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This means no jeans, shorts, T-shirts, or other such casual clothing will be acceptable. Dress to impress your audience! Important Note: Make-up dates are extremely limited and will ONLY be assigned in the event that a legitimate, unforeseen circumstance causes your absence on your originally assigned presentation day. If you are in school at ANY time on your assigned day and you do not give your speech, you will receive a zero (0) for the presentation grade-NO EXCEPTIONS! Regardless of circumstance, ALL speeches MUST be completed before final exams begin. Requirements and Due Dates: *Topic/Position Statement (25 pts)-DUE March 13 (A) or March 14 (B) *Annotated Bibliography (100 pts)-DUE April 8 (A) or April 9 (B) *Detailed Outline (75 pts)-DUE May 1 (A) or May 2(B) *Pamphlet/Brochure-ONE COPY; Note: copies for the entire class will be required on the day of your speech (50 pts)-DUE May 8 (B) or May 9 (A) *One-Page Abstract (100 pts)-DUE May 13 (A) or May 14 (B) *Three Graphics that are appropriate and enhance your presentation. These must be done on Google Drive (25 pts) DUE: May 15 (A) or May 16 (B) *Delivery (see rubric on for specific grading requirements) (100 pts)-DUE ______________ Total Possible Points: 475 Important Notes: ALL written work MUST be typed in proper MLA format. The due dates listed above are non-negotiable. If you are in school on a day when an aspect of this project is due but NOT in this class, you are still required to turn-in your assignment. In the event of an anomalous occurrence which prevents your class from meeting on a due date, the assignment is due the next time the class meets. Senior Speech Topics The Greatest Loss Favorite Day of the Year If I Could Design a School . . . A Job Id Love to Create/Have . . . If I Could Travel Through Time . . . What Ive Learned from Cartoons . . . The Smartest Cartoon Character . . . The Best Game Ever . . . Something Id Love to Invent Would be. . . Styles of Laughing and What They Say About a Person My Version of Murphys Law is . . . The Worst Fashion Trends of the Century The Best Vacation Spot in the World Great Things about the Ocean Choose one of the above topics. If you wish to choose a topic that is not on the list and you feel that you can research and sufficiently support your idea, then you may submit it. It is advisable that you do some preliminary research on your topic to make sure that you will be able to find adequate support for a 10-15 minute speech and that you will have the required 5 sources. Cleary/Matthews Speaker: ___________________________ Senior Seminar Honors Topic: _____________________________ Persuasive/Senior Speech Rubric Scale: 1-weak, 2-fair; 3-good; 4-very good; 5-excellent Speech Content Appropriate and interesting topic 1 2 3 4 5 Total: __________/40 Structured/engaging introduction 1 2 3 4 5 Clear thesis 1 2 3 4 5 Clear arguments 1 2 3 4 5 Supporting evidence 1 2 3 4 5 Effectiveness of Graphics 1 2 3 4 5 Smooth transitions 1 2 3 4 5 Effective conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 Delivery Considerations Eye contact 1 2 3 4 5 Total: __________/60 Gestures (including facial expressions) 1 2 3 4 5 Posture 1 2 3 4 5 Volume 1 2 3 4 5 Enunciation 1 2 3 4 5 Intonation/Pitch Variation 1 2 3 4 5 Speed/Pace of Speech 1 2 3 4 5 Confidence/Presence 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence of rehearsal 1 2 3 4 5 Timing (10 minutes minimum) 1 2 3 4 5 Appearance (neat/professional) 0 5 10 Content/Delivery Total: __________/100 pts Topic/Position Statement: __________/25 pts Annotated Bibliography: __________/100 pts Detailed Outline: __________/75 pts Pamphlet/Brochure: __________/50 pts One-Page Abstract: __________/100 pts Graphics ___________________/ 25 pts Grand Total: ___________/475 Senior Speech Requirements and Due Dates Please note: Although the due dates for the various components range across Marking Periods 3 and 4, ALL GRADES WILL BE COMPILED INTO ONE LUMP GRADE OUT OF 475 POINTS WHICH WILL BE POSTED IN MARKING PERIOD 4. This does not affect the due dates listed below. *Topic/Position Statement (25 pts)-DUE March 13 (A) or March 14 (B) One full paragraph clearly stating the topic about which you will speak, your