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It was better than being saved. I’m sure he felt the same way. You could tell by the look he gave me. PSYCHIATRIST (O.C.) The look? As the view expands away from the chair we get our first look at Sara (24): Legs crossed, slimming midnight blue mini skirt, strapless white top, long blonde wavy hair, country girl meets sex in the city dress. Two sides: country sweetness/ conservative bitch. Classic scene, all that’s missing is the cigarette. The psychiatrist (not a main character) also comes into view as the camera expands. SARA The look that says, “I’m the one.” The perfect soul mate… I mean, my God our children are going to be so beautiful. PSYCHIATRIST Children, sounds serious? SARA Ah, totally serious- it’s just that… PSYCHIATRIST Just what? SARA He’s seeing someone. PSYCHIATRIST He’s in another relationship? SARA Nothing serious. I know the girl; she’s not his type. PSYCHIATRIST Has he told you this? SARA She sleeps with him; it’s her only defense. PSYCHIATRIST Defense… against what… SARA My virginity. PSYCHIATRIST You’re a virgin? SARA I’m a born again virgin. I haven’t had sex in two years. PSYCHIATRIST And that makes you a virgin? SARA BORN – AGAIN - VIRGIN. Jesus forgave my sins- from that day, no sex till marriage. PSYCHIATRIST I see. Has he, this love interest of yours, expressed a desire to end his existing relationship? SARA The only place they have a relationship is in bed. All they ever do is have sex and Chinese take out. It’s all she can do to hold on to him. PSYCHIATRIST You seem to know a lot about his relationship and the woman he’s involved with. SARA Well, I should. She’s my roommate (beat) and my best friend. PSYCHIATRIST Sara, I… I see your previous therapist suggested that you move away… SARA (Quick response) Dr. Morley can kiss my… (Regains composure) All he ever wanted to do was give me more drugs and those drugs were getting in the way. PSYCHIATRIST “In the way” of what? SARA The one thing that will bring David to me… PSYCHIATRIST And what is that? SARA A baby. CUT TO: INT. – Sara & Lisa’s apartment living room - Day Phone rings in the apartment of Sara Johnson and Lisa O’Shea. The room is fashioned with stylized tributes to Broadway & NY in the midst of decidedly Christian-Catholic décor. Sara, nicely dressed, approaches the phone. LISA (O.C.) Sara, can you get that. SARA Got it. Hello… oh hi David. Lisa, yeah she’s here but she’s kind of busy right now. Lisa (23), t-shirt no bra, cut-off jeans; spunky performance art graduate- enters from a hallway. If Bjork was from Manhattan, that would be Lisa. SARA (cont’d) So, did you hear anything about your interview? DAVID (O.C.) (Phone voice) Listen Sara; my family is in town and I… SARA Portland is so perfect for you, what a great place to raise a family. DAVID (O.C.) Yeah it would be nice, uh; I’m kind of busy can you get Lisa? SARA I hope you get the job. LISA Who is it? SARA It’s David. LISA Oh yeah, here let me talk to him. Lisa reaches for the phone. Sara pulls away. SARA Hold on let me finish. Goodbye David. Ms. self-gratification has a hand free. LISA Hey, knock it off. Lisa grabs the phone. LISA (cont’d) Hey you, what’s up? DAVID (O.C.) I got the new camera. LISA Yeah. Did you really? That’s so cool. DAVID (O.C.) So, are we still on? LISA That’s right baby- I said I would. Watch out Paris Hilton, it’s show time. Lisa notices Sara is listening- Pulls phone close. Sara walks away. LISA So, my mischievous concubine, when do we shoot? DAVID (O.C.) Well, my parents are in town so… LISA What, are you kidding? DAVID (O.C.) Yeah, but they go to bed early, maybe we could film it at your place? LISA What, here? I don’t know, uh, hold on let me make sure the coast is clear. Lisa lowers the phone. LISA (cont’d) Sara what are you up to tonight? SARA (O.C.) Oh, well I was… I was going to the movies with some friends later. LISA What time? Sara returns to the room. SARA I don’t know? Around 9… LISA Cool… (Back to David) Yeah, let’s do it. But, I’m warning you. No copies and I’m keeping the tape. I’m serious. DAVID (O.C.) Ah, come on? LISA Don’t worry; you’ll have viewing rights and maybe a little surprise. DAVID (O.C.) Sounds great. Nine it is. LISA Great, got to go. Love you, kisses- bye. Lisa puts down phone and speaks out loud. LISA (cont’d) Hey Sara, I need to go to the… Sara? CUT TO: Ext. - David’s home - Wilmington Delaware Suburb - Day Clean red brick façade with white door, paved driveway. Sara pulls into driveway- Black Maxima- walks to the door in high heels. David Taylor (30) answers the door. David- Think John Ritter from New England- smart, good-looking, and likeable. An old lady might pinch his cheek and say how handsome he is. DAVID Sara, wow. Weren’t you just home like five minutes ago? SARA Gee, isn’t that a warm welcome? Listen I really need to talk to you. DAVID Uh, yeah, my family just ran out to the store, but I’ve got a minute. Come on in. Have a seat. Int. – David’s Living Room Flat screen TV sits in the midst of modern black leather furniture with some unique African art. There are also photos of David in parts of Africa holding a camera. David is a Peace Corps volunteer formally stationed in Niger, a country riddled with over population problems. This will be important later. SARA Thank you David. Sara looks at one of David’s Peace Corp photos. SARA Heh, that’s you in the Peace Corp? DAVID Yeah, that’s in Niger. SARA David, you’re such a great guy. DAVID Thanks Sara, you’re a really nice person too. SARA Ah, David, I’m so glad you feel that way. Gives David a smile with a long pause. David appears caught off guard. DAVID Ah, yeah Sara can I ugh, get you something to drink? SARA That would be great. DAVID What’s you’re poison, mineral water, soda…? SARA A glass of wine would be great. DAVID Uh yeah, red or white… SARA Red, of course… DAVID Sure. David goes to his wine table SARA David, something is really wrong. DAVID Oh-yeah, what is it? SARA It’s Lisa. DAVID Lisa, huh, I just talked to her like a minute… well you answered the phone. SARA Yes David I know. That’s not what I’m trying to say. DAVID What then, something Lisa hasn’t told me? SARA I think you’re making a big mistake. DAVID You mean tonight. Gee I… SARA Not just tonight, I mean every night. DAVID I uh, don’t get what you’re trying to say SARA Lisa is – not - right - for you. DAVID Really, I… SARA Listen David; I have been a friend of Lisa’s for a long time. And what you have now is all you’re getting. DAVID Yeah, ugh, Sara, I don’t think this is a conversation we should be having. I love Lisa. We’ve been together for four years. And I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but this is a big weekend for us. SARA Really David, a porno, you’re so much better than that. DAVID I did not know she told you (uncomfortable smile), but r-e-a-l-l-y there is a lot more going on then meets the eye. SARA David, I’ve waited a long time to say this, but if things don’t end with Lisa soon, then we are never going to happen. DAVID What? We? Wait Sara, “we” will never happen. You’re one of Lisa’s best friends. I never thought of you as… SARA That’s because you haven’t had time to think. Every time you look the other way Lisa spreads her legs. DAVID What? SARA You need something real: a clean woman. DAVID A clean what? SARA: For a family, David… The real life… DAVID (Shaking his head) No, Sara, I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression that I liked you in any way other than a friend. I love Lisa and have a lot going on right now, so please. David motions for Sara to leave. SARA David, you’re confused. You’re afraid of being lonely. DAVID No Sara, I’m sorry, but you really need to leave. SARA David, please. You’re not. You’re not thinking this through. DAVID Sara, there’s nothing to think about. I love Lisa. Goodbye. David opens the door. Sara stands up and walks to the door. She looks outside and sees a postman walking up the driveway turns and kisses David. David pulls away and Sara leaves. The postman smiles at David. David looks at the postman. Ext. - David’s house - Day DAVID James, that was not funny. POSTMAN Sorry Dave, I was figure’n she’d never get the nerve. DAVID Excuse me? POSTMAN David, look out your window, son. She’s been parked across the street at 11:45 for the last three months. Told the police that she like to eat lunch on this street because of the view. But I see what she look’n at… She look’n at you like you’re her man. CUT TO: Ext. - Lisa/Sara’s apartment - Night David arrives at Lisa and Sara’s apartment. Upscale condo complex. David Knocks. Int. – Apartment Entrance Lisa opens door. David enters with flowers and camera case over his shoulder. DAVID Hey gorgeous. LISA Hello, Lover boy. DAVID (Hands her the flowers) Happy Anniversary. LISA Aw, our four-year anniversary, you remembered. DAVID The day we met is the happiest day of my life. (They kiss) LISA Thank you. DAVID Is Sara gone? LISA Yeah, she’s gone. You look worried. DAVID Oh, it’s nothing. Hey, are you ready for our big night of Cinema? LISA You’re damn right I am. Lisa opens her robe and is wearing red lingerie. LISA (cont’d) It’s Showtime. DAVID Hey slow down, the cameras not on. Lisa closes her robe. David begins unpacking his film equipment. LISA Hey, I didn’t know your parents were in town? DAVID Yeah, they had some good news they wanted to share so they popped in to say hello. You’re welcome to join us for dinner tomorrow. LISA Oh God, after tonight. I’ll blush every time your mother looks at me. DAVID Don’t worry my mom knows your just like every good little Catholic girl. LISA A total slut? DAVID Why do you think my Dad married a Catholic? LISA David Taylor, watch your mouth. DAVID You’re right, not the time to discuss parents sex life. Well, my sexy temptress let me set this up and we’ll get started. LISA On to the bedroom… Lisa’s bedroom is adorned with red tapestries from India. Candles are lit throughout the room. The bed sits in the middle of the far wall with red satin sheets glimmering in candlelight. David enters the room and sets up a video camera on a desk opposite the bed. David’s camera will have a full view of the bed starting at the foot. While David is fidgeting Lisa enters the room and gets on the bed. LISA I’m waiting Lover boy. DAVID Perfect, stay where you are for just one more minute and… One, two, three and rolling The scene perspective is through the video camera. David runs and jumps center on the bed to join Lisa. DAVID And action- now before we make our illustrious debut in the world of pornography, I have an announcement to make. LISA An introduction, how nice… DAVID Well, yes. David pauses to catch his breath- gain composure. DAVID (cont’d) Lisa, you are about to engage in promiscuous sex with the future programming director of KCTU in Portland, Oregon. Lisa puts her hands to her mouth. David laughs as he pops the cork off a bottle of champagne. DAVID Are you prepared to accept the high level of moral depravity that will ultimately affect my programming choices? LISA Oh, congratulations, you got the job! DAVID You’re damn right I did. LISA Oh my God, I’m so happy for you. They hug and kiss. DAVID Thank you. Thank you… LISA I had no idea, I…Oh, oh my when do you leave. Oh, stop the tape I, I… DAVID No, no keep rolling. Yes, this means I’m leaving, but it doesn’t mean I’m leaving alone. LISA Oh, David, I have a lease till the end of