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My mom loved to pick apples and she bakes the best apple pie but she wont tell anyone the recipe because its a secret. My mom says I am mentally challenged but that's OK cause I also have a gift and that gift is I can look into peoples eyes and be able to tell them there future, and sometimes I see things that are going to happen before they happen. Any way you know what I love trucks cause trucks are fast. My Dad gave me his ole one but I can't drive it on the street cause I cant have a license but my mom lets me drive it back in the field behind our house on a trail.. My truck is the best truck and its superfast and I keep it in supertune shape.. I also love my dog cause he is the best dog in the world and he goes with me in the truck and is a special dog cause he loves everyone. Anyway like I said my name is Apple and uh-uh I hope you like my movie ABOUT ME AND MY LIFE cause I think its good.... EXT. APPLE'S HOUSE pan in as it dissolves to bedroom FADE OUT. fADE IN: INT. kITCHEN APPLE'S HOUSE A WOMAN, 60's, alcoholic, tired, walks down a flight of stairs into the kitchen. She barely has her eyes open. She looks around the kitchen then walks over to the cabinet, takes out a glass then walks over to the refrigerator, opens it, pours some orange juice into a glass, drinks all of it then walks over to the sink. She sees the unwashed bowl of half eaten cereal and becomes upset. EUNICE Apple. She walks toward the living room and pokes her head in. INT. Apple's house Bedroom- mORNING Apple waking up see's visions of child being struck by a vehicle then pushes himself up and exits room towards stairs DISSOLVE TO: Int. Apple walking down stairs. DISSOLVE TO: Apple opening front door heading toward the street Ext. Apple walking down sidewalk toward street you only see his wobbling legs walking - MORNING Ext. aPPLE'S HOUSE outside on the street - MORNING Apple walks in to street grabbing young girls hand avoiding her from nearly being struck by a vehicle FADE IN: Ext. Pan up to Apple walking child toward bus stop Apple Be careful little one Apple bring you to the bus. CUT TO: Neigbor women mother of child runs out grabbing Childs arm Marla Keep your hands of my child apple Apple OK. Apple go see mama apple go home Apple makes his way back to the outside of his house and sits outside pondering thoughts drawing in the ground. INT. kITCHEN APPLE'S HOUSE Eunice continues to look for Apple and heads to the back of the house opens the back door sees apple sitting on the ground drawing in the back yard. EUNICE Apple EUNICE (CONT'D) Apple WE now see a close up of a man who disregards Eunice calling him as he is focused intensely on what he is drawing. she Screams louder. EUNICE (CONT'D) Apple Apple turns around. EUNICE (CONT'D) Apple get in here now!!! Int. ENTERING KITCHEN APPLE'S HOUSE APPLE Ma Ma have you seen my trucks EUNICE (APPLES MOM) No! You have to get ready were going to see the doctor today. APPLE But Ma Kenny is a comin ova this morning you said he could EUNICE I know APP but he can't stay long we got things to do. FADE OUT. FADE IN: Ext. apples playing with trucks or polishing his real RED OLE WORK TRUCK HIS DAD GAVE HIM BEFORE HE LEFT FOR FLORIDA in yard and friend shows up on phone Ken Apple what are you doing? Playing with them dam trucks again APPLE Who you talking too? Your always on the telephone. KEN That dam Bill collector he just won't leave me alone APPLE Who is this Bill person you always talking to him. I want to meet him you never let me talk to this Bill Kwektor guy you should introduce me to your friend Bill. KEN Apple I have to go just wanted to see how you were and to tell you I am doing a show this weekend and I want you to come. APPLE OK Ken you going to sing and play your guitar. I will see if my mama will let me.. And I think you should bring your friend bill so I can meet him.. KEN OK Apple I will catch up with you We will go see them train tracks! FADE OUT. FADE IN: DISSOLVE TO: EXT. Eunice's car (Apples mother) - AFTERNOON In car on the way to the doctor's APPLE MaMa Kenny wants me to