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(1995) lesion-deficit studies show a critical role in the fear conditioning process is played by the pons corpus callosum prefrontal cortex amygdala Which test of attention has participants name the color of a word while ignoring the word meaning? emotional stroop test STAI rainbow test hue discrimination test According to LeDoux (1993) another name for a emotional learning is emotional memory. True False Questions from chapter 2 According to Kagan et al. (1988) research over the past 10-15 years has focused on what temperamental construct of anxiety disorders? avoidance conditioning emotional learned helplessness emotional accommodation behavioral inhibition to the unfamiliar BI manifest differently at different ages. True False BI appears to have what level of heritability? negligible low moderate high Associated constructs that capture similar variation to BI in child temperament or behavior, include all EXCEPT shyness social fearfulness separation anxiety social withdrawal In a study of at-risk offspring Rosenbaum et al. (2000) found BI in offspring was significantly associated with a lifetime history of parental anxiety psychosis drug or alcohol abuse depression Questions from chapter 3 What does Kazdin (1989) describe as "The study of clinical dysfunction over the course of development"? developmental psychopathology ontological mapping psychogenesis longitudinal navigation What laboratory task did Ainsworth et al. (1978) use to study parent-child attachment? visual cliff Barney-exposure task strange situation hall of mirrors What did LaGreca et al. (1988) find to be inversely related to social anxiety in children and adolescents? socio-economic status peer acceptance intelligence athletic ability What instrument to measure friendship quality was developed by Parker and Asher (1993)? Friendships Qualities Scale Network of Relations Inventory Friendships Interview Friendship Quality Questionnaire What family therapy process is based on behavioral family intervention strategies proven effective in the treatment of disruptive behavior disorders? behavioral family therapy systemic family therapy family anxiety management family disruption management Questions from chapter 4 According to Plomin et al. (2001) adoption studies difficulties include all EXCEPT adoptive families are not representative of the general population biological mothers provide the child's environment for nine months the biological father's history is often unknown selective placement occurs Achenbach (1991) states that parents are rather poor at distinguishing between anxiety and depression in their children. True False Legrand et al. (1999) found that trait anxiety symptoms were moderately heritable, with genes accounting for how much of the variance? 40% 45% 50% 55% According to the studies reviewed by Eley and Stevenson (1999b) little of the covariation between anxiety and depression can be explained by genetic factors. True False Plomin et al. (1977) list 3 types of gene-environment correlations which include all EXCEPT passive evocative active inhibitory Questions from chapter 5 Stallings and March (1995) proposed selection criteria for assessment instruments which include all EXCEPT provide reliable and valid information are immune to treatment effects discriminate among symptom clusters incorporate multiple observations Which is considered the "gold standard" interview for assessing anxiety in youths? SADS DISC-IV ADIS-C/P DICA-R Which is a 45 item self-report instrument that screens for anxiety symptoms experienced by children and adolescents. BASC TASC RASC MASC Which is a semistructured clinical interview used to evaluate the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms among children and adolescents 6-17 years old? CY-BOCS MONK OCD-CA DIS-U Family observation research suggests that mothers and fathers of anxious children may do all EXCEPT experience heightened levels of anxiety try to vicariously experience life through their children have a parenting style marked by overprotection intrusiveness and control model and reinforce perceived threat and anxiety related avoidance Questions from chapter 6 What is considered by some to be the defining feature of GAD? avoidance perseverance frustration worry Rapee (1991) has suggested that GAD may be nothing more than high levels of