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In Windows Explorer, right-click on Computer, choose Properties. In the System window, click on Advanced system parameters. If you do not have administrative rights, on Windows 10 you can press the Windows button, type path, and choose Edit the system environment variables for your account in the search results to directly access the Environment variables window. In the System Properties windows, click on Environment variables. In the Environment variables window, double-click on the PATH variable and add in the end of the Value part (without deleting its initial content and add the semi-colons!) ;C:\OpenCV3.2.0\x86\vc15\bin; Restart. If needed, see  HYPERLINK "http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/tutorials/screenshots_vs2015_cv249_win10.pdf" http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/tutorials/screenshots_vs2015_cv249_win10.pdf and  HYPERLINK "http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/tutorials/Complements_C-C++.pdf" http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/tutorials/Complements_C-C++.pdf for more information. Tricks/common problems OpenCV Depending on the functions you need, check all the libraries opencv_XXX.lib you need to add to the project settings. Do not call cvReleaseImage()/cv::Mat::release() on an IplImage/cv::Mat returned by cvQueryFrame()/cv::VideoCapture::read(). Be careful to check the type and dimensions of an image returned by cvQueryFrame()/cv::VideoCapture::read(), they might be unusual depending on the characteristics of the camera. Always use cvWaitKey()/cv::waitKey() somewhere after cvShowImage()/cv::imshow() to display an IplImage/cv::Mat in a window, otherwise the image might not be displayed. Although several samples use the C API, most of the new functionalities of OpenCV are now in its C++ API. Version 4 is C++11-only. See also  HYPERLINK "https://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/tutorials/Complements_C-C++.pdf" https://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/tutorials/Complements_C-C++.pdf . Test  HYPERLINK "http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/Share/ImageOpenCV320_vs2017.zip" http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/Share/ImageOpenCV320_vs2017.zip  HYPERLINK "http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/Share/VideoWebcamOpenCV320_vs2017.zip" http://www.ensta-bretagne.fr/lebars/Share/VideoWebcamOpenCV320_vs2017.zip ()*-45:;<>?HVWXYb~  ҥ|plaUaJ?hq=hq=mH sH hphpmH sH h Qh.5mH sH h Qh.mH sH hLhLhE5CJ$aJ$hLhL5CJ$aJ$h%}5CJ$aJ$h( 5CJ$aJ$h%}hgmH sH h%}hg5CJ,aJ,mH sH h%}h*5CJ,aJ,mH sH h%}5CJ,aJ,mH sH h(c5CJ,aJ,mH sH h%}h%}5CJ,aJ,mH sH h%}hz5CJ,aJ,mH sH ;<XY;|12PQB  & Fgd>/gd>/gdp & Fgd5!^ & Fgd/z & Fgd#bi & Fgd8"x & Fgd9vgdg$a$gdL     b c d u Ĺ{ppd\\\p\\dh(mH sH jh(UmH sH h(h(mH sH h(cmH sH h(ch(c0J5mH sH h(ch(c5mH sH  jh(ch(c5UmH sH h%}h%}mH sH h%}hEmH sH hH#h(cmH sH hmH sH homH sH h\}vhmH sH h/hmH sH hphpmH sH  $)7=bflnouzɾxlaɄYh%}mH sH h%}hQ mH sH h%}hz5mH sH h%}hE5mH sH h(cmH sH h%}hEfmH sH h%}hEmH sH h%}h( mH sH hd5mH sH hdmH sH h%}h%}mH sH h%}hzmH sH h(h(mH sH h(mH sH jh(UmH sH hdHh(0JmH sH " $89:;>ENP^_fgioptyz{|$'(]`Ĺhe\h8"x5mH sH h8"x\mH sH hHh8"x5mH sH hHh8"xmH sH h%}hEmH sH h%}mH sH h%}hU$mH sH h%}h( mH sH h(cmH sH h%}hVmH sH h%}hzmH sH 7#$()ABKLOPQRVXw|}ɽԲԲɚɉɉ~h%}hO_LmH sH h%}mH sH h%}5mH sH h%}hGR5mH sH h%}hE5mH sH h%}hEmH sH h%}h%}5mH sH h%}hGRmH sH h%}h%}mH sH hHh8"xmH sH h8"x\mH sH hHh8"x5mH sH 0$&'(,-w}~ƾshs[h&hp0JmH sH hphpmH sH jhpUmH sH hpmH sH hehZ0JmH sH hZmH sH jhZUmH sH hZhZmH sH h5!^h5!^mH sH hhh%}hH!ph%}hEmH sH h%}hE5mH sH hQ 5mH sH h(c5mH sH h%}h#bi5mH sH #$128HIOPQ $.@AB$).DSc )ɹh,mH sH h,h,mH sH h>/5mH sH h>/mH sH hp5CJ$aJ$mH sH h0Php5CJ$aJ$mH sH hhpmH sH hZh0 mH sH hpmH sH jhpUmH sH h&hp0JmH sH 3)*+0256=Rz{|}02=bcdefr  븭h)h.0JmH sH h.h.mH sH h.mH sH jh.UmH sH h6h;umH sH h6hj5CJ$aJ$mH sH h95rh>/mH sH hOh>/0JmH sH h;3 h>/mH sH h>/mH sH jh>/UmH sH 2e  gd;ugdj  h6h;umH sH ,1h. 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