ࡱ> CEB %bjbjWW .:55||D"tBBBBBx"z"z"z"z"z"z"$m$'v"111"BB"1 BBx"1x"!"BO_y;!d""0"!,''"'"d`}/\""."1111'| : CIVIL WAR STUDY GUIDE Chapter 16 (Sections 1-5) 16-1 The following states were all considered border states: 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe why each of the above was strategically important. 1. 2. 3. 4. Which Southern state had an area in it that opposed secession ? What state was formed as a result of it? Fill in as many facts for the two sides that you can find! Union/ Northern Advantages Confederate/Southern Advantages _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ Union Disadvantages Confederate Disadvantages _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ REVIEW OVER THE CHART ON P.462 on Comparing Resources The Unions original aim was to ___________________________________. The Confederacys original aim or goal was to_______________________________. The Union strategy to win the war had 3 main parts: 1. 2. 3. The South had hoped that two foreign powers would come to their aid during the war. Those two foreign countries were__________ & __________. NICKNAMES: Union soldiers were known as _____________ & Confederate soldiers were called _________________. 16-2 The first major land battle of the Civil War was Bull Run or _____________. It occurred _________, 1861 in Virginia. On the Union side , ____________ led the Northern soldiers and on the Confederate side they were led by _______________ &_______________. This battle is important for several reasons: __________________- earned his nickname __________________- first heard (used by Confederates to intimidate) George McClellan was put in overall command of the ARMY OF THE POTOMAC after the previous Union commander was removed from command following the loss. Blockade runners were important because :_________________________________________________. The famous Battle of the Ironclads occurred: DATE- PLACE- UNION IRONCLAD- CONFEDERATE IRONCLAD- The first Union victory of the war occurred April 6 & 7 at the Battle of __________________. The Union commander at this battle was _____________________. The name of the battle comes from what? His nickname came from a previous battle where he ordered the immediate and ________________ _______________ of his enemy. The Confederate city of ______ ________ was captured by David Farragut in April of 1862. This citys capture was important because:_______________________________________. Union commander McClellan first major campaign was known as the Peninsular. During this campaign there were a series of battles over several daysthis would be known as _____________________Battle. This battle would be important to the South because what man took command during the battle due to an injury to another Confederate commander? Also during this battle Confederate commander J.E.B. Stuart, who commanded the ______________, circled the entire Union army gaining important information. The first time the Confederates invaded Northern territory in the fall of 1862 the Battle of ___________ occurred. This battle is important because it is the single bloodiest day in American history- the date was _____________________. The Union called this a victory because ___________________________________________________. Lincoln was upset with McClellan following this battle and replaced him with _________ _______________.(first & last name) 16-3 Following the Union victory at Antietam Lincoln decided to issue the ___________________ ____________________. This would take effect on ___________ ___ __________.(date) This would change the focus of the warExplain! Read the quote on p.474 concerning Lincolns views on slavery. Why did he not decide to issue the document earlier in the war? Eventually the _______ Amendment would abolish slavery officially in the United States. The proclamation also allowed for the enlistment of African Americans into the Union army. Eventually they would make up ____% of the total Union army. They would also make up nearly ______% of the Union navy personnel. The most famous African American Regiment was the 54 Massachusetts who displayed great bravery on an attack in July of 1863 outside the city of ___________, South Carolina. 16-4 The rifles of the Civil war had greater _________ then previous muskets in previous wars. Women served in the following professions during the war _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ This was the first time that women served as ________________ in large numbers. ____________ ________ organized women who wanted to serve as nurses. ____________ __________ also helped organize aid and eventually founded the American chapter of the Red Cross. Some women were also spies- List some facts about the following women Rose Greenhow- Belle Boyd- Some Democrats called peace or negotiating with the Confederacy. They were nickname _________________. Lincoln did suspend some Constitutional rights during the war. The right of habeas corpus was suspended. Explain what this right protects American citizens from? There was opposition to the war and both sides had to eventually draft soldiers to fill the ranks. The Union used _________ or payments or rewards to encourage soldiers to sign up. Some opposition turned violent. In July of 1863 the Union experienced rioting, looting and murder over 4 days. These actions occurred in what city? Read the section on TECHNOLOGY AND HISTORY CIVIL WAR CAMERA. 16-5 The Union army in the East was known as the Army of the ___________. The Confederate army in the East was known as the Army of __________ ___________. On December 13, 1862 The Battle of __________________ occurred. The Union leader __________ ___________ was defeated by Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Following the defeat, ____________ ___________ was the new Union commander. He attempted to crush Lees army in May at the Battle of _______________________. This battle was devastating to the Confederates because:_______________________________________. The most famous battle of the war was the Battle of Gettysburg- Explain how this battle happened by accident. Who was the Union commander at this battle? Following the Battle of Gettysburg- the important city of _______________ was captured by Union general U.S. Grant on July 4, 1863. Why was this victory so important to the Union cause? An important part of the war was to weaken the heart of the Confederacy. Union general William T. Sherman had won key victories in Tennessee. He captured the Confederate city of Atlanta and then prepared to MARCH TO THE SEA. This march would go from Atlanta to _________________. This occurred in what year? This type of war was known as _______ ________. After Grants victory at Chattanooga, Lincoln said what about him?(p.488). REVIEW MAPS ON P. 488- 489 on BATTLES & STRATEGIES and FINAL BATTLES! Read and review over the Linking Past & Present section on Hard Tack to MRES. The war came to an end after a long siege of the Virginia city of ______________. This happened in ________ of 1865. Lee finally surrendered to Grant in a small Virginia village known as ______________ ___________ on __________ ____ _________. Total casualties during the war was near ________________. Explain how the results of the war changed the federal and state governments. /167- k n s ./^kl!%&mostǿwldVKh!^5>*CJaJh!^h!^5>*CJaJh!^CJaJh?)5>*CJaJh?)h?)5>*CJaJh?)CJaJh$jh$j>*CJaJh$jCJaJhihi5>*CJaJhiCJaJh/hCJaJh9CACJaJhb0CJaJhlY25>*CJaJhlY2hlY25>*CJaJhlY2CJaJhCJaJh(CJaJ017op> ? @ { | gd($a$gd$a$gd( " W ' \ ] ^ - . / c f g j k n o gdb0 k l m n s tu4:AQghij/gdb0/0^_`)*VWXEF !&gdb0Emnot tu~gdb0tKL@"%%%%%%%%%%ŷŤő݆~vkh(h(CJaJh(CJaJhPCJaJhb0hb0CJaJhQ%hQ%CJaJhCJaJhNCJaJhQ%5>*CJaJhQ%hQ%5>*CJaJhQ%CJaJh BCJaJh/hCJaJhb0CJaJh!^hj7CJaJh!^CJaJhj7CJaJLM@AB !c 3!4!`!a!gdb0gdj7a!b!"""<#X#Y#####$$l$m$$$c%d%%%%%%%%%%gdb0%%%%%%gd(,1h/ =!"#$% ^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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