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Coronavirus(COVID-19) schools risk of infectionStaff, visitors, contractorsIn line with procedures and guidance, only allow staff and pupils in good health to be in schools - Where staff or pupils have a high temperature, new continuous cough or loss or change to their sense of smell or taste, they should remain at home and follow infection control guidelines in line with Government guidance. Staff, pupils and any visitors must clean their hands either before or on entering the school and classroom. They must also wash hands on leaving the classroom. This must be done every time the classroom is entered or left. Build handwashing into daily routine. Where tissues are used, bin immediately, then wash hands. Staff and pupils should cough into the crook of the elbow or tissue. Staff and pupils can enter and leave using fire exits if required to ease congestion and for direct access to the playground Staff and pupils should leave resources including paper in designated places for 72 hr Practice good hygiene with regular hand washing by all staff,visitors and pupils. Preferred options for cleaning hands from HSE guidance on this: 1. soap and hot water 2. soap and cold water 3. 60% alcohol hand sanitisers. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds when: Before leaving home On arriving at school After using the toilet After breaks After sporting activities Before food preparation Before eating any food, including snacks Before leaving school On arrival at home Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Minimise physical contact with others e.g. no hand shaking or physical contact games. Social distancing from adult to adult and adult to pupils to be adhered to as far as is possible. If not possible wear a face covering and additional hand washing. A need to ensure that face coverings are worn when moving within the school eg corridors 06/01/2021 Minimise contact with surfaces if possible, e.g. tables, furniture. Spray bottles containing disinfectant or cleaner/sanitiser will be provided for each room along with disposable blue roll and will be replenished by FM/Cleaning as required. Provide additional supplies of resources including tissues, soap and hand sanitizer. Also, provide these in toilets. Toilet lid, where provided should be closed before flushing. After washing hands, avoid direct contact with taps when turning off e.g. use paper towel. Where possible, keep windows open. Where and when possible make use of outdoor space for learning. Do not share items that come into contact with your mouth such as cups & bottles Do not share items such as cups, dishes, pencils & towels Staff and pupils hair tied back where appropriate and clothes changed daily. Staff and pupils should bring their own snack, bottled water and packed lunch if applicable Staff take personal belongings straight to their classroom, not left in communal areas. Where appropriate pupils will hang jackets in the cloakroom, take bags to the classroom and there will be no changing of shoes. Handwashing posters displayed in classrooms. Staff to stay 2m apart at breaks/meal times and at all other times whenever possible. Soft furnishings to be removed. Additional cleaning mid-morning of toilets, door handles etc Any concerns with standards of cleanliness should be first reported to the head teacher who will direct their concerns to the main contact for Cleaning & FM Service, and if not resolved satisfactorily escalated to the Area Education and Learning Manager. No visitors allowed in the building unless pre-arranged and social distancing enforced. Pupils will be dropped off at designated gates and line up Teachers will oversee children entering and exiting the building to ensure good hygiene practices Staff will be in the playground before school, during breaks and at the end of the day Classes will go out to play on a rotation to a designated part of the playground. No contractors in the building unless pre-arranged and social distancing enforced. The response to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak is complex and fast moving. Relevant websites will be checked daily and advice will be adapted accordingly. Note the following links:  HYPERLINK "https://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/a-to-z-of-topics/covid-19/" Health Protection Scotland. and  HYPERLINK "https://hpspubsrepo.blob.core.windows.net/hps-website/nss/2973/documents/1_covid-19-guidance-for-non-healthcare-settings.pdf" https://hpspubsrepo.blob.core.windows.net/hps-website/nss/2973/documents/1_covid-19-guidance-for-non-healthcare-settings.pdf which includes guidance on Educational settings (section 2.3). 