October- that’s four months. But when the lease is up I’ll… DAVID Ah-ah-ah, already taken care of, and part of the approved moving expense... LISA Wow, you are so great. I don’t know what to say, I… DAVID Hold it. Don’t say another word. David leans over to the side of the bed and mumbles to himself. DAVID (cont’d) Okay- I can do this-I can do this- breathe- okay David grabs a hold of something and pops back up. DAVID (cont’d) Lisa Marylyn O’Shea, you are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman in the world. I could have the greatest job on Earth, but it would mean nothing if you were not beside me. And so, if you would do me the honor and say, “yes” as I place this ring upon your finger and ask- “Lisa, will you marry me?” Lisa starts to cry LISA Oh, David, yes, yes I’ll marry you. Oh my, the camera- oh David. They kiss. DAVID You’re damn right the cameras on. I took a big risk. I mean if this didn’t work then I screwed up my chance to make the video. LISA So that’s why your parents are in town? DAVID No, dad just wanted to borrow some tools. LISA Right, Mr. Betty Crocker. You don’t even own a screwdriver. DAVID Well, that’s not exactly true my dear. You know, the cameras still rolling. LISA Yes, it is. Oh, the condoms are on the nightstand. DAVID Oh, come on, we’re engaged! LISA Very funny, you try telling my mom it’s a shotgun wedding. I’m sure I just ovulated. DAVID You’re right, where’s the condom? David and Lisa make love. Camera pans from the video projection to the outside dark window- the camera turns into night vision and you can see Sara is looking in the Window. After the love making Lisa’s car alarm goes off. DAVID What is that? LISA Oh Gee, I think it’s my car alarm. I’ll be right. DAVID No, I’ll get it. David gets up. LISA Thanks honey, my keys are by the door. David gets up puts on his boxer shorts, gets the keys and goes outside. Then comes back to the door. DAVID Ah, Lisa, someone threw a rock threw your window. LISA Ah, you’re kidding me? Lisa puts her robe on and goes outside. The parking lot is maybe 20 yards from the apartment surrounded by trees and dimly lit by halogen lighting. A few neighbors are standing outside to see what happened. David and Lisa walk to the car. DAVID It’s probably just some kids. Did anyone see anything? (To neighbors) Neighbors just nod and say they didn’t see anything. LISA It doesn’t look like they stole anything. I’m pretty sure I have glass coverage. DAVID Well, It’s too late to get it fixed tonight. I’ll grab some plastic and duct tape for now. LISA Ah, thanks honey. Lisa is first to return to the apartment. Sara is coming out of Lisa’s room. LISA Sara, what are you doing in my room, I thought you were at the movies? SARA Oh, yeah, the movie sucked. I uh, heard your car alarm and thought you might be sleeping. What going on? LISA Someone threw a rock through my car window. SARA Oh my, is it bad? LISA Well, it’s a huge mess but I’m pretty sure insurance will take care of it. David enters the room. DAVID Hey Sara! When did you get here? SARA Oh, hi David, looks like I missed the action. David remembers he’s wearing boxers. DAVID Uh, yeah, Lisa’s car got a rock thrown thru the window. LISA No big deal. Really, probably just some kids. Oh my God, Sara- David proposed to me. SARA Really, I thought you just filmed a porno? LISA Sara, what the? SARA I’m kidding, congratulations, really, I’m happy for the both of you. LISA Aw, we’ll still be friends- gives her a hug- oh and I’m moving to Oregon in how many months. DAVID Uh, two weeks… but don’t worry. Sara’s rent will be paid till the end of the lease. SARA Great (awkward smile), just great… CUT TO: Int. – T.V. Station office environment – Portland, Oregon - Day David is at his new job. He’s in an office with an executively dressed individual- Robert (45-50) David’s boss. Robert is like a young Ed Asner, a bit chubby with sincerity in his voice. ROBERT Well David, I’ve got to hand it to you. The line-up changes look great and you definitely seem to have a feel for what our viewers are looking for. DAVID Thanks Robert. You know, cities like Portland are looking for something better than Prime Time television. The first time I visited this city, I said, “This is the place that wants Public Television viewing without the public television budget.” Now if the advertisers will jump on board? Robert stands up and extends an arm to David’s shoulder. ROBERT One-step at a time my friend. It’s only the third week. Something like this takes time to fall in place. What is important is our next meal. When are you and that fiancée of yours coming over for dinner? DAVID Well, considering our kitchen is being remodeled, and Lisa has auditions all day… we’ll do dinner any night you want. ROBERT How’s Friday? DAVID Sounds great. Robert and David exit the office side by side. They are now in the main office area of the local station that David is the new programming director for. ROBERT Terrific, my wife’s out of town and that will give me a few days to find a date (both laugh). Don’t tell her I said that she might cut off my allowance. DAVID No a problem. Tell you what; let us take care of dessert and the wine. ROBERT Sounds good. Friday it is. CUT TO: Int. - David & Lisa’s Portland Apartment - Dusk The apartment has a modern design, with a nice window view of the city. Boxes are scattered about and remnants of Lisa and David’s possessions are placed in various areas. David enters. DAVID Lucy, I’m home. LISA (O.C.) Very funny, I’m in the office. David walks to the office. Small room- a computer table is the main centerpiece. Lisa is sitting at the computer. She turns the screen off as David enters the room still in his suit from work. Lisa is dressed casual in a white throw over top (nicer than a t-shirt) and dark blue Asian fisherman pants. DAVID Oh yeah, what-yah working on? LISA Oh nothing, just a little computer work. DAVID Oh? LISA What do you think? She holds up some color schemes. DAVID Fantastic. For the bathroom or? LISA The kitchen silly… DAVID Oops sorry. Say, we don’t have any plans for this Friday, do we? LISA No why? DAVID Oh, Robert invited us over for dinner. LISA What, no Thai take-out? That’s it I’m leaving. Lisa gets up and goes into the main living area. David follows. DAVID Ha, ha, very funny. So how did the audition go? Lisa is in front of a large window displaying a scenic view of the city. LISA Pretty good, but I’m really tired of traditional Shakespeare roles. It seems that it’s the only way to get recognized for the good stuff… Oh, yes, can she act…really? Why of course, she’s done Shakespeare. So tell me Romeo, ‘Where for art though a role befitting for a modern actress?’ DAVID Ah, do not despair my love, for this programming director sees many a starring roles for this fine young beauty and maybe even in primetime. LISA A yes, (singing) the hills are alive, with the sounds of- (flat vocals) in your dreams. DAVID Well, you have to admit, the city is progressive. LISA Speaking of progress, you wouldn’t believe the news I got today. DAVID What’s that? LISA Miss, I - am - a - born again Virgin Sara Johnson is pregnant. DAVID Really, wow, I didn’t even think she was dating anyone. LISA Neither did I. Apparently, there’s some new love in her life… And they had the most amazing connection; she said it was “God’s plan.” Some plan, it took her no time to meet this guy and do the nasty. DAVID Well, I’ll say. We’ve only been here three weeks. That must have happened when we were back in Wilmington. Lisa starts going around the room straightening things. LISA I guess so. The funny thing is, she wouldn’t tell me who the father was. Like the whole time she’s been keeping this big secret from me. I mean it must have happened the week you proposed to me. We have the same cycle. We lived together for two years. DAVID Huh, well, maybe she went to a sperm bank? LISA She’s crazy enough to do it. DAVID You think so? David goes to his bar and begins to pour a drink. DAVID (cont’d) Would you like a drink? LISA Yeah, I’ll have the flavored Gin and tonic. You know how I told you Sara has some emotional problems? DAVID Yeah, like a thousand times. LISA No David for real, she’s bi-polar and last month she tried going off her meds for the first time in years. DAVID Huh, maybe she went off the pills to get pregnant? LISA I don’t know, but she was acting totally weird the last few weeks. Kept asking if you were sleeping over. She knows I usually sleep at your place. And remember the night you proposed. I caught her coming out of my room. David stops to think for a moment. DAVID Well, I didn’t want to say anything, because I know you guys are friends, but Sara came on to me that day. LISA Really? DAVID Yeah, right after I got off the phone with you she appeared at my door. She told me that you and I were wrong for each other and that she was in love with me. LISA She what? DAVID Yeah, I told her that she had to leave. I didn’t know what else to do. LISA Wow, that’s why she acted so weird… Oh my, I hope she didn’t get pregnant on the rebound. That poor child- I mean the baby. DAVID I don’t know, but the whole thing is pretty creepy. LISA I’ll say. Well, the good news is that she is three thousand miles away, and it’s not our problem. DAVID Looks like we got out in just the nick of time. Cheers! David hands her the drink- they clink glasses. CUT TO: Int. – David’s Car (sporty sedan)– Nighttime – Raining David and Lisa are on their way to Robert’s for dinner. DAVID Well, what do you know Portland? It’s raining! LISA Ah, I love the rain. We can all cuddle by the fireplace after dinner. DAVID Sound’s nice. I hope they like the dessert. LISA David, we have four of every pastry in the Shoppe. I’m sure one will be a winner. (Beat) Where does Linda work again? DAVID She’s a pediatrician at St. Helen’s Child Center. LISA St. Helen’s. Sounds like she works in a volcano. DAVID Yeah, she… (Cell phone rings) Uh, Honey can you see who’s calling? David takes his cell phone out of his coat pocket and hands it to Lisa. LISA It doesn’t show a name. It’s a Delaware phone number. DAVID Well, they’ll have to leave a message; this driving is too crazy to talk. Ext. - David and Lisa arrive at Robert’s house. Robert’s house suggests money. A concave driveway disembarks before a formal white Victorian entrance. David and Lisa run from their car to the front door and ring the doorbell. Int. - Robert’s House - Doorway The entry way is the first introduction to a beautiful home: stylish with a West coast display of classic European Art in the midst of oriental rugs and various pieces of Asian decor. Robert’s wife is Linda (40ish), a tall slender African American woman, elegant in jewelry and dress, with a warm nature. Linda is a Pediatrician. Robert opens the door. ROBERT Hello, out there. Please come on in. David, Sara, great to see you made it in the rain. Robert and David shake hands. Robert kisses Lisa on the cheek. ROBERT (cont’d) Ah, Lisa lovely as ever… LISA Nice to see you Robert… DAVID I’m afraid we’re a little bit more than wet here. ROBERT Don’t worry about the water. If it didn’t rain it wouldn’t be Portland. DAVID Linda, you look beautiful as ever. David kisses Linda on the cheek. LINDA Great to see you David… Lisa. Lisa and Linda exchange a hug and a kiss. LISA Oh Linda, I love that necklace. LINDA Thank you, it’s Jade from Chiang Mai, Thailand. LISA It’s beautiful. LINDA Here let me take your