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One man is killed, the crowd cheer as the man dies in agony. The crowd worship the man who won. A ceremony takes place where the man is betroved. INT. HOSPITAL. CORRIDORS - DAY Camera draws close to name on door of a psychiatrist’s office. INT. HOSPITAL. PSYCHIATRIST OFFICE - DAY Inside the psychiatrist’s office, lies a broken down trodden man, he talks in a drony broken voice. His name is KETRIN. Ketrin is a good man who lives in a world, where men are meant to be evil. He is ill from the logic of this. He lies on a couch. The psychiatrist looks ordinary he wears glasses and glances at his notes, nonchalantly. KETRIN The more evil you are, the more people admire you. All people want their children to be evil, and win by evil. Weakness, inadequacy are detested. The ideal men are evil bullying murdering thugs, they’re seen as real men warriors. If you’re not that you’re hated as bland, pointless. Why was I brought up to be good when women only want evil men? Everyone treats it as whimsical fun to love evil men who wreck lives, and think it’s brave to say they hate good weak men. Psychiatrist pulls off glasses calmly for an informal tone PSYCHIATRIST (reassuring, condescending) Ketrin. You know that isn’t true. You’re warped. How did you get like this? KETRIN (more frustrated, breathing difficulty due to shyness) Men only get married once they’ve killed. We’ve psychopathic ways of choosing men. The one who wins the fight, wins. That’s like wild animals. They don’t care if you’re good, all they want is a strong dominating man, that’s it. Wimps lose, no morality, it’s ruthless. Look at those world’s sexiest men polls, it’s always serial killers, rapists, gangsters, bullies, who women find cute. PSYCHIATRIST Nonsense. (shocked forced hilarity) KETRIN How did you get your wife? The only way people get married is the fight to death. EXT. ARENA - DAY Fight with psychiatrist, dressed in gladiator uniform, killing another man to win his wife. INT. HOSPITAL. PSYCHIATRIST OFFICE - DAY PSYCHIATRIST How else would we pick the ultimate race? It’s natural selection. KETRIN Every generation the most evil men win. Good men hated, rejected. It hasn’t always been like this, once good people won. PSYCHIATRIST (pompously, angry, confused) Shut up. Psychiatrist gets up and opens door to reception. PSYCHIATRIST (shouts to nurse) Nurse, get some sedative. Ketrin gets up, opens hospital window and jumps out. Psychiatrist looks to window. PSYCHIATRIST Get security. INT. BEACH - DAY A bland cold cloudy day. A beach of sand and pebbles. Grassy dunes stretch out in distance from beach. Two men arrive on small boat. They get off boat as it stops a few hundred metres from shore. They are strong looking, adventurous like clichéd heroes from action adventures. EBRIE and PADOUR wade ashore. EBRIE What is this new world? I‘ve not seen it on maps. What new delights meet us? PADOUR More adventure, fights against evil. EBRIE I enjoyed our last battle. But friend, I heard this is a world where women are held as slaves. Forced to marry evil men. They’re oppressed we must liberate them. PADOUR And perhaps we’ll gain from this? perhaps women will reward us. The two LAUGH joyfully. INT. THE HAREM - DAY A beautiful luxurious bath chamber, like from Greek antiquity. Everyone wears white. A pool fresh glistening takes up much room. Muscular eunuchs serve fruit and wine. EMTSY chief wife of the harem of the ruler of the Empire LORD HIS MAJESTY SATAN. She is one of his 758 wives and has given birth to two of his 2723 children. Lord His Majesty Satan is an evil bully, the harem adore him seeing him as a genetic winner. Emtsy takes grapes from a eunuch, smiles cheerfully, happy in the knowledge of evil, the happiness of a psychopath with no troubles, concern. A harp occasionally PLAYS. EMTSY My husband shall fight this week to win another wife. SALO Don’t forget, he’s my husband too. He’s the husband of all of us. EMTSY What a man, my children inherit his power. SALO We’re lucky to have a great man for a husband. He’s killed over 25000 men with his bare hands, raped over 17000 women. He’s the ultimate man, unstoppable, a beast. EMTSY Our children inherit his manly genes. SALO One day our sons will fight to death. I’m eager to see which one wins. Our Lord Satan is a worthy leader, a real man, so powerful strong so terrifyingly ferocious. We feel pleasure to know our children will inherit his power. All men desire to be him, all women desire to have him. Last week I saw him kill a disabled man with his bare hands. He’s a great sense of humour, laughing as he tortures people. I don’t judge men by looks what matters is the personality. That their personality is ruthlessly evil. EMTSY Terrifying strong, powerful, he is evolution, the perfect man, Satan. SALO But we have power too. We pick the ultimate man. EMTSY (moans, orgasming.) No man can defeat him he’s pure sexual urges. All women desire him. He’s evolutionary perfection. We select the most evil men. In primitive times women who survived were those picking the most psychopathic, evil, bullying men. Only those women would survive. What chance would you have if you picked some nice guy. Only the most ruthless men survive, killing the weak. Kill your parents when they’re weak and can no longer hunt, kill weak children, kill rival’s children, destroy, humiliate burdens, obliterate them. We cannot resist such men. It’s our job, as women to select the most ruthless and unbeatable. We slowly evolve to an ultimate species. His Lord Satan, unbeatable, eternal, what bliss. Immortality. INT. KETRIN HOUSE –DAY Ketrin’s Aunt and Uncle have received a phone call. UNCLE OF KETRIN is annoyed at his nephew. He doesn’t understand why he argues against society. His aunt and uncle are relatively good people. They are good but they follow the government line. UNCLE OF KETRIN You treat that boy too warmly. You molly coddle him. You brought him up like a woman. He tries to be nice. Ketrin returns home. Door of room opens and in walks Ketrin. Ketrin prepares to go upstairs to his bedroom. UNCLE OF KETRIN Come here. AUNT OF KETRIN The hospital phoned, Ketrin. They said you were talking about those ideas. KETRIN I’m not mad. I’ve found something wrong with society. UNCLE OF KETRIN Stop that rubbish. KETRIN You don’t understand. Society’s more evil than it was. Women only like evil bullies now. They hate good men. AUNT OF KETRIN Go out and find yourself a girlfriend. KETRIN But women don’t like nice men. They only like evil men. No woman would want me. You must kill another man before you mate. UNCLE OF KETRIN Well get into training. KETRIN I don’t want to. AUNT OF KETRIN Ketrin. You’re not one of those sad weak men. Ketrin, you’re like a son to me. KETIRN Aunt, Uncle, what’s wrong with you? Can’t you see this is awful? The most bullying men regarded as sex gods. Ketrin’s sister CUSLE comes in, she has sympathy with Ketrin. CURSLE What’s this? You’re arguing about Ketrin. UNCLE OF KETRIN Stay out Cursle, this isn’t your business. AUNT OF KETRIN Ketrin, why can’t you be normal like the other men. Why can’t you just accept to fight, or accept your place? KETRIN My place in society is to die childless because I’m not evil enough to deserve children while bullies and murderers are regarded as real men. I don’t accept my place in society. Men like me get hated for not being evil. This harem system means we don’t get children. It’s only the evil elite who get sex and children. Only the bullies, thugs, the most dangerous psychopathic men, and they tell us we’re meant to accept that. Why can’t you see your bullying elite men aren’t cute, novelty acts, they’re evil, they’re bullies, I hate them. I’ve every right to hate them and they’ve no right to hate me. CURSLE Ketrin’s right, I don’t want to marry some bully, you brought us up good. UNCLE OF KETRIN (furious) Stop this talk. KETRIN We can’t live like this. We can’t bring up people to be good and make them watch as bullies, thugs are regarded as sexy. AUNT OF KETRIN Ketrin, I care about you. I just want you to be happy to be normal. KETRIN If I accept this, all I’ll get is broken more. They don’t pick men like me. I can’t be happy in this society. I’ve got to change it. Ketrin walks to sofa. Ketrin stares down as if to admit something shameful. KETRIN Aunt I’ve a confession. AUNT OF KETRIN You’re not G? KETRIN (interrupts) Yes Aunt, I’m Good. Aunt of Ketrin Screams in horror and Uncle stands up. KETRIN I hate evil. I hate evil men and I hate women who love evil men and I want to change society. I want to make people good. UNCLE OF KETRIN Don’t say such things. Ketrin leaves house. EXT. A PATH - DAY Mountainess area of empire, like Scottish highlands, a path, maintained, but narrow, stretches along an inland loch as high brooding mountains stand on other side of loch and to other side on the side of the path is a plateau of heather. Ebrie and Padour walk down the path singing songs, of war, carrying swords. EBRIE We’ve walked for hours. Yet see nothing. PADOUR (urgently) Look in the distance, burning houses. EBRIE Trouble. That means people to save. Padour and Ebrie run towards hamlet. EXT. HAMLET – DAY Scene of carnage, houses burning, and on the floor a family of three are pleading. A young man and his young wife URIOP, she carries her child in her arms. Twenty soldiers in dark uniforms on horses. Horses are moving around as soldiers set fire to houses. Soldiers shout and sneer. One soldier has dismounted his horse, and talks with deputy, who has also dismounted. It is his majesty’s chief soldier LORD CHARTOUR. His deputy is LORD SIR TEREFORE. Both are powerful looking men. Lord Chartour talks in deep terrifying voice. Performance focusing on deliberate fear. LORD SIR TEREFORE Lord Chartour, chief of Lord Satan’s army of normality and strength, we searched the hamlet for our traitor. LORD CHARTOUR We’ll take the women, kill the men and children they’re weak. Where’s the infidel? LORD SIR TEREFORE He escaped, but we have his family. We’ll use them to bring him back. His name was Ketrin, he told one of our agents remarks against our society. LORD CHARTOUR (shouts in fury) We must make an example of him, we must show what people like this are, weak. Women must hate them. All women must desire the ultimate lord, our destroyer, our vanquisher of weakness, and difference, our supreme ruler our lord His Majesty Satan. Soldier brings Uncle of Ketrin to Lords, for interrogation. As lords remount horses. SOLDIER Kneel to your betters. Uncle of Ketrin kneels before the lords. UNCLE OF KETRIN Lord Chartour, forgive my family for my nephew’s errors. We apologise most humbly lord. I beg mercy your honour. LORD CHARTOUR (arrogance) You’re weak. You bring shame on our ruler. You bring shame on our world. You bring shame on your family. Lord Chartour spits on Uncle of Ketrin. LORD CHARTOUR You’ll be taken with your family and imprisoned. Your wife and niece married to our Lord Satan. You’ll be forced to fight for your wife against a fine Soldier. We’ll hunt your nephew and execute him publicly. All your village’s men will die for your family’s weakness. You weak creature and your nephew who lurks in shadows like a coward shall be brought into light and shown a fire of punishment so strong he may shrivel up like the worm he is. Lord Chartour lifts head up, and shouts out, but keeping dignity. LORD CHARTOUR Do you hear me Ketrin? Wherever you are we’ll find you. If you don’t surrender within 3 days we’ll kill your family. (talks to deputy, calmly) Lord Terefore I place you in control. I’ll take 5 Soldiers and this traitor’s family. As I commanded kill the men and children, take the women they seem useful stock. Good wives for brave soldiers. Lord Chartour gallops off, with hostages, and 5 soldiers. EXT.HAMLET - DAY An hour after Lord Chartour left. Houses still burn as twelve of the hamlet’s men, lined up infront of their dead children, are killed. The soldiers had tied the men to posts, then slit their throat. The widows seem calm, except URIOP who cries. A solider walks to her. SOLDIER 2 You’ll be my wife. URIOP You’re a murderer. You killed my child. SOLDIER 2 I’m a real man. I’ve no mercy for weakness. Women love evil, to inherit the strength. URIOP I loved my son and husband. Why did you kill them? Soldier 2 shouts to other soldiers who seem to get on well with other widows. SOLDIER 2 This one’s good, kill her. Other soldiers walk to Uriop to prepare rape, she screams in horror. Padour and Ebrie arrive after in hamlet. Soldiers see them Padour and Ebrie have only seen the carnage of the dead men. Lord Sir Terefore sees the two men and calls to soldiers. LORD SIR TEREFORE Intruders. Lord Sir Terefore, on his horse, moves towards the two men. He pulls out sword. LORD SIR TEREFORE (arrogance, superiority) We must kill all male occupants of traitor’s town. You will be blooded. I honour you. PADOUR You leave me no choice. Padour slings sword into Lord Sir Terefore’s body cutting the man straight through. LORD SIR TEREFORE (agony) Lord! What insolence? Lord Sir Terefore falls of horse, as sword remains in him, as he dies. Padour runs over to regain sword, as Lord Sir Terefore is dead. Soldiers watch in horror, they left their swords on the other side of the hamlet as they prepared for rape of Uriop. Uriop screams in horror. Padour and Ebrie run over to help. Padour moves the soldiers out of way. Padour sees soildiers raping Uriop. Padour stabs first soldier he sees over her. Then pores sword into others. The 13 others try to run off but Ebrie stabs many as they run. Three of them fall over. The remaining 10 run on but Padour manages to stab a further two. Eight soldiers manage to run over to their swords. Padour and Ebrie see them running to their swords. PADOUR Let’s get out of here were outnumbered. Save this woman and take that horse. Points to Lord Sir Terefore’s horse. EBRIE Other’s of the village, run, we’ll draw the soldiers away. Padour and Ebrie run to Uriop to rescue her. Padour