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Feel free to use and personalize all or some of the material. Make it your own by customizing it with your stationary, contact information, etc. We acknowledge that, as time progresses, we may need to make adjustments to these marketing strategies; new systems may be developed, new technologies may become available, and so on. Thats why we will be maintaining a members-only website for you to visit to get the most updated material for this program. You can visit it at no cost for the life of your product and beyond at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.RealEstateChampions.com/InstantListings" http://www.RealEstateChampions.com/InstantListings Marketing Plan The target audience for this marketing plan is local homeowners who are about to (or already) have expired listing agreements. It is thought that the Real Estate Agent should contact the homeowner immediately upon (or even prior to) discovering an expired listing. The discovery of expireds can be automated by being notified by the Expireds Data Service (RedX) or by searching the local MLS data manually. This marketing plan (and the marketing elements that it includes) is complimentary to any that the Expireds Data Service (RedX) may offer, but it is designed to be stand-alone. The Agent who wishes to handle all aspects of the marketing program in-house can then do so. Most of the marketing strategies consist of multi-stage marketing due to its high success rate and built-in lead qualification mechanisms. You will employ several modes of communication including, but not limited to: direct mail postcards, sales letters & free reports, voice mail lead qualification, voice mail lead capture, telephone, and in-person communication. Marketing Strategy # 1 Testimonial Letter Campaign Testimonials are the most powerful marketing element used today. A well-written testimonial from a client can speak volumes about who you are, your credibility, your performance, and most importantly why someone should hire you. If you havent gotten into the practice of acquiring testimonials from past clients you must start today. They can make or break your business. This program has included with it four elements for the Testimonial Letter Campaign. The first is titled Fundamentals of the Ultimate Testimonial Letter. READ THIS FIRST. Its a cheat sheet on how to craft your own VERY effective testimonial letter. One that you should integrate immediately in your business. Second, youll notice that on the CD-ROM youve also been given three MS Word documents that you can edit yourself. The reason you have three is this. You should always target your prospect specifically. Meaning, the letter should feel (to the reader) that it was written for them by someone they can relate to. One of the letters is written with a low-maintenance, lower price range homeowner in mind. Using the verbiage and dialog they may use if they were talking one-on-one with another person in their same situation. It is a generic testimonial letter not specifically targeted to expireds. Another letter is written with a high-maintenance, high-price point customer in mind and would be better suited sent to an owner of a home on a golf course or gated community. It is also a generic testimonial letter not specifically targeted to expireds. The last letter is a testimonial letter targeted towards a homeowner who has either expired or will soon be expiring. Feel free to adjust and modify the letters