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There are 45 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each. Fill-in Questions 1. Use pen only (no grade corrections for pencil or whiteout). 2. Write only one answer per question. You can elaborate on an answer, but you will not be given any credit if you write two different answers to the question. 3. Spelling rules: credit for 23 letters wrong or transposed. No points will be given if the misspelling alters the meaning of the word. 4. There are 10 fillin questions worth 40 points in total. Choose the one best answer: 1. Jawless fishes include A. hagfishes, lampreys, and extinct ostracoderms B. lobefinned fishes and cephalochordates C. lungfishes, coelacanths, and extinct placoderms D. pipefishes, flatfishes, and sturgeon E. sharks, skates, and rays 2. Beginning with the first appearance of each of the following, what is the correct sequence for evolution of the amniotic egg, jaws, notochord, and tetrapod condition? A. amniotic egg, notochord, jaws, tetrapod B. jaws, notochord, amniotic egg, tetrapod C. notochord, jaws, amniotic egg, tetrapod D. notochord, jaws, tetrapod, amniotic egg E. tetrapod, jaws, notochord, amniotic egg 3. The water vascular system in echinoderms is most like A. a can opener B. a fountain C. a hydraulic mechanism D. a septic tank E. bicycle gears 4. From a cladistic view, the Class Reptilia should include which of the following? A. amphibia, turtles, lizards and snakes B. amphibia, turtles, lizards and snakes, crocodilians C amphibia, turtles, lizards and snakes, crocodilians, birds D. only turtles, lizards and snakes, crocodilians E. turtles, lizards and snakes, crocodilians, birds 5. Which of the following is a true statement regarding the Subphylum Urochordata? A. compound tunicates share a common exit pore B. it only takes a few minutes for a larvacean to build a new house with which to filter food from the surrounding water C. simple adult solitary tunicates have one incurrent and one excurrent siphon D. some salp species can exist as solitary or colonial organisms E. all of the above 6. Which of the following is a true statement regarding guanacos as seen in the film shown in class? A. males use rudimentary horns when fighting for females B. they are sexually dimorphic as evidenced by the bright color of the male coat C. they are the largest rodent in Chile D. they drink seawater from shallow tidepools near the ocean to osmoregulate E. they use scent marking on their territories 7. The distinction between the commonly used terms invertebrates and vertebrates A. has no basis in morphological differences between the two groups B. involves the presence and absence of a notochord C. is at the taxonomic level of subphylum D. is based on intelligence of the representative organisms E. requires the two groups to be in separate phyla 8. An individuals relative fitness is measured by A. how well the individual relates to its environment B. the health of the individual C. the number of its offspring that survive and reproduce D. the number of matings it achieves E. the number of offspring produced 9. Ossicles are present in which of the following classes? A. Asteroidea B. Echinoidea C. Holothuroidea D. Ophiuroidea E. All of the above 10. The waters of Putah Creak near Davis would most likely contain which of the following taxa? A. Arthropoda, Oligochaeta, Gastropoda, Reptilia B. Chordata, Arthropoda, Holothuroidea, Porifera C. Echinodermata, Chelicerata, Uniramia, Osteichthyes D. Platyhelminthes, Arthropoda, Anthozoa, Hirudinea E. Annelida, Scyphozoa, Arthropoda, Vertebrata 11. The circulatory system is A. closed in the arthropods B. closed in the molluscs C. often closed in active predators with the exception of the arthropods D. open in the annelids E. open in the flatworms 12. In addition to numerous other organisms, the tracheal system is found in _________ and functions in _________. A. annelids; circulation B. grasshoppers; excretion C. honeybees; respiration D. scorpions; feeding E. spiders; web building 13. Massive fish kills due to red tides are caused by A. amebae B. dinoflagellates C. foraminiferans D. radiolarians E. red algae 14. Developmentally, the blastopore becomes the anus in which taxa? A. annelids, arthropods, and molluscs B. echinoderms and chordates C. flatworms, annelids, arthropods, and molluscs D. only echinoderms E. all protostomes 15. A researcher removes one cell from an embryo at the four cell stage. This cell develops into a normal (though possibly smaller) embryo. The developmental pattern of the organism from which this cell is removed would be classified as A. a chimera B. determinate C. indeterminate D. mosaic E. unregulated 16. Imagine a graph depicting selection repeatedly acting on the same tail (side) of a distribution of phenotypes. This would be an example of A. directional selection B. diversifying selection C. frequencydependent selection D. sexual selection E. stabilizing selection 17. Broadcast or free spawning involves the release of _________ and is seen in _________. A. eggs and sperm into the plankton; cnidarians B. fertilized zygotes onto the sand; brooding sea anemones C. sexually mature offspring from a pouch; seahorses D. the intestines into surrounding water; sea cucumbers E. TMO into the blood; salmon 18. What structural elements support the body in flatworms? A. a hydrostatic skeleton B. collagen fibers C. mesoglea D. parenchyme tissue E. the coelom 19. Asexual reproduction is