lifts Uriop and they run to horse left by Lord Terefore. The three get on horse all three of them then gallop off on the horse. The 8 soldiers get on their horses and gallop after the three. EXT. THE HAMLET - DAY Ketrin returns to hamlet. Now the hamlet contains 12 women who all wait calmly laughing to themselves about the incidents. Haron, the widow of one the men killed, develops an expression of horror and groans loudly as she nottices Ketrin. HARON Oh, god don’t look now it’s, Ketrin. The 11 others MOAN loudly their moan of dissatisfaction at such an inferior man. Haron looks at Ketrin and smiles. HARON Hello Ketrin, are you wondering where your family are? Ketrin runs to them. KETRIN Where’s my family? HARON Our leaders took them because of your blabbing. The women LAUGH sneeringly. Ketrin looks over at the stakes of the men on the poles and the dead children beside them. He collapses on floor. KETRIN (pleading desperate pitty) They killed your husbands. They killed your children. HARON We’ve better men now. The soldiers took us as brides. They’re superior men. Our children were genetic mistakes of weakness. We’ll give birth to stronger children. Ketrin holds his head in hands. HARON Some of us were upset some sexy men came and killed some soldiers killing our future husbands. I don’t know how many they killed. It was distressing, heart breaking to discover those soldiers were weak. They took one woman. Uriop. She’s strange she didn’t like her husband’s murderer. KETRIN (Shyly) Don’t say that. HARON There’s no point being bitter. You make yourself unhappy. KETRIN Do you have emotions? HARON Yes. I hate men like you. We always beat you. There’s no point hating winners. KETRIN (distressed) Where’s my sister, aunt, uncle? HARON They say they’re going to kill them if you don’t give yourself up. Why don’t you everything was OK until. KETRIN (interuptts, almost crying) You’re right it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have told the psychiatrist. HARON We don’t forgive you. KETRIN (crying) Sorry. HARON Not about this. We don’t need weak husbands. We mean for being weak. If you hadn’t ranted to your uncle and aunt about how unfair you find society. I wouldn’t have had to inform on you. This wouldn’t have happened. Creep. KETRIN (crying) You’re evil. In distance, horses can be seen drawing closer. HARON Please stay. KETRIN (crying) What what that’s them? The soldiers you want to give them me up to them. Ketrin runs, the women try to catch him, they pick up wooden sticks to throw at him. HARON (shouts) Wierdo. Ketrin runs from hamlet. HARON (snobbish, disdainful) What an awful strange man. EXT. THE HILLS – NIGHT Padour, Ebrie and Uriop sit at a fire on the hills. A zone of light is created in pitch black PADOUR That was a great battle. URIOP You killed people. I don’t see how you ‘re pleased? EBRIE You’re a good lady. You don’t admire men for murder PADOUR All women are like that. We’re here to liberate you from terrible men. We’ve heard how awful your men are. They murder, abuse, rape, bully and make murderers, rapists, bullies leaders. URIOP It isn’t like that. It’s more horrible. The women admire the men who murder. The men who rape are admired as real men, strong men, exciting, brave. You don’t see how evil this world is. It’s men and women. EBRIE There can’t be women like that. URIOP But in our land evil men are admired. The men hated are the weak, the good, the different, the inadequate. They’re seen as weak. Vulnerable Men and women are hated as disgusting, burdens they’re used as slaves in the camps like that one down there. Uriop points, but it is too dark too see. URIOP Down there is a camp where 15,000 men work for the regime. Slave labour. They’re rejects hated for being good, nice, weird in the sense of being shy or disabled, or merciful, good. You don’t see what an awful world this is. The nicer people are the more they’re hated as weak, genetic mistakes, evolutionary burdens. Men get power as serial rapists, murderers, every evil imaginable bullying to excruciating extents. Women love them. They find them more sexually appealing than you could imagine they find evil irresistible. They see it as strength. Good is the most horrific weakness to them. This isn’t a male dominated society. Women have control. The most powerful person in the land is Emtsy chief wife of the Emperor’s harem. The society was set up decades ago by an evil dictator. The more evil a man is the more manly he seen as. EBRIE Who was he what dictator would do this? URIOP She was abused by her father, and believed all men were meant to be evil it turned her on. She hated good men as weak, sad, bland, trivial creatures, a burden. She had a vision, that one day a great creature would evolve so ruthless that nothing else would survive, and she made her aim that we evolve to that. The creature we call Satan. The most evil man would win and she loved the idea of producing children that were ancestors of the everlasting evil that will never be defeated. Good men are a bizarre strange race to Satan’s harem. The leader is known as Satan but he is only in line of evolution to Satan. Satan makes the decisions but the harem can order him to fight to death to prove he is the ultimate man. The unstoppable, most ruthless, evil man of his generation. In your world perhaps women find violence, murder, bullying as unattractive but in this world they are musts for sex. EBRIE This is awful. Why were you attacked? URIOP A young man in the hamlet was heard complaining of the regime. He escaped but his aunt, uncle and sister are captured. EBRIE But why are you different? URIOP There are those of us who still keep good, we worship in secret. Out there’s another slave camp where 10000 women who support good are enslaved. EBRIE Of all the worlds I’ve been to. This is the most distressing, a world where women admire evil. It’s impossible to comprehend. No woman in my world would love evil. What kind of men would obey these rules? URIOP It’s insane to speak out. The regime’s ruthless with subjects. To question our leaders, regime’s laws, is suicide. One move and he’ll destroy your family, your settlement. An entire city of 3 million people was wiped out because one young woman claimed society shouldn’t be like this. Weak people are tolerated for a while but when they seem too weak, or good they’re sent to the camp if they speak out they’ll die with their family and relatives. EBRIE This is it, Padour. The challenge we’ve waited for, a chance to kill an evil foe that seemed unbeatable. PADOUR I accept. URIOP For every one you kill, another’s anxious to take the mantel. Besides killing our leader’s impossible. You can’t imagine how strong he is. It would take 10 of you to take him on and stand a bare chance of hurting him. He is stronger quicker, more ruthless than you imagine. Padour and Ebrie LAUGH. EBRIE Don’t say anymore. It merely increases our thirst for battle. INT. THE HAREM - DAY Cursle is tied up and is led into the harem. Emtsy walks over to her. EMTSY After the fight you’ll be another of our majesty’s brides. CURSLE But I don’t want to marry that evil bully. Emtsy slaps Cursle across the face. EMTSY How dare you insult our leader. You’ll soon fall for his majesty’s charm. He is strong, a winner, a fighter, no man or beast can defeat. No woman can resist such strength, ability, power. In time you’ll learn to adore him. No woman can resist evil. No matter how hard we try. You come here thinking you’ll resist him that you’re different, idealistic, innocent, but all women seek only one thing their children will carry on, they’ll have descendants who evolve to the ultimate creature, the only species, the one creature, the ultimate power his ruthless holly might Satan. CURSLE You’re evil! He’s an evil man a rapist, a murderer. EMTSY You’ll learn to adore those traits, as lovable strength. Occasionally you’ll feel sympathy with victims but only a dizzy childish laughter at pain they suffer, a loving whimsy admiration of Satan’s power at his victim’s hopelessness. Then you realise your children will be as strong as he is and you’ll be proud to have his children, proud of immortality. Men don’t see the decisions we women must make, they see life so simply, good v evil, love, they don’t spend life agonising over what mate will produce the most potent tox of supremacy. Who will father their child? Calculate who’s the best chance of survival, that good is weakness that pulls your child back. What kind of mothers would we be to give our children, the weakness of good? CURSLE I’d rather die than marry your evil majesty. I want good to win, I don’t want children who murder, rape what barbaric hell. EMTSY Take her to her cell, she’ll be taught to adore our leader. A real man will show her the true manliness of evil. INT. THE PUB - DAY In a pub. A TV beams down from high up on the wall, a large TV sounds a broadcast out loudly. TV pictures show face of Ketrin a wanted man for crimes against His Majesty Satan. TV presenter issues a comment on Ketrin. TV PRESENTER Government forces extracted revenge on a traitor’s settlement. The men and children of his settlement were punished appropriately. The women will be married to worthy men. Our government requests sightings of this man be reported that you capture him and hand him over to the authorities for punishment his majesty feels fit. Three men chat in pub. They discuss TV as TV returns to footage of sporting match of two elite men fighting. PUB MAN ONE What a fight. You got’a admire these men, the elite. PUB MAN TWO They’re stronger, ruthless, merciless, evil. Both are rapists, murderers, bullies, the most evil men of all. Real men, no conscience, weakness holding them back, free, liberated to commit evil and enjoy others suffering. No wonder women find them irresistible. They’ve strength. We’re scum to our lords. PUB MAN THREE But the greatest man of all’s Satan. My youngest has a thing about him, can’t get him out of her mind. Drives her crazy thinking of the bullying, abuse, evil he commits, so manly. She’s a poster of him. PUB MAN ONE What do you think of that Ketrin? PUB MAN TWO I don’t know what the hell they’re on. Strange creatures, weirdoes. I enjoy killing them. They’ve no respect for superiors. They regard themselves as equal. They believe in this thing good where men should be nice. They want us to be women and women don’t want that. Women want real men. It’s natural. There’s no species where women desire good men. It would be creepy. What benefit would women gain from good. They could not kill, rape, murder, abuse to power. We’re too tolerant of inferiors they must be eliminated before they infect weak ideas. PUB MAN ONE I heard of a women who fell in love with a good man. We had to lock her up in the slave camp, sad weirdo. I hated my sister. PUB MAN THREE If we left it up to them we’d evolve to blandness. Women love evil why can’t good guys accept that? Last night my wife asked me to pretend to be Satan, kinky fun. So we pretended I was slitting her throat, she was ecstatic. We must admire Satan. He killed 70 men last night, raped their wives. I wish I was him or my son was to spread my genes. PUB MAN ONE I want to punch Ketrin in the face like you punch all weak vulnerable people. All that needy grovelling personality makes me sick. All normal people hate weakness it insults us. I cry with anger or fear when I see weak, weird people other times I laugh at them to sneer at their inferiority like I laughed when I killed my daughter, or I ignore them in disdain, but I ensure they know I’m ignoring them in disdain, to make them feel small. When I found out my daughter was ill I punched her face in, hard, so she’d die a long painful death deliberately to make her suffer. She died, dumb, weak, bitch, served her right, being weak. PUB MAN TWO Strange fruits. We want real men. Through the pub window Pub Man One sees a crowd gathering it seems to move down the street. People shout and scream the three men run from pub to see the commotion. INT. THE STREET - DAY Streets look modern fine looking buildings, except instead of concrete, muddy tracks. Ketrin is being beaten by thugs in middle of street. Four policemen turn up followed by TV crew. Lead cop blows whistle to break crowd up. A group of men hold up Ketrin, who is beaten, his jumper is ripped, and he is cut. THUG ONE We caught the traitor we kept him alive. A mild beating as asked for from our Lord. POLICE MAN You’ll be rewarded for this bravery. A TV camera crew is following. CHIEF REPORTER asks Ketrin why he betrayed the lord. Chief Reporter is one of the His Majesty’s brides. CHIEF REPORTER (snobbish, bitter, disdainful) Why have you caused this problem? Ketrin is normally shy, more so after being beaten up. He stays silent. THUG ONE Tell her. Thug One hits Ketrin, lightly in stomach, but Ketrin keels over winded. THUG ONE (laughs) Hardly touched him. CHIEF REPORTER (utter disgust) Pitiful scum. They expect us to feel sympathy but we hate them. They insult us with weakness they annoy our normality why do weak pathetic creeps get created. They’re diseases we’ve no feeling for. KETRIN (crying, struggling to talk) You’re evil. Why do you reward evil men why do you admire evil men. CHIEF REPORTER (confused dismayed) He makes no sense. Chief Reporter kicks Ketrin in stomach KETRIN (groans from hurt) CHIEF REPORTER (sneers, smiling at his pain) He can’t even take it from a woman. The men laugh, a deep throttled deliberate snide sneering laugh of arrogance. Deep condescending arrogant superior laugh. One laughing at cruelty almost ecstasy for that reason to laugh at weakness, a sombre sinister tone, a buzzing sound, as if practiced, deliberately to strike chilling humiliation to the victim. CHIEF REPORTER How did you escape the slave camp? Chief Reporter spits on Ketrin. Ketrin looks angry bitter, he struggles but thugs hold him. KETRIN I shouldn’t be hated for being weak. I’m not evil. You put strength above morality. How can you love evil men? Men have emotions. It’s not just women with emotions. Just because you’re turned on by psychopath bullies with no concern, empathy that doesn’t mean all men are that. Even if we seem empty it’s cause we’re broken, deeply emotional. No one should want evil to win. God why do this. Thugs laugh and Chief Reporter laughs with them. CHIEF REPORTER (sneering manner, as an insult) This man sounds in terrible pain, such agony. Then smiles. INT. OVERLOOKING SLAVE CAMP - DAY A mountain with a camp, a huge mining centre, the valley is a scarred rocky landscape. Men and women work being forced to help mine materials. Guards shout at slaves. Large base with slaves being led too exists with a 60 ft high gate but outside is quarry. Ebrie, Padour and Uriop stare at the scene from a high mountainside. PADOUR We must save them. URIOP But there are guards everywhere. PADOUR Kill some guards then free the slaves. We’ll crawl down the stream to the quarry. EBRIE I’ll follow. PADOUR Both of you. EXT. QUARRY - DAY Three guards and one of the guard’s wives talk as they watch a hundred slaves in their command cracking rocks to find material. SLAVE GUARD ONE I hear you went out last night and got off with some bitch. SLAVE GUARD TWO Yeah I killed her husband. She was really turned on. I tortured the man for hours. Women love that they like a bit of rough. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE runs up to the guards. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE Free me from this place. How can you worship such evil ideas? SLAVE GUARD ONE (ignores man) Yeah right. SLAVE GUARD WIFE Don’t talk to these people they’re sad. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE He abused me as a child. He’s a paedophile, he forced sex on me, he bullied me. He’s evil how can you love such men? Slave Guard nonchalantly looks away. Looking like he’s going to walk off. Slave Guard Wife looks disgusted by Slave Camp Slave One. Slave Guard Wife tries to pull guard away. SLAVE GUARD WIFE (superior angry to shocking upstart.) For god’s sake man grow up. It happened as a child, get over it. It’s harmless fun. Everyone knows you can smash children’s faces in, humiliate them as dehumanised hated outcasts and they don’t care, it’s part of growing up. Especially when it’s other children doing it. It should build you up being humiliated and broken. I was involved in bullying, it had no affect on me it’s trivial. It’s the same with paedophilia, rape, murder. Victim’s always complain, they don’t realise how trivial it is to people doing it, how victims of bullying are worthless scum who’ve no emotions. Why do victim’s take it out on us as if it’s our fault that we hated them. We must break vulnerable children down, bully them. When they complain tell them they’re creepy, scary for complaining You think my husbands scary but to me you’re so weak, broken you’re scary. I think that’s fear, or is it the snobbish hatred towards inferiors, not physical fear like I fear my husband that all women should feel to lovers, no, the fear as you walk past a sad person, and don’t want friends to see you near, because it might damage my reputation, so I must show how much I hate the person to ensure everyone knows I’m superior. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE You did something wrong, you broke me down that isn’t fair. I still feel inferior. I still find it difficult to talk because I’ve the snobs disdain drummed into me. You either ignore me, or laugh at me, or get angry with me, or sneer at me, why can’t you accept you did something wrong. Why not apologise, accept victims aren’t the ones with something be ashamed of. Don’t defend yourself by hating me for being weak, different, or pretending it was trivial. Please god accept you did something wrong. I can’t cope with this. Slave Guard One and Slave Guard Wife walk away. SLAVE GUARD WIFE Why take this job working with inadequate broken scum? Why can’t you get a job dealing with normal men? SLAVE GUARD ONE Don’t worry about him. I feel sorry for him I’ll kill him. Like I do to people I feel sorry for. Don’t go near him he’s scary. SLAVE GUARD WIFE You’re so caring. Two other slave guards laugh. SLAVE GUARD TWO What a guy he bullies, abuses and they never get him back. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE This isn’t fair it’s evil. SLAVE GUARD TWO You don’t realise how much women are scared of men like you. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE TWO Maybe he’s right. They tell us we’re scum, inferiors we don’t matter, we’re worthless scum. We deserve to be bullied, broken, picked on to suicide and they shouldn’t feel guilt when their victims die. But if one of us feels hatred back, for them bullying us, that’s really unreasonable because we’re scary creeps. And they should write plays, novels detailing they’re right to abuse vulnerable people, because being weak and pathetic is a crime against normality and strength. SLAVE GUARD TWO I’m writing a play on how I bullied sad people at school. How it was brave, strong and amusing and how all women admire me for that, how all weak bullied people deserve to be miserable and it’s their fault. I will do grotesquely bullying characterisations of how I see victims. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE This isn’t right were better than them. SLAVE GUARD WIFE (cackling, sneering, laughing) Sad. Padour appears behind Slave Guard Wife and stabs sword in her back. She falls over bleeding. Then he cuts her husband’s head off SLAVE GUARD WIFE What powerful man could’ve committed such act? Pleasure to be touched by him. Slave Guard Wife dies. Two other guards run at Padour. He stabs the two guards dead. Slaves look shocked they sit down shaking in fear. PADOUR I’m here to free prisoners. Slaves look terrified. SLAVE CAMP SLAVE ONE (shock) You killed them. PADOUR They admire evil. They deserve death. Don’t feel pity at evil. Uriop and Ebrie run from quarry to help, as they do prison opens and out rush guards. EBRIE This was too risky, run. The five run towards quarry hillside. As they do the guards on horses catch up. They gallop to hillside after them. Slaves are caught immediately. Uriop is caught. PADOUR Knock one off their horse. Guard catches Padour but Padour throws sword into guard knocking him off horse then jumps on horse. As he does Ebrie is caught. PADOUR I’ll save you. Then Padour gallops off up the quarry the guards cannot catch him. INT. THE BEDROOM- DAY Emtsy sits in her bed looking at television of report on Ketrin as reported by Chief Reporter. The programme broadcasts the whole occurrence but during it Emtsy speaks. A maid is in the room tidying. As Ketrin is first seen being beaten by the thugs prior to the Chief Reporter questioning him. EMTSY What is this man. Why protest against us. They’re creepy. He make’s my skin crawl. Emtsy shivers grotesque shiver of a snob. MAID His Majesty Lord Satan must see you. EMTSY Go. We’ll not need assistance with sex. Maid walks out of room. In walks His Majesty Satan. Satan is muscular, tall, aggressive, bullying believes himself to be real man. He is charming warm but a tone of confident superior warmth. Like a seducer smiling his great smile his white teeth. HIS MAJESTY SATAN (charming) Good evening Emtsy you wanted me. EMTSY In bed. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Very well. EMTSY It isn’t that. A wife wants you to kill this. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I heard about him he’s weird. He’s harmless, if he gets near you I’ll break his bones. EMTSY (gleefully) I’m not scared of him but he makes me shiver, he’s creepy, like the slaves. I don’t care about him. I don’t see why we don’t just do a public execution. Your wife number 32 desires you make an example of him. It’ll turn her on to see a man of her choice die at her husband’s hands. His Majesty is in bed. As they watch TV. HIS MAJESTY SATAN What do you mean an example? We’ll have him executed. We burned his village, killed the men and children of his village and their women have been married. He’s weak he’s nothing. Like beating a baby. Fun. Emtsy watches TV as Ketrin is shown pronouncing words, while beaten KETRIN (o.s) I shouldn’t be hated for being weak. I’m not evil. You put strength above morality. How can you love evil men? Men have emotions. It’s not just women with emotions. Just because you’re turned on by psychopath bullies with no concern, empathy that doesn’t mean all men are that. Even if we seem empty it’s cause we’re broken, deeply emotional. No one should want evil to win. God why do this. EMTSY What an awful man. Well don’t worry, sad men like that, just makes themself angry. I’ve nothing but vague disdain for him. Why would she interview such an awful man? Emtsy changes channel. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Most men are normal. They realise only the real evil men deserve women. That weak men, good men must die it’s natural selection, and what do you mean interview? EMTSY She wants to make a career from this. Just fit him as one of your fights. Your wife wants to show why men think like him. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Lets have sex. EMTSY I just thought I’d tell you. INT. PRISON CELL - DAY Ketrin sits in solitary cell. He is upset. The ceilings white cushioned totally white it appears no exits but they are hidden. A small opening for a window as wide as a few people appears but 10 ft high above Ketrin on the wall. Chief Reporter appears at window. Chief Reporter talks to Ketrin as if talking to idiot who she hates. She sees Ketrin as grotesque failure. She talks to him in a wary tone as if she is scared of what he will do next but not out of danger but a snob wondering what grotesque weakness it’s victim will portray next to make her skin crawl. She hates it for this, a pained, bitter, snobbish hated. CHIEF REPORTER I’m here to interview you. KETRIN You kicked me. CHIEF REPORTER You insult men. KETRIN I haven’t done anything. CHIEF REPORTER I’ve placed you to fight His Majesty to death for your sister. If you don’t fight him you’ll die and your sister will be married to His Majesty. If you lose your sister will be married to His Majesty. KETRIN (stutters) I can’t fight him. He’s impossible. CHIEF REPORTER (confused, disgusted) You’re male you’re meant to enjoy killing. KETRIN Why do you hate me? CHIEF REPORTER You’ll find most women have no opinion of you. Except a burdensome hate at weak creatures existing insulting our brave Satan’s name. Pretending to be men. I’m interviewing for my show to discover why men like you think as you do. Why you want to be good it’s so effeminate? Why you expect women to like good men? KETRIN I’m not wrong. Chief Reporter shivers. CHIEF REPORTER You see what you do to women? You make us sick. We don’t want good men. We want an evil world where people are abused. We don’t see men like you as emotional. You’re empty, bland. All that matters are bullying men. I’ve worked out how you think. You think women are supposed to feel sorry you. Well sometimes we do but we hate you more for that. Just realise we don’t think in terms of good, evil. We think in terms of strength. KETRIN You make evil bullies win. Why? CHIEF REPORTER I’m feminist. KETRIN You’re not. Feminism’s about equality it’s not about women fancying evil men. CHIEF REPORTER Decades ago women liked good men. Evolutionary wise it was insane. A great leader told us it was wrong. Instead of one woman getting the perfect man we all should. No woman should be left with weakness and good’s weakness. KETRIN But this is evil. CHIEF REPORTER I’m a good person. Don’t you see? I don’t murder, rape, abuse it’s my husband who does. That’s the difference between men and women. Women are good, sweet. Men are evil rapists who murder, abuse so the more evil you are the more sexy you are and the more good you are we find you repulsive. KETRIN This is an evil society. I knew this as a child. When the other boys bullied me. You can’t be good and think loving evil men’s harmless. You make them win. You’re a tool for evil men to mock good men. CHIEF REPORTER I know how you feel. As a child I loved a good man. I was simple. I’m ashamed now. When you’re young you’ve childish desires for good men. Weak desires, based on puny ideas of worshiping weakness of thinking men have emotions but as you grow older, more sophisticated, ruthless, intelligent in the choice of mate who will continue your line. You realise men have no emotions. They’re emotionless robots so men can’t be evil as without emotions, how can you be evil? KETRIN Once you loved good men. Maybe you’ve potential to be good. CHIEF REPORTER (interrupts) When I was 11, I loved a good boy he was 11. Satan visited my school and liked me he noticed the weak boy I fancied so they fought to death. KETRIN But Satan’s 20 years older than you. That’s a grown adult killing a boy. CHIEF REPORTER There’s nothing worse than weakness. Salo walks into view of window. SALO Don’t give this impression. He thinks women are forced to love evil against our will. KETRIN Maybe she could have loved good. They’re bullied to love evil men. Just cause you love evil men it doesn’t mean all women should. SALO (laughs) (joyful sneering) Women aren’t bullied to love evil men. It isn’t like the bully threatens us to love men we despise. It’s logic. What do you think women want from men? Men who produce evil ruthless descendants. For centuries we didn’t face this but the leader told us what we are, to hate good men, to hate sons when they’re weak, how right to feel pride at sons who bully, kill. We shouldn’t feel guilt for loving evil men it’s our duty. Too ruthlessly select the perfect creature. KETRIN But that’s not romance that’s sick. Nothing else matters a set of criteria for ruthless survival. So mechanical, so contrived, so lacking compassion, emotion, love. SALO You’re wrong I feel deep emotions. I love my husband as strongly as anyone loves. (pauses) I love the power, the strength, my children shall inherit. (becomes, impassioned) It’s love