ࡱ>    Y /bjbjWW "@==]8R& " npppppp$ b bbb   n nb bnn $`MF$nAxis & Allies: Pacific Q&A as of 7-17-01 compiled by Greg Nichols AvalonHill Occasional Browser (3/26/01 3:48:09 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=2" ReplyLanding fighters after a kamikaze attack  The rules are the same as a normal attack in this case. If the carrier is sunk on Japan's turn, then the fighters get their usual one move range. If the carrier is sunk on the Allies turn, then one of two things can happen: The fighters were flying alongside the carrier and have their normal move left The fighters were on the carrier as it moved, in which case they are cargo and go down with the ship Phoenix Don's Gaming Forum Regular posts: 148 (3/27/01 10:57:27 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=8" Reply Community Supporter  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.facelink.com/P34013?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60" Re: CAP and non-combat movement in general  AA gun? This is in contrary to what has been discussed sometime ago that (in AA Europe), an AA gun can be "moved" into a transport" in combat phase together with other battle units that will perform an amphibious assault and wait until a land is cleared, then moved into a just-captured territory in the non-combat. Is it wrong or illegal to do this? Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/27/01 12:49:22 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=9" Reply AA Exception  Yeah, AA guns can be a pain in the rule system. AA guns may be loaded onto a transport and then 'held' during the Amphibious Assault. It may then be unloaded during non-combat, provided you too the territory. So it is the only exception that I can think of (now that I've been reminded) to the above commentary. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/27/01 3:34:55 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=11" ReplyUK IPCs  The 12 (not 20 unless there is another huge typo) IPCS available to the UK is given out at the start of the game. At that point, before Japan takes turn 1, the UK player must split it up between India and Australia (anything from a 12/0 to a 0/12 split). Then, at the end of UK 1, UK gets all IPCs coming from the convoys (may be less than 12). At that point, before the US goes, the UK splits it up again. In other words, that discretionary pile only lasts for a minute as the UK decides where it goes. All action stops while that decision is being made. As for the SBR, since the discretionary pool doesn't exist except between turns, SBRing India or Australia will only take from that economy. It doesn't bleed over to the other one. Don's Gaming Forum Moderator posts: 485 (3/28/01 4:16:09 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=13" ReplyCAP and Continental Lines  Rob, CAP may, or may not, be flown off continental shorelines? Andre Bolkonsky War is but an extension of Politics by other means Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/29/01 7:09:33 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=14" ReplyCAP Ranges  Correct. Combat air patrol may be established in any sea zone that is adjacent to (or surrounds) the land territory where the fighter starts. In this case, air bases do not allow you to establish a CAP two sz away; it must be adjacent. When landing at the start of your next turn, you can move to an adjacent land territory or carrier. BTW, the CAP rule allows you to build carriers 'under' a CAP, finally putting a loaded carrier into the water (although you still need to have the fighters a turn ahead of time). HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/baxisandalliesessayfeedback.showLocalUserPublicProfile?login=milner69" milner69 Registered Gamer posts: 1 (3/29/01 11:47:17 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=15" ReplyCHINA Question  ROB, OK, if China liberates Chinese territory that Japan starts the games with, Korea, etc.) which has an IPC value, do they just get that number in additional grunts per turn? I imagine so, but... Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/29/01 12:03:57 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=16" ReplyChina  Correct...sort of. I'll elaborate; forgive me if this is what you meant. China gets _one_ infantry for every territory she controls with an IPC value, plus one if the Burma Road is open. It doesn't matter what the actual value of the territory is. This means if one of the three Chinese territories controlled by Japan is liberated, then China gets an additional infantry for each liberated territory, not one per the value of the territory itself. So the most infantry China can get in a turn is 8 (Szechwan & Sikang = 2, Korea & Manchuria & Shantung = 3, Siam & FIC = 2, Burma Road = 1). This is unlikely, to say the least.  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/baxisandalliesessayfeedback.showLocalUserPublicProfile?login=garrettpotvin" Garrett Potvin Registered Gamer posts: 5 (3/29/01 12:26:23 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=17" ReplyDestroyer used as a transport.  Let's say that you want to assault and take an island that has a fleet protecting it. If you have a Destroyer that is acting as a transport can it sit out the naval clearing battle and attempt an amphibious assault after the naval zone is cleared? Or is it assumed as with a battle ship that it has not option but to participate and the naval battle and thus can not unload its cargo until the next turn? Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/29/01 12:46:55 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=18" ReplyDestroyers as Transports  Neither, actually. A Japanese destroyer with an infantry unit on board can fight in the naval battle and unload the infantry in an Amphibious Assault. The only thing it can't do is give a support shot. This is true whether there was a sea battle or not. Transports can unload after a battle, as can destroyers. The only thing a transport/destroyer can't do after a battle is both load and unload a unit (rare on this map anyway).  