to include your logos and/or letterhead, your specific name (be careful not to leave Joe Agent in there), specifics for past clients whove given you testimonials, and specifics targeting the recipient. Between the three Testimonial Letter Templates and the cheat sheet, you have the makings of a great Testimonial Letter Campaign. Once youve gathered your testimonials from clients, you can (and should) actually build separate campaigns for separate target audiences. One for different communities, areas, and audiences that specifically targets them. For example, a model for a campaign might start like this: you may have two to four testimonial letters that you send in a sequence over time. Letter #1 is sent two weeks prior to expiring, letter #2 is sent one week before, letter #3 sent two days before, and letter #4 is sent three days after. You may need to test a couple of different campaigns until you achieve your desired results. Either way, you should strive to develop a sequence that works best for you and your target audience and then stick to it. Just as expireds can/should be a pillar of lead generation for your company, this tactic can/should be a pillar of your expireds marketing strategy. This strategy can truly be stand-alone if built properly, and can be a source of leads for you indefinitely. You dont have to use it solely with expireds either, sending these types of letters is a great strategy for any prospective client. Marketing Strategy # 2  Local Market Trends"! Campaign This campaign is a two-step campaign and has been proven time-and-time again as an effective marketing strategy. The first step involves you contacting the prospects either monthly or quarterly by postcard. The postcard contains our Trademarked Local Market Trends"! Logo and a table of up-to-date MLS data that you must gather for your local area. There s a bit of time involved in gathering the data the first time, but it s well worth it and maintaining the data is quite a bit easier. This strategy of positioning yourself as the market data expert is a cornerstone in Real Estate Champions philosophy for Real Estate Sales Success. If you know the market better than anyone else you will have an advantage in the information and will be able to sell yourself better than any of your competition as a result. The postcard has on it market data for each and every price-range of properties. You may even have separate postcards for residential, commercial, land, etc.; depending on the niche(s) you specialize in and the audience you are targeting. The postcard really is a cleverly disguised stealth-marketing piece that flies in under the prospects radar. The reason being is that is looks so official and provides the reader valuable content. With the Local MLS Member # 123456 (fill in your membership # there) and the statement that this is a public service coupled with the official looking logo. The key to this will be your ability to remain consistent. You must commit to do this for several months for it to work. Before long people will see it as truly a public service you are performing. The postcard has been designed to allow for personal modification displaying you and your agency/company as the Top Performer in the spotlight. If someone receives this and reads it (believe me they will) and they have a need or interest in selling their home, who do you think they would call besides the top performing agent in the spotlight? There are two slightly different strategies you can use to