of weakness that never lasts. You grow tired, resentful as it holds you back. You yearn for power a ruthless evil. As I felt with my first weak husband and our weak children the type we despise. So I asked Satan to save me. He killed my weak children and husband and married me. CHIEF REPORTER All men are evil. I want you to die, to feel pain. Teach you how evil you are, punish you for letting us down. KETRIN I’m not the man who forced you to marry and killed your friend. Don’t think when you punish me you’re getting back at wrongs of evil men. They want me to lose. Chief Reporter and Salo LAUGH. SALO (frustrated angry laughter) We know you’re not evil. It’s why we hate you. We love evil men they’re real men. We’ve no evolutionary reason to back good. You’ve no idea what it is to be female. The power of choice, who to select as father of children and what would you choose strength or weakness. This isn’t some fairy tale world for men with women as rewards for good behaviour. We’re conscious beings with desires, ambitions, dreams. We want to win. I bring my children up well. I do no crime but when it comes to it I pick my mate ruthlessly a powerful man who dominates, terrifies, so my children inherit power. I find bullying, murder, rape in a man cute, that psychopathic lack of empathy, deep passionate hatred for weakness, difference. KETRIN She see’s a bully smashing an innocent person’s face in and thinks if she says he’s cute for committing evil. It means she’s beaten him it makes him feel small so they can fuck. but she’s in power. She’s got her evil beast on a leash under her thumb. She’s the power to bully with protection. The same clichéd evil logic evil woman use. Well he thinks he’s cute. You support him. He probably beats you and has affairs and you still think you control well you’re not. You’re just in it so your children end up evil. SALO I bring my sons up well. I brought them up good it’s just there’s something about bad men, something exciting, wild they can do anything. Things you’d never imagine. Last night my husband did excruciating torture on animals. So clever, original. KETRIN So what if he’s exciting. He’s evil, that’s what matters. You say you teach your sons to be good. Well how would you feel if they never had children because women hated good men so they end up broken, hated by women for being bland, weak, inadequate. The men who bully called real men. SALO I made that up. I’m not bringing up my son’s to be good. I’d rip my son’s head off if he was good. I’d kill myself. INT. THE HAREM - DAY In the harem some wives look at a play pen of their children. Salo and Emtsy watch smugly. As well as TREFERI, one of Satan’s wives. Seven boys play. Most under 10. TREFERI It’s sweet. EMTSY Yes. TREFERI Look, those two, it’s funny the way they try to be good, not wanting to bully. Not like the others. What happens when they grow up? They become psychopaths, bullies. EMTSY smiles sneeringly. EMTSY Thank God. TREFERI Yes. SALO The last thing we need’s nice men. Imagine what a bland, tedious, world we’d inhabit. Sex would be awful. Look at your son, woosy. What a tedious child. I want to punch his fucking face in. EMTSY I meant to have a word Treferi. It’s your son. Look at him. He’s nearly ten yet acts good like a woman. TREFERI I need more time. He’s slow to pick this up. He’s simple. He cries in confusion. EMTSY He’s pathetic. We know what he’ll grow to. We have to do this. It’s OK we’ll get a man to do it. Probably our husband if he’s the time so there’s no reason to feel guilt. SALO Your son’s one of those faces you want to punch. Salo walk over to Treferi’s son and hit’s him in face. Boy sits down and cries. SALO He was asking for it. Why do weak men like you live and poison the ideal of men as strong heroic, brave, ruthless, evil warriors? Why can’t I kill your son? He gets on my nerves. He’ll grow into one of those creepy weirdoes. The other boys’ll bully him make him sad. They expect people to feel sorry for them. I hate them. If our husband doesn’t come soon I’ll strangle it. It’s like when I was a teacher and there were weak kids you must kill for annoying you by being weak. LITTLE BOY Mother, please tell Salo to stop hitting me. TERFERI She’s just a different opinion. LITTLE BOY But she wants to kill me for being weak. SALO Are you for real? His Majesty Satan walks into harem. Harem in awe. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Have you done as I asked? EMTSY I was getting to it. HIS MAJESTY SATAN We can’t produce weakness. His Majesty Satan walks over to Little Boy. Sneers in disgusted manner. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I can’t remember your name. You humiliate me by weakness. You had a chance. Yet fail to portray manly instincts to kill, rape, bully. Like you inherited feminize weakness. Turns to Treferi. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Should we kill him in front of the others or on his own? Salo starts to act as if she doesn’t want to kill the Little Boy. This is an act to give the impression to her husband she is feminine and good to give impression she has feminine qualities. Act is insincere she’s laughing as she talks almost sexually ecstatic. SALO No. Don’t do it. No. It’s too bad. (continues laugh) TREFERI I don’t care. Such weakness, so harmless, kind. Just don’t let me see it alive. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I don’t want him. Satan, Salo, Treferi, Emtsy laugh like sneering bullies at a victim. TREFERI Leave him in the wild to starve. EMTSY But what if someone finds and saves him? SALO This is awful. As a woman I really don’t like this but I suppose being a big strong ruthless man you can’t help it. HIS MAJESTY SATAN To shed blood’s my duty. His Majesty Satan pulls out sword and kills Little Boy. The women look in awe at violence. His Majesty Satan walks from room. SALO (heavy ecstatic breath) What a man. EMTSY You realise Treferi this means you’re weak you produced weak children so must die. TREFERI That’s my duty. EMTSY I’ll miss your company. But I can’t say you don’t deserve this. Burden. SALO Who’ll clean this up? We’ll put the head in Satan’s skull chamber as a display of manliness. It’s one of his younger ones. TREFERI I owe it to his majesty to clean this up. I’ll wash my child’s head for his skull to be placed in the chamber. A last honour. SALO I wish I’d killed your son. I could place his head in my chamber. EMTSY Yes. You’re a strong woman, you show Treferi’s child how much you hated his weakness. Seeing him crying was hilarious. SALO I don’t suffer fools gladly. I hate them. I hate weak women. That’s why I hate you. Treferi you made this creep. I’ll kill you. TREFERI All harem women adore you. Men are evil bullies. You must show women can be evil. SALO I’ll train myself. I’ll learn how to fight and kill. I’ll show all men. I can be as evil as them. They’ll admire women. TREFERI That’s the thing about you. You’re strong. You’ve no sympathy, empathy you’re ruthless. You say how it is. If you see weakness you say the things we want to say. CURSLE No we don’t. This is awful, how can you kill your own son for being weak. Salo punches Cursle. TREFERI Strange. Anyway, I’ll clean my dead son’s skull and put it in the skull chamber. I’m sure it’s what my son would’ve wanted. The man who killed him lives joyfully, forgiven by his mother, admired as a real man. EUNUCH walks to Salo. EUNUCH Madam, one of your son’s has raped and murdered a young girl from the capital. SALO (laughs sneering) My twelve year old son, Dertho. Boys will be boys. CURSLE He’s killed and raped someone aren’t you going to stop him SALO What kind of sicko are you. Punishing kids for doing what kids do. What’ll you be like when your older, probably like those scary sad old women we like to smash the face in for complaining about us bullying them. It’s kids having fun. You know wrecking other kid’s lives. The victims don’t matter what matters is the bully’s enjoyment. CURSLE But you just killed someone for being weak. You just insulted him and made his life hell for being weak and good. SALO He was weak. I only care about bullies. EXT. THE STREETS - DAY. Padour alone in urban area of city. Then he walks into a sparse street but a crowd of men are sitting on steps of a bank. He is bitter. He walks past men. PADOUR You men are evil. How can you support this? The men grow angry. GROUP MAN ONE Kill him. Padour kills 4 of them. Other runs off. One left dying on floor. GROUP MAN ONE (dying in agony) Pain is my reward for weakness. I owe you apology, great man. You have my wife. PADOUR Tell me where your leader’s place is. GROUP MAN ONE The tall building. PADOUR I kill your leader. GROUP MAN ONE Traitor. Group Man One dies. INT. THE CELLS - DAY Ebrie, Uriop are in adjourning cells to the one of Ketrin. Chief Reporter arrives to interview them. Chief Reporter talks too, Ebrie CHIEF REPORTER Uriop told me of your world. A world of wimps, do-gooders where weak men rule to suit their weak needs. Women forced to marry good. While real men, murders, rapists, bullies are punished. How do you expect to evolve to perfection? EBRIE Men don’t rule it. People are equal. We want good to win. Women aren’t forced to marry good men. Women love good men. They want good to win. They hate bullies. If they found out their husband was a bully, they’d hate him. They see evil as enemy. CHIEF REPORTER (laughs) That’s what they tell you. But I’m sure they fantasise about bad boys. They can’t resist. EBRIE This world’s sick. Your men aren’t real men they’re evil. Evil doesn’t define manliness. CHIEF REPORTER Everyone knows good men can’t do sex. EBRIE What? CHIEF REPORTER The more evil you are the better you are at sex. A serial killer, rapist, paedophile is more sexually sophisticated than any man. Good men are incapable of sex. Testosterone makes you evil. EBRIE That’s not true you. It’s nothing to do with testosterone making people evil. Testosterone has no affect on how evil you decide to be. There are women who commit evil. You’re evil that isn’t testosterone. Testosterone has no affect on how evil or aggressive you’ll be. CHIEF REPORTER The more evil you are the more testosterone you have the more testosterone you have the more you desire sex. So a murderer is the most demanding of all. EBRIE Very convenient, pretend good men are sexually less demanding, evil men can’t help but have sex, it’s a lie by evil women to justify why they want evil men. Good guys can be more sexually demanding but you don’t want us cause you’re evil and search for excuses on why you love evil. CHIEF REPORTER You can’t imagine the sensation when bad boys fuck you knowing your children will be as ruthless and evil. EBRIE You’re evil that’s all this is. You shouldn’t love them don’t make them win. CHIEF REPORTER There’s something extra about bad boys something wild, free, liberated. EBRIE I know what that something extra is, evil and you want to make it win. You think it’s a positive skill to pass down. You’re evil. CHIEF REPORTER Your opinion isn’t important. What is, is you’ll fight our lord Satan on fight night. Your skull will be placed in the chamber. Three guards walk into chamber. Uriop, Ketrin and Ebrie are released from their cells. CHIEF REPORTER You’ll be taken to the arena cells. There you’ll wait to fight Satan in the arena. A fight to death. Eight others will fight. Satan will show his manly power. EXT. PALACE GATES - DAY Padour walks up to palace walls. He climbs wall. Then sees palace is far larger than he imagined. From outside it looked 100 m high a few hundred metres within walls of palace but on top of wall he looks upon a cavern 600m deep. Only the top of palace could be seen from outside. It rises 700m above cavern floor. Palace is huge yet light still gets in to show green gardens on different layers of palace. People can be seen walking on different layers of palace. Mote surrounds palace. Then gardens. Walls at bottom are met by caves. Cavern stretches off for mile to reveal sea. Birds glide over palace. Padour looks for how to get down palace walls. Then sees a few hundred metres away one of the cliffs are interrupted by forest, steep hillside leads down from walls. An old woman in her eighties walks past and sees Padour sitting on the walls No one else is near. She is on the non-palace side of walls. PADOUR What is this? OLD WOMAN It’s Satan’s palace. PADOUR It’s beautiful. OLD WOMAN It was built before Satan came to power in the days of our dictator. PADOUR It could be destroyed by water coming in. OLD WOMAN I wish. PADOUR Do you support Satan? OLD WOMAN Certainly not and I don’t care what anyone thinks of me for that he’s an evil ruler. PADOUR I must kill him. EXT. FORREST - DAY Padour walks down the forest towards palace. EXT. GARDENS - DAY Padour arrives at gardens. Looks across, sees no one. Walks to mote then reaches mote. EXT. MOTE - DAY Padour walks across bridge over mote. Then enters by stairway into palace. INT. THE PALACE - DAY Padour walks through palace corridors where he meets a woman. PADOUR Are you Satan’s wife? MAID No but I’m one of his mistresses. Padour stabs into maid a long sword. PADOUR (angry) That’s your punishment for loving evil men. You think we should forgive you, admire you for forgiving evil using that logic you’d expect women to love me for killing you. Maid falls over half dead. Padour walks up some more steps of the palace further up. There he sees MAID 2. Maid 2 look at him suspiciously. MAID 2 Are you a guard or a weak man? PADOUR Are you one of Satan’s? MAID 2 (screams ) Impostor. She smiles. Two guards run into corridor MAID 2 A slave. PADOUR I’m no slave. Padour stabs two guards they fall dead. MAID 2 (anxious) You’re mad what’ve you done? Padour stabs Maid 2 in her stomach. PADOUR You love evil men even if they cause you pain as it means they’re ruthless. You want to inherit their evil power for your children. You want to reward them make them win. You encourage them to commit evil. You love them for wrecking lives because you want