stance, i.e. pro or con, and a brief explanation of why you have chosen this particular topic. *Annotated Bibliography (100 pts)-DUE April 8 (A) or 9 (B) Basically, this is an expanded/detailed Works Cited. Each source listed must be accompanied by a brief summary of the content contained in the source and an assessment of that informations validity in reference to your argument. Refer to the following link for information on Annotated Bibliographies:  HYPERLINK "http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/" http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/ NOTE: For a project of this magnitude you should have a minimum of five (5) sources. *Detailed Outline (75 pts)-DUE May 1 (A) or May 2 (B) A final outline detailing your argument as it will be presented. Refer to the following link for information on how to create an effective outline:  HYPERLINK "http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/02/" http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/02/ *Pamphlet/Brochure (50 pts)-DUE May 8 (A) or May 9 (B) for Approval. Create a handout to which the audience can refer while you are speaking. This should contain some of your main points, an overview if you will, presented in an eye-catching format. One copy must be submitted on the above date for approval. Remember to include citations and a works cited. NOTE: One copy is due to the teacher on May 8 (A) or May 9 (B); a class set of copies is required for distribution to the audience on the day of your presentation. Microsoft Publisher has user-friendly templates that may be useful. NO BROCHURE MAY BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT PREVIOUS APPROVAL. *One-Page Abstract (100 pts)-DUE May 13 (A) or 14 (B) This is essentially your final outline translated into prose. It is an overview of the key points of your speech written in ONE PAGE OR LESS. Refer to the notes provided below for information on how to write an abstract. * Graphics (25 pts) Due May 15 (A) or May 16 (B) Three graphics that are appropriate and enhance your topic. Make sure it does not interfere with or overshadow your verbal presentation. These must be posted on Google Drive on the due date for approval. NO GRAPHIC MAY BE USED WITHOUT PREVIOUS APPROVAL. How to Write an Abstract: Beginning after the page header, center the word Abstract (no bold, formatting, italics, underlining, or quotation marks). Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do not indent.) Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced, consisting of between 150 and 250 words.**See the article below titled What is an Abstract? for more detailed instructions. *Delivery (100 pts) DUE ______________(insert your assigned presentation date here)See the scoring rubric for specific grading requirements. Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography is a list of cited sources about a particular topic, in which each citation is followed by a brief annotation, or discussion of the source. The annotation usually consists of just one paragraph. An annotated bibliography is useful for documenting your research in a specific area, exploring varying viewpoints, and summarizing main points from different sources. Format requirements of an annotated bibliography vary greatly from one documentation style to another; please refer to a style manual for specific format requirements (ex: MLA, APA, CBE, Chicago, etc.). There are two parts to every entry in an annotated bibliography: the citation and the annotation. The Citation: The citation includes the bibliographic information of the source. The documentation style required for this information depends upon your particular academic field and will usually be assigned by your professor (some common styles include MLA, APA, CBE, and Chicago). Follow the instructions for the assignment, and the guidelines in the appropriate documentation handbook. Citations are organized alphabetically. Sample Journal Citation in MLA format: Gilbert, Pam. From Voice to Text: Reconsidering Writing and Reading in the English Classroom. English Education 23.4 (1991): 195-211. Print. The Annotation: The annotation is a brief paragraph following the citation. Purpose of the Annotation: The annotation of a source can serve several different