ࡱ>  sbjbj 4sl$Z&&; Y+ Q0(&& : ANSWERS TO CONVERSION FACTOR PROBLEMS Conversion factors can be used to convert units or to convert between equivalent ways of expressing a quantity. The quantity in the problem is multiplied by one or more conversion factors, in which the numerator is equal to the denominator. Since the numerator and denominator of the conversion factor are equal, multiplying by the conversion factor is like multiplying by 1 and thus does not change the value of the original quantity. Use the table of English to Metric equivalents as needed. All answers should be in significant figures! A) Problems with a single conversion factor. 1. How many cm are in 18.9 inches? EMBED Equation.3 = 47.5 cm 2. How many grams are in 0.143 ounces? EMBED Equation.3 B) Problems with two or more conversion factors. 1. How many mL are in 0.037 quarts? EMBED Equation.3 = 35 mL 2. How many grams are in 0.397 pounds (lbs)? EMBED Equation.3 3. How many micrograms are in 6.8 x 10-7 ounces? EMBED Equation.3 C) Using density as a conversion factor. The density of Al is 2.70 g/cm3. Remember, 1 mL = 1 cm3. 1. What is the volume of 0.810 grams of Al? EMBED Equation.3 2. Find the mass in grams of 0.327 liters of Al. EMBED Equation.3 3. Find the volume in liters of 16.2 kg Al. EMBED Equation.3 D) Complex conversions 1. Convert the density of Al to pounds/quart. (Convert one unit at a time. First, convert grams to pounds, and then convert cm3 to quarts.) EMBED Equation.3 2. Convert the density of Al to ounces/in3. (1 in = 2.54 cm; 1 in3 = (2.54)3 cm3 = 16.4 cm3) EMBED Equation.3   &5 H K y  3 Z [ k l m n   upej9; h7 UV h7 H*jh7 CJEHUj8; h7 UVj)h)Th7 CJEHUj (J h7 CJUVjyh)Th7 CJEHUjI'J h7 CJUVjh)Th7 CJEHUjS(J h7 CJUVjh7 Uh7 5OJQJ h7 6h7 h7 5'&'J K y  3 X y z  U m gd7 $a$gd7    R S U j k * + ; < = > @ X ()ABKLOP÷笠畉~rjh7 CJEHUj=; h7 UVjh7 CJEHUj<; h7 UVj4h7 CJEHUj;; h7 UVj h7 CJEHUj:; h7 UV h7 H*h7 5H*OJQJh7 5OJQJh7 jh7 Uj h7 CJEHU, ) ? @ X ]sgd7 PZ[^_opqrsjKh7 CJEHUj>; h7 UVjh7 U h7 H*h7 2P/ =!"#$% DpyDd b  c $A? ?3"`?2ҿ(2U4B4 D `!ҿ(2U4B4  @ &excdd``f 2 ĜL0##0KQ* W+d3H1)fY;fĒʂT @_L ĺEX@6;35v! @Hfnj_jBP~nbCXkyl`ze@̃ɹ~3D>c # J׃F&0w}·/2 \0Kkʼn'B8 n&3XAFl 8KNLLJ% A2u(2t54bȤS{*#=MX!M`,MjVض a;Ķ˴_^ܭ>Ym<`ZM4QQw6$.: (t5[ bNE/)iE-~PDd `b  c $A? ?3"`?2vWD4.фCm `!vWD4.фC@#xڕRK@~wiզTfZ *nVͥ" U("E;88qmQQH}ChuD?0섩Xy!!hTyQz}1%IqzwZIwrdNKޮ8m vBfN`w9bv\ŚI' 9:\pj͊[*sZ&v:gN0f 6W+Q=u`|L|,&tYw522]f\t@rDquI>p}Xۈ+dBW*<12 `|wetPIv, lȷbė 0*UqeL)'' z7q7}Dd* `0  # A2A1~޲iMM! `!1~޲iMM!('`v<xڕ/Q=SNADD 2?#bфZll iXEW"KacCbs3;~;~+ `Pޠ訐Wi @uM$Pxr]]-G] $ n-t(g)Wx. <Ѩ^N,fW1:H5NmS;:< ,hՐ4P3dDr?4 Z'äL̸IJbzAʫY3avֲ#>iމADE++MǩӠd6ݎ1㯉~܉*# ?`_N88g9[X[X-p?H>T{$R F+׫ /D2u^\*&mNu*OiՓlgI: 7>jabzT;Q8ǂJv@lngRit_|Ddq. 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