DouglasGG Occasional Browser (3/29/01 7:36:01 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=19" ReplyNo Japanese units in Siam at game start  I just wanted some clarification that Japan has no units at the start of the game in Siam. It appears to be the only land territory that Japan controls without any units, and I was wondering if this was a typo of some sort. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/29/01 10:11:10 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=20" ReplySiam I Am  It is correct that Siam starts out Japanese-controlled but unoccupied.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/usteveoftexas.showPublicProfile?language=EN" steveoftexas Registered Gamer posts: 5 (3/31/01 2:01:08 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=22" ReplyChinese and US attacks  Can the Chinese and US attack together? If not, who attacks (the same place) first on the US/China player turn...US, China, or player choice? Thanks, Steve Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/1/01 11:50:35 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=24" ReplyUS & China  The US and China attack together. If you want the Chinese to go from "mild distraction" to "horrendous nightmare", get a few US bombers over there.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uramprat.showPublicProfile?language=EN" ramprat Registered Gamer posts: 5 (3/31/01 11:47:26 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=23" ReplyNaval base and air base movement questions  1)Is it correct that naval units can only move a maximum of 3 spaces during the non-combat movement phase and only from friendly naval base to friendly naval base? 2)Also, is it correct the maximum bonus movement aircraft get when flying in an area adjacent to or with an air base is one free space. What if there are multiple bases in the areas you are flying your planes over, do the planes get multiple free movements? 3) Same question as stevefromtexas? Thanks,MikeAvalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/1/01 11:54:36 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=25" ReplyAll Your Bases Are Answered By Us  1. If you have ships in a friendly naval bases, you may move them three spaces on a turn only if the third movement gets them to another friendly naval bases. 2. Air bases do not 'give' movement points in the way you are describing them. Air bases operate like aircraft carriers in the sense that planes taking off or landing on them do not have to pay a movement point to do so. Any flying in between takeoff and landing is not affected. Note that an enemy attacking an island with an airbases must still pay the movement to attack/leave the island.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/2/01 6:56:17 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=29" ReplyNonCombat Issue  Yes, moving in non-combat in between naval bases still allows a transport to pick up units, from multiple locations. Just remember that unloading a transport ends its movement.  AvalonHill Occasional Browser (4/2/01 1:00:45 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=35" ReplySBR Rules  Actually, the rules in Europe are wrong. In all cases in all games, planes hit by AA guns are immediately removed and do not fire.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/ugenpage1.showPublicProfile?language=EN" GenPage1 Registered Gamer posts: 51 (4/3/01 6:14:51 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=42" ReplyAir bases  Rob, Situation: Allies hold the Solomons & Japs hold a surrounding sea area. Do the air units from the solomons going to fight in the sea zone get 4 movements in Non Com due to the base ? Will moving into a convoy route in non com affect the income ? Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/4/01 6:45:40 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=43" ReplyRE: Air Bases  Yes, since it cost 0 to fight the Japanese in the surrounding sz, then the Allied fighters still have four movement points in Non-combat Convoy ownership does not change hands in non-combat.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/4/01 7:55:32 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=46" ReplyOccupying Territories  Sorry Steve, I think you posted this earlier and I forgot to respond. 1. The income goes to India. This is true for all UK conquests. 2. No. Whoever conquers the territory controls it until (if) the enemy takes it back. You cannot bequeath a territory to an Ally.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/upzkwi.showPublicProfile?language=EN" pzkwi Registered Gamer posts: 34 (4/4/01 8:40:59 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=48" ReplyCovoy Routes and Hawaii  I Accidentally mis-posted this as a new topic.. please answere here. Here are two quick questions I would like to get "Official" answers to. 1. This one sounds like a "no-brainer" to me, but I have been asked several times. Can you move into a Sea Zone containing an enemy controlled Sea Route or Convoy during non-Combat ? I believe the answer is yes, and taking control of the convoy on the next turn works the same as for a sub. (The sub rule is detailed on Page 22 Column 1 near the bottom of the page) 2. Place new units. Can you place Naval units in Hawaii? Page 25 Column 1. "Naval units acquired during phase 1 are now placed in sea zone adjacent to your home territory." Note the singular "territory". This seems clear to me that ships must be placed in USA.Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/4/01 9:20:06 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=49" ReplyAnswers  Yes, you can move naval units into an enemy-controlled convoy sz during non-combat. However, ownership of the convoy does not change hands. You may also spend one movement to liberate the convoy zone at the start of your next combat move. Yes, the US can build in Hawaii. (Thank you for posting this, as I just won a bet. I bet someone that that was confusing and said we'd hear about it.)  