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Hypocretin Amyltriptamine Acetylcholine What is  power ? The strength to rule Middle Earth The statistical significance of test results The sensitivity and specificity of a test Which school of thought attempted to gather information about conscious experience using introspection? Functionalism Structuralism Behaviorism Which neurotransmitter is blocked by caffeine? Dopamine Adenosine Kerosene What is a standard deviation? The sum of all the scores in a distribution divided by the number of scores in the distribution The average distance from the mean of every score in the distribution The percentage of scores falling both above and below the mean Which of the following is a GABA agonist? Alcohol MSG THC Which of the following measures changes in electrical brainwave activity in the brain? FMRI EKG EEG William James ________ died in 1987 founded the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society was impressed with Charles Darwin Which best describes external validity? Whether the construct is being measured accurately Whether the construct is being measured in a way that is realistic and meaningful Whether the construct is being measured in meaningful increments Attempting to measure personality or intelligence by measuring the shape of the skull is called oneirology nephrology phrenology nerphology Which best describes internal (construct) validity? Whether the construct is being measured accurately Whether the construct is being measured in a way that is realistic and meaningful Whether the construct is being measured in meaningful increments Who applied behavioral research to the field of education? Francis Gall G. Stanley Hall Francis Galton A bowler plays five games. Her score on the first game is 300  a perfect game. However, her next four scores are 125, 150, 116, and 136. What statistical trend does this demonstrate? Regression Randomization Collectivization Which pair of psychologists conducted groundbreaking research on the impact of segregation on the self-esteem of African-American children, AKA the  doll test ? Sigmund and Anna Freud John and Rosalie Rayner Kenneth and Mamie Clark Which neurotransmitter is metabolized by monoamine oxidase? Acetylcholine Hypocretin Histamine Who was the first woman to become president of the American Psychological Association? Margaret Washburn Mary Whiton Calkins Marsha Linehan The chemicals that transmit information across the synapse to a receiving neuron's dendrite are called neurotransmitters terminal buttons vesicles Behaviorism involves the study of unconscious influences observable actions and responses the potential for human growth The _____ automatically controls the organs of the body parasympathetic nervous system sympathetic nervous system autonomic nervous system What does correlation coefficient show? The disrection and strength of a correlation the value of a specific variable the degree of natural correlation The study of mental processes such as perception and memory is called Cognitive psychology Gestalt psychology Social Psychology Which of the following is the best definition of a hypothesis? A falsifiable prediction a theoretical idea empirical evidence Which part of the brain is the location of the primary visual cortex? The thalamus area V1 the lateral geniculate nucleus The Functionalist approach was inspired by James' Principes of Psychology Darwin's On the Origin of Species Titchener's Outline of Psychology Which part of the hindbrain coordinates fine motor skills the pons the medulla the cerebellum The belief that accurate knowledge can be acquired through observation is dogmatism parsimony empiricism An electrical signal which travels down the length of an axon to the synapse is called an action potential a resting potential an ion Social Psychology differs from most other psychological approaches in its emphasis on laboratory experimentation human interaction the individual Which is involved in movement and arousal? The midbrain the hindbrain the forebrain When two variables are correlated, what keeps us from concluding that one is the cause and the other is the effect? Correlation strength is impossible to measure the possibility of a third-variable correlation random assignment of control groups Watson and Pavlov focused on perception and behavior reward and punishment stimulus and response In a questionnaire concerning attitudes about global warming administered to groups separated by age, gender, and state of residence, the dependent variable is gender attitudes about global warming state of residence Cultural psychology emphasizes that insights gained from studying one culture will rarely generalize to other cultures culture shapes some, but not all, psychological phenomena all psychological processes are influenced to some extent by culture Which of the following describes the average value of all the measurements in a distribution? Range mean median What explains the apparent beneficial effects of cardiovascular exercise on aspects of brain function and cognitive performance? Neuron