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Place a check mark in the column which you feel best describes your study habits, attitudes, and skills. Remember this is a survey of what you currently do. Check it in accordance with the following key: Column 1. Rarely or never true in my case. Column 2. Sometimes true in my case. Column 3. Often or always true in my case. * Adapted from C. Gilbert Wrenn Assisted in the original edition by R.B. McKeown and in revision by Wilbur J. Humber. * Permission to use material requested May 2005. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Publisher I worry so much about doing well on tests that it interferes with my studying. I spend hours cramming the night before an exam. I lose a lot of points on essays and papers due to grammar, punctuation, or spelling. I read at the same speed whether the selection is difficult or easy. I doodle, daydream, or fall asleep in class. I need to improve my reading speed. I have done poorly ona test because I was upset about the test when I took it. I overlook the important points in the text when I read. I seem to get the wrong material into my class notes. My work gets turned in late because I dont have enough time to finish it. I dont take another look at my class notes for days after they are taken. I write my papers the night before they are due. I study enough for my test, but when I get there my mind goes blank. I feel unprepared for tests. I get lost in the details of reading and have trouble identifying the main ideas. #1. Rarely or Never2. Sometimes3. Often or AlwaysScore 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I get tired or distracted while studying for a long period of time. I need to reduce my anxiety about taking tests. When I get to the end of a chapter, I can't remember what I've just read. I study with the radio or TV on. I cant keep up with the professors lectures while taking notes. If I spend as much time on my social activities as I want to, I don't have enough time left to study, or when I study enough, I don't have time for a social life. I feel like I spend too much time on reading compared to the rest of my homework. I get way too nervous when my professors announce a test date. I dont understand what I read for class. When my professors assign papers I feel so overwhelmed that I can't get started. I have a hard time organizing my thoughts into a paper that makes sense. I spend too much time studying for what I am learning. I lose a lot of points on tests even when I think I know the material well. My class notes are difficult to understand later. I try to read the whole textbook the night before an exam or reading statement. I need to improve my concentration when I am studying. I study in a haphazard, disorganized way shortly before the test. #1. Rarely or Never2. Sometimes3. Often or AlwaysScore 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 StudyHabits Inventory is intended to help you find out more about how the following learning skills might apply to you: Time Management Concentration Note Taking Reading Comprehension Test Preparation and Test-taking Reading Speed Writing Skills Test Anxiety Management If your rating for any statement is 3, or if your rating for at least three statements is 2 or 3, we encourage you to find out more about that study skill. Your Rating (The rating scale is: 1= Rarely or never true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often or always true) TIME MANAGEMENT Question Your Rating 2. I usually spend hours cramming the night before an exam. 10. I need to improve my time management.21. If I spend as much time on my social activities as I want to, I dont have enough time left to study, or when I study enough, I dont have time for a social life.27. I spend too much time studying for what I am learning. CONCENTRATION QuestionYour Rating 5. I go to class, but I usually doodle, daydream, or fall asleep.16. I cant sit and study for long periods of time without becoming tired or distracted.19. I rarely try to study without the radio or TV turned on.31. I need to improve my concentration when I am studying. NOTE TAKING QuestionYour Rating 9. I usually seem to get the wrong material into my class notes.11. I fail to review my class notes within 24 hours of the time I took them.20. I need to improve my note taking.29. My class notes are sometimes difficult to understand later. READING