one-third and one-quarter dose instillations of BCG. Comparing one-third dose to full-dose BCG in 500 patients, one has found no overall difference in efficacy. However, it has been suggested that a full dose of BCG is more effective in multifocal tumours  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_72" \o "Martinez-Pineiro, 2005 #128" 72,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_73" \o "Ojea, 2007 #130" 73) . Although fewer patients have reported toxicity with the reduced dose, the incidence of severe systemic toxicity has been similar in the standard- and reduced-dose groups. The same Spanish group has shown in a prospective randomised trial that one-third of the standard dose of BCG might be the minimum effective dose in intermediate-risk tumours. A further reduction to one-sixth dose resulted in a decrease in efficacy for prevention of recurrence with no decrease in toxicity  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_73" \o "Ojea, 2007 #130" 73). BCG toxicity As a result of the more pronounced side effects of BCG compared to intravesical chemotherapy, there is still reluctance about the use of BCG. Deaths due to BCG sepsis and the high frequency of BCG-induced cystitis have compromised its use  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_74" \o "van der Meijden, 2003 #131" 74). Serious side effects are encountered in < 5% of patients and can be effectively treated in most cases. BCG should not be administered during the first 2 weeks after TUR, in macroscopic haematuria or urinary tract infection, or after traumatic catheterisation because of the fear that BCG enters the blood stream. Indications for BCG Ultimately, the choice of treatment depends upon the patients’ risk of recurrence and progression. The use of BCG in tumours at low risk of recurrence is an over-treatment. In patients with tumours at high risk of progression, for whom cystectomy is not carried out, BCG is indicated. In patients at intermediate or high risk of recurrence and intermediate risk of progression, BCG is more effective for prevention of recurrence but it has more side effects than chemotherapy. For this reason both BCG and intravesical chemotherapy remain an option. The final choice should reflect individual patients’ risk of recurrence and progression and efficacy and side effects of each treatment. Specific aspects of treatment of CIS The detection of CIS with TaT1 tumours increases the risk of recurrence and progression of TaT1 tumours  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_23" \o "Sylvester, 2006 #71" 23,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_26" \o "Fernandez-Gomez, 2009 #72" 26). CIS cannot be cured by an endoscopic procedure only, although it is now possible to resect areas of CIS which are visualized by fluorescence. The value of such a procedure in the cure of patients with TIS is unknown for the moment. The diagnosis of CIS must be followed by either intravesical instillations or radical cystectomy. No consensus exists about whether intravesical instillations or cystectomy should be done, especially when there are concurrent high-grade papillary tumours. There are no randomised trials of instillation therapy and early cystectomy. Tumour-specific survival rates after early cystectomy for CIS are excellent, but as many as 40–50% of patients might be over-treated  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_2" \o "Babjuk, 2011 #119" 2). In retrospective evaluations of patients with CIS, a complete response rate of 48% was achieved with intravesical chemotherapy and 72–93% with BCG. Up to 50% of complete responders might eventually show recurrence with a risk of invasion and/or extravesical recurrence  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_75" \o "Losa, 2000 #192" 75-79). There have been few randomised trials in patients with CIS alone. Most trials have included patients with either papillary tumours or CIS, which has resulted in only a small number of CIS patients being entered. Thus, the power to detect treatment differences has been low and the reliability of the conclusions is limited  ADDIN EN.CITE van der Meijden2005191(80)19119117van der Meijden, A. P.Sylvester, R.Oosterlinck, W.Solsona, E.Boehle, A.Lobel, B.Rintala, E.for the, E. A. U. Working Party on Non Muscle Invasive Bladder CancerDepartment of Urology, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. a.v.d.meijden@jbz.nlEAU guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of urothelial carcinoma in situEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology363-714832005/07/05Carcinoma in Situ/*diagnosis/pathology/*therapyEuropeHumansNeoplasm StagingUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/pathology/*therapy2005Sep0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)15994003Practice Guideline Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1599400310.1016/j.eururo.2005.05.011( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_80" \o "van der Meijden, 2005 #191" 80). A meta-analysis of clinical trials that has compared intravesical BCG to intravesical chemotherapy (MMC, epirubicin or adriamycin)  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_69" \o "Sylvester, 2005 #133" 69) in patients with CIS has shown a significantly increased response rate after BCG and a reduction of 59% of treatment failure with BCG (p = 0.0001). In trials that have compared BCG with MMC, the long-term benefit of BCG was smaller, but BCG was superior to MMC if maintenance BCG was given. In another meta-analysis on tumour progression, in a subgroup of 403 patients with CIS, BCG reduced the relative risk of progression by 35% as compared to intravesical chemotherapy or different immunotherapy  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_68" \o "Sylvester, 2002 #113" 68) .Sequential intravesical chemotherapy and BCG did not obtain better results  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_81" \o "Oosterlinck, 2011 #212" 81). Patients with CIS are at high risk of involvement of the upper urinary tract and the prostatic urethra. In the prostate, CIS might be present only in the epithelial lining of the prostatic urethra or in the prostatic ducts. Patients with CIS in the epithelial lining of the prostatic urethra can be treated by intravesical instillations of BCG. TUR of the prostate can improve the contact of BCG with the prostatic urethra. In patients with prostatic duct involvement, the data are insufficient to provide clear treatment recommendations. As no conclusive results have been attained with regard to the use of conservative therapy, radical surgery should be considered in these patients  ADDIN EN.CITE Palou2007214(82)21421417Palou, J.Baniel, J.Klotz, L.Wood, D.Cookson, M.Lerner, S.Horie, S.Schoenberg, M.Angulo, J.Bassi, P.Fundacio Puigvert, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. jpalou@fundacio-puigvert.esUrothelial carcinoma of the prostateUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology50-61691 Suppl2007/02/07*Carcinoma, Transitional Cell/classification/pathology/surgeryDiagnosis, DifferentialHumansIncidenceMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPrognosisProstatectomy*Prostatic Neoplasms/classification/pathology/surgeryWorld Health2007Jan1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)17280908Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1728090810.1016/j.urology.2006.05.059( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_82" \o "Palou, 2007 #214" 82). Treatment of BCG failure Treatment with BCG is considered to have failed when a high-grade, non-muscle-invasive tumour is present at both 3 and 6 months. In patients with tumour present at 3 months, an additional BCG course provokes complete response in >50% of cases, both in patients with papillary tumours and CIS (154,155), but with increasing risk of progression  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_29" \o "Lerner, 2009 #137" 29). Any worsening of the disease under BCG treatment, such as a higher number of recurrences, higher T stage or higher grade, or appearance of CIS, in spite of an initial response is considered BCG relapsing. Changing from BCG to intravesical chemotherapy, including valrubicin  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_83" \o "Steinberg, 2011 #220" 83) and gemcitabine, device-assisted chemotherapy instillations, or additional interferon ą-2b immunotherapy can yield responses in selected cases with non-muscle-invasive BCG treatment failure  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_84" \o "Lightfoot, 2011 #40" 84,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_85" \o "Yates, 2011 #219" 85). However, experience is limited and these strategies are considered experimental. As a result of the high risk of development of muscle-invasive tumour in these patients, immediate cystectomy is strongly advocated upon BCG failure in fit patients. Patients with recurrence at > 1 year after completion of BCG therapy can be treated according to the risk classification  ADDIN EN.CITE Gallagher2008215(86)21521517Gallagher, B. L.Joudi, F. N.Maymi, J. L.O'Donnell, M. A.Department of Urology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1089, USA.Impact of previous bacille Calmette-Guerin failure pattern on subsequent response to bacille Calmette-Guerin plus interferon intravesical therapyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology297-3017122008/03/01Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDrug Therapy, CombinationHumansImmunologic Factors/*administration & dosageInterferon-alpha/*administration & dosageRetrospective StudiesTreatment FailureUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2008Feb1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)18308107Clinical Trial, Phase II Multicenter Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1830810710.1016/j.urology.2007.09.050( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_86" \o "Gallagher, 2008 #215" 86). Recurrences of low grade tumours. Low grade Ta tumours represent about half of the non-muscle invasive bladder cancers. They became a particular entity among NMBC because of the fact that they rarely become invasive, but are still frequently relapsing. Their diagnostic work -up, treatment, prognosis, prevention and follow-up is different from other NMIBC. This resulted even in particular guidelines on this disease ADDIN EN.CITE Oosterlinck2005227(87)22722717Oosterlinck, W.Solsona, E.Akaza, H.Busch, C.Goebell, P. J.Malmstrom, P. U.Ozen, H.Sved, P.Department of Urology, University Hospital Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. willem.oosterlinck@ugent.beLow-grade Ta (noninvasive) urothelial carcinoma of the bladderUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology75-89666 Suppl 12006/01/10AlgorithmsCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/diagnosis/*pathology/therapy/urineCombined Modality TherapyCystoscopyHumansKidney Neoplasms/secondaryPrognosisReproducibility of ResultsTumor Markers, Biological/urineUreteral Neoplasms/secondaryUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/*pathology/therapy2005Dec1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)16399417Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1639941710.1016/j.urology.2005.07.063( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_87" \o "Oosterlinck, 2005 #227" 87) ). A control cystoscopy after 3 months is advocated of its prognostic value  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_2" \o "Babjuk, 2011 #119" 2). It will also pick up the overlooked tumours. When this cystoscopy doesn’t show any tumour, the following control can be postponed until 1 year after TURB and yearly thereafter. the and the grow of low grade tumours is slow  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_88" \o "Soloway, 2006 #69" 88,  HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_89" \o "Gofrit, 2006 #147" 89). Overlooking a tumour during some months is without adverse consequences .Tumour growth is slow and it is unlikely that large tumours will develop. These few controls are allowed because evolution to an aggressive tumour is rare and leaving some small low grade papillary tumours untreated during a certain period is not dangerous  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_90" \o "Gofrit, 2006 #71" 90-92) . If a recurrence is detected, the follow-up schedule restarts. There is no evidence on any schedule of follow-up and it is only based on common sense and expert opinion. It seems logic to adapt the follow-up cystoscopies according to the prognostic factors. Most recurrences appear in the 2 first years after diagnosis, already less in the third year and rarely there after when no recurrence appeared in the first 3 years. Yearly follow-up can be stopped when no recurrence at 5years. Urinary cytology will not detect most low grade tumours but when it shows clearly malignant cells this is suggestive for the evolution to a high grade tumour. Office fulguration of recurrence in low grade tumours Office fulguration of a few small papillary recurrences is feasible and safe  ADDIN EN.CITE Donat2004243(93)24324317Donat, S. M.North, A.Dalbagni, G.Herr, H. W.Department of Urology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA. dinats@mskcc.orgEfficacy of office fulguration for recurrent low grade papillary bladder tumors less than 0.5 cmJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology636-91712 Pt 12004/01/10AgedAlgorithmsAmbulatory Surgical ProceduresCarcinoma, Papillary/pathology/*surgery*ElectrocoagulationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology/*surgeryProspective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgery2004Feb0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)14713776http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1471377610.1097/01.ju.0000103100.22951.5e( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_93" \o "Donat, 2004 #243" 93). It can spare anaesthesia and hospitalisation. However, on any suspicion of higher grade tumour because of its macroscopic appearance or positive cytology a TURB must be performed like at primary diagnosis. For the treatment of a recurrence, it is advocated to give again an early instillation. Expert commentary: A good TURB still is the keystone of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of NMIBC. Although all experts agree on that, this is only weakly documented. PPD is a step forwards in detection of TIS but it is of questionable value in papillary tumours. Many recommendations on the post TURB management of NMIBC are based on a high level of evidence as NMBC has been extensively studied in large, well conducted phase 3 trials and several meta-analyses. In spite of this, the applications of it is often lacking among urologists, not for scientific, but for economical and organizational reasons. Potential severe side effects also hamper the application of some recommendations. Insufficient data exist on the best schedule and treatment duration of intravesical treatments and it is very unlikely that trials in the future will done to deliver the evidence. In the absence of data it seems wise to advocate rather less than more. The amazing good results reported on device assisted intravesical chemotherapy application merit further exploration An important achievement of 40 years of clinical research was the differentiation of different risk categories in NMIBC .The difference in the management and follow-up between low and high grade tumours is one of the mayor advances in this regard. Five year view: Which are the problems of which we hope that they can be solved the coming years? TURB remains a procedure with unwanted side effects such as provoking implantation sites and missing small tumours . Chemoresection may offer an alternative in many cases but is insufficiently studied to advocate it. More active intravesical drugs and /or application EMDA can improve the efficacy of this treatment. A problem on the use of the immediate instillation after TURB is the danger of extravasation of the intravesical drug which certainly is among the important reasons for its non application. New drugs without this toxicity profile or application of the drug with EMDA just before TURB  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_56" \o "Di Stasi, 2011 #16" 56) can solve this problem .Or is rinsing the bladder also effective  ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN EN.CITE.DATA ( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_43" \o "Onishi, 2011 #42" 43)? The toxicity profile of BCG is high and any drug that can improve this situation, keeping the same efficacy, will become a winner. There are such drugs in the pipeline ADDIN EN.CITE Yutkin201224(94)242417Yutkin, V.Chin, J.University of Western Ontario, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, London Health Sciences Centre-Victoria Hospital, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery , 800 Commissioners Road East, Room C3-120, London, Ontario N6A 5W9 , Canada +519 685 8451 ; +519 685 8455 ; joseph.chin@lhsc.on.ca.Apaziquone as an intravesical therapeutic agent for urothelial non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerExpert Opin Investig DrugsExpert opinion on investigational drugsExpert Opin Investig DrugsExpert opinion on investigational drugsExpert Opin Investig DrugsExpert opinion on investigational drugs251-602122011/12/232012Feb1744-7658 (Electronic) 1354-3784 (Linking)22188461http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2218846110.1517/13543784.2012.646081( HYPERLINK \l "_ENREF_94" \o "Yutkin, 2012 #24" 94). Combination of intravesical chemo- and immunotherapy is another way to diminish the application of BCG alone but the ideal schedule is insufficiently studied. The population of NMBC is very heterogeneous. Predicting recurrence and, even more important, progression is a mayor task for the future. Currently only clinical parameters insufficiently predict this. The prediction of the need to early cystectomy also is an unmet need. Key issues -A complete and well performed TUR is an outmost important step in diagnosis and treatment. The expensive fluorescence TUR helps in detecting TIS but its role in papillary tumours is questionable. Other methods for improving this key step should be explored. -Second resection is recommended in all T1 high grade tumours. - Low grade papillary tumours, which are the majority of the NMIBC, are a different entity with different diagnostic work-up, therapy and follow-up. -The prognostic factors for recurrence and progression are different and intravesical treatment must be adapted accordingly. -An immediate post-TUR chemo-instillation is the most efficient adjuvant treatment to prevent recurrence and is a sufficient treatment in low risk patients. -The optimal schedule and duration of intravesical chemotherapy is unknown. -Device assisted application of chemo gives excellent results which needs further attention. -BCG is superior to chemotherapy for prevention of recurrence and progression of NMIBC. -Early BCG failures have a bad prognosis and conservative treatment has little to offer. References  ADDIN EN.REFLIST 1. Ploeg M, Aben KK, Kiemeney LA. 