purposes; your professor may require your annotations to do some of the following: condense the content of the source (write a brief summary of the information) evaluate the credibility of the source (analyze for authority, accuracy, currency, objectivity) assess the usefulness or relevant application of the source discuss the writers background (examine expertise or layman knowledgeability) analyze the intended audience (education, age, experience, needs, bias) describe your reaction (credible source? value of source? analytical/emotional reaction? The length of an annotation depends upon the assignment. Shorter annotations will most likely cover only main points and themes; longer annotations may require a more in-depth description, discussion, or evaluation of the source. Consult the specific requirements for your assignment as your professor may dictate a word count or length for each annotation. See the opposite side of this handout for sample annotated bibliography entries Sample Annotated Bibliography (MLA) IMPORTANT NOTES: Format for annotated bibliographies depends upon their intended use. If you are composing one for a class assignment, the instructor will tell you what format to follow. The focus of the following sample annotated bibliography entries is the use of reading and literature in the composition classroom. It matches the examples of annotated bibliographies from Purdues OWL website. ** Scroll below to view a full sample of an annotated bibliography. Student 1 Samuel Student Mrs. Smith Senior Seminar Honors 4 October 2014 MLA Annotated Bibliography Thesis: Jordan Baker, in Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, has more masculine than feminine qualities. Gilbert, Pam. From Voice to Text: Reconsidering Writing and Reading in the English Classroom. English Education 23.4 (1991): 195-211. Print. Gilbert provides some insight into the concept of voice in textual interpretation, and points to a need to move away from the search for voice in reading. Her reasons stem from a growing danger of social and critical illiteracy, which might be better dealt with through a move toward different textual under-standings. Gilbert suggests that theories of language as a social practice can be more useful in teaching. Her ideas seem to disagree with those who believe in a dominant voice in writing, but she presents an interesting perspective. Greene, Stuart. Mining Texts in Reading to Write. Journal of Advanced Composition 12.1 (1992): 151- 67. Print. This article works from the assumption that reading and writing inform each other, particularly in the matter of rhetorical constructs. Greene introduces the concept of mining texts for rhetorical situations when reading with a sense of authorship. Considerations for what can be mined include language, structure, and context, all of which can be useful depending upon the writers goals. The article provides some practical methods that compliment Doug Brents ideas about reading as invention. What is an abstract? A definition: An abstract is a succinct summary of a longer piece of work, usually academic in nature, which is published in isolation from the main text (or in this case, your senior speech). Not more than one double-spaced, MLA-formatted page in length, the abstract should stand on its own and be understandable without reference to the longer piece. It should report the latter's essential facts, and should not exaggerate or contain material that is not there. How to go about the writing process: Start by writing a statement of the speech's purpose, which should be as succinct as possible. If you include background keep this to a minimum and only include such information as to provide a context. Summarize the speech, reporting its main facts. Remember the following points: Follow the chronology of the speech and use its main points as guidelines. Do not include unnecessary detail. Assume you are writing for an audience "in the know" you can use the technical language unique to your topic, providing you communicate your meaning clearly. Make sure that what you write "flows" properly, that there are transitions between ideas (e.g. consequently, moreover, for example, as a result, etc.) and/or the points you make are not disjointed but