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/6/01 6:04:41 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=55" ReplyCorrect on Australia  Australia's base income can never be higher than its starting income. India's can go up due to the conquest of Japanese territories. Both are supplemented by convoy money.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/6/01 9:32:03 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=58" ReplyLittle SZs  The area within the white lines (all the water within the Caroline Islands for example) is part of the land territory (in this case, the Carolines) and is not a sz. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/6/01 1:20:55 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=60" ReplyThree answers  1. No, kamikaze can only target surface ships. 2. Only naval bases can be utilized the turn they are captured. You can only land on a territory you controlled since the start of the turn, whether it has an airbase or not. 3. UK liberates the Philippines for the USA. US liberates Java or Borneo for UK. The US can build a factory on any space colored blue or red (no China symbol) that contains an IPC value. This is, off the top of my head -- two home islands, Siam, FIC, Philippines.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/9/01 7:41:07 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=69" ReplyAA guns  OK, here's how AA guns work. I know this is true in AAE and AAP and I believe it to be true in AA. Make all combat movement. Then see how many planes (bombers and fighters combined) flew over or into a territory with an enemy AA gun. The defender then rolls dice equal to the total number of planes. Any '1's result in a plane being lost -- attacker's choice. If the attacker flew over multiple AA guns in multiple territories, resolve them in any order you choose; it doesn't matter since all combat movement is finished. Now conduct combat as normal (any AA guns in embattled territories have already rolled). If the attacker chooses to retreat, he retreats all land units and all planes, landing the planes where he sees fit. If any planes flew over any AA guns, the defender gets to fire the guns again. Any losses are taken from the recently moved planes. However, all retreating should be done before dice are rolled, just mark/remember which planes are subject to AA gun fire. I think that clears it up, although it could have just muddied things entirely. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/9/01 12:26:03 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=71" ReplyAA Gun addendum  Correct. An AA gun in the embattled territory gets to fire at the start of combat. It does not ALSO get to fire at retreating units.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uandrebolkonsky.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Andre Bolkonsky  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/white_fire.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Don's Gaming Forum Moderator posts: 529 (4/9/01 9:30:29 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=74" ReplyRe: Rob / AH Rules Clarifications for AAP  Javelin, Rob has answered that question previously, but I'll be happy to repeat the answer for you. Regarding UK income: Your assertion is correct: UK HAS TWO PILES OF MONEY; one for Australia, and one for India. These can never be shared. UK CANNOT make a THIRD pile of money separate from the other two. UK MUST put her convoy income in either the Australian or the Indian piles BEFORE the US turn. The reason being that UK must commit her income before Japan's move. She can't wait until after Japan moves to decide where she to spend her discretionary income.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uzephaus.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Zephaus Registered Gamer posts: 46 (4/9/01 7:27:48 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=134.topic" ReplyMarine Cost  In the rulebook it says the cost of U.S. Marines it 4 IPC. On my USA Card, it says the cost is 3. While I believe it most likely is 4, I just wanted to get clarification. Thanks! Todd M.  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/baxisandalliesessayfeedback.showLocalUserPublicProfile?login=shaveandahaircut" shaveandahaircut Registered Gamer posts: 2 (4/10/01 7:55:00 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=134.topic&index=4" ReplyMarine cost  It has been clarified by Rob of AH that the correct cost of marines is 4. The card is misprinted and incorrectly states the cost as 3.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/4/01 11:34:32 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=122.topic&index=4" ReplyBalance  Is the game perfectly balanced? Probably not. Is it very, very close? I'd say 'yes' until further information comes my way. I will say that, against a competent Japanese player, the Allies have to think smart and think ahead. America, for all her economic might, has long supply lines. You need to think a few turns ahead to make sure everything is arriving when it should, where it should. To that end I recommend patience. Prevent Japan, if at all possible, from scoring 4 VPS in a turn but live with 3 VPs for 1 to 4 turns. For Japan to score 4 VPs she needs to have all her major holdings plus either Dutch New Guinea, Burma, or one of the two Chinese provinces. If she can't get one of those four, she will be at 39 IPCs. Do not run out after Japan too soon or else her on board material will sink the Allied pocket fleets. Also, be sure to reduce your distance as soon as you can. If the Carolines are yours, then Hawaii to Carolines is one move. New Britain in UK hands at the end of the game shave a turn off of Australian movement. Plus, retake the Philippines if at all possible. Remember that the US can build factories and then start pumping out three units per turn from the Philippines. Other options for factories are a home island (riskier) or Siam or FIC (further away). Just a few more thoughts. The SBRing Japan backward on VPs is a great ENDGAME strategy for the Allies. I don't think, offhand, it is a great early game strategy. You'll get pasted in my opinion. Also, you can get US bombers from Hawaii into China in two turns (via Australia). Hope this gives insight.