exhibited by the _________ and one of the life stages produced asexually is the _________. A. Hydrozoa and Scyphozoa; medusa B. Insecta; pupa C. Trematoda; cercaria D. all of the above E. A and C only 20. Although some of the echinoderms have bilaterally symmetric larvae, most exhibit pentaradial symmetry as adults. Which of the following would be considered to have secondary bilateral symmetry? A. basket stars B. brittle stars C. crinoids D. irregular echinoids and sea cucumbers E. all of the above 21. Vertebrate jaws most likely evolved from which structure? A. an expansion of the nasal passages B. the first gill arch C. mesoderm D. the pharyngeal basket E. the swimbladder 22. The diseases leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness are caused by A. a protozoan that is passed along after an insect bite B. a virus C. bacteria D. homozygote susceptibility as with malaria E. none of the above 23. One of the key elements in the serial endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells involves a prokaryote ingesting other prokaryotes to establish a symbiotic relationship where two cells become one. A. True B. False 24. Evidence for a single evolution of life lies in the fact that all the metazoa have monociliate (flagellate) sperm and if you look at the crosssection of all the cilia and flagella, you find a 9+2 arrangement of microtubules. A. True B. False 25. The most likely candidate for the vertebrate ancestral stock is something similar to a A. flatworm B. paedomorphic polychaete C. planula larva D. trochophore larva E. tunicate larva 26. Hagfishes A. are marine scavengers B. have a cartilaginous skeleton C. have no paired fins D. produce copious quantities of slime E. all of the above 27. The human population A. has no effect on global change B. is decreasing C. is growing exponentially D. was growing exponentially but has now stabilized E. none of the above 28. Echinoderms A. are protostomes B. exhibit primary radial symmetry C. have a calcareous exoskeleton D. have welldeveloped excretory organs E. none of the above 29. Marine fishes osmoregulate by A. absorbing ions in sea water through their gills B. drinking sea water and excreting ions across their gills C. eating prey with low salinities D. increasing the size of the kidney and excreting dilute urine E. storing excess ions in the swimbladder 30. Which of the following is a true statement about protozoans? A. parasitic forms are responsible for numerous human and domestic animal diseases B. they are all unicellular C. they are found everywhere life exists D. they require moisture E. all of the above 31. Chitin is found in which combination of taxa? A. Arachnida, Gastropoda, Polychaeta B. Bivalvia, Chilopoda, Maxillopoda C. Cephalopoda, Ophiuroidea, Gastropoda D. Hirudinea, Merostomata, Oligochaeta E. Insecta, Trematoda, Turbellaria 32. When a gene has several different versions that create slightly different gene products, each version of the gene is called _________. A. a heterozygote B. a sister chromatid C. an allele D. mutation E. polygenic 33. Genetic drift A. is due to chance events B. can involve a loss of alleles from the population C. results in a change in allele frequencies from generation to generation D. all of the above E. A and C only 34. A group of naturally or potentially interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups is a definition of A. a prezygotic isolating mechanism B. a ring species C. one of the HardyWeinberg equilibrium conditions D. the biological species concept E. the principle of parsimony 35. Recent molecular evidence involving 18S ribosomal RNA sequences suggests that chordates are a sister group to the A. annelids and molluscs B. arthropods C. cnidarians D. echinoderms E. flatworms 36. Which of the following is the least useful piece of information to consider when trying to determine the mating system of a particular animal? A. the confidence the male has in paternity B. the distribution of resources and whether they can be defended C. the number of mates each sex has D. the number of siblings of each parent E. who cares for the offspring 37. All multicellular phyla have A. a coelom B. a complete gut C. aquatic larvae D. bilateral symmetry E. collagen 38. Most amphibians are unable to complete their life cycles on land. Unlike reptiles, most amphibians A. have a covering of keratin scales B. have internal fertilization C. must return to water to breed D. protect the developing embryo in an amniotic egg E. all of the above 39. There is relatively little genetic diversity in populations of cheetahs, elephant seals, and California condors. This is most likely due to A. a population bottleneck B. founder effects C. hybridization between species D. selection against heterozygotes E. the fact that males rear the offspring, not females 40. About 75% of the Platyhelminthes are parasitic. If the parasitic forms had a freeliving ancestor, which features must have changed over evolutionary time? A. an incomplete gut B. bilateral symmetry C. monoecious reproduction D. mucus and cilia on the body surface E. the sucking pharynx 41. Which of the following would almost certainly be expected in a segmented, coelomate, softbodied invertebrate with a complete, regionally specialized, digestive tract? A. hydrostatic skeleton B. nerve net C. planula larva D. all of the above E. none of the above 42. Most crustaceans have A. a cyprid larva B. a terrestrial life stage C. malpighian tubules D. two pairs of antennae E. uniramous appendages 43. The growth in male peacocks of long colorful tail feathers with numerous eyespots is a product of A. balanced polymorphism B. diversifying selection C. ecological isolation D. frequencydependent selection E. sexual selection 44. Your BIS 1B study group goes to a Chinese restaurant and orders the Grand Buffet. As the circular tray of food is passed around the table, you see one large fish, roast pig, tentacles from a jelly, oysters, squid, mussels, seaweed, and shrimp. How many different taxonomic animal Classes are on the table? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 8 45. The name of the chewing mouthparts in scorpions is A. chelicerae B. chelipeds C. claws D. pedipalps E. uniramous Please continue to the next page. Short Answer 46. Give the common names of two extinct taxa discussed in class and the names of their respective Subphyla. (2 pts) Common Name Subphylum (any two of the answers for A or B are acceptable) A. trilobites Trilobita (or Trilobitomorpha) B. ostracoderms Vertebrata placoderms Vertebrata dinosaurs Vertebrata mosasaurs Vertebrata 47. List two distinguishing characteristics of the Class Mammalia that separate this taxon from other vertebrate classes. (2 pts) A. presence of hair B. mammary glands two occipital condyles others also include hard palate, sebaceous glands, three bones in the middle ear, etc. 48. Define heterochrony and explain its evolutionary significance. (3 pts) Definition: Heterochrony is the evolutionary change in the timing of development of characteristics from ancestor to descendant. Evolutionary significance: By changing the timing that regulates growth of the body and sexual maturity, new phenotypes may result. E.g., urochordates with paedomorphic tadpole larvae have given rise to vertebrates. 49. Give the common name of one organism discussed in class where the male mates with the female and then stands guard over the female to keep other males from mating with her. (2 pts) spiders cuttlefish others? 50. a. Fill in the blanks with names of 5 of the 8 structures drawn in a typical asteroid water vascular system. You may leave three blank with no penalty. (5 pts)                  Answer: A. madreporite; B. ring canal; C. radial canal; D. stone canal; E. lateral canal; F. ampulla; G. sucker; H. podium (tube feet) b. What controls the direction of flow of water between structures E and F? (1 pt) a oneway valve 51. What type of symmetry and cephalization would you expect from a sessile, filterfeeding organism? (2 pts) radial symmetry and a lack of cephalization 52. Name the taxonomic Kindgom of the disease causing agent (not the vector) responsible for each of the following diseases. (3 pts) A. Giardia Protozoa (or Protista) B. liver flukes Animalia C. malaria Protozoa (or Protista) 53. A population of beetles has two alleles for body color, mottled and blue. Mottled is dominant to blue. A researcher determines that a sample of 200 beetles is comprised of 130 mottled and 70 blue beetles. 100 of the 200 beetles are heterozygous (Bb). Is this population in HardyWeinberg equilibrium? Do not just set up the equations. Calculate a final answer and show your complete calculations to receive full credit. (6 pts) BB = 30 Bb = 100 bb = 70 Total = 200 f(B) =  EMBED Equation.3  f(b) = 1 f(B) = 1 0.4 = 0.6 HW predicts: Observed: f(BB) = (0.4)2 = 0.16 f(BB) =  EMBED Equation.3  f(Bb) = 2 (0.4) (0.6) = 0.48 f(Bb) =  EMBED Equation.3  f(bb) = (0.6)2 = 0.36 f(bb) =  EMBED Equation.3  Observed and expected genotype frequencies are nearly identical so YES, the population is in HardyWeinberg equilibrium. 54. Many humans eventually have their wisdom teeth removed. Some people are born with four wisdom teeth, others are born with two, and some people never have them at all. Describe the necessary conditions for the evolution by natural selection of the complete loss of wisdom teeth in humans. [Be sure to keep your answer specific to this example of loss of wisdom teeth.] (4 pts) Individuals without wisdom teeth would have to have greater fitness than individuals without wisdom teeth. There would have to be differential survival and/or reproduction leading to only people without wisdom teeth. Matching 55. Match a single letter from the right hand column that is indicative of the feeding strategy of most members of each of the following groups. Letters may be used more than once. Be sure to write legibly! (10 pts.) crinoid E A. carnivore feather duster worm E B. herbivore grasshopper B C. parasite lamprey C D. scavenger octopus A E. suspension or filterfeeder scallop E sea urchin B sponge E terrestrial snail B wolf A **Enjoy the rest of your summer!** Name: ___________________________ Last First ID#________________________ Gripe Sheet Instructions: 1. Put your name at the top of the page (I tear it off from the rest of the exam). 2. If you think that a question is ambiguous or confusing, indicate the question number, the answer you gave, and the reason that you gave this answer. Question # Answer you gave Gripe B. ________________ see box G. _________________ H. _________________ F. _________________ E. ________________ A. _________________ D. ________________ C. ________________ # C1 ,,..556666>7I7J7S7T7777777777777777778 8 888888888699:::"::;;a<b<c<e<f<i< jU 5>*\5\5CJ 5CJ \ 5>*CJ \CJ5>*>*T$01QRz{ Cw$ $ !a$$$a$ !$ !  !$  !H$>IDIJ23}~A B ~   h0^`0 Zhh^h` ^` ! J s < = i   T U f u 4 l $ Zhh^h` ! h0^`0 ghb!"\%UV#N ! 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