ࡱ>  ,bjbjVV 4F<<s$e66SCSCSCSCSCgCgCgC8C,C<gCDDDDDDDDNPPPPPPgPSCFDDFFPSCSCDDe___FSCDSCDN_FN__k޻D0.gC-OjzL:{0ƷmR:m޻޻mSCHD>6E,_bE$E'DDDPPXFDDDFFFFmDDDDDDDDD6 B: University of Phoenix Complete History & Physical Without Chief Complaint Name: Sarah Jones Address: 1 Star Blvd., Excel, Arizona Age/DOB: 55/2-29-48 Gender: female Race: Caucasian Source of info/reliability: self/appears reliable CC Here for physical to establish self as patient. No current complaints. HPI: not applicable. PMH Adult medical illness Seasonal allergies since childhood Asthma since 1980 HTN since 1999 Carpal tunnel syndrome 1998 Surgery - Cholecystectomy 1988. Carpal tunnel release, right wrist, 2000 Bunionectomy, left, 1995 Childhood illnesses- Chicken pox and mumps Trauma- Fractured left arm age 12. No complications. Head concussion from car accident age 18 - no complications. RECENT EXAM/TESTS Dental exam - 12/02 for cleaning Full physical 6/02, no changes Pap smear 6/02 - negative. Mammogram 6/02 - negative. CXR 6/02 - chronic changes of asthma, no interval changes. EKG 6/02 - normal Eye exam 2001 - new eyeglass prescription Screening colonoscopy - none. PFTs - none. MEDICATIONS HCTZ 25 mg QD Albuterol MDI 2 puffs QID PRN Multivitamin QD (contains calcium) Calcium 500mg BID ALLERGIES Codeine causes systemic pruritus. SOCIAL HISTORY Place of birth, place of residence- Richmond, Va. Moved to Phoenix, AZ age 7. Education/Occupation/religion - BSN, Registered nurse, works 12-hour day shifts in ICU. Non-practicing Catholic. Marital status - divorced 10 years ago after 17 years of marriage. Lives alone, has a short-haired terrier dog. Has two sons - both live out of state Sexual orientation - Heterosexual. No intimate relationships X 10 years. Smokes - -1 PPD X 10 years. Quit 1980 when diagnosed with Asthma. Alcohol - 4 ounces white wine 2-3 x per week with dinner. Drug use - denies history of IVDU, or abuse of other non-prescribed or prescribed drugs. Exercise - none routinely. Enjoys quilting. Diet - eats all food groups, few fruits or vegs. Snacks on high carbohydrate "junk food" t/o workday Coffee 4-5 cups/day; 1-2cups of water/day Living will/Medical POA - does not have. IMMUNIZATIONS & TRAVEL (foreign only)_ Completed childhood series. Td- 1990; Hep B series with positive titre 1989; Hep A series 1996; annual PPD- neg 4/2003; annual Fluvax- most recent 10/2002. No Pneumovax. FAMILY HISTORY (FH): Maternal grandfather - died age 40 in WWII. No known medical hx. Maternal grandmother - died age 78 of pneumonia following hospitalization for CVA Paternal grandfather - died age 69 of AMI Hx of HTN Maternal grandmother - died age 52 in MVA, hit by drunk driver. Father - age 78, is overweight, has HTN, hyperlipidemia, emphysema. Mother - age 75, DM2 since age 70. Sister - age 51, overweight, no known medical problems. Sons - age 23 & 26, no known medical problems. Denies FH of cancer, psychiatric illness, colon, kidney, endocrine, or MSK disease. ROS Gen health: considers self in good health except for weight. HEENTN: headaches once or twice a month, relieved with Tylenol, attributed to stress from job. Wears glasses whenever awake. Denies diplopia, blurred vision, eye pain or redness, loss of visual field, hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, sinusitis, postnasal drip, nasal polyps, epistaxis, problems with teeth/gums, dentures, mouth ulcers/growths, sore throat, hoarseness, change in voice, neck lumps or tenderness. Pulm: Asthma symptoms of SOB and wheezing with exposure to smoke or flowers, relieved with inhaler, none with activity, no increased occurrence when HCTZ started. Denies cough, sputum, hemoptysis, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, recurrent infections, occupational exposures. Sleeps 6-8n hours per night. CV: Takes BP once or twice a week at work, readings 132-138/82-86. Denies chest pain or pressure, palpitations, orthopnea, PND, SOB, pedal edema, heart murmur, varicose veins, cramping. GI: Has BM every other day. Denies wt gain/loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hematemesis, melena, BRBPR, change in stool caliber, hemorrhoids, dysphagia, belching or flatus, Abd pain, change in appetite, hernia. GU: Menarche age 12, regular monthly cycles until LMP age 51. G2P2. Not sexually active X 10 years. SBE on the 15th of every month. Denies postmenopausal bleeding, vag discharge, STD's, DES exposure, breast lumps, nipple discharge, dyspareunia, sexual dysfunction, dysuria, hematuria, nocturia, frequency, polyuria, incontinence, UTI's. Neuro: Denies dizziness, syncope, seizures, vertigo, paresthesias, weakness, tremor, memory disturbance. Rheum: Denies joint stiffness or swelling, myalgias, back pain. No right wrist pain or weakness since CTR. Endo: Denies temperature intolerance, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia Heme: Denies ease of bruising or bleeding, prior transfusions, lymph node enlargement, fatigue, fever, chills, night sweats. Blood type unknown. Derm: Denies rashes, changes in moles or pigmentation, birthmarks, skin dryness, pruritus, lumps, changes in hair or nails. Psych: Denies depression, agitation, panic/anxiety, manic episodes, personality changes, hallucinations. OBJECTIVE VS: Wt.- 155 Ht.- 5'5 BMI - 26 BP - 126/ 82 P - 78 T- 98.4 R -18 Gen: Healthy appearing 55 y/o white female who appears her stated age, in NAD. HEENTN: normocephalic, atraumatic, head erect. Scalp without rashes, lesions, tenderness. Hair evenly distributed, fine texture. Sclera white, conjunctiva clear; No lid lag,. Ocular fundi with sharp disc margins, no arterial narrowing or AV nicking. Pinnae symmetrical without lesions. External canals with scant cerumen. TMs intact w/cone of light 4 o'clock right and 8 o'clock left. Nasal mucosa pink without lesions. Septum midline. Oral mucosa, tongue, gingiva moist, pink, without lesions. Teeth intact with evidence of repair, no obvious decay. Tongue midline without fasciculations. Posterior pharynx clear, tonsils 1+, without redness or exudate. Trachea midline. Thyroid non-palpable, non-tender. Carotids 2+ without bruit. No JVD. Pre & post auricular, occipital, tonsillar, anterior/posterior cervical, submandibular, submental supraclavicular, infraclavicular nodes non-palpable, non-tender. Resp: AP diameter 2:1. Equal expansion. Respirations non-labored. Lungs CTAB anteriorly and posteriorly with good air movement t/o. No chest wall tenderness. CV: RRR, S1S2 