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/5/01 12:51:49 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=126.topic&index=1" ReplySBR  Japan can never lose through an SBR; she just does not go forward. Japan loses if she does NOT score at least 1 VP at the end of HER turn. Edited by:  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uandrebolkonsky.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Andre Bolkonsky  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/white_fire.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET at: 4/5/01 2:04:10 pm  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uandrebolkonsky.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Andre Bolkonsky  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/white_fire.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Don's Gaming Forum Moderator posts: 496 (4/1/01 11:14:40 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=113.topic&index=1" ReplyRe: 2-4 players?  2 or 3 players only. Allies v. Japan; or UK and US v. Japan; respectively. Four players is not correct, although it might have been suggested at some point.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/29/01 10:17:14 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=99.topic&index=1" ReplyMore rules...  1. Am I understanding the rule book correctly that you may ONLY take advantage of a Naval Base in the Non Com phase of a turn ? CORRECT. 2. a)Does a Kamikaze attack have to originate from within the Kami Zone? Rather than answer your subquestions, let me explain kamikaze. They are NOT fighters on the board. Japan could have no fighters in play at all and still use her kamikaze (assuming she still had her six). Kamikaze can only be used during a battle in a zone marked with the kamikaze symbol. They attack (or defend) during the first round of combat (there is no unit for them, just dice to roll) and disappear after. They cannot be taken as losses (other than the hard way -- hitting a boat). They hit on a...I think it is 2 but it is late at night and I just painted my bathroom. Their special ability (other than appearing out of nowhere) is that they choose the target -- any surface ship is up for grabs. Before rolling any dice (on either side), the Japanese player decides if he will use kamikaze in that battle and, if so, how many. When it is his turn, he allocates those kamikaze against targets and rolls away. Hit targets still fire back (defend). I think that's it. 3. Can a lone Tranny move through an enemy controled convoy space ? Yes, but it will not liberate that convoy. 4. Does landing a CAP count as a Ftr's move ? Can a landed CAP Ftr be used to go out on an attack ? No. Yes. In order for a fighter to establish a CAP, it can't have moved that turn. When it lands at the start of the next turn, it still has all its normal movement and may attack or move as normal.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (3/29/01 12:55:18 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=94.topic&index=14" ReplyClarifications  1. SBR reduces only VP or cash as well or Allies can choose or Japan can choose which they want to lose? Both. The SBR is normal with the addition that for every full 10 IPCs Japan turns over to the bank, she also loses a VP. 2. Allies' victory that reduce Japan to 9 IPCs , you mean CASH, VP or National Production Income and at which state (or round or the end of whose turn) that this number has to be calculated to clear the Allies' victory condition? Basically, Japan is like a shark, she must keep going forward. If Japan fails to score at least one VP at the end of her turn (this would happen if she collects 9 IPCs or fewer) then she loses. 3. Same question of 2 but at which point Japan uses her VP to claim the victory? End of her turn or end of the Round she has reached the demanded VP? At the end of her turn. She wins or loses on VP at the end of her turn. Which always gives her an extra turn to squeak out the win or die trying. 4. You mentioned the failure to kill submarine makes you unable to take Philipines, does it mean there is money from philipine water Japan can take or you mean you fail to do amphibious assault Philipines because you warship lost to the sub (which defends only 1!!!!). Many islands/territories have IPC values and convoys. You have to control both to get the money. If they are controlled by both sides (one has the land, the other the sea) then neither collects it. 5. Is there any Allies capital proned to "STACK" as Moscow done in this game (AAE)? Can Japan possibly push everything to one capital and ignore the rest and win? She can try. After the Stack had become popular in AAE, we went and stacked everything against India and then adjusted the game to make that difficult (50/50 with perfect playing). Then we did the same with Australia. There is no real Allied Stack that I can see. 6. Between VP and Capital capture, which one is obviously easier option or which one is nearly impossible? I'd say that Japan always has the option for a capital or VP. Many times Japan is going for VPs and then the British player leaves a capital vulnerable and BAM it's all over. I've never seen Japans mainland taken by the Allies but, then again, I don't think anyone ever tried that hard.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/10/01 12:39:21 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=81" ReplyICs  1. You can lose unlimited IPCs from an SBR at an IC, regardless of its value (how's that for abbreviations?). 2. Any factory built by the US and/or captured by Japan is limited to the IPC value of the territory. 3. The Hawaiian IC has unlimited builds for the US.