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Given any compound rate, Students will be able to convert the rate into a unit rate.2Unit & Rate ConversionsWeekly WOW Homework questions Activities in balcony of gym (running, jumping, jump roping, throwing) Data collection Begin follow-up questions Work on follow-up questionsCCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3 HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/6/RP/A/3/d" \hCCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3dStudents will be able to collect data on rates that will be used as an application to unit conversions.3Unit & Rate ConversionsWeekly WOW Homework questions Rate conversions notes, formalize conversions Complete follow-up questions using formal rate conversions CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3 HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/6/RP/A/3/d" \hCCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3dGiven a rate and conversion factors, students can covert the units into different units.4ProportionsWeekly WOW Homework questions Homework check on ratios and unit rates Begin Jack and the Beanstalk activity (video, and packet) Finish sketches of Jack and the GiantHYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/7/RP/A/2" \hCCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2Students can critically think about what is important in an application of proportions.5ProportionsWeekly WOW Finish the Jack and the Beanstalk activity Go over test from previous chapter Complete the Jack and the Beanstalk homework section; (and activity if necessary)HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/7/RP/A/2" \hCCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2 CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2.cStudents are able to solve a 'real life' application of proportions.6Proportions/ Similar FiguresWeekly WOW Go over ratios/unit rates homework check Homework questions for Jack and Beanstalk Proportions and similar figures notes Begin homework Bookwork: page 192 #1-21 odds and 24-28 (proportions with similar figures and maps)CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2 CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2.aGiven two proportional shapes, students will be able to find a missing side. Given a map and a scale, students will be able to find actual distance7Quiz ReviewWeekly WOW Homework questions Homework check on proportions and similar figures Quiz review Finish quiz review8QuizWeekly WOW Review questions Take quiz None9Percent Equations and Simple InterestWeekly WOW Give back quiz Mini-lesson on percent equations and simple interest Begin percent project Work on project (should get through step 3 at the least)HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/7/RP/A/3" \hCCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.3Students will be able to find percentages of a whole and evaluate what the percent represents. Students will be able to calculate simple interest10Percent ChangeWeekly WOW Project questions Mini-lesson on percent change Finish percent projectFinish the project packet and talk to adult about budgetingHYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/7/RP/A/3" \hCCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.3Students will be able to calculate percent of change and analyze the meaning of the percentages 11Wrap upWeekly WOW Project questions Write wrap up essay for project using packet and conversation with adultNoneHYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Content/7/RP/A/3" \hCCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.3Students will put together all the information they learned about budgeting with percentages  ()*,:;<  ! " 5 ; < = > Q W Y Z [ \ ִֿzrnzrnzcn[jh$"Uh7Ih7IOJQJh7Ih7IOJQJh Th7I0JOJQJh7I0JOJQJh+WOJQJh$"OJQJh Th$"OJQJ\ h Th$"h Th$"OJQJh$"5OJQJhDh$"5H*OJQJhDh$"5OJQJh$"5CJ OJQJaJ hDh$"5CJ OJQJaJ ");<@HW`v$d$Ifa$gd]B $da$gdD \8''$d$Ifa$gd]Bkd$$If ֈhQ0*5]j 0b82744  a ! 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