go to his show Eunice (mother) Yea apple I don't know if that is such a good idea being that you just got over a cold. APPLE Mom can I go please please please I will be good EUNICE We will see apple today I have to worry about the doctor APPLE Yea what is going to happen ma ma EUNICE Well apple your mother is a little bit sick and I am trying to get some help for it. APPLE What u mean mama you have a cold. EUNICE (mother) No apple its a little more then a cold its what the doctors call cancer, and its in my head and its just not that easy to fix. APPLE Well you will be OK right mama right EUNICE Well we will see apple time will only tell.. Car enters doctors office parking lot ExT. mothers car - AFTERNOON Apple waiting patiently in car for his mother to return from the doctor Eunice enters the vehicle APPLE Yea ma did the doctor fix you EUNICE Dam doctors they don't know their head from a hole in their pants. Apple put your seat belt on. APPLE Ma ma what the matter? EUNICE Apple you don't worry about it child. Your ma ma doesn't seem to be doing so well. Why don't you do that crazy future telling on me and tell ma ma what is in store for her.. APPLE Why ma ma why you know I don't want to do that cause apple scared of what he may see EUNICE Ah Apple you just cant be able to do that silly ole stuff any way but your mother may just not have that much longer in this life I don't know apple. I want you to get cleaned up for dinner when we get home. Car enters driveway of apples home. Ext. Apple going through woods to see the train with his dog -evening Apple sitting on hill over looking the train tracks patiently waiting for the train to come FADE IN: APPLE Singing the train gonna come the train is coming Old man lives in woods What you doing sitting here boy (Frightened Apple says) You scared me!! OLD MAN LIVES IN WOODS (CONT'D) Ah there ain't nothing to be scared about just a little ole train coming fast down them tracks APPLE You like trains cause I always come down here to watch the train a coming OLD MAN LIVES IN WOODS Yea that darn train keeps me up all night.. I wish they'd just shut her down. APPLE Why does it keep you up all night OLD MAN LIVES IN WOODS Well I live right here in the woods and it is as loud as a farm pig in a mud bath. by the way what is your name young man. APPLE My name is Apple. OLD MAN LIVES IN WOODS Well my name is Sam its nice to meet yuh boy.. (Train begins to come and go by) APPLE well I got to get going mama is making me a dinner SAM Alright boy well won't you come back and visit and we will watch that old loud train together. Ext. aPple In barn with his dog butcie -evening APPLE Butchie we go see dad someday just me and you when I can drive our truck down to Florida. I wish he would come to see us I don't know why he don't come see me FLASHBACK: EXT. APPLE ORCHARD - 30 YEARS AGO A BOY, 9, mentally handicapped, laughing, is running around a tree holding an apple. A MAN, 30, average looking, runs up and picks up the boy. LEONARD What you got there? SAM An apple, daddy. LEONARD You like apples? SAM Yeah! LEONARD You're a little apple. My apple baby boy. Sam laughs. FLASHBACK END: FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. bARN APPLE'S HOUSE -evening Apple still playing with his trucks in the dirt in the barn. Ed his mean neighbor shows up and frightens him Ed Hey boy you supposed to be a man look at you sitting there playing with toys. Hey boy I hear you put your hands on my daughter, BOY are you listening to me you touch my daughter again your going to have to answer to me not that scrawny ole lady of mine.. APPLE But your daughter was going to get get umm! ED I don't want to hear another word out of you you vegetable or apple whatever they call you, look at me boy you see this this here is a pistol and this is what you will be looking into the next time I hear of you touching my girl. (From the distance apples mother's voice is heard) EUNICE Apple, apple APPLE I gotta go Apple runs out of barn back towards the house and in the front door.. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. kITCHEN APPLE'S HOUSE Eunice is asleep on a chair as Apple is getting ready to go somewhere. A horn is heard from the driveway. Eunice awakes barely. EUNICE Apple is that you? where are you going? APPLE No where ma I be back its just kenny I go with him for a ride be back soon go back to sleep. Apple walks out of house ExT. parking lot aa meeting people walking into church ken pulls in with his nice super truck with apple they get out and walk in together-evening INT. AA MEETING -evening Ken is taking apple to kens aa meeting as ken is in AA as they pull into the meeting in kens super truck..APPLE STANDS UP AFTER kENNY AND STARTS TALKING ABOUT HIS MOTHER IS AN ALCCOHOLIC TO BE CONT. To be cont.......... Ext. Apple house Front yard - MORNING Women from down the street walks up to fence and gets apples attention WOMEN FROM DOWN THE STREET (country accent) Apple honey wont you come have a little chat with me? APPLE Hello mam nice day out sun is nice. My mom says its like the light bulb of the world. I call it the Heaven, but some times its hidden and its still light out. My mom says that's when its cloudy. I think the Heaven is just taking a nap cause it has to rest too like when it sleeps at night. WOMEN FROM DOWN THE STREET Well that's nice apple. Listen I heard you could see visions sometimes and can tell people is that true or is that just some silly old story that goes around town.. APPLE Well yes I can but sometimes it just doesn't work all the time but apple can always try for someone and see if it does WOMEN FROM DOWN THE STREET Well apple I am sad and I was wondering if you could help me. I have been trying to get pregnant for years and it just doesn't seem to happen for me. Could you just tell me if I will ever have myself a baby of my own. APPLE Well OK I have to look in your eye and see if what there is. I just need you to look into my eyes and I will see if I can. (Pause as apple looks deeply into her eyes and then looks down ) APPLE (CONT'D) 2 weeks WOMEN FROM DOWN THE STREET 2 weeks what Apple APPLE You will be pregnant in 2 weeks WOMEN FROM DOWN THE STREET My god Apple are you sure! Well I will be waiting apple you have given me something to hope for I love you apple as she runs off. INT. kitchen Apple's house - Afternoon Apple runs into kitchen EUNICE Mom Have you seen butch where is my dog where is Butchie All there you are!!! see's dog outside the window. Sees a vision of dog gets scared just shakes it off cause its his dog and wants no worries about it!!! a knock is heard. Apple looks at the door and sees a MAN, 30's, bum looking, standing at the door with his grungy girlfriend folded arms not wanting to be there. Apple drops the mop. APPLE Kenny! EUNICE Jesus, Apple. Apple runs to the door then opens it. The man walks inside. KENNY Hey, buddy. APPLE How's the truck? KENNY Just got the oiled changed and it's running like charm. APPLE You're truck's the best. Kenny smiles then walks inside. He sees Eunice sitting down holding her leg. KENNY Hey, Mrs. Cobalt. EUNICE Hey, Kenny. KENNY What's wrong with your leg? EUNICE I fell. APPLE She slipped. I told her it was... EUNICE Jesus. Enough already, Apple. Kenny sees all the bottles of alcohol in the kitchen then gives Eunice a look. She disregards it. KENNY (to Apple) I'm heading to the tracks. You want to go? APPLE Yeah! (to Eunice) Can I mom? EUNICE Yeah, yeah go ahead. Apple runs to the door. Kenny follows. EUNICE (CONT'D) Be home for dinner. APPLE (O.S.) I will. The door closes. Eunice take another drink then gets up, picks up the mop then begins to finish mopping. EXT. WOODS - MOMENTS LATER Snowy trees. Train tracks. EXT. WOODS - CONTINUOUS Apple and Kenny, Kenny's girlfriend Jena arms still folded walk alongside the tracks. APPLE Thanks for taking me, Kenny. KENNY Yeah, no sweat, Apple. APPLE You're my best friend. Kenny smiles. KENNY Yeah I know. APPLE Am I your best friend, Kenny? Kenny puts his arms around Apple. KENNY Course. APPLE Bestest friend? Jena So Apple you like the seeing the Train? APPLE Yeh! KEN So are you coming to my show tonight APPLE I think so Have to ask ma. INT. Living Room apples house i front