coat. Dinner’s just about ready. Our housekeeper, Jonathan, is doing the honors tonight. He’s a wonderful chef, who just can’t stand the restaurant business. LISA David paid for four years of college working as a prep cook. Lisa looks at David and smiles. LINDA Really? DAVID Well, not entirely. When I first met Lisa I told her I was a prep cook, but I was in fact working at Subway. (General laughter) Ah gee, you know what. If I could excuse myself for a moment I’d like to use the restroom. Honey, can you take the desserts? Robert interrupts to help with the packages. ROBERT Ah, I’ll take that. You remember where the restroom is, right? DAVID Yeah, just after the Picasso, but before the dog playing solitaire. Which of course, is my favorite. LINDA Help yourself. The painting is yours. David starts down the hallway, running parallel to the staircase. ROBERT Lisa, how about a glass of wine? LISA Sounds great. ROBERT Right this way. Robert motions Lisa towards the living room. A gas fireplace sets a warm glow on burgundy leather couches. Switch to: David is entering the bathroom. David sits on the toilet equipped with climate/cleansing control pad. David presses a button to start a fan and then takes out his cell phone. The phone tells him he has one message: Phone You have one message. Received Sept Aug 2, at 5:20 pm. “Hello, Mr. Taylor, this is Judith from billing at Wilmington Community Hospital. We have yet to receive a billing address and information regarding an insurance provider on behalf of the visits for Ms. Sara Johnson. Please be informed that as the father of the child you do have a legal obligation to help provide payment and/or coverage.” DAVID What the? Phone “If you could please give us a call at 302-567-5067 at your earliest convenience, that would be appreciated, thank you.” To return the calls press three. To save press… David closes the phone turns his head to the side and looks disgusted. He presses the number three. Phone rings twice then answers. Phone Hello you have reached the Wilmington Community Hospital’s billing office we are currently closed. Our hours are Monday through… David hangs up. Presses on the menu of his phone and looks for Sara’s phone number under “Lisa/Sara home phone.” Presses OK to dial the number. The phone rings three times. Switch to: Int. – Sara and Lisa’s old apartment living room– Night Sara looks at her cell phone and sees that it’s David calling. She holds the phone as she navigates around the room. SARA Congratulations dad! Switch to: Int. – Robert’s House - Restroom David pauses for a moment, with agitated disbelief. The scene continues to switch between characters as they speak. DAVID Sara, hey I’m glad to hear your pregnant, but there’s been some type of mistake. And I’m a little bit… SARA What mistake is that? DAVID Well, apparently the hospital has confused me as the father of your… SARA Oh, there’s no mistake. David begins to look frustrated. DAVID Excuse me? SARA The baby is yours. DAVID Sara, are you out of your mind? SARA Now David, we’re not going to be a big happy family with that kind of talk. DAVID Sara, listen, I don’t know if this is some kind of joke, but obviously you need some help. SARA Well yeah, that’s why I had the hospital call you. I’m not good at asking for money. But I do need some help. DAVID Sara, if it’s money you need, I’ll talk it over with Lisa, but you need to tell the real father that it’s his responsibility to… SARA But you’re the father. DAVID Sara, you know I’m not the father. We’ve never had sex. SARA I know. It was an immaculate conception. DAVID A what? Never mind. Sara, I suggest you start by taking your medication and telling the real father that he has a child on the way. SARA A come on David, every one knows about our good fortune. Even the postman knows we’re pregnant. DAVID Sara listen (She keeps mumbling) LISTEN! I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I’m not the father of that child and there’s no way you can prove that I am. We’ve never had sex. SARA I know. God just wanted it this way. David’s face is getting red with anger. DAVID Sara, for the sake of that child; get some therapy. David hangs up the phone. He stands up in front of the mirror and tries to regain his composure. Exits the bathroom and enters the living room. ROBERT There he is. LISA Honey, are you all right? We thought we heard you yell something in the bathroom. DAVID Oh, yeah I’m fine, that was, I was just talking to my brother, you know how pig headed he can be sometimes. I apologize if I was too loud. ROBERT Ah, hell, no problem. We’ve all got one bad apple in the bunch. Listen, I think dinner is just about ready so what do you say we head into the dining room. I’m starved. LINDA Me too. A crystal chandelier swoons warmly over candles and fine china. The server, Jonathon, enters with the appetizers- dragon rolls surrounded by fantail shrimp. LISA Ah, how nice. ROBERT Once again, Jonathon has outdone himself. JONATHON Thank you, thank you, compliments only make the food better. LINDA Isn’t he great? We didn’t have to lift a finger for tonight. Thank you Jonathon. DAVID & LISA Thank you JONATHON You are all so very much welcome but this is nothing compared to dessert. LISA Oh, Jonathon, David and I brought dessert. It’s in the kitchen. JONATHON Yes, indeed, the neighbor’s children were playing in the back yard and looked very hungry. I felt compelled to share a snack with them. If it’s all right… I’ve prepared my brasserie style Crème Brulée accompanied by homemade vanilla sorbet and fresh berries as an impromptu substitute. LISA Wow, sorry David. David makes a smirk towards Lisa. LISA Thank you Jonathon. He’s fantastic! (To Linda) LINDA Yes, thank you Jonathon. Linda returns her attention to those seated. LINDA (cont’d) Speaking of fantastic. I heard that Lisa had an audition this week. LISA Yeah, it was nothing. Just another Shakespearean tragedy… LINDA Oh, I just love Shakespeare. Was it a bad part? LISA Oh, I love Shakespeare too, but sometimes I wonder do we really need it? LINDA Need what? LISA So many lessons in tragedy… Most of his stories are about someone screwing over everyone else. I wonder, in Shakespeare’s world, whom do you trust? David makes a slight choking sound while drinking. DAVID Uh, excuse me. LINDA Hmm, interesting, I never really thought about that. LISA Yeah, I’m hoping to find a more modern performance. You know, Mama Mia or maybe, I don’t know, something new like The Penis Dialogues. (She smiles) David fakes a gag. LINDA “The Penis Dialogues?” ROBERT Finally, something I can talk about. LISA Yeah, why not, we’ve got the Vagina Monologues. I’m sure the penis has a lot to say. I mean they’re constantly dealing with mixed signals. Women love to flaunt their bodies with no intention of sleeping with a man. LINDA I think she’s onto something. When my male patients reach puberty they are totally confused. Men are supposed to be sensitive and caring, but ready to kick ass in a fight and make money like Donald Trump. ROBERT And the TV dad’s have turned into buffoons. Whatever happened to smart fathers like Mr. Cunningham from Happy Days or ah Mr. Keaton from Family Ties? LISA Hey, smart guy, don’t you run a network? ROBERT Come on David back me up. David is staring off into space. DAVID Uh, yeah, they just don’t make a good TV dad for us to televise. Lisa looks at David concerned. ROBERT I’m telling you. The women are way ahead of us. They beat us in the bedroom; they beat us at work, and if you think you can get away, boom- they’ll get you in court. LINDA Now, Robert, remember your allowance. (She smiles) ROBERT You know what, as far as I concerned, let the woman have it. Linda makes a lot more than I do and I’m glad. Cause I really don’t want a heart attack at age 50 worrying about finances. LINDA You’re 51 dear. ROBERT See, it’s working. LISA That’s what I love about David. Money just doesn’t seem to matter. Our longest running joke is that we couldn’t call it a date unless it involved Chinese takeout and late night with Conan O’Brien. Our kids will probably have stunted growth from MSG, huh David? David’s eyes blow up a bit from the mention of kids. DAVID Well, since moving to Portland we’ve upgraded. LISA Yeah, now it’s Thai food and David Lettermen. ROBERT Well, hopefully Jonathan’s dinner won’t disappoint you? DAVID Of course not, everything is delicious. Here’s to a wonderful meal and to some very wonderful people. Cheers. They clink glasses. CUT TO: Ext. - David’s Car - Driving in an evening fog left from the rain. Int. – David’s car Lisa and David are returning home from their evening with Robert & Linda. LISA All right, let’s have it. And don’t say “have what?” DAVID I don’t know if we should talk about it. LISA Too late… DAVID That phone call. LISA I knew it, the one from Wilmington. DAVID Yes. It was from the hospital. LISA The hospital, what is someone hurt. You should have told me. DAVID No, no, nothing like that. LISA Well, what then. DAVID Sara… LISA Sara what? DAVID Sara told the hospital that I was the father of her baby. LISA You’re kidding me? DAVID No, I called the hospital to explain that she is in fact crazy but they were closed. So, I called Sara to straighten things out and… LISA And? DAVID She told me congratulations. I’m having a baby. LISA What, she has got to be joking? DAVID I told her. Listen you need to start taking your medication and let the real father know that he has a child on the way. LISA What did she say? DAVID She said, “I’m the daddy”. Jesus, can you believe that girl? I have never; I mean never laid a finger on her. It’s simple. She has the baby; we get the DNA test and never talk to her again. LISA Give me your phone. DAVID What, you’re not going to call her. LISA You’re damn right I am. DAVID No, that’s exactly what she wants. We are no longer talking to her or playing her game. I’m calling the hospital tomorrow and telling them, “They can save their bills, because once that DNA test comes back they will see, they have the wrong dad.” LISA Well, that’s it. Her and I are through. And I’m putting a red flag out to all my friends. Sara has finally snapped. DAVID My god. I wonder who the father is? I hope he gets custody and runs. LISA Gee, Sara is a Mommy Dearest story waiting to happen. DAVID Sad, but true… Ext. – David’s car David’s car drives into the nighttime fog. Fade to: Int. - David/Lisa’s apartment David and Lisa enter the apartment. DAVID Wow, what a night, I am ready for bed. LISA You know what? I’m wide-awake. I think I’m going to finish some work I was doing in the office. DAVID Hmm, You’ve got that look again. LISA And what look is that? DAVID Like you’re up to something naughty. What’s keeping you in the office for so long? LISA Let’s just say, I may be an actress but deep down a producer waiting to be born. DAVID Really, so what’s the production? LISA You’ll see. Now you go to bed and by tomorrow I’ll have a big surprise. Nighty-night. DAVID Goodnight dear. David and Lisa kiss goodnight. CUT TO: Int. - Apartment office – Later that Night Lisa is now sitting with the glow of a monitor on her face and a dark background. She’s at the computer working with an editing program. The camera goes to the computer screen that shows three tapes in use. One is 48:33 minutes long. The other two are 1:19:20. Lisa is editing together her and David’s sex scenes from the three videos. She’s nearing the end of video one and hit’s