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Ongoing governance Governed Retirement Income Portfolio 4 is reviewed quarterly by Royal Londons Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) to make sure its performing in line with its objective. The portfolio is invested in a mix of assets shown under current asset allocation. Performance of the portfolio is measured against a benchmark asset allocation, also shown below, which reflects the risk profile of the portfolio. If our experts decide that the mix of assets needs to be adjusted, it happens automatically on your behalf, you don't need to do anything. What's more, this service comes at no extra cost. Current Asset Allocation Benchmark Asset Allocation n41.25%RLP Global Managedn10.00%RLP Propertyn5.00%RLP Commodityn7.50%RLP Global High Yieldn1.50%RLP Short Duration Global High Yieldn7.50%RLP Sterling Extra Yield Bondn3.37%RLP Medium (10yr) Giltn5.00%RLP Medium (10yr) Index Linkedn6.00%RLP Medium (10yr) Corporate Bondn2.50%RLP Absolute Return Government Bondn8.67%RLP Cash Plusn1.71%RLP Deposit Tactical position as at 16/08/2018. Performance at 31/07/18 Past performance is not a guide to the future. Prices can fall as well as rise meaning you may not get back the value of your original investment. Investment returns may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Percentage Change31/07/201731/07/201631/07/201531/07/201431/07/2013Compound Annual Since launchPortfolio Name31/07/201831/07/201731/07/201631/07/201531/07/2014Growth Rate (%)%Chg%Chg%Chg%Chg%Chg3 years5 years% Chg*GRIP 45.2710.957.517.808.497.887.9866.64Composite Benchmark4.227.519.697.606.377.117.0655.47Difference1.053.44-*Governed Retirement Income Portfolio 4 launched on 28 August 2012. Source: Lipper, bid to bid, as at 31.07.2018, Royal London, as at 31.07.2018. All performance figures, including the figures shown for the growth in the benchmark, have been calculated net of the annual management charge applicable to each fund. Please note that the Governed Retirement Income Portfolios and their benchmarks are rebalanced on a monthly basis. Performance at 30/06/18 Past performance is not a guide to the future. Prices can fall as well as rise meaning you may not get back the value of your original investment. Investment returns may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Percentage Change30/06/201730/06/201630/06/201530/06/201430/06/2013Compound Annual Since launchPortfolio Name30/06/201830/06/201730/06/201630/06/201530/06/2014Growth Rate (%)%Chg%Chg%Chg%Chg%Chg3 years5 years% Chg*GRIP 45.3514.634.606.9011.378.098.5065.29Composite Benchmark3.9610.757.446.039.687.347.5453.79Difference1.393.88-2.840.871.690.750.9611.50*Governed Retirement Income Portfolio 4 launched on 28 August 2012. Source: Lipper, bid to bid, as at 30.06.2018, Royal London, as at 30.06.2018. All performance figures, including the figures shown for the growth in the benchmark, have been calculated net of the annual management charge applicable to each fund. Please note that the Governed Retirement Income Portfolios and their benchmarks are rebalanced on a monthly basis. Annual Review Log DateDetailsIAC Meeting 29/08/2018Each Governed Retirement Income Portfolio continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective.16/08/2018A currency crisis in Turkey has rattled global stock markets. Before the selloff, our multi asset funds were already positioned relatively defensively, with the smallest overweight in equities since 2012 and favouring the US over emerging markets. We continued to reduce exposures to stocks and commodities, bringing the latter allocation into line with the benchmark, and lowered holdings of cash. The proceeds were moved into government bonds and short duration high yield debt. We will look to repurchase stocks in coming months. We are modestly overweight global equities and short dated global high yield bonds.12/07/2018Our Investment Clock may enter its Stagflation phase during summer, as inflation tracks slightly higher while global growth cools, especially outside the US. Stocks are flat year-to-date after a burst of volatility that marked a global growth peak; a deteriorating economic backdrop and talk of trade wars signal further volatility. We continued to take profits on our equities position, where the overweight is the lowest since 2012, and reduced our overweight commodities allocation; the proceeds were moved into government bonds and cash, reducing underweights. We are modestly overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.07/06/2018Our Investment Clock remains in its Overheat phase, with greater risk of inflation, although there are indications of economic weakness outside the US. We expect stocks to trade in a range over summer; investor sentiment, having been very fearful in February, is now neutral. After capitalising on weak markets in the first quarter to increase equity exposures, we have been taking profits on our overweight position as prices recovered, moving the proceeds into cash. Longer term, we remain positive on stocks but more cautious on government bonds. We are moderately overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.IAC Meeting 05/06/2018Each Governed Retirement Income Portfolio continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective.10/05/2018Our Investment Clock remains in its Overheat phase, with increased risk of inflation, although the global economy is