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The items to be discussed shall be announced in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.5 and/or under Education Code provisions.) STUDENT MATTERS There are no agenda items to be presented. STUDENT MATTERS (EC 48918) There are no agenda items to be presented.PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT There are no agenda items to be presented. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION/ASSIGNMENT There are no agenda items to be presented. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE There are no agenda items to be presented.  CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Designated Representatives: Cathlene Anderson Trish Singh Employee Organization: KRHTA  CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL There are no agenda items to be presented.  PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title: Superintendent Superintendents Report ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION(Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, trustees may wish to adjourn to Closed Session to discuss one or more of the items listed below. The items to be discussed shall be announced in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.5 and/or under Education Code provisions.) 6:00 PM OPEN SESSION Board Conference Room 1.The President of the Board will report on actions taken in Closed Session. 2.PUBLIC COMMENT (During the Public Comments portion of the agenda, any individual in the audience can raise his/her hand, be recognized by the President, and address the Board on any topic within its jurisdiction, even though it does not appear on the agenda. Since the Board is only able to act on items regularly agendized, no action will be taken on the item at this meeting; however, the Board may direct that the topic be agendized for a future meeting. Topics that are legally proper subjects for consideration in closed session (e.g., questions and problems relating to school employees) should not be presented during this time. The Board will not prohibit public criticism of its policies, procedures, services, acts or omissions. Criticisms of any District employee are to be addressed by following the District policies and procedures for Complaints Concerning District Employees which are described in Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 1312.1. Three minutes are normally allotted for each individual who is making a presentation, with a maximum of 20 minutes for each subject. The Board reserves the right to alter the time allowance when the number of recognized speakers warrants a change.)  The time identified for each major section of the agenda is an estimate of the time the Board will address that portion of the agenda. Members of the public should be aware that the estimated time could vary. Any individual who requires disability-related accommodations or modifications, including auxiliary aids and services, in order to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Superintendent in writing. In accordance with COVID-19 guidelines regarding public gatherings to allow for social distancing, we