ࡱ> o q Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n _  bjbjzz | B\B\ t&t&t&t&t&&&&8& 0&2 GGGHJVWKdK4$it&I"Jt&t&GHjt&Gt&HRG|`E;(b\|0  <= t&NK^j !l v KKKޅ"KKK KKKKKKKKK> :%: @ APRIL10/15/MAY/JULY 2013/AUGUST 15, 2014/FEBRUARY 2015/JANUARY 19, 2016 Maria Divine Mercy, The Book of Truth, and The Warning Second Coming  HYPERLINK "http://www.all-about-the-virgin-mary.com/Book-of-Truth-Buy.html" \o "Go to Buy Book of Truth"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.all-about-the-virgin-mary.com/images/book_of_truth_volume_1.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  The alleged visionary Maria Divine Mercy claims that Pope Benedict was the final pope and the next one, Pope Francis, is the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation. The web site of the anonymous "Maria Divine Mercy" is  HYPERLINK "http://thewarningsecondcoming.com/" http://thewarningsecondcoming.com. Another site that promotes the false mystic Maria Divine Mercy is  HYPERLINK "http://www.all-about-the-virgin-mary.com/book-of-truth.html?gclid=CJCOypvOxrYCFdF36wod5zUAbg" http://www.all-about-the-virgin-mary.com/book-of-truth.html?gclid=CJCOypvOxrYCFdF36wod5zUAbg Here is a blog that condemns the Maria Divine Mercy blog NOTE: For the context, see the first comment by one "Michael" of 23 selected and reproduced comments on page 10 under Maria Divine Mercy, Visionary and Seer (No Decision Yet by Church)  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.in/2011/10/maria-divine-mercy-visionary-and-seer.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.in/2011/10/maria-divine-mercy-visionary-and-seer.html Posted by Lovey, October 9, 2011, as well as an updated inclusion of May 2013 on page 58 -Michael Prabhu Reply to [the] Maria Divine Mercy blog  HYPERLINK "http://www.grantchronicles.com/replymariadivine.htm" http://www.grantchronicles.com/replymariadivine.htm May 29, 2011 To the person called Michael, exactly what are you trying to accomplish here? You speak of transparency, but certain members of the Church withheld the 3rd secret of Fatima allowing the Church to be infiltrated. Those who hear the words of the Father know them from any source, but you seem to be guessing. Are to trying to save us from an honest mistake or divert confused souls away from the Holy Word of God? Your words, "dangerous fraud", who are you protecting? You are a man and cannot judge others, more important, you have no clue to why a person is picked by the Almighty to guide mankind. Do you have insight on telepathy? She was given this job, because she would deliver the message intact without spin, anonymous to lower the anxiety of fear within herself from the insults coming from the public. Do you not think death threats would be sent to her family if known? 1. It is your job to absorb the message and act on it, not chastise the messenger. It was not said that she is the greatest prophet, this is a lie. She is the last of the end time prophets, period. The Bible is the book of Truth and the messages are from our Lord Jesus, His Mother and Father, heed them. These new words are give all hope the Almighty and His Son are speaking to you now. All have been warned not to go against the true prophets as your intent is known. If you dont understand, remain silent, watch as all in Revelations unfolds through the actions of the Antichrist. This is who you need to fear. As all whom back him will be lost through the affects of the Pole Shift created by the hand of the Almighty. To the faithful, children of God, let no man influence you to where faith wavers. There will be many as you were told, no matter what you see around stand strong, fear nothing. For in the universe nothing is greater than the Father. This is about coming home, to know that Jesus died for each and every one of you, suffering to this day. Listen to the words transcribed by Maria Divine Mercy, for they are from the heavens and not hers. They are guiding you, not to place doubt and divide. They speak of love and a choice, are you the side of the Almighty and His seer or the other. This is your choice and no other man should make it for you. Here is a blog that endorses "Maria Divine Mercy" Concerning Maria Divine Mercy, Pope Francis, and the False Prophet  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/blog/concerning-maria-divine-mercy-pope-francis-and-the-false-prophet/" http://twoheartspress.com/blog/concerning-maria-divine-mercy-pope-francis-and-the-false-prophet/ Posted on 30 March 2013 by  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/author/twohearts/" \o "View all posts by twohearts" twohearts By Dr. Kelly Bowring, Author of best-seller "The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph" and "The Great Battle Has Begun" The messages of Maria Divine Mercy (MDM), which she is reportedly receiving from heavenly sources, are plausible. I have examined all the messages, as well as all of the published evaluations and criticisms of her messages and have not found them to establish a single error in her reported messages. And the negative evaluations posted by critics to date have been, at best, inconclusive and unconvincing. I have not found that her messages contradict any doctrine, or that they contain an actual error. As of today, her messages are not condemned by any official Church authority with jurisdiction to do so, though certainly they have not received Church recognition either. On the other hand, several of her prophecies have been fulfilled, and her messages are congruent to the other related legitimate sources of prophecy being given in these times. As well, the Crusader Prayers of Maria Divine Mercy are in the same status as her reported messages, as stated above, and thus, it would seem that it is permissible to pray them. So, in summary, the Church faithful may read and spread MDMs reported messages and pray her prayers. Caution Needed! Still, we must be cautious, and continue to discern with prayer and docility to the Church and the Holy Spirit, while remembering the words of Pope Urban VIII: In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true. Potential Problem One of the serious issues that are raised by the reported heavenly messages of MDM is regarding her message that Pope Benedict XVI would leave the papacy (before he died) and that his successor would be the false prophet (as discussed in Revelation 13). This is a difficult message and must be considered with delicate discernment. Whether this message is true or not, we do not know. Even if this reported message is true, we must never take it upon ourselves to decide as such we must wait for the Church to direct us in such matters. No matter what, we must remain faithful to the Church. We are never personally permitted to believe the Pope is not valid, unless the highest legitimate authority of the Church were to indicate that he is. Careful Distinction So, while we may meditate on and spread the messages of MDM as practicing Catholics, we must also be cautious about (and even somewhat critical concerning) this message related to the new Pope, and in this situation we must personally declare the following: 1. I accept the teaching of the Universal Catholic Church that the Pope when speaking on faith and morals is infallible. 2. I accept, as legitimately elected by the recent conclave, Pope Francis (as the validly elected Pope). This includes religious assent of mind and heart to the manifest mind of the pope, even when he is not speaking infallibly (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 25), which every member of the Catholic faithful is obliged to offer Pope Francis. Time Will Tell Time will make things more clear in this delicate matter, as to whether MDMs messages deserve repudiation because she is in doctrinal error, her messages are inauthentic, or she is eventually rightly condemned by the Church. Otherwise, her prophecies will continue to validate themselves as events unfold and they come true. Important Question and Clarification The most common question people are asking right now about MDM is whether a validly elected Pope could even be the false prophet, as her messages are reporting. The answer is YES. Though, while it is possible, it would be quite improbable. So, how could it happen that a validly-elected Pope could become the false prophet (an invalid pope or an anti-pope)? Pope Paul IVs Papal Bull Cum ex Apostolatus Officio teaches that if anyone was a heretic before the Papal election, he could not be a valid Pope, even if he is (validly) elected unanimously by the Cardinals. 2. As well, Canon 188.4 (1917 Code of Canon Law) states that if a cleric (pope, bishop, etc.) becomes a heretic, he loses his office, without any declaration, by operation of law. St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Antonius, St. Francis de Sales, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and many other theologians all taught that a heretic cannot be a valid pope. If however, God were to permit a pope to become a notoriously and contumacious heretic, he would by such fact cease to be pope, and the apostolic chair would be vacant. -St. Alphonsus Liguori, Church Doctor However, ecclesiastical law requires that the faithful must presume we have a valid Pope, unless the Churchs highest authority formally declares otherwise. So, one may consider the possibility that an anti-pope could potentially come from a valid conclave, and this does not constitute a false or heretical position. Thus, it is actually possible to remain faithful to the Magisterium AND consider that the messages of MDM plausibly might be authentic that the Pope is the false prophet and even that the Church herself states that this IS at least possible. Time will make this matter more clear. May the Lord continue to guide us in His truth and in faithfulness to His Church and loyalty to the Pope. For a summary of the heavenly messages and signs of our times, including those from MDM, read The Great Battle Has Begun ( HYPERLINK "http://www.TwoHeartsPress.com" www.TwoHeartsPress.com). As with the pro-MDM sites and blogs above, the following compilation of articles exposing as false the alleged messages of "Maria Divine Mercy" is made in chronological order for the first 57 pages. Michael Claims of Private Revelation: True or False? An evaluation of TheWarningSecondComing.com messages  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/false199.htm" http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/false199.htm By Ronald L. Conte Jr.  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/books.htm" Roman Catholic theologian and  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacredbible.org/" Bible translator, July 17, 2011 [For part 2, see page 25] In my humble and pious opinion as a Roman Catholic theologian, faithful to the Magisterium, and a Bible translator, the claimed private revelations to an anonymous woman, in the form of messages posted on her website (www.thewarningsecondcoming.com), are not true private revelations from God. These messages contain many substantial doctrinal errors, in addition to the heretical claim that this woman will write a book which will become a part of the Bible, and which will be equal to one of the Gospels. Her claimed private revelations endanger souls and contradict the clear and definitive teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on many points; therefore, these messages are not from Heaven. A list of examples follows. False teaching on judging The message of 6 Apr 2011 claims: "No one has the power or divine knowledge to make any moral assessment of others." The true teaching of the Faith is that Jesus taught us not to judge persons: "Do not judge, so that you may not be judged." (Mt 7:1). But He certainly also taught us to judge actions: "And why do you not, even among yourselves, judge what is just?" (Lk 12:57). If a person robs a bank, we should not judge the soul of that person, saying, "That person is evil". But we certainly can and should judge the action, saying: "that act is evil." Do we have divine knowledge so as to make a moral assessment of the actions of another person? Yes, for we have Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, and the teachings of the Magisterium. These three sources of Divine Knowledge teach us moral truths, so that we may distinguish good from evil. The claim that we have no such knowledge essentially tells people to ignore the teachings of Tradition, Scripture, Magisterium on morality. The message of April 6th 2011 is titled: "Never judge other religions, creeds or sexual preferences." This message portrays Jesus as using the phase 'sexual preferences' repeatedly. The phrase implies that sexual orientation is merely a personal preference. But Jesus condemned every type of fornication (sexual sin), and He also condemned homosexuality as inherently disordered, and as leading toward grave sin: [Mark] {7:21} For from within, from the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, {7:22} thefts, avarice, wickedness, deceitfulness, homosexuality, an evil eye, blasphemy, self-exaltation, foolishness. {7:23} All these evils proceed from within and pollute a man." The message of April 6th 2011 does not merely tell people not to judge persons, but not to judge actions, even those directly contrary to the moral law. This message is contrary to the teaching of the Church and of the Gospels. "Never tell those of different creeds or sexual preferences they are doomed To push My teachings in a manner where you tell those who are not followers that they will perish or come to harm by brandishing their ways as 'evil' will simply render them weaker than before." (Message of 6 Apr 2011) The above message mixes some truth with error. We should not judge persons, telling them they are doomed (condemned), since they might repent. But some persons certainly do live ways that are morally evil. Sacred Scripture condemns these ways of living that lead to eternal condemnation: [Galatians] {5:19} Now the works of the flesh are manifest; they are: fornication, lust, homosexuality, self-indulgence, {5:20} the serving of idols, drug use, hostility, contentiousness, jealousy, wrath, quarrels, dissensions, divisions, {5:21} envy, murder, inebriation, carousing, and similar things. About these things, I continue to preach to you, as I have preached to you: that those who act in this way shall not obtain the kingdom of God. 3. The message of 6 Apr 2011 contradicts this passage from Sacred Scripture. It is a message designed to appeal to those believers who have been led astray by modern society into thinking that sexual orientation is merely a preference that is not in itself morally disordered. To the contrary, the Catholic Church teaches: "Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that 'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.' They are contrary to the natural law." (CCC, n. 2357) "Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder." (Cardinal Ratzinger, Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons) The message of 6 Apr 2011 also mixes truth with error on the subject of religion: "If My believers differentiate themselves and place or exalt themselves at the expense of those who are unaware of My teachings, then they are behaving just as the Pharisees did. Shame on those who consider themselves above those souls who need enlightenment.... Don't exclude anyone irrespective as to whether they are Catholics, other Christian Denominations, Islam, Hindu, Jews, Buddhist - even those new cults which have emerged who do not believe in God, The Eternal Father." It is true that God loves all persons and wills that all persons be saved. But not all persons will be saved. The Catholic Christian Church is the Ark of salvation. Although other believers and even non-believers can possibly be saved, we are not all equal on the path of salvation. Those who believe and live the Catholic Faith are enlightened, and have a greater knowledge of the path of salvation. The Catholic Faith is greater than any other religion. Those who reject Catholicism, reject Christianity, reject even belief in God, are in grave danger of losing their salvation. Those who deliberately reject Catholicism, while knowing that it is the true path of salvation, sin gravely. But the above claimed message of private revelation offers a false type of equality, as if all religions were equal. On the point of excluding some persons, based on their errors of faith or morals, Jesus taught us to try to correct them. But if they will not be corrected, they should be excluded: [Matthew] {18:15} But if your brother has sinned against you, go and correct him, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you will have regained your brother. {18:16} But if he will not listen you, invite with you one or two more, so that every word may stand by the mouth of two or three witnesses. {18:17} And if he will not listen to them, tell the Church. But if he will not listen to the Church, let him be to you like the pagan and the tax collector. False teaching on Sources of Truth The message of 25th December 2010 claims: "Any doctrine that has not originated from Holy Scripture and which claims to proclaim the truth is a lie. This is a sin against Me and is a grievous attack on me and My Eternal Father." This claim is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church that both Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture are sources of Divine Revelation (Second Vatican Council, Dei Verbum). Notice, too, that the Magisterium is not mentioned at all. It is the error of sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), held by Protestants. Ironically, the messages of this false visionary do not originate from Holy Scripture, and therefore fall under their own condemnation. This message implies a condemnation of itself and of all the other messages of this visionary. Grave Heresy on Sacred Scripture One of the messages claimed by this anonymous visionary explicitly told her that she was to write a book, and that it would not really be written by her but by God, and that the book would be the equal of the Bible and would be a part of the Bible. I posted a note on my list of false private revelations about this visionary. I specifically pointed out that it is a heresy to claim to be able to write a book and to claim to add it to Sacred Scripture. With my note, I added a link to one of the messages that made this claim. Soon after, the message was deleted from the visionary's website. That message referred to the 'Book of Kells', which is an Irish term used to refer to the Gospels (see  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Kells" Wikipedia). The message claimed that the book this visionary would write would become a part of the 'book of Kells', in other words, would be equal to the Gospels. There are other similar messages still on the website making this same claim, with different wording: Message of 12th November 2010: "You need all your energy to write the book. This book will change lives, save souls and has been foretold. Yes, the book is what was prophesied. You are the writer. I am the Author. Do not be surprised or overwhelmed for this is a very sacred task and you have been chosen to do this work with Me. It will take you three months. I want you to publish it around the world. It must be large, powerful and sought out by millions just like the Holy Bible. My daughter, you can publish this 'in conversation with the secret prophet'. It is okay to do this."  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/this-book-will-change-lives-and-save-souls/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/this-book-will-change-lives-and-save-souls/ The other message that was deleted from the website was more explicit. But this message also makes much the same claim, that a book from private revelation will become equal to the Bible. What makes the Bible unique among books? That despite having many human authors, the one true Author of the Bible is God. So the claim that God will be the Author of her book is a claim that the book will be inspired like the Bible. 4. This very type of claim has been rejected by the Magisterium of the Church: "Throughout the ages, there have been so-called 'private' revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ's definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history." (CCC, n. 67) And the Second Vatican Council taught: "Sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture form one sacred deposit of the word of God, committed to the Church." (Dei Verbum, n. 10). "The Roman Pontiff and the bishops, in view of their office and the importance of the matter, by fitting means diligently strive to inquire properly into that revelation and to give apt expression to its contents; but a new public revelation they do not accept as pertaining to the divine deposit of faith." (Lumen Gentium, n. 25) Vatican II explicitly taught that no new public revelation can be accepted as part of, or even pertaining to, the deposit of faith, i.e. Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture (the Bible). The message of this visionary, and her claim to be able to write a new book, with God as the Author, that will be equal to Sacred Scripture, is a heretical claim. Such a claimed private revelation could not possibly be from God, since it contradicts the teaching of His Church. False Prophecy on the Warning I write speculative eschatology; my words are my own. If I write about the future and make a mistake, my mistake is my own. Since my work is not a private revelation from God, and not an act of the Magisterium of the Church, my work is fallible. The faithful should generally expect that the work of theologians in any area of theology may have some errors in it. But the same cannot be said for a claimed private revelation. If a person claims that a message or prediction was revealed to him or to her by God, then either the message/prediction is true, or the person is not receiving revelations from God. For God does not err, and He does not change. The messages of this anonymous visionary on the website 'TheWarningSecondComing.com' claim that the Warning will occur in 2011, and that the tribulation will begin at the end of 2012. So these messages claim that the Warning occurs before the tribulation begins. Formerly, I had predicted that the Warning would occur in 2011, on Good Friday. My speculative prediction was incorrect. I now think that the Warning will not occur until 2016, after the tribulation has begun. I have predicted, in my speculative eschatology, that the tribulation would begin in 2011, with the beginning of World War 3, and that this war would unfold from 2012 and thereafter. I believe that this false visionary, or someone associated with her, has taken these dates of 2011 and 2012 from my work in eschatology, and then has presented these ideas in claimed messages of private revelation. I posted a note about one of the messages of this visionary, the one saying that she would write a book that would become a part of Sacred Scripture (which the message called the book of Kells, an Irish term for the Gospels). I explained that this claim is heresy, and I gave a link to the page for that message. Soon after, it was deleted from the site. This shows that the visionary or someone associated with her is aware of my work in eschatology. So I don't believe that the dates of 2011 and 2012 in her messages are a coincidence. They are taken from my work. However, my date for the Warning in 2011 has passed. I was mistaken. Now I think that the Warning will occur on Good Friday in 2016. So the claims of this false visionary about the date of the Warning are false; it will not happen in 2011. Here is what her messages, supposedly from God, say: "2011 is the Year for Purification throughout the whole world" Message of 31st May 2011 "The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls." The front page of the website (retrieved 16 June 2011) says this: "The Warning is Close This event will take place in next few months. TWO COMETS will CLASH, Sky to turn red, Cross in the sky Millions will repent as a result of this 'Warning' It is a great act of God's mercy One of the greatest events in the history of mankind" When 2011 ends without the Warning having occurred, it will be proof that this visionary is false. The about the website page says this: "This mystical event which is expected to take place shortly will be experienced by everyone in the world over the age of 7 years where people will be given clear proof of the existence of God which Our Lord Jesus Christ refers to as The Warning - the Illumination of Conscience. It is a gift to man that when they see the proof that God really exists with their own eyes. However it is important that people prepare for this because many will die of shock when their sins, particularly Mortal sins, are revealed. Prayers asking for forgiveness before the event are essential."  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about-the-messages-about-the-website/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about-the-messages-about-the-website/ The idea of a Warning, an Illumination of Conscience, is taken from the messages of Garabandal. The idea that many will die of shock at their sins, is taken from my work, from my book about Medjugorje and Garabandal. The idea that the Warning will prove that God exists is also taken from my eschatological writings. These are not messages from God, they are messages concocted to deceive and manipulate people by combining some truth with falsehoods. 5. "The time is drawing close for the advent of the Great Tribulation. This event will commence from the end of 2012 and must not be confused with the time or the date for My Second Coming on Earth. For this, My children, is not being foretold in these messages. Anyone who attempts to give My children a date for My Second Coming is a liar and not a true prophet. I am, however, revealing years of specific events leading up to my Second Coming, through this prophet." Message of 20th December 2010 Notice the condemnation of anyone who gives a date for the Second Coming of Jesus. I believe that message is directed at my work. I've given a year for His Second Coming in my speculative eschatology: the year 2437 A.D. This year is in the distant future. My eschatological analysis of Sacred Scripture shows that the Antichrist's reign occurs shortly before the Second Coming of Jesus, from 2431 to 2437 A.D. Many of the false private revelations claim that the Antichrist is in the world today. But none of the true private revelations approved by the Church make this claim.  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/future/antichrist-timeline.htm" Here is my article proving, from the writings of the Saints and from Scripture, that the Antichrist cannot be in the world today. So my work in eschatological shows that all these visionaries, including the one posting at TheWarningSecondComing.com website, are false, because they make the false claim that the Antichrist is in the world today. False teaching on faith and reason The message of 20th May 2011 claims: "You must now open your minds, leave all human reasoning aside to accept the truth of your existence on earth." This message directly contradicts the infallible teaching of Vatican I on faith and reason: "Not only can faith and reason never be at odds with one another but they mutually support each other, for on the one hand right reason established the foundations of the faith and, illuminated by its light, develops the science of divine things; on the other hand, faith delivers reason from errors and protects it and furnishes it with knowledge of many kinds." (First Vatican Council, Faith and Reason) And there are several other similar passages in Vatican I showing the value of reason with faith, and rejecting the idea that our religion is based solely on faith, as if reason should be cast aside. The teaching of Pope John Paul II in the encyclical Faith and Reason explains this teaching of Vatican I in greater detail. The message of 20 May 2011 is a grave doctrinal error, incompatible with the teachings of Vatican I and of Pope John Paul II. The heresy of Millenarianism The message of 20 May 2011 also teaches the heresy called Millenarianism, which is the belief that Jesus will rule the world (visibly, directly, in person) for 1000 years: "I will rule the earth for the 1,000 years." This heresy is condemned by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 676.  HYPERLINK "http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10307a.htm" Here is an article from the Catholic Encyclopedia on the topic. The heresy called millenarianism was rejected by Saint Augustine and Saint Aquinas and many other Saints. The Magisterium has also condemned the idea that Jesus Christ will rule over an earthly kingdom for 1000 years. The messages of this claimed visionary are heretical. No wonder she hides behind the anonymity of the internet. She is, or should be, ashamed of the heresies and doctrinal errors in her messages. Conspiracy theories about free masons [sic] and the Illuminati These messages claim that evil cults, such as free masons [sic] and the illuminati, present a danger to the world. The message of 13 Nov 2010 says: "Please do not listen to the deceit of the lies you have been told by The Deceiver, through divisions of the Free Masons [sic], the Illuminati, the false prophets and the bizarre and totally evil cults that have evolved through the stupidity of Man." The same message also says: "I implore all of you, especially My children who have been sucked into the Illuminati and other such evil entities. Once there you are doomed to eternal damnation." The main page of the site (read on 10 June 2011) makes this amusing claim: "Satan's Illuminati control the music industry" The illuminati [sic] figure prominently in some modern conspiracy theories; in all probability, the group no longer exists. The free masons [sic] were once a threat to the Church, centuries ago; now they are a small organization with no power. It is only false private revelations that exaggerate this type of threat, as if the Church were in grave danger from such groups. Also, there is no group that one can join that will doom that person to eternal damnation, as the message claims. Repentance and conversion are always possible in this life, and therefore salvation is always possible in this life. Furthermore, this message (13 Nov 2010) contradicts the previously discussed message (6 Apr 2011), saying that it is wrong to tell anyone they are doomed to eternal damnation due to their religion beliefs: "Never tell those of different creeds or sexual preferences they are doomed.... Never tell or attempt to say to these people that they are doomed in My eyes. Because they are not.... even those new cults which have emerged who do not believe in God, the Eternal Father." This type of self-contradiction is often found in false private revelations. The Schismatic Error of Anti-papalism The message of 07 June 2011 contains a serious error, called anti-papalism (against the pope), that is often found in false private revelations. This type of error rejects one or more Popes as being evil, or a false teacher, or a heretic, or a threat to the Church. In private revelations, the error is most often in the form of claiming that a future Pope will be evil and will lead people astray: 6. "It is important that My followers keep alert to any new Pope that may come forward for he will not be from God."  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/message-to-priests-bishops-and-cardinals-about-false-prophet/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/message-to-priests-bishops-and-cardinals-about-false-prophet/ But this idea is contrary to the teaching of the Magisterium that the Church is indefectible, and that the Church is founded upon the Rock, that is, Peter and each of his successors. So no Pope can ever lead the Church astray. It is true that each Pope is a fallen sinner, but this does not mean that the Pope can commit any sin whatsoever. For God prevents the Pope from ever being a heretic and from ever leading the Church astray. "The Church of Peter is My church. But when the keys are handed back to God the Father, which they will be now, the church becomes part of My Kingdom." The above message claims that the keys given to Peter and each of his successors will (now or soon) be handed back to God -- implying that there can be no more valid successors. This claim is a heresy against the teaching of the First Vatican Council: Chapter 2 On the permanence of the primacy of blessed Peter in the Roman pontiffs 1. That which our lord Jesus Christ, the prince of shepherds and great shepherd of the sheep, established in the blessed apostle Peter, for the continual salvation and permanent benefit of the Church, must of necessity remain for ever, by Christ's authority, in the Church which, founded as it is upon a rock, will stand firm until the end of time. 2. For no one can be in doubt, indeed it was known in every age that the holy and most blessed Peter, prince and head of the apostles, the pillar of faith and the foundation of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the kingdom from our lord Jesus Christ, the savior and redeemer of the human race, and that to this day and for ever he lives and presides and exercises judgment in his successors the bishops of the Holy Roman See, which he founded and consecrated with his blood. 3. Therefore whoever succeeds to the chair of Peter obtains by the institution of Christ himself, the primacy of Peter over the whole Church. So what the truth has ordained stands firm, and blessed Peter perseveres in the rock-like strength he was granted, and does not abandon that guidance of the Church which he once received. 4. For this reason it has always been necessary for every Church that is to say the faithful throughout the worldto be in agreement with the Roman Church because of its more effective leadership. In consequence of being joined, as members to head, with that see, from which the rights of sacred communion flow to all, they will grow together into the structure of a single body. 5. Therefore, if anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ the lord himself (that is to say, by divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole Church; or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy: let him be anathema. [Vatican I]  HYPERLINK "http://www.ewtn.com/library/COUNCILS/V1.htm" http://www.ewtn.com/library/COUNCILS/V1.htm False teaching on why God became Incarnate The message on why Christ became a Man (http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/why-i-became-man/) omits the dogmatic teaching of the Church that His Incarnation, and His Passion, Crucifixion, death, and Resurrection, actually obtain grace and salvation. In place of this dogma, the message of the visionary claims that Jesus became a man only to show us the path to salvation, as if His death were merely a manner of teaching and not an effective sacrifice. The Warning predicted for 2011 (update added 29 Jan 2012) When I write Roman Catholic eschatology, my writings are based on study and interpretation, and my conclusions are speculative and fallible. If I err in a prediction, it is not surprising, nor does it indicate that my work is to be rejected in its entirety. However, the predictions of claimed private revelation are in a different category. The claimed visionary or locutionist is not writing speculative eschatology. Instead, he or she is claiming to present the predictions of God, or of the Blessed Virgin Mary who has the Beatific Vision of God. If such a claimed private revelation were truly from Heaven, then its messages could not err in their prediction of future events. Neither the Father, nor the Son, nor the Spirit, nor anyone with the Beatific Vision of the Most Holy Trinity could possibly utter any falsehood. So when I make predictions of future events, I may be (and have been) mistaken on some points. These errors occur because I am drawing conclusions based on my own fallible understanding of many various sources. However, if a message of claimed private revelation is mistaken in predictions of future events, then that claimed private revelation was not from God or Heaven at all. God knows the whole future with absolute certitude. All those persons, especially the Blessed Virgin Mary, who have the Beatific Vision of God, also cannot be mistaken in anything that they think or say. For their thoughts and words are informed by the absolute truth of the direct vision of the Nature of God, who is Truth. The claimed private revelations called "The Warning Second Coming" predicted that the Warning of Garabandal would occur in 2011, but it did not. This falsehood was clearly expressed in a number of different messages said to be from Heaven. The fact that it did not occur proves that these messages are not from Heaven at all. "2011 is the Year for Purification throughout the whole world" (quoted from the About page: www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/) "The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you." (Message of June 5th, 2011;  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/two-comets-will-collide-my-cross-will-appear-in-a-red-sky/" www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/two-comets-will-collide-my-cross-will-appear-in-a-red-sky/) 7. "Welcome, therefore, the gift of Purgatory presented to you during The Warning when you must be purified as penance for your sins. You will not have to wait children for death to face this purification." (Message of November 12th, 2011; www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/your-moment-of-glory-before-my-eyes-%E2%80%93-your-moment-of-salvation/) "The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls." (Message of 31st May 2011; www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/prophecy-at-garabandal-will-now-become-a-reality/) "The Warning is close now.... They will see great signs in the skies before The Warning takes place. Stars will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being catastrophic. As these comets infuse a great red sky will result and the sign of my cross will be seen all over the world by everyone" (Message of June 5th, 2011; www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/two-comets-will-collide-my-cross-will-appear-in-a-red-sky/) "The Warning is Close This event will take place in next few months. TWO COMETS will CLASH, Sky to turn red, Cross in the sky Millions will repent as a result of this 'Warning' It is a great act of Gods mercy One of the greatest events in the history of mankind" (front page of thewarningsecondcoming.com, retrieved on June 16th, 2011) In May and June of 2011, the website called "TheWarningSecondComing.com" claimed that the Warning of Garabandal would occur within a few months. More than a few months have passed, and the Warning did not occur. The website also distributed a flyer, stating that the Warning would occur in 2011. The flyer was recently changed to omit that wording. The administration team for the website admits as much: "A message was included in a recent flyer on our website which states that The Warning will take place in 2011. This is incorrect. At no time did Jesus mention to the visionary the year or the date that The Warning will take place other than that it will be soon and within months. That is not to say that it wont happen in 2011. The fact is the Visionary has not been given a date or a year. "The flyer has now been amended and the corrected version is now included on the website. Due to the enormity of the changes in the lives of all of us who volunteer to spread the word of Jesus Christ in these messages we can be disorganised at times. This heading was included when it should never have been. We apologise for our mishandling of promoting these important messages and will give greater review to what is posted from now on." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/how-you-can-help/leaflet/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/how-you-can-help/leaflet/) The persons who prepared the flyer understood what the messages of their anonymous visionary implied, that the Warning would occur in 2011. As the end of 2011 approached, they realized that this prediction would likely not happen. So they changed the flyer and posted the above explanation. But in fact, their original understanding of that these messages claimed was accurate. The messages did say, in May and June of 2011, that the Warning would occur within a few months. The message did say that the Warning was a purification, and that the year 2011 was the year of purification. The persons who prepared this flyer understood correctly what was being claimed. It is simply the case that this claim turned out to be false. The Warning did not occur in 2011, as the messages of this anonymous visionary claimed. Therefore, these messages are not from God, not from the Blessed Virgin Mary, and not from Heaven at all. The most likely source is fallen angels. "Your prophets have seen false and foolish things for you. And they have not laid open your iniquity, to provoke you to repentance. Yet they have seen for you false revelations and banishments." (Lamentations 2:14) "Now the Spirit has clearly said that in the end times some persons will depart from the faith, paying attention to spirits of error and the doctrines of devils..." (I Timothy 4:1) Marie Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais, mystic and stigmatic: "During the time of the approach of the punishments announced at La Salette, an unlimited amount of false revelations will arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and destroy the belief in the true revelations by false ones." Messages that Attack the Church (update added 29 Jan 2012) A recent message was added to "The Warning Second Coming" website by the visionary who now calls herself by the pseudonym "Maria Divine Mercy". This message attacks the Vatican and the Church, attempting to convince the faithful not to trust either. Previous messages tried to convince the faithful not to trust future popes. This is one of the main goals of the false private revelations that come from fallen angels, to gradually lead the faithful away from the one true Church, to cause the faithful to distrust the Pope, the Vatican, and even the Church as a whole. Another goal is to teach the faithful false doctrines. This latest message does both. The title of the message is: The final secret of Fatima reveals the truth of Satans evil sect entering the Vatican (26 Jan 2012). The message claims that the Church lied about the last part of the secret of Fatima, revealed by the Holy See in the year 2000. But this last part of the secret was revealed by the decision of Pope John Paul II. And then-Cardinal Ratzinger, who is now Pope Benedict XVI, wrote a commentary on the secret. And Sister Lucia, the visionary of Fatima, publicly assured everyone that this is the real and final part of the secret of Fatima. 8. And yet the anonymous visionary of the "Warning Second Coming" website says otherwise. So who are you going to believe: 1. an anonymous visionary who does not give her real name, or 2. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and Sister Lucia, visionary of Fatima? If you believe that the visions of Fatima are truly from Heaven, then you cannot believe in the visionary of "The Warning Second Coming" website. This latest message claims that the Vatican is filled with evil persons controlled by Satan: "The last part of secret has not been revealed in order to protect the wicked sect who entered the Vatican in great numbers since My Mother's appearance at the holy shrine of Fatima. My daughter Lucia was silenced by the powers which control part of the Vatican over which My poor beloved Popes have little control." This claim is obviously false, since Sister Lucia spoke publicly when the last part of the secret of Fatima was revealed. She was not silenced. And the claim that "My poor beloved Popes have little control" over the Vatican is absurd. Pope John Paul II decided to reveal the secret, and it was revealed. This was publicly confirmed by Lucia. Then-Cardinal Ratzinger, who is now Pope Benedict XVI, even wrote a commentary on the secret. So the claim is patently false that evil powers overwhelmed the Popes and Sister Lucia in this matter. The message says: "Every true visionary of Mine and My Blessed Mother was ignored in the beginning and treated with contempt by My Church." This claim is an attempt to cause the faithful to distrust the Church, and instead trust an anonymous visionary. The message says: "Watch how they have not only twisted the truth of My teachings but introduced new methods of Catholic worship which insult Me and My Eternal Father." This is an attempt to separate the faithful from the true holy Mass. The changes to the form of the Mass that happen from time to time are approved by the Pope and the Bishops. The Mass on earth is always imperfect, but it is among the greatest forms of holy prayer to God. So the idea that the Mass is an insult to Jesus and the Father is false. The message makes further attempts to separate the faithful from the Church: "Yet My church never preach about the seriousness of sin. They never tell people that they will go to hell should they commit a mortal sin if they do not show remorse. My heart is deeply wounded. They, My churches, all over the world do not preach the truth." It is patently false that the Church does not preach about the seriousness of sin. This preaching is found in the words of the Pope, of the Bishops, and of faithful priests throughout the world. The Catechism of the Catholic Church and other magisterial documents also teach on the seriousness of sin. This message is making a false accusation against the Church, in order to exalt this visionary over the Church. Finally, the message introduces a heresy, the claim that killing is only moral in self-defense, and not in the death penalty or (it is implied) in just war. "Thou shalt not kill means you cannot kill another human being. It does not refer to self defence but in every other circumstance. No man can justify murder - abortion, execution or euthanasia. No one." It is true that abortion and euthanasia and all other forms of murder are intrinsically evil and always gravely immoral. However, the Church has always taught that the death penalty is not intrinsically evil, and that it is justified in some circumstances. The Church has always taught that some wars are just and moral. Pope Benedict XVI, as Cardinal Ratzinger, wrote about this truth: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger: "Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. For example, if a Catholic were to be at odds with the Holy Father on the application of capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be considered unworthy to present himself to receive Holy Communion. While the Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.priestsforlife.org/magisterium/bishops/04-07ratzingerommunion.htm" Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion, General Principles -- sent by Cardinal Ratzinger to Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., and made public in July, 2004, n. 3) Again, who are you going to believe? Cardinal Ratzinger, who is now Pope Benedict XVI, or an anonymous visionary who is not even willing to put her real name on her claims? Ss. Augustine and Aquinas also taught that the use of the death penalty, and just war, are moral. Who are you going to believe? Saints, Popes and Cardinals, or an anonymous visionary? It is a heresy against the true Catholic Faith to claim that the death penalty is never moral and that war is never moral. This message from "Maria" teaches heresy. It also makes grave false accusations against the Vatican and the Church. Whoever believes the contents of this message (on the Warning Second Coming website) commits the sin of heresy and is automatically excommunicated from the Church. Conclusion The claimed private revelation to an anonymous woman, posted on her website (www.TheWarningSecondComing.com), contain many false claims and many doctrinal errors. These are sufficient to prove that these messages are not from God, not from the Virgin Mary, not from Heaven at all. In addition, these messages claim that said visionary will write a book that will be equal to Sacred Scripture and become a part of Sacred Scripture, a book written by God, just as the books of the Bible are written by God through human authors. This claim is abject heresy. 9. The Catholic Church teaches that the Canon of Scripture is closed, that no new Revelation can be added, and that private revelations do NOT belong to the Deposit of Faith, which is Tradition and Scripture (CCC, n. 65-67). Also, this website promotes the false claim that the Antichrist is in the world today. Based on all of these considerations, I conclude that these claimed messages are false private revelations, probably given to this woman by fallen angels. Furthermore, as explained above, this anonymous visionary believes and teaches the heresy of millenarianism, the schismatic error of anti-papalism, and the heretical claim that she will write a new book that will become part of the Bible. Therefore, she is automatically excommunicated from the Church for the sins of heresy and schism under Canon law. Canon 751: "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him." Canon 1364 1: "an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication." [Titus] {3:10} Avoid a man who is a heretic, after the first and second correction, {3:11} knowing that one who is like this has been subverted, and that he offends; for he has been condemned by his own judgment. Faithful Catholics should not believe or promote her messages, and should not associate themselves with her or her claimed private revelations in any way. See also  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm" the second part of this evaluation here*, and my posts on this subject at my blog,  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/" improperium Christi**, especially this post:  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/the-warning-second-coming-messages-on-the-next-pope/" Should you reject the next Pope?*** *See page 25  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm" http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm ** HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/" http://ronconte.wordpress.com/ ***See page 29  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/the-warning-second-coming-messages-on-the-next-pope/" http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/the-warning-second-coming-messages-on-the-next-pope/ All emphases in the preceding article are mine. It is my personal opinion that Garabandal and Medjugorje are not genuine apparition sites; in any case, the jury is still out on both of them. -Michael Maria Divine Mercy, Visionary and Seer (No Decision yet by Church)  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.in/2011/10/maria-divine-mercy-visionary-and-seer.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.in/2011/10/maria-divine-mercy-visionary-and-seer.html Posted by Lovey, October 9, 2011 [See pages 1, 58] We are cautious regarding private revelation and should always await the final decision of the Catholic Church. With this in mind, read these visions knowing they are not yet approved (or disapproved) and are relatively brand new. Their urgent nature causes me to post this now, but with extreme caveat. Prayer should accompany all discernment, especially the rosary!If you see any message within this posted link that you feel is contradictory to sound Catholic doctrine, please post a comment under this article for others to see. TO SEE THE PROPHECIES, CLICK ON LINK BELOW:  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about-the-messages-about-the-website/" Maria Divine Mercy: The Warning Second Coming 23 selected [out of 209] comments [There are several bloggers using the pseudonym "Anonymous"] This alleged seer "Maria Divine Mercy" - what a name by the way - is a dangerous fraud. First of all, the Lord and His church preach honesty and transparency. This person is anonymous. Read through the many messages and you will see countless contradictions of the Catholic faith, as taught in Scripture, Tradition and statements from the Magisterium - for example, in one of her "messages from God", He says she will be the greatest prophet of all, greater than the O.T. prophets. Our Lord has already said that about St. John the Baptist! In another one of her "messages from God" it says that she (but really He, through her) will write a book that will truly be His word, the greatest revelation from Him ever. Well, that is what the Bible is and, according to the teachings of the Church, the public revelation of Jesus Christ has already been revealed and anything else (i.e. private revelation) is definitely secondary. I could go on and on about this fraud, her contradictions of the holy teachings of the Catholic faith etc. She (or whoever) is actually praying on vulnerable souls during this time of great anxiety and confusion in the world. Who, I ask the faithful among us, would do that? Only the Deceiver himself would be up to such Evil. Read and learn your Faith. Read Fr. Groeschel's book on private revelation called A Still, Small Voice from Ignatius Press and stop all this fraudulent seer/visionary nonsense. For the sake of souls and for the mercy of the world, spread the news about these frauds - there are so many. Michael I had some of the same thoughts. Believed her for while, but when she started talking about being the greatest prophet, and now about Peter the Roman being St. Peter from heaven, and the TWO WITNESSES of the book of revelation are in fact us and the Jewish People, I no longer believe in these messages. Thanks for your input. Steve I looked into these messages also. There are numbers of things (in between the lines calling for prayer and conversion) which do not follow the teachings of the Church. I do not understand the fact that Jesus would highlight a seer's great suffering in such a public way, making it almost a statement for us to know. Suffering, if it comes as a gift is hidden, silent, known to those who suffer and God alone. Great Saints would not speak publicly about their own sufferings. Perhaps the seer has much to learn in her/his own walk with God and is called to true conversion. Anonymous I feel the same way while reading these so-called messages. My sister follows them to the T and accuses me of not being obedient to what Jesus is telling us to do. Now my sister is fasting once a week as she was told in these messages. My sister, who is a diabetic, should not be fasting at all. My sister is being deceived by these erroneous messages and when I told her about the contradictions in some of the messages, she claims that they are coming from the devil because millions of souls are being converted and that she is surprised at me for believing those who oppose Maria, Divine Mercy. Anonymous 10. Very important clarification for our modern times, from the great Fr. John A. Hardon whose cause for canonization is moving forward, regarding modern "visionaries and seers" - please read his lecture here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/vision.htm" http://www.therealpresence.org/eucharst/mir/vision.htm - a key paragraph near the end of his talk: "Before we go any further, let me share with you some of the most fundamental norms by which we can judge whether an alleged visionary is even telling the truth, not to say receiving supernatural communications from God. The visionary must be a person of at least ordinary virtue. The one virtue, which is indispensable, is sincere humility. Authentic mystics do not publicize their mystical experiences. The last thing that a Teresa of Avila wanted was to broadcast her locutions from our Lord. The widespread publicity that so many visionaries are not only accepting but promoting is a bedrock proof that they are mystics only in their own minds." - Fr. John Hardon Michael I just heard about this "seer" from a friend and immediately went to check out the website - as I browsed through, I found the following contradictions to sound doctrine and Catholic Church teaching. Here is just a sample of the fraudulent statements I came across. I am sure that if I perused the site more, many others would show up. Just found this error: Its in the Anti-Christ Section and Jesus tells us to pray to St. Michael to rebuke Satan. Here it is quoted from the site: Children I must ask you to pray to St Michael the Archangel to rebuke Satan during these turbulent times. The Anti-Christ is moving quickly and his influence is speeding up the global plot to unify your currencies everywhere Scripture says St. Michael doesnt rebuke Satan, only God does. St. Michael is humble In the St. Michael prayer May God rebuke him we pray. In Jude Chapter 9 we are told St Michael when arguing about the body of Moses with satan did not even presume even to condemn the devil himself but said, referring all the glory to God: The Lord rebuke you to silence the devil. Hence, St Michael is the model of obedience and humility in the service of the Lord. St Michael showed great humility in using the name and power of God alone in his combat with the evil one and in referring all the honour and glory to God in truth rebuking Satan The Lord rebuke you. Here is another one. Jesus tells us to ask God the Father to PRAY for us thats a tiny little word but never, never, never do we ask God to pray for us!!!!! TO WHOM SHOULD GOD PRAY TO FOR US?????? HOW RIDICULOUS, COULD JESUS EVER SAY SUCH A THING? God if you are the truth reveal to me the sign of your love. Open my heart to receive guidance. If you exist let me feel your love so I can see the truth. Pray for me now Oh boy this is a winner. In the first message: Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and for all those faiths deduced by the fallible mind of mankind I call on you all, one last time, to open your eyes to the true word of God. The God that sent you the word through the prophets. The truth was written and documented in the Holy word of the scriptures which no man can amend, change or attempt to twist to his own interpretation. There is only one God. So put down your weapons, open your eyes and follow Me to Eternal Life. I didnt know Jesus thought our Christian faith was deduced by the fallible mind of mankind and puts Christianity on par with Hinduism??????? From Evil presented as good.. There is only one ruler now who is in charge of the future and that is My Eternal Father, God the Creator and Maker of everything. Why was there ever another ruler????? I always thought God was always ruler. This site tells people that when the Warning happens they are to return to this site for information that sounds Satanic to me. Sounds like people being set up for a fall or mislead. While it is true that God can and will use all means of media to reach people. I wouldnt think He would necessarily set up a website to direct souls as to what they should do. He left us His church and our Holy Father for that Be careful with this one and urge others as well -Anonymous The latest message from MDM has said that if we say a prayer for 7 days we will get total absolution and a Plenary Indulgence. So that means that we can bypass the church in relation to confession. This undermines the authority of the church. Jesus Would never in any way undermines the authority of the church. He left the church with his authority. You can read the message here  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/jesus-reveals-plenary-indulgence-for-total-absolution/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/jesus-reveals-plenary-indulgence-for-total-absolution/. The messages do not say anywhere that you should not go to confession, but think about it. Why would I need to go to confession when I only receive absolution but not the Plenary Indulgence? Would I not be much better off just saying these prayers for 7 days and getting total absolution with Plenary Indulgence? So over time what happens? You say these prayers more and more and go to confession less and less. See how subtle Satan is. Here is the problem, these messages might be 99% correct with information that lines up with the church, approved saints and seers, they call out for prayers and prayer groups to be setup to help save souls and everyone believes that this is from god. However the 1% that is wrong is what will lead you on the wrong road just like in my example above. What also happens is this, the information you get for the first year or so is correct, this builds peoples confidence in the messages. If anyone finds fault with one of the messages like I have with the above example everyone jumps to the defence of the messages, things like Jesus is above the church and can do this if he wants to ... People in my opinion are better off sticking to the teachings of the church, the bible, approved seers and saints, mass and confession. Following what is not approved is danger because of the 1% lies. Anonymous A few days ago I told you that I would investigate more thoroughly the website and messages concerning the purported seer Maria Divine Mercy. 