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Reference annotations Ref 2:°° Last version of EUA guidelines. 8: ° review on Photodynamic TUR 2:° Swedish study contradicting the enthusiasm on PPD 21 °°: study on effect of second resection with however some methodological problems; read also the editorial comment of Babjuc M. 23°°: EORTC prognostic factors studies, a standard! 26°: prognostic factors from BCG treated patients in the Spanish study. 30°: review on possible markers for failure of BCG. 36°° study on which the necessity of immediate instillation is based 41°° frequently citated meta-analysis on the early instillation studies 48°° Review on all chemotherapy instillations with different schedulesBIKwx‚ü I ` f ť ä ĺ    2 3 4 @ đŕđŕđÓĆÓšÓšÓ°§°š…t\…I…š?hŤ@ëPJmHsH$hş-khÝ!D>*B*PJmHph˙sH/jhş-khÝ!DPJUmH nHsH tH hş-khÝ!DPJmHnHsHtH)jhş-khÝ!DPJUmH nHsH tHhş-khÝ!DPJmHsHhş-khľŹPJhş-khÝ!DPJhş-khľŹPJmH sH hş-khÝ!DPJmH sH hş-khÝ!DPJmH sH hŤ@ëhľŹ5PJ\mH sH hŤ@ëhÝ!D5PJ\mH sH KwÖ o ť 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ Ŕ Z c ü ý 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M.Oosterlinck, W.Sylvester, R.Kaasinen, E.Bohle, A.Palou-Redorta, J.Roupret, M.European Association of, UrologyDepartment of Urology, Hospital Motol, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic. marek.babjuk@lfmotol.cuni.czEAU guidelines on non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, the 2011 updateEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology997-10085962011/04/05Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/diagnosis/epidemiology/secondary/*therapyChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDrug Administration ScheduleEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/epidemiology/pathology/*therapyUrothelium/pathology2011Jun1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21458150Practice Guideline Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2145815010.1016/j.eururo.2011.03.017M DBabjuk201153(2)535317Babjuk, M.Oosterlinck, W.Sylvester, R.Kaasinen, E.Bohle, A.Palou-Redorta, J.Roupret, M.European Association of, UrologyDepartment of Urology, Hospital Motol, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic. marek.babjuk@lfmotol.cuni.czEAU guidelines on non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, the 2011 updateEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology997-10085962011/04/05Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/diagnosis/epidemiology/secondary/*therapyChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDrug Administration ScheduleEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/epidemiology/pathology/*therapyUrothelium/pathology2011Jun1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21458150Practice Guideline Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2145815010.1016/j.eururo.2011.03.017sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_2o DBrausi200256(3)565617Brausi, M.Collette, L.Kurth, K.van der Meijden, A. P.Oosterlinck, W.Witjes, J. A.Newling, D.Bouffioux, C.Sylvester, R. J.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Collaborative GroupInstitute Sant'Agostino, Estense, Modena, Italy.Variability in the recurrence rate at first follow-up cystoscopy after TUR in stage Ta T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a combined analysis of seven EORTC studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology523-314152002/06/21AgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/pathology/*surgeryClinical Trials, Phase III as TopicCystoscopyHumansMaleMiddle Aged*Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/diagnosis/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPrognosisQuality of Health CareTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures, Male2002May0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12074794Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12074794o DBrausi200256(3)565617Brausi, M.Collette, L.Kurth, K.van der Meijden, A. P.Oosterlinck, W.Witjes, J. A.Newling, D.Bouffioux, C.Sylvester, R. J.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Collaborative GroupInstitute Sant'Agostino, Estense, Modena, Italy.Variability in the recurrence rate at first follow-up cystoscopy after TUR in stage Ta T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a combined analysis of seven EORTC studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology523-314152002/06/21AgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/pathology/*surgeryClinical Trials, Phase III as TopicCystoscopyHumansMaleMiddle Aged*Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/diagnosis/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPrognosisQuality of Health CareTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures, Male2002May0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12074794Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12074794sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_3sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_4ÁDMariappan201057(5)575717Mariappan, P.Zachou, A.Grigor, K. M.Edinburgh Uro-Oncology, GroupDepartment of Urology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.Detrusor muscle in the first, apparently complete transurethral resection of bladder tumour specimen is a surrogate marker of resection quality, predicts risk of early recurrence, and is dependent on operator experienceEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology843-95752009/06/16AgedBiological MarkersClinical CompetenceCystectomy/*methods/standardsFemaleHumansMaleMuscle, Smooth/surgeryNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*epidemiologyPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesQuality ControlRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrethraUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19524354http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1952435410.1016/j.eururo.2009.05.047ÁDMariappan201057(5)575717Mariappan, P.Zachou, A.Grigor, K. M.Edinburgh Uro-Oncology, GroupDepartment of Urology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.Detrusor muscle in the first, apparently complete transurethral resection of bladder tumour specimen is a surrogate marker of resection quality, predicts risk of early recurrence, and is dependent on operator experienceEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology843-95752009/06/16AgedBiological MarkersClinical CompetenceCystectomy/*methods/standardsFemaleHumansMaleMuscle, Smooth/surgeryNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*epidemiologyPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesQuality ControlRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrethraUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19524354http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1952435410.1016/j.eururo.2009.05.047sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_5sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_6sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_7ƒ DKausch201060(8)606017Kausch, I.Sommerauer, M.Montorsi, F.Stenzl, A.Jacqmin, D.Jichlinski, P.Jocham, D.Ziegler, A.Vonthein, R.Department of Urology, University at Lubeck, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany. Ingo.Kausch@uk-sh.dePhotodynamic diagnosis in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and cumulative analysis of prospective studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology595-6065742009/12/17Aminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCystectomy*CystoscopyDisease-Free SurvivalEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm, ResidualPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/mortality/pathology/surgery2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20004052Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2000405210.1016/j.eururo.2009.11.041ƒ DKausch201060(8)606017Kausch, I.Sommerauer, M.Montorsi, F.Stenzl, A.Jacqmin, D.Jichlinski, P.Jocham, D.Ziegler, A.Vonthein, R.Department of Urology, University at Lubeck, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany. Ingo.Kausch@uk-sh.dePhotodynamic diagnosis in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and cumulative analysis of prospective studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology595-6065742009/12/17Aminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCystectomy*CystoscopyDisease-Free SurvivalEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm, ResidualPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/mortality/pathology/surgery2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20004052Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2000405210.1016/j.eururo.2009.11.041sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_8DRay201029(9, 10)292917Ray, E. R.Chatterton, K.Khan, M. S.Chandra, A.Thomas, K.Dasgupta, P.O'Brien, T. S.Department of Histopathology, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.Hexylaminolaevulinate fluorescence cystoscopy in patients previously treated with intravesical bacille Calmette-GuerinBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international789-9410562009/10/17Administration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useAntineoplastic Agents/therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/therapeutic useCystoscopy/*methods/standardsEpidemiologic MethodsFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*diagnosisPhotosensitizing Agents/*diagnostic useUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/drug therapy2010Mar1464-410X (Electronic) 1464-4096 (Linking)19832725Evaluation Studieshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1983272510.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.08839.xDraga201016516516517Draga, R. O.Grimbergen, M. C.Kok, E. T.Jonges, T. N.van Swol, C. F.Bosch, J. L.Department of Urology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. r.draga@umcutrecht.nlPhotodynamic diagnosis (5-aminolevulinic acid) of transitional cell carcinoma after bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy and mitomycin C intravesical therapyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology655-605742009/10/13Administration, IntravesicalAminolevulinic Acid/*diagnostic useAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBiopsyCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*diagnosis/pathology/*therapy*CystoscopyFalse Positive ReactionsFemaleHumansInflammation/chemically inducedLeukocyte CountLogistic ModelsMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsNeoplasm StagingNetherlandsOdds RatioPredictive Value of TestsPyuria/chemically inducedRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSensitivity and SpecificityTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/pathology/*therapyUrine/cytology2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19819064Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1981906410.1016/j.eururo.2009.09.037DRay201029(9, 10)292917Ray, E. R.Chatterton, K.Khan, M. S.Chandra, A.Thomas, K.Dasgupta, P.O'Brien, T. S.Department of Histopathology, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.Hexylaminolaevulinate fluorescence cystoscopy in patients previously treated with intravesical bacille Calmette-GuerinBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international789-9410562009/10/17Administration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useAntineoplastic Agents/therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/therapeutic useCystoscopy/*methods/standardsEpidemiologic MethodsFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*diagnosisPhotosensitizing Agents/*diagnostic useUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/drug therapy2010Mar1464-410X (Electronic) 1464-4096 (Linking)19832725Evaluation Studieshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1983272510.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.08839.xDraga201016516516517Draga, R. O.Grimbergen, M. C.Kok, E. T.Jonges, T. N.van Swol, C. F.Bosch, J. L.Department of Urology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. r.draga@umcutrecht.nlPhotodynamic diagnosis (5-aminolevulinic acid) of transitional cell carcinoma after bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy and mitomycin C intravesical therapyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology655-605742009/10/13Administration, IntravesicalAminolevulinic Acid/*diagnostic useAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBiopsyCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*diagnosis/pathology/*therapy*CystoscopyFalse Positive ReactionsFemaleHumansInflammation/chemically inducedLeukocyte CountLogistic ModelsMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsNeoplasm StagingNetherlandsOdds RatioPredictive Value of TestsPyuria/chemically inducedRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSensitivity and SpecificityTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/pathology/*therapyUrine/cytology2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19819064Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1981906410.1016/j.eururo.2009.09.037sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_9uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_10uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_11ƒ DKausch201060(8)606017Kausch, I.Sommerauer, M.Montorsi, F.Stenzl, A.Jacqmin, D.Jichlinski, P.Jocham, D.Ziegler, A.Vonthein, R.Department of Urology, University at Lubeck, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany. Ingo.Kausch@uk-sh.dePhotodynamic diagnosis in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and cumulative analysis of prospective studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology595-6065742009/12/17Aminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCystectomy*CystoscopyDisease-Free SurvivalEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm, ResidualPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/mortality/pathology/surgery2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20004052Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2000405210.1016/j.eururo.2009.11.041ƒ DKausch201060(8)606017Kausch, I.Sommerauer, M.Montorsi, F.Stenzl, A.Jacqmin, D.Jichlinski, P.Jocham, D.Ziegler, A.Vonthein, R.Department of Urology, University at Lubeck, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany. Ingo.Kausch@uk-sh.dePhotodynamic diagnosis in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and cumulative analysis of prospective studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology595-6065742009/12/17Aminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCystectomy*CystoscopyDisease-Free SurvivalEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm, ResidualPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/mortality/pathology/surgery2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20004052Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2000405210.1016/j.eururo.2009.11.041sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_8 DSchumacher201061(12)616117Schumacher, M. C.Holmang, S.Davidsson, T.Friedrich, B.Pedersen, J.Wiklund, N. P.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Urology, Stockholm, Sweden. Martin.Schumacher@ki.seTransurethral resection of non-muscle-invasive bladder transitional cell cancers with or without 5-aminolevulinic Acid under visible and fluorescent light: results of a prospective, randomised, multicentre studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology293-95722009/11/17AgedAminolevulinic Acid/*diagnostic useCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*pathology/*surgeryCystectomy/*methods*CystoscopyDouble-Blind MethodFemaleFluorescenceHumansMaleProspective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*surgery2010Feb1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19913351Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1991335110.1016/j.eururo.2009.10.030 DSchumacher201061(12)616117Schumacher, M. C.Holmang, S.Davidsson, T.Friedrich, B.Pedersen, J.Wiklund, N. P.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Urology, Stockholm, Sweden. Martin.Schumacher@ki.seTransurethral resection of non-muscle-invasive bladder transitional cell cancers with or without 5-aminolevulinic Acid under visible and fluorescent light: results of a prospective, randomised, multicentre studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology293-95722009/11/17AgedAminolevulinic Acid/*diagnostic useCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*pathology/*surgeryCystectomy/*methods*CystoscopyDouble-Blind MethodFemaleFluorescenceHumansMaleProspective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*surgery2010Feb1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19913351Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1991335110.1016/j.eururo.2009.10.030uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_12ĺDStenzl201063(13)636317Stenzl, A.Burger, M.Fradet, Y.Mynderse, L. A.Soloway, M. S.Witjes, J. A.Kriegmair, M.Karl, A.Shen, Y.Grossman, H. B.Department of Urology, University Hospital, Tubingen, Germany.Hexaminolevulinate guided fluorescence cystoscopy reduces recurrence in patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancerJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1907-1318452010/09/21AgedAminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCarbon Radioisotopes/*diagnostic useCystoscopy/*methodsFemaleFluorescenceHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/*surgery2010Nov1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)20850152Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2085015210.1016/j.juro.2010.06.148ĺDStenzl201063(13)636317Stenzl, A.Burger, M.Fradet, Y.Mynderse, L. A.Soloway, M. S.Witjes, J. A.Kriegmair, M.Karl, A.Shen, Y.Grossman, H. B.Department of Urology, University Hospital, Tubingen, Germany.Hexaminolevulinate guided fluorescence cystoscopy reduces recurrence in patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancerJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1907-1318452010/09/21AgedAminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCarbon Radioisotopes/*diagnostic useCystoscopy/*methodsFemaleFluorescenceHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/*surgery2010Nov1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)20850152Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2085015210.1016/j.juro.2010.06.148uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_13ă DWitjes2010164(14)16416417Witjes, J. A.Redorta, J. P.Jacqmin, D.Sofras, F.Malmstrom, P. U.Riedl, C.Jocham, D.Conti, G.Montorsi, F.Arentsen, H. C.Zaak, D.Mostafid, A. H.Babjuk, M.UMC St Radboud, Netherlands, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. F.Witjes@uro.umcn.nlHexaminolevulinate-guided fluorescence cystoscopy in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: review of the evidence and recommendationsEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology607-145742010/02/02Aminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCystectomy*CystoscopyDisease-Free SurvivalEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm, ResidualPatient SelectionPredictive Value of TestsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/mortality/pathology/surgery2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20116164Practice Guideline Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2011616410.1016/j.eururo.2010.01.025ă DWitjes2010164(14)16416417Witjes, J. A.Redorta, J. P.Jacqmin, D.Sofras, F.Malmstrom, P. 