ࡱ> AC@ @  bjbj00 "6RbRb4$R44I "^ vj_0[[[44  Lab: Photoelectric Effect Purpose: 1. The student will understand the importance of Einsteins interpretation of this famous experiment. 2. The student will understand how this experiment provided evidence for the particle-like nature of light. 3. The student will utilize the scientific method appropriately in the lab design. 4. The student will correctly analyze and interpret graphs that are generated. Background: Einstein postulated that light contained a certain amount of energy based on its frequency. He believed that the energy of the light was transferred completely to an electron on the metals surface. The energy of the electron was divided up into two accounts: the energy needed to escape the metals surface, and the kinetic energy due to its movement after it escaped. Mathematically, this can be expressed as: Ephoton = Ekinetic + Eescape The kinetic energy can be measured indirectly by using what is known as the stopping voltage. As the electrons escape, they find themselves moving through an electric field that wants to stop them before they complete their journey to the other electrode. If the field is too great, they turn around and go back to the metals surface. If the field is too low, then all the electrons go to the other electrode, creating a large current. At just the right amount of voltage, only the electrons that had the greatest kinetic energy will reach the other electrode. (Its the same idea that a ball thrown upward with the greatest KE will go the farthest against the gravity field.) Since the work done on the electron is equal to qV, the charge of the electron times the stopping voltage gives you the kinetic energy of the escaping electron. Rearranging the equation above gives this formula: KE = Ephoton Eescape Max Planck had determined that the energy of the photon was equal to its frequency times a constant. Planck had no idea what the constant was, only that he needed it to make his calculations work. Therefore Ephoton = hf Where f is the frequency in hertz. This means the important formula for the photoelectric effect is: KE = hf Eescape This is a linear formula, with the KE on y-axis, frequency on the x-axis, and the escape energy (known as the work function) the y-intercept. The slope of the line is Plancks constant! Materials: 1. Computer simulation:  HYPERLINK "http://phet-web.colorado.edu/web-pages/simulations-base.html" http://phet-web.colorado.edu/web-pages/simulations-base.html Choose Photoelectric effect Lab Design: This simulation allows you to see the photons bombarding the metal plate as well as the electrons that come off it. There are several factors to be studied today: 1. The wavelength of the photons; 2. The intensity of the photons; and 3. The type of metal plate being used. This is too much for one group to handle in the period, so we will split up into smaller groups. GroupIndependent VariableDependent VariableControlsAWavelengthStopping VoltageIntensity; type of metalBIntensityStopping VoltageWavelength; type of metalCSame as Group A except that they will use a different metal Hints about the simulation and lab 1. You can either use the sliders to change the voltage, intensity, and wavelength, or you may manually enter the values. Manually will give you better control. 2. Under Options, select show photons. 3. Group A: select 5 different wavelengths. Use sodium as the metal. Be sure to include one UV wavelength. You will need to make the voltage as small as possible (negative) to create the least current. Make your intensity 100%. Be aware that some wavelengths will not cause any electron ejection. If that happens, you have to pick a shorter wavelength. 4. Group B: pick a wavelength in the violet/blue region to start. Use Sodium as the metal. Start with 100% intensity and find the lowest negative voltage necessary to get a current. Repeat at 3 other intensities with the same wavelength. (Make significant changes in the intensity. 100 ( 90 is NOT significant.) 