state anxiety serotonin trait anxiety norepinephrine Prevalence rates of GAD using strict diagnostic criteria range from 2-4% 4-6% 6-8% 8-10% What describes a temperamental feature characterized by irritability in infancy, fearfulnesses in toddlerhood, and shyness, wariness, and withdrawal in childhood? insecure attachment reactive attachment emotional inhibition behavioral inhibition Simeon et al. (1992) found no significant difference between alprazolam and placebo in children and adolescents diagnosed with overanxious or avoidant disorders. True False Questions from chapter 7 Which social situation was most feared by children with social phobia? musical or athletic performances reading aloud in front of the class joining in on a conversation speaking to adults Ost (1985) reported what percent of subjects with social phobia attributed its onset to a direct traumatic conditioning event? 38% 48% 58% 68% The first treatment program designed specifically for socially phobic youths is SET-C INVIVO GCBT-A SHY What is usually considered the first-line pharmacological agent for social phobia? tricyclics anaxiolitics neuroleptics SSRIs Questions from chapter 8 Separation anxiety became a distinct clinical diagnostic category in DSM-I DSM-II DSM-III DSM-IV According to Kashani & Orvaschel (1990) the prevalence of reported SAD symptoms without significant impairment in a eight-year-olds is up to 50% 55% 60% 65% School-refusal behavior or school phobia is a separate diagnostic category from SAD. True False Hersen et al. (1987) found 53% of mothers of SAD children had a lifetime diagnosis of major depression an anxiety disorder chemical dependency a personality disorder Silverman & Berman (2001) found general consensus that the methods of choice for anxiety disorders are exposure based interpersonal treatments cognitive-behavioral treatments psychodynamic treatments rational emotive treatments Questions from chapter 9 According to Ollendick et al. (1994) most cases of PD occur in female children male children adolescent females adolescent males The 3 types of panic attacks include all EXCEPT uncued cued situationally bound situationally predisposed Up to what percent of children and adolescents with PD have other, comorbid anxiety disorders? 80% 85% 90% 95% The treatment for PD evolving from Barlow's (2002) perspective is known as stop drop & role-play panic control treatment the worry worm the turtle technique For an appropriate acute trial to treat PD, the SSRIs should be administered for least 12 weeks 16 weeks 24 weeks 36 weeks Questions from chapter 10 At any given time, what percent of children and adolescents suffer from clinically significant OCD? 0.5-1% 1-2% 3-5% 5-8% In clinical samples, the mean age of onset for OCD was 7 10 13 16 Which assessment instrument was specifically designed to save time in collecting information? CMDQ CY-BOCS ADIS-C MASC Which was the first medication to be studied in treating OCD in children and adolescents? sertraline clomipramine fluvoxamine citalopram Which is NOT a criteria necessary to diagnose PANDAS? postpubertal symptom onset presence of OCD, a tic disorder or both episodic course of symptom severity association with neurological abnormalities Questions from chapter 11 Giaconia et al. (1995) found what percent of adolescents in a community school sample experienced a PTSD-qualifying trauma by age 18? 40% 45% 50% 55% Which is NOT a DSM-IV criteria of PTSD? subsequent reexperiencing of the event increased goal directed behaviors consequent avoidance or numbing of general responsiveness persistent increased arousal Regarding comorbidity, Giaconia et al. (1995) found adolescents with PTSD had a 25% increased risk of drug dependence social anxiety specific phobia alcohol dependence Most reports tend to treat ASD as a normal developmental stage not a valid diagnosis provisional PTSD an urban legend There is little or no empirical evidence to support combining treatments for PTSD within or across treatment modalities. True False Questions from chapter 12 Which is NOT one of the response systems in Lang's tripartite model? cognitive emotional physiological overt-behavioral Specific phobia is more prevalent among girls than boys. True False What did Marks posit was the underlying mechanism in cognitive behavioral therapy for phobias? cognitive restructuring exposure positive cognitions flooding In