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Politics aside, a leading factor is the confusing message kids are getting due to the legalization debates. These are counterproductive to parents trying to prevent their kids from using drugs, said YES Executive Director Patti Skelton-McGougan. Across the board, our counselors are reporting a change in attitude toward marijuana. Teens are seeing pot as less dangerous because of its potential medicinal properties, she added. But Skelton-McGougan is quick to remind us that any medicine has the potential to be harmful when misused. Drug and alcohol counselors at YES say teens have long had the misperception that marijuana is not addictive, despite proof to the contrary. In addition, the marijuana of today is two to three times more potent than that of 20-30 years ago and this can add to dependency issues. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is an addictive substance and is also a gateway to experimentation with other illegal drugs, explained Penhallegon. Regular marijuana use can result in poorer school performance and attendance and loss of interest in other activities, such as sports. There is also concern regarding teen use of marijuana as a self-medicating behavior to cope with other issues such as anxiety, depression, ADD symptoms and more. In addition, a recent Harvard study shows that marijuana has an especially negative impact on the developing brain, impairing a young persons ability to focus, learn from mistakes and think abstractly. Its also associated with respiratory and mental illness, poor motor performance and impaired cognitive and immune system functions. Furthermore, addiction can be associated with increased rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. So what can parents do? Even if you are for legalization, Skelton-McGougan recommends talking with your kids about the dangers of misusing marijuana, alcohol or any drug (legal or not) and its potential for addiction. When you let your child know you disapprove of drugs, they are less likely to use, she explained. For parents who would like to be more prepared for a discussion on drugs and alcohol, YES offers an in depth Alcohol and Drug Education Class each month. Visit HYPERLINK "http://www.YouthEastsideService.org"www.YouthEastsideService.org for details and more information on teen drug trends. ### About Youth Eastside Services: YES is a nonprofit organization and a leading provider of youth counseling and substance abuse services in the region. Since 1968, YES has been a lifeline for kids and families, offering treatment, education and prevention services to