11. I have done so by reading approximately 75% of what is on her direct website. Here are my additional findings: 1) This Maria DM says she wants to remain anonymous so that she doesnt detract any publicity for herself and all the glory will go to the givers of the messages. This, my friends is false humility. Ask yourself, in any other apparition - especially those approved by the Roman Catholic Church has any other visionary insisted on remaining anonymous? Why not? Simply because God operates in the light. Shrouding oneself in anonymity allows the person to remain in the darkness. Our God doesnt operate in this manner. Everything He does is done openly and not in darkness. This is for the obvious reasons but also because He wants His church/children to be able to see that what is being said and done truly comes from Him and not the evil one or via human psychoses. If someone remains in the dark, such as this Maria DM, it makes it very difficult to investigate her or the messages. No Saint that ever had visions or messages remained anonymous. In fact God brought them out into the public eye for the reasons I stated above, but also so that they could be tested/persecuted, and by their holding up under the strain, proved more definitively that what was taking place in their lives was truly from the Lord. No one can check out this Maria DM because we do not know who she is. Truth be told, we do not even know if such a person exists????? Could this be the evil one operating under this disguise?? How many times have we all told our children or others not to engage with persons on the internet or in chat rooms because we dont know who is answering them? It could be a serial killer, or some psychotic person. So how can we be so quick to believe what this Maria DM says when we dont even know who or what she is? The fact that she states she is under the guidance of various church officials again is meaningless. How do we know this is true? Does she give the names of these various officials??? No. Ask yourself, why not? Perhaps, they like her dont even exist? Therefore, how can we take what she purports at face value? What we do know is that God is immutable (unchangeable), therefore His ways are immutable. Doesnt it strike you as odd that throughout the centuries when He has acted through His people, we always knew who they were, where they lived, who were their family members, what their lives were like? Were they virtuous persons? Were they practicing Catholics? Who were their spiritual directors? All these things were out in the open. God acts this way so that what He does can be confirmed by His church. Do you suppose He would change now because this woman wants it this way? Another point is that whenever God reveals Himself (or even Our Blessed Lady) many signs and wonders follow to show His manifestation. Think of Lourdes or Fatima or even the cures He worked through the Saints. How can any of this be tested if a person remains anonymous??? And just why isnt God manifesting such works here if this is truly of Him? God doesnt change. So the answer must be that He is not here and this work is not of Him. Anonymous If you have time, highly recommend reading the story on the link below. It was an eye opener for me and a good lesson learned for all to really be cautious. Saints themselves were fooled by Satan, and they actually thought they were in the presence of the Lord when it was the devil.  HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2011/12/sister-magdalena-of-cross-nun-who-made.html" http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2011/12/sister-magdalena-of-cross-nun-who-made.html. Z Here are a few things I've found that raise red flags: "The reason why this will take place is, according to Maria, is because God is ever merciful and wants to give people a chance to repent so they can enter Heaven after His Son, Jesus Christ, comes back to judge during The Second Coming. It is out of His mercy that He is giving the world this final chance to ask for the forgiveness of their sins so that they can all be saved and enter the new Paradise when Heaven and Earth merge as one." --Neither Scripture nor Tradition teaches that a "paradise" will be created by MERGING Heaven and Earth. Revelation 21:1 states "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone, and the sea is now no more." There is no merging of Heaven and Earth to create a Paradise. "The Warning will convert millions but it is only the beginning. The period after that will and must be spent nurturing souls to ensure that they are adequately prepared so they are fit to enter My Fathers New Paradise on Earth." --Again, mention of the earthly paradise. Also notice that it ignores the most immediate thing we should be concerned with--our own individual deaths and our particular judgment, and our entry into HEAVEN. You may or may not live to see "The End Times," etc. but first and foremost You need to be concerned with the salvation of your soul. (From the "message on abortion")"Why do My children stand back and do nothing? In the name of freedom these little angels from My Fathers Kingdom are being taken off this earth before the time assigned to them, as children of God, has taken place." --"these little angels from My Father's Kingdom" appears to be saying that the souls of prenatal children pre-existed in Heaven (aka "My Father's Kingdom") "My daughter you are, as you know, the most unlikely visionary because of your lack of knowledge of Holy matters. Yet you are the chosen messenger. You must understand that you will be unable to defend My messages with any real authority so therefore keep silent when asked to define My messages. You will be provoked and challenged to become involved with religious and especially eschatology arguments but you must no longer respond or provide your own interpretation of the answers. Because of this work you will be disliked. Spiritual jealousy will arise among My followers especially theologians and those who have studied scripture all their lives. So keep silent for you do not have the knowledge nor, as I have told you before, the authority to do so." --God has chosen (and can choose) the weak, the simple, and humble to carry out His message and His will. However, being told not to understand or examine a message, vision, or locution is imprudent and dangerous. 1 John 4:1 tells us "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." "I am suffering to such an extent that the wounds inflicted upon Me at My terrible crucifixion, to which I succumb are opening once again and festering leaving Me in the utmost painful agony of body, soul and divinity. Yet I will never give up loving all of you." 12. --This is blasphemy. Neither Scripture nor Tradition, nor even any Church-approved message has ever stated Christ as being in suffering and agonizing pain and His wounds "festering." Christ's Body is glorified; He rose from the dead. He cannot suffer or decay with "festering" wounds. Also, notice the phrase "...utmost painful agony of body, soul and divinity." The body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ are present in the Eucharist and is NOT in agony or in decay. Alesha There are two BIG glaring reason why this visionary is false, among others. She claims her "Book Of Truth" is on par/equal to existing scriptures. The church has long "closed" the canon of scripture as the complete works and teachings of Christ and the apostles. No additions, deletions or changes can be made.  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/they-will-deny-me-by-saying-that-my-holy-word-contradicts-the-word-of-god/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/they-will-deny-me-by-saying-that-my-holy-word-contradicts-the-word-of-god/ What does the bible say on this: Paul said in Galatians 1:8 "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!" and... John said in Revelations 22:18 19 "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." There are many more errors, but these did it for me. Anonymous Here is a new and strange development. When Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation on February 11, 2013, I searched "The Warning Second Coming" website for any references that this event may have been predicted. Amazingly enough, I found this, "...Other world leaders will be killed soon and My poor Holy vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome..." This is no a huge stretch until you see the date the message was supposedly given, "February 11, 2012", one year to the day of his resignation, Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes! I have not seen this amazing "coincidence" mentioned anywhere else on the internet as of the date of this posting. -Lovey [first posting on this blog] Benedict XVI was not ousted as MDM claims he willingly resigned. Big difference. Keep in mind that Satan too can predict the future just by simple observation and deduction so sometimes he can accurately predict what will happen but can be mistaken in his prediction. (Remember he is the father of lies and if there is demonic activity going on here (which I believe there is) he used the wrong word) Anonymous Thank you, Anonymous. I tend to agree with you. After reading the MDM messages for about two years now, I believe this woman from Ireland is being deceived. I don't think she is "making things up," as some are suggesting, but is receiving demonic manifestations. I have written a new article outlining my reasoning:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html. [See page 34] -Lovey [Owner of the blog] MDM has many doctrinal errors in her alleged messages and it's disconcerting to see how few discern this. St Paul tells us to test all spirits but from the comments it appears that most are not doing this but are rather taking what she says as gospel truth. All visions, locutions etc... need to be put at the foot of Holy Mother Church for discern to see if they are truly of divine origin. This does not appear to be the case with this woman. An example of errors is her May 20, 2011 message and her claim of a 1000 year reign where Satan and his followers will be banished from the earth for 1000 years. That is not what the Church teaches. Our Lord's second coming will be the sign that the world has run its course and that Satan's power will not be banished for 1000 years but forever. Her message of 7 May 2011 is also heretical for she claims that, and I quote, "My passion the Cross and the atrocities committed by man at My crucifixion have not been revealed to the world in the way they were meant to be." Such a statement calls God a liar and that the Gospels are in error. That cannot be since God is the author of the Scriptures and what was revealed is from the Holy Spirit. That is just a sampling of some of the glaring doctrinal errors in her message. If she were a true visionary there would be no errors at all since in God there is nothing but Truth. God cannot lie. Plus Christ established one Church and works within the structure of this Church. Somewhere in her writings she talks about "the promise of a seal" which purports to protect people from the physical tribulation under Anti-Christ. If that were true then God would have to apologize to the countless of men, women and children who gave their lives for the sake of the Gospel. These people shed their blood, were enslaved, tortured, murdered, and some brutally crucified through the centuries. They were not sealed when the going got tough. In John 17:15 we read "I do not ask thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one" and in John 16:33 "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Could God really look all these martyrs in the eye and tell them sorry guys but this time I'm going to spare these sealed believers at this time from persecution. What rubbish! Christ asks us to engage the world that the fullness of the Kingdom of God may come. The real seal is the Sacrament of Confirmation that strengthens us for the battles we encounter in life. In closing I would like to say that for those who spend hours perusing her messages that they should spend twice as much time perusing the Scriptures where we find the authentic word of God to guide us. Anonymous Many great mystics have had demonic visitations in disguise. St. Padre Pio even warns to test the spirits, lest they be fake. These false visitations must appear to be from heaven in order to attempt to cleverly lead the "seer" away from truth, therefore, there will be a lot of truth mixed in with dangerous lies. If great holy people had trouble telling the difference between a good or evil entity, then how is this possible for "Maria Divine Mercy" who admits she was a lapsed Catholic, even an agnostic at the time of her first vision? Satan can deceive using great holiness. There is the story of Sister Magdalena of the Cross who was considered so holy, also having had many "miraculous" manifestations, that she was raised to the position of Mother Superior of the Franciscan convent. Her extreme holiness and forced mortifications caused a few to suspect her holiness did NOT come from heaven. They turned out to be right. She had made a pact with the devil in her youth to appear to have great holiness. Read her story here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2011/12/sister-magdalena-of-cross-nun-who-made.html" http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2011/12/sister-magdalena-of-cross-nun-who-made.html. -Lovey  HYPERLINK "javascript:;" \t "_self"  Maria's prophecies about the departure of the pope is one proof. There are about 13 references to it and more prophecies will be fulfilled. About impressions on Maria, she is just a simple housewife and not a theologian. Thats why in one of her messages, Jesus asked her not to interpret or defend His messages. For those who say MDMs prophecies are demonic in origin, please ponder on these questions: Would the devil ask you to repent for your sins and ask mercy from God? Would the devil ask you to go to confession and receive the Holy Eucharist? Would the devil ask you to constantly pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment so as not to be deceived? Would the devil ask you to pray the rosary and the chaplet of Divine Mercy for the salvation of your brethren? Would the devil ask you to put the needs of others first before your own? Would the devil ask you to pray always and avoid sin at all cost? Anonymous I believe the answer to each one of your questions is, "YES!" I have written an article outlining my "thumbs down" on MDM in more detail here:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html. [See page 34] -Lovey The newest messages are alarming to me. I believe they are designed to split the church. I just saw that now they will be conducting seminars in Australia to give an overview of the messages, discuss the direction of the church, and "help the establishment of centers of prayer and distribution with a view to a more important role in difficult times ahead." There are already eleven meetings listed. If this type of meeting becomes popular in other countries, the church is in danger of schism. There is an agenda here. If the messages are for the benefit of mankind, then why the copyright warning regarding the messages? This is copied right from the website, "Please note: This is the only authorised website to purchase the Book of Truth, which has been to Maria Divine Mercy and placed under her responsibility. The book is copyrighted to protect the work. Please understand the responsibility placed upon her to protect the Work, even in your enthusiasm to get these Messages to others. Through this website and our authorised distributors and publishers the books are made available in retail outlets in the UK, only, at this point in time. The book can only be sold in other languages through this and authorised site. The book is also available on iTunes and via Kindle. If in doubt please email us." Retail outlets? iTunes and Kindle? What's going on here? Lovey People should always wait for the local Bishop wherever the locutions happen to give his verdict on the matter. Whatever that verdict is, the faithful should follow the decision of that Bishop. Garabandal has not been approved or disapproved but you should always err on the side of caution and reject it until such a time one of the visions come to pass. As for MDM, the mere fact that she has decided to remain anonymous is very worrying. A lot of what she has said does not make sense, but i note that she is not afraid to write books and profit from these locutions. She has a Dublin accent, so maybe she should put her writings to Archbishop Martin to investigate her visions. It would fare better if she put her writings to the Bishop instead of a book. Remember! Many of the approved Apparitions/Locutions in the past, when told by the local Bishop to cease in their claims of Apparitions/Locutions while they were being investigated, were also told by Christ to always obey the bishop. This is one of the most important ways of the Church to know if these visionaries are true and that is: Whether or not they obey the Bishop. The Faithful should also obey the Bishop. People say: How can praying the Rosary etc be from the Devil? But what is from the Devil is people disobeying the Bishop and the Church When Satan tells you to pray the Rosary and then go against the Bishop. He wins, you lose always. There are so many approved visionaries/prophecies that have been approved by the Church for everyone to know what Our Lord and Our Lady are asking of the faithful. The Bible and the Revelations in particular are proven prophecies. Stop trusting only in what man is saying and begin to trust in what God has already told us. Winno A deception of Satan? Are you serious? Would Satan promote the Rosary, or daily recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, or weekly confession, or daily Mass? How about the crusade prayers to protect us against Satan and the antichrist and the False Prophet etc.? Maria isn't trying to cause the divide in the Catholic Church, she's warning us about it. Jesus specifically told her to stay hidden, and I can totally understand why. He doesn't want the focus on her; He wants the focus to be on the content of the messages themselves. He doesn't want it to turn into a circus like Medjugorje and all the others did. Jesus invited people who were skeptical of these messages to pray to him about it and he will put all doubts of it out of your mind. There is a reason why there is urgency to all of these messages, it's because they are unfolding now, not some time in the distant future. It takes the church at least 50 years or more to make a decision on these matters, and frankly, we dont have that long. If you continue to stick your head in the sand and deny these messages, you do so at your own peril. Anonymous Anonymous, yes, I'm serious. Do a study of false apparitions of past centuries and notice that mixed in with Satan's attempt to split the church, there are many truths such as, "Pray the rosary, make the sacraments, fast, do penance, etc." He is desperate. He knows his time on earth is short and will say true things to convince people to believe in the false part of the messages too. Read about the nun who appeared so "holy" she was elected Mother Superior of a Franciscan convent. She later admitted to have made a pact with the devil in her youth in exchange for appearing holy to others:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2011/12/sister-magdalena-of-cross-nun-who-made.html" www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2011/12/sister-magdalena-of-cross-nun-who-made.html As far as your harsh words, "If you continue to stick your head in the sand and deny these messages, you do so at your own peril," this statement is patently false. We as Catholics are NOT required to believe ANY private revelation. We are equipped with everything we need for salvation through the gospel and Sacred Tradition. To claim that some unknown seer has an addition to the gospel is not only false, it is downright heresy. As for me and my family, we will follow the Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church. Lovey COMMENTS ON THIS ARTICLE ARE NOW CLOSED because the limit has been reached. To continue the discussion, go to the article of February 2, 2013 called "Maria Divine Mercy, A Deception of Satan" or copy and paste this into your browser:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html. Lovey, March 5, 2013 14. Errors and Criticism - The Warning Second Coming  HYPERLINK "http://warningsecondcoming.blogspot.in/" http://warningsecondcoming.blogspot.in/ January 24, 2012 [The original in German: November 8, 2011] John gives us the explicit warning: Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1). Jesus himself says: False messiahs and false prophets will arise, and they will perform signs and wonders so great as to deceive, if that were possible, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24) ATTENTION: This criticism does not want to discredit Garabandal. The author explicitly turns against the messages of Maria Divine Mercy. [Translated rather inaccurately from the original German, all emphases are the author's Michael] Brief Introduction As follows, the main arguments used in order to underline the supposed authenticity of The Warning Second Coming are listed: ( The reception of the holy sacraments is being recommended; especially the Holy Communion and occasionally confession. ( It is called to prayer; especially the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is being highlighted. ( People are held up to exercise themselves in loving ones neighbour, tolerance, humility and so forth. (The finger is pointed at the sinfulness of our time; among other things at the abomination of abortion. To begin with: The author would like to join into these requests. The worthy reception of the holy sacraments cannot be overestimated in its value since God himself is present in them. Our life in and with Christ can neither succeed nor bear any fruit without prayer. It is prayer that so to speak turns our faith into rich soil bearing fruit by embracing the seed of God, His Word. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is an unspeakably great gift given to us. The love of our neighbor is after, but next to the love of God the most important commandment that was handed down to us by our Lord, Christ himself. Now many say: This is not the work of Satan! These are good and righteous things to do! Those messages have to be true! Sadly the author has to respond: No, those messages are false. Many good and truly Christian aspects are being abused by the makers of this Warning in order to render the other parts credible which are full of incorrectness and lie. Wonderful pieces of our Christian believe are wrongfully included with the aim to make people believe that those messages actually are from God. Truth is put next to lie; error and heresy are mixed with the true teaching of Jesus Christ. These lies are signed by the maker with the name of the Father, the Son or (once) the Holy Spirit, from time to time with that of Mary, the mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The author does not wish to accuse this visionary (in case we are not dealing with an editorial team) of any ill intent. The author can imagine that this visionary truly wants to convey genuine prophecies and deposit of faith with her pious forgery. Well-meaning, she is adding conspiracy theories to the lot, but furthermore she tends to make mistakes and religious errors. Assuming the case that she really is having visions, an investigation conducted by exorcists would be necessary. This would require the local ecclesiastical authorities to take action. The author believes as well, that the signs of the times are clearly speaking against a peaceful future. Nonetheless, only God himself knows what is coming and when things are going to happen. In any case Christ has told us: Be watchful! I have told it all to you beforehand. (Mark 13:23) This means that concerning the end of times we first have to read the Bible and not some new message from some doubtful seer. Christ has told us everything beforehand! The author is asking for the readers prayer, for himself as well as for the visionary, so the one who is at fault shall come to see the truth. General Criticism: The anonymity of the visionary reasoned with the protection of herself and her family is already reason enough to question the authenticity of this Warning. In the entire Holy Bible you wont find a prophet who was allowed to act anonymously. Allegedly, these messages are being checked by clerical channels. At the request which bishops or priests were in favour of the warning no answer was given. At one point in the messages it is said that The Warning does not have the support of the priests. The humility to have oneself reviewed by the Church is a necessary feature of a true visionary. St. Pio of Pietrelcina when asked about appearances and visionaries always answered: This is none of my business. It is up to the ecclesiastical authorities to make a decision. With the preservation of her anonymity this visionary seems to try to avoid a confrontation with clerical superiors. As already mentioned the clerical departments that are said to supervise the visionary, remain unknown. The seer wishes to be known as Maria Divine Mercy. That changes nothing in her staying anonymous. In an interview (on the American radio station WTMR), given in November 2011, she claims to be residing in Ireland. Furthermore she says that an Archbishop put her messages to test and rejected them. So if that is the case (theres no prove up to now because of her anonymity), then thats a sign for a false prophet: disobedience against the Church and lack of humility, because she values her opinion and judgment more credible than that of the Archbishop. (Link to the interview:  HYPERLINK "http://www.blessedmotherschildren.com/uploads/3/0/2/8/3028145/october11mariavisionary.mp3" http://www.blessedmotherschildren.com/uploads/3/0/2/8/3028145/october11mariavisionary.mp3) Of course, true visionaries have often been accused of disobedience. However, these messages of The Warning indirectly invite to disobey the Church and first of all the priests. According to The Warning the Church will take many, many years to accept these messages. In this context the judgement of the Church and the clergy is portrayed irrelevant. (Message of July 9, 2011; details below)Who doubts these messages is automatically wrong. Even if the Pope said anything against it would be irrelevant. Related to important prophecy and true messages there always happened miracles to confirm their authenticity. (e.g. Moses and many prophets of the Old Testament; also in Fatima, Akita, Lourdes and, yes, also Medjugorje) Again and again the Bible states that God works wonders to confirm his prophets. So far, not a single miracle has occurred in relation to The Warning or Maria Divine Mercy, let alone that any of her predictions came true. (The predicted flood in France cannot be counted as a prediction come true since statistics show that floods around the affected area have been happening annually and several times a year.) Many miss the gentleness of Christ and His Mother Mary, which is another sign of true messages. St. Pio of Pietrelcina said: When a prophecy comes from God, it always speaks only of love and mercy. In contrast, The Warning seems to provoke unease in our souls and heavy interpersonal dispute. Peace of soul and mind or a fruitful awakening, like it can be found in the writings of e.g. Maria Valtorta, Maria Ccilia Baij, Katharina Emmerich and others, is missing entirely. In the messages a indirect call to disobedience against the priests and the Church is permanently stated. People are encouraged to make bad judgements on the clergy. Thus, people start more and more to criticize and slandering the priests and the Church. They forget the necessity of humility and obedience, not following the example Christ himself set living amongst us. However, the Holy Spirit works in the Church and through the Church, i.e. through the priests: If now Christians no longer listen to the words of their priests, Satan wins once again. The messages also state Pope Benedict XVI to be the last valid Pope. In consequence, all of his successors would have to be a (or the) Antichrist respectively a (or the) false prophet. (11th and 106th message; more below) The Warning represents the doctrine of Millenarianism, also called Chiliasm (e.g. the 89th, 124th, 141st message). The doctrinal errors of Millenarianism claim in various ways, that when our Lord will come again there will be exactly 1000 years of peace before Christ returns once more for the Final Judgement. A temporal millennial Empire on Earth is predicted and regarded as a paradise on Earth. This earthly paradise is claimed to be the realization of Messianic hopes in the world. This interpretation of Rev 20:3 was condemned by the Catholic Church as heresy. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 676) St. Augustine pointed out that the millenarian Empire is the time between the first coming of Christ (his work of salvation and the foundation of the Church) and his second coming to the Final Judgement at the end of times. This would mean that we already live in the millenarian Empire. 1000 years is no definite measure of time but a number which points to completion meaning the completion of the Church as the mystical body of Christ. (Col 1:24) That Paradise on Earth is to give some examples promised in the 88th, 109th, 111th, 256th, 281st message. It is proclaimed to be a new heaven on Earth. However, the real paradise according to Christian understanding is not on Earth, but actually to be in God. Paradise is the intimate communion with the Holy Trinity and is therefore not to be found on Earth. A paradise on Earth contradicts our God-given existence which consists in taking up our cross, suffering with and for Christ by following Him. Only after the last judgement at the end of all time, each suffering will have an end. (cf. Rev) In between, the messages relate to popular conspiracy theories (such as the New-World-Order theories, in which the Pope is sometimes considered to be the Antichrist or a power-obsessed leader of the world). These conspiracy theories even if a part should correspond to the truth are for the most part not from reliable sources. Above all, they usually are not based in Christian faith and seduce people to doubt God and to overestimate the power of Satan. Conspiracy theorists often end up in despair not believing in God who loves each one of us and therefore suffers with us. One time, the Holy Spirit speaks Himself, an absolute novelty. (47th message) In the Bible and accepted messages it is either God the Father or the Son who speaks Himself. Till now it has been viewed as a sign of false prophets when the Holy Spirit literally speaks instead of using people as his organ. Also be observed that these messages bring nothing new but warm up old prophecies. Aside accepted prophecies and recognized visionaries, highly doubtful writings from wrong seers with heretic contents are copied and recycled. (e.g. the false seer Nora Arthus) Eye-witnesses reported that messages have been removed from the website of The Warning Second Coming. There also have been a few subsequent substantive alterations on the already published messages. (e.g. 6th message; regarding the "book of Kells" see below). There is to add that spelling and orthography often left a lot to be desired. In some of the messages it is pointed out that it is quite natural and normal that they cause confusion or rather that the appearances confuse the seer herself. (248th message) Once it is stated that love itself is confusing (45th message). In the classical discernment of spirits (whether the spirits and thoughts come from God, evil or from our own), confusion is a flag for the evil spirit. For instance, St. Ignatius of Loyola writes: but if in the course of the thoughts which he brings it ends in something bad, of a distracting tendency, or less good than what the soul had previously proposed to do, or if it weakens it or disquiets or disturbs the soul, taking away its peace, tranquillity and quiet, which it had before, it is a clear sign that it proceeds from the evil spirit, enemy of our profit and eternal salvation. (cf. The Spiritual Exercises; 5th Rule of greater discernment of spirits) In addition, many readers of these messages have reported similar indicators for the evil spirit (like confusion, horror, unease even demonic activity). For some time now prayers for a Crusade are revealed so that you can pray for all sorts of things. Christians are confronted with an index of formulas for all possible requests concerning the end times, others or ourselves. However, prayer does not deplete in reciting and repeating certain words and phrases like a hex or spell. It is devotion and love, that counts; lowly turning towards God with a loving, honest and open heart. Prayer that doesnt come from the inside and consists solely in linguistically applying a formula is not prayer but at best a spell. When praying, Christ wants to take possession of our hearts. He wants to touch our soul and become one with us. Not words are important but that we really mean what we say and dont rattle or bubble along. In advanced prayer life, silence and contemplation become essential (cf. Spanish mysticism). Concluding, Christ has given us the Pater Noster (the Lords Prayer). Actually, it includes everything what we should ask for. So considering the Pater Noster we realize that all these other formulas are superfluous. 16. In general, these messages are claimed to be necessary for any Christian who wants to be saved. These messages want to be recognized as Holy Scripture (more details below). However, the Church states that even recognized messages dont belong to the deposit of faith. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 67) Nonetheless, doubting these messages is declared to be a satanic seduction. By doubting or ignoring is equal to insulting Jesus Christ. To that the author wants to reply with St. Paul: Test everything; retain what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) Particular Criticism selected quotes: All quotes (bold letters) are taken from the official English website  HYPERLINK "http://thewarningsecondcoming.com/" http://thewarningsecondcoming.com (as of Dec 31, 2011) 1. (Jesus on Nov 12, 2010) and you have been chosen to do this work with Me. It will take you three months. This period of three months has clearly expired. Jesus seems to have been wrong. Some claim that only the first part (the first book) of these messages was meant. This interpretation, however, has no ground in the text of the message. 2. (Jesus on Nov 7, 2011) My daughter you will feel isolated, rejected, feared and will suffer harshly in My name. Without your sacrifice I could not fulfil My promise to save mankind so that every soul is accorded the opportunity to benefit from their rightful inheritance. The visionary is said to be a necessary co-redeemer. Without her, God would not be able to fulfil his promise: the salvation of souls. The omnipotence of God and our salvation through Jesus Christ is called into question. 3.(Mary on Dec 16, 2011) You are the true end times prophet guided by the Heavens to help convert the world. The visionary is told to be the true end times prophet like there would be only one single end times prophet. That cannot be true because before her there were numerous prophecies concerning the end times. And the prophet Joel tells us: Then afterward I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 3:1) So, also in the future the Spirit of God will speak through people, for the gift of prophecy comes from God. 4.(Jesus on July 9, 2011) It is not important whether the Church authenticates these messages because time is not on their side. They, My Sacred Servants, will take many, many years to accept My messages so just keep going. (a.) The time is running out? Isnt He God and couldnt He extend time according to His will and pleasure? Doesnt He himself act in his Church so that He could accelerate this process of recognition? (cf. the duration of the process of beatification of Pp. John Paul II.) (b.) However, one could argue that messages are often only then recognized when the apparitions or mystic activity have ended. From this angle of perspective a recognition through the Church would now not be possible. However, here Jesus allegedly says: It is not important whether the Church authenticates these messages. In fact he says that the judgement of His Church has become irrelevant. No matter what priests, bishops and the Pope, the Magisterium of the Church, say the messages are said to be true anyway. It is our belief that the Church has the Supreme Magisterium because the Church is the mystical body of Christ. Christ founded the Church and now he would say that the Church is no longer necessary? Once again these messages undermine the authority of the Church and drive a wedge between us who are loyal to the Pope and those who believe in these messages. 5.(Jesus on Nov 16, 2010) I ask you all to pray for My beloved brave Pope, the last true Pope. 6.(Jesus on June 7, 2011) It is important that My followers keep alert to any new Pope that may come forward for he will not be from God. (a.) Pope Benedict XVI is said to be the last true Pope. Those who come after him will not be from God. So his successor is going to take the Chair of St. Peter against the will of God. This would indicate that all successors of Pope Benedict XVI will be schismatics or antipopes. So here the message calls to disobey the (following) papacy. This message clearly contradicts the word of Christ: You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:18-19) (b.)Now lets take a look on the Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to St. Malachy, which enjoys very wide recognition due to its accuracy. There Pp. Benedict XVI is mentioned to (possibly) be the penultimate Pope. About the last Pope the prophecy says: In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop] Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations: and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people. The End. So actually the prophecy of St. Malachy refers to at least one other true Pope, Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep at the end of times. Whether there are other popes between Pp. Benedict XVI and the last Pope Peter II the prophecy does not express clearly. However, Pp. Benedict XVI is therefore not the last true Pope. This message will just ruin the confidence of faithful Christians in following their shepherd. (c.) This kind of call to disobedience against the papacy would indicate that not only human interests are behind these messages. A diabolical influence can be considered. 17. 7.(Jesus on June 6, 2011) The keys of Rome will now be handed back to God, the Almighty Father. (a.) The keys of Rome will now be handed back to God? This means that God removes the papal authority. And He does that now. God abandons his Pope, the rock on which He built the Church. (Matthew 16:18) If the foundation of the Church, the rock, is abandoned by God then the Church as a whole is no longer the Church of Christ. Christ tells us that a house is only as good as its foundation. (Luke 6:48-49) Together with the keys of Rome all power to the administration of the sacraments is nullified. Confession (Matthew 18:18) or Eucharistic consecration remain ineffective of now. Christ is no longer in the Eucharistic bread! (b.) It is pretty obvious that this message is of diabolical nature. The Church is the mystical body of Christ which God will never ever leave. Christ stays inseparably with His Church because He loves us like His bride. St. Paul says: For this reason a man shall leave father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church. (Eph 5:31-32) Christ has told us that he will always be with us until the end of times. (Matthew 28:80) 8.(Jesus on Nov 16, 2010) To My Cardinals I say this. To what lofty heights have you risen that you have forgotten the sacraments or the truth of my teachings to lead My flock. Come down now and follow My guidance. Do not be distracted by the falsehoods which have gripped mankind. Dont you, too, deny Me. A blanket judgement is pronounced against all Cardinals. Allegedly all Cardinals have forgotten the sacraments and the truth of the doctrine of Christ. Such criticism only supports tendencies of disobedience in Christian communities and dont do any good. Now the so-called grass roots may feel entitled to tell those lofty floating Cardinals where the Church has to go and what theyd have to do. 9. (Jesus on Aug 31, 2011) All religions, all creeds [] will respond to the light of the truth now. They are all so precious to My Eternal Father. 10. (Jesus on Nov 21, 2010) To My churches around the world hear My call. [] All paths lead to God. 11. (Jesus on Dec 20, 2010) Irrespective of which path you follow God, or whether you believe in Me, his only beloved son, stand together as one. 12. (God the Father on Jan 16, 2012) Much of the truth, ignored by My churches down through the centuries, will emerge again. All religions are so precious in the eyes of the eternal father. This expresses that God the Father does not care which religion you belong to. The message claims that not alone the faith in Christ means salvation but without limitation any other path. The Church of Christ is not the only true religion founded by God but only one of many valuable religions. The Catholic Church is one among many nice churches founded by God. Of course, every soul regardless of which religion is loved by God and so is infinitely precious. A person who does not acknowledge Christ is therefore not automatically lost. The divine mercy certainly does not stop at the borders of the Roman Catholic Church (so St. Edith Stein). Nonetheless, religions and creeds which conclude errors cannot be equally precious or equivalent to the denomination to Christ. No one comes to the Father except through Christ, who is the one and only way. (John 14:6) All roads or paths leading to God is a heretical new-age ideology. Indeed, it does matter by what means we follow God, which way we take and whether we believe in the Son, Jesus Christ. St. John writes: Whoever possesses the Son has life; whoever does not possess the Son of God does not have life. (1 John 5:12) 13. (Jesus on March 18, 2011) Respect this most Holy Scripture. Defend it. 14. (Mary on Oct 12, 2011) Never defend his most Holy Word for He does not wish you to do this. 15. (Jesus on Oct 13, 2011) I must inform you of the need to refrain from defending My Most Holy Word. [] I ask that you never defend Me as it is unnecessary. 16. (God the Father on Nov 15, 2011) [] defend My Holy word so that mankind can be saved. Obviously, there we have some inconsistency. A common strategy to defend or not to defend the Holy Word could not be determined. 17. (Jesus on Oct 13, 2011) I must inform you of the need to refrain from defending My Most Holy Word. [] I ask that you never defend Me as it is unnecessary. What would a martyr, e.g. St. Stephen (Acts 6-7), say who defended Our Lord and His Word to his death? Did they die in vain? Would it actually be better to keep your mouth shut? That clearly contradicts the Beatitudes: Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12) Naturally, someone who keeps quiet and doesnt stand to Christ will hardly be persecuted for that. 18. (Jesus on Dec 20, 2010) This event (the great tribulation) will commence from the end of 2012 19. (Jesus on Aug 18, 2011) No one will be given this date (of the second coming of Christ) not even the angels in Heaven or My Beloved Mother. But this I can reveal. The Tribulation started some time ago. The Great Tribulation will begin at the end of 2012. A date is set ("end of 2012"). The Great Tribulation directly precedes the second coming of the Lord. All messages that in this regard indicate dates, times or seasons are incorrect. The resurrected Jesus says: It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his own authority. (Acts 1:7) Take notice, that Christ not only forbids the declaration of dates and times but also of seasons. In addition he does not confine his statement to times and deadlines concerning his second coming but he generally refers to the apocalyptical events (i.e. that dates or seasons with regard to the Warning, the Great Tribulation or the appearance of the Antichrist will not be given in true messages). 20. (Jesus on May 31, 2011) Prepare now for this event (the Warning) for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls. Well A few months is a circumscribable amount of time. A few months means less than a year (cf. message of July 1, 2011) and even rather less than half a year. Now, more than half a year has passed and nothing has happened. 21. (Jesus on Nov 12, 2010) You need all your energy to write the book. [The book of which I speak, is a Holy Scripture and is part of the plan which has been revealed in the Book of Kells.] This book will change lives, save souls and has been foretold. Yes, the book is what was prophesied. You are the writer. I am the Author. (a.) The sentence in brackets concerning the Book of Kells has been removed from the website around July 2011 after criticism emerged. The German translation continues containing the sentence. The Book of Kells was written in the middle ages by Irish monks. It only consists of the four Gospels and deviates in a few minor points from the Vulgate (Latin Bible-version from St. Hieronymus). That, because parts of the Book of Kells were probably written down from memory. How come that this particular version of the four Gospels should be relevant cannot be answered. Obviously the visionary realized that the reference to the Book of Kells didnt serve her cause and without further ado removed it from the English website. (b.) As said, the Book of Kells refers only to the four Gospels. It is claimed that in these four Gospels somewhere a prophecy was made that indicates that a new book will be written to the end times; a book that will change lives and save souls. The attentive reader of the four Gospels will easily see that a new book has not been predicted. (c.) The Church considers the Bible and Revelation itself to be complete. It is not possible to write a new book and add it to the Bible or claim that it would be necessary for salvation (more below). 22. (Jesus on Nov 12, 2010) I want you to publish it around the world. It must be large, powerful and sought out by millions just like the Holy Bible. 23. (Jesus on March 18, 2011) Respect this most Holy Scripture. 24. (Jesus on Oct 13, 2011) I must inform you of the need to refrain from defending My Most Holy Word. On the same rank as the Holy Scripture, the writings of The Warning are declared to be at the same level with the most Holy word. It is implied that these messages are an important, essential addition to the Bible. In other words: without the knowledge of these messages we are lost anyway. However, the Church clearly states that the Bible and Revelation itself have been completed with the Revelation of John (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 66). The assertion that these messages are just as important as the Bible is nonsense. The Church sets out that even recognized private revelation does not belong to the deposit of faith (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 67). The text must be sought after by millions seems to point to profitable marketing of these messages. On the other hand it could be another sign for demonic interests manipulating Christian faith. (cf. the message of Feb 6, 2011 in which these messages are referred to as sacred Scripture.) 25. (Jesus on Oct 7, 2011) Many of My children have not read the Holy Bible nor are they aware of all My teachings. 26. (Jesus on Oct 8, 2011) (regarding false prophecies) For somewhere within you will find that My teachings and the truth contained in the most Holy Bible have been tampered with. So subtle are these untruths that only those with true knowledge of the Holy Scriptures will be able to spot them. (a.) It is true: we should spend more time reading the Bible, but: Since when are there several teachings? Or several Holy Scriptures? Christ preached only one doctrine because there is just one. Christ has left us a single and simple commandment: You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself. (Luke 10:27) If someone, attracted by the love of the Lord, begins to live in this love and dedicates his life to Christ then Christ will tell this soul everything necessary even in case we dont know the Bible sufficiently. Through the work of the Holy Spirit the soul will recognize what she has to do or not to do. Indeed, it is not necessary to know the Holy Bible to the smallest detail because then no one would have a chance to enter heaven. Virtually not a single person can claim to know everything or understand everything what God has laid down in the Bible. (b.) The beginning of this quote reads: somewhere within you will find that My teaching have been tampered with. The end of the quotation states: So subtle are these untruths that only those with true knowledge of the Holy Scriptures will be able to spot them. Here exists a contradiction in terms. Either all of us will notice that His teachings have been tempered with or just some experts in exegetics. (c.) Once again, we have to put a question: Here we are held up to know Holy Scripture in detail. As stated above, the messages themselves are also referred to as sacred scriptures and Holy Scripture. Is knowledge of the messages required without which the soul is lost? In turn, this would be nonsense. 19. 27. (Mary on Sept 6, 2011) Always listen to your heart. Then you will know the truth. St. Peter once followed the emotions of his heart. He loved Jesus and so he wanted to dissuade Jesus from suffering and his death by crucifixion. The answer of Jesus: Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do. (Mark 8:33) Peter did not say this because he wanted to seduce Jesus. He loved his master, wanted to hold off pain from him and have him with them longer He listened to his heart. Thus, it becomes clear that every human heart, even the heart of the visionary, is prone to bad inspiration. It cannot be regarded as a trustworthy criterion for decisions. As Christians we rely on guidance from the Holy Spirit and the biblical words of Jesus. When Christ himself lives in our hearts then we will find the right path. Then it is not our hearts but rather He who leads. 28. (Mary on Nov 8, 2010) My child you have a responsible job to do and you must not let anyone stop you. You must not let anyone stop you. implies that she must not let her father confessor, priests, bishops or even the Pope stop her. Here, Mary calls to disobedience against the clergy. The truth is that Mary led a live of obedience and lowliness. The Mother of God would never call to disobedience against the priests. Considering true seers, Jesus and Mary always demanded the visionaries to obey the (local) priests and bishops even then when these wanted to prevent the publication of these messages. For example in Garabandal it was a central concern of Mary asking for obedience to the priests. 