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Next to this documentation there are the historical archives of Stato Civile (marital status): books of birth, marriage and death (1792-1814 and 1828-1854), the books of four Censuses of the population of the town during the 19th century (1808, 1827, 1856, 1871), the books of military conscription starting from the time of Napoleon to 1910. The Historical Archives of the City of Genoa also include a very important collection of manuscripts (15th-18th centuries) dealing with the genoese history, a small part (384) of the manuscripts coming from the Brignole Sale Library and a collection of autographes. In addition there are the Brignole Sale (16th-19th centuries) and De Ferrari (15th-19th centuries) families Archives, and the Archives of the ancient poverty hospice: the Albergo dei Poveri (16th-19th centuries). Regarding the documentation relating to urban development and residential area of particular significance in the modern age there are the following documentary collections: Padri del Comune (Father of the City), the Office (or judiciary) originated in the thirteenth century with the name of Salvatores Portus et Moduli and provide for the task of managing, maintaining and developing the landing Genoa. The importance of that office for the economy is attested by a decree of 1459, by which they were delegated about the care of each activity useful to the port, that was one of the main sewers of the surveillance, the brooks and streams that flowed into the port, to oversee the flow of mud, dirt and debris in order to prevent the burial, which was joined by the care and control of the aqueduct that carried water to the city water works, thanks to bold engineering works. Since the beginning of the fifteenth century - which was given to the records kept at the Municipal Archives - City of the Fathers dealt with the paving and maintenance of streets and squares, the streets cleaning of debris and trash, the supervision of buildings unsafe, and demolition of the illegal occupation of public land (outside stairs, gutters and eaves too prominent, exhibitions of the shops) which might make impassable the already narrow roads, and lack of air and light to the height of the houses. In addition, with specific provisions on smoke emissions from chimneys, the craftsmanship pollutants (ex. tanning leather and dyeing of fabrics), the activity of pharmacists and doctors protected the environment and public health. Among their tasks was including the regulation and management, through contractors, of the public brothel, located in Montalbano (at the foot of the little castle), an important source of funding. At the same time in the rich documentation of the Magistrate there are also echoes of the sumptuary laws, namely the numerous restrictive rules regarding marriage (ceremony, dresses, banquets, etc.) Up to the prohibition of giving the couple jewelery (iocalia), precious stones, gold and silver. The archive includes 1249 units of the years 1412-1797. The archival series called "public practice" has been fully digitalized and is available on PC. The plans of Genoa, from the lighthouse to Bisagno, the years 1868 to 1925. .446 and construction projects from 1926 to 1941, relating to the territory of the Big Genoa, including the nineteen municipalities annexed in Genoa in 1926. Documents relating to the Cemetery of Staglieno (nineteenth century), including over one thousand seven hundred drawings for the monumental cemetery burials Staglieno, performed by artists active in Genoa in late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a large collection and mapping, relative to the whole range within the borders of present-day Genoa. Collection of the weightS and measures OF GENOA The Archivio Storico del Comune di Genova also houses the collection of weights and measures adopted in Genoa before the introduction of the metric system, after the annexation to the French Empire (1805). It includes all the units of measure used during different historical periods (the most ancient dates back to the 15th century) by the Censori, the ancient magistracy that monitored illegal commodities, wholesale and retail trade, production by craftsmen, with detailed regulations and the power to punish abuses, as the ancient documents testify. To defend their integrity from 1523 the standard measures and weights used as prototypes and in case of legal controversies were kept in the sacristy of San Lorenzos Cathedral. As of in March 2005 a selection of standard measures and weights will be displayed to the public in Palazzo Tursi (Musei di Strada Nuova), beside the numismatics collection. Services offered Assistance and expert advice here. Cataloging of the major funds. Guided tours and educational activities for schools at all levels. Workshops and internships for students of high schools, universities and Master, Italian and foreign ones. Information and contacts See. The Historical Archive of the Municipality of Genoa is located in the east wing of the Ducal Palace where he was transferred in 1994, following the major restoration that returned to the city in all its splendor the historic building, the original core of the which dates back to the second fifty years of the thirteenth century Visiting hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9,00 to 12,30 and from 14,00 to 17,00 by appointment Note: by the Italian law the consultation ofhistorical archives and the archives of public administration are free. The historical archives keep documents of more than 40 years Address: Piazza Matteotti, 10 - Palazzo Ducale 16123 Genova Tel. 010 5574808 - Fax 010 5574823 E mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:archiviostorico@comune.genova.it" archiviostorico@comune.genova.it  HYPERLINK "http://www.archiviostorico.museidigenova.it" www.museidigenova.it (/U{ } 8 :       bvy{~ !"9;cŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŧh\ eB*aJmH ph333sH #h\ eB*OJQJ^JmH ph333sH h\ eB*mH ph333sH h\ e0JB*mH ph333sH h\ eH*aJmH sH h\ e6aJmH sH h\ eaJmH sH h\ e5;aJmH sH <)*+S ;jhh'$ & p@ P !-D9DM ^a$'$ & F & p@ P !-D9DM a$$ & p@ P !a$ & p@ P !$ & p@ P !a$ 8>   #$%,4EPQabhjkwx~⽯⯣⛅qqqqq'h\ eB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH +h\ e0JB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH h\ emH sH h\ eB*mH ph333sH h\ e0JB*mH ph333sH 'h\ e0JB*OJQJ^JmH ph333sH !hE h\ eB*aJmH ph333sH h\ eB*aJmH ph333sH h\ e6B*aJmH ph333sH (jkUwx$da$ & p@ P !^`$ & F & p@ P !a$ $d^a$ $ & Fda$$ & Fa$$ & p@ P !^a$ +,:;BCNOTUg滥}m}m}m}m}m}m}aSh\ e0JB*mH ph333sH h\ eCJOJQJaJh\ eB*CJOJQJaJph333#h\ e0JB*CJOJQJaJph333+hE 0JB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH +h\ e0JB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH 'h\ eB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH -hE h\ eB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH 1hE h\ e0JB*CJOJQJaJmH ph333sH ghnowx  !")*89QRdehiprz{EF+-ķĬġh\ eH*aJmH sH h\ e6aJmH sH h\ e6]aJmH sH h\ eaJmH sH h\ e5;aJmH sH h\ eaJmH sH h\ e0JB*mH ph333sH h\ eB*mH ph333sH ?->E  wx '(4578DFRS]_fgsxyz༮h\ eaJmH sH !hE h\ e0JB*mH ph333sH h\ eB*mH ph333sH h\ e0JB*mH ph333sH h\ e56aJmH sH hE aJmH sH hE h\ eaJmH sH h\ e5aJmH sH h\ e6aJmH sH h\ eaJmH sH 4yzJ -!:!]!!{{$ # p@ P !a$$ # p@ P !a$$ & p@ P !a$$ & p@ P !a$ & p@ P !$da$z ,=>KLZ[xyJ e!Ѻ h\ eaJhE h\ eCJaJmH sH h\ emH sH h\ eCJaJmH sH h\ eaJmH sH h\ e5aJmH sH h\ eB*mH ph333sH h\ e0JB*mH ph333sH h\ e56B*mH ph333sH !h\ e0J56B*mH ph333sH 5e!f!!!!!!!!! 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