implement this postcard: Strategy A In this case the postcard simply directs the prospect to call you directly and could be understood/perceived as an official referral of postcard sender. Strategy B Alternatively, the postcard directs the prospect to call a 24-hour recorded message line to request a fully comprehensive Local Market Trends"! Report. For this strategy you need to set up a Voice Mail with the following (or personalized) script. Thank you for calling our 24-hour Local Market Trends"! Report line. This is a public service provided to {YourLocalMarketHere} residents. This FREE report reveals detailed market conditions empowering you to make the right real estate choices. Whether you re contemplating selling or might be in the market to buy in the near future the information contained in this report may save you thousands of dollars simply by making you a more informed consumer. Unfortunately, due to demand, we must limit this offer to only one report per household per month, thank you for your understanding. Please leave your full name, address with zip code, and phone number1 and well send the most recent report to you within 1-2 business days. Please make sure to spell your first and last name. Thank you!  In an effort to stimulate higher lead quantity, you can choose to omit the request for a phone number1. This has proven to have a greater response to your VM and generate more leads. However, you will not have a phone number to follow-up with the prospect. Not to worry, if you do omit the phone number you may be able to do a reverse lookup to get their phone number for follow-up. 1Special Note: By the very fact that the homeowner called and ordered a report from you, made them a customer of yours and negates the DO NOT CALL law for 90 days. Once they contact you it is perfectly legal for you to call them. Check your Local and Federal guidelines to verify this. In order to complete this strategy you ll simply customize the Local Market Trends"! Quarterly Report and Cover Letter and fulfill the orders from prospects as they come in. Once in contact by letter and phone you should start utilizing the sales scripts and strategies to get face-to-face with the prospect and get their home listed. Marketing Strategy # 3  Guaranteed Home Sold"! Program Postcard Campaign This strategy involves a guaranteed sale of the prospects property. The strategy is not a fully developed one by design. You must first decide what terms that you would agree to purchase the property from the prospect. The logistics (legal agreements, etc.) of doing so must also be in place prior to you offering to do so. Consult a real estate attorney in your area to conform to local, state, and federal laws. The attorney can assist you in the legalities that you must conform to, as well as, help you draft the legal documents and contracts that you will need. This strategy on the surface may seem shady or illegal to an agent unfamiliar with it. It is, on the contrary a very powerful and effective strategy used by agents across the US and other markets. Done properly this strategy can give you an upper hand on your competition that you will never lose. Most agents would not go to the trouble of developing a strategy this complex. The ones that do stand above the crowd and can use this strategy as a cornerstone to transform their businesses. You can literally be the only game in town offering this solution to your prospective clients. A couple of ideas for purchase to run by your attorney