29. (Maria on Nov 8, 2010) Go now, my child to do the work using all the tools available to you at this most important time in the history of mankind. (a.) Allegedly the incarnation of Christ is no longer most important time in the history of mankind. If Christ hadnt become man and hadnt he died for us then we would not need a warning since there would not be salvation anyway. Thus, the most important time in the history of mankind is the incarnation of Christ, his death and resurrection. The incarnation of Christ is pivotal for the salvation of humanity fallen by original sin. (b.) Of course, at this most important time could also mean to this extremely important time. Here exists another problem. Christ loves all people of all generations at all times. It is not like our time was more important than those of other generations. Even if our time was the end times it would not be more important than any other time. The most important time is namely our personal end times from now till death. Let us consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Jesus so that we do not lose track of our own end times while looking out for the end of the world. 30. (Jesus on July 8, 2011) Plan your food supplies now. Grow and buy seeds that will keep you alive. Buy silver coins or gold so that you can buy what is necessary. 31. (Jesus on Nov 26, 2010) Start collecting food and planting your own. Stock up as if a war is coming. Those who do will be alright. 32. (Jesus on Nov 23, 2010) Buy the seeds that will not be available for sale in the future now. This will feed your family as the global famine takes place. 33. (Jesus on July 8, 2011) Buy gas stoves, blankets, dried and tinned food, water purification tablets, candles along with religious images to sustain you and your families during the great chastisement which will follow the Warning. These selected quotes clarify that these messages insist on taking precautions regarding food, shelter, health etc. This is a fundamental motif of almost all wrong messages of the last decades. Jesus said: Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life and what you will eat, or about your body and what you will wear. (Luke 12:22) Christ would never tell us to buy, collect and stock up for the future. Instead, he praised the behavior of the poor widow who gave away her last living in the temple: I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood. (Luke 21:3-4) Indeed, who stores gold, silver, seeds or the like will hardly have anything left over to help his neighbour. 34. (Jesus on Oct 7, 2011) Oh how foolish they are (the priests) to believe that man can strengthen his faith without knowing or understanding the truth of The Evil Ones power. No doubt, Satan exists but since when do we need the knowledge of Satan and his power in order to strengthen our faith? No to that! Only Christ is necessary for us. For instance, St. Paul said that he resolved to know nothing else than Jesus Christ alone. (1 Cor 2:2) Moreover, what power of the devil? Satan was driven out of the world by the death of Christ. He has no power and cannot do anything if God does not allow it. (John 12:31, 16:11) That always happens, of course, when we in our God-given freewill decide to open the doors for Satan once again. However, in the end the most Holy Virgin Mary, the Maid of the Lord, who was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, will crush the head of the serpent for good. 35. (Jesus on Dec 13, 2011) I cannot bear to think of those souls who will be pulled from Me screaming and kicking in protest as he and his minions drag them into the depths of Hell. (a.) Here, our understanding of Hell is turned upside down. What is Heaven? Heaven is the place where God is and means intimate communion with God. Through the work of the Holy Spirit we become one with God the Son and children of God the Father in Christ. Heaven is being with God, means being in God. Hell is therefore the place where God is not. It means insurmountable distance or removal from God. God has not created Hell because he is omnipresent, doesnt want the eternal death of sinners and doesnt rejoice in human suffering. So, where can that place be where He, our ultimate ground, is not? Hell is kind of a paradox because it exists while it shouldnt and it is there where God the omnipresent is not. 20. Namely Hell is outside of God but actually nothing can be outside of God who is the Creator of all things. Hell means the alienation of the soul of its meaning and purpose. God created humans to be with Him because He loves us. Our purpose is therefore to love Him which means that the purpose of our existence lies in the communion with Him. Of course, Hell is necessary to ensure our freewill. For those, who dont want to be in God, who dont want to believe in Christ and over all who rather want to love themselves or some void idol than God their Creator, for those the possibility of Hell has to exist. In other words: who believes in Christ and wants to be with Christ will definitely come to him, although not on his own but through the work of God in us (e.g. John 11:25, Acts 13:39, Romans). (b.) Here in this message the opposite is claimed. Against the wishes of those souls and against the will of Jesus they are pulled away and dragged into Hell? Impossible! The truth is that we condemn ourselves. It is always and exclusively our own, free and voluntary decision. The minions of Satan and the devil himself can not at all walk up to Christ and abduct souls. They are in Hell and cannot under any circumstances reach God. (Luke 16:26) For Satan it is impossible to get there where Christ is. In other words: only a soul which has voluntarily removed oneself from Christ can be a victim of Satan. All other hostilities of Satan cannot do any harm to someone who trusts in God. 36. (Jesus on Aug 31, 2011) Because he is powerless in his attempts to place doubts in the minds of My faithful he will switch his attention to weak sinners. Satan will never cease to try to spread doubt and confusion. The idea that he would limit himself to seducing poor sinners is ridiculous. The Saints (like Father Pio, Teresa of Avila, the Holy priest of Ars) had to endure the most hostilities of Satan. Satan doesnt care about poor sinners who havent repented and therefore make no resistance. Satan always wants to bring about the downfall of the good who resist. 37. (Jesus on Nov 6, 2011) Think of Satan and his evil works as an infectious disease. Take every precaution to avoid coming into contact with those who carry the disease. Should you know that you have no choice then arm yourself with Holy Water, the Blessed Crucifix and a St Benedictine Medal? They will keep these demons at arms length. (a.) This message kind of equalizes demons and contaminated souls. The new lepers which we should not get in contact with and against which we must arm ourselves are sinners in general. They are infected by the disease which is Satan himself. Jesus himself though has given us the following example: While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat with Jesus and his disciples. (Matthew 9:10) Not only Jesus, our Lord, ate with sinners but also his disciples. (b.) Even if this message only wants to refer to souls who are possessed by demons there is a problem: Christ didnt hide from them but he drove out the demons. Jesus ordered his disciples to exorcise the demons and not to stay away from the possessed. (cf. Mark 1:34.39, 6:13) In addition, Christ says: These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons (Mark 16:17) This means that to fear and avoid the possessed can be a fundamentally wrong attitude - because that would indicate a deficit of faith. 38. (Jesus on Oct 7, 2011) By reciting the Divine Mercy chaplet every day at 3pm I will intervene at the moment of death on your behalf no matter how much of a sinner you are and show you my mercy. Somewhere in this quote there is a grain of truth but one thing has to be noted: The Divine Mercy Chaplet is no free ticket to Heaven. Of course, sinners (but not only those) should regularly pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet but without true remorse about their sins it is of no use. Repentance, also, is a gift from God. Further, what seems to be problematic in this context is that this grace is promised to those who spread these messages as a reward for their troubles. (cf. message of Oct 7, 2011) The Kingdom of heaven cannot be earned and is always an undeserved gift. (Luke 17:10) 39. (Jesus on Dec 21, 2011) You do not have to know Me in order to love Me children. By your works, your love of each other, the kindness and generosity you show others you demonstrate your love for me without realising it. Here, loving thy neighbour is detached from the love of God. The love of God does no longer come first. The love for our neighbour does no longer have its roots in God himself. And, since when can you love someone without knowing him? We must strive to know Christ which can only be done in prayer and reading the biblical texts. Everyone knows the catechetical answer to the question: Why are we here? Why do we exist? We live to know, love, and serve God. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 358; YouCat, 1) This means that the knowledge of God is necessary to us. (cf. John 17:3) 40. (Jesus on Oct 20, 2011) The death of My son Muammar Gaddafi Who is Son of God? Only Jesus Christ but through him also all those who have been baptized with water and spirit and so have become children of God. Children of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God. (Rom 8:14-15) Now at least slight doubts are lurking around whether this statement on Gaddafi may be correct. (cf. Matthew 25:11-12) It is understandable that many (e.g. victims of Gaddafi) feel alienated by a Jesus who allegedly calls Gaddafi Son. 41. (Jesus on Dec 13, 2011) Dont they know that riches, fame and seductive materialism will create a clear pathway straight into the arms of the Evil One? Riches and fame are a clear pathway straight into Hell? Did wealth and riches hurt St. Lazarus of Bethany who was raised from the dead by Jesus? And has fame hurt Mother Teresa from Calcutta? God doesn't render his judgments that simple. Money, power and fame dont condemn ourselves but the way we handle them. 21. 42. (God the Father on Dec 11, 2011) My solemn promise children is that all those of you who call on Me on behalf of My beloved Son Jesus Christ to save your brothers and sisters that they will be granted immediate immunity. [] Here is what I request you to say: [ crusade prayer no.13] 43. (Jesus on Dec 18, 2011) Every effort must be made by My followers to spread My prayer given to you to My Eternal Father begging for immunity for their souls: [ crusade prayer no.13] Instead of being evocative of the importance of the Pater Noster and the Ave Maria a whole new prayer is declared to be the most important prayer. If you pray the Pater Noster, the Lords Prayer, or greet Mary with the Angelic Salutation well, immunity for souls wont be granted. By the way, what does immunity for the souls mean? Does that mean that one can sin as much as he wants and still enter Heaven? If it were as simple as described above then we would recite the crusade prayer no.13 probably just once for all mankind and all of us would be immune to God. Immune to the just God? Immune to his judging hand? And that is called love of God? Immunity of God has nothing to do with loving or trusting God. It seems that the Evil One tries to design his own prayers. 44. (Jesus on Jan 1, 2011) My Beloved Mother, the Angel of light Mary, the Angel of light? In the English- as well as in the German-speaking world the Angel of light is better known as Lucifer (the Devil). The wording appears to be quite weird. In addition, no ecclesiastical source is known referring to Mary as the Angel of light. Mary, the Mother of God, is no angel but a woman. She was created by God the Father as the most beautiful and immaculate creature in order to conceive the Son of God, Jesus Christ. 45. (Jesus on Oct 7, 2011) It is a little like the parent of a child whom they spoil because they love the child so much. If the parent over feeds the child then the childs health will suffer. Yet the parent keeps giving the child the food which the child has now become used to out of misguided love. This can lead to the childs deterioratinghealth. This child, in turn, becomes ignorant as to what healthy foods to eat because he doesnt know about them. He has never been told. (a.) Jesus says: It is a little like Would Christ begin a parable with It's a little bit like? Who dares to claim that He, the Eternal Wisdom, wouldnt be able to formulate a decent parable and therefore would evade to this embarrassing something-like-that-version? No to that! Christ would always know a totally true parable that would fit perfectly! Christ is the Truth and not the somehow-and-maybe-half-truth. (b.) The comparison that you love a child too much and in consequence are going to spoil it is pretty strange. Paul writes the exact opposite: For whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges. (Hebrews 12:6) Furthermore, spoiled children are usually the result of parents who never have time for their kids and substitute their presence with tangible items. In reality those parents usually do not love their children because everything else is more important. The comparison in the message limps. 46. (Jesus on March 18, 2011) You, My daughter would be stronger if you were given the spiritual support you needed from a priest. Sadly not one of them will take up My cup properly a fact which I find deeply insulting. Well, at least the message gives an explanation for which reason priests dont stand behind these warnings and how come that the Church is not willing to recognize them. On the other hand this is another case of blanket judgement of all priests which encourages individuals to distrust them. 47. (Jesus on Nov 7, 2011) I call on My sacred servants to protect you My daughter for it will be their Holy duty. In time they will understand what their role is. Meanwhile I call on all My precious followers to pray for your protection against the evil forces which are led by Satan who want to destroy the world for their own gain. A cult of personality seems to develop around the visionary. Like mentioned above she is a necessary co-redeemer and the true end times prophet. Here the priests are told that it is their holy duty to protect the visionary. They are told to avert their attention from their other lambs and to primarily support the one and only important person in this drama the visionary. Until they His sacred servants get the hang of that we the readers shall pray for her. The author considers this to be an excellent idea. She like all of us needs prayer. 48. (Jesus on Nov 28, 2011) Surely by now you and all My beloved soldiers who accept My most sacred instructions through these messages must know that it is I who walks by your side. Jesus is the true Son of God. He is all-knowing and knows everyone of us better than we know ourselves. Jesus tells us in the Book of Revelation I know your works, your love, faith, service, and endurance (Rev 2:19). The quoted phrase: Surely by now you know that it is I who walks by your side does not express knowledge but speculation. Jesus would never say any -thing like that because he knows very well what's going on in His beloved soldiers. He wouldnt need to make assumptions. 49. (Jesus on Jun 6, 2011) I am instructing you, once again, not to engage with those people, believers of mine, who challenge, analyze or pick holes in My Holy Word. For neither you nor those souls has the authority to do so. In fact there is a grain of truth in that. The author of this criticism does not have the authority to pick holes in His Holy Word. So is it really His Holy Word? Therefore, the author invokes the first letter to the Thessalonians: Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21) The author believes that he has examined these messages in all conscience and to the best of his knowledge. A lot of truth is in there but unfortunately next to countless errors and heretic teachings. Listing all errors would go beyond the scope of this criticism. 50. (Jesus on March 18, 2011) Respect this most Holy Scripture. Defend it. Accept it will be attacked and torn asunder especially by those who profess to be experts who will seek out sections which they say contradict My teachings. The only contradiction will be their own flawed interpretation of My teachings. This is where they have twisted and misinterpreted My Holy Word because it suits them to do this. This quotation was added for reasons of fairness. The author does not claim to be an expert. This criticism is his personal opinion which he formed speaking with other Christians, comparing the messages with the Bible, reading literature of e.g. Saints and last but not least praying. Of course, this criticism was checked by at least one priest. Request of the author: If I twisted or misinterpreted the word of the Lord I am truly sorry and I beg for your prayer so that I may see that I go astray. The Divine-Mercy-image of Jesus Everywhere in context with The Warning the Divine Mercy image of Jesus is used, which was painted in 1931 by Sr. Faustina Kowalska. Jesus instructed her with these words: "Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You. I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and then throughout the world." This statement of Jesus "... with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You" is grossly violated in connection with the distribution of these messages. Instead everywhere the signature: The warning" is printed on the image of Jesus. The sentence: "Jesus, I trust in you", however, is omitted. Christ though has given this image to us in order to strengthen our trust in Him; Him the Divine Mercy. When we look at the image we shall recognize in reverent love to Him, that we are written in His hand, that he loves each of us and is going to save everyone who believes and puts his hopes on Him. These messages, however, say quite clearly that the confidence and faith in and the love for Christ are rather secondary. Primarily they hold up to external acts and formulas. The picture of Jesus is being misused to warn. A kind and loving Jesus in whom we trust does not support the warning of a god of law and vengeance. It is used to produce anxiety and fear so that people repent. Naturally our society has to repent. Therefore, however, this image was not given to us. The cover of the book,  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/book-now-available/" thewarningsecondcoming.com/book-now-available The aforementioned points are intended to be serious, well-considered criticism. The following point might not be that serious because it might be coincidental and be a product of mere chance. The following image is printed onto the English edition of The Warning. It can be found on the official English website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/book-now-available" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/book-now-available. At the left, you see the unprocessed, official image. Comparing it to the processed picture on the right you can identify the displeasing signature on the original: the 666. (YouTube-video:  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0R8Zspqu0o" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0R8Zspqu0o)  HYPERLINK "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n4f5Hzblq4A/ULsVtAJUIzI/AAAAAAAAAE4/Eyp3nhlBIoM/s1600/book_envglj.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n4f5Hzblq4A/ULsVtAJUIzI/AAAAAAAAAE4/Eyp3nhlBIoM/s640/book_envglj.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  23. The image on the official German website, HYPERLINK "http://diewarnung.net/" diewarnung.net This is the image that appears when you invoke the official German website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.diewarnung.net/" http://www.diewarnung.net). Once again, inspecting the curved face of the signature reveals the number 666.  HYPERLINK "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mo42EdJRkYY/ULsV_3RwUQI/AAAAAAAAAFA/iUkHgYFqDSM/s1600/startw.png"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mo42EdJRkYY/ULsV_3RwUQI/AAAAAAAAAFA/iUkHgYFqDSM/s640/startw.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET  It looks as if the designer of the image has hidden the number 666 in the font (the number of the beast hinted at in the right picture). Perhaps it is pure coincidence. The author asks not to take this too seriously. (YouTube-video:  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF0UZT7-6Oo" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF0UZT7-6Oo) The lettering (same font with the number 666 hidden in it) is to be found on the German books (e.g.  HYPERLINK "http://diewarnung.net/Titel_jesus_1.jpg" http://diewarnung.net/Titel_jesus_1.jpg) and on English and German (business) cards ( HYPERLINK "http://diewarnung.net/bilder/the_warning.jpg" http://diewarnung.net/bilder/the_warning.jpg and  HYPERLINK "http://diewarnung.net/bilder/die%20Warnung%20visit%20Kopie.jpg" http://diewarnung.net/bilder/die%20Warnung%20visit%20Kopie.jpg). Looking at the image on the Dutch website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.dewaarschuwing.nl/" http://www.dewaarschuwing.nl) you can find the 666 but not as easy (quite a distance between the first two and the third 6) The webmaster of the German website (diewarnung.net) commented on that: A very pious woman whom I know for years and who has helped me in other apostolates has designed this cover and chose a curved face because it looks nice. The 666 she didnt consider remotely. Me neither, of course. But someone who wants to find something against the Warning will find something even if it was nonsense. Well, maybe (purely speculative!) the Holy Spirit has led the hand of this woman to give us a clue where these messages are coming from. Conclusion There are numerous other incorrect passages and references which might be cited. Many mistakes are cleverly hidden and not at all obvious. Priests are categorically criticized (e.g. 37th, 38th, 108th, 156th, 192nd, 215th, 234th message, etc.), so that a believers confidence in those who have been called by God must be shattered. Then Christ can no longer act through his chosen sons because any Catholic knows everything better anyway. Nevertheless, Christ wants to work through his priests, whom He chooses and appoints, to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the people, especially their souls. (Luke 9:2) The author is convinced of the authenticity of Garabandal where the Warning was originally announced by Mary, the Mother of our Lord. This Warning is going to precede the final judgement of God, which is described in the Revelation of John. The messages of this unknown seer try to discredit once again the real Warning and the messages of Garabandal by exaggerating and misleading. Repeatedly, appeals for really good things are stated, such as prayer, confession, communion, baptism etc. Unfortunately, however, the messages completely forget the inner life of people. Not the growth of love that expresses itself in humility and obedience to God and His Word is pointed out but merely external actions and mostly brand-new prayers. Believers slide into a purely formal Catholicism and put more emphasis on exterior formalities than on the inner life (as it is described e.g. by St. Teresa of Avila). The recitation of lots of pre-formulated prayers is said to be more important than our inner growth in faith, hope and love. Still, prayer without our heart is no prayer For the letter brings death, but the Spirit gives life. (2 Cor 3:6) 24. For criticism, requests and suggestions or for requesting the PDF-file by email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:schear-jaschub@web.de" schear-jaschub@web.de Download the (updated) criticism as PDF-file at:  HYPERLINK "https://sites.google.com/site/criticismonthewarning/" https://sites.google.com/site/criticismonthewarning/ This criticism was put online for the first time on 08/11/2011 and has undergone numerous changes (mostly additions) since then. The English translation was completed on 24/01/2012. [Diese Kritik in Deutsch: HYPERLINK "http://diewarnung.blogspot.com/" http://diewarnung.blogspot.com/] Claims of Private Revelation: True or False? An evaluation of TheWarningSecondComing.com messages: Part 2 [For part 1, see page 3]  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm" http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm By Ronald L. Conte Jr.,  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/books.htm" Roman Catholic theologian and  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacredbible.org/" Bible translator, August 14, 2012 In my humble and pious opinion as a faithful Roman Catholic theologian and Bible translator, the claimed private revelations to an anonymous woman, in the form of messages posted on her website (www.thewarningsecondcoming.com), are not true private revelations from God. These messages contain many substantial doctrinal errors, in addition to the heretical claim that this woman will write a book which will become a part of the Bible, and which will be equal to one of the Gospels. Her claimed private revelations endanger souls and contradict the clear and definitive teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on many points; therefore, these messages are not from Heaven. A list of examples follows. Prior to her reception of claimed private revelation, this claimed visionary was a lapsed Catholic who had not received the Sacraments in years, including Confession. She was a business woman, who was leaning toward being an agnostic and had not prayed in years. She is an Irish woman, who is said to be married with children. She suffers from a serious illness and is bedridden much of the time. This woman has remained anonymous, as is common among the false visionaries. She has chosen for herself an exalted nickname, also a common feature of false private revelation: "Maria Divine Mercy". Maria is the Latin name for the Blessed Virgin Mary, as in: "Ave Maria". And "Divine Mercy" refers to the greatest work of God. This visionary is not sinless, like the Virgin Mary. This visionary is not Divine, nor is she the source of all Mercy. This name, which she chose for herself, shows arrogance and self-exaltation. But many of the other false visionaries also call themselves by such special names. It is a common feature of false private revelation. The evil dictator Gaddafi This message portrays Jesus as if he were calling the brutal dictator Muammar Gaddafi "my son". "The death of My son Muammar Gaddafi whose soul that you and those close to you have been praying for over the last number of months is one of the first prophecies which will prove to the world the authenticity of these messages." (Message of October 20th, 2011) Is it true that Jesus would call anyone and everyone His "son", even the wicked? Let's see what Sacred Scripture has to say on this point: [Matthew 7] {7:23} And then will I disclose to them: 'I have never known you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity.' {23:15} Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you travel around by sea and by land, in order to make one convert. And when he has been converted, you make him twice the son of Hell that you are yourselves. {23:25} Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you clean what is outside the cup and the dish, but on the inside you are full of avarice and impurity. {23:27} Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed sepulchers, which outwardly appear brilliant to men, yet truly, inside, they are filled with the bones of the dead and with all filth. {23:33} You serpents, you brood of vipers! How will you escape from the judgment of Hell? So we can clearly see from these examples of Jesus' own words in Sacred Scripture that our Lord would not refer to an evil dictator as "My son". Why were the visionary and her closest followers told to pray over the soul of this brutal dictator? The message says nothing about his repentance and conversion, and nothing about his evil deeds, harming millions of persons in his own nation for many years. Jesus did not hesitate to condemn the scribes and Pharisees, and if these messages were really from Jesus, He would not have called this wicked man "my son" and He would have condemned his wickedness. By the way, it is foolish for anyone to claim that the death of Gaddafi was somehow the fulfillment of a prophecy. It was clear for many months in advance of his death that his government would fall, and that he would likely die (as often happens to dictators). So this is not a prophecy, since it is the expected outcome. Also, the alleged prophecy was not publicly revealed until after the event happened. True prophecies are revealed in advance, not after the fact. The visionary and her followers were told to pray for this wicked man because these messages are from fallen angels (i.e. devils), who like to help the wicked and hinder the good. False claim about Satan A recent message claimed that all injustice and evil in the world is caused by Satan. "If you believe in the existence of Satan then know that everything that is unjust and evil in the world is caused by him." August 5th, 2012 25. This claim is contrary to the teachings of the Church on free will and sin. Every human person has the gift of reason and free will from God. When people sin, committing evil or unjust acts, they are not caused to sin by Satan. They sin by their own free will. In fact, the knowing exercise of free will is exactly why sins have culpability. We are able to do good, or to do evil; if we knowingly choose, of our own free will, to do evil, then we are the cause of that evil, of that injustice. It is just as the Blessed Virgin Mary said at La Salette: "the sins of men are the cause of all the pains which come upon the earth". Similarly, at Fatima, she said: "Wars are a punishment for the sins of mankind" and "I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord, Who is already too much offended." Sin is the cause of all the injustice and evil in the world. But sin only occurs when people exercise free will to choose wrong over right. Satan does not cause our sins. Is Satan at work, in every sin, influencing us toward evil? No. Such a claim is also contrary to the teachings of the Church. "The power of Satan is, nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that he is pure spirit, but still a creature." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 395) Furthermore, Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that angels can only be in one place at a time; they cannot be in more than one place at a time. (Summa Theological, I. Q. 52. A. 2; http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1052.htm#article2) Therefore, Satan cannot be everywhere at once, influencing every individual person toward sin. It is the case that one or another fallen angel is involved in every sin? No, it is not. The three sources of temptation were summarized succinctly by the theologian Peter Abelard, in his commentary on the Our Father prayer. "For there are three things which tempt us: the flesh, the world, the devil. The flesh tempts us by appetite and by indulgence. The world [tempts us] by prosperity and adversity: by prosperity so that it may deceive, by adversity so that it may dishearten." (Peter Abelard, Expositio Orationis Dominicae, Petitio Sexta; my translation of the Latin) Pope Benedict XVI recently spoke favorably about Peter Abelards work, even crediting him as "the very person who introduced the term 'theology' in the sense in which we understand it today" (Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, 4 November 2009) There is only one source of sin: free will. By definition, sin is a knowing choice of the free will. The three sources of temptation are not sources of sin, but only of temptation to sin. Nothing can cause a human person to sin, except the free will of that person. An act not freely chosen is not a sin. Although the valley of tears in which we all live has many inducements to sin, nothing can compel anyone to commit even a single venial sin. But there are three sources of temptation toward sin: (1) the flesh, (2) the world, (3) the devil. Therefore, the claim in this message that Satan causes all evil and all injustice is false. The only injustices and evils in the world are those resulting directly or indirectly from sin. False Claim about Remaining in a State of Grace One of the messages claims that Catholics must go to Confession every two weeks, or they will not remain in a state of grace: "For Catholics among you, you must receive the Sacrament of Confession every two weeks if you wish to remain in a state of Grace." July 9th, 2012 The Church teaches no such thing. In fact, Canon Law only requires the faithful to go to Confession at least once a year. Canon 989: After having reached the age of discretion, each member of the faithful is obliged to confess faithfully his or her grave sins at least once a year. It is contrary to the teaching of the Church to claim that a Catholic will not remain in a state of grace without receiving Confession every two weeks. What if the Pope does not go to Confession every two weeks? Does he fall out of the state of grace? Certainly not. And neither does anyone else. The Magisterium teaches that only a grave sin, committed with full knowledge and full deliberation -- in other words, an actual mortal sin -- can cause a Baptized person to lose the state of grace. This message contradicts the teaching of the Church, and so it cannot be from Jesus, who is the head of the Church, and it cannot be from the Spirit, who teaches through the Church. Any claimed private revelation that rejects or contradicts the teaching of the Church is not from God. Heretical Error on Mortal Sin and Salvation The same message makes another error, about the state of grace and mortal sin: I now bequeath a special prayer also for you to say for those poor souls who may die of shock during The Warning and who may be in mortal sin. Crusade Prayer (65) For those in mortal sin Oh Dear Jesus, Saviour of mankind Through Your Divine Mercy I plead for clemency for all those poor souls in sin who may be taken from this earth during The Warning Forgive them their sins and in memory of your Passion I beg you to grant Me this special favour in atonement for their sins I offer myself to you in mind, body and soul as a penance to salvage their souls, and to bring them eternal life. Amen. (Message of July 9th, 2012) 26. This message claims that if a person dies in a state of mortal sin, and therefore not in a state of grace, then he or she can still be saved by this special prayer from this claimed private revelation. But the claim is contrary to the infallible teaching of the Church. It is a heretical claim. The Roman Catholic Church has infallibly taught that anyone who dies in a state of mortal sin will have eternal punishment in Hell. You can only repent from mortal sin prior to death. No repentance from mortal sin is possible after death. Nor can any prayers cause a person who dies in a state of mortal sin, rather than in a state of grace, to have eternal life. By teaching the opposite idea to what the Magisterium infallibly teaches, this claimed visionary is guilty of teaching heresy. Pope Benedict XII infallibly defined: "Moreover we define that according to the general disposition of God, the souls of those who die in actual mortal sin go down into hell immediately after death and there suffer the pain of hell." (On the Beatific Vision of God, Constitution issued in 1336.) And two Ecumenical Councils also infallibly taught the same dogma: Council of Florence: "But the souls of those who depart this life in actual mortal sin, or in original sin alone, go down straightaway to hell to be punished, but with unequal pains." (Council of Florence, 6 July 1439.) Council of Lyons II: "The souls of those who die in mortal sin or with original sin only, however, immediately descend to hell, yet to be punished with different punishments." (Denzinger 464) This teaching is infallible, and yet it is contradicted by the above quoted message of claimed private revelation. The rejection of any infallible teaching is heresy, and the penalty is automatic excommunication. The visionary in question, who calls herself "Maria Divine Mercy" is believing and disseminating grave heresies. Therefore, her claimed private revelation cannot be from God. Therefore, also, she herself is automatically excommunicated. For she not only believes and teaches the multiple heresies found in these messages, but she also does not care if her messages contradict the infallible teachings of the Magisterium. She has set herself up as an alternate Magisterium, as a new source of supposedly authoritative teaching, with no concern for the actual teachings and authority of the Magisterium. Whoever commits a grave sin, not caring if the act is gravely immoral or not, is guilty of that grave sin. Whoever believes and teaches false doctrines, not caring if it contradicts the infallible teaching of the Church, is guilty of formal heresy and is automatically excommunicated. Usurping the Authority of the Church The messages of "Maria Divine Mercy" at TheWarningSecondComing.com website usurp the authority of the Church by claiming to be able to absolve sins without confession and by claiming to be able to issue a plenary indulgence. The messages claim that anyone who says a particular prayer, each day for seven consecutive days, will be granted "the gift of total absolution" and a plenary indulgence. "I grant them this Plenary Indulgence to enable them carry My torch of fire so that they can spread conversion. This gift from me will enable them to spread the truth of My Holy Word so that it will touch hearts everywhere they go. They must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and they will be given the gift of total absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit." January 31st, 2012 The Magisterium teaches that indulgences, whether partial or plenary, can only be issued by the authority of the Church, that is, by the local Bishop or by the Holy See of the Pope:  HYPERLINK "http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/paul_vi/apost_constitutions/documents/hf_p-vi_apc_19670101_indulgentiarum-doctrina_en.html" Indulgentiarum doctrina. An indulgence applies benefits from the treasury of the merits of the Church. Neither a visionary nor a set of claimed messages can exercise this authority. "An indulgence is obtained through the Church who, by virtue of the power of binding and loosing granted her by Christ Jesus, intervenes in favor of individual Christians and opens for them the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saints to obtain from the Father of mercies the remission of the temporal punishments due for their sins." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1478) Only the Church has the authority to forgive sins and to grant remission from the temporal punishments due for sin. More important is the fact that a plenary indulgence NEVER occurs without proper reception of Confession and Communion. The absolution of all sin that is part of a plenary indulgence comes from the Sacrament of Confession. The forgiveness of all temporal punishment comes from the works that are done (receiving Communion, saying certain prayers, etc.). And for a plenary indulgence the prayers said must include a prayer for the intentions of the Pope (unless the Church decides to omit this condition). In addition, a person must turn away from all sin, mortal and venial, to obtain a plenary indulgence; otherwise, the indulgence is partial. The claim that reciting a prayer seven times absolves a person from all sin -- without the Sacrament of Confession, without contrition, without the confession of all mortal sins, and without the absolution of a priest -- is both heretical and schismatic. It is heretical because it rejects the teaching of the Church on the necessity of contrition, confession and the absolution of a priest in order to receive forgiveness from sin. And it is schismatic because it usurps the authority of the Church to issue indulgences. These grave errors prove that the messages of "Maria Divine Mercy" cannot be from God. Utter Condemnation of the Faithful It is a common feature of false private revelations that the messages express utter condemnation for anyone who rejects the visionary or the messages. This feature is found in the messages of "Maria Divine Mercy". 27. "It is when they try to sabotage the Word of God that their previous good works will be rendered useless. For what good are they when they counteract such worthy deeds with deeds of hatred for God? I say to them. The day you come before Me to answer for such mean spirited actions will be very difficult for you. Not only will you have to answer for yourself but you will have to answer for the lies you spread about Me, My Holy Word to others. [...] You find fault with My Holy Word just as the Pharisees did. By doing so you say that you know more about the Truth than God. Remember that the more you spread lies about My Holy Word you sin against the Word of God. This sin, against the prophet of the Lord is one of the most frowned upon by My Father. All those who have sinned against the prophets of the Lord were punished. For when they try to stop the Word of God, given to the world to save souls, they are preventing the salvation of souls. For this they will be struck down, for nothing will stop the Word of God from being delivered to His precious children." August 6th, 2012 The messages are clear on this point: Anyone who thinks that this claimed private revelation is false, or who rejects this visionary's claimed messages from Heaven is condemned. This attitude of utter condemnation for merely rejecting a claimed private revelation (one that is unapproved by the Church) is a common feature of false private revelations. To the contrary, the Roman Catholic Church teaches that the faithful are not required to believe in any claimed private revelation, even if it is approved by the Church. But in the case of this claimed private revelation, which teaches many grave doctrinal errors, it is, in truth, a virtue to reject these false messages; it is a cooperation with grace. "When such souls attack My Holy Word with such venom, this is a sign of Satans confirmation that these messages are authentic... This sin, against the prophet of the Lord" August 6th, 2012 This message is using the term "My Holy Word" to refer, not to Sacred Scripture, but to the messages of TheWarningSecondComing. This type of exaltation of private revelation to be equal or identical to the Divine Revelation of Sacred Scripture is common among false private revelations, as is the exaltation of the claimed visionary. By calling the visionary "the prophet of the Lord", these messages exalt her in a way never found in true private revelation such as Fatima and La Salette and Lourdes. Furthermore, it is absurd and contrary to the Christian Faith to claim that strong rejection of a claimed private revelation is "a sign of Satan's confirmation" that the messages are authentic. So now it is Satan who confirms the authenticity of these messages? How perverse! This message is allegedly from Jesus to "Maria Divine Mercy". But Jesus would never say that Satan was confirming Jesus' own words. "In these messages the Voice of the Holy Spirit is being poured out to save mankind from eternal damnation.... However, when you reject the Holy Spirit and publicly blaspheme against it this is an eternal sin and only a miracle, sanctioned by God the Father, can save your soul... By declaring the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be evil you are guilty of a blasphemy of such magnitude proportions that this is deemed an unforgivable sin... You need to ask God to forgive you now, because should you continue to mount deliberate campaigns to block the Voice of the Holy Spirit, the Voice of the Holy Trinity and declare it to be an evil spirit, you will not, nor can you be forgiven, for this is a grave sin." August 8, 2012 This message claims that the Word of God in Scripture is being poured out through messages of claimed private revelation, and that therefore the messages are the Word of God. The Church says otherwise. No claimed private revelation, even one fully approved by the Church, such as Fatima, is the same as the Word of God. Furthermore, the Church teaches that the Word of God is Tradition and Scripture, not Scripture alone. In no true private revelation whatsoever, not Fatima, not Lourdes, not any private revelation to any Saint, does the private revelation refer to itself as God's "Holy Word". That term is only used by the Church for Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, just as the Second Vatican Council taught: "Sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture form one sacred deposit of the Word of God, committed to the Church." (Dei Verbum, n. 10) But the claim that those who reject and argue against the messages of "Maria Divine Mercy" are guilty of an unforgivable sin is absurd. The only unforgivable sin is final impenitence: to refuse, through the last moment of life, to repent from actual mortal sin. Rejecting a claimed private revelation, even if it were true, is not blasphemy, is not an "eternal sin", and is not unforgivable. Furthermore, the claim that a person who commits the unforgivable sin can be forgiven by "a miracle, sanctioned by God," is contrary to Church teaching. If a person has committed any actual mortal sin, they can only be forgiven if they repent. An unrepentant person, one who is unrepentant from actual mortal sin, can never be forgiven unless they repent by cooperating with grace. It is a grave doctrinal error (in fact, it is yet another heresy taught by "Maria Divine Mercy") to say that God can forgive an actual mortal sin without repentance by the sinner. Moreover, the claim in this message that God forgives the unforgivable sin (which is actually final impenitence, not rejecting a claimed private revelation) contradicts the teaching of Christ in the Gospels: [Matthew] {12:31} For this reason, I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. {12:32} And anyone who will have spoken a word against the Son of man shall be forgiven. But whoever will have spoken against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven, neither in this age, nor in the future age. Therefore, these messages do NOT pour out the Word of God, but rather they contradict the Word of God and the teaching of the Church. No true private revelation would ever threaten the faithful with eternal damnation for rejecting its messages. There are many more grave doctrinal errors taught in these messages. I intend to address these, from time to time, in my blog:  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/" improperium Christi*. * HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/" http://ronconte.wordpress.com/ 28. Furthermore, as explained above, this anonymous visionary believes and teaches numerous heresies. Therefore, she is automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church for the sin of heresy. Canon 751: "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him." Canon 1364 1: "an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication." [Titus] {3:10} Avoid a man who is a heretic, after the first and second correction, {3:11} knowing that one who is like this has been subverted, and that he offends; for he has been condemned by his own judgment. Faithful Catholics should not believe or promote her messages, and should not associate themselves with her or her claimed private revelations in any way. Commentary on TheWarningSecondComing messages  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/commentary-on-thewarningsecondcoming-messages/" http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/commentary-on-thewarningsecondcoming-messages/ By Ronald L. Conte Jr.,  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/books.htm" Roman Catholic theologian and translator of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacredbible.org/" Catholic Public Domain Version of the Bible. Posted on August 14, 2012 I have just completed the second part of my evaluation of the claimed private revelations called "TheWarningSecondComing" messages:  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm" \t "_blank" Evaluation part 2 [above] As I also said in  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/false199.htm" \t "_blank" the first part of my evaluation [see page 3], the claimed visionary who presents these messages, who calls herself by the exalted nickname: "Maria Divine Mercy", is teaching many grave heresies. She believes these heresies. She rejects those infallible teachings of the Magisterium that are contrary to her own teachings and messages. Therefore, she has committed the sin of heresy, and is automatically excommunicated. As a Roman Catholic theologian, I assure the reader that the claimed private revelations of "Maria Divine Mercy," called "The Warning Second Coming" messages, are directly contrary to many of the teachings of the Catholic Church. As someone who has studied the Bible for many years, and has translated the entire Bible from Latin into English, I assure the reader that the messages of "Maria Divine Mercy" are contrary to the teachings of the Bible. As an author of several books on Roman Catholic eschatology (the study of the end times), I assure the reader that the claims in these messages about the end times, especially the claims that the Antichrist is in the world today and that Jesus will return for this generation, are false claims. I intend to use this blog, from time to time, in order to argue against the many grave doctrinal errors presented by this alleged visionary, for she is leading many souls away from the true teachings of the Catholic Faith. Should you reject the next Pope?  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/the-warning-second-coming-messages-on-the-next-pope/" http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/the-warning-second-coming-messages-on-the-next-pope/ By Ronald L. Conte Jr.,  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/books.htm" Roman Catholic theologian and translator of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacredbible.org/" Catholic Public Domain Version of the Bible Posted on August 24, 2012 Should you reject the next Pope? The Warning Second Coming messages from claimed visionary Maria Divine Mercy say Yes. But I say No. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. The Pope is the Roman Pontiff, the Bishop of Rome; he is the head of the Church on earth. He is the head of the Magisterium. The Pope can teach infallibly under Papal Infallibility. He can participate in the infallibility of an Ecumenical Council and of the ordinary and universal Magisterium. The Pope can never fall into apostasy (abandoning the true Faith); he can never fall into heresy (rejecting any infallible teaching of the Magisterium); he can never fall into schism (breaking away from the true Church). For Jesus himself and the Holy Spirit, who enlivens the Church, guarantee that the Pope will never go astray: [Matthew] {16:15} Jesus said to them, But who do you say that I am? {16:16} Simon Peter responded by saying, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. {16:17} And in response, Jesus said to him: Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father, who is in heaven. {16:18} And I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. {16:19} And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound, even in heaven. And whatever you shall release on earth shall be released, even in heaven. [Luke] {22:32} But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers. No Pope can ever commit apostasy, or heresy, or schism, nor can any Pope ever be the Antichrist or the false prophet of the Antichrist. For the Lord Himself guarantees that the faith of each successor of Peter, of each validly elected Pope, will not fail. The Pope, in turn, confirms (strengthens) his brother Bishops, so that the body of Bishops, too, can never fall (as a body) into apostasy or heresy or schism. The Church is built upon the Rock, who is Peter and his successors, and so no Pope can ever lead the faithful away from the path of salvation. 29. Maria Divine Mercy versus the Church The messages of Maria Divine Mercy contain a clever and wicked trick, not uncommon in the messages of false private revelation. Certain messages undermine the faith of the reader in the Church. These messages instill distrust of the Church on earth. As the messages continue to unfold, the anti-papal and anti-clergy and anti-ecclesial elements in the messages continue to build up. Eventually, the reader becomes convinced that the Church will be taken over by evil soon, and that the reader must then abandon the institutional Church, including the Pope and the body of Bishops in communion with him. At the same time, these messages encourage readers to place all their confidence, trust, and faith in the visionary and the messages, more so than in the Bible or in the Church. Despite having over 450 messages to date, there is no mention of the Magisterium of the Church in those messages. Words and phrases such as, Magisterium and teaching authority of the Church, do not appear in any messages of Maria Divine Mercy. The Church is described by these messages as if the Church has no teaching authority, and as if the teachings of the Magisterium were not guided by the Holy Spirit. The Church is described by these messages as if the Church were, even now, in the process of going astray, and as if the one holy Catholic and truly Apostolic Church were not indefectible, were not holy, and were not one. The Indefectibility of the Church Jesus taught that the Church is indefectible: [Matthew 16] {16:18} And I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. The Magisterium teaches that the Church is indefectible: Kingdoms and empires have passed away; peoples once renowned for their history and civilization have disappeared; time and again the nations, as though overwhelmed by the weight of years, have fallen asunder; while the Church, indefectible in her essence, united by ties indissoluble with her heavenly Spouse, is here today radiant with eternal youth, strong with the same primitive vigor with which she came from the Heart of Christ dead upon the Cross. Men powerful in the world have risen up against her. They have disappeared, and she remains. Philosophical systems without number, of every form and every kind, rose up against her, arrogantly vaunting themselves her masters, as though they had at last destroyed the doctrine of the Church, refuted the dogmas of her faith, proved the absurdity of her teachings. But those systems, one after another, have passed into books of history, forgotten, bankrupt; while from the Rock of Peter the light of truth shines forth as brilliantly as on the day when Jesus first kindled it on His appearance in the world, and fed it with His Divine words: Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass (Mt 24:35). (Pope Saint Pius X, Jucunda Sane, n. 8) What this doctrine means is that the Church cannot go astray, cannot lead the faithful away from the path of salvation, and cannot be taken over by evil. For, even though many sinners are part of the Church on earth, the one holy Church is nevertheless the Body of Christ, with Christ as Her head. Neither can it be true (as these messages falsely claim) that the Pope and the body of Bishops and all who follow them will no longer be the Church, and that the true Church will be only those remnant few who follow one claimed visionary or another. For the body of Bishops and the Pope have an indefectible role in the Body of Christ to teach and to lead: Bishops, teaching in communion with the Roman Pontiff, are to be respected by all as witnesses to divine and Catholic truth. In matters of faith and morals, the bishops speak in the name of Christ and the faithful are to accept their teaching and adhere to it with a religious assent. This religious submission of mind and will must be shown in a special way to the authentic magisterium of the Roman Pontiff, even when he is not speaking ex cathedra; that is, it must be shown in such a way that his supreme magisterium is acknowledged with reverence, the judgments made by him are sincerely adhered to, according to his manifest mind and will. His mind and will in the matter may be known either from the character of the documents, from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine, or from his manner of speaking. Although the individual bishops do not enjoy the prerogative of infallibility, they nevertheless proclaim Christs doctrine infallibly whenever, even though dispersed through the world, but still maintaining the bond of communion among themselves and with the successor of Peter, and authentically teaching matters of faith and morals, they are in agreement on one position as definitively to be held. This is even more clearly verified when, gathered together in an ecumenical council, they are teachers and judges of faith and morals for the universal Church, whose definitions must be adhered to with the submission of faith. (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, n. 25) Rejection of the Indefectibility of the Church The messages of Maria Divine Mercy called The Warning Second Coming utterly reject the indefectibility of the Church, and predict that the entire institutional Church on earth will be taken over by evil, and counsel readers to consider that the remnant Church left over after this defection is merely the followers of this visionary. Here are some examples of messages that lead the faithful to distrust and ultimately abandon the Church, the institutional Church on earth led by the Pope and the body of Bishops. Even My Church is endorsing laws which offend God. It will continue like this until mankind will behave like animals with no sense of godliness. August 16th, 2012 This message claims that the Church has gone astray in her teaching by endorsing laws in secular society that are offensive to God. Which laws are these? The messages do not say. For the point of this message is to lead the faithful into distrust of the Church on earth, and to instill the heretical idea that the Church can go astray from God, becoming offensive to God. This claim is heretical because it contradicts the infallible teaching of the ordinary and universal Magisterium on the indefectibility of the Church. 