of TV. APPLE ASKING WATCHING TV. With mom waiting for Kenny as Eunice is drunk drinking from her bottle. APPLE Ma why you got to drink all the time? EUNICE You would to if your husband left you cause you had a umm he hee hee nevermind!!! APPLE Umm What!! A retard for a son! Go Ahead say it mom! You know you want to. you know that's what it is. EUNICE OOH! Apple you just quiet down now boy your father was never any good for either of us. APPLE Ma why don't he ever come to see me? EUNICE See you what about me.. That ole bastard don't want to see either one of us. You just forget about him son. APPLE But he was good to you and me I member when I was little and he let me steer his truck from umm his lap it was so fun ma.. Apple becomes teary eyed.. EUNICE Boy! don't you waste nun of that on him A loud horn is heard from outside APPLE That's ken Bye mom EUNICE Don't you get it no trouble apple APPLE I wont Bye!!! INT. Apple at Tavern - NIGHT Sitting at table drinking juice apple looks depressed and makes his way to the stage grabbing the microphone and begins to sing oh so horribly and embarrasses himself INT. Apple at bar ordering another juice APPLE Can I get a cranberry juice drink please Bartender You looking for juice alright this is the last one for you Tough guys (Laughing sarcastically) Hey man that was quite the display you put on stage up there. You must have your own album.. Yea what is it called apple and the chipmunks.. (More laughing sarcastically) TOUGH GUYS (CONT'D) That's your name right apple well apple how does this feel. (They pull up his underpants and begin to give him a wedgy) Kenny enters the scene as he is on break KEN Is there a problem here apple APPLE Yes these guys are bothering me KEN What is up you guys have to pick on a poor little retard and got nothing better to do APPLE Its OK ken KEN We can always step outside and talk about this TOUGH GUYS Oh yea big singer boy I guess we can Some onlookers become part of the disturbance and step outside with ken the tough guys and apple Ken grabs 2 of them and spins them around performing a wedgy on them and a Large black patron from the bar picks the 3rd one up in the air. Large black man Now is there going to be any more trouble with Mr.. Apple As the other 2 run off and the third that gets thrown down to the ground gets up and runs off. TOUGH GUYS We didn't mean no harm we were just playing around FADE OUT. FADE IN: Ext. Apple in woods with his dog near train track visiting man that lives in woods - MORNING APPLE Hi Sam what you doing SAM Ah apple I am just learning me a way to tie knots with this here rope, come here I will show you how to tie a special knot APPLE Well What kind of knot are you trying to tie SAM Well they call this special knot a noose. APPLE Well what is a noose used for SAM SAM Well apple they use it for many a thing I was just making it so I could hang something from a tree. Maybe an animal or something. APPLE Be nice to animals SAM animals are your friend. SAM (Laughing sarcastically) Oh I know apple maybe it wont be for an animal maybe it will be for me.. APPLE Don't be silly SAM SAM Here give me your hand now pull that through see there you go.. Sam walks and leads apple towards his tent SAM (CONT'D) Apple come in here I want to show you something. see this is where I live and sleep. (Apple looks scared and concerned) SAM (CONT'D) Why don't you lay down and feel how comfy my cot is you can stay here apple whenever you would like Sam begins to lean over and begins to touch apple where he doesn't want to be touched Apple gets up intensely and runs out of the tent and makes his way home thoroughly upset INT. Apple home - eVENING Apple hears Neigbor abusing his wife EXT. Neighbors porch - eVENING Apple walks up to the porch of the neighbor where Ed is abusing his wife APPLE (Angrily) Leave her alone leave her alone Ed! ED Go on home boy this is nun of your business Apple grabs Ed's shoulder Ed back hands apple in the mouth Apple then picks up a golf club and hits Ed over the head with it Ed falls to the ground winded and Marla makes Ed leave and not aloud back in house till he apologizes to Apple. Ext. apples goes to see the train -morning Apple see's Sam commit suicide laying on the train tracks Apple runs to save him but to late. swears to never go see the train again on way back through woods he stops at Ed's tent looks inside and grabs the noose tied rope from Sam's tent and heads back home. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. Apple meets mentally challenged girl at diner Apple sees mentally challenged dishwasher at diner she breaks a plate gets yelled at by manager apple sticks up for her and they become friends ApplE She didn't mean it it was a accident Manager What do you know you just as dumb as she is. APPLE I may be dumb but at least my shirt matches my pants Manager looks down at his unmatched apparel. (Customers laugh) MANAGER Well if you want to keep getting hot coffee here you better just zip it. Apple Zip it, you might want to cause look it your fly is what needs some zipping Manager looks down again and see his fly is unzipped (Customers laugh hysterically) Mentally challenged girl walks up to apple Maddy Thank you he is always having a bad day. Anyway what is your name? APPLE My name is apple and what is your name MADDY My name is Maddy. APPLE Hi Maddy do you like trucks? MADDY I guess why? APPLE Cause I have a super truck and we should sit in it sometime and listen to music. MADDY OK heres my number call me Apple! We'll I got to get back to work APPLE OK see you Maddy I see you soon. INT. aplle in his truck Apple sitting with Maddy. APPLE So do you like my truck MADDY I guess its cool APPLE Hey would you like to go to a comedy show with me that my friend Ken is taking me to MADDY I m not sure if my mom will let me but I will see apple. Will it be fun. APPLE Ye my friend Ken says he is going to take me there cause I embarrassed him at his show when I tried to sing and take the microphone away from him. He says this is where I should be trying to take microphones to be a funny man.. MADDY OK apple I will ask my mom.. I should go now its getting late and Maddy hungry.. Apple walks Maddy home. ext. apples house ouside - afternoon Apple Swinging on his bench. A man walks up from out of the shadows.. Brother of pregnant women Hey apple right that's your name Apple? Well my sister sent me over here because you read her future and told her she would be pregnant in 2 weeks and by golly she was. So I was wondering if you could maybe do me the same favor. APPLE Well I am glad your sissy is pregnant she really wanted that.but I am not so well right now and I don't know if I can help you. BROTHER OF PREGNANT WOMEN Come-on please I swear I won't bother you again I just don't know where my life is heading. You would really be doing me a huge favor if you would apple. APPLE Well OK sit down here and I have to look into your eyes and see what I see.. APPLE (CONT'D) 7 days BROTHER OF PREGNANT WOMEN 7 days what what do you mean 7 days APPLE You have 7 days to live. I am sorry sorry I am so sorry. BROTHER OF PREGNANT WOMEN You don't know what your talking about. You are a fool your a dam liar, you don't know anything you shouldn't be allowed to tell no one nothing. I ought to smack you were you sit crapple or apple whatever your dam name is Man speeds off in his car saying fuck you apple I m gonna live forever.. ext. Apple driving his truck in field -evening (Apple gets into truck upset and drives off into field erratically) Upset with music loud driving out of control and then all of a sudden a loud boom Apple exits truck very carefully heading towards the front to see what the noise was about and to see if he may have hit something As apple turns the corner front end of his truck he's see's an animal lay before him whimpering and shaking from the sheer shock of being struck by the vehicle he then realizes its his dog butch (Apple leans down to touch the butch as he begins to cry ) APPLE NO! NO! Butch! Butchie Wake Up Wake Up...Mom Mom MOM MOM MOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!! Mommy! FADE OUT. EXT. Apple Burries his dog with his mother Apple fixes dirt and places a rock on grave and then