fast-forward. LISA No, I…stop-stop. As she’s looking for the stop button you see David then Lisa leave the room followed by a shadow and hand that comes in front of the camera. The screen goes black. LISA What the? Presses rewind on the video. LISA Hugh, whose hand is? Lisa clicks on video two and forwards to 47:00 showing Lisa leaving the room. The picture is a side view showing the doorway, video camera, and the bed. On video two- Sara is seen entering the room, she walks over to the movie camera and turns it off. From there Sara walks over to the side of the bed and starts to look around. Sara picks up a used condom off the bed. She takes out a syringe and sticks it into the condom. Sara lies on the bed with her legs up. She puts the syringe between her legs. Lisa screams. LISA (Scream) DAVID! Switch to: Int. – Lisa/David’s Bedroom David opens his eyes in bed. He quickly gets up and runs to the office. DAVID What, what? Lisa looks like she is in shock and points towards the screen. LISA Rewind it. Rewind it. No, oh my God, oh my God. David frantically tries to click on the right buttons… DAVID What what. What is all this? LISA Rewind video two. Oh, God. DAVID Video two, what the hell? Seeing some of the image as it rewinds. Lisa is looking over his shoulder. LISA Stop it there. He puts it to the point where Sara enters the room. The Camera is now on David’s face with the monitor lighting it. LISA I set up my camcorders to surprise you with a video and, and… DAVID Jesus H-Christ. She stole my sperm. Sara stole my sperm! CUT TO: Int. – David/Lisa’s bedroom - Sunrise David wakes up as if he has not really slept. He walks from the bedroom to the office. In the office, David pulls a Delaware phone book from a pile of loosely unpacked books. Picks up the phone and starts making a call. David begins speaking into the phone. DAVID Hello: Yeah, I need a flight to Wilmington, Delaware for this coming Monday or Sunday night… Fade to the next call. DAVID Hello, yes, I’m trying to reach the District Attorney; I believe her name is Joanna Catalonno. Fade to a plane landing in Delaware. DAVID (V.O.) I know it’s a Saturday, but if I can just have her voice mail I… Fade to next call Hello Robert, yeah, I’ve got a bit of a problem and I’m going to need a few days off. (Beat) Gee thanks Robert. Plane lands at the Wilmington Delaware Airport. CUT TO: Int. - District Attorney’s waiting room - Day Nothing Remarkable: A Sterile environment with a secretary sitting at her desk. David is sitting in a chair looking anxious. Secretary Mr. Taylor, the DA is ready to see you now. Int. – DA’s office David enters the room. The D.A. is Joanna Catalonno- Sharp dressed, short dark hair. Joanna has a confident delivery in her voice like a ballerina instructor. The office is as sterile as the waiting room, American Flag type stuff… JOANNA Mr. Taylor. Hi, I’m Joanna Catalonno. DAVID Hi, Ms. Catalonno. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. JOANNA Please, call me Joanna. DAVID Nice to meet you Joanna, you can call me David. JOANNA Have a seat. David sits down in front of her desk. DAVID Thank you. JOANNA So, I downloaded the clip you sent and I must say it was most disturbing. DAVID I’ll say, in a single moment my world has been turned upside down. JOANNA It must be quite a shock for you and your fiancée? DAVID Yeah, I think this will be a lot easier when we figure out what to do. I mean do you arrest her? Does she have an abortion? JOANNA Mr. Taylor, DAVID Please call me… JOANNA David, I am going to be very frank with you. At this point and time there is very little we can do in regards to the theft of your sperm. DAVID Excuse me? JOANNA Now please, take a moment and listen to what I have to say. I know it looks like you’re the father, but for all we know she could have been sleeping with several other men. At this point, what I suggest is that we wait for her next move. DAVID Her next move is having a baby that she stole from my fiancée and me. JOANNA If it’s your baby? DAVID My wife lived with her; she never even mentioned a boyfriend. They used to joke about her becoming some kind of born again virgin since she hadn’t had sex for two years. But to Sara it wasn’t a joke; she got real deep into religion. JOANNA David, I know it looks like you’re the father, but a lot of women lie about not having sex. We won’t know for sure till she has a DNA test. If it is your child… that video makes a strong case for not paying child support. But don’t get your hopes up. DAVID What do you mean child support? She stole my sperm. She’s a thief and she could get money for it! You can’t be serious? JOANNA David, let me give you a taste of how the law might view your case. Joanna picks up some notes she has prepared on the desk. JOANNA (cont’d) State of Louisiana v. Frisard: A woman invites a man to have oral sex provided that he wears a condom. He accepts. After ejaculating the man leaves. The woman takes a syringe, just like Sara; fills it with his sperm from the used condom and inseminates herself. The court awards the mother child support from the involuntary father.( DAVID Yeah, but he gave her the sperm. He let her have it. JOANNA Okay, here’s another one. A man goes to a party in Alabama- gets drunk and passes out. Everyone involved agrees with these facts. While the victim is unconscious a woman has sex with him. Doctors testify that it is possible for a man to achieve an erection and ejaculate in that condition. The woman not only became pregnant and kept the child, but the court ordered the man financially responsible for childcare. No consent given. Technically, he was a rape victim.( DAVID You have got to be kidding me? JOANNA Even in cases of statutory rape, where the woman has sex with a minor, a boy that is legally too young to consent to sex. It is not uncommon for the court to make the victim’s parent’s pay for child support.( DAVID Listen, all I did was have sex with a woman that just accepted my hand in marriage. Sara was supposed to be at the movies. She stole my sperm and I have two videos proving it. Plus the camera she turned off. JOANNA David, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but it’s difficult to prove that you or someone else never had sex with her. Now if you want me to pick her up for stealing some sperm, fine, but she won’t even spend a day in jail and she’ll have eight months to make up a story better than the video. Don’t play your ace on the first hand. Right now, all you have is a bad ending to a home video. CUT TO: Int. - David’s rented car – Midday David is now driving in his car through Wilmington- traffic is bad. He’s on the phone with his Lisa and is obviously frustrated. DAVID Nothing, absolutely nothing... Can you believe it? LISA (O.C) Honey, please, we’ll get through this. A horn honks and David makes a swerving motion. DAVID No Lisa, that monster is not having my first-born. And she sure as hell isn’t getting a cent out of us. LISA (O.C.) Listen, I want you to call Suzanne Kennedy. DAVID Suzanne, who the hell is Suzanne? Really Lisa, your friends frighten me. LISA (O.C.) Suzanne Kennedy is an attorney that handles adoption and child custody cases. She’s my mother’s best friend. DAVID Oh great, should we have movie night before or after confession? LISA (O.C.) David, that’s not funny. Listen she’s not too far from your hotel, I already talked to her and sent her the tapes. She wants to see you tomorrow. DAVID She’s “friends” with your mom and you sent her the tape? LISA (O.C.) Listen David; she deals with people like Sara all the time, and she’s good, real good. DAVID Oh really, and you know because… LISA (O.C.) David, she handled my adoption. DAVID Oh, gee. Okay, I did not know that. (Quiets his anger) LISA (O.C.) Call her, okay? Love you. DAVID I love you too honey. CUT TO: INT. – David’s Hotel Room - Night David looks very anxious and is sitting at a desk with his laptop doing web searches. The perspective moves from his face to the computer screen. David is typing “abortion” into a search engine. Clicks on one site that says abortion, gets a right wing website claiming state forced abortion in Florida. Clicks on another site “Questions and Answers about abortion.” “RU486” flashes on the screen. “Therapeutic Medical Abortion” flashes across the screen. David rubs his eyes, but has determined look on his face. Sees the word “methotrexate” - pill or injection. Does web search for methotrexate. Methotrexate search finds it is available for pets by prescription. David rubs his eyes and picks up the phone. DAVID Hello, yes my name is-ah- John Simmons. (Beat) Yeah, I just flew in from Portland and the airline lost my bag. The problem is my dog’s medicine is in the bag. The medicine is methotrexate by injection. (Beat) Yeah, I tried to call my vet, but he’s on vacation and there doesn’t seem to be an answering service or anything. Uh-huh, he’s got some type of cancer that- yeah. (Beat) Well, I was hoping I could keep the dog in the hotel; he threw up in the rental car and… Fade To: Ext. - Veterinary Hospital – Night - Raining David’s rental car is seen pulling up to a veterinary hospital. DAVID (Cont’d V.O) …So can I just pick up the medication? I’ll pay for a Doctor’s visit… Whatever the Vet charges… Thanks. David returns to his car with a package. Int. - David’s Rental Car David begins to drive and pulls out his cell phone. DAVID Hello, Sara? SARA David? DAVID Sara, it’s David. Listen, I have to tell yah, you gave me a real shock, but I think it’s working. SARA I’m sorry? DAVID The baby. My God, Sara, you’re going to have my baby. That’s fantastic. SARA Really David, you think so? DAVID Yeah, oh my God it’s like it just hit me you know? Four long years I’ve spent with Lisa and nothing. But you know what, you-uh-you made a miracle! You really did. SARA We did it, David. DAVID You know what, I figured it out. SARA You did? DAVID Yeah, I left the condom on the bed. I don’t like them but Sara makes me put it on. SARA The church doesn’t like them either. DAVID I was just about to throw it in the garbage then “Bam” - the car alarm went off. SARA You needed a sign. DAVID Yeah, as soon as it hit me I was on the plane. SARA You’re here? DAVID That’s right baby. Good ole’ Wilmington, Delaware. SARA You came without Lisa? DAVID I don’t need her anymore. Listen, I want to see you. SARA Really? DAVID Yeah, I’m right around the corner. Is it okay? SARA Of course it’s okay. I’ll see you soon. DAVID Be there in two minutes. Ext. - Sara’s (Lisa’s old) Apartment – Night – Storming Rain David’s car pulls up outside the apartment. Sara looks out the window and turns the outside light on. David exits his car and runs to the door. They embrace. SARA Oh, David. It feels so good to have you here. We’re like one big family and I… DAVID (Makes a jabbing motion) No Sara, this is not a happy family. Sara’s face goes white with her mouth open. She steps back from David and there is a needle in the front side on her stomach. Lightning flashes w/thunder. David just stands there looking- out of breath. Blood spreads out from the needle across her stomach. She looks up and screams. CUT TO: Int. - David’s Hotel Room - Morning David’s eyes open in shock. It’s morning and his alarm is going off. He shakes his head. It was just a dream. He looks at his alarm clock – 8 am. CUT TO: Int. - Lawyers office -Day Start with the face of an older sophisticated looking woman (Attorney- Suzanne