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F.Witjes@uro.umcn.nlHexaminolevulinate-guided fluorescence cystoscopy in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: review of the evidence and recommendationsEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology607-145742010/02/02Aminolevulinic Acid/*analogs & derivatives/diagnostic useCystectomy*CystoscopyDisease-Free SurvivalEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm, ResidualPatient SelectionPredictive Value of TestsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*diagnosis/mortality/pathology/surgery2010Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20116164Practice Guideline Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2011616410.1016/j.eururo.2010.01.025uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_14DCauberg201143(15, 16)434317Cauberg, E. C.Mamoulakis, C.de la Rosette, J. J.de Reijke, T. M.Department of Urology, Academic Medical Center, P.O. box 22660, 1100 DD, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. e.c.cauberg@amc.nlNarrow band imaging-assisted transurethral resection for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer significantly reduces residual tumour rateWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology503-92942011/02/26AgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma/pathology/*surgeryCohort StudiesCystoscopy/*methodsFemaleHumansIncidenceLightMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm, Residual/epidemiologyProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/*methodsUrothelium/*pathology2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21350871Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21350871314332910.1007/s00345-011-0659-2Shen201150505017Shen, Y. J.Zhu, Y. P.Ye, D. W.Yao, X. D.Zhang, S. L.Dai, B.Zhang, H. 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M.Department of Urology, Academic Medical Center, P.O. box 22660, 1100 DD, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. e.c.cauberg@amc.nlNarrow band imaging-assisted transurethral resection for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer significantly reduces residual tumour rateWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology503-92942011/02/26AgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma/pathology/*surgeryCohort StudiesCystoscopy/*methodsFemaleHumansIncidenceLightMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm, Residual/epidemiologyProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/*methodsUrothelium/*pathology2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21350871Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21350871314332910.1007/s00345-011-0659-2Shen201150505017Shen, Y. J.Zhu, Y. P.Ye, D. W.Yao, X. D.Zhang, S. L.Dai, B.Zhang, H. L.Zhu, Y.Department of Urology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, 270 Dong An Road, Shanghai, 200032, China.Narrow-band imaging flexible cystoscopy in the detection of primary non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a "second look" matters?Int Urol NephrolInternational urology and nephrologyInt Urol NephrolInternational urology and nephrologyInt Urol NephrolInternational urology and nephrology2011/07/282011Jul 271573-2584 (Electronic) 0301-1623 (Linking)21792663http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2179266310.1007/s11255-011-0036-5uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_15uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_16ďDKulkarni2010178(17, 18)17817817Kulkarni, G. S.Hakenberg, O. W.Gschwend, J. E.Thalmann, G.Kassouf, W.Kamat, A.Zlotta, A.Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada. girish1975@gmail.comAn updated critical analysis of the treatment strategy for newly diagnosed high-grade T1 (previously T1G3) bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology60-705712009/09/11Administration, IntravesicalAlgorithmsAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effects/methodsDisease ProgressionEvidence-Based MedicineHumansLymphatic MetastasisNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionRisk AssessmentTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/mortality/secondary/*therapy2010Jan1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19740595Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1974059510.1016/j.eururo.2009.08.024Fritsche201017717717717Fritsche, H. 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F.Caritas-St. Josef Medical Centre, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.Characteristics and outcomes of patients with clinical T1 grade 3 urothelial carcinoma treated with radical cystectomy: results from an international cohortEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology300-95722009/09/22AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*pathology/*surgeryCohort Studies*CystectomyFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*surgery2010Feb1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19766384Multicenter Study Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1976638410.1016/j.eururo.2009.09.024ďDKulkarni2010178(17, 18)17817817Kulkarni, G. S.Hakenberg, O. W.Gschwend, J. E.Thalmann, G.Kassouf, W.Kamat, A.Zlotta, A.Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada. girish1975@gmail.comAn updated critical analysis of the treatment strategy for newly diagnosed high-grade T1 (previously T1G3) bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology60-705712009/09/11Administration, IntravesicalAlgorithmsAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effects/methodsDisease ProgressionEvidence-Based MedicineHumansLymphatic MetastasisNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionRisk AssessmentTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/mortality/secondary/*therapy2010Jan1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19740595Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1974059510.1016/j.eururo.2009.08.024Fritsche201017717717717Fritsche, H. M.Burger, M.Svatek, R. S.Jeldres, C.Karakiewicz, P. I.Novara, G.Skinner, E.Denzinger, S.Fradet, Y.Isbarn, H.Bastian, P. J.Volkmer, B. G.Montorsi, F.Kassouf, W.Tilki, D.Otto, W.Capitanio, U.Izawa, J. I.Ficarra, V.Lerner, S.Sagalowsky, A. I.Schoenberg, M.Kamat, A.Dinney, C. P.Lotan, Y.Shariat, S. F.Caritas-St. Josef Medical Centre, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.Characteristics and outcomes of patients with clinical T1 grade 3 urothelial carcinoma treated with radical cystectomy: results from an international cohortEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology300-95722009/09/22AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*pathology/*surgeryCohort Studies*CystectomyFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*surgery2010Feb1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19766384Multicenter Study Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1976638410.1016/j.eururo.2009.09.024uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_17uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_18%#DGrimm2003166(19-22)16616617Grimm, M. O.Steinhoff, C.Simon, X.Spiegelhalder, P.Ackermann, R.Vogeli, T. A.Department of Urology, Heinrich-Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany.Effect of routine repeat transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer: a long-term observational studyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology433-71702 Pt 12003/07/11AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*surgeryNeoplasm, ResidualReoperationRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgery2003Aug0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12853793http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1285379310.1097/01.ju.0000070437.14275.e0Divrik200616816816817Divrik, R. T.Yildirim, U.Zorlu, F.Ozen, H.Department of Urology, SB Tepecik Research and Teaching Hospital, Izmir, Turkey. t.divrik@superonline.com.trThe effect of repeat transurethral resection on recurrence and progression rates in patients with T1 tumors of the bladder who received intravesical mitomycin: a prospective, randomized clinical trialJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1641-417552006/04/08Administration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgeryCombined Modality TherapyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesReoperationUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2006May0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)16600720Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1660072010.1016/S0022-5347(05)01002-5Divrik201067676717Divrik, R. T.Sahin, A. F.Yildirim, U.Altok, M.Zorlu, F.Department of Urology, SB Tepecik Research and Training Hospital, Yenisehir, Izmir, Turkey. t.divrik@gmail.comImpact of routine second transurethral resection on the long-term outcome of patients with newly diagnosed pT1 urothelial carcinoma with respect to recurrence, progression rate, and disease-specific survival: a prospective randomised clinical trialEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology185-905822010/03/23AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/mortality/pathology/*surgeryCystectomy/methodsDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*surgeryNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesReoperationSurvival RateTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrethraUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/mortality/pathology/*surgery2010Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20303646Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2030364610.1016/j.eururo.2010.03.007Dalbagni200917017017017Dalbagni, G.Vora, K.Kaag, M.Cronin, A.Bochner, B.Donat, S. M.Herr, H. W.Division of Urology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA. dalbagng@mskcc.orgClinical outcome in a contemporary series of restaged patients with clinical T1 bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology903-105662009/07/28AgedCystectomy/*mortalityDatabases, FactualFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Staging/*mortalityPopulation SurveillanceRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*mortality/*pathology/surgery2009Dec1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19632765Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1963276510.1016/j.eururo.2009.07.005%#DGrimm2003166(19-22)16616617Grimm, M. O.Steinhoff, C.Simon, X.Spiegelhalder, P.Ackermann, R.Vogeli, T. A.Department of Urology, Heinrich-Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany.Effect of routine repeat transurethral resection for superficial bladder cancer: a long-term observational studyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology433-71702 Pt 12003/07/11AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*surgeryNeoplasm, ResidualReoperationRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgery2003Aug0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12853793http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1285379310.1097/01.ju.0000070437.14275.e0Divrik200616816816817Divrik, R. T.Yildirim, U.Zorlu, F.Ozen, H.Department of Urology, SB Tepecik Research and Teaching Hospital, Izmir, Turkey. t.divrik@superonline.com.trThe effect of repeat transurethral resection on recurrence and progression rates in patients with T1 tumors of the bladder who received intravesical mitomycin: a prospective, randomized clinical trialJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1641-417552006/04/08Administration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgeryCombined Modality TherapyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesReoperationUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2006May0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)16600720Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1660072010.1016/S0022-5347(05)01002-5Divrik201067676717Divrik, R. T.Sahin, A. F.Yildirim, U.Altok, M.Zorlu, F.Department of Urology, SB Tepecik Research and Training Hospital, Yenisehir, Izmir, Turkey. t.divrik@gmail.comImpact of routine second transurethral resection on the long-term outcome of patients with newly diagnosed pT1 urothelial carcinoma with respect to recurrence, progression rate, and disease-specific survival: a prospective randomised clinical trialEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology185-905822010/03/23AdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/mortality/pathology/*surgeryCystectomy/methodsDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*surgeryNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesReoperationSurvival RateTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrethraUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/mortality/pathology/*surgery2010Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20303646Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2030364610.1016/j.eururo.2010.03.007Dalbagni200917017017017Dalbagni, G.Vora, K.Kaag, M.Cronin, A.Bochner, B.Donat, S. M.Herr, H. W.Division of Urology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA. dalbagng@mskcc.orgClinical outcome in a contemporary series of restaged patients with clinical T1 bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology903-105662009/07/28AgedCystectomy/*mortalityDatabases, FactualFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Staging/*mortalityPopulation SurveillanceRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*mortality/*pathology/surgery2009Dec1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19632765Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1963276510.1016/j.eururo.2009.07.005uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_19] DSylvester200671(23)717117Sylvester, R. J.van der Meijden, A. P.Oosterlinck, W.Witjes, J. A.Bouffioux, C.Denis, L.Newling, D. 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W.Kurth, K.EORTC Data Center, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.bePredicting recurrence and progression in individual patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer using EORTC risk tables: a combined analysis of 2596 patients from seven EORTC trialsEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology466-5; discussion 475-74932006/01/31AgedClinical Trials as Topic*Decision Support TechniquesDisease ProgressionFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*pathologyPrognosisRisk FactorsStatistics as TopicTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/therapyUrologic Surgical Procedures2006Mar0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)16442208Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1644220810.1016/j.eururo.2005.12.031uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_23uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_24ăDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ ŕÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ rhttp://www.eortc.be/tools/bladdercalculator/yXô;HŻ,‚]ą'cĽŤoDvan Rhijn2010179(25)17917917van Rhijn, B. W.Zuiverloon, T. C.Vis, A. N.Radvanyi, F.van Leenders, G. J.Ooms, B. C.Kirkels, W. J.Lockwood, G. A.Boeve, E. R.Jobsis, A. C.Zwarthoff, E. C.van der Kwast, T. H.Department of Urology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. basvanrhijn@hotmail.comMolecular grade (FGFR3/MIB-1) and EORTC risk scores are predictive in primary non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology433-415832010/07/22AgedFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPrognosisRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/genetics/*pathology2010Sep1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20646825Multicenter Study Validation Studieshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2064682510.1016/j.eururo.2010.05.043oDvan Rhijn2010179(25)17917917van Rhijn, B. W.Zuiverloon, T. C.Vis, A. N.Radvanyi, F.van Leenders, G. J.Ooms, B. C.Kirkels, W. J.Lockwood, G. A.Boeve, E. R.Jobsis, A. C.Zwarthoff, E. C.van der Kwast, T. H.Department of Urology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. basvanrhijn@hotmail.comMolecular grade (FGFR3/MIB-1) and EORTC risk scores are predictive in primary non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology433-415832010/07/22AgedFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPrognosisRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/genetics/*pathology2010Sep1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20646825Multicenter Study Validation Studieshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2064682510.1016/j.eururo.2010.05.043uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_25×DFernandez-Gomez200972(26, 27)727217Fernandez-Gomez, J.Madero, R.Solsona, E.Unda, M.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Gonzalez, M.Portillo, J.Ojea, A.Pertusa, C.Rodriguez-Molina, J.Camacho, J. E.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Montesinos, M.Isorna, S.Muntanola, P.Gimeno, A.