5. Group C: you will do the same experiment as Group A, except that you should select a different metal. Try to find 5 different wavelengths that give you results. Results: Group A: You need to record wavelengths and stopping voltages. Calculate the frequencies of each wavelength, and calculate the kinetic energies due to the stopping voltages. Graph KE vs. frequency and record the slope and y-intercept. Be sure to print out the graph. Group B: You need to record the stopping voltage at each intensity. If there appears to be a trend, you should graph this data. Group C: You should do the same thing as Group A. Analysis/Conclusions: Groups A and C: Use the Internet to find the work function for your metal. Calculate a percent error. (Note: you will probably find the results in eVolts. If so, to convert to Joules simply multiply by 1.6E-19.) Was your slope consistent with the actual value of h? Group B: What (if any) is the relationship between the intensity of the light and the stopping voltage? Questions for further thought: Everybody should do this. 1. In typical mechanic waves such as sound and water, what is the energy of the wave proportional to? For example, how do you recognize a high energy wave at the beach? 2. How do the results of this experiment seem to demonstrate that light wave energy is carried a different way? 3. Imagine 2 electrons on a plate of sodium metal. One electron is found right on the surface of the metal. The other electron is buried several layers below. A. Which electron needs the least energy to escape? Why? B. Which electron will have the greater KE when it absorbs the energy from a photon and escapes? Why? C. Which electron is more likely to overcome the electric field to reach the other metal? Why? 4. For sodium, even at 100% intensity, a green photon with a wavelength of 557 nm will never eject any electrons., but at 1% intensity, a UV photon at 235 nm always knocks out an electron. Einsteins interpretation of this event (or one just like it) earned him a Nobel prize. Its your turn. Why does this result clearly indicate particle-like properties of light (which Einstein referred to photons)? $ K Q U \ ` f , g  DEPVW67CǿǿǿǶǶ{hOhJq0JjhJqU hJqhJqjhJqU h_?h_?h{2% h_?H*h[h_?H*h_? h[H*h[h[H*h[h#MhZ,hb{Ih }hhH*h h"hhJq h"h1 h"hJq/$N J g EWcgd_?$a$gd_?gd[$a$gd[gd$a$gdgdJqgd$a$gd `aMbcKmn;i"xOW} Tj?@st<=]t"üøôh%4HhJEh> hODh> hr5hyh>5hODhy h>h8'dh8'dh" h>hhhg> jh8Nh8NhTsdh&{hWu h"hJqhJqhr:ci~Rkdi$$Ifl\HE/," t0644 la $$Ifa$gdWu  ^RRRR $$Ifa$gdWukd$$Ifl\HE/," t0644 la   I^RR $$Ifa$gdWukd$$Ifl\HE/," t0644 laIJKn;[|wwwwwwwwrwwgdgdJq$a$gdWuzkd $$Ifl0H," t0644 la  !STjkyz>?@AB gdgdJqDI hJqheh6h6>*h6h7KhJEh>h%4Hhy 1h/ =!"#$%iDyK =http://phet-web.colorado.edu/web-pages/simulations-base.htmlyK zhttp://phet-web.colorado.edu/web-pages/simulations-base.html$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:Vl t65555$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:Vl t65555$$If!vh5555#v#v#v#v:Vl t65555]$$If!vh55#v#v:Vl t655@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH \@\  Heading 2$<@& 56CJOJQJ\]^JaJV@V  Heading 3$<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List6U@6 Jq Hyperlink >*B*phj@j Wu Table Grid7:V06$NJgEW  c i ~ I J K n  ; [ !STjkyz>?@AB(0(00@0@0@0x(0000000000(00 0 (0(00 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0  0  0 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0000x00x0 0(00R0R 0R0R0R0R0R0Rx0R0Rx0R0R0R0Rx0Rx0R0R0R0R0R0RNgE  c >?@AB@0n@0@0x@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0M@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 c I  6 XJQT\_fCEJLOV6 EK!  nT_33333333EV ! b c  J~Tj6 " }Jq{2%Z,%26g>_?ODJE%4Hb{I8'dTsdeWuy#Mr1[&{8N>7K-c i ~ I J @(9P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;Wingdings"1hKKFKKF , ,!4ww3H ?-Lab: Photoelectric Effect Jeff Bourne Jeff BourneOh+'0 $ @ L Xdlt|Lab: Photoelectric Effect Jeff BourneNormal Jeff Bourne2Microsoft Word 10.0@@2] @2] ՜.+,D՜.+,H hp  FCBOE, w Lab: Photoelectric Effect Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAI =http://phet-web.colorado.edu/web-pages/simulations-base.html  !"#%&'()*+,-./12345679:;<=>?BRoot Entry F_ DData 1Table$[WordDocument"6SummaryInformation(0DocumentSummaryInformation88CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q