are: An agreement to purchase on a Lease/Purchase (or Lease/Option) with credit for lease payments deducted off the principal balance. Youd need to have the documents drawn such that you would not have to be the primary resident and could in-turn lease or lease/purchase the property to someone else. In real estate investment circles this is known as a sandwich Lease/Purchase (Lease/Option). Properly done so, this is still a win-win for the home-seller and can be very lucrative for the agent as well. You could agree to purchase the home on terms that would make it easy for you to re-sell it or rent it to someone and still be a positive cash flow for you. Just like the Lease/Purchase you have to be certain to make allowance for you to re-sell or rent so that you are not the primary resident. You could offer to purchase the home for all cash at 70% 90% of Fair Market (or Appraised) Value and get a bank loan to purchase it. Then either sell or rent it to someone else. Once youve decided on the tactic to use, you can build the process to implement this strategy. Supplied with this Instant Listings"! program, is a two-step postcard campaign with three different postcards for you to use. Just as before, you should build a sequence to send the postcards to prospects. For example, send a different postcard every week for three weeks. Once the sequence is completed it can start all over again or be modified depending on your results and the time frame of the prospect. You may want to even integrate a testimonial letter (see strategy #1) or two of happy Guaranteed Home Sold"! clients. The postcard in this strategy directs the prospect to call a 24-hour recorded message line to request more information on your Guaranteed Home Sold"! Program. Just like before, you need to set up a Voice Mail with the following (or personalized) script. Thank you for calling our 24-hour Guaranteed Home Sold"! Program Hotline. Unfortunately, due to the demand for participation in our program we are now forced to take applications. If you would like more information sent to you on how you can participate, please leave your full name, address with zip code, and phone number and well send information detailing the program along with a no-obligation application to you within 1-2 business days. Please make sure to spell your first and last name. Thank you!  In order to increase the quantity of leads, you can use the tactic we mentioned earlier in this marketing plan and choose to omit the phone number request. This program however, once developed, will be in high demand and requesting a phone number can serve to qualify only the most serious prospects. Once they leave their information you should follow-up with them by sending them a   Sample Guaranteed Home Sold"! Certificate (see your CD-ROM) along with a simple application you create. Once prospects Qualify by meeting your parameters, you would meet with them face-to-face to go over your Listing Presentation, which would include signing the documents your attorney has drafted for you to purchase their home. The theme of the Listing Presentation should coincide with the fact that they have essentially already SOLD their home. One way or another at the end of your listing agreement period, their home is SOLD and you are now a hero! You should all have a feeling of celebration and you may want to even bring a bottle of champagne to seal the deal. Marketing Strategy # 4 & #5   Fatal Mistakes"! &  Too Ugly to Sell"! Postcard Campaigns Just