follow on from one another. Use the active rather than the passive voice, e.g. "The study tested" rather than "It was tested in this study". The style of writing should be dense, and sentences will probably be longer than usual. You should by now have a draft, which will probably be too long. Here are some points to remember in cutting: cut out any unnecessary words that do not add to the meaning, but make sure that the abstract is not so "cut" as to be unreadable; use full sentences, direct and indirect articles, transitions, etc. An abstract should use continuous prose, not notes. Read through your draft, making sure that it covers the main points listed above, that there are no grammatical, spelling, or typographical errors, and that it "flows" properly. If possible, get a classmate or parent to read through your abstract as a form of peer review. Submit! If you have difficulty with the general purpose statement or with summarizing your article, it may be because the article's general concept is not that clear, or perhaps your research design or approach needs revisiting. Adapted from http://info.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/abstracts.htm Tips on Preparing for Your Senior Speech Establish Purpose Main Purpose: to persuade or convince Additional Purposes to consider -to present information -to impress or stimulate -to encourage action -to entertain Gather Information Media Center Resources -Books -Periodicals -Databases -General Reference Books Personal Experience Interviews with people experienced and/or knowledgeable in the subject area Narrow Your Focus Select a central idea Develop a specific thesis statement Limit your ideas to fit time constraints Organize Information Introduction -presents the main idea (thesis) -arouses audience interest in the speaker and subject; suggested methods: a. share a carefully chosen personal reference b. tell a story closely related to the topic c. ask a leading rhetorical question d. make an unusual, thought-provoking statement Body -develops main idea with support -appeals to emotions to gain support -employs an effective organizational model (cause-and-effect, problem-solution, chronological order, special/geographical order, etc.) -transitions smoothly between ideas Conclusion -reiterates the thesis/main idea -summarizes the main points of the argument -creatively inspires action or respect for the ideas presented -includes a final punch line or other effective wrap-up WAYS TO SUPPORT YOUR MAIN IDEAS -Give examples (a story, incident or anecdote) -Provide definitions to clarify words and/or ideas -Compare ad Contrast to show similarities and differences -Give facts and statistics -Use literary or authoritative quotations to clarify or enforce ideas BASICS OF CUE CARDS -Use 4x6 inch index cards -Limit the quantity -Number your cards (just in case!) -Write quotations and statistics on separate cards -First Card a. Topic and/or title of speech b. Introduction in some detail but NOT word-for-word -Body Cards a. should follow general outline done at the start of research b. use key words for main and subheads c. use one (1) card for each main topic -Final Card a. concluding statements in some detail b. final punch line *DO NOT write out your speech and tape it to the cue cards; not only will your speech be less effective, but you will lose credit if you read to the audience! OTHER WORDS OF WISDOM Get set before starting to speak; organize your notes and compose yourself Begin your speech WITHOUT referring to your notes Maintain eye contact with your audience throughout your speech; glance down briefly at your cue cards when necessary but do not read from them Avoid saying umm, uh, well, etc. Stop at the end of an idea; dont speak in run-on sentences Dont fidget! Vary your voice in pitch and volume Use gestures and facial expressions to enhance your speech Practice your speech ahead of time-the more you do, the more comfortable youll be and the less youll stumble over your words when the day of your presentation comes! !34M`ux9 < p s / M ȸ|wo|kg_gWghx%hn5hX>hn5hnhAhX>h{J5 h@_K5h{JhThT56hShT56hThT6hhThT5hThSh[hhlLh:Px5CJ0OJQJaJ0hlLh5CJ0OJQJaJ0h[5CJ0OJQJaJ0h#5CJ0OJQJaJ0hG 85CJ0OJQJaJ0"45 r s t Kn^gdX ^gd}n ^`gdC'^gdx^gdBgdn$a$gdv-O $ 8 } ~   q r s t ⠜|xsnfsa hC'5h%Ph%P5 hq0{5 hUH5h%PhxhBhhA5>*hh"Xi5>*hVhHXh#hs6hdFh+56hdFh+5 hx5h+hShShS56 h+56hRhh+5h+h{Jh`Phnhh56h$ (+035:AGJKhmn¸ެǴ~zumhcf|h}n5 hf]B5hf]Bh@ hC'hC'hC'hC'5h}nhC'6h}nhC'56hC' hx5h%Phx5hxh`P5B*ph h:7o5 h@5 h;=5 hUH5h%Ph%P5 hq0{5h%PhX> hB5 hn5 hC'5 h`P5(()+.