30. For soon you will find it impossible to follow a false doctrine imposed on you by the abomination that lies ahead. The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches which he will merge as one. But it will not be I, Jesus Christ that the New Temple will be built upon. It will be a temple, to replace the Holy See, to honour the beast. June 10th, 2012 This claim, that the false prophet associated with the Antichrist will take over the Catholic Church, is heresy. Jesus himself taught that even the gates of Hell cannot prevail over the Church. The figurative term gates of Hell refers to the all the worst evils on earth, the evils that lead souls into Hell. This term would certainly include any and all evil persons, including the Antichrist and the false prophet. Gather My Church together and pray for strength for the False Prophet is preparing and is already present in the Vatican. But he hides his true faade very carefully. My beloved Vicar is being isolated and time is short. August 19th, 2012 These messages give disingenuous praise to Pope Benedict XVI. The praise is disingenuous because, at the same time, the messages present teachings that are offensive to Pope Benedict XVI especially the claim that the false prophet associated with the Antichrist will take over the Church and is already in the Vatican. I assure the reader that the Pope has authority, in fact and in law, true and effective authority, over all the Cardinals, Bishops, and other staff of the Vatican. He himself has made a number of changes in which persons held which posts in the Vatican, and they obey him. But it is a common false claim of various false visionaries, to portray the Vatican, the Holy See, as if it has been infiltrated and almost taken over by evil so as to instill distrust of the Church in the reader. The purpose of such wicked claims is to make the reader trust in a claimed visionary while distrusting the Church. The eventual result of this process would be to lead the readers of these messages fully away from the Catholic Church. It is as if many of these visionaries are setting up their own false churches, with the visionary as the head. Pope Benedict XVI is being plotted against within his own corridors by an evil sect. This sect is known to exist among those sacred servants within The Vatican yet they are powerless against this evil group which has infiltrated the Catholic Church for centuries. They are responsible for twisting the truth of My Sons teachings. So little is known about them or their vile works. They have driven the true doctrine from the Catholic Church and in its place a lukewarm, watered down version has been force fed to Catholics over the last forty years. So much confusion has been spread by this wicked but hidden sect that my children have wandered away from the true church. Pray that they do not drive the Pope away. Pray that the false prophet will not take the seat of the Holy Father so that he can spread lies. Pray that those sacred servants in the Vatican are strong enough to withstand this evil plot designed to destroy the Catholic Church. They plan to replace the Holy Vicar Pope Benedict XVI with a dictator of lies. He will create a new church in league with the anti-christ and his group in order to deceive the world. Sadly, many of my children will be, in their allegiance to the Catholic faith, follow blindly this new false doctrine like lambs to the slaughter. Wake up children to the truth. This wicked plan has changed the fundamental authenticity of the Catholic doctrine over the years. January 18th, 2012 Notice how the above message from Maria Divine Mercy launches a clever attack on the Church. The message claims that Pope Benedict XVI will be replaced by a dictator of lies. When the next Pope is elected, as must happen sooner or later, many followers of these messages will reject that Pope, and thereby fall into the mortal sin of schism; they will reject the teachings of the next Pope, and thereby fall into the mortal sin of heresy; they will reject the entire Church that has the next Pope (and every successor of Peter) as its head, thereby committing the mortal sin of apostasy. This message and many like it are preparing the followers of Maria Divine Mercy to break away from the Pope and the Church, in order to follow only her and her messages. The above message even goes so far as to attack the teachings of the holy Catholic Church over the last forty years. Another message uses the phrase the last fifty years. The meaning is to reject the Second Vatican Council and its teachings and many of the teachings of the Magisterium since Vatican II. The rejection of an Ecumenical Council is a mortal sin; it is the sin of schism. The rejection of the teachings of the ordinary and universal Magisterium is a mortal sin; it is the sin of heresy. The above message encourages the followers of Maria Divine Mercy to distrust the teachings of the Church since Vatican II and to reject the next Pope. By attacking the teachings of the Church over the last 40 or 50 years, these messages are attacking not only the teaching of the current Pope, but the teachings of Blessed Pope John Paul II and of Pope Paul VI. But the truth is that no evil organization has has infiltrated the Catholic Church for centuries. The Pope and his fellow Bishops in the Holy See (the Vatican) are not powerless against some evil secret organization. This type of conspiracy theory is common in false private revelation and absent from true private revelation. Many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See surrounded by Masonic groups who do not represent God. They hate God and have spent fifty years spreading untruths about the Mercy of God. Their works have led to the collapse of the Catholic Church. This was not an accident. It was deliberately and cunningly plotted in order to destroy the faith of the Church. To destroy the homage of ordinary Catholics to the one true God. For this you will now be cast aside into the wilderness. After Pope Benedict you will be led by Me from the Heavens. May 7th, 2012 So one message says 40 years, another says 50 years, and another says for centuries. Also, there have not been many Popes over the last 40 or 50 years, but only four: Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul I, Blessed Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI. This type of inconsistency and contradiction is common in false private revelation. The claim that many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See is contrary to reason; it is an absurd and diabolical false claim designed to make the reader distrust and ultimately reject the Church. 31. As for the Masons, that group used to have some power in secular society a few centuries ago, but they never infiltrated the Holy See and they never obtained control or power over the Church. Currently the group is small and has no real power at all. Again, this is a false conspiracy theory such as is found in many other false private revelations. The Church is indefectible, therefore, neither the Masons, nor the Antichrist (when he arrives in the distant future), nor the false prophet associated with the Antichrist, nor any other evil at all, could ever possibly prevail over the Church. The above message goes so far as to claim that the teachings of the Church for the last fifty years have been untruths and that the Catholic Church has collapsed. The above message contains a heretical rejection of the indefectibility of the Church. The above message encourages the reader to reject the next Pope by claiming that After Pope Benedict you will be led by Me from the Heavens. Whoever believes this message commits the mortal sins of heresy and schism. Above all, reject the lies which will shortly be presented to you by the False Prophet. He will merge the Catholic Church with other churches, including pagan churches, to become one abomination. A one world church without a soul. May 7th, 2012 To the contrary, Jesus himself prayed to His Father that the Church on earth would be one, and His prayer cannot fail. [John] {17:11} And though I am not in the world, these are in the world, and I am coming to you. Father most holy, preserve them in your name, those whom you have given to me, so that they may be one, even as we are one. Jesus prayed that His disciples on earth would be One, and His prayer will not fail. All Christians will be united in one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, under one Pope, with the body of Bishops in communion with the Pope. They will declare that the false prophet will be the true Pope. Trust in My Words and do not deviate from the Truth as it is being given to you, through these My Holy Messages to the world at this time. August 12th, 2012 The above quoted message again makes the false claim that the next Pope will be the false prophet associated with the Antichrist. These messages are trying to convince the reader to trust only in the messages of an anonymous visionary, by calling these messages My Words and the Truth and My Holy Messages, while at the same time instilling an extreme distrust of the Church and the next Pope. The goal is to draw the faithful away from the Church, so that Maria Divine Mercy can be at the head of her own new religion. They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare Gods children to accept the next Pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict. This Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church but he will be the False Prophet. His electors are wolves in sheeps clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan. This is how Satan will try to destroy My Church. Sadly, he will, this False Prophet, attract a large following. Those who oppose him will be persecuted. Run children, while you can. Denounce the lies which will be presented by those who attempt to convince you of the authenticity of the False Prophet. Be strong. Stay faithful to Me, your Jesus. Never doubt My Holy Word. April 12th, 2012 The electors of each Pope are the Cardinals of the Church worldwide. The idea is absurd that these Cardinal electors are wolves in sheeps clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan. I dont believe that even a single Bishop or Cardinal is a member of any Masonic group. But more importantly, the Magisterium infallibly teaches that the Church is indefectible, and therefore it is NOT POSSIBLE for Satan to get control of the Cardinals so that they would elect the false prophet of the Antichrist as the Pope. What this visionary, who calls herself Maria Divine Mercy, is saying is that the Church will be taken over by Satan through a Masonic group and through the next Pope. This type of calumny against a Pope is a grave sin. This type of claim about the Church is the grave sin of heresy and schism. Notice that, after encouraging the reader to utterly reject the next Pope and all his Cardinal electors, the same message tells the reader to never doubt the messages (My Holy Word) of this anonymous visionary. What kind of idiot would believe these absurd and patently false claims? How is anyone fooled by this unfaithful and unreasonable set of claimed messages? And yet these messages have become very popular among persons who claim to be Catholics. According to  HYPERLINK "http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/thewarningsecondcoming.com" Alexa, this website is one of the most popular websites in Brazil, in the U.S., and is one of the top 150,000 websites (by number of visitors) in the world. Many poor lost souls are being led right up to the gates of Hell by this false private revelation. One half will believe, out of duty, the need to follow the False Prophet, the Pope who will follow Pope Benedict XVI He, the beast, is dressed like a lamb but is not from my Father, God the Most High, and will fool poor souls including priests, bishops and cardinals. Many will follow him and believe him to be sent by God to rule over His Church on earth. Sadly, many souls will follow his teachings which will be insulting to My Father. Others, filled with the Holy Spirit and given the graces of discernment because of their humble souls, will know instantly, that an imposter sits in the Church in Rome. The new false Pope is already scheming, even before he ascends to the throne of the Seat of Peter, to denounce the teachings of my Son. April 10th, 2012 Yet another message tells the reader to utterly reject the next Pope and his teachings. The phrase the beast dressed like a lamb is meant to invoke the description of the false prophet in the Book of Revelation. {13:11} And I saw another beast ascending from the land. And she had two horns like the Lamb, but she was speaking like the dragon. {13:12} And she acted with all the authority of the first beast in his sight. And she caused the earth, and those dwelling in it, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. The first beast is the Antichrist. The lamb who pretends to be a lamb, but speaks like a dragon, is the false prophet. Notice that in my translation above, I used the feminine pronoun for the false prophet of the Antichrist: she had two horns like the Lamb. I used the feminine pronoun, and the term false prophetess, rather than false prophet, because the Book of Revelation itself plainly indicates that the false prophet of the Antichrist will be a woman: 32. {2:20} But I have a few things against you. For you permit the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication and to eat the food of idolatry. {2:21} And I gave her a time, so that she might do penance, but she is not willing to repent from her fornication. She calls herself a prophetess (feminine). She tries to lead the servants of God into the idolatry of the Antichrist. She does not repent, just as the Antichrist never repents. {17:1} And one of the seven Angels, those who hold the seven bowls, approached and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will show you the condemnation of the great harlot, who sits upon many waters. {17:2} With her, the kings of the earth have fornicated. And those who inhabit the earth have been inebriated by the wine of her prostitution. {17:3} And he carried me away in spirit to the desert. And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, filled with names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. {17:4} And the woman was clothed all around with purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding a golden cup in her hand, filled with the abomination and with the filth of her fornication. {17:5} And a name was written upon her forehead: Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. {17:6} And I saw that the woman was inebriated from the blood of the saints and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I was amazed, when I had seen her, with a great wonder. The Book of Revelation called the false prophet of the Antichrist the great harlot (feminine) and the woman sitting upon a scarlet beast. The Bible often uses the term fornication to refer to spiritual fornication, i.e. to idolatry. This false prophetess is inebriated with the blood of the saints because she helps the Antichrist to kill the faithful servants of God on earth, those who refuse to worship the Antichrist. Now compare the description given by Maria Divine Mercy of the false prophet to the words of Sacred Scripture. The messages claim that the false prophet is a man, while Sacred Scripture says the false prophet will be a woman. The messages claim that the false prophet will be the next Pope, while the Bible says no such thing. Instead, the Bible says that the false prophetess of the Antichrist will help him to kill many of the faithful. The false prophetess sits upon a scarlet beast, meaning that she has authority over the Antichrists kingdom not over the Church. She is not a Pope over the Church. Instead, the Bible teaches us that she is over the Antichrists kingdom and that she helps him to kill Christians, the members of the Church. The claims by Maria Divine Mercy and her messages about the false prophet are contrary to the teachings of the Book of Revelation on the same subject. And her claims that the next Pope will be the false prophet, elected by Masons under the influence of Satan, is an heretical and schismatic claim which rejects the infallible teaching of the Magisterium on the indefectibility of the Church. The Canon Laws of the Church Canon 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him. Canon 1364 1: an apostate from the faith, a heretic, or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication. Under these Canons, claimed visionary Maria Divine Mercy is automatically excommunicated (a latae sententiae excommunication), for her obstinate denial of truths infallibly taught by the Church, and for her rejection of the Second Vatican Council, the Magisterium of the Church, and the next Pope. Her heretical and schismatic errors include rejecting the indefectibility of the Church, the validity of the Second Vatican Council, and the authority of the Magisterium in teaching since Vatican II,  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/false199.htm" asserting the heresy of Millenarianism, asserting numerous schismatic anti-papal claims,  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/the-warning-second-coming2.htm" asserting the schismatic claim that she or her messages can grant a plenary indulgence and the heretical claim that someone who dies in a state of mortal sin can still be saved, along with many other doctrinal errors. Those who believe and follow the false teachings of Maria Divine Mercy are being led into heresy and schism and complete apostasy from the one true Church. All emphases in the preceding article are mine. Michael What is your take on Maria Divine Mercy controversy?  HYPERLINK "http://fatherangel.tumblr.com/post/32323496925/what-is-your-take-on-maria-divine-mercy-controversy" http://fatherangel.tumblr.com/post/32323496925/what-is-your-take-on-maria-divine-mercy-controversy By Fr. Angel Sotelo, October 2012 Maria Divine Mercy is the name of a woman who is allegedly receiving messages from the Virgin Mary. Her complete identity is unknown. From interviews she gives, she seems to speak with an Irish accent, and purports to live in Europe. She claims to have been away from the Church and the sacraments for many years, even veering toward becoming an agnostic, before she was chosen by the Virgin Mary as a messenger. Here is my reaction to this seer: 1) I believe firmly that Jesus, Mary, and the Saints can communicate in a special or privileged way with individuals and these communications are called "private revelations." 2) Private revelations are given for the simple reason of drawing upon the riches of the Gospel, the Public Revelation, in order to take us to Jesus and proclaim Him as King in our lives, and submit to His kingship within the practice of the one, true Church. 3) Any private revelation which is critical of the Pope or of his divine authority to make decisions for the Church is to be condemned outright, as are those messages which are critical of the authority of the local bishop and the college of bishops (the Magisterium) who also have been granted the power to "bind and to loose." 33. 4) Many messengers or seers of these so-called messages from heaven are nothing more than a pseudo-Protestant attack on rightful authority in the Catholic Church, disguising itself as Jesus or Mary to do an end run around the Magisteriums pronouncements. 5) It is obvious that "private-revelation laity" attacking the Pope and bishops are simply imitating the so-called Protestant Reformers, so in order to avoid being exposed for the heretics or schismatics they are, some lay people decide to publish messages from Jesus or Mary, in the hopes that Catholics will fall for this fraud and accept the attacks against rightful authority which they otherwise would not accept. 6) Maria Divine Mercy does not publish her total identity, so we cannot see what her life is like in connection to her parish, or her diocese, or her bishop. That is a MAJOR red flag. She has not submitted these messages, therefore, to her local bishop; second MAJOR red flag. And she is calling herself the greatest prophet of the end times. Third MAJOR red flag, as she is setting herself up as a "prophet of God" who has more authority than the Pope. 7) For the reasons listed in #6, and not even counting the theological errors which are said to exist in her messages, they should in my opinion be dismissed and not given even the pious or human faith given to an approved private revelation. Fr. Angel Sotelo is a Priest of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno in California. Maria Divine Mercy, Schism! A Deception of Satan (With link to an audio interview of the seer)  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.in/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.in/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html Posted by Lovey, February 2, 2013  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://s2.hubimg.com/u/2195537_f520.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  The Maria Divine Mercy messages are trying to foment SCHISM and they are a deception of Satan! I have various reasons for my opinion, and I have bullet-pointed only some of them below. (Without the approval of the Holy See, the handlers of the Maria Divine Mercy messages are starting to host "Book of Truth Seminars" to, in their words, "give a broad overview of what the messages are telling us about the direction of our Church and our world. Help the establishment of centres of prayer and distribution, with a view to an even more important role in difficult times ahead." They already have ELEVEN meetings scheduled across Australia to spread their propaganda. It appears there is a move here toward a SCHISM. (The compiled messages are claimed to be "The Book of Truth", an addition to the Book of Revelations in Sacred Scripture. This is patently false! Catholics are to follow the Magisterium of the church which has as its source the completed, sealed Gospel and Sacred Tradition. Sacred Tradition is Catholic doctrine based on prayerful discernment of the Gospel by the Pope, cardinals, and bishops throughout generations ever since the founding of the Holy Catholic Church by Jesus Christ. It is heresy to claim a private revelation can add to or complete Sacred Scripture. (In an audio interview from 2011, the seer claims to have seen God the Father, and says she was surprised to see there were three beings because she didn't know about the Blessed Trinity. How can this be, since nobody is allowed to be in the Beatific Vision (able to see God), unless their soul has been completely purified whether here on earth (a saint!) or through the fires of Purgatory. A person who isn't even aware of the basic doctrine of Trinity certainly has not yet achieved saint status and therefore can NOT see God. (According to an article in the Irish magazine "Alive!" Catholic priest Father Owen Gorman writes why this cannot be an apparition from God. Scroll down (pdf) to page 10:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alive.ie/uploads/6/5/1/1/6511516/alive_march_2012.pdf" \t "_blank" Alive! Magazine, March 2012OR click on the image of the article at the bottom of this posting and magnify to read it. Thank you to "Anonymous" commenter for finding this article. ("Maria Divine Mercy" says these messages are URGENT. If they are urgent, she'd be anxious for her local Bishop to approve them. I can't find any information on which bishop's jurisdiction the seer belongs, much less that any bishop is investigating these messages. (The messages refer to the next pope after Benedict as "the anti-Christ" to cause people to mistrust the leaders of the church, a sure sign that Satan is in the works. Although the church has had her ups and downs, the Holy Catholic Church was instituted by Jesus Himself and He promised us, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it!" The messages want people to break away from the Holy Catholic Church which is the fount of truth and light. 34. (Karl Keating, founder and President of the reputable organization, "Catholic Answers" says, "I have taken a look at the Maria Divine Mercys website, and it didnt take but a minute to discover that this seer is fake and her messages contrary to the Church." He adds, "You need to back away from this spurious seer--and pronto." Read his opinion  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholic.com/blog/karl-keating/watch-your-step-sister" HERE: Catholic.com Blog*. *See page 41,  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholic.com/blog/karl-keating/watch-your-step-sister" http://www.catholic.com/blog/karl-keating/watch-your-step-sister (Schism Update, March 31, 2013: MDM messages since the election of Pope Francis: 3/13/13 "I have not appointed this person, who claims to come in My Name," 3/14/13 "...the imposter, who sits on the throne in My Church on earth, does not come from Me," "The time for the schism to be laid bare is close, and already, a terrible unease is being felt in Rome," 3/15/13, "You must pray for all those who run the Catholic Church. Please include the man who sits in the Chair of Peter...Pray that he will accept the Truth of the death of my Son on the Cross," (How insulting and brash that this message claims Pope Francis does not accept the death of Jesus!),"So infested are they, those who roam the corridors of Rome, that thebiggest sign will be seen in the chaos, which will ensue, as they adhere to the command of the imposter," 3/19/13, "Masonic sects infiltrate the Church in Rome. Make no mistake there can only be one pope in one lifetime, "...soon, all will see the subtle acts and the sly gestures of those false imposters who preside over My Throne in Rome, for they amount to sacrilege," 3/21/13 "The time for the division is soon and you must prepare." -~-All of these messages are encouraging a schism. The targets for these messages appear to be traditional Catholics. There have already been traditionalist schisms in past decades since Vatican II, and Satan seems to be encouraging another one. Adding fuel to the fire is the mainstream media that has been highlighting the unhappiness of traditional Catholics with the liturgical practices of Pope Francis, especially during Holy Week. Many blogs and newspaper articles have traditional Catholics criticizing Pope Francis. IT IS A SIN WORTHY OF EXCOMMUNICATION TO FOMENT SCHISM AND TO REJECT THE LEADERSHIP OF THE HOLY FATHER IN ROME! (Would Jesus ever encourage people to break a church mandated Day of Fasting? In the message on 3/22/13, the Friday before Holy Week,MDM followers were requested to fast all week, and END the fast at 3:30 on Good Friday, "My dearly beloved daughter, I desire that all of My followers conduct a time of fasting from next Monday until 15:30 hours (03:30 PM) on Good Friday."We are required to fast all day on Good Friday! Satan is laughing. (Would a visionary have to retract or revise a message? Thank you to a Miraculous Rosary Blog commenter who noticed this new MDM message retracting the previous fasting message, "please (sic) note that there was a typographical error in the message dated 22 March 2013 entitled 'I desire that all of My Followers conduct a time of fasting from next Monday until 15.30 hours on Good Friday' The last line should read 'If you do not wish to endure this suffering, I will grant you great blessingsand ask that you continue with Me on My journey to awaken the world from its slumber and so I can lift the veil of deceit which covers it.' admin team"My blog commenter amusingly added, "I guess Jesus realized that he went too far this time." (According to an expert from the Eternal Word Television Network, "The judgment that an alleged apparition has been shown to be not supernatural means it is either clearly not miraculous or lacks sufficient signs of the miraculous. Private revelation, for example, which is doctrinally dangerous or which manifests hostility to lawful authority could not come from God. It could even be demonic, especially if there are extraordinary signs accompanying it. The devil gladly mingles truth and lie to deceive the faithful, dazzling them with signs and wonders to give credence to his message. His purpose is to separate them from the Church, either by getting them to believe things contrary to the deposit of the faith or to act contemptuously of Church authority. An attitude of pride and judgment toward the Church is a clear sign of his presence." (The website is the only source of information about these messages. There are two volumes of messages that can be purchased, but only through the website. This must mean that anybody who has no internet access or can't afford a computer is simply not going to have access to these "urgent" communications from heaven. (Dr. Mark Miravalle, Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville says, "Ironically, the alleged message predicts an upcoming schism in the Church. This could well become a self-fulfilling prophecy, a Satanic goal and strategy, which could result, in some part, from the following of extremely dangerous and materially schismatic messages such as those promulgated by 'Maria Divine Mercy.'" Read his full analysis of the messages HYPERLINK "http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html" \t "_blank" HERE: New Advent Blog*. *See page 53,  HYPERLINK "http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html" http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html (On the website you can download a certificate called, "Seal of the Living God" which promises God's protection for your entire family from now up until Jesus comes again if you accept the seal by praying a particular prayer. Once again, I can't help feeling sorry for all the poor people in various regions of the world who can't afford computers or have no internet access because it must mean they can't see or print the seal and therefore have no chance of receiving God's protection. Would God do this? His divine plan for the salvation of mankind through His Son Jesus Christ was clearly laid out in the Gospels. There are no "new" revelations. This is a deception of Satan! if people accept a "seal" that assures protection, many might think they don't have to pray, fast, and receive the sacraments to sustain their spiritual strength.. (In her 2011 audio interview, she called 2011 the year of purification, and said that the chastisement would come in about a year. Right now it is February, 2013 and we haven't even had the "Warning" yet, which is supposed to come before the "Chastisement". This inaccuracy alone proves false the messages. Plus, Our Lord and Our Holy Mother have never, in any approved apparition, set a date for a future apocalyptic event. (Jimmy Akin, journalist for the National Catholic Register, says of Maria Divine Mercy, "[Maria Divine Mercy] is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future. Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sinand canonical crimeof schism." Read the rest of his opinion  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy" \t "_blank" HERE: National Catholic Register*. * HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy" http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy, see page 42 (Early in the messages, "Maria Divine Mercy" claims she was being awakened by God at 3 a.m. In her own words, she asked him not to wake her up at 3 anymore. Nobody who has the privilege of being in the presence of God, Jesus, or Mary would desire or even DARE to change heaven's schedule! (At the time of her apparitions, she says she was a lapsed Catholic, bordering on agnostic. She was a very busy career woman who had no time for God. In her words, a "high flyer." I understand that God can chose whoever He wants, but Jesus warned us that Satan will deceive even the elect. Many great saints lived in fear of being deceived by Satan. Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes wasn't sure if the apparition of Mary was a deception, and she threw holy water at her to make sure! Satan appeared to other saints looking exactly like Jesus, and each had their own way of discerning the deception. If these holy people couldn't always tell the difference, then how in the world does a lapsed Catholic, agnostic, who wasn't even aware of the Holy Trinity "know" this is really Jesus speaking and not just Satan in disguise? (According to Richard Salbato of Unity Publishing, "A sure sign of a demonically-inspired seer is their seeking self-profit, glory and power over GOD's." On her website, "Maria" is selling volumes of the messages. The second volume is set to come out and they are presently taking pre-orders. There is no bishop approval on these writings. Where is the money going? Richard Salbato has an excellent article on discerning the spirits. This is a good, long checklist by which all supposed apparitions can be measured:  HYPERLINK "http://www.unitypublishing.com/Apparitions/TestingTheSpirit.html" \t "_blank" Testing the Spirit*. * HYPERLINK "http://www.unitypublishing.com/Apparitions/TestingTheSpirit.html" http://www.unitypublishing.com/Apparitions/TestingTheSpirit.html (In the messages, there is a constant current of Jesus and Mary complaining about the messages not being believed by people. Did Mary complain when the Bishop of Lourdes didn't believe Bernadette? Did she complain when the Bishop of Fatima didn't believe Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco? No. She encouraged their obedience to the church, even if it meant they weren't allowed to come out to the apparition sites during her planned visits. God is always in control. (Father Angel Sotelo of the Diocese of Fresno states, "For the reasons listed...and not even counting the theological errors which are said to exist in her messages, they should in my opinion be dismissed and not given even the pious or human faith given to an approved private revelation." He outlines his full opinion  HYPERLINK "http://fatherangel.tumblr.com/post/32323496925/what-is-your-take-on-maria-divine-mercy-controversy" \t "_blank" HERE*. * HYPERLINK "http://fatherangel.tumblr.com/post/32323496925/what-is-your-take-on-maria-divine-mercy-controversy" http://fatherangel.tumblr.com/post/32323496925/what-is-your-take-on-maria-divine-mercy-controversy  HYPERLINK "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yPf_WoKQ5Mc/UQ1q4GxGpPI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/vOVtQ2smzsw/s1600/Father+Gorman+Article+on+MDM.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yPf_WoKQ5Mc/UQ1q4GxGpPI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/vOVtQ2smzsw/s640/Father+Gorman+Article+on+MDM.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Scroll down to page 10 for an article by Father Owen Gorman, Alive! Magazine, March 2012 at  HYPERLINK "http://www.alive.ie/uploads/6/5/1/1/6511516/alive_march_2012.pdf" http://www.alive.ie/uploads/6/5/1/1/6511516/alive_march_2012.pdf 36. 2011 audio interview of Joyce "Maria Divine Mercy" Thank you to my sister-in-law for finding this:  HYPERLINK "http://www.blessedmotherschildren.com/uploads/3/0/2/8/3028145/october11mariavisionary.mp3" \t "_blank" Radio Interview with "seer" Maria Divine Mercy. There are many references from approved seers throughout history about being cautious of anything that attempts to make Catholics turn away from the Catholic Church. For example, here are the words of the amazing seer Hildegard regarding the Minor Chastisement, "After the birth of Antichrist heretics will preach their false doctrines undisturbed, resulting in Christians having doubts about their holy Catholic faith...at that period when antichrist shall be born, there will be many wars and right order shall be destroyed on earth. Heresy will be rampant and the heretics will preach their errors openly without restraint. Even among Christians doubt and scepticism will be entertained concerning the beliefs of Catholicism." Jesus warned us that in these days there would be numerous false prophets, some so clever as to deceive even the elect. One thing is certain, it doesn't hurt us to ignore private revelations altogether, and instead immerse ourselves in the truth of the Gospel and the rich teachings of the Church. If we follow the blueprint Jesus laid out for us before He ascended into heaven, we have no need of further "revelations". We should try not to chase butterflies in the tangled forest while neglecting the beautiful ones we already have in our own gardens! And while you're there....Plant a rosary every day! 21 selected out of 46 comments [There are several bloggers using the pseudonym "Anonymous"]  HYPERLINK "http://www.facebook.com/notes/frmarie-paul-la-salette/response-to-fr-owen-gorman-on-the-warning-second-coming-messages/131970476928884" http://www.facebook.com/notes/frmarie-paul-la-salette/response-to-fr-owen-gorman-on-the-warning-second-coming-messages/131970476928884 -Fr. Marie Paul La Salette [See pages 39-41] Thank you for your response. However, not being a member of Facebook, I cannot read it. Lovey [owner of the blog] Only the supreme authority of the Church can grant indulgences and those who have been given this power by the Pope. God DOES NOT WORK OUTSIDE OF THE CHURCH. So this claim by MDM is bogus. The authority to loose and to bind has been given to the Church by Christ himself when He said Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven Plus any listing of indulgences to be granted must be given permission by the local Ordinary or local Hierarch. So any indulgence to be valid requires the express permission of the Apostolic See. Anonymous The Catholic Church teaches otherwise. While the NORM is through the Church, God is NOT BOUND by His Church. Lumen Gentium #8 of Vatican II ... This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him, (13*) although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure. These elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward catholic unity. Would you have refused to cur the centurions servant because he wasnt Jewish? Fr. Marie Paul La Salette Father, before I publish another post from you, Id be interested to know what diocese or Church you represent. Are you a priest from the Holy Catholic Church based in Rome? Thank you in advance for your response. Lovey Beware of Fr. Marie-Paul. He is not an ordained priest and no one knows his parish or diocese and no one has ever seen his pictures as we have all reputable priests on Facebook. He is an anti pope and he has formed a group kind of a sect on FB where he tries to use his influence using the title of a priest to turn Catholics against the churchs teachings. Beware brethren! He says he receives revelation and that Jesus told his group that Pope Francis I is the false pope. Anonymous The August 4th, 2011, MDM message mentions Marys birthday being the following day. The church celebrates September 8th, does it not? Very strange indeed. Also, the 1,000 year reign... I though this was call Millennialism and already denounced by the church. I am very sceptical on many levels. The Next Pope is the False Prophet? I dont think so. Anonymous In response to Fr. Marie-Paul, re. Indulgences and his claim that the Church teaches otherwise and quotes Lumen Gentium #8 to back up his claim. LG #8 is not dealing with indulgences but with baptism and how people are saved outside this Sacrament. We all know that the Church recognizes the fact that people can be saved outside of the Church but here we need to be careful. Salvation is possible for those who have never heard of Christ but seek the unknown God. This is what Vatican II said Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try in their actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience those too may achieve eternal salvation (No.16) So that is what is meant by God not being bound by His sacraments. God here is not changing the rules, that is the necessity of Baptism for salvation what He is doing is making allowances for those who through no fault of their own do not know Christ and the necessity of Baptism to attain eternal life. On Indulgences only the Pope can (through the power of the Keys) has been given the authority over indulgences. Why because God has delegated the dispensation of indulgences to the Church authorities who decide what pious practices merit a plenary indulgence to which conditions are attached. So any private revelation claiming that God is establishing a plenary indulgence outside of the authority of the Church which He has established to govern the faithful is a liar. Anonymous I checked out the August 4th 2011@ 8:30 PM and she definitely has Mary stating that tomorrow, the 5th of August (my emphasis) is her birthday. Another lie from MDM to undermine the Church! Actually no one knows her birth date. There is no reference in Sacred Scripture to the birth of Mary. What we know about Marys nativity is found in the Apocrypha, principally the Protoevangelium of James written about AD 150. From it we learn of Marys parents, Joachim and Anna, as well as the tradition that the couple was childless until an angel appeared to Anna and told her that she would conceive. The traditional date of her birthday is September the 8th, which falls exactly nine months after the feast of the Immaculate Conception. 37. And you are right the Millennialism has been denounced by the Church as well as her idea of a seal of protection for believers from the physical tribulation under anti-Christ. What about those who shed their blood for Christ throughout the centuries they sure were not seal or raptured up when the going got tough. Anonymous Interesting! Also in Medjugorje was mentioned 5th of August as a real date of a birth of Our Lady. Anonymous I was duped last night into attending a meeting where a former worker of Our Lady of Rwanda was going to speak to us about the message of Our Lady of Kibeho. Somehow this lady managed to link the approved messages of Kibeho with the messages of Maria of Divine Mercy found on the Internet. This poor woman said, Did you not think that I would come again to save you? Who is the I you might ask? Jesus is supposed to have said that to MDM. Does scripture and the Magisterium of the Church not teach that Jesus is the Lamb of God who came and was sacrificed once and for all? Does the Church teach anywhere that Jesus promised mankind 1000 years of Paradise on earth? I almost jumped out of my skin when this propagandist for MDM announced God the Father has taken the keys of Peter out of the hands of Pope Benedict when he resigned and given them back to His Son. This bold proclamation was voiced only hours after the election of Pope Francis. Dont trust him she said. Well I dont trust MDM and no Catholic so trust her either. Anonymous Now that Pope Francis has been elected, the Maria Divine Mercy messages are overtly promoting schism in the Holy Church. They continue forward with their plans for informational meetings to promote these messages that encourage separation from the church. Their agenda is to rile up traditionalists against the pontificate of this humble new pope. The March 14, 2013 message, supposedly from Jesus, states, Remember that those who proudly display the badge of humility are guilty of pride. Pride is a sin...Those of you who say that you follow My Teachings, but who want laws changed to condone acts, which are sinful in My Eyes, get out of My Church now. You are not Mine. You have turned your backs on Me and are not worthy to enter My House. Does that sound like Jesus to you? In the March 13, 2013 message, Jesus supposedly says, Make no mistake, the Truth has been revealed to you. I have told you, My followers, how you will be deceived. This will be very difficult for you because you will question this IMPOSTER WHO SITS IN MY FATHERS HOUSE...My beloved Pope Benedict XVI was persecuted and fled, as foretold. I HAVE NOT APPOINTED THIS PERSON, who claims to come in My Name. (Emphasis added by me) This is bold and brash! These messages say that the holy Vicar of Christ, Cardinal Bergoglio now Pope Francis, duly elected by the Conclave of Cardinals led by the Holy Spirit, is an imposter, about whom Jesus referred to as, this person. If one believes this claim to be true, then one must necessarily believe that Jesus lied when He said, And I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT. Matthew 16:18. In my opinion, only Satan could have produced these MDM messages. God, please help us! Catholics, this is a time of grave spiritual warfare. Satan has wiles to deceive even the elect, if it were possible. Pray at least five decades of the rosary every day. Our weapons are the holy mass; Eucharist, prayer, the intercession of Mary, and trust in Jesus. He will not lead us astray! Lovey, March 16, 2013 HYPERLINK "javascript:;" \t "_self"  Lovey, I am consoled and assured that you too have formed the same opinion re: Satan making a mockery reading your post today re: MDM March 14, 2013 message those who proudly display humility are guilty of pride reminded me of something I came across today from the Holy Love ministry which as Im sure you know has been condemned by the Bishop of Cleveland the message for March 12, 2013 on that site states: Sound Leadership does not give a false outer appearance of humility, but is the same inside as he is on the outside always self-effacing with concern for the welfare of his followers. Interesting, huh? I havent looked through all your posts yet have you addressed Holy Love Ministries* in your entries? At no other time in the history of the Church have we been faced with the kind of battles that we find ourselves confronted with. The internet has opened up this way of messages of all kinds to be spread... its a battleground never seen before its incredible. A message from MDM Feb 13, 2013 states in part: They, the wicked group have begun their campaign, to rid the earth of the Truth of My Teachings. My Holy Vicar has been forced into this action and will suffer greatly as a result. Masonry has infiltrated My Church on earth and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants. Many have no idea as to the deceit with which they are being presented. Nor do they know that the foundation of My Church, the Catholic Church, has been crushed to dust. I tell you Yes, there is one very real truth in this message --- many absolutely have no idea the deception they are falling into. Christine Elizabeth Feliciano *False mystic Maureen Sweeney, see  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MAUREEN_SWEENEY-HOLY_LOVE_MINISTRIES.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MAUREEN_SWEENEY-HOLY_LOVE_MINISTRIES.doc Christine, thank you for your comment. I am aware of Holy Love Ministries but because it received a negative judgment by the Bishop of Cleveland in 2009 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/statements/holylove_statement.html" www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/statements/holylove_statement.html) I havent paid attention to it. Im glad that you brought it up. Yes, I see the similarity you point out above! I hadnt noticed it before. Here is another similarity. In a message of March 16, 2013 at Holy Love Ministries, Jesus supposedly says, I have set My seal upon this property and upon the foreheads of all who come here with sincere hearts. Under the protection of this seal, souls will find their way to salvation laid clear the way defined through these Messages of Holy Love. This is almost identical to the MDM message in which a person should receive a special seal if they pray a special prayer for protection. In both cases, this seal means one does not have to suffer here on earth and will be protected from harm in the upcoming tribulations. It sounds like a free ticket to salvation. This does not follow Jesus words in the Gospel that we must walk the narrow and thorny path to reach salvation; that we must pick up our crosses and follow Him. As one anonymous commenter above said, this would mean that all the good saints who died as martyrs suffered in vain; all they had to do was get the special seal and they would have been protected. 38. Having this seal would negate our needing any of the sacraments. This is blatantly false. Good find, Christine! It seems Satan is rearing his ugly head without much imagination. Lovey I typed Maria Divine Mercy false prophet into Google and this paid advertisement popped up on top it is supposed to be a critical analysis of her messages. How critical is this:  HYPERLINK "http://www.all-about-the-virgin-mary.com/book-of-truth.html?gclid=CLnXvoaNkbYCFQdc3god5QIAsQ" http://www.all-about-the-virgin-mary.com/book-of-truth.html?gclid=CLnXvoaNkbYCFQdc3god5QIAsQ. Anonymous Anonymous, Wow, you are right. I went to the site you posted and it looks like a giant advertisement for Maria Divine Mercys book. I wonder if Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco paid for newspaper ads to promote the Fatima apparitions. How about Bernadette of Lourdes? Did a French newspaper carry an ad for her visions? Maria Divine Mercy seems to be a deliberate attempt to foment schism in the church and to make some $$$$ selling books in the process. Lovey Those who ignore these warnings from Heaven are free to do so. They will not be judged because of this rejection. Mother of Salvation, March 23, 2013 Can Mary contradict the message of God the Father? Can she correct, amend the word of God? Her last recorded words in scripture, Do whatever he tells you. So contrast and compare this warning from March 12, 2013 Those who follow the beast and the false prophet will be given insight, by the Power of My Hand, in order to bring them back into the Heart of My Son. If they reject this Gift, then they are lost and will suffer the same torment, which faces the imposter who will be cast into the abyss for eternity. Your Beloved Father, God the Most High to MDM, March 12, 2013 Note: Catholics who follow Pope Francis will be cast into the abyss. Now Our Blessed Mother is putting a spin on an earlier warning. Incredible. PocketSketch Repeatedly Pope Francis has been called the false prophet, the impostor even the abomination by MDM. Granted she has not used these labels directly but the fingers are always pointing in the same direction. One has only to follow her accusing finger. Apart from the defamation, a seismic shift has happened. Juxtapose the threat of March 12, 2013, quoted above, with the statement published April 6, 2011: Never tell those of different creeds or sexual preferences they are doomed. To push My teachings in a manner where you tell those who are not followers that they will perish or come to harm by brandishing their ways as evil. Jesus to MDM, It is safe to say, MDM in pushing her teachings, has broken one of her own rules against judgement and condemnation. If these were messages from heaven, they would not be diverging with each other, they would be consistent. Persons of faith can not possibly imagine God the Father saying one thing, His Son, Jesus, saying another and then the Blessed Mother castigating them, even less, in a public forum. Yet this is what MDM would have the poor innocents who follow her believe. Anyone who does not have confidence con fidere to have faith in- MDM will suffer damnation. The children of God are free to reject private revelation because full revelation was completed in the Word made flesh. Christian faith cannot accept revelations that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment. (CCC #67) When one calumniates the Vicar of Christ on earth they are more than free to reject such guidance. It is not from above. More from the catechism: #2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury. He becomes guilty:- of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbor...of calumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them. The fact that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was elected as pope hardly forms a basis for all the vitriol spewing forth from the Second Coming website. To spread these messages is an offense against truth. PocketSketch You have My identity. With My Divine Identity you also share in My role of ministering to God the Father and to the Church with your loving adoration of reparation. I am Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man. Take My Identity. I will be your Shield. I will be your Armour. Put on the Full Armour of My Blood and share fully in My Role. Does that voice sound familiar? Who else, on the Internet today, claims to speak with the authority of God? Who claims an authority that supersedes that of our newly elected Pope Francis? Maria of Divine Mercy, using a cobbled pseudonym. Who else cobbled together a movement, taking the Magnificat of Mary together with the Bread of Heaven as a Meal? Care to guess? The Magnificat Meal Movement which began in Toowoomba, Australia in 1983. The foundress of MMM, Debra Geileskey, maiden name: Debra Marie Burslem seems to share a common interest in warning Catholics to remain the faithful remnant. Both prophets of doom encourage attitudes of contempt for Church hierarchy. The threats of the imminent coming of Christ and the destruction of the Church are parallel in both MMM and MDM. Is it a coincidence? Is Maria Divine Mercy repackaging old prophecies which failed to materialize in 1999 and she needs fresh, innocent lambs to play with? PocketSketch Ive never heard of MMM. It does sound similar...and interestingly enough the eleven MDM Mission seminars to promote the messages and books were all in Australia this past winter! Thank you for your interesting comments, PocketSketch. Lovey This is very interesting-there are claims that MDM is from Ireland, but maybe her accent was misinterpreted and she may be Australian. I am of the firm opinion that she clearly does not operate independently, so I have tried to tell my friend that these messages could be written by a man or woman, men or women, or both. Since they remain anonymous, who knows. And since he, or she, or they, are fomenting hate toward the Pope, via these messages, we can be pretty sure the writer is not Catholic, misguided, or a Catholic who is lying and in very serious sin.Anonymous Fr. Marie-Paul La Salette responded on Facebook on March 9, 2012 to the Alive! Magazine criticism by Fr. Owen Gorman of Maria Divine Mercy Response to Fr. Owen Gorman on The Warning Second Coming Messages 39.  