the STOP acronym the "P" stands for pause panic perspective praise The cognitive-behavioral program for children with specific phobias developed by Silverman & Carmichael (1999) includes each phase EXCEPT education evaluation application relapse prevention Questions from chapter 13 Which is NOT one of Hayden's (1980) subtypes of selective mutism? symbiotic narcissistic passive-aggressive speech-phobic Selective mutism is currently classified in the DSM-IV under Anxiety NOS. True False Dummit et al. (1997) found rates of oppositional defiant disorder co occurring with selective mutism to be 1 in 50 1 in 25 1 in 10 1 in 4 Generally, the first and primary intervention for selective mutism is psychosocial interventions behavior therapy psychodynamic psychotherapy psychopharmacology For K.M. in the case study, diagnostic impressions included all EXCEPT selective mutism overanxious disorder social phobia receptive language delay Questions from chapter 14 Exposure-based treatments are based on principles of classical conditioning voyeurism operant conditioning contingency management Repeated and prolonged exposure to the feared stimulus with a goal of extinguishing the anxiety response describes wading bobbing immersing flooding The integrated cognitive-behavioral approach for anxiety disorders promoted by Kendall et al. (1992) is the proud possum program tenacious turtle program assertive aardvark program coping cat program All of the following are cognitive techniques used to treat OCD EXCEPT modeling thought stopping cognitive restructuring satiation The first serotonergic antidepressant to gain an FDA indication for pediatric OCD was fluvoxamine sertraline clomipramine citalopram Treatment of OCD with SSRIs should be continued at maximum therapeutic dose before switching or combining treatments for least 6 weeks 9 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks Birmaher et al. (1994) in a study of children and adolescents with overanxious disorder, reported significant improvements in anxiety in more than 80 percent of participants when treated with fluoxetine buspirone clonazepam propranolol Saxe et al. (2001) suggest a possible preventive agent in PTSD is carbamazepine imipramine citalopram morphine Questions from chapter 16 Psychosocial treatments are often combined with medications for all of the following reasons EXCEPT two treatments provide a greater "dose" the presence of comorbidity managed care requirements when there is partial response to one therapy another treatment may lead to greater symptom reduction The first step in evaluating a relevant question in EBM is to frame the question in terms of Y-O-D-A R-E-B-T T-R-E-O P-E-C-O In deciding if the results of a study are clinically meaningful, EBM considers the number needed to treat cost-benefit ratio lowest common denominator observable measurable metric Questions from chapter 17 The classification of the interventions adopted by the Institute of Medicine include all EXCEPT proactive universal selective indicated The Friends for Children program reported by the authors is an example of what type of intervention? proactive universal selective indicated Potential difficulties for universal interventions include all EXCEPT the need for screening and identifying children at risk they require substantial funding and resources gaining access to entire populations of children and youths the relatively low dose effect the strategy may offer ce4less.com ce4less.com  ce4less.com  ce4less.com  ce4less.com  ce4less.com ce4less.com 5M=UN f @YËăäüé8P?XÓ ě {#”#&ś&)4)Ë+ä+Ó0ě0J3c3œ5˘5Ő5ŕ5â5ů566ňćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝćÝŘĐËŘÝ B* ph335B* \ph33 B*phĚĚĚOJPJQJ^J5OJPJQJ\^J5CJ OJPJQJ\^J(45NOÇĚĐÔŘŮ?Qdq‚ƒ +45˜Ż´ÁŮúřřřóîîîîřóîîîîřóîîîîřóîîîî & F & F$a$œ56ýýŮÚ16<=VWÝô+ST€…‹ŒťĆĘÓŘŮI Q d w ‹ ýřóóýýýřóóóóýřóóýřóóóóýřóóóó & F & F‹  " , B M N g h Đ î   ( ) €  ˘ ´ Ä Ĺ 0 F V c t u Í é úőőőőóóóúőőőőóúőőőőóúőőőőóúő & F & Fé   ? @ Ö đ "?@Z[Žń4e€ü“—›Ÿ úúúřóúúúúřřřóúúúúřóúúřóúúúúř & F & F >CIJŚŽ¸żĘËäĺPw—ťÝŢ16>GNOĹĘĎÔúőőóúőőőőóóóúőőőőóúőőőőóúőőő & F & FÔŮÚu}‚‰ôV ăäýţ<FT`fgłÁËŮčéúřóúúúúřóúúúúřřřóúúúúřóúúúúř & F & Fé-27<BCćú#9:ÝâčéJkŹżŔ?CGKúőőőőóúőőőőóúőőóóóúőőőőóúőőő & F & FKOP Ś­´¸š $178QR—¤Źł´AEIMQRúřóúúúúřóúúúúřřřóúúúúřóúúúúř & F & FR§Ź˛ł .BYZĐé ">?YZ™ŠˇĘŰÜ ,úőőóúőőőőóúőőőőóóóúőőőőóúőőő & F & F,FGŚŞŽ˛śˇ  0 ? 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