showing some signs of slowing. With investor sentiment staying neutral, we have taken further profits on the extra equities purchases made during the market lows; we also reduced the overweight allocation to commodities. Proceeds of these sales were moved into government bonds and cash. Longer term, we remain positive on stocks and are overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.19/04/2018Our Investment Clock remains in the early stages of its Overheat phase, with a robust worldwide economic expansion and increased risk of inflation. Following considerable volatility in markets in recent weeks, portfolio activity focused on risk management. We have again increased the allocation to 10-year conventional government bonds, albeit the exposure remains an underweight; this was funded by reducing our overweight holding of equities and from cash. With economies continuing to expand and inflation remaining benign, we are overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.08/03/2018Our Investment Clock is in the later cycle Overheat stage, with strong global growth and more risk of inflation. We have added to equities again, capitalising on stock market weakness and given that supportive world growth conditions remain in place. We also have increased the allocation to 10-year index linked bonds. The changes were funded out of high yield debt and cash. With economies continuing to expand and inflation remaining benign, we are overweight global equities, global high yield bonds and commodities.IAC Meeting 01/03/2018Each Governed Retirement Income Portfolio continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective.08/02/2018As our Investment Clock moves further into Overheat territory, we have added to equities at the margin and also added to commodities again, funded out of bonds. While the supply-demand balance is favourable for commodities, potential for weaker demand in China, the worlds biggest consumer of raw materials, is a concern. The sell-off in equities that began at the end of January seems exaggerated, and we are buying at lower levels, in expectation of a recovery in coming months as the world economy keeps expanding. We will look to maintain an overweight allocation to stocks.18/01/2018A combination of our Investment Clock moving further into Overheat and positive price momentum mean that we have added to commodities at the margin, funded out of bonds. Nevertheless, we remain cautious on commodities as the Chinese economy is likely to slow, and recent US dollar weakness could reverse, in line with interest rate differentials. We slightly increased the position in high yield bonds. We will look to maintain our overweight position in stocks; with investor sentiment so positive, we do not rule out a short-term set-back and we would use such an opportunity to increase our equity allocation. IAC Meeting 01/12/2017Each Governed Retirement Income Portfolio continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective.16/11/2017There are signs that growth is picking up, against a backdrop of loose monetary policy and low inflation. Against such a backdrop, central banks are unlikely to tighten in a meaningful way; this is positive for stocks and high yield, where we remain overweight. With seasonality now positive, we are likely to buy dips in stock markets rather than sell rallies. Weve marginally increased our underweight in bonds and taken some profits in high yield. We have added to commodities at the margin.12/10/2017We have taken new positions in absolute return and cash strategies, commodities and gilts and significantly reduced our holdings in corporate bonds and UK high yield bonds. We have also increased our holdings in equities and short duration high yield whilst significantly increasing our holding in global high yield. This broader mix of assets increases the diversification of the portfolio.12/10/2017We have changed the strategic asset allocation of the GRIPs. Weve introduced the following new asset types; absolute return strategies including cash, commodities, high yield bonds and gilts.14/09/2017We took advantage of bouts of risk aversion on heightened geopolitical risk surrounding North Korea and extreme weather events in the US to add to the Funds overweight in equities. We slightly decreased the Funds exposure to bonds given current low bond yields. We maintained the exposure to global high yield bonds as a lower risk way of gaining corporate exposure with some income. Property exposure was kept in line with the benchmark.IAC Meeting 29/08/2017Each Governed Retirement Income Portfolio continues to be appropriate for its risk profile and investment objective. The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Registered in England and Wales number 99064. Registered office: 55 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0RL. Royal London Marketing Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and introduces Royal Londons customers to other insurance companies. The firm is on the Financial Services Register, registration number 302391. Registered in England and Wales number 4414137. Registered office: 55 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0RL. Royal London Corporate Pension Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and provides pension services. The firm is on the Financial Services Register, registration number 460304. 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