HYPERLINK "http://www.facebook.com/notes/frmarie-paul-la-salette/response-to-fr-owen-gorman-on-the-warning-second-coming-messages/131970476928884" http://www.facebook.com/notes/frmarie-paul-la-salette/response-to-fr-owen-gorman-on-the-warning-second-coming-messages/131970476928884 By Fr. Marie-Paul La Salette, March 9, 2012 Fr. Owen Gorman, in his review (Alive! No. 176 March 2012) of the prophetic revelations of The Warning Second Coming, the prophet Maria Divine Mercy, claims that these messages contain doctrinal error and are therefore false. I wish to point out that Fr. Gorman performs a defective analysis and therefore seriously errs in his judgment. Fr. Gorman states "Many faithful Christians at present believe that the world has gotten so bad that God will intervene directly in human affairs to bring us to our senses. Something big will happen, they say, and soon! If one looks at the world with open spiritual eyes of faith, in the last fifty years the majority of vocations have been lost, the number of regular Sunday Mass attendees is only about 10-15%, again a massive decrease, sex scandals weaken the faith of believers and turn many against the Church, Catholics dont know their faith, and dissent (cafeteria Catholicism) is widespread. The world is expunging God from the public square all in the name of "separation of Church and state" and atheistic secularism. God is banned from the European Union constitution. Laws supporting abortion and easy divorce are almost everywhere on the planet, with only a very few hold-outs. The morals of even Christian countries are atrocious, with fornication, artificial contraception and drug use rampant, promotion of homosexual behavior ("gay pride"), and violence being everywhere. Is this what kind of culture and Church that God wants? Any Catholic knowing their faith at all knows very much that a conversion of hearts needs to take place. One need only read the Bible to see how God chastised Israel when their faith turned into selfish paganism and worship of false idols. The world today is neo-pagan, worse than before, with much self worship, particularly New Age, atheism (i.e. worship of science and human intellect), as well as hedonism and materialism. Our Lady at Fatima said war is punishment for sins. We have the makings of nuclear World War 3 in the Middle East now. So why should it be a surprise to any Catholic that knows God such that He will have to intervene to save His children, while warning and chastising them for massive evil behavior? In review of the Maria Divine Mercy (MDM) message of 20 May 2011, Fr. Gorman then states that this message "contradicts Church teaching because there is no 1000 years where Satan is banished from earth and an era of peace exists on earth. While this may be the prevailing opinion for most Catholics, it is not doctrinal. He assumes incorrectly that this is the heresy of millenarianism, the belief that Jesus will come to physically reign on earth for "1000 years" (a symbolic time frame). What MDM messages, Fathers of the Church, Doctors of the Church, saints and mystics really tell us is there is coming a spiritual reign of Jesus on earth, through the hearts of His children. Our Lady at Fatima called this the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and mentions a period of peace as well. St. Bernard of Clairvaux summarizes this well: "We know that there are three comings of the Lord. The third lies between the other two. It is invisible [spiritual], while the other two are visible. The intermediate coming is the Hidden one. The spiritual coming opens the Era of Peace while Jesus coming in the Flesh the second time closes it at the Last Judgment, leading then into eternity. I would recommend that Fr. Gorman read the book "The Splendor of Creation by Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, who goes into great detail from many sources to show how an "Era of Peace," the Biblical Millennium (Revelation 20:1-7), is truly part of the teachings of the Church, albeit buried in the cobwebs until recently. Finally, Cardinal Ratzinger, when head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, explained in response to Fr. Penasas question about the scriptural foundation for a universal era of peace that "The question is still open to free discussion, as the Holy See has not made any definitive pronouncement in this regard (The Splendor of Creation, Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, footnote 48, p. 223). There is no heresy here which contradicts Church teaching, rather a better understanding of Church teaching is needed. Fr. Gorman then comments on another message dated 7 May 2011 and states "To claim that the events around Jesus crucifixion have not been revealed as they were meant to be belittles Biblical revelation. It implies that the Gospel accounts are defective. But this cannot be, for God Himself is the author of Scripture which manifests his mind and will. There is no such implication. Referring to the Gospel of John 21:25 "There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written. This is nothing new either, since through private revelations, Jesus life on earth has been detailed far more than in the Gospels, not in competition with, nor belittling the Gospels, instead being an addition to them. A major example is the "Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations by Anne Catherine Emmerich. A similar popular one exists for the Blessed Virgin Mary titled "The Mystical City of God by Mary of Agreda. Our Lord simply wants us to have more details of His Passion for a better understanding leading to more devotion and love for Him. As all the saints attest, meditating on the Passion of Our Lord is a fast path to high sanctity. Lastly, Fr. Gorman complains that "Jesus does not grant plenary indulgences. He has delegated the dispensing of indulgences to Church authorities. They decide what pious practices merit a plenary indulgence, and the conditions. It is through Jesus Infinite Merits obtained from His Passion, Death and Resurrection that the Church has the grace to distribute for plenary indulgences. The Church is the steward of that grace, not the source. God is not bound to act exclusively through the sacraments and pious practices in His Church, although that is certainly the normal means. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states in #1257 "but he [God] himself is not bound by his sacraments. One prophetic example of God acting outside the normal means and using prophetic means instead was that at Fatima, where the Pope and Bishops were asked to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart. They didnt listen back then and the consequences were World War II and Russia spreading her atheistic communistic errors throughout the world. God, again not being bound exclusively to His Church authorities, can use prophetic means to offer gifts. 40. And Fr. Gorman further complains that "total absolution of sins comes through the sacrament of penance, not from reciting a particular prayer over a 7-day period, however meritorious that prayer may be. God has the power and the option to offer gifts in any way that He deems fit, again not being bound to exclusively use the sacraments in His Church. Gods Mercy is Infinite, and in these times so dangerous to souls He is extremely generous to provide such a gift for those who are not Catholic, those who cannot use the sacrament of penance. In the Bible we see how Jesus healed the servant of the pagan centurion based on his faith in Jesus, although not belonging to Gods religion at that time of Judaism. We still use his words in the mass before Holy Communion "Lord I am not worthy" Vatican II also deals with this topic: "Moreover, some and even very many of the significant elements and endowments which together go to build up and give life to the Church itself, can exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church: " (Decree on Ecumenism, No. 3) God is being ecumenical Himself. Failure to see the approach of the Second Coming of Jesus is not all that surprising when it was the same for the First Coming of Jesus. Only a few shepherds knew about the Divine Child, and that by a private revelation by anonymous Angels, and some Magi by an anonymous miraculous star. No priests, Levites Scribes or Pharisees noticed. During Baby Jesus dedication in the temple (Rosary 4th Joyful Mystery), only two people, Simeon and Anna, recognized the Savior. Not even the priest who performed the ceremony noticed. And when Jesus, at twelve years of age, stayed behind in the temple to discuss matters with the doctors of the law, none of them at all recognized the Messiah. Not one, and this after three days of discussion with God Himself! It is the same today most people, including clergy, are spiritually blind. Jesus tells us clearly that this would happen: "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8). Fr. Gorman, isnt it time to wake up now? There are over 50 comments at this blog site out of which I selected this exchange: Jesus said he will be with his Church till the end, RIGHT? So all this other stuff that is causing confusion and mistrust is not from him, remember he said --they will cry over here no over here is Christ. All these doomsday prophets are false he even said they would come and do exactly what MDM is doing. We are not to worry it is none of our business when he returns, we are to FOLLOW HIM! Not all these false prophets. Jeffrey Dixon Talking about the New Era is hardly doomsday prophecy. And following such thinking, then you must also condemn the Bible as doomsday prophecy since that too also talks about the tribulation before the Second Coming. You also claim the bishop has condemned the messages - where is that ruling stated? -Fr. Marie-Paul La Salette That is double talk. I could just say its in her court to not release them like she is and priests should not indorse them without the approval of their or her bishop right? Again I ask what makes you so avid in saying these are actually from God. Does it not say to test the words of so called prophets? You can cloud the issue with double talk but not one of her predictions has happened just like the blind guy [re. Joey Lomangino, Garabandal Michael] who was supposed to get new eyes but its been long now and he's at the close of his life I wish MDM was true; I can't wait for Christ to get back here but we need to worry about our own end of days and get right with him, he told us all these folks would come claiming just what MDM is didn't he? Look here, no here, no he's over here, no he told me this, no he told me that; without authority to back up what she says its just another person out for their 15minutes, I won't comment any longer on MDM. All I wanted to do was try and make folks remember what God actually said concerning this kind of stuff. He told us that its none of our business, we are to follow him and he will take care of us. I trust him to keep his word. Can you trust MDM that way? Jeffrey Dixon Wrong, Jeffrey. Apparitions with no ruling are not to be ignored. You know the Bible says test the spirits, so I have and continue to do. That is GOD SPEAKING in the Bible, is it not? So what is the double talk you are referring to? And I see that you have not provided any ruling of condemnation by a bishop, rather that must be merely your opinion that you tried to give credence of a bishop. Double talk, and deception, is what you have attempted with your so-called bishop condemnation comments. You won't have long to wait to know the truth. - Fr. Marie-Paul La Salette No Fr. Marie-Paul, you are siding with the devil in this I said the Bishop comment to show that she has not received approval and without such you could be leading people straight to hell by supporting MDM's fantasies. Now you still haven't answered the main question WHY ARE YOU SUPPORTING HER? i HAVE ASKED SO OFTEN.. STOP ANSWERING QUESTIONS WITH QUESTIONS THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT SATAN DOES AND THAT IS DOUBLE TALK PERIOD. Jeffrey Dixon Watch Your Step, Sister!  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholic.com/blog/karl-keating/watch-your-step-sister" http://www.catholic.com/blog/karl-keating/watch-your-step-sister By Karl Keating, February 16, 2013 I hadnt heard of Maria Divine Mercy. Thats the moniker of an Irish woman, living in Dublin, who doesnt reveal her real name but does reveal that shes been receiving  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/home/" \t "blank" messages from the Trinity and the Virgin Mary nearly 700 messages since late 2010. Maria Divine Mercy was brought to my attention by a Facebook friend who happens to be a woman religious and who, at the time of writing to me, was convinced that Maria Divine Mercy is just what she claims to be, the seventh prophet of the Book of Revelation. I replied to the good sister this way: I have taken a look at the Maria Divine Mercys website, and it didnt take but a minute to discover that this seer is fake and her messages contrary to the Church. 41. I looked at a message titled "Many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See surrounded by Masonic Groups." This is preposterous on its face: Which popes? Many? How many is that five or ten? Names, please! But the content of this message, more than the title, is what give it away as fake. Consider these supposed revelations: 1. "When Vatican II declared new rules they were introduced by those evil Masonic forces from within your corridors." In other words, the "rules" of Vatican II were put in place by Masons. 2. "They cunningly presented new ways to administer My Holy Eucharist which are insulting to Me." This can refer only to Communion in the hand, which this seer claims Jesus considers, by its nature, an insult which means he must have considered reception of Communion in the early Church to be an insult, because it often was given in the hand (think of the boy saint, Tarsicius). 3. "Many Popes have been prisoners in the Holy See surrounded by Masonic groups who do not represent God. They hate God and have spent fifty years spreading untruths about the Mercy of God." The popes who have reigned in the last fifty years have included Bl. John Paul II, who instituted Divine Mercy Sunday. Does that sound like someone who hates God? Does it make sense that a woman who calls herself Maria Divine Mercy would think this of the pope who instituted that feast? Sister, read the entire text of this message to yourself aloud. Does it sound remotely like the Jesus of Scripture, with his lofty words and compelling admonitions? No, it sounds like a disgruntled opponent of Vatican II and of the popes who have approved of that council and it sounds like someone who cant write well. You need to back away from this spurious seer and pronto. You describe yourself as a "conservative religious." Your alarm bells should have been going off loudly as you read these messages. Whoever, or whatever, theyre from, they arent from Our Lord. [All emphases in the preceding article are mine. Michael] Karl Keating is founder and president of Catholic Answers, the countrys largest apologetics and evangelization organization. He is the author of five books, including Catholicism and Fundamentalism and What Catholics Really Believe. 9 things you need to know about Maria Divine Mercy  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy" http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy By Jimmy Akin,  HYPERLINK "mailto:jimmy@secretinfoclub.com" \t "_blank" jimmy@secretinfoclub.com,March 3, 2013 Many people have been talking about a woman who calls herself "Maria Divine Mercy." She has made dramatic claims in the form of alleged private revelations. She claims to have predicted Pope Benedict's resignation in advance. She also claims that he will be the last pope on earth, that the next pope to be elected will be the false prophet, andthat the Second Coming is about to occur. What should we make of these claims? Here are 9 things you need to know. 1. Who is "Maria Divine Mercy"? We don't know. According to  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/" \t "_blank" her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary." She writes anonymous, stating, "The woman wishes to be known by the name Maria Divine Mercy and says that it is the wish of Jesus that she remains anonymous to protect her family and to avoid any distraction from the messages." "The messages have been received by her since November 2010 andare still ongoing. Over 650 have been received." In a  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thPhxdgOMLM" \t "_blank" YouTube interview, she claims to have been a business woman and speaks with what appears to be an Irish accent. 2. What does she say about her own role in God's plan? She  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/" \t "_blank" claims a rather startling role: Maria says the messages are also being given to help prepare the world for the Second Coming of Christ which will follow The Warning. . . . Maria was told by Jesus that she is the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation which can only be opened by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. He will open the Seals and reveal, in advance, the contents. Maria has to publish them as each Seal is opened. He has told her she is the end time prophet. 3. How popular is Maria Divine Mercy? Her Facebook page --  HYPERLINK "http://www.facebook.com/JesusToMankind" \t "_blank" Jesus to Mankind -- presently has more than 17,000 "Likes," which is quite a substantial number. She also promotes her message through a web site - - HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/home/" \t "_blank" www.TheWarningSecondComing.com -- and she sells copies of her revelations in the form of books titled The Book of Truth(volumes I & II). She is apparently popular enough that there are knockoff web sites also repeating her messages. Her own web site contains a warning against the knockoffs. 4.What has Maria Divine Mercy said about Pope Benedict? Among the more notable things she has claimed are the following: (Pope Benedict XVI is the "last Pope on earth, Benedict XVI, chosen by Me [Jesus] to lead My Church during the last days." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/they-will-say-that-he-was-guilty-of-a-crime-of-which-he-is-totally-innocent/" \t "_blank" Source) 42. (Pope Benedict would be forced from office: "Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/my-poor-holy-vicar-pope-benedict-xvi-will-be-ousted-from-the-holy-see-in-rome/" \t "_blank" Source) (This will be due to a plan that was launched "within the corridors of the Vatican." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/my-poor-holy-vicar-pope-benedict-xvi-will-be-ousted-from-the-holy-see-in-rome/" \t "_blank" Source) (Now that he has resigned, "They will now try to kill him . . .They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/they-will-say-that-he-was-guilty-of-a-crime-of-which-he-is-totally-innocent/" \t "_blank" Source) 5. What has she said about the next pope? Maria Divine Mercy has a very unusual set of beliefs regarding the next pope. Apparently drawing on the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-prophecy-of-st.-malachy/" \t "_blank" St. Malachy prophecy of the popes, she identifies the next truepope as "Peter the Roman," but she believes that he will be the actual, historicalSt. Peter and that he will not reign on earth but from heaven, at least until the Second Coming, when he will begin to rule on earth. She  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/the-next-pope-may-be-elected-by-members-within-the-catholic-church-but-he-will-be-the-false-prophet/" \t "_blank" writes: My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope on this earth. Peter the Roman, is My Peter, the original apostle who will rule My Church from the Heavens under the command of My Eternal Father. Then, when I come to reign, at the Second Coming, he will rule over all of Gods children when all religions will become one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Prior to the Second Coming, she claims that the Catholic Church on earth will be governed by a false pope: (In Pope Benedict's place, a new antipope will be elected: "The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/the-false-prophet-will-now-take-over-the-seat-in-rome/" \t "_blank" Source) "[T]hey will bring Gods children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/they-will-bring-gods-children-under-the-rule-of-the-little-horn-who-will-sit-in-pompous-splendour-in-the-seat-of-peter/" \t "_blank" Source) (This antipope will announce a plan to merge world religions: "Seated in the Chair of Peter, this imposter will shout aloud and proudly proclaim his solution to unite all churches as one. Hailed as a modern innovator, he will be applauded by the secular world because he will condone sin.He will bring in new laws, which will, not only contradict the Teachings of the Catholic Church, but which will go against all Christian laws." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/he-will-be-a-very-close-ally-of-the-false-prophet-and-is-under-no-illusion-as-to-who-he-is-the-son-of-satan/" \t "_blank" Source) 6. What does she claim about the future? Maria Divine Mercy makes a number of claims. Among them are these: (We are currently in the Great Tribulation: "My dearly beloved daughter the three and a half years remaining in the Tribulation period commences in December 2012." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/the-world-will-soon-be-presented-with-the-most-deceitful-lie-which-is-impossible-for-mankind-to-grasp-at-this-stage/" \t "_blank" Source) This would put the end of the Great Tribulation in May 2016. (The antichrist will soon appear: "The false prophet, while busy with his lofty ambitions to impress the worlds Catholics, will be pushed to one side, for a while, because the antichrist will now enter the world stage, as foretold.When you hear the media reports of the new, promising, skilled, peace negotiator, you will know who he is. He will be a very close ally of the false prophet and is under no illusion as to who he is the son of Satan." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/he-will-be-a-very-close-ally-of-the-false-prophet-and-is-under-no-illusion-as-to-who-he-is-the-son-of-satan/" \t "_blank" Source) (The antichrist and false prophet will set up a New World Religion: "He will be head of the New World Religion and he, and the False Prophet, who will head up the shell of the Catholic Church on earth will work closely to deceive all of Gods children." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/the-world-will-soon-be-presented-with-the-most-deceitful-lie-which-is-impossible-for-mankind-to-grasp-at-this-stage/" \t "_blank" Source) (There will be a supernatural event (" HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/what-is-the-warning/" \t "_blank" the Warning") in which God makes his presence known: "You must await now My Divine Act of Mercy, for it will weed out the good from the wicked.This great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar [Benedict XVI] has left Rome." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/this-great-illumination-of-conscience-will-take-place-after-my-holy-vicar-has-left-rome/" \t "_blank" Source) "Billions of people will convert during The Warning." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/the-world-will-soon-be-presented-with-the-most-deceitful-lie-which-is-impossible-for-mankind-to-grasp-at-this-stage/" \t "_blank" Source) (Afterward, the Second Coming will take place and there will be 1,000 years of peace: "This Era of Peace [spoken of at Fatima] will take place after the Second Coming of My Son and will last 1,000 years." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/virgin-mary-the-era-of-peace-i-spoke-about-in-fatima-has-been-forgotten/" \t "_blank" Source) This is also the Millennium spoken of in Revelation, and its length is to be taken literally: "Know that the 1,000 years referred to in the Book of Revelation means just that.If it was meant to be something different then it would have been given a different time." ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/know-that-the-1000-years-referred-to-in-the-book-of-revelation-means-just-that/" \t "_blank" Source) (The Second Coming and the Millennium that follows it is distinct from the end of the world: "Many people believe that My Second Coming indicates that the END OF THE WORLD has come.THAT IS NOT THE CASE for, instead, it will mean the END TIMES when Satan and his followers who create untold misery in the world will be BANISHED FROM EARTH FOR 1,000 YEARS" ( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/what-is-the-second-coming/" \t "_blank" source, emphasis in original). 7. What should we make of all this? There are abundantreasons not to trust Maria Divine Mercy's claims. One of them is that she operates anonymously. This does not fit the pattern of authentic visionaries, who have been willing to undergo criticism and even persecution for the sake of their visions. "Maria Divine Mercy," by contrast, apparently lives a normal life that she keeps partitioned off from her secret life, in which she uses the Internet to spread her messages (and sell her books). Yet her secret life is so important that God himself has told her that she is "the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation" and that "she is the end time prophet." Really? After all the prophets and visionaries of history who operated with people knowing their identities, with them and their families facing the consequences of delivering God's message, God wants "theend time prophet" to operate safely and anonymously from the comfort of her living room, using an Internet connection to maintain her privacy? (Also, what is this "7th Messenger," "7th Angel" business? Who were the previous six? And humans aren't the same kind of creatures as angels.) 43. There are also abundant reasons not to trust her prophecies. 8. Are her prophecies reliable? No. We're fortunate that she's associated dates with them (e.g., the statement that the last 3 1/2 years of theTribulationbegan in December 2012). That provides a short shelf-life for her prophecies. When they are proved false she will have the option of walking away from them (having conveniently kept her identity secret) or re-jiggering and re-interpreting them. Even now, though, there are reasons not to trust them. First, her main claim to fame is having allegedly predicted Pope Benedict's resignation from the papacy. But she didn't actuallydo that. She said that he would be forced out of office by a plot against him hatched in the Vatican. That might have seemed reasonable back when her "prophecies" were first being given, what with the VatiLeaks scandal of 2012 or the German and Irish paedophilia scandals before that, but it's not what happened. Unless you want to accuse Pope Benedict of being a liar. He wasn't "ousted" due to a plot. He freely resigned due to health reasons. Here's what Pope Benedict  HYPERLINK "http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2013/february/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20130211_declaratio_en.html" \t "_blank" actually said: I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in todays world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter. To buy Maria Divine Mercy's claim, you must set aside Pope Benedict's own claim. Although he is described in the messages by Jesusas "My innocent, beloved last Pope on earth, Benedict XVI"( HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/they-will-say-that-he-was-guilty-of-a-crime-of-which-he-is-totally-innocent/" \t "_blank" source), he would have been lying in the very act of renouncing the papacy if he did not do so "with full freedom" and for age-related reasons but rather under coercion and because of a plot. Her further predictions -- regarding St. Peter reigning at first in heaven and then on earth during the Millennium, the Warning, the next pope being the false prophet, a coming world religion, before the Second Coming and an earthly Millennium before the end of the world--are a mishmash of other visionaries' material combined with Premillennial Protestant ideas (a form of what has historically been called " HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millenarianism" \t "_blank" millenarianism"). The latter ideas, in particular, have been rejected by the Catholic Church. The Catechism states: The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgement. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism [CCC 676]. 9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy? No. She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future. Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sinand canonical crimeof schism. If, as soon as a new pope is elected, one were to regard him -- as Maria Divine Mercy would have us regard him -- as a false pope and the False Prophet, one would be in a state of schism. According to the Code of Canon Law: [S]chism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him [ HYPERLINK "http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG1104/__P2H.HTM" \t "_blank" CIC 751]. This would have grave consequences for an individual, both spiritually and canonically, including possible automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication, since: [A]schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication [CIC 1364 1]. Which includes, among other things the inability to receive the sacraments until one repents of the schism and is restored to communion with the Church. Under no circumstances should a Catholic become involved with or give any credence to the "messages" of Maria Divine Mercy. May she herself find the grace to repudiate them, take them down, and alert her followers of their falseness. 29 selected out of 308 comments; almost every other comment either disagreed with Mr. Akin, expressing complete faith in Maria Divine Mercy, or attacked Mr. Akins article. Thanks Jimmy for this fine article. I remember long ago another so-called visionary, Vassula Ryden, used to pretty much say the same thing except she used John Paul II as her example. I am guilty of having followed and believed them once. As I prayed more and grew in my faith, I lost interest in these visionaries and realized my faith lies in Christ and His Church and all she teaches us in order to grow in faith. May all those who are devoted to such "visionaries" find their way back to the truth so as not to be lost or confused in their faith walk. Thanks again, Jimmy! Yae Thanks Mr. Akin for your research into this alleged visionary. As the webmaster for the "Mystics of the Church" website (mysticsofthechurch.com), I have spent a good number of years studying the lives of visionaries and mystics throughout the world and there are key elements or "hallmarks" that one will always find with "authentic" (read: Church approved) mystics and visionaries. The first and foremost indicator of authenticity is obedience to the legitimate authority of the Church. On her website it is stated "At present Maria is receiving spiritual guidance from the Catholic Church." Problem is, not only does "Maria Divine Mercy" not identify herself and state who she is, but neither has the alleged person of whom she is receiving spiritual guidance from come forth openly to assert who he (presumably a priest?) is. This anonymity on the part of both Maria Divine Mercy and her alleged spiritual director is very much a red flag. Scripture tells us that the demon always prefers to work in the darkness, in a hidden manner, while God always works openly, in the light. All alleged private revelations should always be submitted first to the Church through a representative of the Church (read: priest), and it is up to the priest to determine whether each of the alleged messages on an individual basis are to be disseminated, or not. And because those involved are anonymous, it is very questionable and unclear whether this process is occurring in regards to the messages of Maria Divine Mercy. In researching the lives of the Mystics of the church for the website, thus far I have never come across a single case in the history of the Church where God told a mystic/visionary to remain anonymous. All of the prophets in the Old Testament always identified themselves, and likewise has the Mystic-Saints throughout the history of the Church. There are other red flags in regards to discernment of this alleged visionary, but I believe your article has sufficiently pointed out enough concerns which should be enough to caution anyone who is interested in these alleged messages. In the end, it is only the local Bishop who has the authority to judge the authenticity of this visionary and her alleged messages the question then is, given that she has chosen to remain anonymous, and likewise her spiritual director, it is highly questionable whether her bishop is even aware of who she is, and her alleged mission as the "7th Angel" or "7th messenger". Thus while it cannot be formally stated that the messages of Maria Divine Mercy are not authentic, one can be very aware that there is sufficient cause for concern in regards to the prophesies of Maria Divine Mercy, and that Catholics should be very, very cautious and prudent in discerning these alleged messages. -Glenn DAllaire Look no further than this comment section to see the fruits of placing too much trust in private revelation: rash judgement, insults, accusations of demonic alignment and secret society conspiracy against Mr. Akin. Ridiculous and scandalous. I personally believe in some private revelations (Fatima for one), but God deliver us from using them as an excuse to forgo charity. At the risk of starting a vicious cycle, take the logs out of your own eyes before pointing out the speck in Jimmys. David B. Jimmy, you mentioned that to follow Maria would put us in the position of schism. I believe this to be true about Medjugorje followers as well since they do not obey the bishop in charge who says it is false. Even other bishops and priest went against bishop Zanic or his successor. I still cant believe so many people thought that was okay to do. I had a brother very devoted to our lady of Medjugorje and made many trips there and his answer when I asked about the bishop was "well, he is a bad bishop". In his view, we do not need to obey a bad bishop if that is their judgement. Talk about schism. It boggles the mind. -Bonnie Tremblay For anyone who is interested in looking at this issue with a practical and logical perspective I have personally spoken with two very trustworthy sources about "Maria of Divine Mercy" and her "messages" who have both confirmed they are full of doctrinal errors and should not be trusted. Source 1) His Eminence Bishop Robert J. Hermann of St. Louis (who is considered a great spiritual leader in the Archdiocese of St. Louis.) Source 2) Fr. Roch A. Kereszty, professor of theology at the University of Dallas and Cistercian Abbey in Dallas. Fr. Kereszty is an internationally renowned theologian who has been awarded one of the same scholarship awards as His Holiness Benedict XVI himself. To those who are attacking Mr. Akin, you should not let your pride blind you into thinking that your own private discernment is more authoritative that the Churchs theologians and defenders. Mr. Akin is backed by more than subjective interpretation. Mark Mark Shea wrote about crazy prophesies over a year ago on the Register:  HYPERLINK "http://tinyurl.com/cmp2ep3" http://tinyurl.com/cmp2ep3. "The itch to have the 'inside track on what is going on behind the curtain of this world is immensely powerful and a certain percentage of people are always trying to make an end run around the public revelation of the gospel in order to figure out the Hidden History of our Time. Its an impulse as old as gnosticism because it is gnosticism." Paul I started reading MDMs "messages" in 2011 and the more I read the more concerned I became. Over here in Europe many follow MDM and think she is authentic. I dont. In my opinion her "ministry" is very human, not divine. She probably means good, but what good is it to lead Catholics to believe their next pope was "the false prophet" and not obey him? She prepares her followers for her "remnant church" and tells them (in the name of God) that the sacraments wont be valid in future unless they go to the "remnant church". She claims the cardinals will elect the wrong man to be the next pope - so the Holy Spirit will be "on holidays"? And what about MDMs claims in the name of Jesus to store seeds, buy gold, silver, candles etc. for the trial times? It contradicts the Lords authentic words from Scriptures (Matthew 6:25-28) not to worry about food, clothing etc. And for those who believe in anonymous letters (= MDMs "messages"), if they do store food etc and if any catastrophe comes, they are to SHARE all their gold, food, seeds etc. If they dont they oppose authentic teaching of Christ (Matthew 25,36-43) who says what we have done/not done to the least of our brothers we did it to Him. 45. If any day of need comes, however, their stocks will soon be depleted, so whats the use of storing gold etc? If only people wouldnt go after MDMs conspirational theories so much and treasure the true gifts of the Church: the sacraments, the teaching. 101 "crusade prayers" by MDM are nothing compared to the Eucharist. In fact, MDM is about to set up her own "church" by taking people from the Roman Catholic Church as she says the "false prophet" and the "antichrist" will take over. Sounds very similar to something a man said almost 500 years ago when he left the Catholic Church to found his own "church" - Martin Luther. -B. Zureich If there is one lie/deceit/discrepancy in any message from any seer, it is false.Period.And one will find plenty of discrepancies in the messages of MDM which go against the teachings of the Catholic Church. God does not, nor will He ever lie.Yet, Satan will tell you 1000 truths, so he can slip in one lie.By the time folks have read the messages and get hooked on them, the lies dont seem to bother them much. Also, isnt there something in Canon Law which says that any writings like these need to be submitted to the local bishop for his approval before publishing? Yet, messages are being published daily. And when people who follow her refer to "unbelievers," do you mean those who arent Catholic, or those who do not believe the "messages"?The Catholic Faith is what is to be believed.We are not bound to believe in any private apparition.If one is praying and discerning, these things should be taken under consideration. ML The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ in English) founder in the Philippines, Felix Manalo, also claimed to be the 7th and final messenger. He DIED on April 12, 1963 and yet many follow this man-made church which teaches half-truths and falsehoods on the Bible and constantly attacks the Catholic Church today (current leader is grandson). False profits abound this age and I see it a perfectly good tactic of the evil one to use truth mixed with lie to create confusion. Using prayers to gain credibility? Yeah, I can see him doing that ... even to his own detriment. In the end, we all know who will triumph he does, too. Only thing is, he wants to take as many with him. I say, stick with the Holy Church, stay with the approved practice, be obedient to Him and His representatives (as he calls His priests in The Divine Mercy in My Soul Diary by St. Faustina) in the sacraments and Trust in the Lord. -World Paz Thank you Jimmy for calling this fraudulent prophetess out in some depth. It might be in order to recall to "Catholic" readers that anyone who is voluntarily not in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and not subject to the Holy Father will not be saved this is dogma which has been solemnly defined three separate times now. From what I can make out, Maria Devine [sic]Mercy is calling on her followers to go into schism when the next pope is elected (because she knows in advance that he will be a false pope, or an anti-pope), and to follow her instead.This is schism, pure and simple, and she will undoubtedly lead many poorly-catechized persons straight into Hell. Please remember, readers, that no private revelation is part of the deposit of faith of the Catholic Church (the things which one must believe and follow and live by in order to be saved).This woman is apparently acting on her own, is not submissive to her local ordinary (the bishop, archbishop or cardinal of her home diocese, wherever that might be), and is running a highly lucrative business, what with her on-line prophecies and books, etc. Every legitimate prophet (or prophetess) whose private revelations have been Church-approved has been completely, 100% obedient and submissive to the direction of his/her spiritual director AND bishop.They have ALL been well content to live in poverty, humility, obscurity and contempt (just like the Blessed Virgin Mary) for their entire lives. Frankly, Im getting a little tired of these money-making traveling dog-and-pony shows. I will remain in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and the Holy Father, for the rest of my life, and all of these private prophets can go jump in the lake. Catharine A number of years ago, an elderly priest (since gone to his reward) gave a humorous definition of "Mysticism". It begins in "Mist", centers on "I" and ends in "Schism". Jimmy, are the so-called seers of Medjugorje still claiming to have visions and locutions from the Blessed Virgin Mary? Just asking. Teapot Please take a look at Maria Devine [sic]Mercys posting for February 23, 2013 and you will see that she directly contradicts the gospel. Apparently what she is promoting is a sort of uber-Gospel and Jesus has confided the entire revelation to her sole discretion! Thats another major problem with these bogus private revelations they tend to take on a life of their own, to become a sort of parallel Gospel, and then to supersede the true Gospel and the true Catholic faith.This seems to be very much the case here readers beware! Catharine I cant believe how little it takes to center a religious cult on someone. I suppose L. Ron Hubbard is not a statistical anomaly, after all. Can nobody see what shes doing? Shes already calling the results of the papal conclave before it even began. No matter who is chosen, be it the holiest Cardinal in Rome, the "true believers" will know that hes just a rotten Freemason ready to spring his devil trap on us all. This is insane. Are you ready to ditch the beloved Pope Benedict, who obviously prayed over his decision tremendously, and made a decision that he believed would be the best for the Church? If this supposed seer is right, then Benedict was just a useful tool for "preparing the stage" for the "false prophet"... and his pledge of obedience to the future pope is nothing but a future act of apostasy then? Please think about the implications of what this woman is saying. They are *inherently* self-contradictory. Jesus 'CANNOT' be saying those things to her, because if he was, then hes not Jesus. Jesus (the Son of God) cannot both promise us that the gates of hell will not prevail, and then turn around and tell someone that they will. If he did, then he was never really Jesus. He could be anything else; maybe a clever space-alien telepathically channeling thoughts into her head, sure but not the Divine Son of God and Savior of the World. 46. So does it really make sense to throw 2000 years of Catholic Tradition down the drain, to call Christ from the Gospels a liar, and to effectively consider Benedict XVI as either tragically stupid or hideously evil enough to have given up his position to the "false prophet"? And for what? What does this woman offer? Some inspiring words and an innocent call to prayer and conversion? Is that sugar worth swallowing the entire poison? For Gods sake (literally), do you not know that Satan comes as an angel of light? Did St. Paul just make that up for no reason, or did he understand something about mysticism after all? The same spirit is VERY capable to preach militant atheism, New Age baloney, as well as pious pseudo-Catholic babble. Theres no contradiction here at all, and all of you that are so sure that this woman is the "sure thing" would do well to aquatint yourselves with history of private revelations, and how many times they were not of God despite some very convincing (at the time) reasons to think they were. Matt MDM is not an authentic prophet if she is really true, she should have the courage and faith to expose all these messages to the Catholic faithful in public. What she is doing is of personal gain and has never exemplified a true character of an apostle. Anonymity just for safety reason can never be a teaching coming from God as Christ has died just to proclaim the truth. As St. Escriva has stressed, dont be afraid of the truth, even though the truth may mean your death. Edward Perhaps the most preposterous part of this false prophetess website is that she has a section entitled "False Prophets". Physician, heal thyself. Nick I think the most insulting part of her whole enterpriseand its an enterprise; its designed to sell books is that she trades on the name "Divine Mercy" as if shes got some connection to St. Faustina. That ALONE made me pretty much despise everything she had to say. And before you jump down my throat as I know you "true believers" will I did actually go and read the so-called prophecies. They have an amazing resemblance to all kinds of noise out there, be it the rapture, the "three days of darkness," or a dozen more. But what they DONT have is an honest-to-God woman whos ready to identify herself and her spiritual advisor/bishop, and that ALONE should lead any thinking person to distrust them. Its kind of like that humorous commercial where the woman says, "They cant put anything on the Internet unless its true." Only this isnt humorous. This isnt funny. This is heresy, and schism, and the work of hysteria, and no amount of pious recitation of "Crusade prayers" changes that. To those who say, "She cant reveal her identity shell be killed," I have only one thing to say. "So what?" Flippant? Not really. It shows an amazing amount of arrogance on her part to keep her identity a secret for her own convenience and comfort, when all other legitimate prophets put themselves on the line and made no bones about who they were and Whom they stood for. If you wont even give us your name, and the name of the spiritual authority under which you are subject and no, "Your Jesus" doesnt count in this case then theres absolutely NO reason why anyone should give you more than a few minutes reading before dismissing you as the opportunist you are. If, on the other hand, youre willing to be public in your statements, youre willing to submit to Church authority, and youre willing to be obedientthen, and only then, should ANYONE give you the time of day or spend any attention on you. If youre then killed for your "prophecies," youre a martyr which many mystics welcomed the chance to be. The fact that shes willing to do NONE of these things and tries to ride on the coattails of a legitimate mystic and saint in the process makes this more than mere error or well-meaning but misguided. It brings it into the place of evilperiod. Janny I first heard of this woman through an email from a Catholic site called Totus Tuus Maria (or something like that).Anyway, I, like many here, got caught up in her messages too, until I came here and read some of the things she has said in her messages that I havent seen.Thats because I dont frequent her site very often. The one thing that did catch my eye and caused reason for pause was her belief that Jesus will come back (Second Coming) and rule over the earth for 1,000 years and that evil will not exist for that period of time. That sure isnt Catholic teaching by a long shot! That is Protestant teaching! Christ will only come back ONCE! Not twice, as this lady is saying.The other message I read on this board that I have not seen on her site because I have not been to her site in awhile, were pertaining to marriages taking place in heavenTHIS IS BALONEY!As Catholics we know this is an out and out LIE.There will be no marriages in heaven, period. However, some of the things she says I tend to believe because of the state of our country and world. With Obama at the helm, all hell is going to break loose very soon.With all this being said, I will monitor the next Pope. If we as Catholics know our faith, we will have eyes to see and ears to hear falsities coming from the Chair of Peteror not! Just stay awake and dont get sucked in to messages from false seers. There will be many more of them popping up to deceive us.Follow the Catechism and Magisterium.The Pope cannot lie to us about faith and morals. This is Gods promise. Stay awake!!! Vicki As someone who used to be involved with the New Age Movement, it sounds suspiciously like "channeling," where someone will claim to be receiving messages from some disembodied entity.And then the messages are distributed via email or posted on website.Similar to what is going on with Medjugorje. Gary Im not sure if this comment has been made, however if one were to read "Marias" message, she purports to have been given a prayer in which not only will those who recite receive a plenary indulgence (which only the Holy Pontiff has the authority to grant, as given to him by Jesus), but also the remission of their sins. Again, this is something reserved for the sacraments (typically). I would be interested to see if there is any evidence that other "prophets" or "mystics" have ever made such claims and been found to be authentic. Mr. Akin, any insights? ljc About two years ago, I questioned Maria Divine Mercy about a message that Jesus gave to her. She changed the message! I knew at that point she was false. She tried to get me de-listed from Facebook by having a bunch of her Facebook cult followers lodge complaints against me. I was taken off of FB for about a month. She is as false as a false prophet gets. 47. Now that she is saying that this Pope is a false pope and being that Maria got messages shortly after visiting Medjugorje, this is really going to cause some flak being that Medjugorje is getting certain approval (not total approval) but certain approval from Pope Francis and Medjugorje does not claim that his pontificate is false in the messages. I do not believe Medjugorje either, but this is going to get interesting. All I can say is, "you people following this false prophet Maria Divine Mercy, you are all going to get caught with wool over your eyes and it is not going to be sheeps wool. Get out while you can and go to confession for the sin of those you coerced into following Maria. You are going to be responsible for their damnation if they are not smart enough to discern the devils plot in Marias messages." -Mark Silverbird In her site it says that she is not to change any message that Jesus gives to her, even the mistakes must remain. Well, in one of her messages when it first came out, I questioned it and she changed it because I was right. It did not make sense at all. Well, after she changed it, I started telling everybody on Facebook what she had done. Maria got a bunch of her followers to lodge a complaint against me to Facebook and I got a taken off Facebook for a month. They said I was threatening them which is an outright lie. It wasnt the case at all, I was warning them of what Maria had just done, and she knew that I had her. I still have the email correspondence that went back and forth between Maria and I. She is going to be held accountable big time for what she is doing. I can only pray for her and I have so I am done when it comes to her soul. GOD knows that I am telling the truth and HE knows who she is, a False Prophet. -Mark Silverbird I reached out to Maria from Jesus to Mankind because the October 19, 2011 message sent by GOD the Father was very confusing. The message read: His mercy is so great that no sin, no matter how grievous, cannot be forgiven if true remorse is shown. I argued and told her that this is not mercy. Look at the message now and it reads: His mercy is so great that sin, no matter how grievous, can be forgiven if true remorse is shown. Why did Maria change it? Did GOD make a mistake? No, GOD didnt make a mistake, Maria made a mistake. May GOD strike me down dead if I am not telling the truth. -Mark Silverbird [To another commenter] If the Devil can cause Catholics to deny the Pope, saying Rosaries and making Confessions are a small price for it. The aim is getting souls to accept MDMs version of the truth while rejecting the Churchs authority. There is no middle ground. All visionaries the Church has accepted submitted to the authority of their local bishop. St. Pio abhorred publicity, yet he was open and honest in a way that MDM is not. Her anonymity prevents scrutiny. Moreover, how do you know that her bishop "clearly know[s] who she is" and is "clearly hiding her identity"? Do you have evidence, or is this an unwarranted assumption? If MDM really is receiving messages from a supernatural source, then her uncritical spreading of them is reckless and wrong. Her messages contain heretical teachings, the 1000-year reign being only one of them  HYPERLINK "http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p1s2c2a7.htm#676" http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p1s2c2a7.htm#676. The source, then, is not Christ. -David I think she has a great imagination that is being used as a tool for false information. Thanks, I had seen a falsehood in a message someone shared with me your info only confirms what I saw with even more information. -Mary I would like to issue a challenge to MDMs followers here. Her latest message says among other things that "[w]hatever religion you follow it does not matter because your only route to God is through Me, His only Son." However, the Catechism states that "The Church in this world is the sacrament of salvation, the sign and the instrument of the communion of God and men" (CCC, 780). Marias message seems to be a direct denial of the Churchs role in salvation, not to mention moral relativism. How do you explain her apparent Indifferentism? Beyond discernment through prayer, we must serve God wittingly, using our intellect and formation in the faith. I encourage you to look at actual Church teaching versus her messages, that you may see the fatal flaws of her message. More at  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholic.com/tracts/salvation-outside-the-church" http://www.catholic.com/tracts/salvation-outside-the-church. -David Marias 45 radio interviews convince me but I can not confirm her messages yet; her messages sound grammatically good and yet I can not confirm yet. One of these days Jesus will reveal the true of Maria to me, and then I will either shout on top of the house proclaiming Gods messages or proclaiming Maria falsehood. It is interesting she claimed she is the 7th messenger or 7th angel. This make me refresh my memory of chosen ones that I know to be true and still alive Vassula Ryden Maureen Sweeney Kyle the group from Medjugorje... Stephen [ALL ALLEGED MYSTICS Michael] For those who think MDM is authentic: Do you not see the bait and switch?She says PBXVI is real, Francis is false. She tells you to pray the rosary, go to Mass, and go to confession.Then she gives you made-up prayers which, if all prayed, would supplant the rosary.She tells you the Mass will be false.She gives you a magic trick so confession isnt necessary. She gives you a "seal" which is absolutely unnecessary if youve been sealed with Water and the Spirit. She is selling her Book of Truth and making it sound as if you must believe her private revelation but we are really free to reject, instead of pointing you to Public Revelations Book of Truth the Bible, which we must believe. She professes obedience, but does not submit to rightful authority.She, and her admin team, are dangling bait, that once taken, will lead you away from the Church. Chloe Like with all other false prophecies, they dangle these "carrots" in the form of signs and miracles that never materialize, and always with the promise that they will occur "soon". Medjugorje has been going on for 30 years with no trace of the great "sign". Garabandal has been around for even longer. And now MDM Now we get a message today that says the time for the great miracle of the comet is "close"... Again, another carrot. All the while these false prophecies cause schism and disobedience. Ben -Refuses to submit to superiors/authority of Church-RED FLAG -Anonymous-RED FLAG -Contrary to Catholic doctrine-RED FLAG -Calls Pope Benedict XVI a liar and worse a coward, insinuating he would not stand up for the faith. RED FLAG A comment said this, "Do you really need these alleged messages to know to do these good things?" Exactly. To chance following a false message not approved by the Church in order to know to pray the rosary is a real red flag. Another comment said this, "Believe they are truly from our Lord to prepare our souls for His Second Coming." Do we need unapproved possibly false private revelation to do this? Further the comment says, "I have never been impressed with the Orthodoxy of the National Catholic Reporter." This is irrelevant. Then goes on to say, "I realise that the Faith has been grossly watered down because of Apostasy within it." Apostasy is a complete separation from the truth. Horrible catechesis does not equal apostasy nor does it justify false doctrine no matter how well intentioned it is. Conclusion reached: "If the Catholic vote which is partially responsible for the reelection of Obama, 4,000 babies every day being aborted and all the other nonsense going on doesnt make you sit up in your chair and say God has to step in." Agreed, and it has made a lot of us sit up in our chairs but its up to God how He is going to deal with it. We do not have to fall for an alleged visionary who has not been approved. The Church is very cautious about approving private revelation and with good reason and in obedience we leave it up to them to discern what to approve and what not to approve. As Catholics we seek truth and grace-not visions. By the way, NONE of the past visionaries have ever used a fake name or remained anonymous. She wants to protect her children? Werent the ones our Lady chose to visit at Fatima children? Lourdes? Their names were public. When you see red flags like this it is best to be prudent. Let the Church determine if the revelation can be approved-Our Lord always said to be obedient when He or Our Lady gave a message. Go to PUBLIC revelation. Stay away from messages that contradict the teaching of the Church. Public revelation is always approved. If the Church approves then theres no reason not to promote and if the Church doesnt there is every reason in the world to stay away. If you really believe these messages then Our Lady would want you to listen to the Church and wait for her approval. -Pat Sarver Im grateful that you posted this information Jimmy.I only heard about her today - that she is slandering Pope Francis and calling upon people not to follow himwe need to pray much for Pope Francis and also for this "Maria Divine Mercy" who is obviously under the influence of satan, and for those who follow her believing she is of God. Florin One final red flag; Maria is not the Divine Mercy. JESUS is. -Pat Sarver Maria Divine Mercy Identity Revealed... (She predicted the Pope's resignation)  HYPERLINK "http://abbey-roads.blogspot.in/2013/03/maria-divine-mercy-identity-revealed.html" http://abbey-roads.blogspot.in/2013/03/maria-divine-mercy-identity-revealed.html Posted by Terry Nelson, March 4, 2013  HYPERLINK "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xoFtL1vvtMo/UTThDU-ePCI/AAAAAAAAanE/ECcOXdN8huw/s1600/catherine+tate.