Kennedy 60ish), with gold rim glasses standing in a legal office. The office has classic Victorian furniture with a stately oak desk. The walls have several plaques commemorating people such as Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, etc. SUZANNE You look terrible. Did you sleep last night? DAVID Not well. SUZANNE Get used to it. This is not going to be easy. DAVID That much I already know. SUZANNE Do you fool around David? I mean have you ever cheated on anyone? Including Lisa. DAVID Don’t you know Lisa’s mom? I tell you and… SUZANNE Yes, if I wasn’t a real attorney and it were of any concern to me personally where you put your penis. Character assassination will be their first priority. DAVID I once cheated on this girl in college but that was way before Lisa. I don’t think either girl knew about the other. I couldn’t even tell you her name. SUZANNE Yeah, but she’ll remember yours. Be prepared for a reunion if this trial gets any publicity. Now, the big one, have you ever have any sexual contact with Sara? DAVID Absolutely not… SUZANNE But she was Lisa’s roommate and that puts you at the scene of the crime most every day. DAVID I didn’t touch her, I swear. SUZANNE Yeah, but her word in court can easily sway a judge? DAVID But she calls it an immaculate conception. SUZANNE A what? DAVID She doesn’t argue about never having sex. She wants people to think she’s a pregnant virgin. SUZANNE Do you think you can get her to say that in a taped phone call? DAVID Yeah, I think so. SUZANNE Good, but there’s one more problem. DAVID Yeah, she’s still pregnant. SUZANNE We need proof that it’s your sperm? DAVID Come on, Sara hasn’t had sex in two years. SUZANNE David, we need proof, otherwise we wait 7 months. The sooner we act the better chance we can secure rights over the outcome of this pregnancy. DAVID I don’t see how? SUZANNE There’s a test. It’s called Chorionic Villi Sampling. It’s a Court admissible DNA test that can be done in the tenth week of pregnancy. We need you to convince her to have that test. Until we know you’re the dad, we can do nothing but keep the bills away. And if you’re not the dad, better to know now then wait seven months. DAVID I think I can do it. SUZANNE She has to see a doctor or go to the hospital. DAVID I know, I mean, I think I can get her to take the test. She wants me to be a part of this she has to prove it. Susan hands him the phone, which has a recording device SUZANNE No time like the present. Don’t be pushy but try to get her to take that test. DAVID Now? I haven’t prepared. SUZANNE Good, you want it to sound natural. DAVID Okay, let’s see, I’ve got her numbers in my phone. I’ll try here home first. (Rings, no answer) okay, cell phone. (Rings) SARA (O.C.) Hello. DAVID Hello Sara, it’s David. SARA (O.C.) It’s about time you called. The hospital bills are coming in. DAVID Well, Sara, that’s why I’m calling. We never had sex. So, I don’t see how I could be the father? SARA (O.C.) Oh, come on David. Sometimes the magic happens whether you want it too or not. DAVID But Sara, I’ve never even kissed you? SARA That’s not what the postman said. DAVID Oh, come on Sara, you kissed me and I pushed you away. SARA It was magical kiss. DAVID Sara, you know we didn’t have sex. SARA It’s an immaculate conception. Sometimes things just happen and nobody knows why. DAVID Sara, I need proof. SARA I know it’s yours and nobody else. DAVID Sara, I’m in Wilmington and I told the hospital that “I will not look at a bill,” until I see proof. SARA Really, is Daddy finally taking this serious? DAVID Not until I see proof. SARA And what kind of proof does daddy need to see. DAVID There’s a test. The hospital told me about it. It’s called a Chorionic Villi Sampling test. It won’t harm the baby. It’s checks the DNA of the child to mine. You get the test and we’ll talk otherwise, I’m gone for the next eight months. SARA You’re going to make such a great dad. DAVID Well, this dad is hitting the road till you prove it’s mine. SARA Whatever you say… You send me money for the test and you’ll see it’s all yours. DAVID I’ll set it up at the hospital and it will all be paid for. SARA Send me flowers. DAVID Get the test Sara and then we’ll talk. Good-bye. SARA By sweetie… SUZANNE Wow, you are good. Not a doubt in my mind who’s child it is and how it got there. DAVID Great, the child is mine. Now what? SUZANNE If she has the test and it’s confirmed, we attack. If it’s not yours we celebrate, then we attack for defamation of character. DAVID If it’s not mine, I’m buying a bar. SUZANNE (Soft smile) So, David, if it’s yours, do you want to adopt? I’m willing to bet I could get you and Lisa complete custody with a restraining order on Sara. DAVID No! No adoption. There is no way I could raise that child. And my first-born is not going to be an illegitimate child running around with my DNA. I want my sperm back. She gets nothing. I want her to have an abortion. Suzanne face straightens to a more serious look of concern. SUZANNE Go home David. You’ve got four long weeks ahead of you. CUT TO: Fade In: Int. - On set for a local broadcast show - Day “Week 10” appears at the bottom of the screen. David is wrapping up a local broadcast that showcases local talent. David is the producer. DAVID Excellent! Great job people! Keep this up and we’ll knock Wheel of Fortune back to the Stone Age- or when Vanna was 18. David’s cell phone rings DAVID Hi honey. LISA (O.C.) David, the hospital just called. Sara came in for the test. DAVID Really, wow. I didn’t think she would do it. LISA (O.C.) They said the results could take 4 to 10 days with the weekend. DAVID Well, we waited this long. Honey, I’m just about done here. I’ll see you in about an hour. Love you. LISA (O.C.) I love you too. Robert is walking by David. DAVID Hey Robert, can I talk to you for a minute. ROBERT Sure David. DAVID Robert, I just wanted to say thank you for understanding about the little problem I’ve been dealing with. ROBERT Wow, hey, what’s not to understand? It’s a guy’s worst nightmare. At least most guys get to sleep with the girl. Do you know anything for sure yet? DAVID No, but Lisa just talked to the hospital and she took the DNA test, it’s going to take about a week for the results. ROBERT Hey, hopefully something goes right. If it’s a false alarm, let somebody else deal with the nut case. DAVID I hear that. Have a good night Robert. ROBERT You too. Cut To: Int. - David/Lisa’s bedroom - Night David and Lisa are in Bed. There is a soft white lamp creating a warm glow. LISA Honey? DAVID Yes Dear. LISA Do you really want Sara to have an abortion? I mean, if it’s your baby. DAVID You know I do. LISA It’s just that, you know that I was adopted. I mean what if my birth mother made that choice? DAVID Honey, I know what you’re saying but I can’t live like that. LISA Like what? DAVID If that baby’s born, how could I love it like my own? All I would see is a sick woman stealing a piece of me, stealing what only you and I should have. LISA But, what if someone else wants to love your child? DAVID Lisa, there are thousands of babies already looking for a home. And you know that adding another baby means an older kid is less likely to get adopted. I saw thousands of sick and abandoned children when I was in Niger. It’s hard to comprehend that most of them will die. Why add another? LISA Yeah, but can the courts really make her have an abortion? DAVID Suzanne said she’s never heard of such a thing. But, she gave me a look. LISA A look? DAVID A look that said, “I think there is a way, but do I really want to do it?” She’s thought about it before. LISA You think so? DAVID Deep down I can tell. She’s seen women that start abusing their babies on the day they’re conceived: drugs, malnutrition, AIDS. Lisa, my love, you’re a gem in the rough; a lot of these babies are born to suffer. LISA I guess you’re right? DAVID I don’t think any of this is right. It’s what I can live with. LISA I’m sorry hun. DAVID There’s nothing to be sorry about. It will be okay, now lets get some sleep. Goodnight love. LISA Goodnight my love. They snuggle and go to sleep. Lights out. The camera is still focusing on the bed, time lapses and the shadows move across the room. “Week 11,” flashes at the bottom of the screen. It’s dawn in David and Lisa’s room. The phone rings. The call is from a woman named Aisha. AISHA (O.C.) Mr. Taylor. DAVID Yes. Uh, Speaking. AISHA (O.C.) This is Aisha calling from Wilmington Community Hospital we have the lab results. Did I wake you? DAVID Yeah I’m on the West Coast, but go ahead please. AISHA (O.C.) We are 99.9 percent sure that you are the father of Sara Johnson’s baby. DAVID Oh, okay. You’re sure? AISHA (O.C.) It’s a very accurate test. DAVID Yeah, of course it is. Thank you. (Hangs up) David looks over to Lisa who is looking back at him with sad eyes. David picks up the phone again and calls Suzanne in Wilmington, Delaware. DAVID Yes, this is David Taylor calling for Suzanne Kennedy. Could you please leave her a message? Yes, tell her, “The baby is mine.” CUT TO: Ext. - Wilmington New Castle Family Courthouse - Day “August 30, Week 12.5” is on the screen. David and Suzanne are walking up the courthouse stairs. DAVID How did you get the court date so fast? I hardly feel prepared. SUZANNE Like I told you on the phone, this is only mediation. It’s an attempt to reach a solution outside of court. Don’t expect much more than learning Sara’s defense, but it’s a start. Int. - Courthouse hallway David and Suzanne are now in a hallway and make a left turn into a room. Sara is in the room with a black gentlemen (Karl 45) sitting adjacent to her. Karl is the mediator. Dressed well but somewhat casual- knit sweater. SUZANNE Karl, good to see you… KARL Good to see you Suzanne. Sara, this is Ms. Suzanne Kennedy who is acting as the petitioner’s attorney. I presume you’re Mr. Taylor. Suzanne this is Sara Johnson. SUZANNE Nice to meet you… Sara does not extend her hand. SARA Really? David does not attempt to exchange greetings with Sara. DAVID (Shakes his hand) Karl. Everyone takes a seat. KARL (Quick and to the point) Mr. Taylor has petitioned Ms. Johnson over the paternity of her current pregnancy. Sara has opted to remain without legal representation and has been informed of her rights. Mr. Taylor, have you been properly informed of your rights pertaining to this meeting? DAVID Yes sir. KARL Let me just remind everyone that should an agreement be reached a consent order will be written, signed by a judge, and is considered legally binding. Penalties may result if the agreement is not followed. If no agreement is reached the petitioner may schedule a formal court hearing. Ms. Kennedy, your client is the petitioner in this case, please begin. SUZANNE Thank you, Karl. Sara, DNA test has confirmed my client Mr. David Taylor as the paternal contributor to your pregnancy. My client contends that he has never had any sexual contact with you, or any exchange of bodily fluids except for a kiss you stole as you exited his apartment on the day of June 20, 2004. Sara maintains a standoffish arrogant tone. SARA Well that was the day. SUZANNE Are you claiming you had sex with my client on that afternoon? SARA No, it was an immaculate conception. SUZANNE Excuse me? Sara directs herself towards David. SARA After I kissed David, I knew I was ready to receive God’s gift. I told the mailman. He saw me kiss David as I left the apartment. SUZANNE