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Review / Approval of Meeting Minutes – The minutes were reviewed and the motion was made for approval by John Jacobsen, seconded by Ted Logan. All members voted affirmatively. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Monthly Financial Report - Income – Ron Lock informed the Council the Worker’s Compensation bill had been reduced and he had rented more office space. Expenditures – Ron Lock explained the monthly financial report and noted that the bills from the conference in Orlando were not in yet. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding 22 O.S. 988.2 and the Changes to Admittance and Eligibility Requirements to Community Sentencing (carry over item) – Ron Lock gave the definition of mental illness from George Burnett and Bob Ravitz concurred with the definition. Bob Ravitz stated the jail analyses would be alright with District Attorney consent. Bob Ravitz stated he would like a Probation Officer totally trained in mental illness assessment. John Jacobsen stated the District Attorney’s office will have a staff meeting on Friday and discuss the criteria that will be used and bring it back to next month’s meeting. John Jacobsen motioned to carry this item over to next month’s meeting, Bob Ravitz seconded. All members voted affirmatively. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding FY-2005 Contract with the Department of Corrections Involving Supervision and other Services, Update from the Department of Corrections – Anita Bailey stated night time hours would be at Community Sentencing and the Councils discretion. Anita Bailey stated Community Sentencing is already doing the 4-1 Ratio by documenting efforts in the chronos. She stated the Department of Corrections is not asking for anything more than what is already being done. Ron Lock stated he was concerned Community Sentencing would be penalized for not documenting the 4-1 Ratio. Anita Bailey stated again Community Sentencing is already documenting the 4-1 ratio in the chronos and that is all that is expected. Bob Ravitz motioned Community Sentencing continue to utilize what they have been using and that is for positive reinforcement for the offenders that need it and that the Council in light of representations from the Department of Corrections Community Sentencing does not have to itemize what they are doing and that the Council accepts that provision of the contract. Allen Coles seconded. All members voted affirmatively. Donna Nigh asked if there was ever a decision regarding training. Ron Lock stated he can send officers to training and bring in speakers. Bob Ravitz asked Ron Lock to bring an adoptive schedule of what types of training that is actually done to next month’s meeting. Donna Nigh stated she wants a formal training period. Donna Nigh stated she would like to know more about the LSI. Anita Bailey stated she would bring Kelly Vance to next month’s meeting. Page 6 of the Contract regarding invoices – “as mutually agreed upon by the parties” Anita Bailey stated that could be done, it was not an issue. Bob Ravitz stated he would like a computerized program regarding programs reflecting ones that work and the ones don’t. He suggested MIS write one for Community Sentencing. Anita Bailey offered to get a copy of Tulsa’s data program. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Definition of Employment as it Applies to the FY-2005 Contract with the Department of Corrections – Ron Lock stated he thought the Department of Corrections definition was acceptable, but would like the two exceptions he listed to be added. Bob Ravitz motioned Ron Lock to write Justin Jones and see if he would consider adding the exceptions to the definition of employment. Ron Lock stated there were three instances where Community Sentencing was not paid. One where the offender was on Worker’s Compensation. Anita Bailey asked if they could do volunteer work. Judge Elliott and Bob Ravitz informed her probably no. Bob Ravitz withdrew his first motion and motioned for Ron Lock to write the Department of Corrections a letter specifically asking if we can be reimbursed for offenders who are going to school and working part time thirty hours a week and secondly would we be reimbursed for somebody who is verifiably injured under the Worker’s Compensation statute. Ted Logan seconded, all members voted affirmatively. Bob Ravitz would like the LSI to reflect if the offender is not working and has the means to not work they be required to do community service. If the Judge does not enforce this recommendation, Community Sentencing does not have to accept the offender. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Public Service Announcement for Community Sentencing – Donna Nigh stated she had found someone to produce the PSA free of charge. She has set up a meeting with all the parties. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Salary of the Executive Director of Community Sentencing – Bob Ravitz motioned to raise the Executive Director’s salary five (5) percent effective August 1, 2004, seconded by John Jacobsen. All members voted affirmatively. New Business / Old Business – Ron Lock briefed the Council on his conference in Orlando. He stated he met the professor from California that designed the model he using to implement to the female offender program. He states he might be able to get her to come and speak with the officers. Zach Randall from Pathways spoke about his program. He spoke about two offender success stories. Chairman Elliott expressed concerns regarding violation reports taking so long before the District Attorney takes any action. Ron Lock introduced a visitor Jana Eubank, a college student from UCO where she is studying Criminal Justice. Citizen Participation – None Adjournment – Bob Ravitz motioned for adjournment, Allen Coles seconded. All members voted affirmatively. 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