plasticity the position of the cerebral cortex specialization of association areas In the 1800s, French biologist Pierre Florens and French physiologist Paul Broca conducted research that demonstrated a connection between The mind and the brain skull shape and personality brain size and mental ability An experiment that operationally defines variables in a realistic way is statistically significant operationally defined externally valid Genes set the _____ within a population in a particular environment behavioral standards individual characteristics range of variation Central to evolutionary psychology is the _____ function that minds and brains serve adaptive emotional cultural Unconscious processes are understood as unexperiencedmental processes a hidden system of instincts and desires a concentrated pattern of thought suppression Signals are transmitted between neurons through a glial cell by the myelin sheath across a synapse When people find evidence that confirms their beliefs, they tend to seek evidence that presents both sides stop looking seek evidence which disproves their conclusions The psychological theory that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings is known as humanistic psychology structuralism psychoanalytic theory Aspects of an observation setting that cause people to behave as they think they should are called reaction conditions demand characteristics observer biases The use of scanning techniques to observe the brain in action helped the development of cognitive neuroscience evolutionary psychology cultural psychology Which type of neuron receives information from the external world and conveys this information to the brain? Interneuron motor neuron sensory neuron Historians generally credit the emergence of psychology as a science to Wilhelm Wundt Sigmund Freud John Watson Edward Titchener According to the APA, when is it acceptable for a psychologist to coerce participants? When the results of the study may benefit humanity never when the participants are financially compensated Sensory neurons are also called afferent efferent offerent Bonus Questions  2 Points Each (Incorrect answers are NOT counted against you) These are the cumulative winning percentage of individuals who are part of the Dunderball League. Because of scheduling irregularities, some have played more games than others. Based on this information, and the statistical concept of normalization, who has most likely played the most games? Jim Oscar Dwight Toby Angela Kevin Who has most likely played the fewest games (again, based on the concept of normalization) Michael Erin Robert Gabe Nellie Darryl Compared with a normal distribution, what kind of distribution would we see if we gave IQ tests to members of a genius illuminati cabal? A normal distribution with a mean of 100 A negatively skewed distribution with a mean of 130 A positively skewed distribution with a mean of 95 Based on the following information, which hypothesis should be accepted? T1T2T3PCPre-Tx 100100100100100Post-Tx 11597103116N/AAvg +7-2.7+.08+7.2N/A p =.062.68.419.049>.95H1: Treatment group 1 (T1) will significantly outperform all other groups after receiving the treatment. H2: Treatment group 2 (T2) will significantly outperform all other groups after receiving the treatment. H3: Treatment group 3 (T3) will significantly outperform all other groups after receiving the treatment. Null: The study failed to show a statistically significant difference between the treatment groups. Citrus fruits contain high levels of furanocoumarins, which inhibit the CYP3A4 metabolizing protein. This protein is responsible for the breakdown of several neurotransmitters, particularly the monoamines, which is why eating grapefruit while concurrently taking any selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor or monoamine oxidase inhibitor carries a substantial risk of serotonin overdose. Based on this, furanocoumarins would be considered: a serotonin antagonist a monoamine oxidase inhibitor a serotonin agonist 48 4 N R  0 N R t  l p @ ^ | " 6 : v 8DHt2x|~6`d":RjT~8X\&*jz~CJ6aJ]CJ6aJ]CJaJ]~ "f 8 < .!t!x!"0"X"~""#4#\###$.$>$~$$$$$%\%%%&.&H&h&&'*'@'D''(F(V(Z()>)d))))))*4*8* +|++(,,,P,^,f,,,,,8.H...../000f1t11122CJaJc23N3R3h4445555 6.626667D7H7788286888889v9z9999:B:F::;:;;;;;;;;;;f<<<<<<==>(>,>> ?>?f?j?F@`@|@@@0ANAlAAAA\BBB6C:CzCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DnDrDDvFCJaJbvFFFFFFFF GGLGXGGGGGGHH"HBHhH4IIIZJ^J`JbJdJfJhJjJlJnJpJrJtJvJxJzJ|J~JJJJJJJJJ K$K(K,K2K8K*>,>>?@? & F & F & F@?h?l?H@b@~@@@2APAnAAAA^BBB8C:C|CCCCCCCC & F & F & FCCCCCCCDpDrDFFFFFG GGGGGGHH H"H6I & F & F & F6III\J^J`JbJdJfJhJjJlJnJpJrJtJvJxJzJ|J~JJJJJ & FJJJJJ"K&K(K.K4K:K>KBK$If & F & F BKDKVK^K%$If$$Ifֈ j <p<474747474f4/ / / / / / / ^KfKnKvK~KK-$$Ifֈ j <p<474747474f4/ / / / / $IfKKKKKKK$IfKKKKKK3----$If$$Ifֈ j <p<474747474f4/ / / / / KKKKL L-$$Ifֈ j <p<474747474f4/ / / / / $If LLL&L0L2L-$$Ifֈ j <p<474747474f4/ / / / / $If2LMMNvOxORSVSSSS & F & F & F 0/ =!n"n#n$n P 003P(20՜.+,D՜.+,\Root Entry FCompObjjOle 1Table SummaryInformation(;8WordDocument 2DocumentSummaryInformation8@t