So, you are not claiming that you had sex with David in the apartment? Sara directs herself towards Suzanne again. SARA No, I was only there for a minute. He didn’t understand. SUZANNE Understand what? SARA That we were made for each other… Sara returns her look towards David. SARA (cont’d) It’s okay David, you don’t understand, but when you see the baby and how beautiful it is, we are going to be so happy. SUZANNE Sara, are you agreeing with me when I say, David never had sexual relations with you in any way? SARA Yes, that would hardly be an immaculate conception, would it? SUZANNE What if I told you we have film of your immaculate conception? Sara’s expression changes to shock. SARA Excuse me? SUZANNE Sara, there were two other cameras in Lisa’s bedroom that night. You only turned off one. SARA What, Jesus, your fucking kidding me? Get out! Get out of her now! Sara lifts the table up and Karl jumps to restrain her. David goes to help and Suzanne stops him. SUZANNE David don’t… (Suzanne opens the door) Guards! A guard enters the room. SARA David, don’t let them do this. They’re trying to split us apart. It’s your baby. It’s our baby… The guards wrestle with Sara and take her out of the room. KARL Damn son you got yourself in a hell of a jam. That girl is crazy. DAVID Tell me about it. Is everyone okay? SUZANNE Yes, I’m fine. DAVID So, Did we get anything from this? SUZANNE Yes David. You’ve got a case. And her behavior should warrant an emergency Ex Parte’ order. If we’re lucky you’ll have a trial in 10 days. CUT TO: Int. - Wilmington DE - Family Courtroom - Day “Week 14” appears at the bottom of the screen. David is seated next to Suzanne. Sara is next to a court appointed attorney- Mr. Kaplan. Lisa is seated behind David. COURT OFFICER Oyez, Oyez. All rise for the Honorable Judge Nancy Bernstein, presiding. Court is now in session. JUDGE You may be seated. The Judge shuffles her papers for a moment. JUDGE (cont’d) Now let’s see, ah yes, this may be the case of the year… The Judge looks up at David then back to her notes. JUDGE (cont’d) Mr. David Taylor claims that Ms. Sara Johnson illegally obtained his sperm from a used condom resulting in her pregnancy. The alleged crime was caught on video. Mr. Taylor is asking for sole custody of the fetus. So, Mr. Kaplan, you are the court appointed attorney for Ms. Johnson what say you? MR. KAPLAN You’re Honor, the defense does not dispute how Ms. Johnson became pregnant. Ms. Johnson contends that the condom had been abandoned. Mr. Kaplan takes a piece of paper and crumples it. MR. KAPLAN (cont’d) Therefore, the condom and its contents are no longer property of the Mr. Taylor; the sperm was ejaculated into the condom removed from the penis and discarded as common trash. Mr. Kaplan throws the paper in the waste paper basket. MR. KAPLAN (cont’d) As for Ms. Johnson’s mental state, we can clearly show a successful employment history and that her motivation was simply biological- clearly she had ovulated and her natural instinct to reproduce had become her driving motivation, as it continues to this day. She wants to have this child. JUDGE Ms. Kennedy, what say you on the behalf of Mr. Taylor? SUZANNE Your Honor, the defendant stole the sperm of Mr. David Taylor on the night he proposed to his future wife, Lisa O’Shea. Suzanne points to Lisa seated behind David. SUZANNE (cont’d) It is clear that David had no intentions of performing sex for the purpose of procreation on that evening & was only willing to accept the risk of conception with his future wife. Suzanne grabs the sealed video evidence and a recording tape. SUZANNE (cont’d) We have video evidence of the crime and Ms. Johnson’s recorded admission that she has never engaged in sexual contact with Mr. Taylor on two separate audio taped occasions. Suzanne looks directly at Sara with stern delivery. SUZANNE (cont’d) Ms. Johnson’s attempt to force Mr. Taylor into fatherhood in unlawful and should not result in her obtaining any parental rights. Suzanne returns her attention to the judge. SUZANNE (cont’d) Mr. Taylor is asking for sole custody of the fetus therefore affording him the same rights guaranteed to any mother during this stage of pregnancy. These rights are to: Place the child put up for adoption Raise the child with his future wife without any intervention or visitation rights afforded to Ms. Johnson. And… Have the pregnancy terminated through a medically facilitated abortion. Suzanne starts to return to her seat. Expecting a reaction. JUDGE Excuse me counsel; did you just say that you are asking for the right to abort this pregnancy? Suzanne quickly turns to face the judge. SUZANNE Yes, Your Honor, abortion should remain a valid option for the following reasons: One: an Abortion is statistically safer for the mother than carrying a baby to full term. Two: We cannot allow Ms. Johnson to force Mr. Taylor into fatherhood through illegal means. And Three: An abortion is the most clear and decisive way to help David and his fiancée Lisa return to their normal lives. Suzanne returns her focus directly towards Sara. And lastly, Ms. Johnson has a bi-polar condition that requires medication harmful to the fetus. Without this medication Sara is prone to violent and destructive behavior as witnessed in this very building last Monday. It is unreasonable to assume that the fetus will remain unharmed… SARA That’s a lie! JUDGE Order. SUZANNE …Throughout the pregnancy… The Judge is obviously moved by Sara’s outburst. JUDGE Very well. Thank you Mrs. Kennedy, you may be seated. Judge returns her attention to Sara. JUDGE (cont’d) Ms. Johnson, in case your attorney hasn’t made this clear, please allow me… Your behavior is under close scrutiny and will certainly affect this courts decision. Is that clear. SARA Yes your honor. JUDGE Good. Now then, let’s proceed. Switch to people giving testimony- Montage. Beginning with Lisa explaining her cam recorders. We see an image of the video being shown. SUZANNE (V.O.) Here we clearly see a woman in spying through the window… Switch to: Suzanne points to an image in the window that could be a woman standing that moves away from the window. Suzanne then walks a bit and makes a motion like a person throwing a rock. Switch to: Sara is on the stand crying and holding the bible. SARA Jesus wants me to have this baby. Switch to: The Postman who looks like he’s explaining something then points at Sara. Fade back to the judge. JUDGE Ms. Johnson. SARA Yes your Honor. JUDGE I would like to hear your closing argument. But I’d like to here it from you. MR. KAPLAN Your Honor, my client would like to assert her right to remain silent. Our position is clear. The condom had been discarded and was no longer the property of Mr. Taylor during its acquisition. JUDGE I see. Sara, as it stands now, I see a woman who did something horribly wrong to some very nice people, now if you and your attorney wish to let my decision rest on my first impression you may sit and only be seen, but if you would like to address the court speak now. Sara goes to stand up. The attorney tries to motion her to sit. SARA No, I want to say this. Your Honor, have you ever met someone that you just knew was the right person? Well, I met that man and he’s sitting right there. I know you may think I’m crazy, but I was saved by Jesus and will not have sex till I’m married. No matter how many dates I’ve had it’s all gone horribly wrong, but when I met David… She looks at David affectionately. SARA (cont’d) I knew he was the one. I begged Lisa to be my roommate just to see him. But sometimes people just don’t wake up; every time David would talk to me Lisa would pull him into the bedroom. Flash to Lisa- an offended look appears on her face. SARA (cont’d) But I knew, just one time, just one time and it would happen. A baby, a baby born without sin… We’ve never had sex. My baby will be blessed, just like Jesus. Lisa’s scared because she knows it’s true. David is meant to be mine, and when he sees the baby. He will. MR. KAPLAN You’re Honor, please consider that Sara is no longer taking her medication out of consideration for the baby and I… SUZANNE Objection. At this stage of the pregnancy there is only a fetus. JUDGE Sustained. That will be all Mr. Kaplan. Your argument only contributes to the questions of your client’s mental state. Now then, Mr. Taylor, would you please present your closing argument. David is reading from notes but has nearly memorized his presentation. DAVID Yes your Honor. Until three months ago, June 20 was the happiest day of my life. It is the day I met Lisa. It is the day I proposed to her. It was also the day we planned to have our wedding. Now June 20 is forever scarred in my mind. It’s the day a person walked into my life and stole a gift I clearly intended for my future wife. David looks at Sara in a spiteful way. I did nothing wrong, except have protected sex with the woman I love. David glances to Lisa. A woman gets a choice even when they make a mistake. I made no mistake about the woman I made love to that night and continue to love every day. I have no problem with Sara having anyone’s baby, but mine. David raises his voice and looks away from his notes. In no way has she gained the right to my sperm. I have never loved her in any way- physical or emotional. To let her have this child is to say that being a real father means nothing. JUDGE Thank you, Mr. Taylor. We will recess till tomorrow at 9 am, when I will render my decision. Image fades to an empty Judge bench. The camera pans back to show the whole courtroom with everyone sitting in their respective places. The Judge enters the courtroom. JUDGE In all my years as a family court Judge, I have never seen a paternity suit quite like this. It is no secret that many women have a compelling natural instinct to reproduce. If I had a dime for every father who thought the mother of his child was on the birth control, I’d have too many dimes to count. I don’t like dimes; they’re too damn small. The Judge looks up for a moment then returns to her notes. In California the theft of sperm is a felony. In this case, it is nothing more than a tragedy since Delaware has no laws that make the theft of sperm any more unlawful than stealing a bike. The Judge now looks at Sara. Yet, a crime has been committed and for every moment that I listened to Sara’s declaration of spiritual righteousness, I had one compelling thought- “Though shall not steal!” (Beat) I reject the argument that the condom was discarded and was now common trash. Clearly, the condom lied on the bed and therefore, was no more abandoned then the bed itself. Perhaps, Mr. Taylor intended to save this condom as a memory for the night he proposed? Perhaps it was for Ms. O’Shea to decide the fate of their contraceptive device? I do not know? What I do know is that Ms. Sara Johnson had no right to enter Lisa’s room and no right to lay claim to the condom and it’s contents. And most certainly, Ms. Johnson had no right to try and force fatherhood upon Mr. David Taylor. (Beat) With no right to the sperm, Ms. Johnson, you have no right to this fetus. Mr. Taylor, I am awarding you sole custody of the fetus. You may opt for an abortion, to remain the natural birth parent, or place the child up for adoption. This assumes that Sara herself does not decide to exercise her own right to have an abortion. I am ordering that Ms. Johnson carry out the remainder of her