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xoFtL1vvtMo/UTThDU-ePCI/AAAAAAAAanE/ECcOXdN8huw/s1600/catherine+tate.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Rare photo of Maria Divine Mercy In a  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thPhxdgOMLM" \t "_blank" YouTube interview, she claims to have been a business woman and speaks with what appears to be an Irish accent. (Still don't know her real name though.) To be honest, today is the first I've heard of Maria Divine Mercy,self-proclaimed seer and locutionist.  HYPERLINK "http://actsoftheapostasy.wordpress.com/" Larry mentioned her in an email, evidently he follows her,although I didn't get the photo from him.(Cristina G. asked me to keep secret who sent it to me - until after The Pre-Warning - which could be mitigated if everyone behaves.)Jimmy Akin wrote about her  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy" here. Akin does well in pointing out the serious reasons not to fall for the messages - but I think anyone with common sense can see they are bogus. What? Selected comments Hi, are you sure the woman from the picture is MDM? Once I wanted to save it on my computer but it says it's Catherine Tate, British actress... Ana 49. Dear Ana - it is Catherine Tate - I was just kidding in portraying her as MDM. Terry Nelson Interesting post! I was excited that you found a photo of this woman except...you were joking! I spent some time reading the messages over the past year or so and decided they are fake and designed to create a schism in the church. I wrote an article outlining the reasons for my negative opinion on my blog which includes analysis from two priests. It also contains a link to the audio recording of her interview:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html -Lovey Maria Divine Mercy: A theological evaluation  HYPERLINK "http://www.motherofallpeoples.com/2013/03/maria-divine-mercy-a-theological-evaluation/" http://www.motherofallpeoples.com/2013/03/maria-divine-mercy-a-theological-evaluation/ By Dr. Mark Miravalle, March 29, 2013, Professor of Theology and Mariology in  HYPERLINK "http://www.motherofallpeoples.com/category/general-mariology/" \o "View all posts in General Mariology" General Mariology The following is a preliminary application of the norms for evaluating reported private revelations (established by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, November, 1974) to the reported messages of the woman who refers to herself as Maria Divine Mercy. Having previously served on several theological commissions of investigation internationally for appropriate Church authorities, I will follow, in a succinct form, the same method of analysis and evaluation that is standard for an official Church investigation. Let us therefore briefly examine the reported messages and relevant actions of Maria Divine Mercy in light of the Churchs foundational criteria for authenticity. As the renowned French Mariologist, Fr. Rene Laurentin has aptly summarized, the norms for Church evaluation of a reported private revelation can be synthesized into the following three fundamental criteria: 1) Is the alleged message in conformity with the official faith and morals teaching of the Catholic Church? 2) Is the reported phenomena (state of ecstasy, manner of transmission of the message, etc.) consistent with the mystical tradition of the Church? 3) Does the reported message bring the Christian spiritual fruits that always accompany an authentically supernatural message, as indicated in the words of Jesus: the tree is known by its fruits (Mt. 12:33): greater conversion; spiritual peace; spiritual joy; new or renewed faith, trust, and charity; and greater fidelity to and union with the Church? Unfortunately, the messages of Maria Divine Mercy, as well as the actions of the alleged seer, contain numerous and grave theological, historical and factual errors throughout the over 650 alleged messageserrors which contradict the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church, the mystical tradition of authentic Catholic private revelation, its own self-contained predictions, and the typical spiritual fruits of peace, charity, and joy that comes with a true heavenly message. Just a few samples of these widespread and serious errors are as follows: 1. The assertion that Pope Benedict XVI was the last true Pope on earth and the next Pope will be the False Prophet: My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope on earth. The next Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church, but he will be the False Prophet (April 12, 2012). The message directly contradicts Catholic teaching as to the legitimacy of a validly elected Pope. The message implies that an anti-pope can come from a valid conclave, which constitutes a false or heretical position. The alleged message goes on to claim, by deduction, that Pope Francis is in fact the False Prophet. All of this is a reprehensible rejection of Catholic councils, catechisms, and canon law on the legitimacy of a validly elected Pope and the proper response of a religious assent of mind and heart to the manifest mind of the pope, even when he is not speaking infallibly (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 25), which every member of the Catholic faithful is obliged to offer to the present Holy Father. This erroneous message is extremely dangerous for any member of the Catholic Church, as it runs the risk of leading to formal schism or separation with the Catholic Church, which is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him (Code of Canon Law [CIC] n. 751). A choice of schism for any Catholic tragically results in excommunication and the inability to receive the sacraments (see CIC 1364.1). Not only does this erroneous message reject the true pontificate of Pope Francis, but it also rejects a proper respect of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI as well, as Pope Benedict vowed his submission to the next pontiff on the day of his voluntary resignation (not forced ousting as purported by the alleged message) on Feb. 28, 2013, and also again vowed his unreserved obedience to Pope Francis before his very presence during their historic joint meeting on March 23, 2013. 2. A form of the heresy known as Millenarianism is present in several instances of the alleged messages, which asserts that there will be a literal 1000 year reign of Jesus on the earth (April 9, 2012 Message), during which time there would be no pope on earth, but rather a type spiritual papacy by which St. Peter will rule the Church from heaven over a type of paradise on earth (see Messages, 89, 124, 141; 88, 109, 111, 251, 258). The Catholic Church has rightly condemned Millenarianism and the concept of a literal 1000 year period during which Jesus would reign over an earthly paradise (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 676). The concept of a 1000 years of earthly existence without a visible pope on earth is in practical violation of the Petrine promise of Jesus (cf. Mt. 16:15-20), as well as being absolutely unsustainable from the sources of Divine Revelation. This alleged prophecy appears to be an extremist interpretation of various papal prophecies, rather than anything acceptable by a faithful Catholic. 3. Denial of importance of Church evaluation ofalleged message The alleged messages reject the importance of the Churchs investigation and subsequent judgment of the authenticity of the alleged message, stating that the Churchs approval of the message is not important: It is not important whether the Church authenticates these messages because time is not on their side (July 9. 2011 message). This perspective cannot be considered consistent with authentic Catholic private revelation, which always directs the true seer to submit their messages to the proper Church authority, even when Heaven knew that the messages would not be immediately accepted by the relevant Church authority on the first occasion of submission (as seen, for example, at Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego, and at Lourdes with St. Bernadette). 4. Alleged seers refusal to identify and present herself to local Church authority for appropriate Church theological, psychological and scientific evaluation, while at the same time internationally distributing alleged messages via the internet and printed texts. Similar though distinct from the above category, the seer, while publicly distributing these alleged messages as true supernatural messages from heaven, refuses to submit herself and respond in obedience to her local Church authority for proper discernment of authenticity. The seer operates from the region of Dublin, Ireland, and therefore should have submitted her messages, as well as her person, for proper ecclesiastical examination by the Archdiocese of Dublin. The refusal to the seer to submit herself obediently to legitimate Church authority for proper discernment eliminates the possibility to incorporate the second criteria for evaluating authenticity, i.e., the concurring phenomena that typically accompanies a true supernatural communication. Jesus is the Light of the world and calls those in his service into the light. His Adversary, conversely, operates from the darkness. 5. Theological errors, for example, in stating that the Heavenly Father comes in the name of Jesus rather than Jesus, who comes in the name of the Father, or the Father coming in his own name. These assertions lead to confusion and are contrary to classic Trinitarian formulation. Moreover, statements which defend the confusion present in the messages by claiming, for example, that love is confusing (Message 45) are also antithetical to the character of authentic prophecy. Jesus speaks with a profound simplicity and clarity; Satan fosters confusion. 6. Unfulfilled dated prediction of the Warning to have happened within a few months after May 31, 2011. The message of May 31, 2011 calls people to prepare for the Warning (aGod-granted illumination of conscience,the prediction of which is found in other Marian messages) which would take place within a few months from the May 31, 2011 date: Prepare now for this event [the Warning] for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls (May 31, 2011). The predicted event did not take place within a few months, or even a year, after the May 31, 2011 prediction. 7. Absence of the authentic Christian fruits of spiritual peace, joy, and trust, and charity; and, in their place, manifestations of greater fear, anxiety, and dominant negativity. Fear producing tones of divine retribution, anger, justice, and, disaster are the principal themes placed into the alleged words of God the Father and Jesus. The alleged messages are replete with negative exhortatory rants of condemnation and judgment in words and expressions which gravely misrepresent the infinite mercy and love of the Father and of the Son. For example, alleged messages from Jesus stating Those of you who say that you follow My Teachings, but who want laws changed to condone acts, which are sinful in My Eyes, get out of My Church now; or the Heavenly Father alleging speaking about sending souls to Hell where they will rip their eyes out are not in a continuity with other authentic messages of Jesus and of God the Father. Even when Jesus, God the Father, and Mary have had to convey messages which include strong statements of conditional upcoming chastisement and purification (which are present, for example, in the authentic messages of Divine Mercy and Fatima) these messages are always conveyed in the overall tone and context of peace, love, encouragement, and even joy. These appropriate spiritual characteristics and their corresponding fruits spiritual are substantially absent from the alleged messages, and also seemingly absent from a significant number of the proponents of the alleged message. With such blatant theological and factual errors present in the alleged messages of Maria Divine Mercy, how and why can these alleged messages continue to have such an extended readership among many Catholics of good will, the majority of whom maintain a commitment of obedience to the Churchs Magisterium, as well as possessing a particular and true Marian devotion? It is precisely because the alleged messages contain some elements which many readers can recognize to be true in evaluating the contemporary signs of the times (an evaluation called for by the Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes, n.4): widespread crises of faith and morals within the Catholic Church and throughout global society; unprecedented global economic and social crises; ubiquitous geo-political conflicts in the Middle East and beyond; unprecedented natural disasters; proximate possibilities of nuclear weapon use in North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, etc. To recognize and acknowledge the historic and challenging times in which we live is absolutely acceptable, and in my opinion, an honest and accurate assessment of the contemporary signs of the times. To accept an alleged message immersed in theological error and Church disobedience is a grave and dangerous error. There is a substantial moral difference between acknowledging the serious global indicators which call the world to urgent conversion, and thereby to accept Gods infinite mercy by faithfully responding to the legitimate supernatural messages of Jesus and Mary to contemporary humanity, which understandably include divine warnings, both universal and individual; and, on the other hand, to accept and cooperate with a false message which usurps the authentic contemporary messages of Jesus and Mary, and consequently contaminates them with false directives towards disobedience to Pope Francis and legitimate Church authority, rejection of classic Catholic dogma and the precedence of the Churchs true mystical tradition, and encourages a fear and anxiety based response to the worlds present global situation. The single greatest danger present in this false message, in my opinion, is the alleged justification for Catholics to place an individual false revelation over the God-given authority of the present Pope as the Vicar of Christ on earth. Ironically, the alleged message predicts an upcoming schism in the Church. This could well become a self-fulfilling prophecy, a Satanic goal and strategy, which could result, in some part, from the following of extremely dangerous and materially schismatic messages such as those promulgated by Maria Divine Mercy. It is realistic, in my opinion, during our contemporary experience of challenge and change presently being experienced in the Church and in the world, to expect even more false messages in the times to comefalse messages intermixed with true contentwhich serve the diabolical goal to distract us from authentic Church authority and doctrine, and from Heavens authentic message for our age. This can only be countered and remedied by a renewed commitment of obedience to our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and to all legitimate Church authority. Let us jointly and fervently pray for our beloved Holy Father, Pope Francis; for our holy Catholic Church; for the Triumph of Divine Mercy and the Immaculate Heart of Mary as found in authentic contemporary messages of Jesus and Mary; and for the peaceful conversion and reconciliation of the alleged seer and all her present supporters into the heart, obedience, and unity of the Church. 51. Who is Maria Divine Mercy?  HYPERLINK "http://street-called-straight.blogspot.in/2013/03/who-is-maria-divine-mercy.html" http://street-called-straight.blogspot.in/2013/03/who-is-maria-divine-mercy.html Posted by Neal Ford, March 16, 2013  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/" Maria Divine Mercy is an Irishwoman who claims to be a prophetess who receives visions from Jesus and Mary pertaining to the future particularly the end times. Why am I telling you this? She has quite a following (17,689 on Facebook, and who knows how many read her blog) and is, I believe leading many astray with her "prophecies" which she claims to receive from Jesus and Mary. Reading these very disturbing pieces smells of Satan: there is always a wee bit of truth mixed in with every lie, but enough of a hook to make it all sound credible. Jimmy Akin published  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy" "9 things you need to know about Maria Divine Mercy"*, that make it clear that she is a false prophet. *See page 42 She had predicted that Pope Benedict XVI would be forced to resign, and that the conclave would pick the false prophet to succeed him. Since the conclave she has posted-without saying his name- that Pope Francis is the false prophet spoken of in Revelation. Look at this, and compare it to what we know about Francis: Maria Divine mercy writes: There is to be a particular insult, which will be inflicted upon My Holy Name, in an effort to desecrate Me, during Holy Week.This wicked gesture, during Holy Week, will be seen by those who keep their eyes open and this will be one of the signs by which you will know that the imposter, who sits on the throne in My Church on earth, does not come from Me. My followers, you must know that the prophecies given to the world warning of the time when the power, within My Church, will be seized by those who are loyal to the beast are upon you. The time is now. Remember that those who proudly display the badge of humility are guilty of pride.Pride is a sin. Those who say that My Church must renew its image, update My Churchs doctrine and who say that, by modernising it, that this will be accepted by more people, then know this. Those of you who say that you follow My Teachings, but who want laws changed to condone acts, which are sinful in My Eyes, get out of My Church now.You are not Mine. You have turned your backs on Me and are not worthy to enter My House. Yet, this is what will happen. You and all those of you who demand changes, which are embraced by the secular world, will be satisfied, for the false prophet will entice you into his favour and you will applaud every moment of his short lived reign. But, it will not be I, Jesus Christ, Who you will follow. You will be following a false doctrine, not of God. So many will embrace the reign of the false prophet and push Me to one side with joy in their hearts. Then when the errors of his ways become apparent, My poor sacred servants will have nowhere to turn. Their sorrow will turn to fear and their fear will turn to despair. They wont know who to trust, but they must understand this.My Body, My Church, may be scourged and desecrated but My Spirit can never be touched, for It can never die. To those of you who reject My Word now and the Truth you are being given, as a special Gift from Heaven, I bless you. I will continue to pour My graces over you until you come back to Me. I will never give up until I can save your sorry souls. So she claims that Pope Francis is an imposter. I stand in awe of her great wisdom which trumps that of 115 Cardinals. Not. It would take an airtight and vast conspiracy to pull something like that off, and the odds are a mathematical impossibility that even a dozen, let alone 77 could be in on such a conspiracy. When has Pope Francis ever suggested that he intends to modernize church teaching, and update doctrine? Even if he had ever said such a thing, here's a little newsflash- he does not have the authority to change any church doctrine in the slightest.  HYPERLINK "http://www.stpeterslist.com/10390/quotes-from-cardinal-bergoglio-now-pope-francis-on-7-moral-issues/" Here is what Pope Francis has said on matters of church doctrine especially pertaining to morality: Sounds pretty orthodox to me. Talk about Judgment: Who is she to say that Pope Francis isn't genuinely humble? As to charges found elsewhere in her "prophecies" such as him exalting himself above Jesus I have not heard a Pope before stress the primacy of Jesus and His death on the cross as emphatically as Francis has. What I am seeing is not false humility, but a genuine imitation of Christ. Pope John Paul could easily be accused of the same thing. Read up on his life and eschewing of the trappings and creature comforts of the world as documented by Jonathan Kwitny in "Man of the Century" and George Weigel in "Witness to Hope" All of Maria Divine Mercy's "prophecies are flawed to one degree or another. Not one of them is a true hit. There is just enough vaguery to make them believable to many. Well, the litmus test comes this month. She has predicted the following for Holy Week. Note the wiggle room she left herself: There is to be a particular insult, which will be inflicted upon My Holy Name, in an effort to desecrate Me, during Holy Week.This wicked gesture, during Holy Week, will be seen by those who keep their eyes open and this will be one of the signs by which you will know that the imposter, who sits on the throne in My Church on earth, does not come from Me. She does not tell us what this 'insult' will be. So when nothing happens she can wiggle out by incorporating into her next prophecy where it will be revealed in greater detail. There is one simple thing to remember that should be enough to protect you from falling for false prophets: Jesus Christ Himself said "The gates of hell shall not prevail against My church". And if a pope ever tried something resembling an abomination of desolation, don't you think that even in a church that has been infiltrated, that SOMEONE would call him out on it? The test of a prophet is that they must be 100% right 100% of the time. What I see here is someone whose track record is not much better than the astrology column in your daily newspaper... and probably has the same source, the father of lies. [All emphases in the preceding article are mine. Michael] 52. A closer look at the false prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy  HYPERLINK "http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html" http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html By Dr. Mark Miravalle, March 30, 2013 The following is a preliminary application of the norms for evaluating reported private revelations (established by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, November, 1974) to the reported messages of the woman who refers to herself as Maria Divine Mercy. Having previously served on several theological commissions of investigation internationally for appropriate Church authorities, I will follow, in a succinct form, the same method of analysis and evaluation that is standard for an official Church investigation. Let us therefore briefly examine the reported messages and relevant actions of Maria Divine Mercy in light of the Churchs foundational criteria for authenticity. As the renowned French Mariologist, Fr. Ren Laurentin has aptly summarized, the norms for Church evaluation of a reported private revelation can be synthesized into the following three fundamental criteria: (Is the alleged message in conformity with the official faith and morals teaching of the Catholic Church? (Are the reported phenomena (state of ecstasy, manner of transmission of the message, etc.) consistent with the mystical tradition of the Church? (Does the reported message bring the Christian spiritual fruits that always accompany an authentically supernatural message, as indicated in the words of Jesus: the tree is known by its fruits (Mt. 12:33): greater conversion; spiritual peace; spiritual joy; new or renewed faith, trust, and charity; and greater fidelity to and union with the Church? Unfortunately, the messages of Maria Divine Mercy, as well as the actions of the alleged seer, contain numerous and grave theological, historical and factual errors throughout the over 650 alleged messageserrors which contradict the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church, the mystical tradition of authentic Catholic private revelation, its own self-contained predictions, and the typical spiritual fruits of peace, charity, and joy that comes with a true heavenly message. Just a few samples of these widespread and serious errors are as follows: 1. The assertion that Pope Benedict XVI was the last true Pope on earth and the next Pope will be the False Prophet My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope on earth. The next Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church, but he will be the False Prophet (April 12, 2012). The message directly contradicts Catholic teaching as to the legitimacy of a validly elected Pope. The message implies that an anti-pope can come from a valid conclave, which constitutes a false or heretical position. The alleged message goes on to claim, by deduction, that Pope Francis is in fact the False Prophet. All of this is a reprehensible rejection of Catholic councils, catechisms, and canon law on the legitimacy of a validly elected Pope and the proper response of a religious assent of mind and heart to the manifest mind of the pope, even when he is not speaking infallibly (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 25), which every member of the Catholic faithful is obliged to offer to the present Holy Father. This erroneous message is extremely dangerous for any member of the Catholic Church, as it runs the risk of leading to formal schism or separation with the Catholic Church, which is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him (Code of Canon Law [CIC] n. 751). A choice of schism for any Catholic tragically results in excommunication and the inability to receive the sacraments (see CIC 1364.1). Not only does this erroneous message reject the true pontificate of Pope Francis, but it also rejects a proper respect of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI as well, as Pope Benedict vowed his submission to the next pontiff on the day of his voluntary resignation (not forced ousting as purported by the alleged message) on February 28, 2013, and also again vowed his unreserved obedience to Pope Francis before his very presence during their historic joint meeting on March 23, 2013. 2. A form of the heresy known as Millenarianism is present in several instances of the alleged messages Millenarianism asserts that there will be a literal 1000 year reign of Jesus on the earth (April 9, 2012 Message), during which time there would be no pope on earth, but rather a type spiritual papacy by which St. Peter will rule the Church from heaven over a type of paradise on earth (see Messages, 89, 124, 141; 88, 109, 111, 251, 258). The Catholic Church has rightly condemned Millenarianism and the concept of a literal 1000 year period during which Jesus would reign over an earthly paradise (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 676). The concept of a 1000 years of earthly existence without a visible pope on earth is in practical violation of the Petrine promise of Jesus (cf. Mt. 16:15-20), as well as being absolutely unsustainable from the sources of Divine Revelation. This alleged prophecy appears to be an extremist interpretation of various papal prophecies, rather than anything acceptable by a faithful Catholic. 3. Denial of the importance of Church evaluation of alleged message The alleged messages reject the importance of the Churchs investigation and subsequent judgment of the authenticity of the alleged message, stating that the Churchs approval of the message is not important: It is not important whether the Church authenticates these messages because time is not on their side (July 9, 2011 message). This perspective cannot be considered consistent with authentic Catholic private revelation, which always directs the true seer to submit their messages to the proper Church authority, even when Heaven knew that the messages would not be immediately accepted by the relevant Church authority on the first occasion of submission (as seen, for example, at Guadalupe with St. Juan Diego, and at Lourdes with St. Bernadette). 4. Alleged seers refusal to identify and present herself to local Church authority for appropriate Church theological, psychological and scientific evaluation, while at the same time internationally distributing alleged messages via the internet and printed texts. 53. Similar though distinct from the above category, the seer, while publicly distributing these alleged messages as true supernatural messages from heaven, refuses to submit herself and respond in obedience to her local Church authority for proper discernment of authenticity. The seer operates from the region of Dublin, Ireland, and therefore should have submitted her messages, as well as her person, for proper ecclesiastical examination by the Archdiocese of Dublin. The refusal to the seer to submit herself obediently to legitimate Church authority for proper discernment eliminates the possibility to incorporate the second criteria for evaluating authenticity, i.e., the concurring phenomena that typically accompany a true supernatural communication. Jesus is the Light of the world and calls those in his service into the light. His Adversary, conversely, operates from the darkness. 5. Theological errors For example, in stating that the Heavenly Father comes in the name of Jesus rather than Jesus, who comes in the name of the Father, or the Father coming in his own name. These assertions lead to confusion and are contrary to classic Trinitarian formulation. Moreover, statements which defend the confusion present in the messages by claiming, for example, that love is confusing (Message 45) are also antithetical to the character of authentic prophecy. Jesus speaks with a profound simplicity and clarity; Satan fosters confusion. 6. Unfulfilled dated prediction of the Warning to have happened within a few months after May 31, 2011. The message of May 31, 2011 calls people to prepare for the Warning (a God-granted illumination of conscience, the prediction of which is found in other Marian messages) which would take place within a few months from the May 31, 2011 date: Prepare now for this event [the Warning] for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls (May 31, 2011). The predicted event did not take place within a few months, or even a year, after the May 31, 2011 prediction. 7. Absence of the authentic Christian fruits of spiritual peace, joy, and trust, and charity; and, in their place, manifestations of greater fear, anxiety, and dominant negativity Fear-producing tones of divine retribution, anger, justice, and, disaster are the principal themes placed into the alleged words of God the Father and Jesus. The alleged messages are replete with negative exhortatory rants of condemnation and judgment in words and expressions which gravely misrepresent the infinite mercy and love of the Father and of the Son. For example, alleged messages from Jesus stating Those of you who say that you follow My Teachings, but who want laws changed to condone acts, which are sinful in My Eyes, get out of My Church now; or the Heavenly Father alleging speaking about sending souls to Hell where they will rip their eyes out are not in a continuity with other authentic messages of Jesus and of God the Father. Even when Jesus, God the Father, and Mary have had to convey messages which include strong statements of conditional upcoming chastisement and purification (which are present, for example, in the authentic messages of Divine Mercy and Fatima) these messages are always conveyed in the overall tone and context of peace, love, encouragement, and even joy. These appropriate spiritual characteristics and their corresponding fruits spiritual are substantially absent from the alleged messages, and also seemingly absent from a significant number of the proponents of the alleged message. Conclusion With such blatant theological and factual errors present in the alleged messages of Maria Divine Mercy, how and why can these alleged messages continue to have such an extended readership among many Catholics of good will, the majority of whom maintain a commitment of obedience to the Churchs Magisterium, as well as possessing a particular and true Marian devotion? It is precisely because the alleged messages contain some elements which many readers can recognize to be true in evaluating the contemporary signs of the times (an evaluation called for by the Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes, n.4): widespread crises of faith and morals within the Catholic Church and throughout global society; unprecedented global economic and social crises; ubiquitous geo-political conflicts in the Middle East and beyond; unprecedented natural disasters; proximate possibilities of nuclear weapon use in North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, etc. To recognize and acknowledge the historic and challenging times in which we live is absolutely acceptable, and in my opinion, an honest and accurate assessment of the contemporary signs of the times. To accept an alleged message immersed in theological error and Church disobedience is a grave and dangerous error. There is a substantial moral difference between acknowledging the serious global indicators which call the world to urgent conversion, and thereby to accept Gods infinite mercy by faithfully responding to the legitimate supernatural messages of Jesus and Mary to contemporary humanity, which understandably include divine warnings, both universal and individual; and, on the other hand, to accept and cooperate with a false message which usurps the authentic contemporary messages of Jesus and Mary, and consequently contaminates them with false directives towards disobedience to Pope Francis and legitimate Church authority, rejection of classic Catholic dogma and the precedence of the Churchs true mystical tradition, and encourages a fear and anxiety based response to the worlds present global situation. The single greatest danger present in this false message, in my opinion, is the alleged justification for Catholics to place an individual false revelation over the God-given authority of the present Pope as the Vicar of Christ on earth. Ironically, the alleged message predicts an upcoming schism in the Church. This could well become a self-fulfilling prophecy, a Satanic goal and strategy, which could result, in some part, from the following of extremely dangerous and materially schismatic messages such as those promulgated by Maria Divine Mercy. 54. It is realistic, in my opinion, during our contemporary experience of challenge and change presently being experienced in the Church and in the world, to expect even more false messages in the times to comefalse messages intermixed with true content--which serve the diabolical goal to distract us from authentic Church authority and doctrine, and from Heavens authentic message for our age. This can only be countered and remedied by a renewed commitment of obedience to our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and to all legitimate Church authority. Let us jointly and fervently pray for our beloved Holy Father, Pope Francis; for our holy Catholic Church; for the Triumph of Divine Mercy and the Immaculate Heart of Mary as found in authentic contemporary messages of Jesus and Mary; and for the peaceful conversion and reconciliation of the alleged seer and all her present supporters into the heart, obedience, and unity of the Church. Dr. Miravalle is Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. More voices reject false visionary Maria DivineMercy  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/more-voices-reject-false-visionary-maria-divine-mercy/" http://ronconte.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/more-voices-reject-false-visionary-maria-divine-mercy/ Posted on 30 March 2013 by  HYPERLINK "http://ronconte.wordpress.com/author/ronconte/" \o "View all posts by Ron Conte" Ron Conte Dr. Mark Miravalle has added his voice to those faithful Catholics who are condemning the claimed messages of the claimed visionary who calls herself "Maria Divine Mercy". The messages are given under the title "The Warning Second Coming". Dr. Miravalles first and most important point is that "Maria Divine Mercy" and her messages reject the current Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis: This erroneous message is extremely dangerous for any member of the Catholic Church, as it runs the risk of leading to formal "schism" or separation with the Catholic Church, which is the "refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him" (Code of Canon Law [CIC] n. 751). A choice of schism for any Catholic tragically results in excommunication and the inability to receive the sacraments (see CIC 1364.1). Not only does this erroneous message reject the true pontificate of Pope Francis, but it also rejects a proper respect of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI as well, as Pope Benedict vowed his submission to the next pontiff on the day of his voluntary resignation (not forced "ousting" as purported by the alleged message) on February 28, 2013, and also again vowed his unreserved obedience to Pope Francis before his very presence during their historic joint meeting on March 23, 2013. Other commentators have taken up the cry against this false visionary, including (my frequent theological opponent) Jimmy Akin, "9 things you need to know about 'Maria Divine Mercy'," and Karl Keating, "Watch Your Step, Sister!" Ronald L. Conte Jr. Mark Miravalle analyzes "Maria Divine Mercy"  HYPERLINK "http://catholiclight.stblogs.org/archives/2013/04/mark-miravalle.html" http://catholiclight.stblogs.org/archives/2013/04/mark-miravalle.html By Richard Chonak, April 4, 2013 Here's an item from the "Credit Where It's Due" department. Ireland seems to be the hotbed for phony Catholic prophets. Every few years, it seems, another kook mystic either comes from there or goes there from here to set up shop. For a while Christina Gallagher was attracting followers with her supposed messages from the beyond, then American-born Kathryn Ann Clarke ("Anne, a lay apostle"), and now it's the anonymous gal styling herself "Maria Divine Mercy". With a name like that, obviously she didn't get the humility memo from Pope Francis. Her writings are full of angry, apocalyptic talk, and even after the failure of her date-specific prediction of a worldwide "warning" to souls, there are still Catholics here and there sucked into her stories of impending doom and disaster, war and warnings, false popes and fake prophecies. From what I see, these are angry people who would like God to knock heads and kick butts, and they are quite willing to spread the gospel of anger provided by this would-be seer. She tells us that the Church isn't going to approve her messages, but that we should believe her anyway, because God'll get you if you don't; and (in her apparently heretical dispensationalist teaching) she indicates that the Church will no longer have a real Pope, so who's gonna say no to her? Well, that's not how Catholic life works. Professor Mark Miravalle has helpfully applied the Church's criteria for evaluating mystical claims to her case, and gives the results of his analysis in an  HYPERLINK "http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html" on-line article*. *See page 53 Why is this a case of "credit where it's due"? Because I'm usually pretty skeptical about Miravalle's writings; after all, he's taken far too favorable positions about various cases of dubious mysticism: Medjugorje, Kathryn Ann Clarke, and the Amsterdam case. But when he's right, he deserves our thanks. False Prophet Exposed: Maria Devine [sic]Mercy  HYPERLINK "http://ivarfjeld.com/2013/04/03/false-prophet-exposed-maria-devine-mercy/" http://ivarfjeld.com/2013/04/03/false-prophet-exposed-maria-devine-mercy/ Posted by Gloria, April 3, 2013 [I am not sure if this is a Catholic site -Michael] I have read on the web several alleged prophecies of this Maria Divine Mercy. And her alleged claims are what prompted me to write this article. I have taken a few days to read over her claims, but well get to that in a minute. 55. Not too many actual "facts" is known about Maria, not her age, what she looks like, where she resides. That in itself should send warning bells to anyone. For if Jesus truly gave you a message to tell the people, why hide? On to these prophecies, and we will compare them to the Word of God. Mary Devine [sic]Mercy says, we dont have much time before these events unfold in the world and people have a right to know the truth so they can examine their lives in the hope that their souls can be saved. Jesus will give the world the proof they need to know that God exists through an event he calls The Warning. He said it is an Act of Divine Intervention to restore the faith of believers and to convert non-believers. My comment: Jesus has given us proof that he exists through His Word. But even back then, there were those who clung to miracles, believing if they saw miracles, it would be proof enough. John 4:48 So Jesus said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe." Matthew 16:4 "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." Jesus then left them and went away. Do you see here where God says, "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign?" We are definitely living in a wicked age, where people need proof to see Gods exist. But I tell you what Maria Devine [sic]is saying are lies. For it is faith through Jesus Christ accepting him, that will save you. You need no sign to believe. Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God On Maria Devines [sic]website it says: Marias messages reinforce the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding faith and morals and have been given to mankind by Jesus Christ to help re-evangelize the world so that souls can be saved before the Second Coming the final Judgment My comment: Many articles on News that Matters have been written exposing the Catholic Church, for their lies, idolatry, kissing dead flesh, praising statues. There is a huge amount of people in this world who have fallen for this deception. That Mary Devine [sic]believes in this church leads her soul to the wide gates of hell, unless she repents. It is simply the truth. To tell you otherwise would be me lying to you. Jesus has warned us numerous times that false prophets will arise, and are here. 2 Peter 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Jeremiah 5:30-31 An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes. Maria Devine [sic]says: Prayer will help avert global disasters but, unfortunately, according to Maria there is not enough prayer in the world so the wrath of God will now descend on the world with immediate effect. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods, heat waves and volcanic eruptions will now escalate and intensify. My comment: Jesus told us long ago there were signs to his coming. We take the Word of God as proof. But to say there is not enough prayer to Christ is completely wrong, and goes against the Word of God. Matthew 17:19-20 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not drive it out?" And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." Matthew 21:22 "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." John 14:13-14 "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it." Maria Devine [sic]says: She was told by Jesus that she is the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation which can only be opened by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. He will open the Seals and reveal, in advance, the contents. Maria has to publish them as each Seal is opened. He has told her she is the end time prophet. At present Maria is receiving spiritual guidance from the Catholic Church. My comment: There are few verses in the Bible about the 7th angel. Here are two: Revelation 11:15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." 56. Revelation 10:7 "But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets." Branham was another liar who thought he was an angel and worthy to open the book. Nowhere in those bible verses does it say the seventh angel is a sinner like you and me. Nowhere does it say that the angel would be human like you and I. NOWHERE in the Bible does it indicate that Maria will publish the seals asthey are opened. I can post many other "claims" made by Maria Devine [sic]who also calls herself the mother of salvation, but I will end it with this. Mankind has many false prophets, women and men alike. Now that the end is near, and the coming of Christ is even closer, the liars are coming out from the wood work in masses. But it is always up to us, as followers of Jesus Christ to compare their lying ways to Gods Word. And I leave you with this: I Timothy 6:3-5 If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. I find the following article, of which I have reproduced a portion, pertinent to the case of the messages of "Maria Divine Mercy". As the author 'predicted', MDM has declared that "the Pope [Francis] is not the Pope": Testing the Spirit - The Criteria of Discernment  HYPERLINK "http://www.unitypublishing.com/Apparitions/TestingTheSpirit.html" http://www.unitypublishing.com/Apparitions/TestingTheSpirit.html EXTRACT [] In Lourdes there were over 50 purported apparitions of the Virgin Mary to children other than Saint Bernadette. All of these visitations proved to be Satanic, though in every case these children actually saw a form they thought to be God's Mother. [] In fact one Pope lamented on his death bed that he almost brought the Church into its ruin by following a false mystic. That Pope was Urban VIII. [] These followers of false mystics are so brain-washed that: if the local Bishop condemns the apparitions, they say he is corrupt; if the Doctrine of the Faith condemns the apparition, they say the Doctrine is outdated; and even if the Holy Father condemns the apparition, (which has never happened in history) they will say that he is a false pope. They will only believe the message, nothing else. [] Satan, in order to lead everyone astray, has found a new trick in the Twentieth Century. Every false miracle will support at least one other false miracle. Some apparitions have almost no other reason but to support another one that is losing its following. Since Heaven will never ever contradict its Kingdom on Earth, any apparition that says a condemned apparition is true is not from God. [] We have studied over four hundred private revelations that have been approved by the Church. One thing can be said for every one of them, they all have the message of unity in faith. God founded one faith, one kingdom, one Body of Christ, and He supports this unity throughout the ages with miracles. That being the case, Satan's main object in false miracles is disunity. Divide and conquer is the plan. The results of every false miracle we have studied is disunity. They all talk obedience but practice disobedience; they talk humility but practice pride; they talk Catholic but create a cult. The history of false miracles will show divisions in religious orders, divisions in families, and separations from the Body of Christ, the Church. All of this is done with the outward signs of holiness, extreme holiness: praying the rosary ten times a day, fasting more that the saints, sacrifices greater than prudence, etc. These extremes are what fool most people, and therefore they say, "But look at the fruits." If Satan can get you to believe one point in matters of religion and morals different from what Christ taught through His Church, you are excommunicated ipso-facto, and you are no longer a member of the Body of Christ, you no longer share in the Communion of Saints, you are divided from the unity of believers. Satan has won. [] But the Kingdom is attacked from within also, by liberal theologians, who give to themselves the charisma of infallibility; by traditionalists, who claim to be holier than God's Kingdom; and by seers, who claim to be the voice of God on earth instead of the Holy Father. All of these things have the same goal-- dividing the unity of Christ's Body. But there is an even greater plan coming in the future by Satan. There are over three hundred false apparitions about to get together into one so-called voice from Heaven. They are about to declare all together that the Pope is not the Pope. You will see a good man being declared the Antichrist by these false apparitions. [] Regarding the seer and the followers of the seer, do not judge "fruits" by the amount of prayer, fasting, masses, confessions, or even the turning away from sin. All of these things occur in every false apparition. Look instead for the virtues of chastity, poverty, obedience, simplicity, trust in God, faith in the Church, and a charity towards those in authority and those who do not believe. [] Any message that is not in conformity with the Holy Bible and the Holy Tradition is false. Any message that is contrary to messages already approved by the Church is false. Any message that suggests leaving everything up to God is false. Any message that suggests leaving everything up to man is false. Any message that condones more than one Church is false. Any message that threatens punishment to those who do not believe in it is false. Any message that gives to itself the authority that belongs to the local Bishop is false. [] The complete article may be read at PRIVATE REVELATION-CRITERIA FOR DISCERNMENT-UNITY PUBLISHING  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION-CRITERIA_FOR_DISCERNMENT-UNITY_PUBLISHING.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION-CRITERIA_FOR_DISCERNMENT-UNITY_PUBLISHING.doc UPDATE MAY 2013 For continuity, see pages 1 and 10 of the present report. In the original report, I had introduced one section as "Here is a blog that defends "Maria Divine Mercy"" on page 1. I regret the error caused by my lack of vigilance apparently because I quoted matter from a blog that was responding to another blog, see page 10, and it appears that I did not understand who exactly was for and who was against Maria Divine Mercy. I regret and corrected the error and offer my sincere apologies to "Lovey" who wrote to me the following in  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians511blog.com/2013/04/23/maria-divine-mercy-the-book-of-truth-and-the-warning-second-coming/" http://ephesians511blog.com/2013/04/23/maria-divine-mercy-the-book-of-truth-and-the-warning-second-coming/: Michael, please set the truth straight. I write the blog "Miraculous Rosary". You have listed my blog as DEFENDING the Maria Divine Mercy cult. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Please read my articles that actually REFUTE the messages as false: This article, written by me (Lovey) lays out a point by point argument showing the Maria Divine Mercy messages are false:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/02/maria-divine-mercy-deception-of-satan.html This article written by me (Lovey) shows a blunder the Maria Divine Mercy writers made and proves the messages are false:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/05/message-to-mdm-followers.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/05/message-to-mdm-followers.html This article written by me (Lovey) refutes the MDMers claim that the pectoral cross Pope Francis wears is an image of a skeleton Osiris god of the dead leading dead sheep:  HYPERLINK "http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/05/pectoral-cross-controversey-its-not.html" http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/05/pectoral-cross-controversey-its-not.html I would really appreciate you setting the record straight in your writing and list my blog as being against the Maria Divine Mercy Warning Second Coming messages. Lovey  HYPERLINK "http://www.miraculousrosary.blogspot.com" \o "http://www.miraculousrosary.blogspot.com" miraculousrosary.blogspot.com,  HYPERLINK "mailto:tjcmom3@aol.com" tjcmom3@aol.com,  HYPERLINK "https://ephesians511blog.