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Department of Urology, Hospital Central of Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain. jmfernandezgomez@telefonica.netPredicting nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer recurrence and progression in patients treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: the CUETO scoring modelJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2195-20318252009/09/18Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedModels, StatisticalNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*epidemiologyPrognosisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*epidemiology/pathology2009Nov1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)19758621http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1975862110.1016/j.juro.2009.07.016Fernandez-Gomez201114141417Fernandez-Gomez, J.Madero, R.Solsona, E.Unda, M.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Ojea, A.Portillo, J.Montesinos, M.Gonzalez, M.Pertusa, C.Rodriguez-Molina, J.Camacho, J. E.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Isorna, S.Muntanola, P.Gimeno, A.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Club Urologico Espanol de Tratamiento, OncologicoDepartment of Urology, Hospital Central of Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain. jmfernandezgomez23@gmail.comThe EORTC tables overestimate the risk of recurrence and progression in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: external validation of the EORTC risk tablesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology423-306032011/05/31Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDiscriminant AnalysisDisease ProgressionHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateMiddle AgedNeoplasm Invasiveness*Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicReproducibility of ResultsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSpainTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/immunology/pathology/*therapy2011Sep1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21621906Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Validation Studieshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2162190610.1016/j.eururo.2011.05.033×DFernandez-Gomez200972(26, 27)727217Fernandez-Gomez, J.Madero, R.Solsona, E.Unda, M.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Gonzalez, M.Portillo, J.Ojea, A.Pertusa, C.Rodriguez-Molina, J.Camacho, J. E.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Montesinos, M.Isorna, S.Muntanola, P.Gimeno, A.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Department of Urology, Hospital Central of Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain. jmfernandezgomez@telefonica.netPredicting nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer recurrence and progression in patients treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: the CUETO scoring modelJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2195-20318252009/09/18Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedModels, StatisticalNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*epidemiologyPrognosisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*epidemiology/pathology2009Nov1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)19758621http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1975862110.1016/j.juro.2009.07.016Fernandez-Gomez201114141417Fernandez-Gomez, J.Madero, R.Solsona, E.Unda, M.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Ojea, A.Portillo, J.Montesinos, M.Gonzalez, M.Pertusa, C.Rodriguez-Molina, J.Camacho, J. E.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Isorna, S.Muntanola, P.Gimeno, A.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Club Urologico Espanol de Tratamiento, OncologicoDepartment of Urology, Hospital Central of Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain. jmfernandezgomez23@gmail.comThe EORTC tables overestimate the risk of recurrence and progression in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: external validation of the EORTC risk tablesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology423-306032011/05/31Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDiscriminant AnalysisDisease ProgressionHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateMiddle AgedNeoplasm Invasiveness*Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicReproducibility of ResultsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSpainTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/immunology/pathology/*therapy2011Sep1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21621906Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Validation Studieshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2162190610.1016/j.eururo.2011.05.033uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_26uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_27 DChade201075(28, 29)757517Chade, D. C.Shariat, S. F.Godoy, G.Savage, C. J.Cronin, A. M.Bochner, B. H.Donat, S. M.Herr, H. W.Dalbagni, G.Urology Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, USA.Clinical outcomes of primary bladder carcinoma in situ in a contemporary seriesJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology74-8018412010/06/16AgedBCG Vaccine/therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/*pathology/therapyCombined Modality TherapyCystectomyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansLogistic ModelsMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm MetastasisNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalProportional Hazards ModelsRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/therapy2010Jul1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)20546806Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054680610.1016/j.juro.2010.03.032Lerner200913713713717Lerner, S. P.Tangen, C. M.Sucharew, H.Wood, D.Crawford, E. D.Scott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. slerner@bcm.tmc.eduFailure to achieve a complete response to induction BCG therapy is associated with increased risk of disease worsening and death in patients with high risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancerUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncology155-92722008/03/28AgedBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleHumansImmunotherapy/methodsMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm InvasivenessPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsRegression AnalysisRiskTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*mortality/pathology2009Mar-Apr1078-1439 (Print) 1078-1439 (Linking)18367117Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18367117269596810.1016/j.urolonc.2007.11.033 DChade201075(28, 29)757517Chade, D. C.Shariat, S. F.Godoy, G.Savage, C. J.Cronin, A. M.Bochner, B. H.Donat, S. M.Herr, H. W.Dalbagni, G.Urology Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, USA.Clinical outcomes of primary bladder carcinoma in situ in a contemporary seriesJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology74-8018412010/06/16AgedBCG Vaccine/therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/*pathology/therapyCombined Modality TherapyCystectomyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansLogistic ModelsMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm MetastasisNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalProportional Hazards ModelsRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/therapy2010Jul1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)20546806Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054680610.1016/j.juro.2010.03.032Lerner200913713713717Lerner, S. P.Tangen, C. M.Sucharew, H.Wood, D.Crawford, E. D.Scott Department of Urology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. slerner@bcm.tmc.eduFailure to achieve a complete response to induction BCG therapy is associated with increased risk of disease worsening and death in patients with high risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancerUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncology155-92722008/03/28AgedBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleHumansImmunotherapy/methodsMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm InvasivenessPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsRegression AnalysisRiskTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*mortality/pathology2009Mar-Apr1078-1439 (Print) 1078-1439 (Linking)18367117Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18367117269596810.1016/j.urolonc.2007.11.033uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_28uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_29uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_30o DBrausi200256(3)565617Brausi, M.Collette, L.Kurth, K.van der Meijden, A. 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J.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Collaborative GroupInstitute Sant'Agostino, Estense, Modena, Italy.Variability in the recurrence rate at first follow-up cystoscopy after TUR in stage Ta T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a combined analysis of seven EORTC studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology523-314152002/06/21AgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/pathology/*surgeryClinical Trials, Phase III as TopicCystoscopyHumansMaleMiddle Aged*Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/diagnosis/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPrognosisQuality of Health CareTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures, Male2002May0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12074794Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12074794o DBrausi200256(3)565617Brausi, M.Collette, L.Kurth, K.van der Meijden, A. P.Oosterlinck, W.Witjes, J. A.Newling, D.Bouffioux, C.Sylvester, R. J.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Collaborative GroupInstitute Sant'Agostino, Estense, Modena, Italy.Variability in the recurrence rate at first follow-up cystoscopy after TUR in stage Ta T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a combined analysis of seven EORTC studiesEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology523-314152002/06/21AgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/pathology/*surgeryClinical Trials, Phase III as TopicCystoscopyHumansMaleMiddle Aged*Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/diagnosis/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPrognosisQuality of Health CareTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures, Male2002May0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12074794Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12074794sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_3ÇDSylvester200481(31)818117Sylvester, R. J.Oosterlinck, W.van der Meijden, A. P.European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, the Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, Belgium. rsy@eortc.beA single immediate postoperative instillation of chemotherapy decreases the risk of recurrence in patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2186-90, quiz 24351716 Pt 12004/05/06Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosageCombined Modality TherapyHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlNeoplasm StagingPostoperative CareRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicRisk FactorsTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2004Jun0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)15126782Meta-Analysis Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15126782ÇDSylvester200481(31)818117Sylvester, R. J.Oosterlinck, W.van der Meijden, A. P.European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, the Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, Belgium. rsy@eortc.beA single immediate postoperative instillation of chemotherapy decreases the risk of recurrence in patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2186-90, quiz 24351716 Pt 12004/05/06Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosageCombined Modality TherapyHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlNeoplasm StagingPostoperative CareRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicRisk FactorsTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2004Jun0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)15126782Meta-Analysis Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15126782uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_31A+DDe Nunzio2011221(32-35)22122117De Nunzio, C.Carbone, A.Albisinni, S.Alpi, G.Cantiani, A.Liberti, M.Tubaro, A.Iori, F.Department of Urology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. cosimodenunzio@virgilio.itLong-term experience with early single mitomycin C instillations in patients with low-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: prospective, single-centre randomised trialWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology517-212942011/05/20Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/prevention & control/surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21594708Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2159470810.1007/s00345-011-0691-2De Nunzio201122122122117De Nunzio, C.Carbone, A.Albisinni, S.Alpi, G.Cantiani, A.Liberti, M.Tubaro, A.Iori, F.Department of Urology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. cosimodenunzio@virgilio.itLong-term experience with early single mitomycin C instillations in patients with low-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: prospective, single-centre randomised trialWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology517-212942011/05/20Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/prevention & control/surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21594708Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2159470810.1007/s00345-011-0691-2Berrum-Svennung200883838317Berrum-Svennung, I.Granfors, T.Jahnson, S.Boman, H.Holmang, S.Department of Urology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden.A single instillation of epirubicin after transurethral resection of bladder tumors prevents only small recurrencesJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology101-5; discussion 105-617912007/11/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage*Cystectomy/methodsEpirubicin/*administration & dosageFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesUrethraUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*surgery2008Jan1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)17997459Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1799745910.1016/j.juro.2007.08.166Gudjonsson200985858517Gudjonsson, S.Adell, L.Merdasa, F.Olsson, R.Larsson, B.Davidsson, T.Richthoff, J.Hagberg, G.Grabe, M.Bendahl, P. O.Mansson, W.Liedberg, F.Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Sgudjonsson@hotmail.comShould all patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer receive early intravesical chemotherapy after transurethral resection? The results of a prospective randomised multicentre studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology773-805542009/01/21Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyEpirubicin/*therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPostoperative CareProspective StudiesTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2009Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19153001Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1915300110.1016/j.eururo.2009.01.006Jung201113131317Jung, S. J.Chang, H. S.Park, C. H.Kim, C. I.Kim, B. H.Department of Urology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.Effectiveness of an immediate mitomycin C instillation in patients with superficial bladder cancer receiving periodic mitomycin C instillationKorean J UrolKorean journal of urologyKorean J UrolKorean journal of urologyKorean J UrolKorean journal of urology323-65252011/06/212011May2005-6745 (Electronic) 2005-6737 (Linking)21687391http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21687391310616410.4111/kju.2011.52.5.323A+DDe Nunzio2011221(32-35)22122117De Nunzio, C.Carbone, A.Albisinni, S.Alpi, G.Cantiani, A.Liberti, M.Tubaro, A.Iori, F.Department of Urology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. cosimodenunzio@virgilio.itLong-term experience with early single mitomycin C instillations in patients with low-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: prospective, single-centre randomised trialWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology517-212942011/05/20Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/prevention & control/surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21594708Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2159470810.1007/s00345-011-0691-2De Nunzio201122122122117De Nunzio, C.Carbone, A.Albisinni, S.Alpi, G.Cantiani, A.Liberti, M.Tubaro, A.Iori, F.Department of Urology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. cosimodenunzio@virgilio.itLong-term experience with early single mitomycin C instillations in patients with low-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: prospective, single-centre randomised trialWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology517-212942011/05/20Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/prevention & control/surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21594708Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2159470810.1007/s00345-011-0691-2Berrum-Svennung200883838317Berrum-Svennung, I.Granfors, T.Jahnson, S.Boman, H.Holmang, S.Department of Urology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden.A single instillation of epirubicin after transurethral resection of bladder tumors prevents only small recurrencesJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology101-5; discussion 105-617912007/11/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage*Cystectomy/methodsEpirubicin/*administration & dosageFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesUrethraUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*surgery2008Jan1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)17997459Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1799745910.1016/j.juro.2007.08.166Gudjonsson200985858517Gudjonsson, S.Adell, L.Merdasa, F.Olsson, R.Larsson, B.Davidsson, T.Richthoff, J.Hagberg, G.Grabe, M.Bendahl, P. O.Mansson, W.Liedberg, F.Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Sgudjonsson@hotmail.comShould all patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer receive early intravesical chemotherapy after transurethral resection? The results of a prospective randomised multicentre studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology773-805542009/01/21Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyEpirubicin/*therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPostoperative CareProspective StudiesTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2009Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19153001Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1915300110.1016/j.eururo.2009.01.006Jung201113131317Jung, S. J.Chang, H. S.Park, C. H.Kim, C. I.Kim, B. H.Department of Urology, Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea.Effectiveness of an immediate mitomycin C instillation in patients with superficial bladder cancer receiving periodic mitomycin C instillationKorean J UrolKorean journal of urologyKorean J UrolKorean journal of urologyKorean J UrolKorean journal of urology323-65252011/06/212011May2005-6745 (Electronic) 2005-6737 (Linking)21687391http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21687391310616410.4111/kju.2011.52.5.323uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_32sDGudjonsson200985(32, 34)858517Gudjonsson, S.Adell, L.Merdasa, F.Olsson, R.Larsson, B.Davidsson, T.Richthoff, J.Hagberg, G.Grabe, M.Bendahl, P. O.Mansson, W.Liedberg, F.Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Sgudjonsson@hotmail.comShould all patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer receive early intravesical chemotherapy after transurethral resection? The results of a prospective randomised multicentre studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology773-805542009/01/21Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyEpirubicin/*therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPostoperative CareProspective StudiesTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2009Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19153001Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1915300110.1016/j.eururo.2009.01.006De Nunzio201122122122117De Nunzio, C.Carbone, A.Albisinni, S.Alpi, G.Cantiani, A.Liberti, M.Tubaro, A.Iori, F.Department of Urology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. cosimodenunzio@virgilio.itLong-term experience with early single mitomycin C instillations in patients with low-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: prospective, single-centre randomised trialWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology517-212942011/05/20Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/prevention & control/surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21594708Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2159470810.1007/s00345-011-0691-2sDGudjonsson200985(32, 34)858517Gudjonsson, S.Adell, L.Merdasa, F.Olsson, R.Larsson, B.Davidsson, T.Richthoff, J.Hagberg, G.Grabe, M.Bendahl, P. O.Mansson, W.Liedberg, F.Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Sgudjonsson@hotmail.comShould all patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer receive early intravesical chemotherapy after transurethral resection? The results of a prospective randomised multicentre studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology773-805542009/01/21Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyEpirubicin/*therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm InvasivenessPostoperative CareProspective StudiesTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2009Apr1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19153001Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1915300110.1016/j.eururo.2009.01.006De Nunzio201122122122117De Nunzio, C.Carbone, A.Albisinni, S.Alpi, G.Cantiani, A.Liberti, M.Tubaro, A.Iori, F.Department of Urology, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. cosimodenunzio@virgilio.itLong-term experience with early single mitomycin C instillations in patients with low-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: prospective, single-centre randomised trialWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urologyWorld J UrolWorld journal of urology517-212942011/05/20Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/prevention & control/surgeryUrologic Surgical Procedures/methods2011Aug1433-8726 (Electronic) 0724-4983 (Linking)21594708Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2159470810.1007/s00345-011-0691-2uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_32uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_34‰ DKaasinen200286(36)868617Kaasinen, E.Rintala, E.Hellstrom, P.Viitanen, J.Juusela, H.Rajala, P.Korhonen, H.Liukkonen, T.FinnBladder, GroupHyvinkaa Hospital, Hyvinkaa, Finland. eero.kaasinen@jarvenpaa.fimnet.fiFactors explaining recurrence in patients undergoing chemoimmunotherapy regimens for frequently recurring superficial bladder carcinomaEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology167-744222002/08/06Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*etiology/prevention & controlPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*prevention & control2002Aug0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12160589Clinical Trial Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12160589‰ DKaasinen200286(36)868617Kaasinen, E.Rintala, E.Hellstrom, P.Viitanen, J.Juusela, H.Rajala, P.Korhonen, H.Liukkonen, T.FinnBladder, GroupHyvinkaa Hospital, Hyvinkaa, Finland. eero.kaasinen@jarvenpaa.fimnet.fiFactors explaining recurrence in patients undergoing chemoimmunotherapy regimens for frequently recurring superficial bladder carcinomaEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology167-744222002/08/06Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*etiology/prevention & controlPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*prevention & control2002Aug0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12160589Clinical Trial Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12160589uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_36uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_37ODChamie20118(38)8817Chamie, K.Saigal, C. S.Lai, J.Hanley, J. M.Setodji, C. M.Konety, B. R.Litwin, M. S.Urologic Diseases in America, ProjectDepartment of Urology, Health Services Research Group, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA. kchamie@mednet.ucla.eduCompliance with guidelines for patients with bladder cancer: variation in the delivery of careCancerCancerCancerCancerCancerCancer5392-401117232011/07/23AgedAged, 80 and over*Delivery of Health CareFemale*Guideline AdherenceHumansLogistic ModelsMaleUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*therapy2011Dec 11097-0142 (Electronic) 0008-543X (Linking)21780079Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21780079320614510.1002/cncr.26198ODChamie20118(38)8817Chamie, K.Saigal, C. S.Lai, J.Hanley, J. M.Setodji, C. M.Konety, B. R.Litwin, M. S.Urologic Diseases in America, ProjectDepartment of Urology, Health Services Research Group, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA. kchamie@mednet.ucla.eduCompliance with guidelines for patients with bladder cancer: variation in the delivery of careCancerCancerCancerCancerCancerCancer5392-401117232011/07/23AgedAged, 80 and over*Delivery of Health CareFemale*Guideline AdherenceHumansLogistic ModelsMaleUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*therapy2011Dec 11097-0142 (Electronic) 0008-543X (Linking)21780079Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21780079320614510.1002/cncr.26198uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_38‰ DKaasinen200286(36)868617Kaasinen, E.Rintala, E.Hellstrom, P.Viitanen, J.Juusela, H.Rajala, P.Korhonen, H.Liukkonen, T.FinnBladder, GroupHyvinkaa Hospital, Hyvinkaa, Finland. eero.kaasinen@jarvenpaa.fimnet.fiFactors explaining recurrence in patients undergoing chemoimmunotherapy regimens for frequently recurring superficial bladder carcinomaEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology167-744222002/08/06Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*etiology/prevention & controlPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*prevention & control2002Aug0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12160589Clinical Trial Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12160589‰ DKaasinen200286(36)868617Kaasinen, E.Rintala, E.Hellstrom, P.Viitanen, J.Juusela, H.Rajala, P.Korhonen, H.Liukkonen, T.FinnBladder, GroupHyvinkaa Hospital, Hyvinkaa, Finland. eero.kaasinen@jarvenpaa.fimnet.fiFactors explaining recurrence in patients undergoing chemoimmunotherapy regimens for frequently recurring superficial bladder carcinomaEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology167-744222002/08/06Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*etiology/prevention & controlPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/*prevention & control2002Aug0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)12160589Clinical Trial Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12160589uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_36K DHendricksen2008223(39)22322317Hendricksen, K.Witjes, W. 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P.European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, the Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, Belgium. rsy@eortc.beA single immediate postoperative instillation of chemotherapy decreases the risk of recurrence in patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of published results of randomized clinical trialsThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ Urol2186-90, quiz 24351716 Pt 12004/05/06Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosageCombined Modality TherapyHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology/*prevention & controlNeoplasm StagingPostoperative CareRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicRisk FactorsTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/epidemiology/pathology/*surgery2004Jun0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)15126782Meta-Analysis Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1512678200005392-200406000-00018 [pii]eng1 DSylvester200441(41)414117Sylvester, R. 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Study GroupDepartment of Urology, Helios Agnes Karll Hospital, Bad Schwartau, Germany.Single postoperative instillation of gemcitabine in patients with non-muscle-invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III multicentre studyEuropean urologyEuropean urologyEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur Urol495-5035632009/06/30Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntimetabolites, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/surgeryCombined Modality TherapyDeoxycytidine/administration & dosage/*analogs & derivativesDouble-Blind MethodFemaleHumansMale*Postoperative CareUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/surgery2009Sep1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19560257Clinical Trial, Phase III Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1956025710.1016/j.eururo.2009.06.010uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_42šDOnishi201142(43)424217Onishi, T.Sasaki, T.Hoshina, A.Yabana, T.Department of Urology, Yamada Red Cross Hospital, Ise, Mie, Japan.takehisa@yamada.jrc.or.jpContinuous saline bladder irrigation after transurethral resection is a prophylactic treatment choice for non-muscle invasive bladder tumorAnticancer ResAnticancer researchAnticancer ResAnticancer researchAnticancer ResAnticancer research1471-43142011/04/22Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/*surgeryFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMitomycin/administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlPrognosisRetrospective StudiesSodium Chloride/*administration & dosage*Therapeutic IrrigationUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/drug therapy/*surgery*Urologic Surgical Procedures2011Apr1791-7530 (Electronic) 0250-7005 (Linking)21508405http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21508405šDOnishi201142(43)424217Onishi, T.Sasaki, T.Hoshina, A.Yabana, T.Department of Urology, Yamada Red Cross Hospital, Ise, Mie, Japan.takehisa@yamada.jrc.or.jpContinuous saline bladder irrigation after transurethral resection is a prophylactic treatment choice for non-muscle invasive bladder tumorAnticancer ResAnticancer researchAnticancer ResAnticancer researchAnticancer ResAnticancer research1471-43142011/04/22Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/*surgeryFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMitomycin/administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlPrognosisRetrospective StudiesSodium Chloride/*administration & dosage*Therapeutic IrrigationUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/drug therapy/*surgery*Urologic Surgical Procedures2011Apr1791-7530 (Electronic) 0250-7005 (Linking)21508405http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21508405uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_43Ą DEngeler2008181(44)18118117Engeler, D. S.Wyler, S.Neyer, M.Hobi, C.Muller, J.Schmid, H. P.Department of Urology, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland. daniel.engeler@kssg.chFeasibility of early intravesical instillation chemotherapy after transurethral resection of the bladder: a prospective evaluation in a consecutive series of 210 casesScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrology522-74262008/07/09Administration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBiopsyChemotherapy, AdjuvantCystectomy/*methodsCystoscopyDose-Response Relationship, DrugEpirubicin/*administration & dosageFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansIncidenceInstillation, DrugMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPostoperative Care/methodsProspective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/surgeryYoung Adult20080036-5599 (Print) 0036-5599 (Linking)18609290Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1860929010.1080/00365590802133099Ą DEngeler2008181(44)18118117Engeler, D. 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P.Department of Urology, St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland. daniel.engeler@kssg.chFeasibility of early intravesical instillation chemotherapy after transurethral resection of the bladder: a prospective evaluation in a consecutive series of 210 casesScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrologyScand J Urol NephrolScandinavian journal of urology and nephrology522-74262008/07/09Administration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBiopsyChemotherapy, AdjuvantCystectomy/*methodsCystoscopyDose-Response Relationship, DrugEpirubicin/*administration & dosageFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansIncidenceInstillation, DrugMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiologyNeoplasm StagingPostoperative Care/methodsProspective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/surgeryYoung Adult20080036-5599 (Print) 0036-5599 (Linking)18609290Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1860929010.1080/00365590802133099uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_44‡ DPawinski199689(45)898917Pawinski, A.Sylvester, R.Kurth, K. 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R.Micali, F.Vespasiani, G.Department of Surgery/Urology, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. sdistas@tin.itElectromotive instillation of mitomycin immediately before transurethral resection for patients with primary urothelial non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a randomised controlled trialLancet OncolThe lancet oncologyLancet OncolThe lancet oncologyLancet OncolThe lancet oncology871-91292011/08/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/*drug therapy/mortality/secondary/surgeryChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDisease-Free SurvivalElectrochemotherapyFemaleHumansItalyMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsNeoadjuvant TherapyNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingProportional Hazards ModelsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSurvival AnalysisSurvival RateTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder/*drug effects/pathology/surgeryUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryUrothelium/*drug effects/pathology/surgery2011Sep1474-5488 (Electronic) 1470-2045 (Linking)21831711Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2183171110.1016/S1470-2045(11)70190-5Di Stasi201116161617Di Stasi, S. 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M.Valenti, M.Verri, C.Liberati, E.Giurioli, A.Leprini, G.Masedu, F.Ricci, A. R.Micali, F.Vespasiani, G.Department of Surgery/Urology, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. sdistas@tin.itElectromotive instillation of mitomycin immediately before transurethral resection for patients with primary urothelial non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a randomised controlled trialLancet OncolThe lancet oncologyLancet OncolThe lancet oncologyLancet OncolThe lancet oncology871-91292011/08/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/*drug therapy/mortality/secondary/surgeryChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDisease-Free SurvivalElectrochemotherapyFemaleHumansItalyMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsNeoadjuvant TherapyNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingProportional Hazards ModelsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSurvival AnalysisSurvival RateTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder/*drug effects/pathology/surgeryUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryUrothelium/*drug effects/pathology/surgery2011Sep1474-5488 (Electronic) 1470-2045 (Linking)21831711Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2183171110.1016/S1470-2045(11)70190-5Di Stasi201116161617Di Stasi, S. M.Valenti, M.Verri, C.Liberati, E.Giurioli, A.Leprini, G.Masedu, F.Ricci, A. R.Micali, F.Vespasiani, G.Department of Surgery/Urology, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. sdistas@tin.itElectromotive instillation of mitomycin immediately before transurethral resection for patients with primary urothelial non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a randomised controlled trialLancet OncolThe lancet oncologyLancet OncolThe lancet oncologyLancet OncolThe lancet oncology871-91292011/08/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/*drug therapy/mortality/secondary/surgeryChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDisease-Free SurvivalElectrochemotherapyFemaleHumansItalyMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsNeoadjuvant TherapyNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingProportional Hazards ModelsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSurvival AnalysisSurvival RateTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder/*drug effects/pathology/surgeryUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryUrothelium/*drug effects/pathology/surgery2011Sep1474-5488 (Electronic) 1470-2045 (Linking)21831711Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2183171110.1016/S1470-2045(11)70190-5uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_56=(DShelley200499(57-61)999917Shelley, M. 