ࡱ> 9;8 @ !bjbjVV (0r<r<vvvvvvv ,"$R*vvv::: vv:::vv 2; 0"vvvvv\vh: T`FD0 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES DECEMBER 2012 Sanderson He who walks in anothers track leaves no footprints. (Joan Brannon) People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds. It is something that one creates. (Thomas Scanz) Many people say that as you get old, you have to give up things. Consider the possibility that you get old because you give up things. (Theodore Francis Green) Before I criticize my wifes faults, I remind myself that they may have prevented her from getting a better husband. (Tom Dooley) Patriotism is collective responsibility. (Arnold Glasgow) Intentions may be written in pencil; commitments should be carved in stone. (Robert Thorpe) The best parachute folders are those who jump themselves. (Randy Jackson) Habit is habit and not be to flung out the window by any person, but coaxed downstairs, a step at a time. (Mark Twain) Opportunity is sometimes hard to recognize if youre only looking for a lucky break. (Monta Crane) When all the mountains in the world have been scaled, when the poles hold no more secrets, when the last acre of the last continent has been traversed, when, in short, everything on our planet is known and catalogued, the way will still be open for discovery. The world will never be conquered so long as the zest for conquest, for adventure, is in mens hearts. (Maurice Herzog) Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash. (George S. Patton, Jr.) When youre skating on thin ice, you may as well tap-dance. (Unknown source) A man thats quick of tongue might have to be quick on the trigger. (Ken Alstad) Someone has said that the p is silent in the word luck, but it belongs there nevertheless. Investigation usually turns up the fact that the lucky person is the plucky person who has been burning midnight oil and taking defeat after defeat with a smile. (Franklin Adams) Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. (Edward Everett) We are born for cooperation, as are the feet, the hands, the eyelids and the upper and lower jaws. (Unknown source) One reason your dog can help you so much when youre downcast is that he doesnt demand to know why. (John Henry) Fitness: If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a good body. (Ken Dooley) If you get a reputation as an early riser, you can sleep till noon. (Irish proverb) People seldom live up to their baby pictures. (Rodney Dangerfield) The time is always right to do what is right. (Martin Luther King) Remember that a persons name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. (Dale Carnegie) The truth is not always the same as the majority decision. (Pope John Paul II) A man who cant take a word of criticism hears it the most. (Ken Alstad) Tryin to get even is a sure sign someone was wrong. (Ken Alstad) An error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it. (Unknown source) A lot of times what passes for depression these days is nothing more than a body saying that it needs work. (Geoffrey Norman) To understand what the outside of an aquarium looks like, its better not to be a fish. (Andre Matraux) We cant all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. (Will Rogers) Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. (James Barrie) The best portion of a good persons life is the little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love. (William Wordsworth) No life can be barren which hears the whisper of the wind in the branches, or the voice of the sea as it breaks upon the shore; and no soul can lack happiness looking up at the midnight stars. (William Winter) The pursuit of truth will set you free - even if you never catch up with it. (Clarence Darrow) Everyone has talent. What is rate is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads. (Erica Jong) By perseverance the snail reached the ark. (Charles Spurgeon) Go the extra mile. Its never crowded. (Nancy McDonald) A bore is someone who persists in holding his own views after we have enlightened him with ours. (Malcolm Forbes) When nobody around you seems to measure up, its time to check your yardstick. (Bill Lemley) Success is a ladder than cannot be climbed with your hands in your pocket. (American proverb) As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. (Josh Billings) How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people. (James Belton) Contentment is not happiness. An oyster may be contented. (Marcus Aurelius) The rarest courage is the courage of thought. (Unknown source) Enthusiasm is that kindling spark which marks the difference between the leaders in every activity and the laggards who put in just enough to get by. (Johann Friedrich Schiller) Dont believe that winning is really everything. Its more important to stand for something. If you dont stand for something, what do you win? (Lane Kirkland) Lord, give me the determination and tenacity of a weed. (Leon R. Walters) Put yourself in competition with yourself each day. Each morning look back upon your work of yesterday and then try to beat it. (Charles Sheldon) I learned that a great leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they dont want to do and like it. (Harry S Truman) Hope is a good breakfast but it is a bad supper. (Francis Bacon) Its a terrible shame if youre born the brightest person in your class. If youre not, then you have to hustle and thats good. (Hal Prince) Some will never learn anything because they understand everything too soon. (Thomas Blount) Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mine. Thinking without constructive action becomes a disease. (Henry Ford) When I must criticize somebody, I do it orally; when I praise somebody, I put it in writing. (Lee Iacocca) Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container. (Raymond Murphy) The dignity of labor depends not on what you do, but how you do it. (Edwin Grover) There was never a person who did anything worth doing who did not receive more than he gave. (Henry Ward Beecher) Its important that people know what you stand for. Its equally important that they know what you wont stand for. (Ann Landers) Its easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action. (Thomas Fuller) Courtesy is the shortest distance between two people. 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