places butchies collar on a stick in the ground acting as a cross for butch's grave and then begins to cry as eunice rubs his shoulder. EUNICE It s all right son its ok we will get you another dog. It wasnt your falt it was an accident mama loves you. APPLE Im gonna miss him he was my bestest friend.. FADE OUT. INT. aPPLE'S HOUSE -Evening Phone rings apple picks it up it. aPPLE Hello KEN Apple Thank God its you. I need your help!! APPLE What is it Ken! KEN I just got pulled over and they towed my car and I need you to get in that fancy ole red truck of yours and come get me. APPLE I cant Ken. My dog died Kenny!!!! I cant I cant drive on the street. KEN I know App Just this once I need your help I will pay you back. I am stranded. Please Apple. APPLE My ma Will kill me I will get in big trouble ken KEN Please app!!!! APPLE Well I guess my ma is not home where are you KEN Great! Apple goes to pick up his friend Maddy. Pulls up to Maddy's house sees Maddy in her front yard APPLE Maddy get in we have to go help Kenny MADDY What what are you doing apple APPLE Hurry Get in we have to help Kenny! Camera pans down to apple driving on main road with Maddy toward Kenny walking Apple pulls over Kenny gets in the truck. KEN Thanks App! You sure saved me KEN (CONT'D) Hi Maddy MADDY Kenny They drive off. and continue to drive when all of a sudden a car with flashing blue lights behind them pulls up closely and Apple pulls over. KEN Apple be quiet I will take care of this APPLE See ken I told you I get in trouble You see a police officer step out of his police car and make his way to the drivers side of the red truck Apple looks nervous. Police Officer What you boys got yourself into today. APPLE You have a nice car Mr. No trouble officer no trouble officer! POLICE OFFICER Well its seems your driving around with no plates did you realize that. KEN Officer sir he didn't mean any trouble he was just helping me out of a jam. POLICE OFFICER Well it looks like you got yourself into one. Why don't the both of you step out of the vehicle. Police officer then cuffs and takes both apple and Kenny away. (DETENTION CENTER!!!...More continued. later maybe with Barry help!!) INT. Police Station Apples mom shows up to police station and bails Kenny and Apple out irate at the both of them. As they walk to the car. EUNICE I don't know what you were thinking boy but you have really gone and done it now.. No more truck and I am going to sell it. APPLE No ma! No Ma! KEN He was really only trying to help me Mrs. Cobalt. EUNICE OOH don't you try sticking up for him Kenny Int. Apple iN KITCHEN WITH MOTHER - EVENING Apple having dinner with mother looks into her eyes sees something he doesn't like(a Vision of her gravestone) gets upset throws a fit, throw his food.. EUNICE Apple honey what is the matter dear, what is going on APPLE You don't want to know ma ma just leave me alone just let me go I want my daddy EUNICE Apple what is it did you see something with that silly ole fortune telling business.. Its not real apple its just that silly ole imagination of yours. Apple runs away exiting the house at the front door Int. Apple with mother who is sick in bed -Morning APPLE Mama are you OK what is the matter EUNICE Run along apple mama not feeling so well ApPLE What is it mom EUNICE I said run along aren't you going to some show tonight APPLE Yes mama I met a girl. Shes nice. I am taking her with me when Kenny picks me up. EUNICE Well you have a nice time apple and let your mother get some rest now APPLE Ma ma I love you. I love you TOOO MUCHHHH! EUNICE I love you to Apple APPLE K I see you soon mama see you soon INT. Comedy show in town - EVENING Apple. Maddy and Kenny and his girl enter Laughter's comedy club downtown.. The comedians have been bombing on stage. Ken eggs on apple to go up there and grab the mic at the end of the show after last comedian bombs and the host is about to close the show because ken is resentful of the time apple embarrassed him at his show when taking the mic from ken and tells apple now this is where you should take the mic from someone Subsequent scenes: Maddy and