request that comments from the public be made either in writing to adean@krhsd.k12.ca.us or by calling 559.584-4475 ext. 312 no later than 3:00pm on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. All comments received will be read aloud during the meeting. For those who wish to comment in person at the meeting, we request that members of the public remain outside the district office front door. Those present will be escorted into the building one person at a time to address the board. 3.PUBLIC HEARING: None  4.PRESENTATIONS, REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS (In order to insure that members of the public are provided an opportunity to address the Board on agenda items or non-agenda items that are within the Boards jurisdiction, agenda items may be addressed either at the public input portion of the agenda, or at the time the matter is taken up by the Board) a) Board and staff comments b) Requests to address the board at future meetings c) LCAP Input  5.INFORMATION There are no agenda items to be presented. 6. ACTION ITEMS Approval of Minutes July 14, 2020  1-4 7. INSTRUCTION Consider approval of the 2020-2021 Calendar. (Anderson)  58.BUSINESS There are no agenda items to be presented. 9.PERSONNEL Consider approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Kings River-Hardwick Teachers Association and Kings River-Hardwick School District. (Anderson) Consider approval of the 2020-2021 Contract Agreement between the Kings River-Hardwick Teachers Association and the Kings River-Hardwick School District. (Anderson)  Handout Handout10.BOARD POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATION Review and consider of BP 0470: COVID-19 Mitigation Plan. (Anderson)  6-2011.CONSENT ITEMS (Items listed are considered routine and may be adopted in one motion. If discussion is required, a particular item may be removed upon request by any Board member and made a part of the regular business.) a) Approve Warrant Listings There are no agenda items to be presented. b) Approve Payroll There are no agenda items to be presented. 12.SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT Preschool Update Distance Learning Update 13.FUTURE MEETINGS Kings River-Hardwick School District Board Meetings August 11, 2020  CLOSED SESSION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 53954.5, trustees may wish to adjourn to Closed Session to continue discussing any of the items listed in the closed session portion of the meeting listed above. The items to be discussed shall be announced in accordance with Government Code and/or Education Code provisions.) Adjourn Meeting The time identified for each major section of the agenda is an estimate of the time the Board will address that portion of the agenda. Members of the public should be aware that the estimated time could vary.     Board Agenda Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3 The Board Packet, including handouts distributed less than 72-hours prior to the Board Meeting, can be inspected at the Kings River-Hardwick School District Office, 10300 Excelsior Avenue, Hanford, CA 93230. %&-23;BCDHIKOQT     ﻶ{{wh1NhB5CJOJQJh{OJQJ hJt5hB5CJOJQJhB5OJQJh- ,hB55 h{5 h.