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Erasmus Shakespeare Characteristics of Renaissance art King Henry VIII Anglican Church Elizabeth I Thirty Years’ War – reasons European migration to Americas resulted in what? Who conquered Incan Empire? Who successfully circumnavigated the globe and lived to speak of it? Columbian Exchange Ferdinand Magellan Istanbul 1453 – Constantinople African imports Jerusalem holy city for? Machiavelli The Prince Trangular Trade William Harvey Belief that scientific laws explain how society works. Absolutism Publication of and knowledge of the fact that the earth revolves around the sun – whom? Punishment of Galileo by Catholic Church King Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIV The Sun King Johannes Kepler John Locke Common Law Magna Carta Enlightenment Thinkers The Social Contract Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Thomas Hobbes English Bill of Rights of 1689 William and Mary Glorious Revolution American Revolution – reasons. French Revolution – reasons. L’aissez-faire capitalism Adam Smith Charles I Louis XVI Jacobins Roundheads Czar Peter I Voltaire Nation LEAST interested in overseas colonization and trade in 1600’s and 1700’s? Spanish Armada King Philip II Charles II The Restoration Brahman, dharma, moksha Calligraphy, Zen gardens, tea ceremony Great Wall of China purpose Age of Exploration Sub-Saharan kingdoms of – traded in gold and salt Quotes by absolute monarchs. Age of Reason Congress of Vienna Prince Klemens von Metternich Two enlightened despots Spark for French Revolution Unfavorable Balance of Trade Edict of Nantes King Henry IV Huguenot St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Spark for Thirty Years’ War “L’etat c’est moi.” Buddhism Islam Hinduism Christianity Judaism Monotheism Christian doctrine was established how in early Christian Church? Torah Koran (Q’ran) Caste U.S. “Bill of Rights” Battle of Trafalgar Tax laws imposed on British colonists by British government – viewed how? Articles of Confederation Feudal Japan Democratic Republic principles Peace of Augsburg Jamestown Dutch East Indies Company Capitalists Whigs Tories Ghana, Mali Hundred Years’ War – what countries? Cannons – Ottoman Empire Classical civilizations Northern Italy – Renaissance Merchants – de Medici – Florence “Renaissance Man” Indulgences Printing Press with movable type World-changing historical effects of Reformation? John Calvin – theocracy Predestination Edict of Nantes Peace of Augsburg Christopher Columbus – significance of voyages French colonial American empire Majority African slaves sent to where in Americas? Columbian Exchange How did European contact affect Native American people? Mercantilist concept for European countries Religious leaders of – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism Torah, Vedas, Koran (Q’ran), Four Noble Truths Religion first to advocate monotheism? Major religions geographic concentrations “L’etat c’est moi.” - Louis XIV – Versailles St. Petersburg – Peter the Great Spark for French Revolution Reign of Terror – Robespierre – guillotine End of French Revolution – Napoleon Thomas Jefferson and John Locke Religion in U.S. Constitution? Scientific Revolution Philosophes Johann Sebastian Bach Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ludwig von Beethoven Continental System Waterloo 1848 Nationalism Liberalism Reactionary Conservatism Radicalism Which European countries formed into organized nation-states during last half 19th century? Otto von Bismarck Guiseppe Garibaldi Victor Emmanuel II and Count Camillo di Cavour Conference of Berlin – raced to partition and gobble up what “like a pizza?” Enclosure Movement – in Great Britain Industrialization Eli Whitney James Bessemer James Watt “l’aissez-faire.” Why did worker unions organize in 19th century? Country that resisted Western contact for millennium, scene of European nations carving it into spheres of influence late 19th century? Matthew C. Perry Accepted causes of World War One Trench Warfare – where? Spark for World War One Treaty of Versailles Bolsheviks – leader – during 2nd Russian Revolution – during what major war? Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Great Depression Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal Truman Doctrine Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corrolary Mein Kampf – Adolf Hitler Fascist totalitarian dictatorships Spark for World War Two? Zimmerman Telegram Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor Examples of genocide Event that ended World War Two – August 1945? Two countries that became leading military super-powers after WWII? Cold War Who won China’s Communist Civil War? Mao Zedong Chiang Kai Shek To where did nationalists flee after Chinese Civil War? Cultural Revolution Pragmatists Great Leap Forward Gandhi Ho Chi Minh Civil Disobedience First wartime use of organized military force by United Nations Korean Conflict Containment Fidel Castro Which event occurred first in collapse of Communism in postwar Europe? 38th Parallel 17th Parallel Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis Marshall Plan Battle of Dien Bien Phu Tet Offensive Gulf of Tonkin Resolution put forward by Johnson Mughal (Mogol) rulers - religion – where ? Incan Empire characteristics OPEC In which part of Africa did natives become independent with very little violent conflict? Apartheid Jomo Kenyatta Title that best complete this partial outline? I. ____________ A. Mass starvation in Ireland (1845 – 1850) B. Partition of India (1947) C. Reasons for Colonialism D. Reasons for Cultural Borrowing Glorious Revolution William and Mary Simon Bolivar Meiji Restoration Failure of League of Nations Fourteen Points Speech Woodrow Wilson Japanese invasion of Manchuria Actions that demonstrate concept of genocide? 567źČÉźâä#%Ť­LN{’“”–˘¤‘ “ ” đáÓǝǝŻĄŻĄŻĄŻĄŻ•Ż•‡•‡•ťÇh]*CJaJh]*CJaJ67?FMT\coČŐćđý  ' 4 A X e w  ž ´ Ë Ů â ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý” ţâ đ ú    + : U c t Ą Š ľ Ř č ř  Q m ˛ Ĺ Ř á ÷  - 8 ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý8 H W Ž ™ ń  * = L Y i t  ‹ ˘ ś Ě á ď 3Ro‰”ž¨ąýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýąźÉŇ#2AL\t›ˇĘü':XpŒŠšÇĐď (.7ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý7DLW™Ÿ­łÉÝ'ANm‰ŁŻľźČí;nz›ÍĺýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýĺôEe˜ŤäX‡ŽŘ'Cn’˛Ńçó !6IRWcýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýcnz‡’îBľÇÓâí/ˇČé.{“¤şĂÓă÷ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý÷4M`€•Ă6AQ‰ŠźĂĎâ"2>K’ ŽşĎÝýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýÝő4`}‚Üćô#3_}™źĐáď  5 D c ‘ ’ “ ” ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý&1h:päW °Đ/ °ŕ=!° "° # $ %°œ@@ń˙@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAň˙ĄD Default Paragraph FontRió˙łR  Table Normalö4Ö l4Öaö (kô˙Á(No List>ţO> ^U+ Keyboarding  & F>*>7@> ^U+ List Bullet 3  & F: : ^U+Index 1„đ„˙^„đ`„˙”8˙˙˙˙67?FMT\coČŐćđý '4AXewž´ËŮâđú+:UctĄŠľŘčř Qm˛ĹŘá÷ -8HWŽ™ń*=LYit‹˘śĚáď3Ro‰”ž¨ąźÉŇ#2AL\t›ˇĘü':XpŒŠšÇĐď  ( . 7 D L W ™ Ÿ ­ ł É Ý ' A N m  ‰ Ł Ż ľ ź Č í   ; 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