pregnancy in a minimum security prison until the fetus is aborted or taken to it’s full term. MR. KAPLAN Your Honor, Ms. Johnson poses no risk… JUDGE Save it Mr. Kaplan. Sara is in possession of stolen property and she’s not leaving town with it. Mr. Kaplan We’d like to appeal. JUDGE And you may do so. Sara appears close to tears. JUDGE Mrs. Kennedy has Mr. Taylor made his decision. SUZANNE Yes, your Honor, Mr. Taylor wishes to have the fetus aborted. Flash to Sara who has a look of disbelief, she begins to cry and is escorted out of the courtroom by her attorney. Switch back to Judge. JUDGE Mrs. Kennedy, please approach the bench. Suzanne approaches the bench. There is a close up profile of both the Judge and Suzanne. JUDGE You realize when the press gets a hold of this we’re both going to burn don’t you? SUZANNE Yes your Honor. CUT TO: Int. - Local News Broadcast News anchor Shock waves in Delaware, as a landmark judgment is handed down regarding a woman who stole sperm from of a used condom. Cindy Miller has the latest, Cindy… Ext. - New Castle Family Courthouse - Day A female reporter is on the steps of the courthouse. CINDY John, we are here at the New Castle Family Courthouse, where the Honorable Nancy Bernstein has just handed down a landmark decision. The first court ordered abortion on behalf of the father. A woman by the name of Ms. Sara Johnson stole the sperm of a Mr. David Taylor from a condom he used while making love to his future wife. Here’s the defendant coming from the courthouse now. Sara! Sara Johnson! What do you have to say in regards to the court decision? SARA (Crying) It’s wrong. Please, don’t kill my baby. CINDY Sara, why did you feel it necessary to steal the sperm… SARA (Interrupting) I’m a virgin. Don’t kill my baby… Sara’s attorney moves her on. Kaplan Please, Sara is very distressed. CINDY David, David. I see the father of the baby. Mr. Taylor! David Taylor!” DAVID No comment. No comment. CINDY Lisa, you’re his fiancée, how does it feel to… LISA No comment. A glam reporter runs up to Lisa and puts the microphone in her face. GLAM REPORTER Lisa, why does your husband hate women? LISA My fiancé’ doesn’t hate women! GLAM REPORTER So, he’s not your husband! SUZANNE Excuse Me! I’m Mr. Taylor’s attorney. The judge protected my client’s reproductive rights, just like we protect the rights of women. CINDY Ms. Kennedy. Do you think the judge was fair in her decision? SUZANNE Absolutely, Ms. Johnson stole my client’s sperm. The evidence was overwhelming that this woman was attempting to force my client into fatherhood though they had no relationship. No further comment. Suzanne moves David and Lisa down the court stairs away from the reporters. Glam Reporter Did they find the smoking gun? SUZANNE Excuse me? CINDY Did they find the Syringe? SUZANNE PLEASE! CUT TO: Int. - Morning Newscast Show News Anchor Good morning Wilmington. Today in the news: Right to life protesters are marching on the steps of Wilmington’s family court and ironically… Picture in upper left corner shows protesters. Picture grows to full screen. Right to life people are holding signs saying, “Abortion is Murder” and Feminist groups holding signs saying, “Remember Roe.” NEWS ANCHOR (cont’d V.O.) … They’re finding some unusual company as feminist groups emerge shouting “It’s a woman’s body. It’s a woman’s choice.” Back to: Same News Anchor… Upper left screen says “Male Reproductive Rights?” NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) Meanwhile, a little known group called the National Center For Men is applauding the Decision. Here is Mel Feit (real person) the executive director of the center for men. Switch to: A well-dressed gentleman being interviewed with a backdrop saying “Equal Reproductive Rights NOW.” MEL For too long, men have sat on the sidelines in the arena of reproductive rights. This is a clear example of how woman exploit men to force them into fatherhood for financial and emotional control. Switch channels to a talk show for woman. Typical audience set up and stage arrangement. Announcer (V.O.) Today on Robin’s world: State forced abortion. A woman caught on tape stealing the sperm of her roommate’s boyfriend. Should she keep the baby or does the man have the right to take it back? You decide. Change Channel: Commercial (V.O) Tonight on 60 Minutes. A 5-year-old girl is playing in her backyard. COMMERCIAL (cont’d V.O.) Tara seems like any other 5 year old, she goes to kindergarten. She plays with dolls. What’s so special about Tara? Tara’s father put his sperm in a bank 6 years ago and didn’t know Tara existed till a year ago. Can’t happen to you? Guess again, just asks David Taylor, tonight on 60 minutes. CUT TO: Int. – David/Lisa’s Apartment – Morning Camera pulls from the television to the inside of David and Lisa’s apartment. Lisa is on the phone. LISA Yes mom, I know, it’s horrible. But what is David supposed to do? No mom, he never slept with her. Mom, Sara is crazy. Yes, obviously mom, we have sex. We’re engaged. Mom, listen I have to go. Love you, Goodbye. David finishes getting dressed as he enters the living room. DAVID Was that your mom? LISA Yeah, that was mom all right. DAVID Honey, I know it’s bad now, but a few months from now this will all be over. LISA A few months? DAVID Yeah, well. They appealed and it looks like the State Supreme Court is going to take the case. LISA Honey, I don’t know how much more of this I can take? Mom say’s we’re both going to hell you know? DAVID Yeah, I know, fire and brimstone. Listen, I have got to get to work. Robert needs me today. David heads out the door. CUT TO: Ext. - Broadcast station - Downtown Portland David is seen walking into work. There are protesters and reporters crowded around the station. They try to stop David for comments and harass him. REPORTER Mr. Taylor, why not keep the child? Isn’t your wife adopted? DAVID No comment. Person runs up to David and spits in his face. Screams “Murderer.” David pushes him away and speeds his step. ANOTHER REPORTER Mr. Taylor. Have you heard the allegations that another woman in Washington D.C. claims to have your child? DAVID No, that’s absurd. All the reporter voices and questions rise. David runs to the front door where security stops the reporters from coming in. The crowd swells near the door. CUT TO: Int. – T.V. station - Main reception area David enters the station. The station is in full swing with lots of commotion. A secretary is waiting for his arrival. SECRETARY David, Robert wants you in the office, ASAP. David enters Robert’s office. ROBERT David, it’s about time. Sit down. My God, it’s a mad house. Everybody is screaming down my neck… A FORCED ABORTION DAVID! I knew you had some troubles, but this is too much! Do you realize who just called me? DAVID Uh… No? ROBERT I just talked to the President of Fox. The president! He wants your resignation and he wants it now. DAVID Robert I. ROBERT No David, I’m sorry. This is big. Listen, they know they’ll have to pay out your contract and that maybe you’ll sue them- confidentially I think you should- but your desk has to be clean by noon. DAVID Robert, let me talk to... ROBERT David, I like you. Hell when this blows over, I’ll be the first to help you get a job at any other network… But right now take a walk until all this blows over. Go home, better yet, grab Lisa and go…I mean Bermuda, the Bahamas, anywhere, but here. Robert’s phone lines are lit up. ROBERT David, I’m sorry. CUT TO: Ext. - David’s house – Day David is returning home. There is a mob of people at his door. He pushes his way through the crowd and makes his way to the door. DAVID Honey, honey, it’s me. Let me in. Lisa opens the door. LISA David, my God, it’s crazy outside. DAVID I know. I know. Listen, we are going on a vacation. Now! Get whatever you need and we are out the door. Well, not that door. LISA How are we going to get out of here? DAVID I’ll call the police. Maybe they can clear a path or something? A rock comes through the window. Lisa screams. David grabs the rock. There’s a note attached to it. “What ever happens to the baby happens to you.” DAVID That’s it we are out of here. CUT TO: Int. - Televised gospel show - Large audience The Reverend Jesse Burns (60) show is starting. Jesse’s guest is Sara via videophone from the prison. Jesse is a large man, a bit like Colonel Sanders, with a white suit. Jesse has a Southern Baptist swank and can’t help saying “amen” a lot. ANNOUNCER And now, the man who not only sees the light of God but will shine that light on you… The Reverend Jesse Burns! JESSE Thank you, that’s right I hear yah The Lord hears yah, amen-amen. Jesse walks across the stage stirring the audience for a moment. JESSE (cont’d) Okay now; let’s be quiet for Jesus-amen. Ladies and Gentlemen do we have a surprise for you? Have you all heard about the tragedy they’re having up there in Delaware. Audience Yeah. JESSE (cont’d) Delaware… The state that murders more babies per capita then any other state has done it again, amen. But this time the Government has decided that a woman no longer has the right to choose, (beat) if that woman chooses life… amen. Say it y’all! AUDIENCE Amen. JESSE Well, today folks, we have the woman that brings her fight to all of the followers of Jesus: The fight to save her baby… Jesse points to the audience. JESSE (cont’d) Your baby… And all the babies of Jesus… Ms. Sara Johnson. Yes, Ms. Johnson is live and on videophone from the Delaware State Correctional Facility paternity wing. Let’s give a big amen and a round of applauses for Ms. Sara Johnson. (People applaud) Sara, how are you sweetheart? Are you staying strong for Jesus, amen? SARA Yes, yes I am reverend. Thank you for having me. JESSE Sara, why don’t you tell your story to our good people? SARA Well, two years ago, I was saved by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. JESSE And what did you learn from that Sara. SARA I learned to stop living in Sin. JESSE Amen to that, Go on Sara. SARA Well, I stopped abusing my body. I became a virgin in the eyes of the Lord. JESSE So you were cleansed of your sin. SARA Yes sir. JESSE And why has the state of Delaware taken you prisoner? SARA Well Reverend, I knew God was telling me to have David Taylor’s child, but David couldn’t hear the Lord the way I do, so I took his sperm. I know that it was wrong to steal. But I listened to the Lord and I was right. JESSE So why did you steal the sperm? SARA I couldn’t sleep with David because we weren’t married. But I knew I was supposed to have this baby. So, I took his sperm from a used condom- I freed his sperm from that nasty birth control device: The way God intended. JESSE And how many times did you steal his sperm Sara? SARA Just once. It was an immaculate conception. I figured the Lord wouldn’t make me pregnant if it wasn’t meant to be. The Lord wanted me to have this baby. JESSE Did you hear that folks? The Lord wanted her to have that baby and through the miracle of God, turned an act of Sin into the gift of life, amen. Let’s take some questions. LADY IN THE AUDIENCE Why did you choose this guy and not someone who loved you? SARA I believe David does love me, but Lisa, his girlfriend, held on to him with premarital sex. David was blind like I was blind. But Jesus told me to have faith. That if the seed of David should ever come to me then a child would be born. JESSE Can we get an amen? AUDIENCE Amen Jesse approaches a man with