like Strategy #2, these campaigns are also two-step campaigns and have been proven time-and-time again as effective marketing strategies in just about every industry. You may have even used or seen used a similar strategy on the Internet or in your local newspaper. You provide value in the form of a content-rich FREE Report that only your prospect would care to read. You either advertise by postcard (see your CD-ROM for four different versions) or by placing an ad in the local paper or Thrifty Nickel. The prospect then contacts you to get a copy of the  10 Fatal Mistakes Home Sellers Make"! or  The Top 10 Things That Make Your Home Too Ugly To Sell"! Reports. Once you acquire their contact information, you send them what they ve asked for and follow-up with them until they either give you their business or tell you to go away. The postcard strategy has already been detailed earlier in this marketing plan, so please review what weve covered in prior sections. Just pick a postcard you like, or use all four of them, and send-send-send. Print out the reports (you choose the quality, color vs. B/W, etc.) and send it with your cover letter (also on CD-ROM) and business card. *Special Note: There are two different reports and two different postcards for each report totaling four postcards for two special reports. Use either one or test both and stick with the one that works best for you. Marketing Strategy # 6 Follow-up Thank You Cards One of the most heavily promoted strategies that Real Estate Champions supports is the Thank You Card. It can be one of the most effective, simple-to-use, and underutilized, strategies in real estate today. If you have not yet made this part of your business philosophy you must strongly consider doing so. It really should be a marketing pillar for every agent in real estate. Weve supplied two versions for you to swipe, copy, modify and use in your business. The first one is meant for a follow-up to a preview meeting where youve had the chance to meet a prospective client and tour their home, but have not yet listed their property. The other one is meant to be sent to homeowners who youve presented to already. There are subtle hints given on the Thank You Card Samples that you should be careful not to miss. First of all, the whole thank you card strategy is based on a personal touch. Make sure you handwrite, or at least hand sign, each one. Use a blue pen to make sure theres no mistaking that you actually signed this card. Make sure that either you or an assistant hand label the cards and use a real stamp. These subtle nuances will virtually assure that your cards are not thrown out with the junk mail. They will also have a higher likelihood of being open and read. Whether the card is a custom one made for you or one you buy in bulk from a stationary store doesnt really matter. We have seen this strategy literally change the way our clients do business. Please use it!!! Marketing Strategy # 7 Door Hanger / Drop Off Included in this program are over a dozen postcards for you to customize and personalize. We recommend that you utilize them in not only in your postcard campaigns to Expireds, but also as door hangers. In the audio training Dirk recommends that you integrate stopping by the prospects home. If the prospects are not home when you stop by, you should leave behind something to have them call you. Heres a great strategy for using the postcards included in this program in this manner. Step 1: Pre-print your favorite postcard(s) and