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G.Tianjin Institute of Urologic Surgery, Tianjin, China. thatdaypjg@163.comCan intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduce recurrence in patients with superficial bladder cancer? A meta-analysis of randomized trialsUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology1216-236762006/06/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*prevention & control/surgery2006Jun1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)16765182Meta-Analysishttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1676518210.1016/j.urology.2005.12.014Bohle200310110110117Bohle, A.Jocham, D.Bock, P. R.Department of Urology, Medical University of Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C for superficial bladder cancer: a formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on recurrence and toxicityJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology90-516912002/12/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/adverse effects/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCystitis/chemically inducedDose-Response Relationship, DrugHumansMitomycin/adverse effects/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2003Jan0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12478111Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1247811110.1097/01.ju.0000039680.90768.b3Shang201149494917Shang, P. F.Kwong, J.Wang, Z. P.Tian, J.Jiang, L.Yang, K.Yue, Z. J.Tian, J. Q.Department of Urology, Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, No. 82, Cui Ying Men Street, Lanzhou City, Gansu, China, 730030.Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus epirubicin for Ta and T1 bladder cancerCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCD00688552011/05/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/prevention &control20111469-493X (Electronic) 1361-6137 (Linking)21563157Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2156315710.1002/14651858.CD006885.pub2=(DShelley200499(57-61)999917Shelley, M. D.Wilt, T. J.Court, J.Coles, B.Kynaston, H.Mason, M. D.Cochrane Prostatic Diseases and Urologic Cancers Group, Velindre NHS Trust, Cardiff, UK. mike.shelley@velindre-tr.wales.nhs.ukIntravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin is superior to mitomycin C in reducing tumour recurrence in high-risk superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized trialsBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international485-909342004/03/11Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicRisk FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2004Mar1464-4096 (Print) 1464-4096 (Linking)15008714Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15008714Shelley200118418418417Shelley, M. D.Kynaston, H.Court, J.Wilt, T. J.Coles, B.Burgon, K.Mason, M. D.Cochrane Prostatic Diseases and Urological Cancer Subgroup, Cancer Research Wales Laboratories, Velindre NHS Trust, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 2TL, Wales, UK. mike.shelley@velindre-tr.wales.nhs.ukA systematic review of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus transurethral resection vs transurethral resection alone in Ta and T1 bladder cancerBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international209-168832001/08/08Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCombined Modality Therapy/methodsHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/pathology/surgery/*therapy*Urologic Surgical Procedures2001Aug1464-4096 (Print) 1464-4096 (Linking)11488731Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11488731Han200618518518517Han, R. F.Pan, J. G.Tianjin Institute of Urologic Surgery, Tianjin, China. thatdaypjg@163.comCan intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduce recurrence in patients with superficial bladder cancer? A meta-analysis of randomized trialsUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology1216-236762006/06/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*prevention & control/surgery2006Jun1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)16765182Meta-Analysishttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1676518210.1016/j.urology.2005.12.014Bohle200310110110117Bohle, A.Jocham, D.Bock, P. R.Department of Urology, Medical University of Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C for superficial bladder cancer: a formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on recurrence and toxicityJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology90-516912002/12/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/adverse effects/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCystitis/chemically inducedDose-Response Relationship, DrugHumansMitomycin/adverse effects/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2003Jan0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12478111Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1247811110.1097/01.ju.0000039680.90768.b3Shang201149494917Shang, P. F.Kwong, J.Wang, Z. P.Tian, J.Jiang, L.Yang, K.Yue, Z. J.Tian, J. Q.Department of Urology, Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, No. 82, Cui Ying Men Street, Lanzhou City, Gansu, China, 730030.Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus epirubicin for Ta and T1 bladder cancerCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCochrane Database Syst RevCochrane database of systematic reviewsCD00688552011/05/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/prevention &control20111469-493X (Electronic) 1361-6137 (Linking)21563157Meta-Analysis Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2156315710.1002/14651858.CD006885.pub2uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_57[ DDuchek201068(62)686817Duchek, M.Johansson, R.Jahnson, S.Mestad, O.Hellstrom, P.Hellsten, S.Malmstrom, P. U.Members of the Urothelial Cancer Group of the Nordic Association of, UrologyDepartment of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Urology and Andrology, Umea University Hospital, Umea, Sweden.Bacillus Calmette-Guerin is superior to a combination of epirubicin and interferon-alpha2b in the intravesical treatment of patients with stage T1 urinary bladder cancer. A prospective, randomized, Nordic studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology25-315712009/10/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/*administration &dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/*drug therapy/pathology/*surgeryChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/methodsDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalEpirubicin/administration & dosageFemaleHumansInterferon-alpha/administration & dosageKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRecombinant ProteinsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsScandinaviaTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeTumor BurdenUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/*surgery2010Jan1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19819617Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1981961710.1016/j.eururo.2009.09.038[ DDuchek201068(62)686817Duchek, M.Johansson, R.Jahnson, S.Mestad, O.Hellstrom, P.Hellsten, S.Malmstrom, P. U.Members of the Urothelial Cancer Group of the Nordic Association of, UrologyDepartment of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Urology and Andrology, Umea University Hospital, Umea, Sweden.Bacillus Calmette-Guerin is superior to a combination of epirubicin and interferon-alpha2b in the intravesical treatment of patients with stage T1 urinary bladder cancer. A prospective, randomized, Nordic studyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology25-315712009/10/13Administration, IntravesicalAgedAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/*administration &dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/*drug therapy/pathology/*surgeryChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/methodsDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalEpirubicin/administration & dosageFemaleHumansInterferon-alpha/administration & dosageKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRecombinant ProteinsRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsScandinaviaTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeTumor BurdenUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/*surgery2010Jan1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19819617Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1981961710.1016/j.eururo.2009.09.038uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_62# DJarvinen2009102(63)10210217Jarvinen, R.Kaasinen, E.Sankila, A.Rintala, E.FinnBladder, GroupHelsinki University Hospital, Department of Urology, Helsinki, Finland. riikka.jarvinen@hus.fiLong-term efficacy of maintenance bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus maintenance mitomycin C instillation therapy in frequently recurrent TaT1 tumours without carcinoma in situ: a subgroup analysis of the prospective, randomised FinnBladder I study with a 20-year follow-upEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology260-55622009/04/28Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*drug therapyNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19395154Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1939515410.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.009# DJarvinen2009102(63)10210217Jarvinen, R.Kaasinen, E.Sankila, A.Rintala, E.FinnBladder, GroupHelsinki University Hospital, Department of Urology, Helsinki, Finland. riikka.jarvinen@hus.fiLong-term efficacy of maintenance bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus maintenance mitomycin C instillation therapy in frequently recurrent TaT1 tumours without carcinoma in situ: a subgroup analysis of the prospective, randomised FinnBladder I study with a 20-year follow-upEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology260-55622009/04/28Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosage/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedMitomycin/*administration & dosage/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*drug therapyNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19395154Comparative Studyhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1939515410.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.009uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_63ĽDSylvester2010107(64, 65)10710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024Hinotsu201148484817Hinotsu, S.Akaza, H.Naito, S.Ozono, S.Sumiyoshi, Y.Noguchi, S.Yamaguchi, A.Nagamori, S.Terai, A.Nasu, Y.Kume, H.Tomita, Y.Tanaka, Y.Samma, S.Uemura, H.Koga, H.Tsushima, T.Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.Maintenance therapy with bacillus Calmette-Guerin Connaught strain clearly prolongs recurrence-free survival following transurethral resection of bladder tumour for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international187-9510822010/12/24Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAntineoplastic Agents/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCombined Modality Therapy/methodsCystectomyDisease-Free SurvivalEpidemiologic MethodsEpirubicin/therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleMiddle Aged*Mycobacterium bovisNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/drug therapy/*prevention & control/surgeryTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/drug therapy/pathology/*prevention &control/surgeryYoung Adult2011Jul1464-410X (Electronic) 1464-4096 (Linking)21176079Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2117607910.1111/j.1464-410X.2010.09891.xĽDSylvester2010107(64, 65)10710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024Hinotsu201148484817Hinotsu, S.Akaza, H.Naito, S.Ozono, S.Sumiyoshi, Y.Noguchi, S.Yamaguchi, A.Nagamori, S.Terai, A.Nasu, Y.Kume, H.Tomita, Y.Tanaka, Y.Samma, S.Uemura, H.Koga, H.Tsushima, T.Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.Maintenance therapy with bacillus Calmette-Guerin Connaught strain clearly prolongs recurrence-free survival following transurethral resection of bladder tumour for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU internationalBJU IntBJU international187-9510822010/12/24Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAntineoplastic Agents/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCombined Modality Therapy/methodsCystectomyDisease-Free SurvivalEpidemiologic MethodsEpirubicin/therapeutic useFemaleHumansMaleMiddle Aged*Mycobacterium bovisNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/drug therapy/*prevention & control/surgeryTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/drug therapy/pathology/*prevention &control/surgeryYoung Adult2011Jul1464-410X (Electronic) 1464-4096 (Linking)21176079Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2117607910.1111/j.1464-410X.2010.09891.xuDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_64uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_65… DSylvester2010107(64)10710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024… DSylvester2010107(64)10710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_64C DMalmstrom2009112(66)11211217Malmstrom, P. U.Sylvester, R. J.Crawford, D. E.Friedrich, M.Krege, S.Rintala, E.Solsona, E.Di Stasi, S. M.Witjes, J. A.Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden. per-uno.malmstrom@surgsci.uu.seAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology247-565622009/05/05Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19409692Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1940969210.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.038C DMalmstrom2009112(66)11211217Malmstrom, P. U.Sylvester, R. J.Crawford, D. E.Friedrich, M.Krege, S.Rintala, E.Solsona, E.Di Stasi, S. M.Witjes, J. A.Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden. per-uno.malmstrom@surgsci.uu.seAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology247-565622009/05/05Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19409692Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1940969210.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.038uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_66#DBohle2004114(67, 68)11411417Bohle, A.Bock, P. R.HELIOS Agnes Karll Hospital, Bad Schwartau, Germany.Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C in superficial bladder cancer: formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on tumor progressionUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology682-6; discussion 686-76342004/04/10Adjuvants, Immunologic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCarcinoma, Papillary/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlDisease ProgressionDrug Administration ScheduleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMitomycin/*therapeutic useNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/prevention & control2004Apr1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)15072879Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1507287910.1016/j.urology.2003.11.049Sylvester200211311311317Sylvester, R. J.van der, Meijden ApLamm, D. L.European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1964-7016852002/10/24Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionHumansNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgery2002Nov0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12394686Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1239468610.1097/01.ju.0000034450.80198.1c#DBohle2004114(67, 68)11411417Bohle, A.Bock, P. R.HELIOS Agnes Karll Hospital, Bad Schwartau, Germany.Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C in superficial bladder cancer: formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on tumor progressionUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology682-6; discussion 686-76342004/04/10Adjuvants, Immunologic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCarcinoma, Papillary/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlDisease ProgressionDrug Administration ScheduleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMitomycin/*therapeutic useNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/prevention & control2004Apr1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)15072879Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1507287910.1016/j.urology.2003.11.049Sylvester200211311311317Sylvester, R. J.van der, Meijden ApLamm, D. L.European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1964-7016852002/10/24Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionHumansNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgery2002Nov0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12394686Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1239468610.1097/01.ju.0000034450.80198.1cuDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_67uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_68DSylvester2002113(64, 68)11311317Sylvester, R. J.van der, Meijden ApLamm, D. L.European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1964-7016852002/10/24Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionHumansNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgery2002Nov0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12394686Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1239468610.1097/01.ju.0000034450.80198.1cSylvester201010710710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024DSylvester2002113(64, 68)11311317Sylvester, R. J.van der, Meijden ApLamm, D. L.European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1964-7016852002/10/24Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionHumansNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgery2002Nov0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12394686Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1239468610.1097/01.ju.0000034450.80198.1cSylvester201010710710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_64uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_68… DSylvester2010107(64)10710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024… DSylvester2010107(64)10710717Sylvester, R. J.Brausi, M. A.Kirkels, W. J.Hoeltl, W.Calais Da Silva, F.Powell, P. H.Prescott, S.Kirkali, Z.van de Beek, C.Gorlia, T.de Reijke, T. M.