his microphone. JESSE And do you have a question my good man? GUY Do you believe you’re the Virgin Mary? SARA No, Mary carried Jesus. My baby is God’s way of letting me know that he hears my prayers. JESSE Amen to that. Now, ladies and gentlemen Sara needs us, just like her beautiful gift from God needs us. If you look at the number on the screen you’ll see that we have set up a fund to help Sara. We need to send one of God’s lawyers to the Delaware State Supreme Court and save that baby from the perils of certain death. And to let you know Sara, that your face will be seen in protests around America this weekend. SARA Thank you, Reverend Billy. JESSE (Raises hand in the air) God Bless you Sara Johnson. Amen. CUT TO: Ext. - Bahamas – A sailboat in the water - Day David and Lisa are riding on a sailboat. They’re just having fun and being silly, the boat pulls into shore and they’re now walking on the beach. The sun is setting. LISA David? DAVID Yeah babe. LISA Thank you. DAVID Thank you? Thank you for… LISA For doing so much for me… DAVID Such as... LISA Saving your-self for me. DAVID Uh, yeah… LISA No, silly, I mean most guys probably would have slept with Sara. She may be strange, but she’s attractive. I never doubted you. DAVID Really. LISA Not a single moment. DAVID Well, the same goes for you. David kisses her on the cheek. LISA Hey, remember that show you did with Tara Reynolds. DAVID Oh no, the one where she kept putting her hand on my leg during my commentary? LISA Yeah, that’s the one. DAVID Wow, I was so worried you would never talk to me after that. LISA I know, but that show was my favorite. DAVID Really? LISA Yeah, because I could tell that all you were thinking about was making a good show and not getting in trouble with me. DAVID And that made it your favorite show? Lisa stops walking and looks into David’s eyes. LISA David Taylor, you have always shined in the darkest moments. That’s why I love you. DAVID Wow, you are more amazing every day. They kiss and walk along the beach in the setting sun. CUT TO: Fade In: Ext. – New Castle County Supreme Courthouse –Wilmington, DE - Morning “Month 5” appears on the screen. It’s early morning. The leaves have passed peaked for the fall and are blowing in the morning sun. David is with Lisa and they’re approaching Suzanne on the court steps smiling. DAVID Good idea, coming early. We beat the press. SUZANNE Are you two ready for this? LISA (Slight smile) Yeah, we’re ready. As the three of them walk into the courthouse the daylight moves a small amount and people are walking quickly into the building. When the picture slows, a reporter (Cindy) is standing with a microphone and crowds of people have gathered outside. Many of them are holding posters of Sara with “Save Sara’s Baby” and other slogans written on them. CINDY Controlled chaos, is the feeling here today as we await the State’s Supreme Court decision that could result in a State enforced abortion. You can see barricades holding people back about two hundred yards. The riot police are on hand and they even had the bomb squad here early this morning. They are taking no chances. Cindy puts her hand to her ear. CINDY (cont’d) Uh, I’m hearing that one of the judges has entered the chamber. Let’s take it to audio. Cameras will not be allowed in the courthouse today. CUT TO: Int. - Supreme Courthouse Courtroom A Supreme Court Judge is entering the Courtroom. All are present. Sara has her original attorney and another one dressed in a Plantation owners type suit. BAILLAF All rise for the Honorable Geraldine Prussia. GERALDINE You may be seated. Judge looks out to the courtroom. GERALDINE Sara Johnson. SARA Yes your Honor. GERALDINE I assume that you have done your best in maintaining the health of yourself as well as your unborn child? SARA Yes your Honor. GERALDINE Very Good… (Beat) Today the court has been troubled with a most interesting debate. What we all agree is that there may indeed be circumstances that warrant the termination of the fetus based on the decision of a legal guardian in the absence of a competent mother. That legal guardian may indeed be a male; one particular example where this process is already practiced is with the mentally handicapped. What we also agree on is that when something is stolen there is no alchemy to make it yours. With that being said… The court has determined that the family courts decision to award Mr. Taylor full custody of the fetus is justified and constitutional. If Mr. Taylor continued his pursuit of aborting the fetus carried by Ms. Johnson, then the court would be faced with a constitutional conundrum. Fortunately, that is not the case. Switch to outside the courthouse- people outside are cheering. Switch back to the judge. The courtroom has a loud murmur. GERALDINE (cont’d) Quiet please. Instead, Mr. Taylor and his lovely new wife Lisa have decided to share their love with a new addition to the family. David looks back and smiles at Lisa. People in the courtroom are smiling at looking at the newlyweds. GERALDINE (cont’d) Mr. David Taylor is granted full custody of the unborn child. Ms. Sara Johnson will not be allowed visitation rights and must stay out of the state of Oregon for the next 18… SARA What? GERALDINE Years… SARA My baby! MR. KAPLAN Sara, we discussed this with you yesterday… SARA’S OTHER ATTORNEY (Heartfelt Southern drawl) Ms. Johnson, please be quiet, the baby is saved. GERALDINE Please sit down Ms. Johnson. SARA You can’t take my baby. GERALDINE (Hitting her gavel) Order, order in the Court. Ms. Johnson, I’m warning you, you are in contempt. MR. KAPLAN Sara please, the baby will be fine. SARA No, no it won’t. It’s my baby. A baby needs its mother. Don’t take my baby. An officer comes over to take hold of Sara. She keeps screaming and starts to wrestle with the court officer. Sara pulls the gun from the officer’s side. The officer tries to control the weapon. SARA’S OTHER ATTORNEY She’s got a gun. People begin to scream. The gun fires and shoots the officer in the leg. The officers down and Sara is standing with the gun. Other officers have their guns drawn on Sara. DAVID (Yells) Sara, stop! SARA (Crying) David, why won’t you love me? Sara Points the gun towards here stomach and pulls the trigger. The sound of the bullet echoes through the courtroom. Everyone freezes. Ext. - Courthouse The crowd stands frozen as the sound of the gun shot echoes from the speakers playing the courtroom hearing. Camera moves over the crowd with people holding signs supporting Sara including many posters with Sara’s picture. Switch to: Int. – A Right to Life Headquarters The Walls are covered with posters of Sara. Those hearing the news are in shock. Switch to: Int. – Family Room – Typical Family Household A family of four is watching the news. The mother stands up and turns the television off. Switch to: Ext. – Courthouse – Cindy (reporter) is holding one hand on her ear and the other on the microphone. CINDY Oh- oh my, I’m, I’m getting news that Sara Johnson has shot herself in the stomach and that She’s bleeding very badly. Switch To: Int. – Courtroom Medics are rushing to assist Sara. Lisa is crying on David’s shoulder. Sara is moved onto a stretcher and carried out of the courtroom. Switch To: Ext. – Courthouse Sara’s stretcher is carried down the courthouse steps, a procession of people stand on the steps with their signs dropped low. People remove their hats and look down. Sara is loaded into the ambulance and it drives away from the courthouse parting the crowd of people as it drives. Camera fades out. THE END. Alternate ending I: Int. - Hallway that leads to an office. Camera approaches the office. MAN (O.C.) Well, everything looks great here. Welcome aboard, you can start Monday. WOMAN (O.C) Thank you, very much Dr. Maher. Camera enters the room. Sara is sitting at a desk speaking to Dr. Maher. SARA (cont’d) I’m sure you’ll be very happy with my work. Camera goes to a wall plaque that says- Jacksonville Mutual Sperm Bank. THE END. Alternate Ending II: Sara shoots herself in the head instead of the stomach. Int. – Hospital Hallway – David is talking to a Doctor in the hallway. There voices are low. DAVID I guess she couldn’t hold on any longer? DOCTOR The body can only take so much. It’s amazing she lasted as long as she did. She was a real fighter. DAVID I’m not sure how Sara’s family will feel about this, but give them our deepest sympathy. DOCTOR Yeah, uh… David, it’s not my place to tell you this, but did you hear the cause of death. DAVID Just that it was complications from the head injury. DOCTOR David, the bullet only fractured the skull it must have ricocheted. Sara had a brain tumor that should have killed her a long time ago. DAVID A brain tumor, huh? Do you think that affected her behavior? DOCTOR She knew it was there just over a year ago and she knew she didn’t have much time. I’m sure it didn’t help. DAVID Huh, I had no idea… David cell phone rings with a text message. DAVID (cont’d) Oh, that’s Lisa… Got a go. DOCTOR Well, hey, congratulations. You guys take care. David smiles as he starts to walk away. DAVID Thanks for everything Doc. After all this… The rest is cake. Ext. – Hospital – Sunny Day Lisa is pulling up to the entryway in a rental car. David is exiting the hospital. DAVID How’d it go? LISA Like butter. Get in. David gets in the car. DAVID So, Ms. Lisa Taylor O’Shea, how does it feel to have such a long name reduced to just three letters? LISA I was hoping you could tell me. DAVID Well, I for one think Dad sounds much better than Mom. They both smile and we get our first glimpse of the back seat, which holds one week old Bella Taylor O’Shea. LISA I’m pretty sure Bella likes mommy much more than Daddy. David looks back over the car seat. DAVID Oh, not so fast. Come on Bella; smile for Daddy… that’s it. The car pulls away from the hospital. Fade out: THE END ( . Laura Wish Morgan, It’s Ten O’clock: Do You Know Where Your Sperm Are?: Toward a Strict Liability Theory of Parentage. Vol. 11, No. 1 of Divorce Litigation, A publication of National Legal Research Group, Charlottesville, Virginia, Copyright 1999. From http://www.supportguidelines.com/articles/art199903.html ( Court of Civil Appeals Alabama. From http://www.nas.com/c4m/rape_case2.html ( Ibid "èWXOuPuv³vÊyÓyþyz4z5z;zQz¢z³z‘ ‘8¢9¢U¤V¤T¥U¥#¯0¯°°E²­²®²TÅ8öLö©!6"#”#::—<›<{TØTY1YüõêõàõÔõÊõÊõÊõÊõÊõõ¾õ²õ¦õš‘š‘õ‘ˆ…ˆõˆõˆzˆzˆõˆõCJOJQJ^JaJaJOJQJ^JaJOJQJ^JaJ6OJQJ]^JaJ j3ð0JOJQJ^J j2ð0JOJQJ^J j1ð0JOJQJ^J6OJQJ]^J0J5OJQJ\^J5OJQJ\^JB*OJQJ^Jphÿÿ OJQJ^J5\0#$-.QTèéü&'3k«ÒÔèòùùù÷òòòòòåØÎåØÁÁÁåØ°$„ „ „Ð]„ ^„ `„Ða$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ „ „p]„ ^„p $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$$a$„p^„p.kÂlýýòó?Æ‚‡Áûü #$)NP]hiööööéÜÏÏÉܼéܼ«Ü¡é „ „p]„ ^„p$ Æa „ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$„ ]„  $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$$„ ]„ a$ijo…†“±²·íîû   C D Q h i n | } Š òåÛÛåÛòåÛòåÛòåÛòåÍååÛòå „ „ „Ð]„ ^„ `„Ð „ „p]„ ^„p $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$Š œ ¡ Ú Û è   _ ` m Î Ï Ô  < c d q Á  à õèÛÎèõÈèõ¿è½õèõõõõèõõõ$„ ]„ a$„ ]„  $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ „ „p]„ ^„pÃ È    X ] n † š ó ô     H I V h i n v w òèèòèòòèòèèòÚèòèèòèèòèè „ „ „Ð]„ ^„ `„Ð „ „p]„ ^„p $„ „p]„ ^„pa$w € ² ³ œ´µºÂ¢£±áâãðþòééééßÒßßÒßÅÅé¸ÒßßßÒÒ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ $„ „p]„ ^„pa$ 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