punch a hole in the top-left corner Step2: Lace a rubber band through the hole such that the band is now attached permanently Step 3: Connect the postcard to the prospects door with the rubber band Conclusion Basic marketing philosophy dictates that a prospect needs to be exposed to a marketing message twelve times before you are assured business 80% of the time. The 80% success rate is, of course, if the prospect has a need for and the ability to buy your particular product or service. Taking this into account (for this program): Sending a postcard (1 exposure) that yields a call for the free report (1 exposure) that leads the prospect into reading the letter (1 exposure) and report (1 exposure) equates to four exposures. If, after four marketing messages, the homeowner doesnt respond, we recommend that you follow-up by: phone, a personal note, letter, or more postcards (as a reminder). As with anything, youll likely develop a customized system that works well for you in your particular market for your particular niche in real estate. Please also check for updates and added marketing pieces from time-to-time at our members-only website. You can visit any time for the life of your product and beyond at no cost to you:  HYPERLINK "http://www.RealEstateChampions.com/InstantListings" http://www.RealEstateChampions.com/InstantListings Postcard Printer Contacts EasternWesternIdentity Press (800) 457-0677 Dianna or (Donna & Samantha)  HYPERLINK "mailto:dianna@identitypress.net" dianna@identitypress.net http://www.identitypress.net/Moonlight Mailing (541) 382-8402 Chris Mezzeta  HYPERLINK "mailto:office@moonlightmailing.com" office@moonlightmailing.com http://moonlightmailing.com/ Great Website Sources HYPERLINK "http://www.expresscopy.com" http://www.expresscopy.com HYPERLINK "http://www.amazingmail.com" http://www.amazingmail.com HYPERLINK "http://www.desktopsupplies.com/" http://www.desktopsupplies.com/ http://www.VistaPrint.com PAGE  PAGE 2 2007 Real Estate Champions, Inc To increase the effectiveness of this strategy use a call capture system. We recommend the system available through  HYPERLINK "http://www.CallCaptureSuccess.com" www.CallCaptureSuccess.com To increase the effectiveness of this strategy use a call capture system. We recommend the system available through  HYPERLINK "http://www.CallCaptureSuccess.com" www.CallCaptureSuccess.com "$&Bprtvxp    " $ @ A FI¼tlhhH*^J0J5\^Jj5U\^Jj5U\^J>*^J^J 5>*\^J 5\^J5CJ(\^JaJ(6OJQJ]CJPOJQJ^JaJP 9CJ(aJHj9CJ`UaJH9CJ8OJQJ^JaJ89CJ`H*OJQJ^JaJ9CJOJQJ^JaJ9CJPOJQJ^JaJP(&BDprvxprcd  $dha$$a$dduf   # $ 0 1 v w deHIghOP56 !$a$\m##9'D''')**,,w-x-...l.m.///34y99::==fDFF1G2G3GHHLMVTTTUU XXYbY}ZZZ\\\\L]S]]]aaaaɶj5U\^J>*^JjCJU^JmHnHuB*H*^Jph3f 6>*]^J6B*]^Jph 6]^J^J 5>*\^JH*^J^J 5\^JDqr  fg^`BD6 8 b!d!d!b"c"S#T#$$%%&&&&&8'9'D'E'''''))))*.........//Z1\12233344667788x9y999:::<<9=:===??fBhBCCdDfD1G2G4G5G6G7G8G9GGGHH)J !^ & F)J*JKKKKLLLMMNNOOPPRRRR}S~SVTWTXTTT\U]U]U V VaVbVWWgWhWWWXXYYZZ|Z}ZZZz[{[A\B\\\\\K]K]L]]]]]]^^\`]```aa+b,b-bGbHbPbXb $$Ifa$$a$^aaa)b*b,b-bFbHbWbXbYbhbbbbbbbbbcc+c,c\c]c^cyczccccccccccccc"d#d$d׿׵ڧ׿םה~הrjQU\^J 0J\^JjnU\^J\^JjU\^Jj{U^JCJOJQJ^J0J^JjU^J jU^J5^J 5CJ ^J 5>*\^J^J 5\^J0J5\^Jj5U\^Jj;5U\^J,XbYbhbwbbbbcc+c{cccc  !$If$Ifm$$IfTl0dN,"<\064 la ccccc@dAdddddddddd  &`#$d\$$IfTl v064 la $$Ifa$$d>d?dAdBdodpdqddddddddddddddddddddaebeeeeeee%f&fUfVfWfqfrfvfƻò풫j2U^J0J^Jj)U^J jU^JCJOJQJ^J0JmHnHu0J j0JU B*^Jphj40JU\^Jj0JU\^J^JjU\^J 0J\^J*dddddddeesftfufvf&`#$ # 01h/ =!"#$% 1h/ =!"#$% 1h/ =!"#$% 1h/ =!"