app INT. Mothers bedroom morning - MORNING Apple finds his mother still what he thinks is asleep from the night before. APPLE Mama time to get up Apple hungry. Mama. (Apple starts to look frightened) (Anticipating, Frightened) APPLE (CONT'D) Mama Starts to gently shake her shoulder APPLE (CONT'D) Ma ma get up please wake up mama Mama, MAMA MA MA!!!MA MA!!!!!!! FADE OUT. Ext. oUSTSIDE DAYTIME APPLES HOUSE Ambulance takes mother away as she has passed EXT. aPPLE'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Maddy shows up MADDY Hey apple APPLE (In despair, depressed and lethargic) Hey MADDY What is the matter apple? APPLE My mama died this morning doctors are mean! MADDY Well I am sorry apple I just wanted to tell you that me and my parents are moving away. bye apple APPLE Bye Maddy EXT. Funeral outside daytime Michael Apple's social worker and overseer stands with him at Apple's Mother's funeral as a few friends and family and a no show from Apples father as sthe go threw the proceedings of the funeral. Michael Don't worry Apple you are going to be OK.. APPLE Apple is Sad Funeral ends and Apple sneaks off before Michael can see where he went. EXT. aPPLE'S HOUSE in Kitchen -Morning Apple runs into the kitchen of his house and falls over the sink crying in despair Ext. Apple gets in truck drives In field to Butchies Gravestone. Apple pulls up upon the tombstone of Butch and gets out of truck (Angered, torn inside, confused, crying, depressed) APPLE Butch why. Why didn't you run out in front of me. I didn't mean to hurt you you were my best friend. (theme music is getting more intense and louder) EXT. apple pulls truck into barn Apple gets out of truck and picks up rope that Sam from the woods made that has a noose knot He ties the rope around a plank while standing from a rusty old chair He raps the noose around his neck looking toward the sky and begins a dialogue with god APPLE (Intense and dramatic music flowing) God I don't understand. I have nothing and that's all that's left. I have tried my best and I have lived long enough. These gifts you have given me are nothing but bad ones I have no mother, no father, no friends, no life. I once thought you of you as being everything in order to experience your self you are the birds the trees, the people the animals, the streams, the rivers the everything. But now I see you are nothing, nothing to me, I am confused, and I don't understand you that's why I must sit with you now and be with my parents. I want answers I need answers god....Goodbye world goodbye world..... Apple slowly stumbles off the chair and begins to hang as there are flashes of his childhood, his father loving him, to him becoming aware of his gift at an early age to all his losses to him pondering in thought to the pregnant women having the baby. To the brother who makes amends to his family then is hit by a car, to the view of his dog from behind walking away from him. then a huge right light begins to overtake the screen as apple continues to hang.. The screen begins to Fade to Black. The screen then fades to a bright white light with intense music!!! The screen then starts to fade in to reality where you start to see hands untie the Noose. The rope gets released Apple falls to the dirt and begins to awake.. You then see hands start taking the noose from around Apples head and a man stands him up and wipes of the dirt and puts his hands on his shoulders and looks into his eyes as apple looks back (ITS HIS FATHER)............ APPLES DAD HEY SON APPLE Dad! (Intense Music Playing) EXT. OUTSIDE BARN WALKS OFF WITH DAD TOWARD DADS TRUCK LOOKS TO THE SKY APPLE THANK you, THANK YOU!! TRUCK DRIVING DOWN HIGHWAY TOWARD FLORIDA WITH APPLE AND HIS FATHER...... FADE OUT. "THE END" $ő$ö$Ŕ(Ć(+/+š+ö+÷+,đ=>^^*\ hI[W5\ hI[W;hI[WhI[W5>*\%._z€Č ý   + Żś˝őœźÉü\óäóŘĚÂóääóŘĚÂŘóŘäóäŘóó „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤŕ1$]„ oxţö˙28jr­łŐŰ˙oŠ'-=CĘÚŕôóäŘĚÂäóĚÂĚÂóŘóĚÂĚÂóĚÂó „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤŕ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤđ1$]„ ôFLj~źÂţ<FOęî+1dhŁEIÄóéÝóéóéóéóéÎÎÝóéóéóéóéóé$„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤŕ1$]„  „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„ÄĘ_c§ąşÇőCSŤąâé"(KR§­óéóéÚÚÚÎÂóéóéóéóéóéóéó „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„­Ďß^d‰˝ăHbh†íó ÁÇ#ôőéőéőéőÝŃÝÝéőéőéőéőéőéőÝ „ dȤŕ1$]„  „ dȤđ1$]„  „dȤđ1$]„ „dČ1$]„^şĂÉú 1 Y y Ř Ţ (!?!!