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupEORTC Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beLong-term efficacy results of EORTC genito-urinary group randomized phase 3 study 30911 comparing intravesical instillations of epirubicin, bacillus Calmette-Guerin, and bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus isoniazid in patients with intermediate- and high-risk stage Ta T1 urothelial carcinoma of the bladderEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology766-735752009/12/26Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedAged, 80 and overAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/pathologyDrug Therapy, CombinationEpirubicin/*administration & dosageHumansIsoniazid/*administration & dosageMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingRisk AssessmentTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology2010May1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)20034729Clinical Trial, Phase III Comparative Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034729288917410.1016/j.eururo.2009.12.024uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_64C DMalmstrom2009112(66)11211217Malmstrom, P. U.Sylvester, R. J.Crawford, D. E.Friedrich, M.Krege, S.Rintala, E.Solsona, E.Di Stasi, S. M.Witjes, J. A.Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden. per-uno.malmstrom@surgsci.uu.seAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology247-565622009/05/05Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19409692Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1940969210.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.038C DMalmstrom2009112(66)11211217Malmstrom, P. U.Sylvester, R. J.Crawford, D. E.Friedrich, M.Krege, S.Rintala, E.Solsona, E.Di Stasi, S. M.Witjes, J. A.Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden. per-uno.malmstrom@surgsci.uu.seAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology247-565622009/05/05Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19409692Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1940969210.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.038uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_66ĎDSylvester2005133(59, 69)13313317Sylvester, R. J.van der Meijden, A. P.Witjes, J. A.Kurth, K.European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beBacillus calmette-guerin versus chemotherapy for the intravesical treatment of patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology86-91; discussion 91-217412005/06/11Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapyHumansRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2005Jul0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)15947584Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1594758410.1097/01.ju.0000162059.64886.1cHan200618518518517Han, R. F.Pan, J. G.Tianjin Institute of Urologic Surgery, Tianjin, China. thatdaypjg@163.comCan intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduce recurrence in patients with superficial bladder cancer? A meta-analysis of randomized trialsUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology1216-236762006/06/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*prevention & control/surgery2006Jun1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)16765182Meta-Analysishttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1676518210.1016/j.urology.2005.12.014ĎDSylvester2005133(59, 69)13313317Sylvester, R. J.van der Meijden, A. P.Witjes, J. A.Kurth, K.European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.beBacillus calmette-guerin versus chemotherapy for the intravesical treatment of patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology86-91; discussion 91-217412005/06/11Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapyHumansRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2005Jul0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)15947584Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1594758410.1097/01.ju.0000162059.64886.1cHan200618518518517Han, R. F.Pan, J. G.Tianjin Institute of Urologic Surgery, Tianjin, China. thatdaypjg@163.comCan intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduce recurrence in patients with superficial bladder cancer? A meta-analysis of randomized trialsUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology1216-236762006/06/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageHumansNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*prevention & control/surgery2006Jun1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)16765182Meta-Analysishttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1676518210.1016/j.urology.2005.12.014uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_59uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_69C DMalmstrom2009112(66)11211217Malmstrom, P. U.Sylvester, R. J.Crawford, D. E.Friedrich, M.Krege, S.Rintala, E.Solsona, E.Di Stasi, S. M.Witjes, J. A.Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden. per-uno.malmstrom@surgsci.uu.seAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology247-565622009/05/05Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19409692Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1940969210.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.038C DMalmstrom2009112(66)11211217Malmstrom, P. U.Sylvester, R. J.Crawford, D. E.Friedrich, M.Krege, S.Rintala, E.Solsona, E.Di Stasi, S. M.Witjes, J. A.Uppsala University Hospital, Department of Urology, Uppsala, Sweden. per-uno.malmstrom@surgsci.uu.seAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancerEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology247-565622009/05/05Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/*administration & dosageBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useHumansMitomycin/*administration & dosageRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2009Aug1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)19409692Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1940969210.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.038uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_66 DSylvester2002113(68)11311317Sylvester, R. J.van der, Meijden ApLamm, D. L.European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1964-7016852002/10/24Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionHumansNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgery2002Nov0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12394686Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1239468610.1097/01.ju.0000034450.80198.1c DSylvester2002113(68)11311317Sylvester, R. J.van der, Meijden ApLamm, D. L.European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trialsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1964-7016852002/10/24Administration, IntravesicalBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgeryDisease ProgressionHumansNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/surgery2002Nov0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12394686Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1239468610.1097/01.ju.0000034450.80198.1cuDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_68­DBohle2003101(60, 67)10110117Bohle, A.Jocham, D.Bock, P. R.Department of Urology, Medical University of Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C for superficial bladder cancer: a formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on recurrence and toxicityJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology90-516912002/12/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/adverse effects/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCystitis/chemically inducedDose-Response Relationship, DrugHumansMitomycin/adverse effects/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2003Jan0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12478111Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1247811110.1097/01.ju.0000039680.90768.b3Bohle200411411411417Bohle, A.Bock, P. R.HELIOS Agnes Karll Hospital, Bad Schwartau, Germany.Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C in superficial bladder cancer: formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on tumor progressionUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology682-6; discussion 686-76342004/04/10Adjuvants, Immunologic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCarcinoma, Papillary/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlDisease ProgressionDrug Administration ScheduleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMitomycin/*therapeutic useNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/prevention & control2004Apr1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)15072879Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1507287910.1016/j.urology.2003.11.049­DBohle2003101(60, 67)10110117Bohle, A.Jocham, D.Bock, P. R.Department of Urology, Medical University of Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany.Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C for superficial bladder cancer: a formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on recurrence and toxicityJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology90-516912002/12/13Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/adverse effects/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCystitis/chemically inducedDose-Response Relationship, DrugHumansMitomycin/adverse effects/*therapeutic useNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2003Jan0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)12478111Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1247811110.1097/01.ju.0000039680.90768.b3Bohle200411411411417Bohle, A.Bock, P. R.HELIOS Agnes Karll Hospital, Bad Schwartau, Germany.Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C in superficial bladder cancer: formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on tumor progressionUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrologyUrology682-6; discussion 686-76342004/04/10Adjuvants, Immunologic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useAdministration, IntravesicalAntibiotics, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/administration & dosage/*therapeutic useCarcinoma, Papillary/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/pathology/prevention & controlDisease ProgressionDrug Administration ScheduleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMitomycin/*therapeutic useNeoplasm StagingRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/pathology/prevention & control2004Apr1527-9995 (Electronic) 0090-4295 (Linking)15072879Comparative Study Meta-Analysis Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'thttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1507287910.1016/j.urology.2003.11.049uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_60uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_67š DLamm2000118(70)11811817Lamm, D. L.Blumenstein, B. A.Crissman, J. D.Montie, J. E.Gottesman, J. E.Lowe, B. A.Sarosdy, M. F.Bohl, R. D.Grossman, H. B.Beck, T. M.Leimert, J. T.Crawford, E. D.West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown, USA.Maintenance bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy for recurrent TA, T1 and carcinoma in situ transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a randomized Southwest Oncology Group StudyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1124-916342000/03/29Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAgedBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/*pathology/*therapyCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*pathology/*therapyFemaleHumansImmunotherapyMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*pathology/*therapyNeoplasms, Multiple Primary/*pathology/*therapyUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*pathology2000Apr0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)10737480Clinical Trial Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10737480š DLamm2000118(70)11811817Lamm, D. L.Blumenstein, B. A.Crissman, J. D.Montie, J. E.Gottesman, J. E.Lowe, B. A.Sarosdy, M. F.Bohl, R. D.Grossman, H. B.Beck, T. M.Leimert, J. T.Crawford, E. D.West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown, USA.Maintenance bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy for recurrent TA, T1 and carcinoma in situ transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a randomized Southwest Oncology Group StudyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1124-916342000/03/29Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAgedBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/*pathology/*therapyCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*pathology/*therapyFemaleHumansImmunotherapyMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*pathology/*therapyNeoplasms, Multiple Primary/*pathology/*therapyUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*pathology2000Apr0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)10737480Clinical Trial Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10737480uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_70uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_71‰DMartinez-Pineiro2005128(72, 73)12812817Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Solsona, E.Rodriguez, R. H.Gomez, J. M.Martin, M. G.Molina, J. R.Collado, A. G.Flores, N.Isorna, S.Pertusa, C.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Camacho, J. E.Arribas, S.Madero, R.Club Urologico Espanol de Tratamiento, OncologicoLa Luz Clinic, Madrid, Spain. mpineiro@telefonica.netHas a 3-fold decreased dose of bacillus Calmette-Guerin the same efficacy against recurrences and progression of T1G3 and Tis bladder tumors than the standard dose? Results of a prospective randomized trialJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1242-71744 Pt 12005/09/08Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCause of DeathCystectomyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRegression AnalysisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/prevention &control/surgery2005Oct0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)16145378Clinical Trial Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16145378Ojea200713013013017Ojea, A.Nogueira, J. L.Solsona, E.Flores, N.Gomez, J. M.Molina, J. R.Chantada, V.Camacho, J. E.Pineiro, L. M.Rodriguez, R. H.Isorna, S.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Madero, R.Cueto GroupComplejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, Vigo, Spain. aojea@retegal.esA multicentre, randomised prospective trial comparing three intravesical adjuvant therapies for intermediate-risk superficial bladder cancer: low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (27 mg) versus very low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (13.5 mg) versus mitomycin CEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology1398-4065252007/05/09Administration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageBiopsyChemotherapy, Adjuvant/methodsCystectomy/*methodsCystoscopyDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesSurvival RateTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/mortality/pathology/*therapy2007Nov0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)17485161Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1748516110.1016/j.eururo.2007.04.062‰DMartinez-Pineiro2005128(72, 73)12812817Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Solsona, E.Rodriguez, R. H.Gomez, J. M.Martin, M. G.Molina, J. R.Collado, A. G.Flores, N.Isorna, S.Pertusa, C.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Camacho, J. E.Arribas, S.Madero, R.Club Urologico Espanol de Tratamiento, OncologicoLa Luz Clinic, Madrid, Spain. mpineiro@telefonica.netHas a 3-fold decreased dose of bacillus Calmette-Guerin the same efficacy against recurrences and progression of T1G3 and Tis bladder tumors than the standard dose? Results of a prospective randomized trialJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology1242-71744 Pt 12005/09/08Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCause of DeathCystectomyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*prevention & controlProportional Hazards ModelsProspective StudiesRegression AnalysisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality/pathology/prevention &control/surgery2005Oct0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)16145378Clinical Trial Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16145378Ojea200713013013017Ojea, A.Nogueira, J. L.Solsona, E.Flores, N.Gomez, J. M.Molina, J. R.Chantada, V.Camacho, J. E.Pineiro, L. M.Rodriguez, R. H.Isorna, S.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Madero, R.Cueto GroupComplejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, Vigo, Spain. aojea@retegal.esA multicentre, randomised prospective trial comparing three intravesical adjuvant therapies for intermediate-risk superficial bladder cancer: low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (27 mg) versus very low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (13.5 mg) versus mitomycin CEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology1398-4065252007/05/09Administration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageBiopsyChemotherapy, Adjuvant/methodsCystectomy/*methodsCystoscopyDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesSurvival RateTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/mortality/pathology/*therapy2007Nov0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)17485161Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1748516110.1016/j.eururo.2007.04.062uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_72uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_73S DOjea2007130(73)13013017Ojea, A.Nogueira, J. L.Solsona, E.Flores, N.Gomez, J. M.Molina, J. R.Chantada, V.Camacho, J. E.Pineiro, L. M.Rodriguez, R. H.Isorna, S.