#$%Dd5JJ  3 &A?White_bigRD@ۥjv ҉f DoF@ۥjv ҉fJFIFddDucky2Adobed         #"""#''''''''''     !! !!''''''''''"  !1AQaq"2BRbr#3CS$4csDT5%dE&tU6V!1AQaq"2BRbr3#CS$4“TcsD ?Є!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B o+S,ci;md o=j.}i;bZ/acm<)8sD R(K}s]\uLuq.0.%ݺ)ʃ'6HGzqv'[ޥx#anuh;GԧFH-]F7]_̥<ݫzKCûemMSm{lιX?)$[bVMG+Gޏh9\eitAZV?%$~7ێW NxtoF~k^|MKjmn4(Y3'ua4vFG>>n;]/MZE)CzRV9Y]HZy:\iwnY,2kRω2zk, 5odSPһ?ҏ/gޟ?5gij˭/'rbk,zkdT?ËgYê|+90JyV^)np}i,\rZgew#gNΙ_ >hk3qM5Cԡ73jzD[k <l-I_Dg21|W|k#f}+X6O?f~rVC mͼ摇Ic>}8wZ#J}Y#|lJcךZM8;.fPyxI{Wc9GǬ'uN:3VS 39|J&}YWVZnyA}a4Ղ.">Kૡ1,5 lo7:}qd| 5Wdg4BiV sNⲫe2~7F xVcl\p"bw'_NР_@8gD7n#}ݛ{x)%J.`?h֓~yS(ͮta5_#Z7LWLc.20B7vEĘ_4R-/n.4Kl7݈OwgOG΂d=M[n㰟Gr>b<8LEH>8K|K-5=s.8l[| U|)%pP< WG^+yh ji[MYw[j}cZ 1Y[RGlNj-O+L ?|i[+ZǞGSMƶʺ#ħkmY;e>Ĝp7Sh4Όٜ=)k{'HZ7FxUƧO4sGF}PTW$#4Mew?QzSu\r˝Wk{{xdm{L: x&Co0YVgEğtS Gv6J=b^+`?Iɶ_yfc'/֨Ioظ>{vyn 7u\>54{??zؘ]+ J'>sd |]jŃͧ\kDŽ1:[{ӏ[cD݌TX1QN?e<U $CkO\PE)1@v ]45x=JyxZ v0pv)ȿ| =z6y_m[HNvM mF] Y?ַ8*J+d%q:Wۀ=еc֤pÛjտSB8lH(ll& ͕%V1P^c+sw'?z/-.O++|?׭xcM}I{TWt0oA( 8{qr'7$cNPC7B@?7#B*8A{ `~XM.a#=TK5)SKe'i?FNmۜ:kI޻lc!n] x6fgli+}uY)Q1oamM݋h}&^"tѷjF=A81Po85/hS.KWP>אoPFm ]yٸ- \MJE%yT:lt E%Ծ|=+eĩs6(?6Ģ=As S3uC Ih`=( saTL#c ;2&I46nS(G;S`)sy^q>Q[UU+mfwzpWߚqutGX8$徃il@Ƶǟ/=UQLCͰZN4\ńKZk|JYBސ VUgOժ׏{c(T4ZG7/w7R&Q:OiWZO] iwdz'߽45i5`1˟ԝ ~ʆn>k\jYA?5:='΍|ɢR?63S g0Kl2a?:cиWuԪ=VYcX[K{&ykz$o;}Kҩn?Ɨ~ ܕǣ15$¹ZnXO:awIR_"hU4tۈԬv7czcҗ;Y7FFphܠd݌|* hRJ4M#]'ύ3V'hQm/oQsUwh>>5XouV7hQI,mJ!Xjph;vlp3mq'W| 3g5{fa-R\ŖR w #jk7džHU% oyRc2-㴹ac{]N5IDe$n1oseĐfFŻwCusSoʹc_Fj7[eY(P>ݣB~lRvܲf8u㺴9XcRQ;!jVB!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B! oY0~eǛU@*$ q 28~h{&.ơ=;vGity[ot4{\C{/.qߪsx熼#b$r]?1iLDal:xWo)jce=WH&BFDq`k k#ѵeQ۾PCux}c`FG}\\dlPs .eg=򕈴+ۀ>*ŷFmNbTl1mJl 4Qh.{@IQYeCfw4{G;cmC oNy.vn<2˹d=Pr ֫[yϔ~/gt6-AB;Ԗ0T:pz2\A <UE4~e37tVk$RK40W14zPֹƍLVf#<&7,)w|jou4:ry-c ^!y*o0Y3?a~'QXmFrw/iw< mO,yYhCcp4wdm *}Jo֭]0Tu8svH2'=ٌߊsæp2SV},m9htzߟxczϏUFV;!~Da |K#Ƨ|k1[׊Y)INߓ@ /kߍ8CѺS 'b3l_dт?Zr|)@ph@l\8F0Q '3UԽ`rXiKºx֕Xr]88Xa+~%jT9ޗoUjR𭪊jQEV**EEVERxڨ֨#3MqWt?$k4*Pm@}[NH>.Jdlms^lymIiYEj(vecOI;'49TC>ɡd9>R>QuU>6lq=7Mٙ"S I=Ѳb7+7EE29 Mn+|"qcuRLw M ySe~zⳜNѓd쿡} /axpLkl#x}7Z ]|ǔLeaigyg~/sbs񓝔lDJݟH-nf٭g!c45?) fM5nukVkQ,B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B@SsWb0dA<[Ք3[)WM) 5؜S: B~W C|} [MWOa#[[# @| >͂l%9R=QYӰ^d%ܼt=_3w;[I=-Ly'Lw#v%NyOitͿ+p$_!pҨ0j3#?ŗ1a=Ί1Bxv>˙-vIfw9Lי)0ey[8xV-cw072|ݼyPIv{#p?f\A u $MIr*&뺭gTJ9'ѳoxo@֌U Sk~?(6דնw(2gȿFѰu |q52@:R ȱq{srx%t䞮qw)x#d>HӅ۵G &}rvc~3쪰G^C.}JYdg Wi0{/}7;X;6}'yG) 4.`i;]) ]x*5K;G8ԫ,N j;c|+ hFv 4ԂatSqOJ4Dq7uk,T`sO Z'9Ƈparkiu(p ^1ocu &J 9+/+8Gߗ婦{{#KiI뻾V⻨*_V~PO1e%-XP+xC㑲3.,5ip ɝpv:nd6v 1w=+QҢGoOsnT&>NeI /sqhiuɎyUU擄9]JbX\ܶȭJۋt}Xl>/vvt?S]_JUX僝g+%`l9CH-"QyOw|Q˥+?T⵶31$8 rMop@UZUMًkRw5sWֱ>HpKj{GM >gYz]I y\1*j~>]1M-pcx#As [WBhKZqn(M+ dq,!'kO]OK{blvwԶQn;-7tۘ#M[(lꕢONG߬IVLJM֒ T6:R6l"oJvbWkeT#O]HyrԀxߏ*7!zY#=#w]G: ݉#"Z"*K԰8\Wq{[ZUU8Ԕ[pe}@\\xZֱs2Tɫ\ yKw߯1/+0ll h+c\0 >#eZ {I}wwʗs.$hv_B6׼0c'x-6#'F}>KJMl k ZjBh![q:խqlqվ ݼX>/7:VOIW>4~.K뻾QK뻾VէOu66kG4oÈwgg p}VqSsZլ$<T8残$Z濦Zf-5 :.,{JSBE} |oJJ-Hw|Oj׿ ӿߗ3_~_W{I=wwi/Gէ}{PKdIon.o ud 4\m$nުu 5g}Wn@>B>sY0jDx8yiJui^3%ߗ#4%|ʎ_]HjZBF7/ggii#$&IԴ4sH5 BLZP=88ZO Q{NJ"v4'379?'z䍆GLn,<m)P IJ|gJ>3w%yw|k\/N3?_~_Qό|]^b$+=/qA-svEnNw2jZq˸cM U@&0{pC%)Qnnoe.pk8vUD j3?_~_Qό|]^b$i/Z`zB}=qS8w;j|BklN5c'ctncXӹ$5^t$^WO.7[5]DeΥHxX-ʂ7zVK9c;~LWXV9-kOE3x&cdipxV l.${U pT}֝6͞3\ao e%o6wn:⮇ߢT~J_S9\íjO`P>N,;Jp|nᑥp !{߀ ;W[ͽܲ%/drU%7SZJ&iv8NJ8$W<]䶵5,cj]h `<젝1i8TuLBaOl9^!Z=oI+ 1 .b’Eg(wB+Hel=ͬ2Zz vRВd{j3 Z@=*Ҙ "Y0ܒZqT(N {]26#9< {`Flp_}Y8MW cn,JKU5m)Թ1Fv} L3pr67/vJ9xNOM{^*U]dt6_mHVHm-q1@{\&ME-<-(24moصkpc. 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