<@avlhlhdh#h$h$h$5>*hC'5>*CJ(aJ(h#h#5>*CJ(aJ( h#5 h.5 hq0{5hA[hA[5 hR5hchA[5 hw 5 hX 5hIjS h%P5h!h\+U5h%PhM8?hX h.h`P h@5 h`P5 hUH5 hx5h}n h}n5%+`a>d & Fgdh^hgd $h^ha$gd gd1gd#$a$gdR78>GHPflm{1GHVWY[\]gp}þúòþúæzuzupòòÆ h:5 hf9s5h6|h p5h phfhLh~456CJhL56CJ h'?h& h'?h~4 h;;x5h$Qh~45h1 h~45h~4 h;=5 h`P5 hx5hh~h5CJ$OJQJaJ$ h5hC'h#h#h#6,'Ksl7m]7 dhgd p dhgd pdhgdL$a$gd~4gd~4 gd1 gd1gd & Fgd !67IJ_`jktu!678>STU`uvÿíh:hLh:5h6|hL5 h:5 hf9s5h6|h p5h phLhL5h$Qh~456CJh8Y56CJ hL5 h~45 h;=5hfh~4h$Qh~45<7`7Tv)[@$Ld^`La$gdJu$Ld^`La$gd;= dhgdf9s dhgd: dhgd pdhgd~4 dhgd p'()5:D[yz",.:;?@cfjk{}û׮׮{vnhfh,5 h?5hfhcf|5 hcf|5 hL5hfhL5 he25 hZ5 hf5 hs5 h,5hfhf9s5 h;=5hLhe25hLh;=hf9sh$Qhf9s5 hf9s5 hf9sh:h:hLh:5 h:5hLhL5hf+@kVWtxy !!Y!|"gdH$a$gd<$a$gdf$a$gd;=$Ld^`La$gdJuUVW`bpstuǾ~wsnininaYOnYsnah[hH5>*h[hH5hH`hH5 h!25 hH5hH hpKhHhpKhH56hHCJ(OJQJaJ(hH`hHCJ(OJQJaJ(hH5CJ(aJ(h.5CJ(aJ(he25CJ(aJ(hcf|5CJ(aJ(hf5CJ$aJ$h$Qh~45CJ$aJ$h;=h;=5 h;=5h;=5CJ$aJ$hfhJu5 hJu5@BCDvwy}   2 F !!!%!&!)!/!E!I!X!Y!"J"{"|"~w hq9hq9h< h<5h[hH5hH`hH56jYhHUhq9hH`hH5 h!25 hH5h[hH>*h hH56hJhH0JjhHU h&P hHjhHU hH6hH`hH6hH.|""""e#f########### $I$h$z$$$$$$(%6%>%%%%%%%%&&&&%&&&B'P'n''׿ק{t hH56 h!56 h^zhH hH0J hH5>*h&P hH5>* h<5>*h<h<5hB9h!2;h!2h!25h!2hH`hH6 hH6 hdhH h!25 hH5h!2h<5 h<5h<hHhXhH56-|"###$$$%%%&''7(8(9(P(Q(+++,,,,?-gd<#$a$gd<#gdlgd!2gdHgd<'''''''5(6(7(8(9(O(P(.))****+++ú~rcTrcrcrEh<#5B*CJ\aJphh<#6B*CJ]aJphh<#5B*CJ\aJphh<#B*CJaJph#h<#B*CJ(OJQJ^JaJ(ph)h<#5B*CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ(ph)h A5B*CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ(phhRob5CJaJhl hlhlhH hXhH h25h<hH5>*h^zhH56 hH56 h!56++,,?-Q-p-----~0)1+1111112$2%262疇{s^L=h<#5B*CJ\aJph#h<#B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ ph)h<#5B*CJ OJQJ\^JaJ phh<#B*phh<#B*CJaJphh<#5B*CJ\aJph#h<#56B*CJ\]aJphh<#5B*CJ\aJphh<#5B*CJ\aJphh<#6B*CJ]aJph#h<#56B*CJ\]aJphh<#B*CJaJphh<#B*CJaJph?-o-p--c.d../Q///D0E0112%2722333 h^hgd<# ^gd<#  & Fgd<#$gd<# & Fgd<#  & FRgd<#gd<#`gd<#6272|2333334444444U5V5h555777788:::,::+;@ñ󭣘wwwnb^V^hhl5hlhlhl5CJaJh<#5CJaJ#hXh<#6B*CJ]aJphhXh<#B*CJaJphh&h<#56>*h&h<#5>*h<##hkh<#56B*CJ aJ phhkh<#B*CJ aJ ph#h<#56B*CJ\]aJphh<#5B*CJ\aJphh<#B*CJaJph 33333444444444 4 4 4 4 444*4+4:4;4F4 7$8$H$gd<#  7$8$H$^ gd<# h^hgd<#F4G4]4^4m4n44444V555788::::::: d`gd<#dgd<# d^gd<#gd<#`gd<#gd<# 7$8$H$gd<#::,:::<%<<?===M>2???i@@dABuB}BZCCCgdH & Fdd[$\$gdl & Fdd[$\$gdl & Fd[$gdlgdlgdlgdl@@ZCCCCCCCrEzE G,GHHHHIIJKKLLNN,O-OοvnfhfhH5hN|hH5hN|hH5>*h hH5hhH5>*hHohH5>*h$FhH5 hH5>*h?QhH6hhH6hHh$FhHCJ(OJQJaJ(h!CJ(OJQJaJ(hlCJ(OJQJaJ( hH5hghlCJaJhl hl0JCCCCCCCC D~DDDD@EREhEEEEGGHH & F hgdH & F gdH & F hh^hgdH$a$gdHgdHHHH ISIIIIIIJJ2JUJJJJJJCKoKKKKKKLLLgdH lgdHLLL%MMMN%NINN,O-O & F gdHgdH 21h:p</ =!"#$% YDyK 3http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/yK ~http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/yX;H,]ą'cYDyK 3http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/02/yK ~http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/02/yX;H,]ą'c@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH @@@ ~4 Heading 1$@& >*CJaJ<@< ~4 Heading 2$@&5aJV@V l Heading 3$<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List 2B@2 ~4 Body TextaJ6U@6 H Hyperlink >*B*phB^@B H Normal (Web)dd[$\$*W@!* HStrong5\VO2V <#Default 7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmH phsH tH -G45rstKn+`a  > d ' K s l 7 m ]7`7Tv)[@kVWtxyY|7 8 9 P Q ###$$$$?%o%p%%c&d&&'Q'''D(E())*%*7**+++++++,,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,*,+,:,;,F,G,],^,m,n,,,,,V---/0022222222,2:24%44?555M62777i88d9:u:}:Z;;;;;;;;;; <~<<<<@=R=h====??@@@@ ASAAAAAABB2BUBBBBBBCCoCCCCCCDDDDD%EEEF%FIFF,G/G00000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(00,2(0 04 04 044 044 044 044 044 044 04 074 074 04 04 04040404040404040404 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 002,2:24%44?555M6277i88d9:u:}:Z;;/G@0K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00K00 @0 @0 00  |"'+62@-O(+,-/135679:<@7@|"?-3F4:CHL-O).0248;=>?ABC-O*Cv-GXX8@0(  B S  ? 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