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/ubuckles75.showPublicProfile?language=EN" buckles75 Registered Gamer posts: 2 (4/10/01 1:22:10 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=84" ReplyLots more questions  AH, Ooooh, I have more questions. 4 in total. 1) This carrier pick-up issue is confusing to me as well. The way I see it, carriers often have varying options as to where they can move to pick up attacking fighters. Since the carrier move is specifically non-com movement, isn't it possible to have a theoretical landing place for the fighters even though you know they are going on a suicide mission? And if the fighters are indeed destroyed, then moving the carrier for pickup during non-com is not necessary. So what I gather is that this is still a suicide loophole. All you need is a theoretical landing scenario. To me it would be more accurate to require carrier pick-up movement during combat movement, yet consider the move under non-com rules. The carrier should have to decide where it is going to meet the fighters regardless of the outcome of battle. This is why I feel it should be during com movement because there are often more than one possible pick-up spot and it shoudl be declared. Your thoughts? 2) I have another question regarding the loophole allowing CAP aircraft to land on newly-built carriers placed beneath them. To the best of my understanding this is only a partial loophole. CAP fighters land after the build phase and they begin a CAP before the placing phase. So what I gather is that the new carriers are still bare and fighterless from the end of your turn until just prior to com movement on your next turn (that is if you decide to land them post-CAP on the carriers). Oh, d'uh, I think I just answered my own question. Does that fact that there is an active CAP hovering over a newly-built carrier have the same effect as if there were fighters actually on-board the carrier as far as defense is concerned? 3) Also, what do you think about adding the CAP rule to A&A: Europe? I think it would add more realism and make the Mediterranean more of the hellhole for shipping it actually was, and it could also make Iceland potentially important as a North Atlantic CAP base (this one's a reach, I know). 4) Regarding IC builds. In the old A&A you could build an IC anywhere, even on a territory with no IPC value. In such a case the build limit would be "one." Therefore, zero-value territories and one-IPC territories were the same as far as ICs were concerned. In this game it seems as if this is not allowed, and a minimum value of one IPC is necessary for an IC build. Is that correct? And on a side note, you said earlier that US IC builds may only take place on blue or red spaces (i.e. home U.S. or captured Japanese territories). However, I could swear reading at least one example in the rulebook which referred to US-built ICs on Chinese soil. I think it was under an SBR scenario, referring to the limit of Japanese IPC loss if they were to capture an American-built IC in China which was subsequently bombed by the Allies. Sorry for the barrage of questions. I just wanted to get them all out at once. Thanks, you're doing a great job. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/10/01 2:07:18 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=85" Reply3 answers (not 4)  1. When you move a fighter into combat, you have to have a valid landing space. Sometimes this space is a place where a carrier will be on non-combat but isn't there yet. However, it is important that every fighter put into combat has a landing space -- there is no room for attrition. If the fighters are then destroyed in combat, the carrier no longer has to go pick them up. If the fighter(s) survive, the the CV is required to move in to land them. 2. You figured it out. The fighters on CAP have the same function as sitting on-decks. 3. Go nuts. 4. Hmmm...our intent was to mimic A&A. I'll have to go look that up. For now, play where a territory needs an IPC value to produce units.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/11/01 6:12:10 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=94" Reply2 answers  1. Destroyers _never_ do shore bombardment when dropping off an infantry unit. 2. There is no misprint for sz 20. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/11/01 6:15:57 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=95" ReplyTwo (more) answers  1. This is a legal move and comes under the term 'risky'. You have a clear landing site for the fighter, but there is a chance that the sea battle will not go well and the carrier will not be there. However, you have made provisions for the plane to land so you are covered. 2. You declare kamikaze use before any combat in a kamikaze sz, regardless of whose turn it is. To use a kamikaze you must: 1. Have some remaining 2. Have a combat situation in that sz. This situation can be a sea battle or an amphibious assault on a Japanese island (with no sea battle). You declare how many you are using before any dice are rolled. Then you decide how many kamikaze are being dedicated against which targets (again, before dice are rolled). Then you roll dice. Casualties are moved behind the casualty line on the battle board, but still get to return fire. Mark down the kamikaze marker on the reference chart.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/11/01 7:18:20 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=97" ReplyKamikaze vs. transport  Yes, you could target a transport that is about to unload onto an island in a kamikaze zone, even if there is no sea battle beforehand. What you CANNOT do with kamikaze is use them to stop movement of ship passing through a kamikaze zone. Example: An American transport is moving from sz 19 through 25 (kamikaze zone) into 34. You cannot target the ship as it is passing through. Only after all combat movement is finished can you decided whether to use kamikaze.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uandrebolkonsky.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Andre Bolkonsky  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/white_fire.