your children to be as such. All the time creating more evil men encouraging, rewarding, persuading them to be evil then you sneer in pride at pain they cause. We never pay attention to how evil you are. Pretending you’re innocent bystanders pretend you can’t help but love evil men because of your evil excuse that they’re more masculine for being evil so you can’t resist them. An evil lie. It’s just you want evil to win so you choose evil men. You sneer at good men telling us how bland, trivial we are, you want real men. Excruciating remarks on how exciting you find it when they torture. This is torture. You’re feeling the pain, fear your evil men cause. You admire them when they do to others. You think I should let you off to breed more evil. So you benefit but no punishment. You encourage evil, pretend you can’t help it that you’re some poor little woman who can’t help falling for bad boys but you’re the root of evil. Face punishment. MAID 2 Have mercy. PADOUR (venomous) You can’t reward evil and expect me to think evil’s nothing to do with you. Where’s Satan’s harem? MAID 2 (whispers) Never betray Satan. PADOUR Loyal to evil. Who cares I’ll kill him anyway. Padour stabs Maid 2 in face killing her. Padour walks on down corridor INT. PALACE CORRIDOR - DAY In the scene of first maid killing a guard finds her. She is still vaguely alive. GUARD ONE Who did this? MAID He wants to attack Satan’s wives. GUARD ONE A mad man. Where is he? Maid turns her head to where he ran then dies. Guard One runs in direction. Padour listens he hears running. He walks into a room to hide. INT. STORE ROOM - DAY Padour stands at the door and listens for running to pass away. He looks round room. Padour Walks out of room. INT. THE PALACE GUARDS HQ - DAY Guard One arrives in Palace HQ where Lord Chartour sits. Room is lavish with many soldiers and maids helping every need. Lord Chartour sits with three women pruning him as he feeds on meat. Guard One arrives flanked by SUPERIOR OFFICER. SUPERIOR OFFICER This guard found evidence of a mad man in the palace. LORD CHARTOUR Guards to action. INT. THE PALACE CORRIDORS - DAY Padour still walks around in the corridor looking for a clear place to go then walks out onto to a garden where he sees two young women standing and talking to each other. EXT. PALACE GARDEN – DAY The women are insulted by the interruption. One is called Heret. PADOUR Tell me where the harem is? HERET Why are you interested? PADOUR I’ve a message from Satan for his brides. HERET I’m one of his wives. This is my sister. Padour walks over to the two. PADOUR You married an evil man you reward him. You love the pain they cause. HERET (interrupts) Yes. Three guards arrive at entrance to garden. GUARD TWO Identify yourself. Padour stabs Guard Two and quickly stabs other one. Heret looks on in awe. HERET He killed with ease. HERET SISTER I know one was my husband. More guards arrive. Padour runs to edge of garden looks down as guards follow him and jumps off garden to garden below. EXT. LOWER PALACE GARDENS - DAY Garden full of people drinking, looking elegant. Padour runs through crowd as guards are held up. GUARD THREE Stop that man He’s a psychopath. Guests OOH and CHEER. As Padour runs through garden he lashes out at some for cheering. Yet as they are stabbed they’re more admiring of his evil. He runs out of garden to be met by Heret. HERET Follow me. Heret leads him of to her bedroom. INT. HERET BEDROOM - DAY Bedroom is small but warm, sandy glossy coloured walls. HERET Hide under my bed Padour hides under bed. Guard knocks on door. Heret opens door. GUARD THREE Keep your room locked there’s a mad man here. You must stay away from him. He may be more dangerous than Satan. HERET I’ll watch for him. Heret closes door on guard. HERET Come out know. PADOUR You’re Satan’s bride. HERET He protects me. But you’re strong. Fuck me. PADOUR Where’s the harem. HERET A tower above the garden. Heret walks to window and points outside. PADOUR I’ll kill his evil woman. HERET You’re ruthless. PADOUR (desperate tired frustration) You women of this world are evil. You worship evil men. I must kill his evil brides. HERET Calm down. I love you. PADOUR All you’ve seen me do is kill. HERET I love you. PADOUR What about the tower defences. HERET Too much but you can attack his skull chamber where his wives put his victim’s skulls. PADOUR Where’s is it? HERET Over there. Heret points to other side of cavern a smaller building. HERET I’ll get you past the guards. PADOUR You’d betray me for a stronger man. HERET Please have sex with me. You’re so bad. Heret is stabbed in heart by Padour. PADOUR I can’t reward evil. Padour climbs through window. Then sees a 30 ft drop. He jumps into mote. EXT. THE MOTE - DAY Padour swims mote. EXT. THE GARDENS - DAY Padour runs through forest and mazes to reach skull chamber. EXT. OUTSIDE SKULL CHAMBER - DAY Padour arrives at chamber. Three guards guard entrance. Padour runs up to guards the three look at him running towards them then run at him. He stabs them dead. Then runs to entrance of chamber. He opens door to enter. INT. PALACE CORRIDORS - DAY Heret Sister talks to a friend. HERET SISTER He managed to kill my sister it’s amazing he’s killed maybe 10 guards two maids and my sister. He’s so dangerous, a winner. HERET SISTER PAL Even Satan fears him. No woman resists such men his children will be unstoppable. INT. THE SKULL CHAMBER - DAY Padour walks into chamber. It is full of thousands of skulls in rows, with photos. Information about the victim’s death. Padour looks horrified as he looks at one of the notes. A man stabbed through heart beaten dead. Father of two children killed his wife taken for Satan. Padour hears voices it is Treferi and Salo. TREFERI Maybe we should do it in the arena before Satan kills other men SALO We’d be jokes. We must show I’m as bad as men. Make their spines tingle in fear. Padour runs to where he here’s women talking. The two hear him running. Padour runs into the long corridor of skulls skull row G2 where he sees the two. SALO (grotesque anger) Men aren’t aloud here. It’s for us to admire our husband. PADOUR Are you Satan’s wife? SALO Yes. Now go or’ll call the guards. Padour runs to them within two feet he stops. PADOUR I’m Satan’s guard. Why are you here? SALO (aggressive) Idiot. It’s so when we’re fed up with Satan we can be reminded of what a real, bullying, powerful man he is and hope our children inherit his power. This is his victim. PADOUR It’s small! TREFERI It was my child. My child was weak. Satan killed him to remove weakness. Padour pulls out his sword then stabs Treferi in stomach. TREFERI (screams in agony but quiet scream too weak to shout) Satan why has this man shamed you? Treferi falls to ground. SALO You look a bit of rough PADOUR How can you love such evil? SALO If we don’t we’ll produce a weak blandness. PADOUR But that’s paradise everyone leading a wonderful happy carefree life. SALO You’re weak. Padour grabs Salo by throat lifts her up, looks at her with venom, and throws her far across floor. SALO (screams) My ankle, help! PADOUR You said you liked pain. SALO Only to others, not to me. Get off me. You mad man. Men aren’t meant to hurt women. PADOUR You didn’t mind with your friend. SALO Mad. Padour stabs her in stomach. SALO (screams in pain) Let me live. PADOUR Tell me where you keep prisoners where’s my friend Ebrie? SALO Who? PADOUR The men to be killed by Satan. SALO Prisoners are kept in arena cells. PADOUR How can you love me hurting you? SALO (confused, whispers, in pain) My children will be as ruthless. PADOUR I hear evil people love evil as it excites them, it makes their lives more fun. This is how your excitement feels to your victims, agony. Does this excite you or would you prefer contentment as your victims would instead of the horror you cause them. You talk as if when you hurt victims you think they enjoy hurt. They don’t this is how it feels. Padour stabs Salo in stomach continually time after time. EMTSY. Stop. Emtsy puts her hand on the arm of her lover. PADOUR It’s over. EMTSY You’ve struck terror in the palace. When they see us together they’ll fear us like no two before. PADOUR I killed the ones you told me too. They were weak. I brought the weak man I told you of. EMTSY His Majesty’s weak. He hasn’t much longer and too many children who may take my title. You must kill him. You’re my love more ruthless than His Majesty. How was the other world? PADOUR Weak men were worshiped for good. Evil men punished for murder, rape. Women forced to love good. Even bullies were hated something as trivial as bullying. EMTSY They’re weak. But many of the women find you irresistible. Many of their men would follow you to death. They desire liberation from their tedious lives. PADOUR In prison I received letters. Women wanted me to love them. The more I raped the more they wanted me. Beneath the superficial shimmer of goodness lies a deep yearning for evil. The people can’t avoid it when they see pain they love what causes it. They’re women desire to tame me, make me their beast on their leash that they may let off on their beck and call. A dangerous creature their children inherit power from. They desire a warrior. To liberate them from tedium. Their men are like women weak, merciful, unblooded they’ve not tasted blood on battlefield or pleasure of rape. Their women hate them for their weakness but fear consequence if they admit. They’ll quiver before our might, our ferocious majestic strength they desire like beasts. The ability to kill for their children is all they seek from men. We’ll conquer their land with ease. We’ll kill their weak men and children. Their women will cheer losing burdens. Even their strongest warriors will die like flies upon our swords. The more they know of us the more they’ll desire us. The women may protest at first but like all women will succumb to manly ways. INT. HOUSE. Living Room – NIGHT Suburban living room, family sit on sofa. They are comfy, ordinary for this era, a clichéd family. They are watching a film of a gladiator killing men with his sword. PADOUR (v.o) They watch films of warriors, men of death, murder. Yet fantasize their tedious lives are nirvana. Yet no human resists his beastly desire to rape and murder. INT. SKULL CHAMBER – DAY PADOUR Every man’s dream is to be Satan, every women’s dream to have Satan’s children. I feel sympathy for women never to have felt evil strength on them, power of real men. What strange men are they to create such weak a world of good? EMTSY It’s worse some of their women desire weakness, goodness. You’ll kill your father. You’ll be lord. In the fight His Majesty expects to win but you’ll take his wives the public will love you. The rogue winning the crown is romantic. PADOUR Did the security cameras see my murders? EMTSY The act of saying you murdered as punishment for evil’ll work to our hands. PADOUR I must fight Ebrie. I want the honour of de-throating him. You don’t understand how nauseating it can be too spend two years with such pious men. EMTSY I will ensure he fights you. PADOUR I admire my father Satan. A man of wisdom, ruthless power but it’s my destiny to kill him to kill his children take his wives. EMTSY You must be captured to fight Satan. I’ll leave through the tunnel. You leave by the front you’ll be captured at Satan’s poetry reading. I ask you to kill the first guard but run to the palace and be captured while they think you’re rescuing prisoners. EXT. OUTSIDE SKULL CHAMBER - DAY Padour leaves chamber to see two guards examining dead bodies of their colleagues. Padour kills one then knocks other out. Then runs to palace. INT. HAREM - DAY HERET SISTER Rumour says he’s killed more guards. He killed Salo and Treferi in the skull chamber. The men are terrified. ANROE He’s causing havoc he’s a danger to Satan. He’s so exciting what an incredible man. It makes me feel glad to be alive with such exciting rough men ready to strike death and bloodshed at any moment. I heard he could garrotte men with his hand. (stokes hand to throat like having an orgasm) We’re honoured to live in such psychopathic times. These sexually satisfying men. Can you imagine such men having you with their manly hands, hands he used for murder, rape, knowing your children will be as evil. HERET SISTER Let’s face it they’re the men we love. We all love a little badness. ANROE We know in a way. Men who abuse us aren’t good for us but we can’t resist we must choose genes that win. His Majesty Satan walks into the harem walks to Heret Sister. HIS MAJESTY SATAN You saw the man who killed your sister. What did he say? HERET SISTER (sneering) Why are you scared? His Majesty picks up Heret Sister by throat and hauls her into pool. His Majesty Satan runs to pool and puts Heret Sister’s head under water for a few seconds. Then lifts it up. Heret Sister gasps for breath. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Tell me? HERET SISTER He didn’t speak. He ran past us. His Majesty Satan ducks her head into water for more seconds. Then lifts her head up. HIS MAJESTY SATAN The guards saw he talked to you. Tell me what he said? You’re nothing to me. HERET SISTER Your Majesty I forgot how strong, ruthless you are. He asked where your harem is. Then he told us we’re evil for marrying you. His Majesty Satan ducks her head into water. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Then he’s mad he believes in good. He thinks women can love good, weakness, the disease of morality. Let this woman warn you. Of who is power. Let me make you wet with desire knowing how evil I am and how powerful your children will be. I do things other men would faint like woman in horror at sight of sickening grotesque horror. I excite. Make you cry in fear. Tonight I kill more of you. Who will it be? Does that strike fear to you? How ruthless. I’ll not remember you. That makes you desire me more? Anroe strokes her throat orgasmically. ANROE Your Majesty we chose you as leader we love you. You’re powerful, ruthless. His Majesty Satan waves Heret Sister’s head around then seems to open her mouth while she is under water ensuring she takes in water. Women look on in sexual awe. ANROE (sheepish) Yes. You’re bad. Please fuck me. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I can’t resist after such a virile experience. He puts on a pretentious pose while holding Heret Sister under water. HIS MAJESTY SATAN (poetically) Sweet parting of fine soul. Thy love may thy dance before the fires of thy eternal flame. What am I but a tool for Satan’s creation. Harem APPLAUSE. His Majesty Satan lets go of Heret Sister and allows her to float up. Then he leaves water. As Heret Sister lies on water dead. FEROE is another of Satan’s wives. FEROE You’ve made us cum. You’re so bad and ruthless no woman can resist. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I’ll be reading my poetry on death and love and fighting. It’s called the fight for the love of a lady. Death to the burden of good. FEROE It would be an honour if we may attend. You ferocious man of power but you have the poetic depth of killers that gives you deep intense freedom to kill. Emotions weaker men flee from behind superficial goodness. HIS MAJESTY SATAN (snobbish anger) I’m not interested in sex with you tonight, so you can stop the sycophancy. Why can’t woman like you see when a man wants you? FEROE My apology supreme evil of the universe but women find you irresistible it’s impossible to stop desiring you. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Creep. INT. THE ARENA CELLS - DAY Ketrin, Ebrie and Uriop are chained up but in the same cell. The room is bare water drops down the sides of the walls. KETRIN (Shyly, almost crying) We don’t have a chance His Majesty Satan has won every fight he’s fought. EBRIE If I hurt him it’ll give you a chance. KETRIN (Shyly) You won’t get to hurt him. You can’t understand how unbeatable he is no man can compete. He’d beat me tied up. URIOP He’s right the only way we can stop is by escaping. Fighting him’s impossible. KETRIN I can’t beat this man. This is torture. The sound of swords SMASHING from outside the cell. Cell door opens. It is Padour. PADOUR Hurry escape. Padour breaks chains using sword. EBRIE This world doesn’t look so difficult. URIOP How did you pass the guards? PADOUR That isn’t important hurry. INT. HAREM - DAY CURSLE I don’t want to marry Satan he’s evil. CHIEF REPORTER You’ll learn to admire Satan. All women do. ANROE I must tell you I’ll be fighting tomorrow. CHIEF REPORTER What! ANROE Salo wanted to fight Treferi but as she’s dead I’ll take her place and fight a boy. CURSLE This is evil. It isn’t admirable. ANROE You see Satan as some ogre but when you meet him you’ll be surprised at his charm. CURSLE Who cares he’s still evil that’s what matters. His Majesty Satan walks into harem. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Cursle, I heard about you from Emtsy, you’ll be my wife after I kill your brother. CURSLE You’re a psychopath. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Emtsy was telling me you seem disturbed. You think I’m a two-headed monster that breathes fire that I’m some creepy little man. Look I’m a normal healthy strong man. CURSLE I don’t think you’re a monster. You’re an evil murdering psychopath. HIS MAJESTY SATAN You’ll learn to love. CURSLE So what if superficially you’re normal, you’re evil. HIS MAJESTY SATAN This one’s odd. His Majesty leaves with Anroe. INT. HAREM CORRIDORS - DAY His Majesty Satan and Anroe walk down the corridor ANROE Good start. Once they realise you’re not a scary monster. You’re very charming but aggressive. They love you. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I know I’ve such extraordinary reputation among women, seeing I exist in normal form’s a start but if she continues I kill her. ANROE You’re so manly. INT. SATINS CHAMBER - NIGHT Large chamber. One end two regal chairs high on steps leading 6 ft above floor behind them large crimson curtains for occupants of chairs to walk out behind. Steps take up tiny proportion of chamber but everything directed towards viewing regal chair occupants. On opposite side of the chamber is a large exit with crimson curtains. 300 people stand in chamber including Lord Chartour and leading lords and wives of rulers. COMPERE stands on middle step on the steps to chairs. COMPERE Your honour, ladies, gentleman, Lord Chartour supreme commander of His Majesty’s army. His Majesty called you here for his poetry reading. I’m sure you’ll love it’s witty infectious gravitas articulating the horror of goodness. It’s erotic fantasies of murder and rape. It’s powerful ability to induce terror and multiple orgasms in women and admiration and terror in men. A startling insight into one of the great minds of our time. Critics described his work as the most moving, erotic, and terrifying ever but pray let me not waste time. I introduce the warm up act. Let us first have performances from top stand up comedians SIR IRKY HOLE and CAROTLE and performances from chart toppers WER IRPOL and NUCLEAR BABES. LORD CHARTOUR (says to fellow solider) They’re good my kids have all their albums. Carotle and Sir Irky Hole move out of crowd onto the middle steps and begun their act. SIR IRKY HOLE It’s a pleasure being here for his majesty’s poetry. I’m a fan. I hear the Nuclear Babes would like to have a few words with his majesty after the show to share artistic notes. Audience APPLAUD. SIR IRKY HOLE Did you see that Ketrin on telly, fucking weirdo, sort of wimp you want to punch. Audience APPLAUD. CAROTLE (impersonates Ketrin) Please don’t laugh. I’m trying to be nice don’t hurt me I’m tragic. Bullying’s wrong. Audience moan in frustration thinking he means it seriously. LORD CHARTOUR (ferocious) How dare you mention scum in this chamber. A place of worship. CAROTLE I’m impersonating him LORD CHARTOUR Don’t mention him. CAROLTLE I apologise excellency. LORD CHARTOUR I’ll send you to the camps if you disobey. SIR IRKY HOLE Oh great war leader. We admire your bravery don’t think we mean insult. (returns to act) Don’t you hate it when some disabled, shy, or nice bland guy’s walking down the street. Audience LAUGH in agreement. Carolte impersonates the way sad people walk. Lord Chartour walks toward Carolte. LORD CHARTOUR I warned you not to bring disgusting people to the chamber, diseases, for eradication. Lord Chartour pulls out sword. CAROLTE We want to make them look stupid and make you hate them more. LORD CHARTOUR I see. This is wise, dehumanise scum so we’ve no pity for them. Continue your act. (forced laugh) INT. THE PALACE CORRIDORS - NIGHT Padour, Ebrie, Ketrin and Uriop walk through wide corridors. PADOUR I lead you to the harem. Here we’ll find your sister and free her. INT. SATAN’S CHAMBER - NIGHT Wer Irpol performs. Wer Irpol is a tough looking evil man who sings snide evil songs. WER IRPOL I’ll rape you then cut your throat then kill your parents. I hate weakness, sad scum die. INT. THE HAREM - DAY Padour, Ketrin, Ebrie, and Uriop enter through secret tunnel into harem EBRIE How did you know about the tunnel. PADOUR I was told by a women. They enter harem KETRIN Cursle. We’re here to save you. The other harem women see and call for help from guards. Cursle runs toward Ketrin as guards run to harem. Padour, Ebrie, Uriop, Ketrin and Cursle run down tunnel to escape. INT. SATAN’S CHAMBER - NIGHT. Nuclear Babes prepare to sing song. NUCLEAR BABE 1 First can I say we admire Wer Irpol he’s so cute, charming. I want his babies. Audience LAUGH some saying how cute. WER IRPOL Fuck you I’ll rape you and your mother. Audience LAUGH. NUCLEAR BABE 1 Wow, he’s sexy. My first song is I dream of man who slits men’s throats. INT. PALACE CORRIDORS - NIGHT PADOUR Go this way. EBRIE But this leads further into the palace. PADOUR It leads somewhere we must see. INT. SATAN’S CHAMBER - NIGHT COMPERE Thank you Nuclear Babes. Especially the bit about how you loved Satan because he’s a real man and how you’re fed up with weak pathetic men and how you want them to die. NUCLEAR BABE ONE (desperate spoilt anger) It’s true what’s happened to the warriors, you keep them in the palace. We want men like Wer Irpol outside. Men nowadays they agree with you but they’re weak. Where are the warriors, cowboys, rapists. COMPERE Now for the moment we’re here for. Satan. His Majesty Satan and Emtsy walk out from behind curtains to loud fan fare, cameras flicker. Satan carries a thick book. Satan sits on regal chair as Emtsy sits on other chair. COMPERE I bade farewell. Compere walks into crowd. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I congratulate Wer Irpol and Nuclear Babes. I’m keen to see the babes in my bedchamber after my reading. His Majesty Satan sits and opens book up. Turns to audience. Takes pompous breath. HIS MAJESTY SATAN What’s love, a sexual feeling in admiration of strength, power, to kill, murder. I supreme being are here to be loved, feared as god of hell, god to fear in sexual awe among women, worship from men. Audience APPLAUD. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Fuck your wife, daughter, kill you, execute weak. Every women pity good, hate weak. Once it said women could love by pity. It’s cruel to ask people to love weakness you call good. They want to win survive not be dragged down. No woman loves goodness but find evil irresistible. Evolution. Audience APPLAUD. INT. THE PALACE CORRIDORS - NIGHT Above Satan’s chamber Padour, Ebrie, Ketrin, Uriop and Cursle look down through floorboards on chamber. Floorboards are above roof of chamber. EBRIE This is horrific he worships evil men and thinks women do. PADOUR But you must admire the poetry’s beauty? EBRIE What beauty? It’s evil. They’re terrifying. PADOUR Coward. We must seek evil and destroy. Padour stands up and cuts rope hanging from roof of corridors. Floorboard revealed as a lift that drops into Satan chamber. It falls slowly the sound of wheel can be heard. As lift falls, five escapees are stuck. In the chamber the crowd look up to see what is happening. HIS MAJESTY SATAN (fury) Insolence. PADOUR Good evening. I hope you don’t mind us interrupting with our own repertoire? Crowd SHOUTING outrage. LORD CHARTOUR I arrest you. PADOUR Well done, Chartour. Lift continues to fall slowly. Down below soldiers gather to capture escapees. EBRIE Padour, you’ve killed us. Ketrin tries to climb ropes. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Clear the way. These are my fight. Soldiers gather from lift. The lift drops to floor. PADOUR Excuse my interrupting your poetry great ruler, but you see. I couldn’t help notice problems with your syntax, grammar, content, lacked that subtle something needed in the finest poetry, can I place it, ah yes. It’s mind numbing crap. His Majesty Satan stands up. EMSTY (restrained smirking) This man must be killed in the arena. It’s more fitting he die before a crowd. HIS MAJESTY SATAN You’ll fight me in the arena. Ketrin. Ebrie. I’ll marry your women and kill you. The five are led away by soldiers out of chamber. HIS MAJESTY SATAN See how they run. Five of them. One of me. INT. ARENA CELLS – NIGHT Padour, Ketrin, Ebrie, Cursle, Uriop are chained in cells. EBRIE Why did you do this? We could’ve escape. PADOUR We needed to show opposition. URIOP Escaping would’ve shown that. Chief Reporter opens door of cell to enter. CHIEF REPORTER Good evening scum. I hope you’re happy you ruined a good night. Mongish, weirdoes. EBRIE You’re the evil thug. Chief Reporter walks too Ketrin. CHIEF REPORTER I thought about what you said. I decided I love you. I’ll help you escape. KETRIN Really. CHIEF REPORTER Of course not. I hate you. I wanted to see your face react to disappointment. All women hate weak men. (laughs) You’re weak. You want to be Satan, but you can’t so pretend you support good. Stop worrying about good. You’ve chained yourself in moral prison. Liberate yourself from intolerable guilt. If I had your guilt I couldn’t live all that murdering, bullying. EBRIE But we don’t murder and bully that’s how you get round guilt don’t do evil. It isn’t a prison anyway. So what if that’s restrictive you shouldn’t wreck good people's lives. You shouldn’t enjoy causing pain to good people. There should be. Freedom to be evil isn’t idealistic or good it’s evil. CHIEF REPORTER (groans in pain) Pathetic. EBRIE I know what it is when bullies moan in agony at people they regard as inferior. It’s suppressing sympathy, compassion. When you moan in agony, sneering at weak people. It’s not moaning in disgust at weak, difference. It’s feelings of regret guilt showing through you don’t recognise you’re conditioned to feel you should hurt them so you hit but the feelings don’t go. CHIEF REPORTER (laughs) I know what guilt is I feel guilt when I hurt my husband or child. I understand guilt and I don’t feel it to weak people or inferiors. I feel hatred to them before I hurt them. EBRIE I gave you a chance but you’re evil. CHIEF REPORTER There’s no such thing as good and evil. Goody two shoes. PADOUR Your husband will die. His blood spills from my crimson sword, fresh regal river. CHIEF REPORTER I saw how he treated you in the chamber you ran from him. No man can stand his power. You’re jealous of His Majesty’s power. EBRIE He’s no real man. It isn’t anything to with real men. He’s evil. CHIEF REPORTER You Ketrin. I wonder how you’ll fair tomorrow I’m sure he’ll find you difficult. (laughs) Always the quiet ones. EBRIE Why do you bully? CHIEF REPORTER Padour, I admire your bravery but you’ll die tomorrow. The others have no bravery, strength, normality. They’re burdens. EBRIE How can you feel pride in committing evil? CHIEF REPORTER This is cute it’s like when you bully school children. I was a school bully so adult bullying’s cute. Satan and I just haven’t grown up still kids raping, murdering. (laughs, reminiscing) EBRIE Bullying’s never cute. CHIEF REPORTER Oh come on not one of these like you pull someone’s pony tales and they start crying. EBRIE (angry) That’s traumatic. It’s sounds trivial but it’s humiliating bullying. If someone did that to you as an adult in hatred to humiliate you. You’d feel humiliated and you couldn’t fight back cause they picked on you cause they knew you wouldn’t fight back. They know you’re vulnerable. Stop pretending it’s trivial. Children have the same pride, emotions as adults. You know if someone did that too you it wouldn’t be trivial. You bullies hurt people even if you’re skilful at bullying and make it llo trivial or one of those bullies who do clear bullying social humiliation, taunting and pretend it isn’t bullying cause your victim’s dehumanised scum to you. URIOP Yeah same old thing bullies hurting people, pretending it’s trivial or it doesn’t matter well it does matter and you knew it. You cause life long depression suicide in victims. CHIEF REPORTER This is the last time I see you. Chief Reporter leaves and closes door behind her. EBRIE We’ve no chance. PADOUR No we do. I’ll fight Satan. I’ll weaken him. Maybe you Ketrin will stand a chance? Padour smiles sneeringly almost laughing. Then does EBRIE What’s the matter? PADOUR I feel strong. Tomorrow is my creation. INT. SATAN’S WAR ROOM - NIGHT The room is a like a company board room. A war office room. Charts of the territory adorn walls. Satan talks to Lord Chartour and Emtsy. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Tomorrow will be a simple battle. How will the entrainment go? LORD CHARTOUR First a wild animal to fight. It’s killed 3 of our best soldiers we’ll televise that on arena and TV screens before you fight the creature then after you’ve killed that we’ve 3 men from slave camps found working for the resistance. You’ll kill them easily. Then a solider who volunteered to fight. He’s typically strong but you’ll kill him with ease then another slave. Then Padour then two guards. Then Ebrie and Ketrin. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Sounds fun. Ketrin’s death’s what people want. He’s weak and good. His psychiatrist and Haron will be given good views. EMTSY Don’t forget some women’ll be fighting too. Anroe was saddened by the loss of Salo and we asked her to fight. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I like the idea. I don’t agree with women having the same jobs as men but why select the best male fighters if we don’t select the best female fighters I may inherit weakness from weak women for my children. EMTSY Most women should be good but all men should be evil but some evil women’s erotic. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Bring Anroe and her blood soaked victim to my quarters after. I’ve some fantasies to do. What a woman. If you’ve any inadequacy Anroe’ll tear you apart, torture you dead remember the time she found a disabled child and we didn’t see her for three months she was off torturing. So refreshing. LORD CHARTOUR Lord. I leave for the city for women to rape. Men of the capital support you but you get the odd one who think rape’s wrong. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Yes. Bring some guards. EXT. PALACE ARENA - DAY The arena is huge 70000 people watch. A TV audience watches glued to events. Arena pitch is large enough for ocean liners to sail. It is of dusty soil. With patches of forest and oasis scattered around occasionally. The sun shines bright on the arena. Compere speaks to the crowd. COMPERE Tonight we see our leader fight to death not once but 9 times. First I introduce a new event. Women fighting children to death. Crowd CHEER. COMPERE One of out Satan’s wives. Shall fight to death with this boy. He’s weak. She’ll show her ruthless, merciless, power. She’ll destroy this weakness humiliate his family. Crowd CHEER. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY Cells are full of those preparing to fight. All are tied to chains except for two guards Satan will fight. Arena cells are revealed like executive boxes they look out on arena as part of crowd as a window opens. EBRIE It’s despicable how can they kill for entertainment. URIOP Yes. It’s horrific. EXT. ARENA - DAY Anroe runs after the small child who runs away. Crowd LAUGH. Anroe pulls child down. ANROE Die weakness. Anroe stabs him in heart. Anroe stands up to wave her sword in air as Crowd CHEER. COMPERE What a lady. I wish I’d a woman like that. Crowd CHEER. INT. PUB - DAY PUB MAN ONE There’s one fine lady. Why can’t all ladies be evil. Must we put up with nice women. I’ll dump my wife. Beat her, Kill her. Our children inherit her weakness. PUB MAN TWO I like my wife to be nice. PUB MAN THREE I agree. But some women are so wimpy they couldn’t even beat kids up. Our son’s inherit weakness why would we want them. They’re useless. There must be a point where women are removed. PUB MAN ONE That’s why I’ll kill my wife she’s weak. We need real women real fighters. Survival of the fittest. They should fight to death. How do weak women expect us to find them sexually attractive? Sex is an emotion for selecting ruthless bullies. A frustrating groan comes from the pub men as Ketrin is shown on TV. PUB MAN THREE Look the tedious creep. I’ll punch his face. Oh by the way. Lord Chartour’s sending me videos of the time Chartour raped my wife. PUB MAN ONE Ketrin reminds me of guys we bullied at school. Remember Lord Chartour at school. What a guy he once broke my arm. He still hates me as I’m weak. What a man. PUB MAN TWO Ketrin’s the type of guy who hates people who bullied him more than inferiors. EXT. ARENA - DAY COMPERE Welcome lords, ladies and gentleman. His Majesty Satan. Crowd CHEER. Powerful heavy metal terrifying FANFARE starts. Lights in arena go out. A pause of silence. Then a dramatic entrance for His Majesty Satan like for a fight. Powerful dramatic, rabble rousing MUSIC plays as Satan enters through wide entrance. Crowd CHEER. A pretentious pompous over the top entrance dramatic, terrifying. Crowd CHEER loudly ecstatically like a goal has been scored. COMPERE Our supreme ruler, strongest, greatest fighter the world’s ever known. The most evil ruthless man in history. His supreme being. Man of our dreams. His Majesty Satan. MUSIC plays, audience cheer Satan still entering arena to fanfare often touching people in the audience as he walks through the entrance. MUSIC reaches crescendo with sound of loud BANGS. Crowd CHEER even louder. His Majesty Satan is seen on pitch, uniformed. He waves sword acknowledging crowd. MUSIC changes to upbeat stirring but ferocious tune. Crowd start CHANTING Satan in unison as music is drowned off. COMPERE His Majesty Satan will fight the beast. Large wild animal is released on pitch. His Majesty Satan runs after it then stabs it dead. Crowd CHEER. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE Incredible. Guard opens cell door. Then releases slave to fight. Slave is taken out. From inside cells is heard crowd and Compere. COMPERE (o.s) His Majesty Satan will fight a slave. EXT. ARENA - DAY Slave brought to pitch. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Throw the spear. Crowd can hear Satan’s voice. Crowd CHEER Satan’s bravery. SLAVE 1 I’ll not hurt another. Good must defeat evil, but if I harm you I destroy my humanity. He stabs himself in chest with spear. Crowd LAUGH. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE That won’t work these people don’t understand they just think he’s lost. Another slave is brought down from the cells. EXT. ARENA - DAY COMPERE After that comedy moment of the year. Our hero of the resistance. Our sanctimonious pious friend lord saviour what will he do. SLAVE TWO This I say a moment to saviour for good. Let me not give you a show for I’ll only die I follow my friend. God I trust forgive me. Slave Two stabs himself. Crowd reaction more mixed. Some LAUGH aloud sound of BOOS heard. COMPERE It looks like this won’t take much time. Next a soldier from the finest regiment of his majesty’s army and what finer honour than to fight his majesty to death. Crowd CHEER. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE Listen slaves. Don’t kill yourself they don’t see you as martyrs. EXT. ARENA - DAY Arena Soldier and Satan stand 50 metres from eachother. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Throw your spear, scum. ARENA SOLDIER An honour to fight. Spear thrown high. Satan watches as it flies up then down towards him he does not flinch. He flicks spear away with sword. Satan puts hand to ear as he hears crowd CHEERING. Satan rushes to solider. Sword battle takes place but Satan is playing with soldier. Satan flicks soldier’s sword away then cuts uniform to shreds. Satan kicks solider to ground. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Take this with honour die in ecstasy. Satan stabs sword into Arena Soldier’s chest. Crowd CHEER. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE How can they enjoy murder? COMPERE (o.s) Now two slaves will fight his majesty. The two are taken out of the cells. EBRIE Beyond comprehension no one seems to care how evil this is. EXT. ARENA - DAY HIS MAJESTY SATAN Cowards, will you fight like men? The two pick their swords up and stab themselves. Crowd BOO. They expected a fight. HIS MAJESTY SATAN I cause such fear no man fights me. COMPERE Now a commercial break for the TV audience but while they’re off we’ll hold the kiddies challenge. Who can kill the slave. Two children brought from crowd. Compere asks them trivial questions while tied up slave brought on a rack. COMPERE Boys. Throw knives at him. If you hit, you win free signed replica skulls of Satan. Children throw knives at slave as crowd cheers them. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE This society’s barbaric. People tortured for fun. They see it as entertainment. CELL GUARD Another sexually dissatisfied loser with no life gets worked up about stuff with nothing to do with him. Why don’t they get a life. EXT. ARENA - DAY COMPERE Our viewers join us from the break. Children you had your chance. Slave kept tied up in middle of park. COMPERE Next we’ve his great pompous, prattling, self-proclaimed messiah. Padour. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY Padour released from his chain then grabbed by guards. EBRIE Good luck. I don’t know how to say this but. Ebrie loses emotional control puts head down fights to hold back tears as Padour is led out. URIOP What a brave man. He nearly saved us. EXT. ARENA - DAY Padour arrives on arena. Crowd BOO him for hurting his majesty’s wives. COMPERE This coward couldn’t fight men so killed his Majesty’s wives. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Throw your spear or do you kill yourself like the others. Padour lifts his sword up and cuts across his arm. HIS MAJESTY SATAN. With ease another flees. Padour throws his sword. It darts through air quickly and Satan has to move out of way. Crowd make noises articulating amazement at near miss. PADOUR You were lucky. HIS MAJESTY SATAN You’ve no sword. Padour runs to slave man who was tied to a rack. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE He’ll save him. Suddenly loud CRUNCH is heard. EBRIE’s face turns to shock. ARENA GUARD Your friend’s just beheaded the slave with his hand. He’s pulling out the spine. He’s using it as a weapon. EBRIE stares in shock. EXT. ARENA - DAY PADOUR Now die before your eyes. HIS MAJESTY SATAN (sneers) At last a fight between real men. Padour and Satan draw together. EMTSY A fine couple of men we have. Padour and Satan draw close. Satan tries to strike but as he lunges Padour pokes the spine into Satan’s head. The spines shatters but Satan falls back. Padour rushes and grabs hold of Satan’s sword. Pulling of Satan’s arm then ripping the sword out of the arm. EMTSY Strong merciless men. What torture they perform. No woman can resist. Padour runs a few metres away. Then holds sword aloft. Crowd silent for first time in the fight. Satan tries to get up but Padour runs over and chops Satan’s other arm off. Satan stands up. PADOUR I’m your ruler I’ll kill your children, kill many of your wives but marry the others, I’m your destroyer. I rule Satan’s empire. SATAN No, Show mercy. PADOUR I command all Satan’s children be executed. Instantly soldiers are seen stabbing Satan’s children. SATAN But all my children are here. PADOUR All women hate you for you’re weak. They loved you before now they detest you. COMPERE To further humiliate old Satan. Lord Chartour is now having sex with two of the old Satan’s wives. They’ve been specifically selected not be married to new Satan but simpy to be used to humiliate old Satan as they are still married to him as he now lies injured on the arena. Your only wives are having affairs. Up on video screen is TV view of Lord Chartour having sex with Anroe and Feroe. Crowd LAUGH at Satan as he falls to his knees in horror. PADOUR Your final moment. All your women mine. Your children dead. Humiliated in front of your worshipers. Such detestable pity. Padour runs to Satan and stabs his stomach. Satan falls flat on face but alive. Padour lifts Satan’s head up pulling him up to stand. PADOUR Run, Satan, run. Satan runs on a few feet. Crowd CHEER and LAUGH as they see loser running crying. Emtsy walks onto arena. Satan sees her smiling as he falls to his knees. He smiles at her. SATAN Majesty, you love me. Emtsy shivers. EMTSY Kill him Padour he’s creepy and weak. What did I see in him. Satan’s face turns shocked. Padour walks to Emtsy and in front of Satan snogs her. Crowd CHEER as he grabs her. PADOUR I am Satan now. Loud BANG of drums. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Surely someone loves me? Chief Reporter rushes to arena pitch. CHIEF REPORTER I do. To me you’ll always be powerful. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE He’s a serial killing psychopath how do they still love him? ARENA GUARD ONE He’s weak he betrayed us. COMPERE (o.s) We’ll have a commercial break to weigh up new possibilities. ARENA GUARD ONE I’ll be next. An honour to die at an Emperor. EBRIE I used to think women were romantic. Then you find out it’s a ruthless selection of the most ruthless evil guy. URIOP You went around with this guy for years didn’t you work out there was something wrong? He said you saved his life. EBRIE I didn’t he’s been carrying me. He’s the murderer. I always wondered why women adored him. All they see him do is kill. COMPERE (o.s) The show will continue as planned. EXT. ARENA - DAY In arena His Majesty Satan still is held up by Chief Reporter. He is alive but bleeding. COMPERE As you can see old Satan’s still alive. Fighting rules allow his survival until the end of the show when our ruler will kill him infront of his ex-wives. I’m getting news all old Satan’s children have been killed. Crowd CHEER. COMPERE Now our next fight. As he would like to be called Supreme ruler, emperor, conqueror of weakness, terror of good, emperor of evil, Padour the incredible, Padour the monster, His Lord His Majesty Emperor Satan. Crowd CHEER. Fanfare starts again as new ruler enters arena. Padour copies his father’s entrance. COMPERE Welcome his first defence to fight one of our most feared guards. He’s killed 200. Arena Guard One appears on arena pitch. Crowd CHEER. Arena Guard One walks to Padour in defensively, aggressive he cuts his sword through remnants of victims. Padour runs to him in what seems a flash chops off guard’s head. Emperor Padour’s wives cheer smiling delighted with their ruler. COMPERE Even the Old Satan wouldn’t manage that. His Majesty Satan looks sorrowful at this loss of his title. COMPERE Now another of his finest Majesties guards. A guard of such fearsome reputation. He was voted world’s second sexiest man. Crowd CHEER. Wer Irpol appears on arena pitch. COMPERE Wer Irpol may have a reputation as a bit of a rebel but he worships our evil emperor and will give his life for him. Crowd CHEER. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY EBRIE That means all he rebels against is good. EXT. ARENA - DAY Wer Irpol interviewed by Chief Reporter before fight. CHIEF REPORTER Can I have one kiss before you die? Wer Irpol kisses her then punches her. She falls over. Then he cuts her foot off. WER IRPOL Treat'em mean. Keep'em keen. CHIEF REPORTER I love you Wer Irpol. PADOUR You hurt my wife. That’s my job. Crowd LAUGH. WER IRPOL I die for thee. I adore thy every move that lights fire inside thy twith no end. Hence honour thee with pain. No empty death that shouts before thee twence I cease exist vuth like rose pluckit from bush beauty ridden death awaked in thy moment capture sweet yonder at Satan’s sword. PADOUR You’re the word on the street. But mind you. You don’t write your own stuff we write it at evil records and we’ll find another evil kid and pretend he’s a genius. WER IRPOL How dare you. Wer Irpol lunges at Padour. As he does Padour flicks his sword out of Wer Irpol’s hands. Padour throws sword away then punches Wer Irpol continually until he falls to floor then Padour kicks him in head several times until broken and cracked. PADOUR He’s dead. Bring on Ebrie. Crowd CHEER. INT. ARENA CELLS - DAY Ebrie dragged from cell. COMPERE He doesn’t want to fight. EXT. ARENA - DAY Ebrie dragged onto arena pitch then pushed on floor with a sword thrown bedside him. Ebrie stands up to see Padour running at him. He runs away. Crowd LAUGH. Ebrie runs to one of the trees to climb. Padour stands at base and looks up at Ebrie climbing 200 ft tree. Crowd CHEER. Ebrie can be heard due to microphones dotted round stadium. EBRIE How can you admire this man he’s evil? Crowd CHEER. COMPERE We’ve no reason to listen to rants EBRIE You do. What about compassion, empathy? COMPERE Men should be evil. EBRIE Padour you’ve been to my world tell them. There men aren’t seen as more manly the more evil they are. Evil’s hated we want a good world. Goodness is loved, admired. Padour starts to chop down tree with sword. EBRIE What? Ebrie tries to climb down. He jumps in other direction as tree falls. Tree now is barrier between Ebrie and Padour. EBRIE God please stop. I can’t win. Please stop. Crowd CHEER. Emtsy stands up in crowd. EMTSY I visited your world as I told Padour to. A strange world where weakness is tolerated even loved. Women forced to suppress natural desires for evil. The best men locked in camps while weak men are treated as heroes. It’s called good. Men taught to behave like weak pitiful grovelling worms. Crowd makes noises of shock. EMTSY A man was found guilty of raping 14 women. His wife loved him but the others locked him up in fear, fearing strength, jealous of power, of manliness. EBRIE He was evil. He’d hurt women. EMTSY Padour received love letters from fans but they’re seen as wrong for giving in to desires no women can suppress Ebrie. Your world’s barbaric because weakness has conquered your world. Crowd BOO at Ebrie. EBRIE That’s not all. In our world we hate bullying, snobbery. Women aren’t forced to hate evil they do that because they more than men hate evil. You can’t understand. This sounds barbaric this sounds base. I shouldn’t need to say it. If women desired evil then so would men I’d desire evil and I don’t so it can’t be true. You decided what to love. Padour appears from behind tree. Padour runs at Ebrie. Ebrie runs round tree. He forces his way under branches for protection. PADOUR Bring fire. Crowd CHEER. Ebrie makes his way out of tree. PADOUR Burn it, it’ll give him less chance to escape. Guards light tree. Ebrie runs from Padour and jumps into an oasis in the dusty arena one surrounded by small palm trees. As he does he sinks, pulled down by sword. EXT. INSIDE OASIS - DAY The water is deep. Carrying a heavy sword, Ebrie sinks. The water is clear then he sees a passageway leading like a clear bright tunnel. Water seems brighter than other areas of oasis but Ebrie is running out of air. He lets go of sword and rises up. EXT. SURFACE OF OASIS - DAY Ebrie looks across oasis to see Padour staring at him, from banks of oasis. Crowd CHEER. EBRIE Why do you want to kill me? Padour jumps in oasis. Then swims after Ebrie. Ebrie swims from water to run off as Padour follows. As Padour swims last few metres Ebrie sees rock on bank. Ebrie throws it at Padour. Rock hits Padour. Padour cut. For a moment he seems troubled but regains composure and carries on. Ebrie runs toward His Majesty Satan. Now lying on floor still alive with Chief Reporter. Ebrie runs to His Majesty Satan pushes Chief Reporter off, grabs His Majesty Satan by neck and shouts at Padour. EBRIE (passionate realisation, spitting words). If I kill him. I become ruler. I’ll change things. Stop this madness. PADOUR It’s irrelevant if you kill my father. I’ve defeated him I’m the new Satan. Padour closes on Ebrie. EBRIE Please have pity on me. I don’t want death. PADOUR Your grovelling won’t save you. EBRIE (sudden realisation) But if he’s your father, you’re his son? PADOUR I’d guessed that. EBRIE That means you must die. The children of defeated men must die for they inherit weakness. PADOUR Not if I kill him. EBRIE I shall kill him. HIS MAJESTY SATAN Son, kill me. Ebrie pull’s on His Majesty Satan’s head breaking his neck. PADOUR (crying anger) No HIS MAJESTY SATAN (last dying words) Now all my children are dead. His Majesty Satan dies. Padour draws his sword into His Majesty Satan’s face. Ebrie walks back running backwards as if he is falling upwards. EBRIE I’ve killed him I’m the ruler. Padour draws sword into Ebrie. Padour pulls his own sword into himself. PADOUR I child of weakness, must die. Padour and Ebrie fall to knees. PADOUR I die by my brave warrior. Two great battlers rulers of a great empire die by my sword. What sweet death. EBRIE Psychopath. EXT. ARENA CROWD - DAY Emtsy talks to Lord Chartour now sitting beside her. EMTSY If our emperor’s died who’s the emperor? LORD CHARTOUR Who ever was next in line for the throne. EMSTY All Satan’s children were killed. LORD CHARTOUR I’ll consult our expert. LORD CHARTOUR (to Lord Frier) What’s the constitutional situation? LORD FRIER Who ever is next to fight win’s the throne. LORD CHARTOUR But there’s only one fighter left. EMTSY No. EXT. ARENA - DAY Ketrin brought onto pitch. COMPERE Hail our new emperor. Crowd muted. CROWD PERSON What the hell’s this? EMTSY We can’t have him he’s weak he’s not killed. Look of disgust entrenches Emtsy’s face. LORD CHARTOUR We must kill him he’s weak, good. Other wives look disgusted at sight of such a man. CHIEF REPORTER Why would we want you? You’re weak and good. You’re a woman. Have you killed? KETRIN No. I’m proud of that. CHIEF REPORTER Have you raped? KETRIN No I find that beneath any evil imaginable. CHIEF REPORTER Tell me you’ve beaten vulnerable people from manly desires to cause suffering. Tell me you bullied people at school. KETRIN No. Although I’ve been a victim of such attacks from snide bullying thugs. Chief Reporter shakes. CHIEF REPORTER You make my skin crawl. I can’t marry you I can’t have sex with you the idea of sex with good men’s sick. It is shame such great men as Satan die childless. Yet weak men live. KETRIN Why can’t good men be fathers? CHIEF REPORTER (laughs hysterically) You a father! What kind of father would you be? Father’s must be terrifying they should kill children if they’re weak. You’d be pitiful and would pass on weakness. I can understand concern at great evil men not continuing their line but weakness like you. No one expects you to have children no woman would want weakness. COMPERE A resolution’s been passed. The harem’s ordered a new fight. Crowd ROARS. KETRIN This isn’t fair. Stop this evil. COMPERE His leader of his majesty’s army, supreme leader, imperial protectorate, his lord supreme excellency Lord Chartour. Crowd CHEER wildly. KETRIN He’s bound to win. EMTSY That’s the idea. KETRIN I know you want an unhappy ending to this as you’re evil. Don’t pretend it’s artistic novelty it’s cause you’re evil. You want the bad guy to win cause you’re the bad guy. Lord Chartour appears on arena pitch, dressed in armour. LORD CHARTOUR Die. Like so many others on my sword. EMTSY He’s so brave to our ideals. KETRIN I’m a good, why support him? EMTSY Die, weakness. KETRIN Why can’t you learn to love good, be turned on by it. I know good’s a weakness and someone once said it impossible to love men out of sympathy but why can’t you. Crowd GROAN in agony. KETRIN (almost crying) Why do you want to kill me what have I done to deserve this? LORD CHARTOUR It’s a dog eat dog world. KETRIN I can’t be a martyr you don’t understand martyrs. I wouldn’t want to die anyway. This is just a story it can make good win. LORD CHARTOUR I’ll catch you. You’ll die if it takes all night. KETRIN Follow me people. Follow me to a new world where good wins where evil is punished, follow me. EMTSY Get on with it Lord Chartour. LORD CHARTOUR One fatal blow is all I need to sweep your sodden blood drench your face. Drink fresh red juice from a dead body of a conquered victim. No man resists such pleasure. KETRIN I’m proud to be weak it’s part of my identity I’m proud to be good. Maybe I’m scum but I’m good scum. I’m not the one with something to be ashamed of. Evil’s the only sin. Everything else’s good or superficial. Ketrin runs behind the large circular oasis. Lord Chartour reaches other side. Crowd throw things at Ketrin coins, fruits, knives. KETRIN Why support evil? COMPERE We hate weakness. We must punch it. EMTSY You don’t realise how annoying good men like you are. You keep seeing life in terms of good v evil. See it as normal v sad, winners v losers, cool v sad, popular v unpopular. Then you’ll see why we hate you. Why people like you annoy us. You insult us with your grovelling weakness. KETRIN But you shouldn’t hate people for being losers, creepy, sad ugly that’s all superficial that isn’t how to judge. EMTSY What are these weird views? Kill him. Lord Chartour runs round oasis to catch up Ketrin but he runs round it too. Lord Chartour stops to remove armour to make himself lighter. Ketrin runs towards crowd. Ketrin climbs up the arena walls to enter the arena stadium audience seating. Then runs towards harem enclosure. LORD CHARTOUR There’s nothing more sinful than cowardice. What am I without bravery. Why not lie and take my sword as man of honour. KETRIN As emperor I declare release the giant animal. I’ll fight him. I release Cursle. I release my aunt and uncle. I release Uriop release slaves and imprison all evil people. I disown my title. EXT. ARENA - DAY Guards release animal. A 60 ft high monster appears. A bipod fanged grey ogre. LORD CHARTOUR Help me. Lord Chartour tries to flee. GIANT MONSTER runs after Lord Chartour and lifts him up. It lifts Lord Chartour up pushing him into it’s mouth, killing Lord Chartour as he bites. Ketrin his sister, wife and aunt run out of the exits while guard watches new emperor a large 60ft tall monster eating the remnants of Lord Chartour. EMTSY He’s a bad boy. TOGDEF another harem wife comments on the monster. TOGDEF Sex with such terrifying evil would be fantastic. Harem wives walk onto pitch expecting sex. But are eaten by monster. INT. PALACE CORRIDORS - DAY Ketrin runs with aunt, uncle, Cursle, Uriop out of the palace. EXT. THE GARDENS - DAY Ketrin, Aunt, and Uncle and Cursle and Uriop run out for the gardens towards forest. EXT. ARENA - DAY Monster roars loudly as it walks towards crowd and starts to draws crowd into it’s mouth but they watch in admiration. INT. PUB - DAY PUB MAN ONE What a guy. The most ruthless murdersome animal I’ve seen. We shouldn’t even exist. EXT. PALACE WALLS - DAY Ketrin, Cursle, Aunt and Uncle And Uriop climb over wall. As alarm sounds of in palace. INT. ARENA - DAY Monster slowly munching it’s way through crowd. Some fight back. The monster pushes an important pillar holding up arena. The pillar collapses pulling down roof. EXT. CITY OVERLOOKING - DAY Palace crumbles collapsing into ground. Then it falls down deeper into cavern as is system was built over water. Water rushes in from sea. Waves crash in reaching up cliffs. KETRIN We should leave this place. URIOP Yes let’s go to where Ebrie was from. FADE OUT. 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