ࡱ> (*'[ bjbj "jj l4444 @ ````````  $  ````` `` `j`` ` :: ,z `T &؛K24"f z  0 p mmz Shoreline Community College ADA Committee Minutes January 15, 2002 Attending: Paulette Fleming, Jim Perez, Keith LaBelle, Pamela Rose, Dongwa Hu, Claire Stenson-Ball, Tony Costa, Kim Thompson (notetaker), Monica Shuman, Rosemary Dunn (Richard Jacobs was unable to attend due to absence of interpreter.) Minutes Review The minutes were approved as corrected. Old Business/Statue Report Foss Elevator Status Work on the elevator is continuing and nearing completion. There have been delays to the project due to design issues and permit conflicts with the City of Shoreline. The College expects the elevator to be up and running by the end of February or beginning of March 2002. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Kim and Claire will seek assistance from the Foundation to put together a celebration on the opening of the elevator. Plan for Emergency Evacuation for People With Disabilities April 2002 is the deadline for developing a policy. Kim has some information, and Paulette has a plan from another institution for members to examine. SSD will scan the information and mail it to committee members for discussion at the next meeting. Parking Campus Parking Spaces Carwin Spearman, Manager of Safety and Security, did a study and found that the College needs to add 52 additional spaces to bring the College into compliance with the ADA. In the past the College has compensated for this deficit by allowing individuals who have a state disabled parking placard to park in any legal parking place whether designated for their constituency group or not. Solutions for this problem were discussed and will be included in the Colleges master plan currently in development. Additional handicapped parking for FOSS Bldg. The possibility of adding an additional access space for the FOSS building and the possibility of putting a time limit on the existing space was discussed. Renting Wheelchair Vans Kim Thompson and Claire Stenson-Ball reported on information that they had acquired about a company that rents vans equipped with lifts and other accessibility features. The material will be kept in Paulettes office. Information Item: Supreme Court Ruling on ADA Paulette reported on a Supreme Court ruling that limited the definition of major life activity and the accommodations that a person with a disability (in this case repetitive strain injury) can expect from an employer. She reported that the ruling will have little impact in Washington state as this state has legislation that dictates policies within the state and that are more accommodating. Other Kim and Claire reported on the increasing cost of hiring interpreters. Strategies were discussed for providing more cost effective service. A problem with paying an interpreting agency was also discussed. 2CEQ24DmA|y ` S T OJQJ 5OJQJOJQJ5CJOJQJ2CDE34Dlm@A|xy ^O^O` & F$a$ _ ` x S T  & F^ / =!"#$% i<@< NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH 8@8 Heading 1$@& 5OJQJ@@@ Heading 2$@&^ 5OJQJB@B Heading 3$$@&a$5CJOJQJ<A@< Default Paragraph FontDC@D Body Text Indent ^OJQJ@R@@ Body Text Indent 2 ^ 2CDE34Dlm@A|xy_`xST   00(00202002 000 00000000 00}0} 00000000 000 000 00    t{%2 {  333  Students With Disabilities2001-2002:ADA minutes 1-15-02Students with Disabilities2001-2002:ADA minutes 1-15-02admintssBS:\HQ\dpenley\My Documents\Committees\ADA\2001-2002\ADA020115m.docadmintssGC:\WINNT\Profiles\PFlemin\Temporary Internet Files\OLK23\ADA 011502.docdpenley7H:\My Documents\Committees\ADA\2001-2002\ADA020115m.doc]`˒hh^h`B*CJOJQJo(uh^`.h^`.hpLp^p`L.h@ @ ^@ `.h^`.hL^`L.h^`.h^`.hPLP^P`L.]0 @22̘t20 @@UnknownG: Times New Roman5Symbol3& : Arial3z TimesY MemoriumTimes New RomanCzZapf Dingbats#qhCd&Cd&!20d E2q%Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)Students With DisabilitiesdpenleyOh+'0 , H T `lt|&Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)t merStudents With Disabilities tud Normal.dottdpenley3enMicrosoft Word 9.0i@F#@>K@K՜.+,0$ hp  Shoreline Community College 2 &Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Title  !"#$%&)Root Entry F@ K+1TablemWordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPool@ K@ K  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q