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Don's Gaming Forum Moderator posts: 537 (4/10/01 2:44:31 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=140.topic&index=3" ReplyRe: AAP compared to AH's old Victory in the Pacific  If you go back in the archives, and find that long post I sent to Larry Harris during the development of this game, you'll notice I used VITP as the parallel for how to design this game. In particular, I was pushing for airbases to mimic the Land Based Air functions found in VITP. But the territorial movement, and individual ships, made the parallel obvious.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/11/01 11:07:45 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=101" ReplyNaval Bases  Yes, you can use the naval base in Malaya to unload into FIC or Siam. No, you don't use real fighters for kamikaze. They never physically appear on the board.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/12/01 12:35:32 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=103" ReplyLoad and unload on the same turn  It is not meant to be different between the two games. Pacific is just saying correctly what Europe is saying vaguely. Of course a transport can load, move into combat, clear the sea zone (with combat vessels), and then unload. This is how many amphibious assualts work. However, the Europe rules would make this seem impossible. What the rule is supposed to prevent is for a transport to be in combat on a turn and then, in non-combat, pick up a unit or units and immediately (without moving) unload them in a friendly territory that is reachable from the transport. As to why this is prevented...I forget. I just remember Larry Harris and I sitting down and seeing a problem with this and a rule being written to prevent it. I don't remember what the problem was anymore, just the solution.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/16/01 11:56:29 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=159.topic&index=1" ReplyLegal but no IPCs lost  It is legal for the sub to move through the (now-friendly) sz 35 into sz 37. However, since this is done during non-combat movement, the convoy zone does not change hands and remains Japanese. If the Japanese do not respond on their turn (by moving into 37 during combat), then the convoy zone will become American after the Japanese combat phase. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/16/01 1:41:03 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=159.topic&index=3" ReplyCapturing convoys  Let me try to make general blanket rules without missing a loophole... If you have a warship in a sz with a convoy at the end of resolve combat, you take control of the convoy. (Submerged subs are not considered in the sz.) If you pass through an empty sz with a convoy during combat movement, you take control of the convoy. If you start your turn in an empty sz containing a convoy at the start of your turn, you make take control of that convoy by using one movement point to take control. You may then move one space. (The whole movement point issue is to prevent someone from taking three convoys in a turn -- that's the only reason it is there.)  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/16/01 1:37:52 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=160.topic&index=1" ReplyKamikaze  The first way you lay out is the correct way. The Japanses player says how many kamikaze he is using and how many he is using against each target ship. Then you roll by target ship, with multiple hits being wasted. So, if you were to use all six kamikaze at once, you might put 1 each on 2 transports, 2 on a carrier, and the last 2 on a destroyer. You would then select the first transport and roll one die. 1 or 2 means that transport sinks. The next transport, roll one die. Again, a 1 or a 2 means that transport sinks. Next, the carrier. Roll two dice. If either comes up a 1 or a 2, the carrier is sunk. If both come up a 1 or a 2, then you wasted a kamikaze. Finally, the destroyer. The last two dice are rolled. A 1 or a 2 on either is a hit. Again, if both hits, the second hit is wasted. The units still get to fire normally, before sinking.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uphoenix111.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Phoenix111  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Don's Gaming Forum Regular posts: 214 (4/17/01 8:27:29 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=165.topic&index=4" Reply Community Supporter  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.facelink.com/P34013?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60?flezbwidth=60&flezbheight=60" Re: UK IPCs  By the meaning of "money cannot be kept separate", it says that the money from convoy centre must be immediately distributed into the war chest of either India or Australia once UK collects it at the end of the turn. There won't be a separated 12 IPCs to spend at will "at the beginning of the next UK's turn". In another word, UK cannot wait and see the situation of Japan turn, then spend this 12 IPCs accordingly.  The rules say "For each artillery unit attacking in the same territory in an amphibious assualt that is not paired with an infantry unit, one Marine unit may attack with a roll of 3 or less" Does this mean that the Infantry MUST be paired with Artillery first, or that the choice is up to the attacker? Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/17/01 9:40:52 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=91.topic&index=130" ReplyPairing Artillery  The attacker can pair up the artillery unit with either the infantry or the marine, but not both. So the rolls could be 2,2,2 or 1,2,3. It's the attacker's call. Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/17/01 6:11:52 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=161.topic&index=1" ReplyLanding on embattled CVs  Hmmm....that is a good one. The naval retreat rules state that units must move to a 'friendly' sea zone. A sz that had a battle (whether it has been resolved or not) is NOT a friendly sz, meaning the fighters cannot move there. So a fighter cannot retreat to a carrier that is battling in a separate sz. During non-combat, it would be OK to land on this carrier, as non-combat rules are different from retreats.  Avalon Hill Occasional Browser (4/17/01 8:30:04 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=161.topic&index=3" ReplyRetreating  No, that is correct. All land (or naval when at sea) units must retreat together to a safe space and aircraft, instead, finish out their movement and land. What I want to clarify is that a CV that is in combat is not a safe place to land for a retreating fighter.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 3 (4/27/01 12:30:10 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=192.topic&index=2" ReplyRe: Back and rested. Any questions?  Sorry, but CAPs do NOT stop subs at all. You need a surface ship to stop a sub. This should be a tremendous advantage for the Allies at the end of the war but, in this case, it helped Japan. Parking a destroyer in that spot would have allowed the destroyer plus all fighters on cap to hit the sub as it entered the sz.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 5 (4/27/01 1:34:40 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=192.topic&index=6" ReplyRe: Back and rested. Any questions?  Yes, you could substitute "submerged" for "destroyed" in that example. As for your "interesting thing", let me further clarify. At the end of EVERY resolve combat phase, check to see if there is a case where convoys may change hands. It doesn't matter how the ships got there (submerging and popping back up, non-combat, etc.). If there are enemy ships in a convoy at the end of any combat round, then the convoy changes hands. The 'use one movement to take control rule' is only used when: 1. It is your turn. 2. You find yourself in an empty, enemy-controlled convoy 3. You wish to leave that sz. 4. You want to take control of that convoy You would then use one movement to take control, then leave and get one movement point.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 7 (4/30/01 6:09:06 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=192.topic&index=13" ReplyRe: Convoy question  Officially, you cannot block the income from Manchuria, Siam, Hong Kong, etc. via convoys. These territories must be taken in order to prevent the IPCs from going to their destination (and diverting them to yours).   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 9 (4/30/01 9:24:55 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=192.topic&index=15" ReplyRe: Convoy question  Um, not quite it. 1. True. At the end of every combat phase, check for ownership and adjust accordingly. 2. False. You are allowed to move into an enemy convoy zone/sz during non-combat, provided it is empty of enemy units. If so, ownership of that convoy will not change until the end of the next turn's combat phase.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Registered Gamer posts: 1 (4/27/01 10:07:39 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=178.topic&index=22" ReplyRe: Adjusting Japan's Turn 1 Attack  This isn't an official rule change, just me and Larry talking and thinking we might start one of our games this way. 1. Before J1, take the fleet at Somoa off the board and place it to one side. 2. The US player now writes down on a piece of paper where that fleet is. His options are: sz 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, or 11. This paper is turned over and kept secret. 3. If Japan moves units into the sz containing the units (or tries to move through them), then the us player turns over the paper and places these units in the sz. Combat takes place normally, with the US defending at 1. 4. If Japan doesn't move into the sz, then Japan completes his turn normally. At the end of J1, the US turns over the paper, reveals where the fleet is, and places it there, even if there are Japanese units there. If that is the case, the US player has the option, during his turn, of moving out to avoid combat or staying and fighting. Again, this is not Official Avalon Hill, just something I thought of while drinking coffee this morning. It is also contested. If tested, I'd love to hear if you had fun with it.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 14 (5/7/01 8:42:24 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=212.topic" ReplyGame Balance -- You are being heard  OK, there seems to be some concern on this site that the game is, ahem, slightly skewed towards Japan. I still believe that Allied strategies have not been fully explored and the game is more balanced than many people believe. However, toward the end of last week, I set up the game to try some of these 'killer' J1 moves and to look at what people are saying. It was then that I discovered something. The Japanese Setup is wrong. Slightly, but that is enough. Whether from typos, haste, bad proofing, a cut-and-paste gone wrong, a save-as that shouldn't have happened, or whatever, a couple of the changes didn't get implemented. And, wouldn't you know it, the original set-up helps Japan. So, if you are saying Japan has an easy time J1, well, you are right. They have a slightly easier time J1 than intended. Here are the three changes: Remove one transport from sz 37 (leaving 1) Remove the fighter from Marianna Islands Move 2 infantry FROM French Indo-China to Hainan. (Look at the box bottom for this one) Now, let's play that way for a bit and see if it makes more sense. If you also want an OPTIONAL, NON-TESTED J1 variant, here's another thought. Please note that I will kick around ideas on this forum for a few months before anyone makes any decisions about any possible v2.0 AAP rules/setup/etc. The game may never change, but I'm willing to throw ideas around to see if people like them. Whether any become official remain to be seen. The players on this forum