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BlueSirius B0.02525600Polaris55005400Formalhut129600Beta-Centauri170025100Altair108400Achernar100017400Procyon B.019000Antares9103200Alpha-Centauri26100Spica76024400Our Sun15570Aldebaran1603600Ceti0.45600Betelgeuse160003100Indi0.14400Arcturus1004500Lacaille 87600.033500Vega501130040 Eridani 0.0116000 Analysis- use pages 627-628 to help you You can check your HR diagram at:  HYPERLINK "http://deskarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagram.jpg" http://deskarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagram.jpg 1. Draw a circle around all the red giants on your graph and label this enclosed area Red Giants. Temperature ((C)Color> 25,000Dark Blue11,000-24,999Light Blue7,500-10,999White6,000-7,499Light Yellow5,000-5,999Yellow3,500- 4,999Orange2,000- 3,499Red 2. Draw a circle around all the white dwarfs and label this enclosed area White Dwarfs. 3. The majority of stars belong to the main sequence group. Draw an ellipse enclosing the points representing main sequence stars. Label this area Main Sequence. 4. Find the Sun on your HR diagram. Draw arrows on the HR diagram showing the various stages the Sun will go through until the end of its life cycle. (page 632) 5. Of the stars you plotted, which is nearest to the end of its life? ________________ (name of star) Explain how you determined this. 6. The _______________ (longer or shorter) the wavelength, the hotter the star. 7A. Is luminosity more similar to absolute or apparent magnitude? (think about where the sun is) Explain. 7B. If you put Spica and the Sun next to each other at equal distance, which would be brighter? Why? Use your HR diagram to determine the following: (choose MS, RG or WD) 8. If a star is very hot and very bright, it belongs in this category ___________________ If a star is very cool and very dim, it belongs in this category ___________________ If a star is very hot and very dim it belongs in this category ______________________ If a star is very cool and very bright, it belongs in this category __________________ 12. Not all red stars are Red Giants. According to the HR diagram, what also has to be true to be considered a Red Giant? (use table 23.3 on page 638 to help you) 13. In the main sequence, the most massive stars are what color? The least massive stars are what color? 14. Look at the main sequence stars on your HR diagram, which main sequence star is the most massive? 15. Complete the sentence. For main sequence stars: The ______ the temperature the _______ the (higher or lower) (higher or lower) luminosity the ______ massive the star (more or less)  16. On the HR diagram to the left, fill in the boxes with the following terms: hot bright, cool bright, hot dim, cool dim  Bonus: Why are there no green stars? (you need to research this) Heres a great website (Ill link it on my website) to help with the HR diagram. Scroll down and click on the Interactive version with questions:  HYPERLINK "http://aspire.cosmic-ray.org/labs/star_life/hr_interactive.html" http://aspire.cosmic-ray.org/labs/star_life/hr_interactive.html If you can get 12-13 questions correct, you really understand the HR diagram (! 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