{5 hB55hh6hv><hrh#.hE82h'hXh hdHhChkch\+hB5h^hB55CJ aJ ,%&DTi & F$If$IfAkd$$Iflv'''44 layt  $IfgdI$a$ $ !a$gd^ |v$If $Ifgd{gkdB$$IflFv'-Fo '    44 layt $If $ & F$Ifa$   MAkd$$Iflv'''44 layt  $Ifgkd$$IflFv'-Fo '    44 layt    ' T U $Ifgd- ,  & F$Ifgd  & F$Ifgd$IfAkd@$$Iflv'''44 layt  ' Q S T U V W r  G H I J K L x y ǵǛǛrh^h\OJQJ^JhaOJQJ^Jh~h1N5OJQJ^Jh/h1N^JaJ h1N5^J h$H5h$H h1N5h>0h1N5^JaJ h@5h@h>0h1N5h1NOJQJ^Jh1Nh1NCJOJQJhyv}h1N^JaJhGOJQJ^Jh'\OJQJ^Jh1N5OJQJ^JU V W r xo $Ifgd- ,  & F $Ifgdx4  & F$Ifgd$Ifgkd$$Ifl3F"v'- !'    44 layt  xk 8$If^8gd1T & F$Ifgd & F$Ifgd$Ifgkd$$Ifl3F"v'- !'    44 layt   H I J xkb $IfgdP} 8$If^8gd\. & F$Ifgd$H & F$Ifgd$IfgkdJ$$IflF"v'- !'    44 layt@J K L y xk 8$If^8gd1T  & F$Ifgd  & F$Ifgd$Ifgkd$$IflF"v'- !'    44 layt  %&'(*+IstuwxûÚÅ{qdͲ_ h.{5hdHhOPCJOJQJhdHCJOJQJh1NCJOJQJhZ2h1N^JaJ hV5 hC5hhSO>h1NCJ^JaJ hr5^J hj5hjhjh{5 h1N5 h~5h1Nh1NCJOJQJh]nSh1N^JaJh1N5OJQJ^JhK1Sh1N5OJQJ^J% %xobbbx p$If^pgdj $Ifgdj & F$Ifgd~ & F$Ifgd~$Ifgkd $$IflF"v'- !'    44 layt %&'()*+ItlfYL & F$Ifgdx4 & F$Ifgd$Ifgkdp$$Ifl<F"v'- !'    44 layt $Ifgd- , d$If[$gdSO> $IfgdE $If^gdjtuvwx|oobU h$If^hgd1N & F $Ifgd $If^gd1N & F$Ifgdgkd$$IflMF"v'- !'    44 layt $If $Ifgd1N gkd8$$Ifl{F"v'- !'    44 layt $If!"PJJJJ$If<kd$$Iflv'''4 laytOP  !$Ifgkd$$IflF"v'- !'    44 layt   !"#&rstw12478  OPDE񸬟shEh1NOJQJ^JaJh*h*6CJOJQJ^Jh*6CJOJQJ^Jh1N6CJOJQJ^Jh}h1N6CJ^Jh}h1NCJ^Jhuh1NCJaJ h|h1Nh1NOJQJ h1NCJ h1NaJhI6}h1N5h1N h5 h1N5-"#&qrs V@h$If^h h$If^hgdB5 V@$If$IfOkdK$$IflP0U v' !'4 layt stw12 $If^gdB5$If$Ifbkd$$Ifl.F#v'-!'    4 layt 2345678  w !V@$IfgdB5 V@@$Ifgd*  !V@@$If$If$IfOkd $$Ifl0v'-%'4 layt ||$If h$If^hgda $Ifgd  !V@@$IfgdB5$IfOkdd$$IflO0v'-%'4 laytc/+NOfgpuvƽobSOKGC?h=hkZhc{hTh; h}h1NCJOJQJ^Jh1N6CJOJQJ^Jh}h1N6CJOJQJ^J h1N5hyk_h1N5h1Nheqh1N6^JaJh1N6^JaJhha6^JaJhph$P6^JaJh 6^JaJh$xh1NCJOJQJ^Jh1N5CJOJQJ^JhEh1N5OJQJ^JaJhI6}h1N5 h1N6||  !V@@$If V@@$If$Ifbkd$$IflPF#v'-!'    4 layt 2gvwxyzxx !V@@$IfgdB5  !V@@$If $Ifgd@ $Ifgd3Vk$IfOkd$$$Ifl"0v'-%'4 layt vwz{볫vlbXKh&U.hjOJQJaJh@OJQJaJh?]OJQJaJh -mOJQJaJh6MOJQJaJhiyh$POJQJhJ"OJQJhiyOJQJhVWOJQJh OJQJht)OJQJh1N5OJQJhI6}h1N5h_KCOJQJ hD?h -mhsh h?Dht)hvbh1N5h1Nh1NOJQJaJ hMhjz{~sc ! $IfgdvwV h$If^hgd?D & F $Ifgdiy $IfgdB5$Ifbkd}$$Ifl<F0"v'-o F'    4 laytm[ziWG !$Ifgd6M !h$If^hgd$P & F !$Ifgdiy & F !$Ifgdx4  !$If$Ifbkd$$IflF0"v'-o F'    4 laytiyA|vvvdW & F$Ifgd&I V@V$If^V`$IfbkdK$$IflPF0"v'-o F'    4 layt !$Ifgdt) !$Ifgd6M ?@ABCDEGHQ|}~()ƾƝ˒zrjbZbh[rOJQJh?]OJQJhJOJQJhMhM5hMh 5h*h*5h06yh*hD?htOJQJhI6}h1N5h~OJQJaJ ht)ht)ht)h~hI6}h~5 h~5h1Nh]hjOJQJaJh?]OJQJaJhjOJQJaJhahW5h&IhUABDEHQ}~vi & F $Ifgdt) V@V$If^V`$Ifbkd$$IflF0"v'-o F'    4 layt  !$Ifgdl~)xxk[[[[ !$Ifgd \ h$If^hgdM & F$IfgdMV$If^V`gdD?$Ifbkd $$IflF0"v'-o F'    4 layt  BNOPQUVWXYi789VϿ崭ਢ}sokgh"Vh*h9hjOJQJaJ hMh-hvhMh ht)hx\h R h9aJ h9CJ h95 hahh?] hd<hahwhUh[rhO|_h6ghI6}h1N5 h1N5 h~5h1Nh?]OJQJh?]h?]CJOJQJaJ( OPQV}pcZZ $Ifgda h$If^hgda & F $Ifgdx4 $Ifgd $Ifbkd $$Ifl<F0"v'-o F'    4 layta !$Ifgd \VW[i89Vwna & F$Ifgdx4 $Ifgd & F $Ifgdt) $Ifgdx\ $Ifgd9$Ifbkd $$Ifl!F0"v'-o F'    4 layt  {reeX{ h$If^hgd* & F$IfgdU $IfgdB5$IfbkdN $$IflF0"v'-o F'    4 layt.  !$Ifgdj h$If^hgd-      ! 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