COMPREHENSION QuestionYour Rating 8. I dont know how to pick out what is important in the text.15. I often find myself getting lost in the details of reading, and I have trouble identifying the main ideas.18. When I get to the end of a chapter, I cant remember what Ive just read.24. I need to improve my reading comprehension TEST PREPARATION AND TEST TAKING QuestionYour Rating13. I study enough for my test, but when I get there my mind goes blank.14. I need to improve how I am preparing for and taking tests.28. I lose a lot of points on tests even when I think I know the material well.32. I often study in a haphazard, disorganized way shortly before the test. READING SPEED QuestionYour Rating 4. I rarely change my reading speed in response to the difficulty level of the selection or my familiarity with the content. 6. I need to improve my reading speed.22. I often wish that I could read faster.30. I cant keep up with my reading assignments, and then I have to cram the night before a test. WRITING SKILLS QuestionYour Rating 3. I need to improve my writing skills.12. I usually write my papers the night before they are due.25. When my professors assign papers I feel so overwhelmed that I cant get started.26. I cant seem to organize my thoughts into a paper that makes sense. TEST ANXIETY MANAGEMENT QuestionYour Rating 1. I worry so much about doing well on tests that it interferes with my studying. 7. I have done poorly on a test because I was upset about the test when I took it.17. I need to reduce my anxiety about taking tests.23. I get way too nervous when my professors announce a test date. a l " % $vxy{±У{m_Qh;CJOJQJ^JaJhI]CJOJQJ^JaJhPCJOJQJ^JaJhmgCJOJQJ^JaJhJ/bCJOJQJ^JaJhUhmghJ/bh :OCJOJQJ^JaJ h :O0J5OJQJ\^JaJh :O0JOJQJ^JaJh :OOJQJ^JaJh :OOJQJ^J h :O>*CJ h :O>*h :O5>*CJ(\h :O a B C E F q r $^a$gdU $^a$gdUgd :Ogd :O d^gdy$a$gd :Ogd :O = > o p !"xygdP & F^ $^a$gdU^gdUybc klTUVWXh^hgdejz & Face  jlSUVZ]^ĽxtttthdhJ/b5CJ\hmgCJOJQJ^JaJh :OCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhGoCJOJQJ^JaJhejz hejzhJ/bhejzCJOJQJ^JaJhtCJOJQJ^JaJhJ/bhJ/bCJOJQJ^JaJh#OCJOJQJ^JaJ-XYZ[\]`s $$Ifa$ SMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laSMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laNHHHHHHH$Ifkd^$$Iflrh 88<064 laytH=>SMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laNHHHHHH$Ifkd$$IflQrh 88<064 laytdNHHHHHH$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laytdSMMMMMMM$Ifkd8$$Iflrh 88<064 laSMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laSMMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laSMMMMMMM$IfkdE$$Iflrh 88<064 laSMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 88<064 laNHHHHHH$Ifkd$$Ifl;rh 88<064 layt=EC NHHHHHH$Ifkd\$$Iflrh 88<064 layt=EC   NHHHHHH$Ifkd $$Iflzrh 88<064 layt=ECSMMMMMM$Ifkd $$Iflrh 88<064 la !"#SQQQKQQQ^kd} $$Iflrh 88<064 la!"#$%Mghj IK@BGIPRͿۿ h :OhJ/bCJOJQJ^JaJh%CJOJQJ^JaJhACJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhJ/bCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhGCJOJQJ^JaJ h=ECh=ECh=ECh :OhH=>hJ/b3#$%ijJKABHI & Fh^hgd=ECQR $$Ifa$ & Fgd :O & F -.ABKL^_"$XYeIŽӦӚӍyrihy5CJ\ h$hyhyhy6OJQJ]aJhyhyhy5>*CJ \hyOJQJ^JaJhy5\aJhyCJOJQJ^JaJhyCJaJ hyCJhyCJ aJ hyaJhy5>*CJ(\aJhk3hdhJ/b hJ/bCJhJ/b5CJ\(   SMMMMMM$Ifkd, $$Iflrh 8r<064 laSMMMMMM$Ifkd $$Iflrh 8r<064 la !"SMMMMMM$Ifkd $$Iflrh 8r<064 la"#$'()*+NHHHHHH$Ifkd9 $$Iflrh 8r<064 laytH=>+,-.12345NHHHHHHH$Ifkd $$Iflrh 8r<064 laytH=>5678;<=>?NHHHHHHH$Ifkd$$Iflrh 8r<064 laytH=>?@ABEFGHINHHHHHHH$Ifkdd$$Iflzrh 8r<064 laytH=>IJKLOPQRSSMMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 8r<064 laSTUXYZ[\SMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 8r<064 la\]^_bcdefSMMMMMMM$Ifkd{$$Iflrh 8r<064 lafghilmnopSMMMMMMM$Ifkd*$$Iflrh 8r<064 lapqrsvwxyzSMMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 8r<064 laz{|SMMMMMM$Ifkd$$Iflrh 8r<064 laNHHHHHH$Ifkd7$$Iflrh 8r<064 laytk3NHHHHHH$Ifkd$$Iflrh 8r<064 laytk3NHHHHHH$Ifkd$$Ifl-rh 8r<064 layt=ECNHHHHHH$Ifkdb$$Iflrh 8r<064 laytk3$NII@7@h^hgdUh^hgdUgdykd$$Iflrh 8r<064 laytk3XY$h$If^ha$gdU$h$If^ha$gdU $h^ha$gdUh^hgdU ./}m$h$If^ha$gdU h$If^hgdUukd$$IfTl0L$X` 0$64 laytyT/0[\}m$h$If^ha$gdU h$If^hgdUukdh$$IfTl0L$X` 0$64 laytyT\]}m$h$If^ha$gdU h$If^hgdUukd$$IfTl0L$X` 0$64 laytyTCD}m$h$If^ha$gdU h$If^hgdUukd$$IfTl0L$X` 0$64 laytyTDEHIJXYbn~uuiiUU$h$If^ha$gdU $h^ha$gdUh^hgdU $h^ha$gdUukd$$$IfTl0L$X` 0$64 laytyTIJXYabmn!"DMZ ! 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