06/01/2021 SMT to ensure a skeleton staff working within the school, with the other staff working from home. Strict limitations on staff movement between schools- staff working in only one school a request that parents and carers of children on the shielding list gain clinical advice on the suitability of in school attendance for children-otherwise they should not attend school at this time. A need to ensure that all Physical Education takes place outside 313If allergies to hand gel consider the provision of bottles of (tap) water, soap and paper towels with them to remove the need for hand gels2. Provision of assistance to person developing symptoms Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and/or when dealing with spillages or cleaning up body fluids, blood, vomit, etc. Staff Anyone developing any of the Covid-19 symptoms above, should return home and self-isolate for 7 days. Other family members at home should self-isolate for 14 days in line with government guidance. Health Protection Scotland guidance always followed  HYPERLINK "https://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/a-to-z-of-topics/covid-19/" Health Protection Scotland. ( HYPERLINK "mailto:hpt.highland@nhs.net" hpt.highland@nhs.net) If a staff member was dropped off by a spouse/partner and that staff member subsequently develops symptoms of Covid-19 whilst at school, they must be removed from the setting and isolated until they can be picked up. A suitable room/area in the school identified to ensure person can be isolated. The medical room will be used in Kinmylies Primary. Where assistance is needed with an unconfirmed case of Covid-19 (e.g. someone is isolated and awaiting pick up), use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be appropriate where social distancing cannot be maintained. Disposable gloves (nitrile) and disposable plastic apron are recommended. Fluid Resistant Surgical Mask (Type IIR) where social distancing cannot be maintained. Disposable eye protection (such as face visor or goggles) should be worn if there is a risk of splashing into the eyes. Arrange for deep clean to be carried out subsequently of persons work area and door knobs, handles and other items with which they may have come in contact. Emergency contact list for staff should be accessible and up to date. Get advice from Highland Health Protection Team on 01463 704886 if required. 3133. Waste Staff, visitors, contractorsConsumable waste items that have been in contact with a person with symptoms, including used tissues, should be put in a plastic rubbish bag, double bagged and tied. Double bag placed in a secure location. If person tests negative for Covid-19, bag can be put in normal waste. If person tests positive, then bag should be kept secure for at least 72 hours and this can then be put in normal waste.3134. FireStaff, visitors, contractorsEmergency evacuation procedures up to date. Ensure all are familiar with the sound of the fire alarm, procedures and evacuation routes. Register for staff and children. Sign in for visitors and contractors. Fire drills held. Weekly alarm testing, ensuring fire doors/exits are operating correctly. Keep corridors and fire exits clear. Staff familiar with telephony.313Emergency evacuation procedures should be updated to reflect the current situation e.g. restricted parts of building? 5. First Aid (in the event of an accident)First Aiders / Emergency FAs, staff, visitors, contractorsProvide contact numbers for first aiders. All staff familiar with First Aid box locations. First Aid boxes kept up to date. All staff to watch donning and doffing of PPE equipment. Staff familiar with telephony. Note following links to guidance for first aiders:  HYPERLINK "https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.greencrosstraining.com%2Fblog1%2FCOVID-19-First-Aider-Advice&data=02%7C01%7C%7C00439bc87aca4f007f2e08d80875668d%7C89f0b56e6d164fe89dba176fa940f7c9%7C0%7C0%7C637268647713148060&sdata=P5O7CHm4aIppy%2Fdm32fwU5IHIHOFclD3JH80i78dcqE%3D&reserved=0" https://www.greencrosstraining.com/blog1/COVID-19-First-Aider-Advice and HSE guidance  HYPERLINK "https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/first-aid-certificate-coronavirus.htm" https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/first-aid-certificate-coronavirus.htm3136. Slips/trips at the same levelStaff, visitors, contractorsSpillages should be mopped up immediately. Floor and stair areas should be kept clear of obstructions.2127. Working at heightStaff Council/NHS staff should avoid working at height where possible. Only ladders, steps or stepladders for use at work should be used (EN 131)3138. Dangerous machinery (e.g. in technology workshops)Unauthorised persons  Restrict access to the kitchen. Keep cleaning cupboard locked.3139. Contact with chemicalsUnauthorised persons. No unauthorized access to stores. Keep cleaning cupboards locked. Restrict access to kitchen.31310. Moving and handlingStaffStaff should avoid moving furniture items meantime. Once desk positions and room layouts have been established, suitable arrangements will need to be made with suitably trained staff in view of the extent of the moving and handling required. 21211. Violence and aggression towards staffStaffSecurity system to school. School lockdown procedures. Sign in and out system. This should not involve sharing a sign in book or sharing pens or pencils.21212. Traffic management (being struck by a moving vehicle)Staff, visitors, contractorsTraffic management in place Segregated pedestrian and vehicular access Restricted access around building to contractors Restrict car parking to official car parks. Encourage parents, children and staff to walk or cycle to school to reduce traffic congestion. 