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?s=" Submitted on  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians511blog.com/2013/04/23/maria-divine-mercy-the-book-of-truth-and-the-warning-second-coming/comment-page-1/" \l "comment-568" 2013/05/13 at 11:06 pm Accordingly, I have also corrected the introduction to the referred section on page 1 to read, "Here is a blog that condemns the "Maria Divine Mercy" blog." See related files NORMS REGARDING THE MANNER OF PROCEEDING IN THE DISCERNMENT OF PRESUMED APPARITIONS OR REVELATIONS PAUL VI/CDF FEBRUARY 25, 1978 & DECEMBER 14, 2011  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/NORMS_REGARDING_THE_MANNER_OF_PROCEEDING_IN_THE_DISCERNMENT_OF_PRESUMED_APPARITIONS_OR_REVELATIONS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/NORMS_REGARDING_THE_MANNER_OF_PROCEEDING_IN_THE_DISCERNMENT_OF_PRESUMED_APPARITIONS_OR_REVELATIONS.doc NORMS REGARDING THE MANNER OF PROCEEDING IN THE DISCERNMENT OF PRESUMED APPARITIONS OR REVELATIONS 02 CDF MAY 29, 2012  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/NORMS_REGARDING_THE_MANNER_OF_PROCEEDING_IN_THE_DISCERNMENT_OF_PRESUMED_APPARITIONS_OR_REVELATIONS_02.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/NORMS_REGARDING_THE_MANNER_OF_PROCEEDING_IN_THE_DISCERNMENT_OF_PRESUMED_APPARITIONS_OR_REVELATIONS_02.doc MARIAN APPARITIONS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIAN_APPARITIONS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIAN_APPARITIONS.doc PRIVATE REVELATION  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION.doc PRIVATE_REVELATION-CRITERIA_FOR_DISCERNMENT-RICHARD_SALBATO  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION-CRITERIA_FOR_DISCERNMENT-RICHARD_SALBATO.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION-CRITERIA_FOR_DISCERNMENT-RICHARD_SALBATO.doc PRIVATE REVELATION-RULES FOR DISCERNMENT OF PHENOMENA-FR FELIX BOURDIER  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION-RULES_FOR_DISCERNMENT_OF_PHENOMENA-FR_FELIX_BOURDIER.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PRIVATE_REVELATION-RULES_FOR_DISCERNMENT_OF_PHENOMENA-FR_FELIX_BOURDIER.doc CARDINAL IVAN DIAS PROMOTES CONTROVERSIAL MARIAN APPARITIONS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CARDINAL_IVAN_DIAS_PROMOTES_CONTROVERSIAL_MARIAN_APPARITIONS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CARDINAL_IVAN_DIAS_PROMOTES_CONTROVERSIAL_MARIAN_APPARITIONS.doc AKITA, JAPAN-ARE THE SUPERNATURAL EVENTS GENUINE?  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/AKITA-JAPAN-ARE_THE_SUPERNATURAL_EVENTS_GENUINE.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/AKITA-JAPAN-ARE_THE_SUPERNATURAL_EVENTS_GENUINE.doc CHRISTINA GALLAGHER-THE HOUSE OF PRAYER  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CHRISTINA_GALLAGHER-THE_HOUSE_OF_PRAYER.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CHRISTINA_GALLAGHER-THE_HOUSE_OF_PRAYER.doc FALSE PRIVATE REVELATION OF MICHAEL DIBITETTO - RON SMITH  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/FALSE_PRIVATE_REVELATION_OF_MICHAEL_DIBITETTO-RON_SMITH.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/FALSE_PRIVATE_REVELATION_OF_MICHAEL_DIBITETTO-RON_SMITH.doc FR STEFANO GOBBI-MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/FR_STEFANO_GOBBI-MARIAN_MOVEMENT_OF_PRIESTS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/FR_STEFANO_GOBBI-MARIAN_MOVEMENT_OF_PRIESTS.doc GARABANDAL  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/GARABANDAL.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/GARABANDAL.doc JULIA KIM-MARYS ARK OF SALVATION  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/JULIA KIM-MARYS ARK OF SALVATION.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/JULIA KIM-MARYS ARK OF SALVATION.doc MAUREEN SWEENEY-HOLY LOVE MINISTRIES  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MAUREEN_SWEENEY-HOLY_LOVE_MINISTRIES.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MAUREEN_SWEENEY-HOLY_LOVE_MINISTRIES.doc MEDJUGORJE  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE.doc MEDJUGORJE-CAREY WINTERS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE-CAREY_WINTERS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE-CAREY_WINTERS.doc MEDJUGORJE-JOHN LOUGHMAN  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE-JOHN_LOUGHMAN.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE-JOHN_LOUGHMAN.doc PATRICIA DE MENEZES-THE COMMUNITY OF DIVINE INNOCENCE  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PATRICIA_DE_MENEZES-THE_COMMUNITY_OF_DIVINE_INNOCENCE.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/PATRICIA_DE_MENEZES-THE_COMMUNITY_OF_DIVINE_INNOCENCE.doc QUO VADIS PAPA FRANCISCO 02-MEDJUGORJE  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/QUO_VADIS_PAPA_FRANCISCO_02-MEDJUGORJE.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/QUO_VADIS_PAPA_FRANCISCO_02-MEDJUGORJE.doc VERONICA LUEKEN-OUR LADY OF THE ROSES  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/VERONICA_LUEKEN-OUR_LADY_OF_THE_ROSES.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/VERONICA_LUEKEN-OUR_LADY_OF_THE_ROSES.doc UPDATE JULY 2013 Whats going on with so many Catholics and false seers?  HYPERLINK "http://www.saint-mike.net/qa/sw/viewanswer.asp?QID=1619" http://www.saint-mike.net/qa/sw/viewanswer.asp?QID=1619 May 8, 2012 My query is why are so many Catholics so easily caught up in the private revelations of the warning and second coming of Christ. I happened to receive a lengthy email from a leader of a prayer group relating to a seer going under the name of Maria Divine Mercy .To me the name its self indicated a false seer in linking her name with Divine Mercy. I often check Catholic Planet, a web site, and came across the seers name, listed as a false seer and not in line with teachings of the Catholic Church. I do not believe in every single thing that Ronald L Conte Jr writes as a theologian for Catholic planet, but he has listed a fair few private revelations that are true and false. I sent off his discernment on Marie Divine Mercy to the person who sent me email thinking it might help the leader understand that not all are truth. How ever I was emailed the lot back. Do you know why so many seem to be drawn to false messages and yet are in prayer? I am beginning to wonder Brother what is going on. I know that no one is perfect but surely God would want me to know the Truth no matter what. I believe there are far too many false claims and messages today. Angela The short answer to your question come from the words of Jesus: (Matthew 12:39) But he answered them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." The sign of Jonah is about Jesus dying on the Cross and Resurrecting on the third day. In other words the only "sign" we need is that of Public Revelation, which is Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. No private revelation is ever needed for our salvation or for our spiritual devotion and growth. There is not a single Private Revelation where I have learned anything. The messages from our Blessed Mother are no more than what is already taught in the Bible (except special messages specifically for the seer). Since I know the Bible and Sacred Tradition, I have no need to read private revelations. Anyone who spends more time reading Private Revelation than they do the Bible and Church documents is way out-of-line. I think that the reason people chase apparitions is because they lack faith. The Bible, which is God's love letter to us, is not enough for them. The wisdom of the Church is not enough for them. Thus, they seek something else, seek a sign, seek something supernatural. This is all immaturity. But, God allows it probably because He knows how much of big babies we are and are in need of a boost. That is fine if that is what it takes, but as St. Paul says, there is a time to grow up: (1 Cor 13:11) When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. Bro. Ignatius Mary OMSM From: Name Withheld To:  HYPERLINK "mailto:michaelprabhu@vsnl.net" \o "michaelprabhu@vsnl.net" Michael Prabhu Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 11:10 AM Subject: For your prayerful perusal Dear Michael, Do you know this author, Dr. Kelly Bowring? Please find time to go through the below recent article written by him and give your opinion with an open mind. Anticipating your reply, which always means a lot to me.  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/blog/how-to-respond-if-pope-francis-is-the-false-prophet-2/" \l "more-1544" \o "http://twoheartspress.com/blog/how-to-respond-if-pope-francis-is-the-false-prophet-2/#more-1544 CTRL + Click to follow link" http://twoheartspress.com/blog/how-to-respond-if-pope-francis-is-the-false-prophet-2/#more-1544 12 Prophecies That Indicate Trouble Ahead for Papacy Posted on  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/blog/how-to-respond-if-pope-francis-is-the-false-prophet-2/" \o "4:35 am" March 13, 2014 by  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/author/twohearts/" \o "View all posts by twohearts" twohearts How to Respond If Pope Francis Is the False Prophet By Dr. Kelly Bowring, Author of the bestseller The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph and of The Signs of the Times [ ] From:  HYPERLINK "mailto:michaelprabhu@vsnl.net" \o "michaelprabhu@vsnl.net" Michael Prabhu To: Name Withheld Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 4:20 PM Subject: Re: For your prayerful perusal Twoheartspress.com endorses Maria Divine Mercy, an anonymous false prophetess MDM condemned by Church authorities. See MARIA DIVINE MERCY-THE WARNING SECOND COMING AND THE BOOK OF TRUTH  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIA_DIVINE_MERCY-%20THE_WARNING_SECOND_COMING_AND_THE_BOOK_OF_TRUTH.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIA_DIVINE_MERCY- THE_WARNING_SECOND_COMING_AND_THE_BOOK_OF_TRUTH.doc On pages 2 and 3, I have included some info about Dr. Kelly Bowring. Just a few days ago and only three days after the blog that you sent me is dated,he had pulled his book "The Great Battle".  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/blog/compliance-on-mdm/" http://twoheartspress.com/blog/compliance-on-mdm/: Compliance on Maria Divine Mercy Posted on April 16, 2014 by  HYPERLINK "http://twoheartspress.com/author/twohearts/" \o "View all posts by twohearts" twohearts On Wednesday of Holy Week 2014, the Archdiocese of Dublin issued a statement on its website on the writings of the "alleged visionary" Maria Divine Mercy (MDM) stating that the Archbishop wishes to state that "these messages should not be promoted or made use of". In compliance with this statement, Two Hearts Press and Dr. Bowring will no longer be selling the book, "The Great Battle", which had "made use of" MDM as a source. In related news regarding the Archbishop of Dublin:  HYPERLINK "http://www.lifesitenews.com/home/print_article/news/44021/" http://www.lifesitenews.com/home/print_article/news/44021/ UPDATE AUGUST 15, 2014  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/8/" Maria Divine Mercy: The Woman behind theCurtain  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/" http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/" MORE ON THE OUTING OF MARY CARBERRY  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/about/" ABOUT Originally posted 11 November 2013. Revised 30 November. [See 'Outing' tab above for critical new information. New post added 17 June 2014] All highlighting in red colour is mine; other bold emphases in black are the authors -Michael  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/mary-photo-2.jpg?w=270&h=198" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Mary McGovern (Mary Carberry) Since Nov. 8, 2010, a woman identifying herself as Maria Divine Mercy, a Catholic messenger from God and the Last Prophet has posted nearly 1,000 messages from Jesus, the Virgin Mary and God the Father on the WebsiteTheWarningSecondComing.com. She has nearly 35,000 international Facebook followers and dozens of worldwide geographically-local Facebook sites. The main FB site, Jesus to Mankind, shows an image of a happy Jesus as messages report of cataclysmic global devastation and Satanic influences leading to the end times and schismatic separation of her followers from the institutional church. MDMers, as her followers are known possibly numbering hundreds of thousands have turned into a cult-like mass of sincere, truth-seeking believers who generate plenty of formal reaction from Catholichierarchy, religious commentators, and theologians. She has passionate advocates and adversaries. She has averaged four visions a week for three years that repeat prophetic warnings from a hundred years-worth of seers, and adds lots of her own to the mix, creating a worldwide discussion-frenzy and divisiveness within communities and families, split for or against. Her internet site ranks as the finest-looking bunch of Web pages for any prophet sincewellever. She has marketing skills! But, until now nothing was known of her identity. PR GIRL GETS TAGGED A mosaic has formed that leads to the door step of Mary Carberry, 58, of Dublin, Ireland, who does business under her maiden name of Mary McGovern. She has four children. Two have worked for her firm, McGovernPR, including her daughter Sarah Carberry, 28, and a 27-year son, a Web page designer. The 27-year-old company, McGovernPR, has won international awards for its skill in marketing productsand ideas. Other Carberry companies are CultureLink, headed by her husband, John Carberry, and Digital Future Link, headed by Sarah. Mary, John and their adult son live in Muldowney Court, MalahideCounty, Dublin, Ireland. DEVOTEE OF SEER JOE COLEMAN Mary Carberry was a follower of the Irish psychic Joe Coleman who began receiving visions in 2009. IrishCentral.comreported, Before his most recent trips and visitations at Knock, Coleman worked as a healer. He ran spiritual development courses and gave clairvoyant readings before the revenue commissioners started looking into his finances. Though he was charging 40 a session for clairvoyant readings he insisted that he never charged for any kind of information to do with his visions of the Virgin Mary. Carberry was instrumental in promoting Coleman in broadcast and print media, may have written his book, The Message, and maintained his Web site. It is believed she wrote a letter on Nov. 1, 2010, to Ronald Conte atCatholicPlanet.comdefending Coleman and claiming,I am the second visionary. We both see our Lady as well as her beloved son Jesus Christ. She made a predictionlater repeated by MDM:The Tribulation has already started. The second half starts at the end of 20-12/beginning of 2013. The correspondence is signed only Mary and adds, I cant give you my surname unfortunately. Seven days later Maria Divine Mercy [MDM] emerged from anonymity tomore anonymity to receive her first official communication fromGod and by Feb. 2011 a slickly designed Web site calledthewarningsecondcoming.comwent live. As with Marys letter to Conte, the new visionary repeats the command from the Virgin Mary that the messages from heaven be published. Since MDM emerged, Coleman says he has not seen Mary Carberry, though his current website publishes her name in a notice for a 2012 prayer meeting. CONNECTING THE DOTS There are more connections between the names McGovern the business woman and Carberry the visionary. TheIrish Independent newspaper published this story on July 24, 2010: An e-commerce initiative launched yesterday and aimed at the 44 million Irish-Americans has pulled off a coup by getting the backing of US internet giant AOL.Ireland-usa.comhas been set up by a company called CultureLink which is owned by public relations adviserMary McGovern and her husband John Carberry. The formation of CultureLink may have saved the Carberrys from bankruptcy. A few months earlier, Dec. 8, 2009, the Irish Independent reported of acouple about to lose their home for falling behind on payments of their $670,000 USD mortgage. The Building Society was seeking to re-possess the$1.4 million USD home. [Barrister Ann Lawlor]saidJohn and Mary Carberry, of Muldowney Court, Malahide, CoDublin, had not kept up monthly repayments of $6,991 USD for the past 10 months and were in arrears of more than $67,000 UDS. The court denied the repossession. BUSINESS LINKS MDMs visions are published, as commanded, in three volumes called the Book of Truth by Coma Books whose only products are the MDM line of merchandise. Add a fourth volume for prayers. Visa and MasterCard accepted. To assure the companys lock on income from published distribution of the messages, Coma Books copyrights the content. Jesus speaks; MDM profits. There is additional legal language protecting publication of the messages: In no event is anyone permitted to publish, distribute or otherwise reproduce in any format any of the content or copies of the content that appears on The Warning Second Coming web site. Coma Books shares the same address as Trumpet Publishing Ltd, formed by Sarah Carberry [majority interest] and Breffni Cully, 60. A blogger hasidentified Cully as the same Joseph Gabriel who conducted and spoke at MDM workshops in Canada and the US during late summer/fall 2013, while associates made cash-only book sales. The camera-shy Cully recording devices and photos were forbidden from workshops would have reason to change his identity to conceal his business relationship with Carberry that would link her to the visionary, Maria Divine Mercy. So, we can connect Mary Carberry to Sarah Carberry to Trumpet Publications to Breffni Cully to Joseph Gabriel to the visionary MDM. [Edited Nov. 19:] As of January 2013 Sarah no longer owns Trumpet Publishing. In her place is Heinrich Martin Roth, 69, of Koln, Germany. Roth maintains German-language online book sales forthe visionary messages of MDM as contained in the Coma Books-published Book of Truth! So, we connect Mary Carberry to Sarah Carberry to Trumpet Publications to Heinrich Roth toComa Booksto the visionary MDM. Coma Books and Trumpet Publishing Ltd are located at Block 4, Harcourt Center, Harcourt Street, Dublin, the identical contact address forTheWarningSecondComing.com, the Maria Divine Mercy Website. Its a small world. THE UNCONSCIOUS STATE OF COMA [Added Nov. 19, 2013] Who really IS Coma Books, the publisher of MDMs 3-volume Book of Truth [mail order only; sold separately]? Companies Registration Office of Ireland reports that the name Coma Books was officially registered in February 2013 under number 486479 the same number assigned to Curra Building and Civil Contractors. Coma Books was being used in printed copies of the book containing the visionarys messages almost a year before it was legally registered. In early November 2013, with Sarah Carberrys name no longer visibly connected as owner of Trumpet Publishing,SoloCheck.iereports that Trumpet Publishing now owns the name Coma Books. And who owns Trumpet? Heinrich Martin Roth and Breffni Cully who, as Joseph Gabriel, gave testimonial workshops in Canada, the United States, and Australia, claiming the truth of the messages of the invisible woman known as Maria Divine Mercy. [Edited NOV. 19:] Cully may own the entire visionary enterprise. On his vCard an electronically-traded business card he identifies his personal company name as The Warning Second Coming, the name used for MDMs website. Coma Books contracts with Magenta Ecommerce to process payment and shipping from online book sales, as Coma is a virtual company with no office or staff. Books are shipped to 51 countries in six languages, most prominently in English and German. Books are printed on demand, which means they are printedafterpayment is received. WATCH OVER THE RHINE [Added Nov. 30, 2013] For four months, researchers gathered hundreds of pieces of information crumbs as an image formed revealing the mystery of Maria Divine Mercy. Among the crumbs were ten names on psychic Joe Colemans list of contacts for a summer 2012 prayer meeting that included Mary Carberry and someone identified as Herzmariens. With no apparent value, the name was archived. Thanks to the work of a German researcher, we now know the significance of the one-word-named individual who likely held hands with Carberry canting prayers while Coleman communicated to the other side. He provides a link not only to Mary Carberry but also Maria Divine Mercy. Herzmariens is a German prayer Website formed in 2003 that promotes visionaries. It means heart of Mary. It is also the pen name of the Website creator the sales agent and translator of the German edition of Maria Divine Mercys three-volume book of visions Martin Roth of Cologne, Germany! Is it merely coincidence that Herzmariens, a Coleman-following prayer buddy of Mary Carberry, turns out to be a profit-maker on the visions of Maria Divine Mercy? And could profit-maker Martin Herzmariens Roth have identified himself as Heinrich Martin Roth, also of Cologne, Germany, who, with Breffni Cully, shares directorship of Trumpet Publishing founded by Cully and Mary Carberrys daughter Sarah? Lets reverse the proposition: what is the probability that that assertion isNOTtrue?[See Updates tab for confirmation.] THE LAND OSEERS [Added Nov. 18, 2013] Joe Coleman is among several current Irish seers who have proven to be frauds or remain suspect. Denis OLeary, who began seeing visions in 1988, continues to report on his relationship with the other side. He organizes Circle of Prayer groups throughout Ireland, similar to MDMs crusade of prayer groups organized throughout the world. More well known are the visions of Christina Gallagher. In November 2009 London Daily Mail writer Philip Nolan wrote that many claim her to be the greatest religious con trick ever perpetuated in Ireland. Within 20 years of her first vision, the mother-of-two described as an unremarkable housewife went from ordinary to fabulously wealthy and the owner of four mansions. The Irish Sunday World reports that since 2008 Gallagher, with no visible income, resides in a $5.4 million [USD] mansion in upper-class coastal Malahide, north of Dublin, population 16,000. In the same neighborhood as Mary Carberry. Just as Gallaghers professional career was ending, Maria Divine Mercys began. AWARD-WINNING MARKETING Mary McGoverns Mary Carberrys marketing skills were noted in an article published in the Irish Business and Leadership journal in December 2009 that announced a new online service provided by her company. Mary McGovern remarks how skillful online content can deliver stickiness by engaging readers on issues they care aboutwe produce content that stimulates online and offline debate. The key objective is to attract repeat visitors to a companys website.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/jtm-image.jpg?w=128&h=128" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Happy Jesus at MDM Facebook page warns of global devastation A year later a woman concealing her identity under the name Maria Divine Mercy demonstrates an uncanny online ability to engage readers on issues they care about. With lots of stickiness to keep them coming back for more. And claims shes receiving near-daily messages from a talking drawing of Jesus who tells her she is the last prophet.And 100,000 people say, Amen.This is an exceptionally remarkable textbook-study in effective marketing and public relations. SEAL OF APPROVAL [ADDED Nov. 30, 2013] More than a year into the visions, Maria Divine Mercy received a protective seal of the living God prayer Number 33 from her Jesus that an enterprising San Diego, California, graphic artist designed into a parchment-colored piece of paper with the prayer, related text, and graphic elements, including a prominent image of a red seal. The seal, according to Marias Jesus, is His promise of Salvation [a clear break from Catholic doctrine]. The paper seal has supernatural power to protect all who accept it up to the second coming of Christ. The seal paper, translated into 16 languages, is downloadable atTheWarningSecondComing.comto be printed and prominently displayed in homes. All seals, past, present, and future have been pre-blessed at MDMs request by Padre Dominic La Fleur King of Mercy, Canada. La Fleur writes atinternetgebetskreis.com, If they [ordained ministers] refuse [to bless the seals], I gotcha covered! Zap! Mary had a message from her alleged Jesus to convey to the seal artist: Jesus approves the seal and appreciates the artists good work. The prayer excludes mention of Jesus or Lord or Christ. Curiously, the seal artist himself dismisses any special powers assigned to the document he created, or the red-colored stamp itself, which may be purchased from the artists catalog of copyrighted graphics that include a symbol of Freemasonry. [Coincidentally, there are 33 degrees to Freemasonry and this is prayer 33.] On a public-viewable social media page he said in childlike fashion, I am a commercial artist and I have thousands of stock images. The red seal is one of my stock images which existed years before any of this stuff hit the fan. The red seal is a decoration and has no more power than your FB avatar (duh). Hitthefannopowerduh. Earlier this month he was asked if he made money on the seal: Im a commercial artist. Thats what I do. Continuing his online discourse: If you want me to defend MDM, youll have to pay me. The artists comments have been deleted from live view. Researchers, however, have preserved images of the conversation which will be viewable as embedded links are added to this article.[See Updates tab for the designer's current project.] IDENTITY CONFIRMED? In June 2013, three years after Mary Carberry separated herself from the medium Joe Coleman, Coleman received this email:[stet]I have read a lot about Maria Divine Mercy recently. She hides behind her false title and word is out its Mary Carberry. She is being heavily associated with youcan you confirm any truth in this? Coleman responded,[stet]Yes this is true, it is all over the internet, I have not seen or heard of her [Mary] in three years now, but I pray for her that she will turn back to God, the devil works in many ways to deceive people and keep them from the truth, any way I am good so far have to try stay in the state of grace, thank you for your concern I send you Mothers love and Blessings, JoeColeman peace by yours amen. A contributor to the Facebook page SafeHarbour, for recovering MDM followers, reports that MaryMcGoverns [Carberry]onlineLinkedIn photo was shown to Joe Coleman whoconfirmed that the photo was a younger Mary Carberry. [LinkedIn is a social network site for business professionals. Mary lists among her special interests, ...reading, especially knife-edge thrillers.] A breakthrough revelation of MDMs identity went viral since its posting Nov. 1. A detailed letter, written by someone with Carberry family contacts,identified Mary Carberry as Maria Divine Mercy. The extent of personal information in the message makes a credible case for its authenticity. Researchers contributing to this story know her personally. The author writes that Mary never had visions until she met Joe Coleman. [stet:]Joe Colemans infestation definitely spilled onto Mary Carberry and soon she too began to have visions. In fact a number of people associated with this medium Joe Coleman began to have visions including Keith who was killed in a car accident. If people are not in the State of Grace and start associating with mediums,false prophets, well then it is no surprise that they too become infested with thedemonicwhich often leads to visions, prophecies etc but they are not from God, they are totally FALSE. Is Mary McGovern Carberry the international marketing/public relations award-winner the real MDM? Or the Persona concealing one or more other visionaries? PRIEST ADDS [Added Nov. 16, 2013] MDMs visions earned credibility early-on from Facebook postings contributed by Fr. Marie-Paul, who identified himself as a Catholic priest. He was literate, persuasive, and provided convincing theological support. But Fr. Marie-Paul would slip references to other messages not so believable, tying MDM with prior visionaries including condemned deceased seer Veronica Leuken, from Bayside, New York, and the Australian cultist William Kamm, who does business as the Little Pebble. Kamm is serving prison time for crimes against two underage girls and is not scheduled for release until 2015. Kamm himself aggressively promotes MDMs messages on his Website, of which there is little else left, and on YouTube videos through an intermediary. He claims he will be the last Pope. Kamm-the-Pebble, 63, has a newer name, HYPERLINK "http://www.wanglese.comxa.com/costellia.htm" William Costellia, which may help establish a post-prison identity that separates him from the subject of the book A Wolf among the Sheep: Australian Cult Leader William Kamm. Still an active visionary communicating from his prison cell, his messages remarkably paralleled the messages from Maria Divine Mercy. Grow your own food, money will be worthless, buy gold and silver, the end is near. And as to Fr. Marie-Paul, he wasntreallya priest after all, but rather a member of the William the Pebble Kamm cult. When Facebook followers increasingly questioned his priestly status, the administrator of the official MDM Facebook page, Jesus to Mankind, sought advice directly from Maria Divine Mercy who spoke directly to Jesus who said, directly, the fake priests contribution was important. Maria emails, [Fr. Marie-Paul] added great credibility to the messages. I was sad to see him go and I miss his posts. Yes, we have a copy of the email. [Added Nov. 17:]The fake priest, Marie-Paul, continues to promote MDM messages under different names and different Web sites including BiblicalFalseProphet, where he claims that Pope Francis is an ally of the end-times anti-Christ. And that the anti-Christ is a stuttering American of East Indian ancestry who authors business books that address world hunger. And hes sure of this. And Marias Jesus calls his contributions important. UNWEAVING THE WEB Added Nov. 16, 2013 The story of the future Pope and convicted rapist William Kamm, whose heavenly messages pre-visioned those of MDM, now, takes an interesting and curious person-to-person journey to the House of Carberry. But to get there, we must go back to the confident and handsome 60-year-old who spoke at the Maria Divine Mercy workshops under the assumed name of Joseph Gabriel. Breffni Cully, a retired dentist, business man, and cyclist enthusiast [the flying dentist], spoke excitedly of the visions of the Irish seer, bringing with him the Jesus-picture that talks to the visionary. He is engaged in a number of business ventures, including Pharmanex, a division of the multi-level marketing company Nu Skin, and Trumpet Publishing Limited, with whom he shared ownership with Mary Carberrys daughter, Sarah. In 2007, he got into a little legal trouble. The Inishowen News of Donegal, Ireland, reported that Cully was involved in a medical card scheme that earned him $144,504 [USD]. With all his relationships, personal and business, he lists only two friends on his Google+ page. His estate manager and Christine Lammermann. Christine Lammermann is the former mother-in-law of the Little Pebble, William Kamm! What are the odds that Kamm-the-cultist would have a relative who is both a personal friend of a Carberry business partneranda public-speaking advocate of the visionary Maria Divine Mercy? THE LAMMERMANN LINK[Added Nov. 16, 2013] In 1991 Lammermann and daughter Bettina immigrated to Australia from Munich, Germany, to join the Little Pebbles [Kamms] commune. At its peak, the order Kamm founded in 1983 had an estimated 100,000 followers. Bettina, at 17, became Kamms secret mystical wife and Queen of the Cult. She gave birth to six of Kamms 16 children from 8 wives before divorcing him in 2006, a year into his prison term. Bettina, now 40, has moved far from the maddening crowd. Her mother remained in the commune for another seven years and, until recently, used its address on Koloona Drive, Cambewarra, New South Wales, for her internet marketing business. Lammerman, an online marketing entrepreneur of natural health and other products, is also an organizer of the Catholic Our Lady of Refuge organization inspired by German Bishop Ralph Napierski who unsuccessfully attempted to participate in the conclave to elect the current Pope. Napierski isnt arealbishop, but he dresses as one. In mid-November 2011 Maria Divine Mercys visions began to appear on Lammermanns Website with the same frequency as they appear at the official MDM Website. But there is no attribution to MDM or reference or link to her site. At one point, Lammermann found it necessary to specifically deny claims she wrote the messages. In email Lammermann seems to admit to the authorship of one MDM prayer, now numbering 125. In reference to prayer number 31 she comments, I hope you like what I wrote. We know from audio interviews shes given, by her admission and accent, that the Last Prophet Maria Divine Mercy is an Irish business woman with children. But might she be getting a little help from her friends? Better yet, is this a brokered marketing scheme between an Australian cultist, an Irish businessman, and a marketing/pr firm, all seeking to advance their own agendas? A web of deceit is unraveling. HE SAID, SHE SAID [Added Nov. 30, 2013] Weve noted that the value of particular pieces of information found on the trail leading to the identity of Maria Divine Mercy is not always apparent. As pieces gather to form patterns the importance of a clue found months ago may rise or diminish. Herzmariens, for example, a prayer partner of Mary Carberry, had no value until the name was attached to Martin Roth, a translator and seller of MDM books, and Roths name rose in value when Heinrich Martin Roth was identified as a business partner of Breffni Cully in the publishing of MDM books. And so it was with Christine Lammermann who was friended by the Irish retired dentist Breffni Cully on his Google+ page. Research on her leads us to explore the doomsday cult leader William Kamm to whom Lammermann surrenderedher 17-year-old daughter in mystical marriage, and Kamm reminds us of Marie-Paul, who provided theological defense for the early messages of Marie Divine Mercy before he was suspected as a fake-priest in Kamms cult. William Kamms value rises further from the discovery of correspondence he issued from his prison cell on Nov. 1 containing a new message from Jesus. It was sent through email by his fake bishop Malcolm Broussard to a private group. This new message from Kamms Jesus is remarkably identical in substance, phrasing and in particular use of terms and words to messages from MDM Billions will be saved! In Kamms message Jesus refers twice to Maria Divine Mercy. Remember what I told you through my prophet Maria Divine MercyPray for Maria Divine Mercy, my Last Prophet. [ HYPERLINK "http://marianworkofatonement.org/index.php/page/message-683-31-may-2013" \t "_blank" An earlier message is online] If Kamm is genuine and MDM is genuine, God might be their common source. But we know Kamm is an unrepentant pedophile and excommunicated Catholic. In 1981 at age 32, before he transformed into the Pebble, he frequented the Bayside, New York, alleged apparition site, kissing the girls and baring his chest. Canadian journalist Anne Cillis was there. She writes in Bayside Backstage [Archangel Press, 1986] that she told Kamm, Morally speaking, you are a disastereither you leave or we will kick you out. Cillis continues, He then walked over to the door and put his hand on his hip in this sexy pose and said: Well, I guess its time Australia got its own seer.  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/wanglese.comxa.com/Bayside.htm" \t "_blank" The incident is related here. Kamm returned to Australia, began his sect as the Order of St. Charbel, and in June 2003 earned the condemnation of Bishop Peter William Ingham of Australia who issued a formal decree stating that Catholics who follow the ministry of the so-called Order of St. Charbel, founded by William Kammplace themselves outside the Catholic Church and are by that fact excommunicated. Does Bishop Inghams excommunication implicitly apply to the repackaged Kamm in the form of Maria Divine Mercy? Why is Kamm so obvious in his support of MDM, even claiming thathe, in return, is endorsed byher? Is Kamm communicating to MDM from prison through an intermediary? Researchers have credible information that supports that contention. [See Update tab for new revelations.] CHURCH REACTION MDMs messages from heaven have been publicly condemned by Catholic bishops in several countries where the cult has evidenced itself. But the Irish bishops, who have jurisdiction over Mary, have not spoken publicly. And the silence is puzzling. But the Nov. 1 writer, cited above, saysDublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin knows of the woman and assigned an Irish exorcist priest to meet her and examine her messages. She writes, He told her that her messages were not from God, that they were utterly FALSE. IS IT OVER YET? Will MDMers ever be convinced the scam is up? Or will these messages extend far into the future? The seers of Necedah, Wisconsin and later Bayside, New York, each reported visions for 20 years. Both were condemned. There arehundreds of others. Some good; some not so good. Followers speak of the promotion of Catholic devotions, the emphasis on prayer, fasting, penance, recitation of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. There are more than 125 MDM prayers that form a Crusade of Prayer that circles the world. And its only three years old! This sure sounds like Jesus work. Or another diabolical trick to deceive faithful and sincere truth-seekers. There is honey in the trap. The financial stress the Carberrys endured evidenced by the threat of the loss of their home, and the social and business embarrassment, may have created an emotionalfoundation that pushed Mary to seek spiritual comfort. Perhaps Marys association with Joe Coleman suggested her owntranscendentalproject. She had the in-family talent and international contacts to market to a world starved for spiritual clarity. I dont believe Mary or Joe or other seers set out initially to deceive. Thesincerityin the eyes of Joe Coleman kneeling in prayer wins hearts. The prayers and messages from those behind the curtain of Maria Divine Mercy capture minds and souls. But we know the devil will embrace his enemy and betray his friends in the grand exercise of wickedness and entrapment. We are told that in the end even the elect will be deceived. The time is ripe with befuddlement and desperate for leadership. For a time, I believed these messages were authentic. But there were problems I kept dismissing. Contradictions. Harsh language. Even problems with sentence structure and punctuation! [Is no one checking these for grammar?] Forget theologicalarguments: We live in an age dispossessed of doctrinal allegiance at the highest levels! It is the person of Mary Carberry that speaks to the deceit. Mary and John have a beautiful, intelligent and talented family. Pray they are sheltered from harm as a consequence of these revelations. And that she comes clean soon. Its time to lift the curtain. Saseen Research is ongoing with near-daily new discoveries. Embedded links will be added soon, connecting statements with supporting documentation, including preserved screen shots of Websites that are now disappearing from live access or being altered since the first appearance of this article on Nov. 11. The author lives in the United States and has no personal or business relationship with the Carberrys or any of the individuals named. In his quest to determine thegenuineness of the messages, which more and more promoted a schismatic split from the Catholic Church, he discovered a cadre of courageous inquirers all faithful Catholics in many countries engaged in ongoing research into the mystery of theveiledwoman. This article is a result of their research. If you have new information, please add it to the comment box [requests for confidence will be respected] or post it at one of the Facebook pages devoted to assisting former MDMers. All comments are read. The date at top will change to indicate the addition of new information. This article should be understood as a compassionate gesture to those perpetuating these messages and to those victimized by them.God Help Us All. Read much more at (I am reproducing in the following pages only a few of the contents of the page)  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/" http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/: By Mark Skoljarev, April 22, 2014 I discovered the Occultist power behind Marias seal of the living god and on the stamp above the crown & cross it says Sigillum Dei Vivi. And it leads to Occultism by a man named John Dee from the 1600s. I put this piece together which explains the power of control over humans & creatures behind the seal as a magical diagram. Link to image below.  HYPERLINK "https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31.0-8/1899786_10152039946851709_2570286797627755944_o.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31.0-8/1899786_10152039946851709_2570286797627755944_o.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  By Solus Unus, April 28, 2014 The seal has a curious inscription. SIGILLUM DEI VIVI. In Latin, sigillum means seal. In Icelandic, sigillum means subsidence all. According to Wikipedia, Subsidence is the motion of a surface (usually, the Earths surface) as it shifts downward relative to a datum such as sea-level. The opposite of subsidence is uplift, which results in an increase in elevation. Ground subsidence is of concern to geologists, geotechnical engineers and surveyors. So in Icelandic, this seal says may all the earth shift downwards. Dei is Latin for God, but Italian for of vivi in Latin is living; in Italian its live So all together we could have a subliminal message here, Subsidence all of [the] living. or Subsidence all [who] live [for] God. Satan is quite subtle, but what becomes of the person who owns/wears/has this seal? The Official Story, version 3 or 4 The beginning of the visions as told in the Introduction to the Book of Truth Posted 8 February 2014 There are two versions of Mary Carberrys journey into the world of vision-making. In October 2011 she gave an interview with As the Spirit Leads radio, WTMR, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, to jump-start her website. That was a tactical error. Within months, she requested her Facebook followers not to link to theinterview. She also requested the stations website, BlessedMothersChildren, to withdraw it. She retells her story, somewhat differently, in the Introduction to her collection of visions, the Book of Truth published by Coma Books, incorporated as Trumpet Publishing originally owned by Marys daughter Sarah. In the Introduction, which can be previewed at bookseller HYPERLINK "http://amazon.com/" \o "" Amazon.com, Carberry recalls her discovery that she is an angelic messenger and the absolute final last prophet of all time. It is a bizarre amateurish narrative that speaks of sizzling sensations that travel all the way from her stomach to her feet, of a bedside drawing of Jesus whose lips move without speaking and a face that changes expression, of powerful urges and electrical surges. She transcribes by hand exactly 745 words on a single old envelope in a humanly-impossible seven exact minutes in a manner reminiscent of occultist automatic writing. She trembles with shock, tears pour, theres a soothing calmness. She writes that she would never have the capacity to produce a script like this a revealing use of the word script. She hides her identity only because Jesus tells her to hide. Yet, he also tells her not to run away and to be strong. Although this life-changing sizzling event occurs at 3 in the morning, there is no mention of waking her husband, John, who must be an unusually sound sleeper. By 11 am, seven hours after suddenly waking up, she naturally assumes she is another visionary. Naturally! But this was not the case. She is aone-of-a-kindvisionary, which is different, an end-time prophet,not chosen, but SENTby Jesus to prepare for his second coming. Her prophet-assignment, however, is confined to note-taking. She is not to be seen or heard. She describes herself as an intelligent mother of four who led a busy and fulfilled life, but we know she has a history of failed businesses and a life lived beyond her means in a $1.4 million home [US dollars]. A major event occurs in summer 2011. She will be visited in person by God the Father who is pre-announced by the Holy Spirit who says, God the Father wishes to communicate with you. God tells her why He created the world in the first place, with no mention of his second or third-place reasons.It was so He could have a family.Was he lonely? Did he lack for friends?  HYPERLINK "https://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/jesus-image-mdm.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "https://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/jesus-image-mdm.jpg?w=335&h=449" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Actual talking picture at bedside The truth slowly dawns on her that the messages are authentic, although she privately hopes they are not, probably to avoid the burden of being an angel. The official story continues to confound. Mary believed in God but she was not devout in the traditional sense. Is there an untraditional sense of devout? She has the shock-of-a-lifetime talking-lip experience on Nov. 9, but now describes a visit the day before from the Virgin Mary Nov. 8. So what was all the surprise with Jesus visit? She says that only those who turn to God will have eternal life. This was probably a transcription error due to speed-writing fatigue, as all souls are indestructible and live for eternity. The Introduction ends with We dont have much time. On that, we agree. Following broadcast of Carberrys interview,radio station staff were advised by their spiritual director, Fr. Neil Buchlein, a promoter of Medjugorje, to have nothing more to do with the Irish seer.The link to the radio interview is no longer visible or searchable from the stations website, but can be found through Google search and YouTube. A complete transcript of the 45-minute interview is available athttp://miraculousrosary.blogspot.comdue to the dedicated work of its founder, Rosary Lovey. This is the printed book version as described above: HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/official-history-of-the-beginning-of-the-messages-as-it-appears-in-book-of-truth.pdf" Official history of the beginning of the messages as it appears in the Book of Truth. Facebook Follies MariaDivine Mercy joins Facebook five months before her name is revealed to the world! Posted 3 March 2014  HYPERLINK "https://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/mdm-facebook-jpg.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "https://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/mdm-facebook-jpg.jpg?w=450&h=243" \* MERGEFORMATINET  An internet blogger has uncovered a Facebook page named after Mary Carberrys visionary Maria Divine Mercy. Though it contains no content, the page is significant to researchers studying the identity, history and character of the woman who calls herself the Last Prophet It was started June 2, 2010five months before the first claimed appearance of Jesus to the Irish lady! The new information is a curious point-of-interest supporting theories that the MDM enterprise was planned months ahead of the official start of the story. Was this a mapped-out hoax by the PR professional and possibly other financiers and handlers? Save us from Salus the UNcompany Website to sell MDM medal mocking Jesus Updated 3 March 2014 On Oct. 18, 2013, the MDM group registered the domain name Salus Gifts with Network Solutions in Drums, Pennsylvania, US. The site went live in early February claiming to be exclusive global distributor of MDM medals and scapulars. Though it uses a London address, Salus Gifts is a non-existent company; there isno record of its incorporationin the United Kingdom, Ireland or the United States.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://midwaystreet.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/medal.jpg?w=300&h=228" \* MERGEFORMATINET  The medal was visioned in July 2013 with the command to have it struck showing a crown of thorns above the head of the Virgin Mary, with crossed swords on the back, available in bulk and freely distributed. The San Diego graphic artist responsible for creating the printable Seal of the Living God that guarantees eternal life in heaven designed the medal that has been delayed due to various redesigns and mis-mintings. Sales of medals through the website will be managed by Magento, the company that also processes sales for the printed MDM books purchased through the Coma Books website. According to MDMs visions, wearing themedal offers the gift of salvationthe assurance of life in paradise. [July 18, 2013] In January Carberrys Mother of Salvation commanded that every person in the world [approximately 7 billion] be given a medal. As of Feb. 6, the site was not accepting orders, but assures that items will be available to every country in the world from Salus and unidentified authorized re-sellers. Items will be shipped, someday, in lots of 25, 50, 100, 200. Larger orders are available on request. Salus claims to be UK-based and publishes a London address revealed to be a mail drop purchased from Regus, a provider of virtual [pretend] offices. Emails sent to the contact address, info@salusgifts.com, are rejected with the reply: Failure Notice: No such recipient. [Editor's Note: Sometime between the appearance of this article and Feb. 18, Salus Gifts removed all content from its website but for two words: "Coming Soon."] Plenty more exposing MDM at  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/" http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/  HYPERLINK "https://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/" \t "_blank" https://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/" MORE ON THE OUTING OF MARY CARBERRY  HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/about/" ABOUT BANNED BY FACEBOOK! Following the Feb. 17 posting of the Roth 'Rant' article, Facebook deleted all links to this website from Facebook pages. Three days later, the link was restored. SEE 'OUTING' TAB FOR FULL STORIES 6 JUNE: A comedy of errors. No room at the Inn for Breffni Cully. Carberry: No medal for the mistress of Malahide. Merdel is no more. 14 JUNE: The matter of 12 missing priests and a crying old nun. Carberry and her agents challenged to get the story straight. 17 June: Oldest US Catholic newspaper connects Carberry to 'Maria Divine Mercy.' Quotes MidwayStreet. 16 MAY: From obscurity to absurdity. The UN-company, Salvido, to sell copyrighted magic medal. New companies emerge to conceal trail to the wallet of Church-condemned Dublin 'visionary' 1 MAY: More popular than Queen Elizabeth! MDM/Carberry purchases Facebook "Likes" to fake popularity as real followers flea the sinking ship. 16 April: Dublin bishop issues condemnation of 'Maria Divine Mercy' and forbids promotion of her messages! Author Bowring jumps ship. End of story? 13 APRIL: Fake companies sell 'religious' medal; Unico/Salvido take over for Salus Gifts. The million dollar caper. 14 APRIL: A review of Carberry's failed business ventures debunk any notion of a "successful business woman." ------------------------------ MARTIN ROTH SPEAKS! Visionary' business partner goes ballistic! Confesses: Mary Carberry is Maria Divine Mercy! An Irish visionarys empire is dismantling. ------------------------------ A German researcher has obtained emails revealing secret ongoing communication between Australian cult leader William Kamm and Irish visionary Mary Carberry. ----------------------------- The signature page of the Articles of Incorporation for Merdel Ltd show Breffni Cully and Martin Roth share equal ownership in the company whose purpose is to purchase, manufacture and retail religious medals "Mary McGovern, Consultant PR signs as a witness. ----------------------------- 'Seer' claims miraculous cure from cancer, but has healthy body parts removed anyway to save 'hundreds of thousands of souls.' Smiles as she's rolled into the surgery room. ----------------------------- The physical office locations used by the Breffni Cully enterprises, Trumpet Publishing [Coma Books] and Merdel Ltd, contain no staff, no furniture, no phones. They are mail drops. ---------------------------- In a daring act of shamelessness, Breffni Cully, again using the name Joseph Gabriel, returned to the US for lectures at three Florida locations in early February. --------------------------- Website went live in early February claiming to be exclusive global distributor of MDM medals with image mocking the crucified Christ. ---------------------------- 'Maria Divine Mercy' opens Facebook page 5 months before 'Jesus' awards the name to Mary Carberry! ---------------------------- There are two versions of Mary Carberrys journey into the world of vision-making. In October 2011 she gave an interview with As the Spirit Leads radio, WTMR, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, to publicize her website. That was a tactical error. ---------------------------- *The Mystery of the Blue-Eyes Jesus: The New Age source of the Talking Jesus photo *The Carberry in Canberra: Happenstance photo of shared family jewels in the Land of Oz *Trouble in Paradise: Seal designer kicked out of MDM Facebook page *Carberry speaks! Facebook correspondence reveals the dark side of the woman without free will *Traveling buddies: Carberry and Coleman in Medjugorje: Party girl observed with un-angel-like behavior *Its Raining Money for Roth, vision business owner, one dollar at a time *Missing in Action: Husband John conspicuously absent *MDM Facebook agent demands financial accounting--She is a sinful human being! *Carberry: "I have no free will!" Did the devil make her do it? UPDATE FEBRUARY 2015 From: An administrator of the 'Maria Divine Mercy-True of False' blog To:  HYPERLINK "mailto:michaelprabhu@vsnl.net" \o "michaelprabhu@vsnl.net" michaelprabhu@vsnl.net Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2015 5:21 PM/Mon, 2 Feb 2015 11:05:31 +0100/ Mon, 2 Feb 2015 18:04:34 +0100 Subject: Maria Divine Mercy, The Book of Truth, and The Warning Second Coming I have just come across your article HYPERLINK "http://ephesians511blog.com/2013/04/23/maria-divine-mercy-the-book-of-truth-and-the-warning-second-coming/" \t "_blank" http://ephesians511blog.com/2013/04/23/maria-divine-mercy-the-book-of-truth-and-the-warning-second-coming/which I think needs updating. MDM is now officially CONDEMNED by the Catholic Church HYPERLINK "http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/statement-maria-divine-mercy" \t "_blank" http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/statement-maria-divine-mercy*. She was condemned by many bishops HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/p/bishops-on-mdm.html" \t "_blank" http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/p/bishops-on-mdm.html. You might also want to check out the new eBook about true identity of this false mystic  HYPERLINK "https://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/" \t "_blank" https://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/updates/. I think it is important to warn people against this cult, I have often checked out your blog and find a lot of useful information (some I do not agree with) but excellent job exposing false seers, New Age promoters etc. Help us warn against this fraud who is very popular in some parts of Europe, Canada, the US and the Philippines. Btw I have visited your city, Chennai A couple of Catholics online got together and started first a Facebook page and later a blog HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/" \t "_blank" http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/because we felt this cult of Maria DivineMercy that was getting out of hand. [] I got 'involved' in this after the election of Pope Francis - I saw people posting prayers for Pope's death on the official Facebook page by MDM, and after the admins were informed nobody even bothered to remove these 'prayer requests, so well I do feel strongly about this whole issue. Br. Eddie Russell FMI from Australia wrote about it in his newsletter that we reblogged here HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-growing-cult-of-maria-divine-mercy.html" \t "_blank" http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-growing-cult-of-maria-divine-mercy.html... MDM is not much of a problem in India, though we have one crazy MDM supporter from Kerala who comes to argue on our Facebook page, we let them hoping that we might get them to see the light. But your ministry is no longer for India only, I am part of a Facebook group devoted to private revelations and they reference your blog from time to time, not so long ago I saw your articles on Vassula Ryden quoted I found your email address on the blog you said you DO NOT operate, who runs it by the way?Anyway your site(s) has a global reach :) Oh and we do have one Indian on our MDMTF team. MDMTF administrator, Poland * HYPERLINK "http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/statement-maria-divine-mercy" \t "_blank" http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/statement-maria-divine-mercy NOT OPENING  HYPERLINK "http://dublindiocese.ie/2014/04/15/statement-on-maria-divine-mercy/" http://dublindiocese.ie/2014/04/15/statement-on-maria-divine-mercy/ STATEMENT OF ARCHDIOCESE OF DUBLIN ON THE ALLEGED VISIONARY MARIA DIVINE MERCY April 15, 2014 Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself Maria Divine Mercy and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology. These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations.  