“!ś!Í!H"N"`"óçŘĚÂĚ´ĚÂĚÂĚÂĚÂĚÂĚ„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„$„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„ `"w"Ś"Ç"Í"##c#“#™#8$C$f$ő$ö$ţ$%%'%/%@%D%óéŰóéóéĎóéĂĂĂóˇéóéóéó „dȤ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„ „ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„D%J%R%|%‰%ż%Ď%Ů%â%&p&s&r'x'¤'§'(Ŕ(Ç(Ô(őéőÝÝÝÎÎÂśéőéőéő¨éő„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤ1$]„  „dȤđ1$]„ „dČ1$]„Ô(Ú(ĺ(+)5)>)Y) )Ů)ŕ)**k*„*+0+÷+ ,2,y,”,óéÝÎÎÂÝÝóéóéÝÂÂÝÝÂÝó „ dȤŕ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤđ1$]„  „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„”,Ľ,Ű,á,..Ă.É.@/[/70=0¸0ů011+1>1D1d112(2ńçŰçŰçŰçŰçŰçńŰçŰçŰçŰçĎ „ dȤŕ1$]„  „dȤđ1$]„ „dČ1$]„„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙(2A2H23Ň3Ř3ß3ć3ô31474C4I4Z4`4„4˜4ž4ˇ4ď45 55$50565óçÝóçÝçÝóçÝçÝçÝÝçÝóóçÝçÝç „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„ 65R5Y5a5g5‰55Ž566M6O6U6r6y6Ž6ś6Ć6Ú6ç6ď6Y7t77§7őéőéőéőÝéőÝéőéőÝéőéőÝŃŃŃ „ dȤŕ1$]„  „ dȤđ1$]„  „dȤđ1$]„ „dČ1$]„§7ţ78!8'8>8D8[8i8o8|8‚8 8Ă8É8Ń8×8ç8ě8999#9I9O9j9óçÝçÝçÝóçÝçÝóçÝçÝçÝçÝçÝçÝ „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„ j9—9ů9˙9%:,:~:„:ę:ń:I;O;t;{;ç;í;ƒ<Š<˛<Ô<Ú<í<ô<==óçŰŃŰŃŰŃŰŃŰŃŰŃŰŃŰŃçŰŃŰŃŰ „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„ =*=I=đ=>>H>R>>˜>ą>>?\?p?Ź?č?@@3@9@Y@]@ł@őéÝéŃőŃőŃĂőĂŃőĂÝŃőŃőŃő„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„  „dČ1$]„ł@š@Ä@Č@÷@A'A‰AB%B`BżBĘBýBCCmCsC‰CCDD;DóéóéóéÝÝóéÝóéÎÎÂóéóéóé „ dȤŕ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „ dȤđ1$]„  „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„;D?DiDoD‘D•DEEMEQEjEłEšEĚEĐEF;FHFžFÁFÎF2GˆGáGóéóéóéóéóŰéóéóéĎóéŰóéĎĎ „ dȤđ1$]„ „ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„áGűG H?HˆHŽH˜H˝HŔHěHI'IŮIJ KKKOKßKĺK LóçóçŰÍĂŰĂçççóç´´óçŰĂ$„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „dČ1$]„„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„  LL?LELzL¨LşLÂL MM^M“M˛MÝMăM&N,NSNYNkNqNŽN”NĄN§NóéóéÝĎóéóéÝĎÝóéóéóéóéóéó„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „ dȤđ1$]„  „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„§NřNţNAOGOhO€OšO O¸OžOĎOŐO*P0PyPPcQiQşQŇQ÷Q>RXR=SőéőéőÝŃéőéőéőéőéőéőŃÝŃéő „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„  „dȤđ1$]„ „dČ1$]„=SCSĂSÝSxT~TËTÚTáTűTU%U^UxUWV VĎVWfWéW­XčXîXóéóéóéóéóéóéóéÝŃĂÝÝÝĂó„ŕ„t˙dČ1$]„ŕ`„t˙ „ dȤŕ1$]„  „ dȤđ1$]„  „dČ1$]„ „dȤđ1$]„îXEYOY{Y8Z?ZŹZ˛ZßZéZ['[-[3[7[c[i[y[}[ö[ü[A\E\őćÚÎÂőÂőćÚÎÂőÂőÂőÂőÂő „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„  „ dȤŕ1$]„ $„ädȤđ1$]„äa$ „dČ1$]„E\P\˘\¨\Ů\Ý\ě\ň\]#]*]Š]]ś]ź]Ú]ŕ]^^~^‚^ ^­^ś^ź^Â^őéÝőÝőÝőÝőéÝőÝőÝőééÝőÝőÝő „dȤđ1$]„ „ dȤđ1$]„  „dČ1$]„Â^P_T_|_‚_Ś_%`4`[`a` `Ż`÷`ű`GaVaˇaöa666666666666666666666666666¨6666666666¸666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666°6T@ń˙T Normal1$7$8$H$ CJOJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DAň˙ĄD Default Paragraph FontRió˙łR 0 Table Normalö4Ö l4Öaö (kô˙Á( 0No List FţOňF 0GENERAL„„p]„^„p OJQJ^JZţOZ 0 SCENE HEADING„„p¤X]„^„p;OJQJ^JHţOH 0ACTION„„p¤,]„^„p OJQJ^J\ţOB\ 0CHARACTER NAME„ř„°¤,]„ř^„°;OJQJ^JRţOBR 0 PARENTHETICAL„Đ%„ŕ]„Đ%^„ŕ OJQJ^JDţOD 0DIALOG„#„]„#^„ OJQJ^JTţOT 0 TRANSITION„Ô„đ¤,]„Ô^„đ;OJQJ^JHţOH 0SHOT„„p¤X]„^„p;OJQJ^JNţON 0 CAST LIST„„p]„^„p;OJQJ^Jopş˙˙˙˙%._z€Čý+Żś˝őœźÉü\ö˙2 8 j r ­ ł Ő Ű ˙ o Š  ' - = C Ę Ú ŕ ô   F L j ~ ź  ţ  < F O ę î +1dhŁEIÄĘ_c§ąşÇőCSŤąâé"(KR§­Ďß^d‰˝ăHbh†íó ÁÇ#ô^şĂÉú1YyŘŢ(?“śÍHN`wŚÇÍc“™8Cfőöţ'/@DJR|‰żĎŮâpsrx¤§ Ŕ Ç Ô Ú ĺ +!5!>!Y! !Ů!ŕ!""k"„"#0#÷# $2$y$”$Ľ$Ű$á$&&Ă&É&@'['7(=(¸(ů())+)>)D)d))*(*A*H*+Ň+Ř+ß+ć+ô+1,7,C,I,Z,`,„,˜,ž,ˇ,ď,- --$-0-6-R-Y-a-g-‰--Ž-..M.O.U.r.y.Ž.ś.Ć.Ú.ç.ď.Y/t//§/ţ/0!0'0>0D0[0i0o0|0‚0 0Ă0É0Ń0×0ç0ě0111#1I1O1j1—1ů1˙1%2,2~2„2ę2ń2I3O3t3{3ç3í3ƒ4Š4˛4Ô4Ú4í4ô455*5I5đ566H6R66˜6ą6>7\7p7Ź7č7883898Y8]8ł8š8Ä8Č8÷89'9‰9:%:`:ż:Ę:ý:;;m;s;‰;;<<;<?<i<o<‘<•<==M=Q=j=ł=š=Ě=Đ=>;>H>ž>Á>Î>2?ˆ?á?ű? 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