31313. Reporting Covid to Managers Control of COVID-19 in the workplace.  14. Shielding 06/01/2021  Below all updated 06/01/2021 ELC:- Face Coverings/ Drop off and collection Singing ELCStaff, Visitors All staff relevant to this criteria If at work, employee must report by telephone to Line Manager, return home and self-isolate immediately and arrange a test in accordance with government guidance. If a member of staff or visitor who has been in the workplace and subsequently identified as a positive Covid-19 case, please inform your line manager and RPO Line manager should consider workplace/vehicle and follow HPS Guidance on non-healthcare settings on arrangements for the workplace following report of suspected Covid 19. Ensure appropriate cleaning materials available. May need to consider contact with other teams in shared areas and FM/cleaning staff. a review of individual risk assessments for shielding staff (The Chief Medical Officer has issued a fit note to applicable staff). Staff were advised by letter to seek advice but any who have been unable to do so should work from home in the meantime. When in receipt of guidance from the clinician/GP the Line manager should review the individual risk assessments with HR support when required). Face coverings should now be worn by all adults when physical distancing is not possible, but not when interacting with children; Face coverings are not required when working directly with children, including on the floor or supporting children to move around the building or with toileting, or as a result of being less than 2 m distant from children. To support this, adults must maintain a 2m distance from other adults when working together with groups of children. Face coverings should be worn by adults wherever they cannot maintain a 2 m distance from other adults (e.g. in corridor and communal areas). Coverings should also be worn by staff and visitors when not working directly with children, for example when in office and admin areas, canteens (except when dining), staff rooms and other confined communal areas, (including staff toilets) when 2 metre distancing cannot be maintained, except where a person is exempt from wearing a covering. Face coverings should be strongly encouraged for parents and other visitors to the setting (whether entering the building or otherwise), including parents at drop-off and pick-up. Guidance on singing in ELC settings; Advice from the Advisory Sub-Group on Education and Childrens Issues (link) shows that there are increased transmission risks associated with music and drama activities. When considering planning such activities, providers should carefully consider this advice, and advice from Education Scotland on these activities. The Sub-Group has specifically considered the question of singing in ELC settings. It has concluded that singing should not happen indoors as an organised, large group activity. However, the Sub-Group recognises that children sing naturally in the course of activities and play, and should not be discouraged from doing so, and that singing can also be used to comfort young children when necessary. 3 3 3 31 1 1 13 3 3 3 Assessor SignatureFaye Lingard/ Morven MacDiarmidGrade / LocationHead Teacher Childcare ManagerDate08.09.20 / 06/01/2021     THE HIGHLAND COUNCIL Ref: __________ Risk Assessment Sheet Sheet No: __________ * Note Risk Ratings of 4 or more are significant and require further action to control risk  _awxy}   ɴɴ}xpkkx}faYQhWDhG/5hWDh:g5 h:g5 hyPx5 h[C5hWDhy 5 hy 5 hV?5hWDh!5(h[C5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH (hy 5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH (h85CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .h@h@5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH  h@5:hWDhV?5: h@5hWDhV?5 `a $Ifgd8 $Ifgd@ \$Ifgd@$If^XMX $IfgdWD$Ifkd$$Ifl4F 1V9 `s'] t0    44 lapyt@ ^XOXXX $Ifgdb$Ifkd$$Ifl4F 1V9  s'] t0    44 lapyt@   ^XOX $Ifgdb$Ifkd$$Ifl4F 1V9 s'] t0    44 lapyt@  ' 7 ^XOX $Ifgdb$Ifkd$$Ifl4F 1V9  s'] t0    44 lapyt@   & ' : B C E i  f     P ĸďăxmxmxmX)h7gh@B*CJPJaJmH phsH h h@CJaJh h@]CJaJh!|h@]5CJaJhxh&>*h1*h&:CJaJhWDh&:CJaJh&:CJaJh&h&5CJaJh& hxh&hWDhkw5:CJ aJ hkvH5hWDhV?5 h[C5hWDhG/5hWDh%57 8 9 : D ^XXO $IfgdkvH$Ifkd$$Ifl4F 1V9 `s'] t0    44 lapyt@D E L S Z a h ^NNNNN$xx$Ifa$gdWDkdp$$Ifl4F 1V9  s'] t0    44 lapyt@h i kdV$$Iflr ?'_0V9M ^P  t2044 lap2yt@i  f  m E $Ifgd& $Ifgd&  3 P /&&& $Ifgd@kd|$$Iflr ?'_0V9M ^P  t044 lap2yt@ F L n ՙwfUD2# *h=Lh$tCJPJaJmH sH  h7ghy CJPJaJmH sH  h7ghHCJPJaJmH sH  h7ghB ^CJPJaJmH sH  h7gh[CCJPJaJmH sH  h7gh@CJPJaJmH sH # *h=Lh@CJPJaJmH sH )h7ghB*CJPJaJmH phsH )h7gh:B*CJPJaJmH phsH )h7gh@B*CJPJaJmH phsH )h7gh[CB*CJPJaJmH phsH P t FH/GUp d$Ifgd@#.H_E.Sml˺ܺܩveTIh7ghCJaJ h7ghCJPJaJmH sH  h7ghCJPJaJmH sH  h7gh"sCJPJaJmH sH  h7gh@CJPJaJmH sH  h7gh&bCJPJaJmH sH  h7ghbCJPJaJmH sH  h7ghS7CJPJaJmH sH  h7ghHCJPJaJmH sH  h7gh$tCJPJaJmH sH # *h=LhHCJPJaJmH sH xyklmz{0j'(c d$Ifgd@lwxykm_yz{p{ȷȦȕsaP? 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