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Madero, R.Cueto GroupComplejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, Vigo, Spain. aojea@retegal.esA multicentre, randomised prospective trial comparing three intravesical adjuvant therapies for intermediate-risk superficial bladder cancer: low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (27 mg) versus very low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (13.5 mg) versus mitomycin CEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology1398-4065252007/05/09Administration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageBiopsyChemotherapy, Adjuvant/methodsCystectomy/*methodsCystoscopyDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesSurvival RateTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/mortality/pathology/*therapy2007Nov0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)17485161Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1748516110.1016/j.eururo.2007.04.062S DOjea2007130(73)13013017Ojea, A.Nogueira, J. L.Solsona, E.Flores, N.Gomez, J. M.Molina, J. R.Chantada, V.Camacho, J. E.Pineiro, L. M.Rodriguez, R. H.Isorna, S.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Madero, R.Cueto GroupComplejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, Vigo, Spain. aojea@retegal.esA multicentre, randomised prospective trial comparing three intravesical adjuvant therapies for intermediate-risk superficial bladder cancer: low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (27 mg) versus very low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (13.5 mg) versus mitomycin CEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology1398-4065252007/05/09Administration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageBiopsyChemotherapy, Adjuvant/methodsCystectomy/*methodsCystoscopyDisease ProgressionDisease-Free SurvivalDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMitomycin/*administration & dosageNeoplasm StagingProspective StudiesSurvival RateTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/mortality/pathology/*therapy2007Nov0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)17485161Comparative Study Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1748516110.1016/j.eururo.2007.04.062uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_73mDvan der Meijden2003131(74)13113117van der Meijden, A. P.Sylvester, R. J.Oosterlinck, W.Hoeltl, W.Bono, A. V.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupDepartment of Urology, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, P.O. Box 90153, 5200 ME, 's Hertogenbosch, The NetherlandsMaintenance Bacillus Calmette-Guerin for Ta T1 bladder tumors is not associated with increased toxicity: results from a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genito-Urinary Group Phase III TrialEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology429-344442003/09/23Adjuvants, Immunologic/adverse effects/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/adverse effects/*therapeutic useCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapyHumansTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2003Oct0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)14499676Clinical Trial Clinical Trial, Phase III Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14499676mDvan der Meijden2003131(74)13113117van der Meijden, A. P.Sylvester, R. J.Oosterlinck, W.Hoeltl, W.Bono, A. V.Eortc Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer GroupDepartment of Urology, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, P.O. Box 90153, 5200 ME, 's Hertogenbosch, The NetherlandsMaintenance Bacillus Calmette-Guerin for Ta T1 bladder tumors is not associated with increased toxicity: results from a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genito-Urinary Group Phase III TrialEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology429-344442003/09/23Adjuvants, Immunologic/adverse effects/*therapeutic useBCG Vaccine/adverse effects/*therapeutic useCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/*drug therapyHumansTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2003Oct0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)14499676Clinical Trial Clinical Trial, Phase III Multicenter Study Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14499676uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_74'DSylvester200671(23, 26)717117Sylvester, R. J.van der Meijden, A. P.Oosterlinck, W.Witjes, J. A.Bouffioux, C.Denis, L.Newling, D. W.Kurth, K.EORTC Data Center, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.bePredicting recurrence and progression in individual patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer using EORTC risk tables: a combined analysis of 2596 patients from seven EORTC trialsEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology466-5; discussion 475-74932006/01/31AgedClinical Trials as Topic*Decision Support TechniquesDisease ProgressionFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*pathologyPrognosisRisk FactorsStatistics as TopicTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/therapyUrologic Surgical Procedures2006Mar0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)16442208Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1644220810.1016/j.eururo.2005.12.031Fernandez-Gomez200972727217Fernandez-Gomez, J.Madero, R.Solsona, E.Unda, M.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Gonzalez, M.Portillo, J.Ojea, A.Pertusa, C.Rodriguez-Molina, J.Camacho, J. E.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Montesinos, M.Isorna, S.Muntanola, P.Gimeno, A.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Department of Urology, Hospital Central of Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain. jmfernandezgomez@telefonica.netPredicting nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer recurrence and progression in patients treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: the CUETO scoring modelJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2195-20318252009/09/18Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedModels, StatisticalNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*epidemiologyPrognosisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*epidemiology/pathology2009Nov1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)19758621http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1975862110.1016/j.juro.2009.07.016'DSylvester200671(23, 26)717117Sylvester, R. J.van der Meijden, A. P.Oosterlinck, W.Witjes, J. A.Bouffioux, C.Denis, L.Newling, D. W.Kurth, K.EORTC Data Center, Brussels, Belgium. richard.sylvester@eortc.bePredicting recurrence and progression in individual patients with stage Ta T1 bladder cancer using EORTC risk tables: a combined analysis of 2596 patients from seven EORTC trialsEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology466-5; discussion 475-74932006/01/31AgedClinical Trials as Topic*Decision Support TechniquesDisease ProgressionFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*pathologyPrognosisRisk FactorsStatistics as TopicTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*pathology/therapyUrologic Surgical Procedures2006Mar0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)16442208Research Support, N.I.H., Extramuralhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1644220810.1016/j.eururo.2005.12.031Fernandez-Gomez200972727217Fernandez-Gomez, J.Madero, R.Solsona, E.Unda, M.Martinez-Pineiro, L.Gonzalez, M.Portillo, J.Ojea, A.Pertusa, C.Rodriguez-Molina, J.Camacho, J. E.Rabadan, M.Astobieta, A.Montesinos, M.Isorna, S.Muntanola, P.Gimeno, A.Blas, M.Martinez-Pineiro, J. A.Department of Urology, Hospital Central of Asturias, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain. jmfernandezgomez@telefonica.netPredicting nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer recurrence and progression in patients treated with bacillus Calmette-Guerin: the CUETO scoring modelJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2195-20318252009/09/18Adjuvants, Immunologic/*therapeutic useAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedModels, StatisticalNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, Local/*epidemiologyPrognosisUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/*epidemiology/pathology2009Nov1527-3792 (Electronic) 0022-5347 (Linking)19758621http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1975862110.1016/j.juro.2009.07.016uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_23uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_26M DBabjuk201153(2)535317Babjuk, M.Oosterlinck, W.Sylvester, R.Kaasinen, E.Bohle, A.Palou-Redorta, J.Roupret, M.European Association of, UrologyDepartment of Urology, Hospital Motol, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic. marek.babjuk@lfmotol.cuni.czEAU guidelines on non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, the 2011 updateEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology997-10085962011/04/05Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/diagnosis/epidemiology/secondary/*therapyChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDrug Administration ScheduleEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/epidemiology/pathology/*therapyUrothelium/pathology2011Jun1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21458150Practice Guideline Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2145815010.1016/j.eururo.2011.03.017M DBabjuk201153(2)535317Babjuk, M.Oosterlinck, W.Sylvester, R.Kaasinen, E.Bohle, A.Palou-Redorta, J.Roupret, M.European Association of, UrologyDepartment of Urology, Hospital Motol, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic. marek.babjuk@lfmotol.cuni.czEAU guidelines on non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, the 2011 updateEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology997-10085962011/04/05Administration, IntravesicalAntineoplastic Agents/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosage/adverse effectsCarcinoma/diagnosis/epidemiology/secondary/*therapyChemotherapy, Adjuvant*Cystectomy/adverse effectsDrug Administration ScheduleEvidence-Based MedicineHumansNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/epidemiology/pathology/*therapyUrothelium/pathology2011Jun1873-7560 (Electronic) 0302-2838 (Linking)21458150Practice Guideline Reviewhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2145815010.1016/j.eururo.2011.03.017sDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_2 'DLosa2000192(75-79)19219217Losa, A.Hurle, R.Lembo, A.Division of Urology, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Italy.Low dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin for carcinoma in situ of the bladder: long-term resultsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology68-71; discussion 71-216311999/12/22Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2000Jan0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)10604316Clinical Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10604316Griffiths200219319319317Griffiths, T. R.Charlton, M.Neal, D. E.Powell, P. H.University Urology Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.Treatment of carcinoma in situ with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin without maintenanceJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2408-1216762002/05/07Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortalityCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/mortalityDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMalePrognosisSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality2002Jun0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)11992047http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11992047Jakse200119419419417Jakse, G.Hall, R.Bono, A.Holtl, W.Carpentier, P.Spaander, J. P.van der Meijden, A. P.Sylvester, R.Department of Urology, RWTH Aachen, Germany. gjakse@post.klinikum.rwth-aachen.deIntravesical BCG in patients with carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder: long-term results of EORTC GU Group phase II protocol 30861Eur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology144-504022001/08/31Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapyFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2001Aug0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)11528191Clinical Trial Clinical Trial, Phase II Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11528191Takenaka200820420420417Takenaka, A.Yamada, Y.Miyake, H.Hara, I.Fujisawa, M.Division of Urology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan. atake@med.kobe-u.ac.jpClinical outcomes of bacillus Calmette-Guerin instillation therapy for carcinoma in situ of urinary bladderInt J UrolInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological AssociationInt J UrolInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological AssociationInt J UrolInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association309-131542008/04/03AdultAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/diagnosis/pathology/*therapyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedPrognosisTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder/pathologyUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/pathology/*therapy2008Apr1442-2042 (Electronic) 0919-8172 (Linking)18380817http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1838081710.1111/j.1442-2042.2008.02012.xGofrit200920720720717Gofrit, O. N.Pode, D.Pizov, G.Zorn, K. C.Katz, R.Duvdevani, M.Shapiro, A.Department of Urology, Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel. ogofrit@gmail.comThe natural history of bladder carcinoma in situ after initial response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapyUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncology258-622732008/04/29AgedBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/*therapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansImmunotherapy/*methodsKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleMiddle AgedTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*therapy2009May-Jun1078-1439 (Print) 1078-1439 (Linking)18440839http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1844083910.1016/j.urolonc.2007.12.011 'DLosa2000192(75-79)19219217Losa, A.Hurle, R.Lembo, A.Division of Urology, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Italy.Low dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin for carcinoma in situ of the bladder: long-term resultsJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology68-71; discussion 71-216311999/12/22Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2000Jan0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)10604316Clinical Trialhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10604316Griffiths200219319319317Griffiths, T. R.Charlton, M.Neal, D. E.Powell, P. H.University Urology Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.Treatment of carcinoma in situ with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin without maintenanceJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urologyJ UrolThe Journal of urology2408-1216762002/05/07Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAgedBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapy/mortalityCarcinoma, Transitional Cell/drug therapy/mortalityDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMalePrognosisSurvival RateUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy/mortality2002Jun0022-5347 (Print) 0022-5347 (Linking)11992047http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11992047Jakse200119419419417Jakse, G.Hall, R.Bono, A.Holtl, W.Carpentier, P.Spaander, J. P.van der Meijden, A. P.Sylvester, R.Department of Urology, RWTH Aachen, Germany. gjakse@post.klinikum.rwth-aachen.deIntravesical BCG in patients with carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder: long-term results of EORTC GU Group phase II protocol 30861Eur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urologyEur UrolEuropean urology144-504022001/08/31Adjuvants, Immunologic/*administration & dosageAdministration, IntravesicalAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*administration & dosageCarcinoma in Situ/*drug therapyFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedTime FactorsUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*drug therapy2001Aug0302-2838 (Print) 0302-2838 (Linking)11528191Clinical Trial Clinical Trial, Phase II Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11528191Takenaka200820420420417Takenaka, A.Yamada, Y.Miyake, H.Hara, I.Fujisawa, M.Division of Urology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan. atake@med.kobe-u.ac.jpClinical outcomes of bacillus Calmette-Guerin instillation therapy for carcinoma in situ of urinary bladderInt J UrolInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological AssociationInt J UrolInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological AssociationInt J UrolInternational journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association309-131542008/04/03AdultAgedAged, 80 and overBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/diagnosis/pathology/*therapyDisease ProgressionFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedPrognosisTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder/pathologyUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis/pathology/*therapy2008Apr1442-2042 (Electronic) 0919-8172 (Linking)18380817http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1838081710.1111/j.1442-2042.2008.02012.xGofrit200920720720717Gofrit, O. N.Pode, D.Pizov, G.Zorn, K. C.Katz, R.Duvdevani, M.Shapiro, A.Department of Urology, Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel. ogofrit@gmail.comThe natural history of bladder carcinoma in situ after initial response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapyUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncologyUrol OncolUrologic oncology258-622732008/04/29AgedBCG Vaccine/*therapeutic useCarcinoma in Situ/*therapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansImmunotherapy/*methodsKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleMiddle AgedTreatment OutcomeUrinary Bladder Neoplasms/*therapy2009May-Jun1078-1439 (Print) 1078-1439 (Linking)18440839http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1844083910.1016/j.urolonc.2007.12.011uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_75uDĐÉęyůşÎŒ‚ŞKŠ  _ENREF_80ßDSylvester2005133(69)13313317Sylvester, R. J.van der Meijden, A. P.Witjes, J. 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