ࡱ> 796 bjbj΀ 4&=====QQQQm Q8yyyyyuwwwwww !w====w==yy;=.=y=yu=u:,ey`QkR  a0RP"P"eP"=eZ@R4ww====P" : Practice IDs (Open Notes, 6-7 minutes): Grade each on 10-pt scale. Hunter-gatherers are basically nonexistent today. Hunter-gatherers have been around as long as humans have. They traveled from area to area searching for food. The growth of farming development mad hunter-gatherers slowly disappear. Hunter gatherers were a group of people who were around mostly before people started farming, but continued through out history. They would have to go out and find the food that they were going to eat everyday. Which is why there were some rough timesbecause of maybe scarcity of food, or bad weather could keep you from eating that day. Hunters and gatherers which were prevalent around 10,000 B.C. use stone or bone tools to hunt & kill big game animals. Living in small communities so that if food was scarce none would be hungry and die. As populations grew the need for consistent food reliability was crucial which ultimately forced many of traditional H & G to domesticating livestock and produce agriculture. The earliest human beings were hunter gatherers, which meant they hunted wild animals and gathered edible plants and nuts for their food. They lived a nomadic life, staying in one place only temporarily until they moved on to find food. The hunter-gatherer lifestyle started to decline around 10,000 B.C. with the emergence of food producing humans, although many persons around the world continued to hunt and gather for centuries. Hunter gatherers are a band of people roughly 25-30. These bands went out and hunted large animals for meat but also having some women and small children stay at a small camp where the foraged for berries, plants, and grains that would make up a large portion of their diet. After the hunting bands came back with wild game, they would cut out the meat and eat it before moving to the next spot. They had an equalized form of society where only the elder people were put higher due to their wisdom. Hunter-gatherers modern humans (Homo sapiens) dominated during the Paleolithic period (up to 10,000 BC). Small bands of 20-40 people wandered with men hunting animals with simple stone tools and women raised children and foraged for berries, nuts, & plants. Hunter-gatherer society tended to be more equal, but over hundreds or thousands of years with climate changes most hunter-gatherers evolved to food production with the domestication of animals (sheep, goats, cattle) and planting permanent grains (wheat, oats, barley). The gave rise to the earliest civilizations in the Fertile Crescent around 4,000 BC. The Neolithic revolution was how early peoples learned to sow and harvest crops to raise animals for food remains. The Neolithic revolution is also referred to as the new stone age. The time period is 10,000 to 4,000 BCE. Before the Neolithic revolution was the Paleolithic period from 20,000-10,000 BCE. The Neolithic revolution took place from 10,000-4,000 BC. There was radical changes that took place. The domestication of animals and agriculture. They developed hierarchies. They also studied size, growth, and population. They made pottery, tools, beads, and started to burry their dead. During the Neolithic revolution farming became more common among the people. However, farming took thousands of years, but through trial and error they more knowledgeable. During this time they began to make tools to making the new farming and cooking easier. The Neolithic period started to change the way the people ran things the men hunted and did the labor, and the women cooked and tended to the man children they had. The Neolithic revolution is a time period about 10,000-4,000 BC. It is a time when a big shift was occurring from people being hunter gatherers to becoming farmers. In this time some people starting farming while others continued to be hunter-gatherers. Some even were a mix between the two, planting crops while also going out & hunting-gathering while their crops grew. People began to live longer healthier lives due to the better nutrition they received from the crops they ate. The Neolithic revolution occurred around 10,000 BC in or around the fertile crescent, which is located in current day Syria, Turkey, and northern Iraq. This is where it is thought that this is where hunter gatherers first started to farm. During this time hunter gatherers began to farm and domesticate animals for food. Now that the human species wasnt always on the move they now began to build houses and in some cases cities. With farming and domestication of animals ment more food allowing for the human population to grow. The Neolithic revolution is what started the switch to civilization and made our world what it is today. The Neolithic Revolution (ca 10,000-4,000 BC) takes its name from Neolithic meaning new stone in comparison to Paleolithic meaning old stone. The Neolithic revolution is unique in that facts that it was when humanity first started the move towards food producing and stationary settled. Hunter gatherers in the Fertile Crescent, and naturally adept area for crop production, started collecting wild grain cereals beginning the idea of food production as these cereals were replenishable. With more food and settled land the population increases as health increases as a whole and the first established cities are born.  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