without murmurs, S3S4, rubs, heaves or thrills. PMI L5ICSMCL. Radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, DP, PT pulses 2+, equal. No varicose veins or abnormal pigmentation. No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. CR <3 sec. Abd: Round, non-distended, no pulsations or lesions. Well-healed surgical scar RUQ. Bowel sounds present X4. No abdominal aortic, renal or iliac bruits. Soft, non-tender without palpable liver, spleen, kidneys, hernias. No CVAT. GU: Breasts- inspected in 4 positions. No hyperpigmentation, lesions, abnormal hair distribution, nipple retraction or discharge, masses, dimpling, or tenderness. Axillary, pectoral, and epitrochlear nodes non-palpable, non-tender. Pelvic: Tanner stage V, symmetrical hair distribution. No external lesions. Inguinal nodes non-palpable, non-tender. BUS non-swollen, nontender. Vaginal mucosa pink, dry, atrophic. Parous cervix is smooth, without lesions or ectopy. No cystocele, rectocele. Uterus NSSC, mobile, non-tender. Adnexa non-palpable, non-tender. RVE reveals intact sphincter tone and rectal wall, no lesions or masses, stool brown and guaiac neg. MSK: Erect posture. Faint well-healed surgical scars right anterior wrist and left first MTP joint. TMJ, spine, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, toes with full AROM. Muscle strength 5/5 in biceps, triceps, deltoids, quads, hamstrings; no atrophy. No kyphosis, scoliosis, deformities, crepitus, heat, erythema, swelling or tenderness. Derm: Skin intact, pink, dry, warm. Turgor without tenting. No rashes, scaling or lesions. Neuro: Mental Status: 28/30 on MMSE- two incorrect serial calculations. Alert, attentive, pleasant and cooperative, coherent thought. Cranial nerves: I Olfactory identifies coffee and peppermint II Optic Visual fields intact. Visual acuity 20/80 bil, corrected III Oculomotor/ IV Trochlear/ VI Abducens PERRLA. EOM's intact without nystagmus, ptosis V Trigeminal facial sensation intact 3 zones, temporal & masseter muscle strength 5/5 VII Facial Facial movement symmetrical VIII Acoustic hearing intact to whisper at 5 feet, Weber without lateralization, Rinne AC>BC bilat. IX & X Glossopharyngeal / Vagus Uvula midline with symmetrical rise on phonation, gag reflex intact, swallow intact XI Spinal accessory - sternocleidomastoid & trapezius strength 5/5 XII Hypoglossal - Tongue movement symmetrical, strength 5/5 Motor: Smooth fluid gait. No pronator drift. Romberg neg. No involuntary movements. Rapid alternating movements intact. Sensory: Distinguishes sharp from dull, senses temperature, vibration and fine touch in UE and LE. Proprioception, point localization, two-point discrimination, stereognosis, graphesthesia intact. Reflexes: biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, abdominal, Achilles all 2+. Babinski ASSESSMENT 1) HTN controlled with meds 2) Asthma controlled with meds. 3) Overweight 4) Post Menopausal     Complete H & P Without Chief Complaint NRP/516 Version 2 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 !'+24JKL   a b f |    ( ) yiYiYih"{-hn 5CJOJQJ^Jh"{-h"{-5CJOJQJ^JhSCJOJQJ^Jh"{-hn CJOJQJ^Jh"{-CJOJQJ^Jh"{-5CJOJQJ\^J"h"{-hn 5CJOJQJ\^Jhn CJOJQJ^Jh CJOJQJ]^J h!