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Each paragraph should contain the following:: Topic sentence (TS): states main idea of paragraph Concrete details (CD) facts, evidence, examples, quotations Personal commentary (PC) elaborate! Give YOUR analysis, interpretation, reaction, thoughts Your essay should: (1) Give concrete details (CD) that support your position. Notice the difference in the following: Homework is boring and we shouldn't have it. ~vs~ Many students are involved in activities after school that are as educational as subjects taught in the classroom. (CD) Family time is also very important in building strong relationships. (CD) Therefore, homework should be kept to a minimum in order to allow time for these other vital things. (2) Elaborate on your details. (EXAMPLE) Many students are involved in activities after school that are equally as educational as subjects taught in the classroom. (CD) For example, participation in athletics encourages the development of cooperation and teamwork as well as self-discipline and the importance of keeping in good physical shape. In addition, working a part time job not only supplies extra income, but teaches responsibility, organization, and work skills needed later in life. A balance of many different types of activities is necessary to succeed in the classroom and in real life. (PC) (3) Acknowledge and address opposing arguments. What are the opposing side's views? State them, then knock them down. Use Concrete Details and your own Personal Commentary. (EXAMPLE) Some people feel that school is the most important job in a teenager's life and, while this is true to an extent, it is also a fact that there are many other things that are also great learning experiences. If students are overwhelmed with homework, they may miss out on other activities that have lasting educational value. (CD) For example...(PC) (4) Predict what will happen if your views are not adopted. (EXAMPLE) If teachers continue to assign so much homework that students have no time to be involved with outside activities or spend quality time with their families, many educational opportunities will be wasted and vital family relationships may suffer. (CD) The athlete will miss out on the learning that comes from being a part of a team or, if he or she continues to attempt to do both, may be stretched so thin that his or her health could suffer as a consequence. (PC) Likewise...(PC--another example) On the other hand, if homework is kept to a minimum, students have the advantage of getting the best of both academic instruction and the life lessons that extra-curricular activities have to offer. (CD) (elaborate with examples--PC) (5) Be organized into paragraphs, including transitions, an introduction and a conclusion (6) Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is a FORMAT that you can use, but don't be afraid to add your own personal touches. Introduction-- Make a statement that clearly states your position for or against. Use words like "should/shouldn't", "must/mustn't", etc. Capture your audience's attention! (See section on Introductory Paragraphs) Body paragraph one--Details (2 or 3) and commentary that support your position. (You may wish to make this into more than one paragraph) Body paragraph two--State and refute opposing arguments. Body paragraph three--What will happen if your views are not adopted. Conclusion-- Refer to the opening paragraph and the main points to restate main ideas. Summarize and conclude your argument. A "call to action". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introductory paragraphs should get the reader's attention! Just stating straight out what your topic is, is fine but can get boring. Try one of these: Historical review: brief review of the history of the topic, something in the news related to the topic (a recent news story on the over scheduling of kids' lives) Anecdotal: a little story that leads into your topic; short but potent (remembering a time when you missed a family function due to homework; recalling an important lesson you learned through extracurricular activities) Surprising Statement: attention-getting; shocking ("Have a minute? Good. Because that may be all it takes to give a kid the education he deserves.") Famous Person: What do celebrities/experts say? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DON'T!!! APOLOGIZE Never suggest that you don't know what you're talking about or that you're not enough of an expert in this subject that your opinion would matter. Avoid phrases like, "In my humble opinion....I'm not sure, but....." Make a BOLD statement and proceed with confidence! DON'T!!! REFER TO YOURSELF Do not announce what you are about to do in the essay. "In this paper, I will..........The purpose of this essay is to......." JUST DO IT! Do not say, "I believe students need less homework....I think there are other important things". State your opinions as FACTS. "Students need less homework because......" E F пѓMNOѓяыяыяычhx Яh›`цhТJ h›`цhТJ 5CJaJG x ­ ъ F [ ˜ Ф ё  + J ŠМ<’ЅсїђђщщрлђщЮђХђИђщЋђђ „ „^„ `„gdТJ „а„^„а`„gdТJ „ ^„ gdТJ „а„а^„а`„аgdТJ gd›`ц„а`„аgd›`ц„а`„аgdТJ gdТJ $a$gdТJ O§срЭ*_Ÿйe шКѕRїдjлюњMOђђэээээээээххээээээээу$a$gdТJ gdТJ „а„^„а`„gdТJ 21h:p›`цА‚. 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