HYPERLINK "http://te-deum.blogspot.in/2014/04/archdiocese-of-dublin-issues-statement.html" http://te-deum.blogspot.in/2014/04/archdiocese-of-dublin-issues-statement.html April 16, 2014 One of the more strange alleged private revelations currently popular with some people is Maria Divine Mercy (MDM).  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/p/bishops-on-mdm.html" Numerous other bishops had issued statementswarning people to steer clear of this alleged private revelation, but when it came to the attention of the Archdiocese of Dublin, the statement below was issued.  HYPERLINK "http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/statement-maria-divine-mercy" Here is the statementfrom the Archdiocese of Dublin, where this woman presumably resides. STATEMENT OF ARCHDIOCESE OF DUBLIN ON THE ALLEGED VISIONARY MARIA DIVINE MERCY Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself Maria Divine Mercy and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval andmany of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology. These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations. Maria Divine Mercy had gotten some Catholics more than a little uptight and suspicious of Pope Francis, if not outright rejecting him. When a so-called mystic gets you to reject the Supreme Pontiff, or causes you to have very negative feelings about him, it's time to hit a confessional for a sense check. There is a blog called, HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/" Maria Divine Mercy - True or False?If you are looking for perspective on why bishops are reacting, find it all there.  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/p/maria-divine-mercy-heresies.html" Here is a list of heresies.  HYPERLINK "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mkj0-n_x5Nk/U05zyoiA2NI/AAAAAAAAOHU/t-jnliiQ2JU/s1600/critical-updates2-pic.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mkj0-n_x5Nk/U05zyoiA2NI/AAAAAAAAOHU/t-jnliiQ2JU/s1600/critical-updates2-pic.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  The photo at top was taken from another site that has some extensive details about the kind of financial activities "Maria Divine Mercy" has been engaging in.  HYPERLINK "http://jkhgadfly.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/visionarys-business-partner-goes-ballistic/" This is not the stuff of virtue. I've also gotten questions in recent weeks aboutThree Days of Darknessprophesies, as well.  HYPERLINK "http://jimmyakin.com/2010/01/a-reader-writessomebody-asked-me-in-regard-of-this-article-is-it-true-or-false-is-it-authentic-or-just-regular-pious-writi.html" Some cite text from Padre Pio that is questionable and suspect;others reference Maria Divine Mercy. Stay away from this stuff. Pray your Rosary, do First Saturday Devotions, spend time in the Adoration chapel praying for conversion of others and for the release of souls from purgatory, read spiritual classics like those from HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-author=Teresa%20of%20Avila&linkCode=ur2&search-alias=books&sort=relevancerank&tag=tedeumlaudamu-20&text=Teresa%20of%20Avila" \t "_blank" Teresa of Avila INCLUDEPICTURE "https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=tedeumlaudamu-20&l=ur2&o=1" \* MERGEFORMATINET , HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-author=Teresa%20of%20Avila&linkCode=ur2&search-alias=books&sort=relevancerank&tag=tedeumlaudamu-20&text=Teresa%20of%20Avila" \t "_blank" Francis de Sales INCLUDEPICTURE "https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=tedeumlaudamu-20&l=ur2&o=1" \* MERGEFORMATINET , and this one covering HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com/St-Francis-Assisi-Writings-Biographies/dp/0819908622/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397649028&sr=1-3&keywords=st.+francis+omnibus+of+sources" the major works by and about St. Francis. We also have so many writings of the popes, and the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Why spend time reading so-called prophesies of those who have not been vetted by the Church when we have such a time-tested treasury to mine?  HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2014/04/letter-to-archdiocese-of-dublin.html"  Letter to the Archdiocese of Dublin requesting an official statement on 'Maria Divine Mercy'  HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2014/04/letter-to-archdiocese-of-dublin.html" http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2014/04/letter-to-archdiocese-of-dublin.html April 16, 2014 Thankfully today the Archdiocese of Dublin just released a Official Statement concerning Maria Divine Mercy which greatly clarifies the official position of the Catholic church concerning the alleged private revelations of M.D.M. which have gained quite a large following throughout the world over the past several years. Below is a letter that I had written last fall to the Archdiocese of Dublin requesting an official statement on 'Maria Divine Mercy' Archdiocese of Dublin November 15, 2013 Archbishop DiarmuidMartin Your Excellency, My name is Glenn R. Dallaire and I live in Bristol, Connecticut in the U.S.A. I am the webmaster/owner of the HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/" \t "_blank" Mystics of the Church.comwebsite, along with four other Catholic websiteslisted beneath my signature below. I am writing to you today to inquire as to your official position concerning theallegedvisionary in your Archdiocese who, in an effort to remain anonymous, goes by the name of Maria Divine Mercy, and who for some three years has promulgated a significant amount of alleged heavenly messages on a website called  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/" \t "_blank" TheWarningSecondComing.com. I am sure that you are also quite aware that these alleged heavenly messages of this visionary Maria Divine Mercy have received the attention of tens of thousands of the faithful throughout the world, and that each the messages are translated into a variety of languages. Additionally, in case you have thus far not yet been informed, I wanted to bring to your attention that her identity has just recently been revealed to the public (as of November 8, 2013) onseveral websites, most particularly on the website HYPERLINK "http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/2013/11/" \t "_blank" http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/2013/11/and to be very frank your Excellency, the information that has been revealed pertaining to her identity and the details of her life are not very conforming to the life of an authentic mystic, such as those whom we read in the lives of the approved Mystics of the Church. So it is, your Excellency, that at this time due to the recent revelation of her identity this past week and the accompanying disconcerting facts concerning her life, that I would like tovery humbly request that your Excellency would consider formally making a public statement/ official pronouncement concerning Maria Divine Mercy and her alleged heavenly messages, for the sake of faithful and the salvation of soulsespecially those who are following Maria Divine Mercy and her Messages and are therefore in great need of a clear position from the Church through the person of your Excellency, the local Archbishop,whose responsibility alone it is to judge such matters. I sincerely thank you in advance for your kind attention to this important matter. Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Glenn R. Dallaire 42 Crown St., Bristol, Connecticut, 06010, USA Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:gdallaire1@gmail.com" \t "_blank" gdallaire1@gmail.com Webmaster/ Owner of:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/" \t "_blank" www.MysticsOfTheChurch.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.miraclesofthesaints.com/" \t "_blank" www.MiraclesOfTheSaints.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.miraclesofthechurch.com/" \t "_blank" www.MiraclesOfTheChurch.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.stpaulofthecross.com/" \t "_blank" www.StPaulOfTheCross.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.st.gemma.galgani.com/" \t "_blank" www.St.Gemma.Galgani.com Selected comments: What happened to the other hundred something comments? Did your bishop ask you to clean up your site? One can be critical of a pope whilst still being loyal. I am the pope's good servant, but I am God's first. I am no Catherine of Sienna, but even she was a saint in the making at one time. Unknown 1:10 am And hasn't Pope Francis shown us that laws are made to be broken by his actions these last 2 Maundy Thursdays? Based on the pope's rule breaking example, can't we decide to break the rules and ignore this bishop's condemnation? This October a synod may decide to give Communion to public adulterers. If adulterers will be allowed to receive Christ's body and blood, why not cohabitating couples---be they the hetero or homosexual variety? Just some more rules to be broken in the interest of 'mercy.' Mercy without the charity of truth is useless. So is false humility. Wake up faithful Catholics. You don't need MDM to know something is rotten. Time will tell with MDM. She has made many predictions that have come true. -Unknown 7:08 am Should one really trust a bishop who says that Church teaching is disconnected from 'real life' and that rejecting the gay lifestyle makes one not only homophobic but 'Godophobic'? What if this bishop ordains women (as has happened another diocese)? Should we accept that just because he is a bishop? Note also that Martin conducted NO formal investigation of MDM and offers no explanation of what words of MDM contradict Church teaching. -Unknown 12:53 am Glen Dallaire responds: In response to "Unknown" of April 18, 2014 at 1:10AM: As the webmaster I just wanted to point out that the 100+ comments you are referring to were not with this article, but with the main article HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2013/11/the-messages-of-maria-divine-mercy.html" concerning Maria Divine Mercy here. And in reply to Unknown of April 19 at 12:53AM, I would like to point out that obedience to the local bishop is an obligation in the decisions where he is judging and speaking in communion with the Pope and the teachings of the Church, and in this case he is doing so, and he has the rightful authority to do so since Maria Divine Mercy is living within his jurisdiction. For those interested in this subject, I would suggest the article I have written entitled HYPERLINK "http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2009/11/obedience-to-catholic-church-judging.html" Private revelations and obedience to the Catholic Church. Bishops on MDM  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.in/p/bishops-on-mdm.html" http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.in/p/bishops-on-mdm.html These are the published warnings and condemnations of several Bishops in different parts of the world who have read the messages of Maria Divine Mercy: Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, issued a statement condemning Maria Divine Mercystating that her messages have 'no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic Theology'. His condemnation is binding for the whole Church since he is the Ordinary of the 'seer'. Full text can be found  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/" \t "_blank" here. Bishop Richard. J. Malone, apostolic administrator for the Diocese of Portland has issued a letter forbidding dissemination of MDM messages in the Diocese. Full text of his letter can be found  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/08/buffolo-bishop-prohibits-dissemination.html" here Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane upon examination has found the messages to be fraudulent and corrosive of the Christian faith. His letter to the faithful of his Archdiocese can be read  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/05/blog-post.html" here and the original downloaded from  HYPERLINK "http://adriansharp.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/abp-coleridge-ordinariate-and-maria-divine-mercy.pdf" here. Archbishop Denis J. Hart of Melbourne has informed the faithful that MDM messages and related matters do not have the approval of the Church, and their dissemination is to be discontinued, and any message or leaflets are to be disposed of in his Archdiocese. To find out more read  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/06/official-church-condemnation-of-maria.html" here. Slovakian Conference of Bishops has found the messages to be heretical and issued a  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/search/label/Slovakian%20Bishops%20Conference" warning to the faithful to stay away from these messages. The original letter can be found  HYPERLINK "http://www.tkkbs.sk/view.php?cisloclanku=20121121036" here. Bishop Andreas Laun, Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria, warned Catholics against MDM messages in Kath.net news. You can read his warning  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/06/warning-on-warning.html" here. Bishop Ronald P. Fabbro of London Diocese, Canada, issued a letter to priests warning against MDM. The letter was not meant to be published, however, the contents were posted by our reader PocketSketch in the comment section. We have received confirmation of its authenticity. Bishop Greg OKelly SJ warns against cults within the Catholic Church and mentions MDM as one alongside the Little Pebble or Debra from Magnificent Meal Movement. His article can be found  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/11/fundamental-delusion-bishop-greg-okelly.html" \t "_blank" here, Archbishop Jan Graubnerof Olomouc, Czech Republic, warns that the consequences of messages can be 'devilish' and speculates that the person who writes the messages might be someone who 'is very clever and evil, someone who wants to harm the Church." Full text in Czech can be found  HYPERLINK "http://www.ado.cz/clanek/arcibiskup-graubner-k-velkemu-varovani-dusledky-jsou-dabelske" here. Bishop Anthony Fisher, of Parramatta Diocese in Australia, wrote that the messages should not be disseminated in his diocese, nor taken seriously, as they contain numerous theological and historical errors and contradict the Catholic teachings, Scripture and Tradition. Full text  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2015/01/bishop-anthony-fisher-of-parramatta.html" here. 2 Selected comments 1. This letter from Bishop Fabbro of the London diocese is the first warning of a Canadian bishop against MDM. I heard rumors of it earlier but it was only today that I received a hard copy of it as it appeared in parish bulletins locally. It has not been officially posted on the diocesan website even though the excitement over this seer is not limited to the one small country town mentioned in the message. The followers are active in London and travel out of town with the promoter. A lay person, received an invitation to attend this meeting about Marie Divine Mercy which was slated for the feast day of the Assumption of Our Lady, August 15. Already familiar with her notoriety, she alerted a parish priest who then contacted his bishop. The meeting took place regardless, as it seems the notice came too late. The following is the bulletin insert: Message of Bishop Fabbro Bishop Fabbro has been asked concerning a meeting about Maria Divine Mercy which is to take place at a house in Corunna on August 15, 2013. Maria of Divine Mercy is a woman who chooses to remain anonymous and has made claims of alleged privation revelations. Bishop Fabbro warns Catholics of the diocese that Maria of Divine Mercy has not received the Churchs approval. Indeed, Catholic bishops who have studied her teachings have declared that they are heretical and have forbidden priests to be involved with or cooperate in matters associated with Maria of Divine Mercy. Her prophecies contain material that is both false and contrary to Catholic teaching. The faithful should know that adhering to her teachings can result in grave sin. Bishop Fabbro warns Catholics that they should not be involved with Maria of Divine Mercy nor should they give credence to her messages.  HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/profile/12419049849159481770" PocketSketch  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/p/bishops-on-mdm.html" August 25, 2013 2. You can see the Spanish translation of this topic in:  HYPERLINK "http://infocatolica.com/blog/infories.php/1310151009-tambien-algunos-obispos-han-h" http://infocatolica.com/blog/infories.php/1310151009-tambien-algunos-obispos-han-h  HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/profile/10136024222791602340" Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/p/bishops-on-mdm.html" October 16, 2013 The growing Cult of Maria Divine Mercy and her Jesus  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-growing-cult-of-maria-divine-mercy.html" http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-growing-cult-of-maria-divine-mercy.html By Eddie Russell FMI, May 31, 2013 (All emphases his) Maria Divine Mercy denies Pope as I predicted. Whilst I have no intention of continuing on about Maria Divine Mercy in our newsletters, I do want Bishops, Priests, and Catholics everywhere to be aware of this fast growing Catholic cult, and so I hope this report goes some way to achieve that. The Holy Trinity is three separate beings according to MDM: To go into the particular heresies such as, Jesus will return again soon to offer mercy before he comes to judge, saying that because if he came now heaven would be empty, and that later he changed his mind, would take a book in itself. One most serious heresy is that Maria said in a radio interview that she once believed that the Trinity was one, but now after seeing Jesus and the Father, whom she describes in detail, she now believes they are three distinct beings and addresses them that way. Let this suffice for now that you be alert to this false seer and false Final Prophet of the end times. As predicted in my last newsletter that the false faceless Seer, Maria Divine Mercy, would continue with her so-called prophecies when I said that she would uphold "Peter the Roman" as the true Pope. Since the election of Pope Francis she, or rather her Jesus, has condemned him as the False Prophet of the End Times that will bring down the Church with heresies against the Eucharist that he will change in a diabolical but subtle way. The growing thousands of her Catholic followers are now in schism denouncing Pope Francis. I have been active in trying to uncover MDM who allegedly lives in Ireland without success; her people, those close to her, keep her hidden because Jesus told her to not reveal her real name. I have also debated and corrected 100s of posts on her Jesus to Mankind Facebook page only to get insulted, denounced, judged and condemned. MDM Disciples Praying for Pope's Death - One of the most disturbing challenges I made on their Facebook page was to enquire after those that are praying for the death of Pope Francis whom she/Jesus calls The Little Horn. The reply from one of the page admins, told me, We are not praying for the Popes death, but that his time will be short. How incredible is this! It shows how they appear reasonable, innocent, and justified by cursing the Pope with death, and sadly, 1000s of Catholic followers cannot see it, or do, and agree. Shortly after this, I was blocked from leaving posts on that page. This did not surprise me really because several people began to understand and agree with my concerns and that became a threat to them.  HYPERLINK "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I7F6oI7YPXA/Udqka8aQE-I/AAAAAAAAAaU/Go18HZ2sKwI/s1600/praying%2Bfor%2BPopes%2Bdeath.jpg"  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I7F6oI7YPXA/Udqka8aQE-I/AAAAAAAAAaU/Go18HZ2sKwI/s1600/praying%2Bfor%2BPopes%2Bdeath.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Yes, it is a cult, but none as before. This is because the Jesus that speaks through her has forbidden people to listen to anyone that disagrees with him, and so we have a cult that focuses on Maria as the Final Prophet and her Jesus and his false gospel, Book of Truth and the Scroll of Daniel that is nothing more than a compilation of her prophesies.Apparently the "Seal of the Living God" above will seal people against the judgement and keep them safe during the tribulation, The Warning, and the three days of darkness. Her Jesus has also told her that she is the Final Prophet and the 7th Angel of the Apocalypse that will open The Scroll of Daniel that is her Book of Truth. When I questioned the probable moneymaking venture due to Maria being a Business high flyer as she called herself, and the amazing rapidity of growth with such professional web sites etc, I was assured that the price of the book is what it cost to produce and no money was being made from it. The book sells for $27.99. From my experience that price is not at-cost because production is a one off price even if she paid for it, and printing costs per unit become cheaper with volume. The web site talks about selling millions, but even if the people on Facebook only, bought a copy, and I know many have already, there would be a turnover of $504,000 alone. This is what she says on Fri March 8, 2013. The bold type is hers not mine. The false prophet he who poses as the leader of My Church is ready to wear the robes, which were not made for him. He will desecrate My Holy Eucharist and will divide My Church in half and then by half again. He will make efforts to dismiss those loyal followers of My beloved Holy Vicar Pope Benedict XVI, appointed by Me. He will root out all those who are loyal to My Teachings and throw them to the wolves. His actions wont become apparent immediately, but soon the signs will be seen as he sets out to seek the support of influential world leaders and those in high places. When the abomination takes root, the changes will be sudden. Announcements by him to create a united Catholic Church by linking up with all faiths and other religions will come soon after He will head up the new one-world religion and will reign over pagan religions. He will embrace atheism by wavering the stigma he will say is attached in the pursuit of so-called human rights. All sins, in the Eyes of God, will be deemed acceptable by this new inclusive-Church. Anyone who dares to challenge him will be sought out and punished. Those priests, bishops and cardinals who oppose him will be excommunicated and stripped of their titles. Others will be bullied and persecuted with many priests having to go into hiding. Again, on April 12, 2012 My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope on this earth. Peter the Roman, is My Peter, the original apostle who will rule My Church from the Heavens under the command of My Eternal Father. Then, when I come to reign, at the Second Coming, he will rule over all of Gods children when all religions will become one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I only speak the truth My daughter. She continues, They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare Gods children to accept the next Pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict. This Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church but he will be the False Prophet. His electors are wolves in sheeps clothing and are members of the secret Masonic and evil group led by Satan. This is how Satan will try to destroy My Church. Sadly, he will, this False Prophet, attract a large following. Those who oppose him will be persecuted. Run children, while you can. Denounce the lies which will be presented by those who attempt to convince you of the authenticity of the False Prophet. Apart from the rest, this last sentence from Marias Jesus is a clear call for schism and apostasy. If it was not for the fact that this cult is growing like a pestilence I would not bother to waste my time on this silly deluded woman and her Jesus, but now it is on my own doorstep. Earlier, there was a list of venues of where they would hold seminars establishing MDM groups around Australia. One was in Perth. My regret now is that I did not copy them because checking to include them for this newsletter, I discovered they are now not there and in their place is this boast. Friday, March 15th, 2013 @ 02:38 am THANK YOU. Our thanks to all of you who helped make the recent mission to Australia such a wonderful success. Since then the Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups are growing and spreading all over the country. Clearly, they are very pleased with their efforts and that people have joined them. I now ask every priest and bishop in Perth receiving this newsletter to be on guard for those in your parish promoting this false prophet. I know also, that Bishops and Archbishops are reading this and my warning goes out to them also to be aware of this Pope Francis hating cult of MDM/Jesus and renounce them. US Bishops beware! - From the MDM Website US Mission Monday, April 29th, 2013. We would like to hear from anybody interested in helping to set up venues in the following cities for our mission to the US in June 2013. We are aiming to hold two talks in each location and we urgently need help in setting up and organizing venues. San Francisco (June 09 & 10) San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston & Dallas Texas, St Louis Missouri, Washington DC, New York, Boston Please do not underestimate Maria Divine Mercy and her followers. There are enough people (nearly 18,000) on their Facebook page alone living in those areas to pull this off. Please feel free to send this information to your, bishops, priests, and friends - There are far too many Catholics ignorant of the Word of God and their Catechism deceived by this seer and her false messages. Additionalor supplemental reading:  HYPERLINK "http://blog.newadvent.org/2013/03/a-closer-look-at-false-prophecies-of.html" \t "_blank" A closer look at the false prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy by Dr. Mark Miravalle  HYPERLINK "http://www.catholicplanet.com/apparitions/false199.htm" \t "_blank" Claims of Private Revelation: True or False?An evaluation of TheWarningSecondComing.com messages  HYPERLINK "https://www.facebook.com/download/187580181400062/The%20Warning%20-%20Errors%20and%20%20Criticism%20v.1.1.pdf" \t "_blank" The Warning - Errors and Criticism v.1.1.pdf 2 Selected comments 1. No harm was done by Maria of Divine Mercy. She asked you to pray the rosary... if Christ were to appear in the 21st century you still would not accept him. The church went against the children of Fatima in the beginning. Peace and kindness, using the intellect of your heart...inspirited by the Holy Spirit, we must all show kindness and love to each other. X, May 13, 2014 2. Let me see. Catholic leaving the Catholic Church - yes I know cases - is nothing wrong. Catholic cursing their Pope and praying for his death is well peace and kindness... People spending their money to store food - some of them ending up in a trailer with no homes and no jobs like one family in Germany - because the Warning was supposed to come in 2011 - that is nothing wrong! Broken families because some get obsessive about her messages (ask PocketSketch) - that is nothing wrong! Gaining money from false messages attributed to God? That is just normal right? Fatima children also get paid for every vision they shared... Let's embrace them all - the Little Pebble, Christina Gallagher, Bayside, all the fakes out there because all they did was asking us to pray the Rosary! - HYPERLINK "http://www.blogger.com/profile/16801551390230580527" MariaDivineMercyTrueOrFalse May 13, 2014  HYPERLINK "https://prophecywatchblog.wordpress.com/2014/10/16/concerning-maria-divine-mercy-pope-francis-the-false-prophet-and-dr-kelly-bowring/" Concerning Maria Divine Mercy, Pope Francis, the False Prophet and Dr. KellyBowring  HYPERLINK "https://prophecywatchblog.wordpress.com/" https://prophecywatchblog.wordpress.com/ By David Moorcroft, November 6, 2013, posted by Yehuditt, October 16, 2014 In his article Concerning Maria Divine Mercy, Pope Francis and the False Prophet, Dr. Kelly Bowring represents himself as a Catholic theologian and author of best-selling books such as The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph and The Great Battle Has Begun. So we have a Catholic theologian who rakes in the shekels and puts Dr. in front of his name. We should be in for a real treat concerning the alleged revelations from heaven to Maria Divine Mercy (MDM). His first sentence reads: The messages of Maria Divine Mercy (MDM), which she is reportedly receiving from heavenly sources, are plausible. Here is the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary: Plausible specious, seeming reasonable or probable; persuasive but deceptive. After this promising start, Dr. Bowring tells us: I have examined all the messages, as well as all of the published evaluations and criticism of her messages, and have not found them to establish a single error in her reported messagesI have not found that her messages contradict any doctrine, or that they contain an actual error. Already, in his second brief paragraph, this learned theologian confesses himself unable to see any doctrinal error in the following alleged messages from Jesus: (1) 6th Feb 2011: Dearly beloved daughter, this is one of the final messages to be inserted in My first piece of Sacred Scripture contained in the Volume The Warning. The messages of the warningsecondcoming are here claimed to be Sacred Scripture, and therefore binding in divine faith. The church teaches that the Canon of Scripture was complete at the death of the last Apostle. Divine faith may not be given to any private revelation, however strongly approved. (2) 12th May 2012: It will take strong faith and acceptance of the Truth contained within these messages from Heaven to stay on the true path to eternal life. We must, then, believe MDMs messages if we are to be saved. They are thus claimed to be public revelation. (3) 21stNov 2010: All paths lead to God, the creator of mankind. 31st Aug 2011: All religions, all creedsare all so precious to My eternal Father. If our learned Doctor agrees with these words, he must believe that animism, spiritualism, headhunting, thuggee, devil worship, Freemasonry, witchcraft and Marxism lead to God, and are so precious to the Father. But, as is Our Apostolic duty, we wish your Episcopal solicitude and vigilance to be aroused, so that you will strive as much as you can to drive from the mind of men that impious and equally fatal opinion, namely, that the way of eternal salvation can be found in any religion whatsoever. (Pius IX, Singulari quadem.) (4) 18th Dec 2010: The Book of Truth is being presented to mankind to help them redeem themselves in My heart. We have no power to redeem ourselves in the eyes of God. This falsehood is repeated many times in the messages. In Adams sin all men lost their natural power for good and their innocence. No one can of his own free will rise out of the depth of this fall if he is not lifted up by the grace of the merciful God. (16th Council of Carthage.) (5) 24th Jan 2011: It is harder to achieve My special graces than it is to avoid sin in any form. This is not harder; it is impossible. A grace, by definition, is a free gift of Gods love. (6) 7th Nov 2011: (Jesus to MDM) Without your sacrifice I could not fulfil My promise to save mankind. It follows, then, that Jesus is not God omnipotent, and MDM is necessary to our salvation. (7) 21st May 2011: My love, after the act of Redemption takes place, will flood your soul. A Catholic theologian who does not know that the act of Redemption took place once and for all time on Calvary is in trouble. (8) 14thApril 2011: Many Christians ignore one of the most fundamental promises I made during My crucifixtion [sic] where I would be present in bread and wine and leave a permanent mark to help nourish souls. If Dr. Bowring has examined all the messages, he must have read this one. Perhaps his eyes were glazing over at the time a common condition after prolonged exposure to the warningsecondcoming messages. It is perhaps understandable, then, that he overlooked the following facts: (a) Jesus never made any such promise. (b) Christ is not present in bread and wine after the Consecration. The substance of these elements is no longer there, having become the substance of the body, blood, soul and divinity of the Lord. (c) Reception of the Eucharist does not leave a permanent mark on the soul. (9) 13th Sept 2011: Never allow yourselves to accept any truth other than that contained in the Holy Bible. (a) Doctor Luthers proposition Scripture only was condemned at the Council of Trent. (b) Catholics have an obligation to the truth as such, whether found in the Bible or elsewhere. (c) The messages of MDM are not contained in the Holy Bible. (10) 25th May 2011: [God the Father] This New Paradise on Earth is now being planned for all My children. It will last 1,000 years on Earth. The Church has consistently rejected this belief, known as Millenarianism. The Catechism of the Catholic Church condemns it as the Antichrists deception. (CCC, no 676.) The above is a short list, but it should be enough to expose the credentials of MDM as the voice of heaven for our times. On the other hand, our Doctor continues, several of her prophecies have been fulfilled, and her messages are congruent to the other related legitimate sources of prophecy being given in these times. With admirable self-control, he forebears to mention any prophecies or sources to flesh out this claim, so let us look at MDMs record so far: (1) 17thFeb 2011: There will be three world leaders assassinated shortly one by one. Message 20th Oct 2011 claims, absurdly, that the murder of Gaddafi fulfilled this prophecy. No other world leaders have since been assassinated. (2) 31st May 2011: The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event [the Warning] for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls. (3) Flyer placed on website 16th June 2011: THE WARNING IS CLOSETHE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHSTWO COMETS WILL CLASH, SKY TO TURN RED,CROSS IN THE SKYMILLIONS WILL REPENT AS A RESULT OF THIS WARNINGIT IS A GREAT ACT OF GODS MERCYONE OF THE GREATEST EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. Shortly before the end of 2011, this flyer was removed from the website. MDM thus confesses her knowledge that this prophecy was false. This abject deception speaks for itself. (4) 11th June 2012: This month is designated to the conversion of many nations. Can Dr. Bowring point to any nations that have been converted? (5) 6th June 2011: Pray for My beloved Pope BenedictPrayer can help delay his imminent departure when he will be forced to leave the Vatican as foretold. (6) 19th Feb 2013: They must not fear, because though the Crown of Thorns has descended on My Holy Vicar, appointed by Me, Jesus Christ, to rule My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, has been viciously oustedI now come at last to bring you peace. MDMs Jesus has difficulty with English grammar. This sentence is incoherent. Apparently it is the Crown of Thorns that has been viciously ousted! Pope Emeritus Benedict, of course, is still in the Vatican, if Dr. Bowring is wondering. (7) 20th Feb 2013: This great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar has left Rome. This prophecy is out of sequence. An earlier message says: (8) 3rd March 2011: The Great Persecution [i.e., the Tribulation of Antichrist] will follow the Warning. 20th July 2011: the Great Tribulation will commence as I have said before the end of 2012. 25th Dec 2012: My Plan of Salvation for the world, began in My Time, on 22nd December 2012This period of the Great Tribulation will last some time. Our learned Doctor has some explaining to do. Why didnt the Warning happen before 22nd Dec 2012? (9) 28th Feb 2013: So sorrowful will they [the sacred servants, the priests] be in the next few weeks after the demise of My Holy Vicar, that they will not know where to turn. In case Dr. Bowring hasnt noticed, at the date of writing (6th Nov 2013) Pope Emeritus Benedict is still alive. (10) 29th Mar 2013: The reign in the House of Peter will be short and soon My Beloved Pope Benedict will guide Gods children from his place of exile. Do we need to point out to Dr. Bowring that this prophecy was given a few weeks after Pope Benedicts demise was foretold? (11) 14th Mar 2013: There is to be a particular insult, which will be inflicted upon My Holy Name, in an effort to desecrate Me, during Holy Week. Why state the obvious, that nothing happened? Because so many people, including Doctors of Theology, dont see it. (12) 16th Mar 2013: The timing of the arrival of the false prophet will coincide with the declaration of wars all over the world. These wars will be triggered instantly. Obvious conclusion? The false prophet has not arrived not in the Vatican at any rate. The warningsecondcoming website has claimed fulfilled prophecies, in spite of the above unimpressive record. Such common events as earthquakes, heat waves in the Mediterranean, volcanic eruptions in Iceland and floods in the most frequently flooded area in France are held up as fulfilments of prophecy. A prophesied earthquake in Norway didnt happen. As well, Dr. Bowring adds, the Crusader Prayers of Maria Divine Mercy are in the same status as her reported messages, as stated above, and thus, it would seem that it is permissible to pray them. One Crusade Prayer, no. 100, begins: O dear Jesus, we beg you for the skills to survive in the trials we now face, as the last True Pope finishes his Mission for you. Our Doctor once again speaks truer than he knows: this prayer is indeed in the same status as her reported messages. If he believes that Christs promises to St Peter have expired with the election of Pope Francis, Dr. Bowring confesses that he is no longer a Catholic theologian. His next section is headed, without any evidence of irony, Caution Needed. Still, we must be cautious, he says; and abandons all caution at once. Any reader familiar with the strange world of unapproved private revelations UPR will expect a reference to the words of Pope Urban VIII, and Dr. Bowring duly obliges: In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believedIf you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true. If Urban VIII gave this unwise advice it is not certain that he did he was not speaking as Pope, but merely venturing an opinion on a particular alleged revelation. It is certain that when writing as Pope, Urban said this: no one can print anything on alleged private revelations without the consent of the Local Bishop. (Urban VIII, Sanctissimus Dominus Noster.) It is of course never better to believe than not to believe UPR which may lead people into error or into schism from the Church. There is no defense for Dr. Bowrings claim that we may meditate on and spread the messages of MDM, while remaining faithful to the Magisterium and accepting the legitimacy of the election of Pope Francis. Time will tell, our author says portentously. We must wonder how many prophecies have to fail before he will see that time has already told. His next section is headed Important Questions and Clarifications. Can we expect some clarification at last? Apparently not. The most common question people are asking, he says, is whether a validly elected Pope [is there another kind of pope, Dr. Bowring?] could even be the false prophetThe answer is YES. He refers to Pope Paul IVs Bull Cum ex Apostolatus: if anyone was a heretic before the Papal election, he could not be a valid Pope, even if he is elected unanimously by the Cardinals. Cum ex Apostolatus was a disciplinary Bull, and some of its provisions were taken for a while into Canon Law. The latest was the 1917 Code, which Dr. Bowring quotes. It is possible to be so learned that memory fails. The 1917 Code was superseded in 1983, and Cum ex Apostolatus no longer applies. He refers to several saints on the opinion it is no more, never having become dogma concerning the possibility that a pope may become a heretic. E.g.., St Alphonsus Liguori: If however, God were to permit a pope to become a notorious and contumacious heretic, he would by that fact cease to be pope. This has never happened in the history of the Church, and the question remains a matter of academic opinion. We might ask, he asks, whether it is ever acceptable to criticise the Pope, and refers us, predictably, to Galatians 2:11-14, where St Paul corrected the CONDUCT of St Peter, not his teaching. It is, of course, permissible to criticise with all due respect to the successor of St Peter a pope if his conduct, and non-infallible teaching, are considered to present a danger. If, however, the pope has indeed vacated the chair through heresy, you are no longer, in fact, criticising the pope. Clarification, Dr. Bowring! We must wonder, in view of Dr. Bowrings professed inability to find any doctrinal errors in the messages of MDM, whether he would notice if any pope fell into heresy. We may refer Dr. Bowrings questions back to him. Could a professionally qualified theologian be the false prophet? The answer is YES. Satan is a consummate theologian, as Scripture shows. He will need to have a prophet on the job with the right testimonials. Is it ever acceptable to criticise a theologian? To resist him when he promotes heretical material which attacks the body and endangers souls? I hope the reader will find some answers to these questions in this article. At the end of Dr. Bowrings article, he says: For a summary of the heavenly revelations and signs of our times, including those from MDM [so he has decided she is a true prophet after all!], read The Great Battle Has Begun. Clarification at last! The whole article was an advertisement! AFTERWORD. Many prophecies from Saints, Blesseds and Doctors of the Church over the past 1,500 years speak of a Lesser Chastisement which will be followed by three days of darkness, the rise of a Great Monarch or King who, aided by a great and holy Pope, will conquer the enemies of the Church and unite all believers. All this must happen before the Great Chastisement of Antichrist. Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi had an outstanding gift of prophecy. Here are some of the prophecies given to her in the early 19th century: God will send two punishments; one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and dangers originating on earth [this may have been Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi fulfilled during the twentieth century], the other will be sent from Heaven. There will come over the whole earth an inner darkness that will last three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible, and the air will be pestilent and foul and will harm, though not exclusively, the enemies of religion. France shall fall into a frightful anarchy Then the Pope will send to France a special LegateIn consequence of the information received, his Holiness himself shall nominate a most Christian King for the government of France. After the three days of darkness, St Peter and St Paul, having come down from Heaven will preach in the whole world and designate a new Pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope. Christianity, then, will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff, chosen by God to withstand the storm. Apart from the wars and revolutions, none of these prophecies have yet come to pass. They are wholly irreconcilable with MDMs claim that Benedict XVI was the last true pope. St Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church and great authority on Eschatology, said that the many prophecies of the Great Pope and the Great Monarch were so unanimous that to deny them could be heresy. It should be needless to say that if they are true, the prophetic claims of MDM are beneath contempt. Read also  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.com/2014/03/profiting-from-false-prophet-strange.html" Profiting from the False Prophet? The Strange Case of Kelly Bowring 12 readers comments Plenty more exposing MDM at  HYPERLINK "http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.in/p/bishops-on-mdm.html" http://mariadivinemercytrueorfalse.blogspot.in/p/bishops-on-mdm.html UPDATE JANUARY 19, 2016 What about the Prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy?  HYPERLINK "http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=26554#more-26554" http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=26554#more-26554 By Susan Brinkmann,December 23, 2013 IMPORTANT UPDATE AT END OF BLOG! We have had numerous questions over the last few months about a legitimacy of a visionary who calls herself Maria Divine Mercy. Referring to herself as a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe, she claims to be receiving messages about the end times from the Blessed Trinity and Our Lady. No one knows who Maria really is because she claims Jesus told her not to reveal herself so as to protect her family and avoid distraction from the messages. She uses the term Divine Mercy in her name because the Warning that she is predicting is an act of Divine intervention by God that is meant to save the world. The messages have been received by her since November 2010 and are still ongoing, her website  HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/" http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/ explains. Over 850 messages (some of which are private) have been received along with 105 Crusade Prayers, five litanies and over 20 individual prayers. According to independent theologians the messages reinforce the Catholic teachings of faith and morals. Maria has been given the support of a number of believers including hundreds of priests and Christian volunteers from all over the world, to enable them to be revealed quickly to the world. They are, she says, being revealed to the world for its own good and that of others. Thus far, her messages have been translated into 38 languages. There are numerous problems with Maria Divine Mercy which were explained in this article  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy#ixzz2nlYzkcZN" http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy#ixzz2nlYzkcZN appearing in the National Catholic Register and written by apologist Jimmy Akin. For instance, she claims that Pope Benedict XVI is the last pope and also asserts that she correctly prophesied that he would be forced from office. He will be replaced by an imposter who will sit in pompous splendor in the Seat of Peter. One can hardly assert that Francis is sitting in pompous splendor on the Seat of Peter. Heres a man who wont even live in the papal palace, has shirked the Papal limo for a Ford Focus and was known to ride the bus in his native Buenos Aires. As for Benedict being forced from the papacy by a plot inside the Vatican, we can only believe this if we first believe that Benedict is a liar who told the world he was resigning for health reasons. She also claims (http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/the-false-prophet-will-now-take-over-the-seat-in-rome/) that the next true pope would be St. Peter who would reign from heaven, that a coming world religion is in our future as well as an earthly Millennium before the end of the world. Akin calls these prophecies a mishmash of other visionaries material combined with Premillennial Protestant ideas (a form of what has historically been called millenarianism). Maria also asserts that she was told by Jesus that she is the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation which can only be opened by the Lamb, Jesus Christ. As He opens the seals, she is to publish them. He calls her the end-time prophet. This is very problematic, especially because she is operating anonymously (as is her spiritual director). To be such an important messenger, she should be subjected to the same criticism and persecution as other authentic visionaries have had in the past. After all the prophets and visionaries of history who operated with people knowing their identities, with them and their families facing the consequences of delivering Gods message, God wants the end time prophet to operate safely and anonymously from the comfort of her living room, using an Internet connection to maintain her privacy? Akin asks. The bottom line is that Maria Divine Mercy is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future, Akin concludes. He goes on to further explain why adhering to her prophecies could result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism if one were to regard Pope Francis as a false pope and cease to obey him because of these messages. UPDATE 04/21/14: The Archdiocese of Dublin has officially condemned the messages of Maria Divine Mercy and the faithful are being asked not to promote them or use them in any Catholic group or association. Church Condemns Messages of Maria Divine Mercy  HYPERLINK "http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=29495#more-29495" http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=29495#more-29495 By Susan Brinkmann,April 21, 2014 The alleged prophecies of a popular seer who calls herself Maria Divine Mercy have been formally condemned by the Archdiocese of Dublin where the anonymous woman reportedly lives. According to a statement published by the Archdiocese, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is asking the faithful not to promote the messages of Maria Divine Mercy or make use of them within any Catholic Church associations. These messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology, the  HYPERLINK "http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/statement-maria-divine-mercy" statement reads. The identity of Maria Divine Mercy remains unknown as she claims Jesus asked her not to reveal herself in order to protect her family and avoid distraction from the messages. She uses the term Divine Mercy in her name because the Warning that she is predicting is an act of Divine intervention by God that is meant to save the world. According to her HYPERLINK "http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/about/"  website, she has been receiving messages since November 2010 and has amassed an extensive following, including hundreds of priests. Thus far, her messages, which total more than 2,000, have been translated into 38 languages. Unfortunately, there are several problems with this seer, such as her claims that Pope Benedict XVI is the last pope and that he will be forced from office and replaced by an imposter. She also claims that Jesus told her she is the seventh messenger, or seventh angel, sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation which can only be opened by Jesus Christ. As He opens the seals, she is to publish the contents. Another red flag is that both Maria and her spiritual director are operating anonymously, which puts them beyond the realm of the same kind of criticism and persecution other authentic visionaries have had to endure in the past in order to prove themselves. After all the prophets and visionaries of history who operated with people knowing their identities, with them and their families facing the consequences of delivering Gods message, God wants the end time prophet to operate safely and anonymously from the comfort of her living room, using an Internet connection to maintain her privacy? asks Catholic Answers apologist Jimmy Akin during an  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncregister.com/blog/jimmy-akin/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy" \l "ixzz2nlYzkcZN" interview with the National Catholic Register. He believes Maria Divine Mercy is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future. Akin also cautions Catholics who are adhering to her prophecies that this could result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism if one were to regard Pope Francis as a false pope and cease to obey him because of these messages. MORE RELATED FILES: CARDINAL IVAN DIAS PROMOTES CONTROVERSIAL MARIAN APPARITIONS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CARDINAL_IVAN_DIAS_PROMOTES_CONTROVERSIAL_MARIAN_APPARITIONS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CARDINAL_IVAN_DIAS_PROMOTES_CONTROVERSIAL_MARIAN_APPARITIONS.doc CATALINA RIVAS-STIGMATIST OR PLAGIARIST?  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CATALINA_RIVAS-STIGMATIST_OR_PLAGIARIST.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/CATALINA_RIVAS-STIGMATIST_OR_PLAGIARIST.doc FALSE PRIVATE REVELATION OF SHINELLA STEPHENS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/FALSE_PRIVATE_REVELATION_OF_SHINELLA_STEPHENS.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/FALSE_PRIVATE_REVELATION_OF_SHINELLA_STEPHENS.doc MARIA SIMMA-GET US OUT OF HERE  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIA_SIMMA-GET_US_OUT_OF_HERE.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIA_SIMMA-GET_US_OUT_OF_HERE.doc MARIA VALTORTA-POEM OF THE MAN-GOD  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIA_VALTORTA-POEM_OF_THE_MAN-GOD.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MARIA_VALTORTA-POEM_OF_THE_MAN-GOD.doc MAUREEN SWEENEY-HOLY LOVE MINISTRIES  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MAUREEN_SWEENEY-HOLY_LOVE_MINISTRIES.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MAUREEN_SWEENEY-HOLY_LOVE_MINISTRIES.doc MEDJUGORJE  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE.doc" http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE.doc MEDJUGORJE-CAREY WINTERS  HYPERLINK "http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MEDJUGORJE-CAREY_WINTERS.doc"  "&*8@DIJK]s̽̽́rrcO;&hcO5B*CJ8OJQJ^JaJ8ph&h R V W ٵ٠٠|f||SEShh5OJQJ^J$jhh5OJQJU^J+h4h+0J!56B*OJQJ^Jph"h+0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"hM0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph(h+h+0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"hG0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h40J!5B*OJQJ^Jph(h+hM0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h!F+0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph ų}kYG2GY(h+h40J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h40J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h)YH0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h:J0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h+0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"hI0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"he^0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"h0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph$jhh5OJQJU^J*hh0J5OJQJ]^JmH sH  a b c ٣lWB0"h40J!5B*OJQJ^Jph(hohIk0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph(hoho0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph%ho0J!56B*OJQJ^Jph"hJ_0J!5B*OJQJ^Jph"hIk0J!5B*OJQJ^Jphh)YHB*OJQJ^Jphh)YHh)YH0JOJQJ^J0jnsh)YHh)YHB*OJQJU^Jph!h)YHh)YHB*OJQJ^Jph*jh)YHh)YHB*OJQJU^Jph   - 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