^J hL\^J he\^JhL0hL0\^Jh 8h6KL   K a b f | 6 O P f | h^hgd"{-gdn gd gd 8gdi;  % D _ z    ) 7 U y  !gd"{-gdn h^hgd"{-   g h ,BSTfijtvHMy{|578qrkpqBFG!"樖"h"{-hn 5CJOJQJ\^J"h"{-h"{-5CJOJQJ\^Jh"{-CJOJQJ^Jh"{-hn 5CJOJQJ^Jh"{-h"{-5CJOJQJ^Jhn CJOJQJ^Jh"{-5CJOJQJ^J;!kEq+,S^.u efjGHxgdn h^hgd"{-xy45jkABgA B ""##gdn  gjB F G !!"""u#####(%>%@%C%&& ''''y'''''''IJ֢ֆ֢ֆ֢wֆ֢֢֢ֆjh3?5CJOJQJ^Jh3?h3?CJOJQJ^Jh3?CJOJQJ^Jhn B*CJOJQJ^Jphh3?hn 5CJOJQJ^J"h"{-hn 5CJOJQJ\^J"h"{-h"{-5CJOJQJ\^Jhn CJOJQJ^Jh"{-5CJOJQJ^Jh"{-hn 5CJOJQJ^J)#?%@%&& ' '''''(t(((`))*X*Y****+++++++h^hgd3?gdn ''''''((C(D(t(v((((((()))))))),*-*X*Y*^***+++,, ,,6,7,r,s,t,v,w,y,z,|,},,,ɷ誢h"{-CJOJQJ\^Jh_jh_Uhn CJOJQJ]^J"h3?hn 5CJOJQJ\^Jh3?5CJOJQJ\^Jh3?hn 5CJOJQJ^Jhn CJOJQJ^Jh3?CJOJQJ^J4++,,,Q,_,r,s,u,v,x,y,{,|,~,,,,, $Ifgd} $$Ifa$gdpgd h^hgd3?gdn ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ѿѿѿ|ohn CJOJQJ]^Jh_h"{-hrh"{-6!h)CJOJQJ^JmHnHuhph"{-CJOJQJ^J%jhph"{-CJOJQJU^J"hph"{-5CJOJQJ\^Jh"{-5CJOJQJ\^JhpR2h"{-CJOJQJ^Jhn h"{-CJOJQJ\^J,,,,,,gd gdi;Xkd$$Ifl0*!& t+644 layti;21h:pi;/ =!"#$% $$If!vh55##v#v#:V l t+655/ / ayti;^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH ZZ  8 Heading 1$<@&5CJ KH OJQJ\^JaJ PP 7[ Heading 2$@&5B*OJQJ\^Jph̙VV  8 Heading 3$<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJFF 7[ Heading 4$@&5OJQJ\^JJJ 7[ Heading 5$@&5CJOJQJ\^JPP 7[ Heading 6$@&5B*OJQJ\^Jph3fPP 7[ Heading 7$@&5B*OJQJ\^Jph33NN >?c Heading 8$ #<@&a$6]\ \ >?c Heading 9 $ #<@&a$CJOJQJ^JaJDA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List HH C Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJB'B Comment ReferenceCJaJ<<  Comment TextCJaJ@j@ Comment Subject5\~/2~ UPhx Numbering Heading & F h@&5CJOJQJ_HmH sH tH \1B\ UPhx Numbered List 1 & F<<5CJVARV UPhx Numbered List 2 & F hVAbV UPhx Numbered List 3 & F 8hVArV UPhx Numbered List 4 & F hXAX UPhx Numbered List 5 & F phXAX UPhx Numbered List 6 & F  hpfOf 8UPhx Heading 2 TOC$$,x@&a$56OJQJaJrOr 8UPhx Heading 1 F$$$<&d@&P6CJ$OJQJaJ4@4 ]Header  !4 4 ]Footer  !66 p Header CharCJaJ p!First-Level Bulleted List (Solid) & F 88^85CJOJQJ^JaJ p8Online/Ground Student Instructions (L1 Bullet + Italics) & F 88^856CJOJQJ^JaJ~~ p#Second-Level Bulleted List (Hollow) ! & F CJOJQJ^JaJd"d MObjective Bullet" & F hCJOJQJ^JaJD 2DM0Revision#CJ_HaJmH sH tH \/B\ 6UPhx Body Text 1 $<<OJQJ_HmH sH tH HARH 6UPhx Bulleted List % & F \Cb\  ,Body Text Indent!& p0^`02)q2 >?c Page NumberCJ0U0 >?c Hyperlink>*B*JJ >?cFooter-s)$ #a$CJ OJQJaJFVF >?cFollowedHyperlink >*B* phDAD >?cUPhx Body Text 2 +h^hDAD >?cUPhx Body Text 3 ,^DAD >?cUPhx Body Text 4 -8^8DAD >?cUPhx Body Text 5 .^DAD >?cUPhx Body Text 6 /^dd >?cUPhx Heading 30$&d@&P5B*CJphz/z >?cUPhx Heading 1$1$$<&d@&P6CJ$OJQJ_HmH sH tH b"b >?cUPhx Heading 2!2$,x&d@&P 5;CJB2B >?cUPhx Heading 3 xs3>B> >?cUPhx Heading 1 LT4JRJ >?cUPhx Heading 1 omit TOC5N/bN >?c UPhx Note65CJOJQJ_HmH sH tH PArP >?cUPhx Book Citation7h^h`X/X >?c UPhx Title 8@&5CJOJQJ_HmH sH tH JJ >?c UPhx Course #9;B*CJphHH >?cUPhx Course Title: B* phb1b >?cUPhx Num Head Alternate; & F h6CJX/X >?c UPhx Header<$a$6CJOJQJ_HmH sH tH ^/^ >?cUPhx Table Text =PPCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH NN >?cUPhx Table Text Center>$a$JJ >?cUPhx Table Title 1? 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