represent the pinnacle of AAP playing and I will use you to play variants and give fair, honest feedback. Here is the variant. First, lower Japan's VP target to 19. ("What, has he gone mad?") Now, there are 4 groups of American ships on the eastern part of the board (ignore the Philippines). SZs 3, 5, 9, and 11. For every GROUP that Japan attacks on turn 1, raise the VP target-to-win by 3. The VPs represent America's desire to negotiate a settled piece. The more Japan attacks turn 1, the less willing the US will be to settle for anything less than an unconditional surrender. Examples: Attack just Pearl Harbor. That is one group. Raise the VPs by 3 to 22. Japan needs 22 VPs to win. Attack PH and Somoa fleet. Two groups. VPs go up by 6. Japan needs 25 VPs to win. Attack all four eastern fleets. Four groups. VPs go up by 12. Japan needs 31 VPs to win. Do not include the Philippines or any land groups (Wake, Midway, Guam, Hawaiian airfields) in the VP total. Also, if Japan chooses not to attack any US fleets in the east, the US is still in the war -- she just needs to wrap it up faster. This is UNTESTED. Have fun with it. If it doesn't work, so be it.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 19 (5/9/01 3:17:44 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=192.topic&index=33" ReplyRe: Cap Question  Yes, they do. Fighters on CAP are just like fighters on CVs. They defend at 4 at any combat in the sz. They cannot hit subs.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 20 (5/10/01 9:35:51 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=192.topic&index=37" ReplyCAPs from Carriers  Fighters on carriers can establish a CAP in the sz that the carrier is in. The carrier is then free to move out of that sz. Note that you can only do this (move the carriers out) if the CAP has a valid place to land at the start of your next turn. No suicidal CAPs established.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative posts: 26 (5/18/01 1:08:05 pm)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=238.topic" ReplyAdvanced Set-Up/Rules Version 1.0  This thread is to elaborate the "you are being heard" thread in defining a set-up and set of rules for the advanced AAP player. Who is an 'advanced AAP player'? Chances are, if you read these posts, you are one. If you use 'sub stalling,' or know what 'shuck-shuck' means, you are most definitely advanced. What is this trying to do? Well, Japan in a very good player's hands seems to have a strong advantage. I still think that Allied counterpunches are out there but, in the effort of balance, fun, and replay, I would implement the following set-up and rules changes to see if you and your gaming groups find balance. This is largely untested, but I've been emailing some people and looking at the game again, so I think it will satisfy most concerns that have arisen. I also don't think it pushes the pendulum too far the other way. This set of changes supercedes the others (actually, it adds to them). Here it is: JAPAN SET-UP Remove 2 infantry from French Indo-China (leaving 2) and add them to Hainan (totalling 6) Remove 1 transport from sea zone 37, leaving 1. Remove the fighter from the Mariana Islands. Remove the sub from sea zone 20 and move it to sea zone 22. RULE CHANGE If Japan attacks the fleet off of the US West Coast (sea zone 5) on its first turn, it scores no Victory Points on that turn. This reflects a higher level of anger and shock on the US part and their subsequent refusal to a conditional surrender. Attacks made on J2 or later do not cause this.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative Posts: 42 (7/10/01 6:17:12 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=349.topic&index=7" Reply Actually, a loose interpretation of the rules  I've talked with Larry Harris about this. A lot. I'll cut to the chase: It was never intended for subs to move into a sz and submerge for free. Even a first-strike sub has a 2/3 chance of missing. We've never played it this way. We've never even imagined people were playing it this way. (I now realize that people playing by email for AAE have done this for years and our failure to notice and say anything led to the same assumption being carried into AAP.) The way that Larry, Stephen, and I play is that an attacking sub must withstand one counter-attack before defending. So a defending sub can dive at the end of round 1 and an attacking sub can dive at the start of round 2. Please, if you like sub stalling, continue to use it. It's just not was intended. It is a house rule.   HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/uavalonhill.showPublicProfile?language=EN" Avalon Hill Official Representative Posts: 43 (7/10/01 11:11:37 am)  HYPERLINK "http://pub6.ezboard.com/faxisandalliesessayfeedbackaxisandalliespacificqa.showAddReplyScreenFromWeb?topicID=349.topic&index=17" Reply It's official.  The AH position on sub stalling (actually the lack of it) is as official as any other rule clarification that I post here. People write "what did you mean by x or y" and I type back "we meant z." In this case, the question would be, 'can a sub enter a sz and immediately submerge, for free, without rebuttal?" to which I am saying, "No, that isn't legal." Now you can argue that the rulebook says this or that but I wrote the rulebook and I use this forum to clear up my bad job in sections of the rulebook. This was something we didn't anticipate so didn't clearly state in the rulebook. The more we see it in action (we've been checking out the blow by blows on the DOI site) the more it JUST DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT. I'll gladly field questions. As for an errata sheet or someway to find all these outstanding issues, we are working on it.  PAGE  PAGE 1 ()BCMN`abijtvw 1345  O Q R ] ^ p q r y z      jU jUCJ CJOJQJB*0JCJOJQJ jUB*CJOJQJ CJOJQJ5CJOJQJ5CJ *CJJ)BC 35Q R    * , e P$"$$K 0C 0)$$"$$K 0C 0)$$)BC 35Q R    * , e f g h i 1 : <  !"#$UcoqwxV]_<>lmn4 ] _ @!A! 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