help youth become healthy, confident and self-reliant and families to become strong, supportive and loving. While YES accepts Medicaid, insurance and offers a sliding scale, no one is turned away for inability to pay. For more information, visit HYPERLINK "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Camik\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.Outlook\\EZIHASRA\\www.YouthEastsideServices.org"www.YouthEastsideServices.org.      Main Office Kirkland Center Together Center Campus 999 164th Avenue NE 11829 97th Avenue NE 16225 NE 87th Street, Suite A-2 Bellevue, WA 98008 Kirkland, WA 98034 Redmond, WA, 98052 425-747-4937  www.YouthEastsideServices.org <>UV  + 2 ķķueXI=h=CJOJQJaJhh*CJOJQJaJhoX"h *?\B(/=̽n>QUsќڼI G o[۷kcz/j~cW2 kc] &^Q<~3B£QD} tpGn{VvEaM|tdr.`FP16CmpT|A)AB!)tFa}@&l>3qI>=+ا/jbMiSG.Q;'2M=ZJo~o_B GLMeTc0'&^#HS}XfHU +% -%l._q@µwB Ch33 _\e;wjZ h-K*~<*3U0l)5kꦪN=[A-v WdW >1r8`P5Xv!ۈ*S#Hq,pG/ 6oVjszz m>yM TQڏewg?7遟hiXg;7]< 2c [uܒ* aȪ,r`BNa(\a E +F=>(P㲇 T;{%'=8X!t a:RBE^~U}X/WzuDh4}>ozY-r"tbeCРTYW*,b)[lPSFMla#G%ڲAhV\uXwNSit͘yst5:Psfr&ϋp}mp2f P|nCgAݥs5IjO Ss\Y MѯvN z4hG=Hy[/"aǡH5=wfVYj%֝DK_EG%@PU>yC $emwSfuu>ؑI>UT];Pe'*SU>`TXQCo$g mL ;ԟ.E3aEK}=Iuk{N}{ddh~1 v+ rn Gk,իE=B ۡބ0vWؠog.( #H;\ C$>c? ٕڪʻ7oU,܏;r G>{3儩Ȇk;Lّ}h]%wVLթiKMڭ3վQSӧ>Msj9[uj[ϝsV6B+AW^V>֕[S nQȎfZ٣Yu}#Egh}X ~8xUń4 pM?C+.YJ& v[۴cܨb:5ITmݢY-DXI7L%s+˞Enk$0 wޥFfxJŰ Ֆlx62,=!暑YzRM:aƟ [-Iu^1OWwsiGN̥S۶kuߍڲ:sC$ DG||݌׫nd`ujv_f c;һ;L/ԅWO`퀹t9a.qX9l4d}ۚk6w sG(.ՋN}>͟ǜ+oiJCpߪDG|V[NbX5F[XHE[?ǻ fںYM-rhi 7+Nb.?iuQ3Khsb 9XScS#]a/"qJj]E~7[3R+tfL+6fMg\o?0gN|ZJ51^3 kѢڹܖRa.VHMHq\үk4e _2(gr>r teoxQ}M۞wlG5 n}N|yfEiaaV4eY;J9q9g#ID I4֥~x4nz\ h4M1ҜߨUt?4:M9a@蛽MÙ!E.ԕjSHNO<#MO.7Ll-pavqs zɵs}[y{-]f37=i(BMs4gҮ0앭s#cdqif3XK8nSoO2ccV?n Ν5f=P`GmuzR}ouW`aHa» KH5c׼ f/^IP3q͞& g"dǶmvlpEn3@{ E3j<=(MdWu1{)TLmdM779M?Wb:&ƈȨCM4̵=ӆ91EY>Cf /0ߵ7jgبjɳgޠޔ9E97cZ/Kg^M<嗕C cvo|dQ]9q@ W^% Ҩݦ>8YY}Q 1iim:nѣW\Z$m?Yf%OEI%O /ٛkfI0pLa.'2^$mUS+ޫc2NVo(nQ bCsk ܉"C3$(3OƤкRw*L1f?]{iL lE:? 41}#S8vFN8ڜzwk8!\y e/SHӼB3kb|J0m`LzrGZay4- ?/f&1f]hU ݪ MG( ^:Ƴ89ܪ{ˍvm ;og(_~8KSհMuWO%{yȅ?ʖG[m8EДi 6m@wi[e@ۓfk},V5Po !5zit^4hޞ.`[^cAjwT-aQuO&}:Ijiy=_ާkm'EoC_+4NxRy)VEjIM TC[:Յ_ +\{i;c ZSsg_ߠ]XF ĉѤ/>jN Z~dZ(ޥKld#^,)yk `ѭfw'?/ѳ˱1tw+/3|hF]z"dhz3`U[&MKܦ;gI-tmݜor{d>\E.#C 1 $5G?{^ɓ㤆Yj͋KI+9waCszqmZVox}”.FY h:t rҲ1UM[פ{n>R`2wstQT56-VƜ/(>f8XR6K o3]' ֩Ϙs+ݖ^s؛9jePvr*w0IJE+”etʉubW\¼1C< _!Z t:bmÍKmJk7hj}".V#O$b //IN y!dCgoJRFy9ta <<:f~nY^x +qe~X(8ɒܙ[+݋봴HjKء̾ZZ^"@)~˴) ^gj]|%v8_<:H8ȣ5j<yS}cJF׮_S?EGk+<)zx>fMmN빽Tא\-\ ƌeEiIt#ƞSI@J+ ~& t<Тkt+4ͷd < T /mO{&nUѺl6tF5 P5cғSG0ӛ!Ok7,!4D!硛pΑtկ7>9-'iߤ sPMq䋺NoK5<.Bufa?u4PWoU->(FhL_+hp[&FNwhmuJe`3ܚhVʒ6O;VO ;G6_]s R:064g?K;Zj|pˏ|7? 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