ࡱ> 9;8 @  bjbj "" 2222222F F$R+92+22dgggj22ggg22 薙G,z0]FF22222g++FFD D] FF Common Nervous System Disorders Nervous system disorders affect a persons ability to speak, hear, see touch, and think. They can affect ability to move and control bowel and bladder functions. Disorders Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) a stroke, blood flow to the brain is interrupted by: Hemorrhage Thrombus or embolus Narrowing of blood vessels because of atherosclerosis fat deposits in vessels Signs and Symptoms (S & SX) Seizures, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing or swallowing, headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness or paralysis in an extremity or on one side of the body, incontinence, disorientation, and an inability to communicate. Symptoms also depend on where the clot and or injury is located Recovery depends on the location as well if permanent or full recovery Left side Brain Injury Partial or complete paralysis of the right side of the face, arm & leg Loss of sensation of pain, touch, and temperature on the right side Aphasis ( about 50% of Left handed people will have aphasis from a right sided brain injury May act cautiously and slowly Right Side Brain Injury Partial or complete paralysis of the left side of the face, arm & leg Loss of sensation of pain, touch, and temperature on the left side Difficulty in judging size, distance, and rate of movement May act impulsively and unsafely Care for stroke patient and or resident guidelines Assist with ADLs Assist with ambulation to prevent falls When moving hemiplegic to a W/C, place the W/C on the strong or unaffected side. That way the patient can see the W/C and move toward it with the stronger leg. Position patients on their sides as directed. ! HOB , keep side rails up Provide skin care Reposition q2h Perform ROM Teach use of self help devices Be patient and encouraging Keep environment clear of extra equipment so patient can move with freedom Report to nurse: labored breathing, blue-tinged skin, u8nconsciunsness, seizures, muscles spasms, airway obstruction, or skin breakdown. Parkinsons Disease a part of the brain slowly degenerates, or breaks down. Signs and Symptom, Masklike facial expression, trembling, a shuffling walk, stooped posture, stiff muscles, slow movements, slurred or monotone speech, and drooling. As disease progresses, mental ability may be impaired. Multiple Sclerosis- loss of the myelin sheath that insulates central nervous system nerve fibers. As a result, the nerves lose ability to function. Onset usually at young adult age and gradually gets worse. Signs and Symptoms Early - Visual disturbances, weakness, fatigue Later blindness, contractures, paralysis of arms and legs, loss of bowel and bladder control, and respiratory muscles weakness may occur. Epilepsy seizure syndrome refers, to an electrical disturbance in the grain resulting in seizures. Vary in behavior. Can result in loss of consciousness Meningitis inflammation of the meninges, Signs and Symptoms Headache, stiff neck, nausea, convulsions, chills, fever Hearing Loss - ranges from slight impairment to deafness Vision Loss Myopia nearsightedness Hyperopia farsightedness Glaucoma pressure in the eye damages the retina and optic nerve Signs and Symptoms Blurred vision, tunnel vision, and blue-green halos around lights A sudden onset could be sever eye pain, nausea and vomiting  hkUhkOJQJ^JhkOJQJ^JhkOJQJ !$ / C  1 x  7 O  4 5 h  & Fgdk & Fgdk & Fgdk & Fgdkgdk h z >\t?+/0[ & Fgdk & Fgdkgdk & F]gdk & Fgdk[n %gzY l  & Fgdk & Fgdkgdk & Fgdk & FgdkCataract is disorder when the lens becomes cloudy so that light can not enter the eye. Signs and Symptoms Gradual blurring and dimming of vision 1h/ =!"#$%@`@ kNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List " !$/C1x7O45hzC?+  / 0 [ n % g z R e 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0C 07 07 07 070 0 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 0 5 0 50 0 0 00 0 0 0  0 0 00 0 00  0[ 0 00 0 0  0  0  0%  0g  0g  0  0  0R @0 0 !$/C1x7O45hzC?+  / 0 [ n % g z R e @0@0@0@0@, 0@, 0B, 0B, 0B, 0D, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0D, 0F, 0\F, 0\F, 0\F, 0\D, 0F, 0yF, 0yF, 0yF, 0y@0B, 0D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0w D, 0 w D, 0 w @0@, 0D, 0 #F, 0Y#@0@, 0D, 08$F, 0%F, 0%@0@, 0@0@, 0D, 0r&F, 0&@0@, 0@0@, 0B, 0%'B, 0%'B, 0%'D, 0g'F, 0'F, 0'B, 0%'D, 0;(F, 0(@0 0hB h [  8@0(  B S  ?ty+3Q Y   3  hh^h`)^`)88^8`)^`()^`()pp^p`()  ^ `.@ @ ^@ `.  ^ `.ke @  4 P@PP @P@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialCFComic Sans MS"qhFF  !24 3qH)?kCommon Nervous System Disorders Administrator Administrator Oh+'0 (4 P \ ht| Common Nervous System DisordersAdministrator Normal.dotAdministrator1Microsoft Word 10.0@G@ :@x ՜.+,0 hp|     Common Nervous System Disorders Title  !"#$%&')*+,-./1234567:Root Entry F8<Data 1TableWordDocument""SummaryInformation((DocumentSummaryInformation80CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q