ࡱ> PTO bjbjPP . :: ,,,@@@@\$@.0,^,kIIIIR,III "Ir.I0.IIII,IHI. ~:   Friction and Gravity Worksheet In the following 2 examples, determine what force is causing the object to slow down or speed up. You must also sketch the forces using arrows and label them appropriately. 1. A snowball rolling down a grassy hill. 2. A parachute falling to the ground. 4. In the picture below, explain why the bear fell. Use FRICTION to explain your answer.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/images/friction_uses-bear.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  5. How does surface roughness affect friction? 6. Discuss the relationship between the size and weight of an object and the amount of friction that is present 7. Analyze how friction can be both a positive and negative aspect in our everyday lives. Use examples to support your statements. 8. Sports such as soccer involve running, stopping, jumping, and kicking. Discuss how friction helps players. 9. When a ball is rolling down hill, sketch and label the forces that pull the ball down and the forces that slow the ball down. 10. Now, assume the ball is being pushed up hill. Sketch and label the forces pushing the ball up hill and the forces pulling the ball down. 11. Tommy and John are trying to move a large table. John pushes with a force of 1150N and Tommy helps him by pushing on the same side of the table with a force of 800N. Sketch the individual forces exerted on the table and then calculate and show the net force exerted on the table. 12. Two teams are competing in a tug-of-war contest. Team A is pulling at 4000N and Team B is pulling at 4900N is the opposite direction. Sketch the forces and show the net force exerted. Which team is winning? Is this force balanced or unbalanced? 13. Is the picture below a balanced or unbalanced force?   14. A car is traveling at 50mph. How long will it take the car to travel 300 miles? 15. If you run 40 meters in 60 seconds, what is your average speed? 16. A football is thrown at 45 m/s and it flies for 4 seconds. How far will the ball travel? 17. If two runners are running in a 500 meter dash and runner #1 finishes in 25 seconds and runner #2 finishes in 27 seconds. What are the speeds of both runners? Which one is faster? 500N 500N  123  # $ ) 1 ) * + , 0  ܴnjǀrdrXrdXhh:5CJaJhh:0J5OJQJhh0J5OJQJhh5CJaJhh0J5OJQJhhCJaJhhCJOJQJaJ%jhhCJOJQJUaJhh5CJaJh5CJaJhh/ 5CJaJh2h/ 5>*CJaJh2h/ 5>* % & ' ( ) . / 0 gdgd/ $a$gd/ 0 1 ) * + , ! " # gd  789).Jָ}tctZtZNthJh25CJaJh6a5CJaJ j.hJh25CJUaJh25CJaJ jz!hJhJ5CJUaJ%jh25CJUaJmHnHujh2UmHnHuh5CJaJhJ5CJaJhJhJ5CJaJh{5CJaJhJh5CJaJ h5hh5CJaJhh{5CJaJ9:;<@ABCDE gd2gd    hJh25CJaJh]h25CJaJh2h<h25CJaJ   gd,1h/ =!"#$% z!DdZjj  S FA&friction_uses-bearR `uCe>pB91w' DF `uCe>pB91w'JFIFLEAD Technologies Inc. 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