ࡱ> EGD'` &bjbj"9"9 k2@S@S& ```````$HHHH$lL+$$Oh!`III``777I ``7I77V@``z 𕕶S8HS 0+x"F"zz"`JLw7li- +IIII HH``````  Name ______________________________ Date ___________________ Pd ________ Religion in India: Hinduism and Buddhism I. Overview of Religions of Ancient India: The people of the Indus River Valley developed 2 major religions that are still practiced today: ___________________ & ___________________ II. Hinduism A. Video & Discussion 1. The basic foundations of Hinduism rest on the individuals quest for _________________________? 2. What happens when a Hindu experiences good karma? 3. Name 1 of the many thousands of Hindu gods (by name or what they do)? B. Basic beliefs: 1. Hinduism is based upon the search for ________________________________________________________ & the liberation from the ________________ world 2. This understanding is called _____________________ (also called nirvana or enlightenment) 3. Only the top of the _____________________________________________ can achieve moksha 4. Hindus believe in _____________________________________________ (people are reborn into another form) 5. Moving up in the caste is based on fulfilling ________________ (duty) & gaining ______________ (good deeds) C. Gods: 1. Hindus believe in _______________________ of gods, but 3 are supreme 2. ___________________ the creator, Vishnu the preserver, & _________________ the destroyer D. Texts: 1. There is ________ single Hindu text, but the Upanishads & _________________________ are important works E. Impact on society: 1. Hinduism & caste system dominate all aspects of ones life, such as who people can ____________________ & how to _____________________ III. Buddhism Quick Class Activity: How Buddhism is different from Hinduism? B. Origins: 1. Buddhism was created by ________________________________________________________ who abandoned a noble life in search of _______________________________________ 2. After a period of ______________, Siddhartha gained enlightenment & became known as the ____________ C. Basic Beliefs: 1. Like Hinduism, Buddhists believe in ____________________ & reincarnation 2. But, Buddhists rejected the ___________________________________________ & the idea that only Brahmins can achieve nirvana 3. The major teaching of Buddhism are the _________________________________________________________ a. First Noble: Truth Life is filled with __________________________ and sorrow. b. Second Noble Truth: The cause of all suffering is peoples ________________________________________ for the temporary pleasures of this world. c. Third Noble Truth: The way to end all suffering is to end all ______________________________________. d. Fourth Noble Truth: The way to overcome such desires and attain _________________________________ is to follow the Eightfold Path, which is called the Middle Way between desires and self-denial. 4. Buddhists believe they can achieve nirvana by following the __________________________________________ D. Impact on society: 1. Women & Hindus in the _____________________________________ were attracted to Buddhism 2. ____________________________________ spread Buddhism into Asia Major World Religions from the River Valley Era HinduismBuddhismJudaismNumber of GodsHoly BooksMoral Law (Guide to live your life?)LeadersFinal Goal (What do people hope to achieve?  -.`a , / B H P i n    R yypepeyZpeyZpeh h\CJaJh\h!uPJaJh\h\aJ h\aJh\h!>PJaJh\h!>>*aJh\h!>aJh!>h!>CJaJh!>hg5>*CJh!>h!>5>*CJh!>hgCJaJ hgCJhBh>I!B*CJphhXB*CJphhBhgB*CJphhQB*CJph!.`aC R j   S T h 8dP^8`gd 8d^8`gd\d^`gd\hd^h`gd\hdP^h`gd $da$gd!> dgdg&R S T  4 ] a u $ R b t " 3 B F M Q Z b ~ )=G\]lh h\CJaJh\h\>*aJh\6]aJh\h!>6]aJh\h\aJ h\aJh\h!>aJh h\CJaJ h!uaJD ] B M ]l_- dgd\  & Fdgd\hd^h`gd\ dP^gd d^`gd\8dP^8`gd 7^_cux,1Mxy"(<Vcy{| ;acy|}0l 3̸׸׸׸ק̧̧קh ^JaJh\\^JaJh\h\\^JaJh\^JaJh\h!>^JaJh\h\^JaJ h aJh\h\aJh\h!>aJ h\aJB-cc, N~$d$Ifa$gd!u Vd^VgdcL$Vd^Va$gdcLd^`gd\dP7$8$H$^`gd 8dP^8`gd 3MN}~%&Ĺh\hcL^JaJh!uhcL^JaJhcLhcLCJ ^JaJhcLh!>5CJ ^JaJhcLhcL5CJ ^JaJhcL^JaJh\h!>^JaJ\KKKK$d$Ifa$gd!ukd$$IflU\ @)8  t0644 laVyt!u\KKKK$d$Ifa$gd!ukd$$Ifl\ @)8  t0644 laVyt!u\KKKK$d$Ifa$gd!ukdd$$Ifl\ @)8  t0644 laVyt!u\KKKK$d$Ifa$gd!ukd$$Ifl\ @)8  t0644 laVyt!u!"#$\KKKK$d$Ifa$gd!ukd$$Ifl\ @)8  t0644 laVyt!u$%&\N Vd^VgdcLkdz$$Ifl\ @)8  t0644 laVyt!u21h:p / =!"#h$h% 51h0:pcL= /!"#$% $$IfV!vh5 555#v #v:V lU t06,5 5aVyt!u$$IfV!vh5 555#v #v:V l t06,5 5aVyt!u$$IfV!vh5 555#v #v:V l t06,5 5aVyt!u$$IfV!vh5 555#v #v:V l t06,5 5aVyt!u$$IfV!vh5 555#v #v:V l t06,5 5aVyt!u$$IfV!vh5 555#v #v:V l t06,5 5aVyt!u666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666J@J >I!Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k( 0No List DOD !> List Paragraph ^m$jj cL Table Grid7:V0N & 242.`aCRjSTh] BM]l_- c c , N ~  ! 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