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A message being sent through the media must be ______ before it can be transmitted. *a. encoded b. decoded c. channeled d. reprocessed 3. _________ is where a media company uses its combined properties to promote each other and add value to the company. *a. Synergy b. Broadband networks c. E-commerce d. Competition 4. Short head media excel at delivering which of the following? *a. a limited amount of content to a large audience b. a wide range of content to a wide range of people c. products from the small, independent media d. books and songs that have been out of print for several years 5. A media scholar is looking at why so many Americans are watching Desperate Housewives on television. What kind of effects is this scholar looking for? a. message effects b. media effects c. ownership effects *d. active audience effects 6. A study that looks whether press coverage of budget deficits made audiences talk more about government spending would be an example of which of the following? *a. agenda setting b. uses and gratifications theory c. social learning d. spiral of silence 7. Printing was invented by which of the following. a. the Egyptians in about 3,000 BC *b. the Chinese prior to 200 AD c. the Koreans in 1200 AD d. the Germans in the 1450s AD 8. Which of the following was the first truly national magazine with a large circulation published in the United States? a. Atlantic Monthly. b. New Republic. c. The New Yorker. *d. The Saturday Evening Post. 9. _________ was a pioneer in photojournalism with her/his photos of the Civil War. *a. Mathew Brady b. Annie Leibovitz c. Richard Avedon d. Margaret Bourke-White 10. Colonial newspapers could be characterized by which of the following? a. objective reporting b. sensationalistic crime news *c. intensely partisan opinion writing d. in-depth investigative reporting. 11. Which paper is regarded as the first newspaper in the colonies? *a. Publick Occurrences b. the Pennsylvania Gazette c. the Boston News-Letter d. the New York Sun 12. What medium did Guglielmo Marconi help invent? a. television b. motion pictures c. recording industry *d. radio 13. Which of the following is the federal agency charged with regulating telecommunications, including radio and television broadcasting? a. FTC *b. FCC c. IRS d. FAA 14. Which of the following was first major movie with multiple scenes and a plot? a. The Jazz Singer b. Gone with the Wind *c. The Great Train Robbery d. E.T. 15. Who developed the earliest portable movie cameras? a. Thomas Edison *b. Auguste-Marie and Louis-Jean Lumiere c. Etienne-Jules Marey d. Eadweard Muybridge 16. Philo T. Farnsworth invented which of the following? a. the phonograph *b. the basic technology for television c. the FM radio transmitter d. digital cable service 17. The major company doing television ratings in the United States is which of the following? a. Time Warner *b. Nielsen Media Research c. SRI Consulting d. DBS, Inc. 18. The word cyberspace is used to mean which of the following? a. a computer pilot b. a science of communication and control theory *c. the Internet and interactions that take place there d. the future in outer space 19. Which of the following is the address for where Web pages are located? a. http *b. url c. HTML d. TCP 20. Several newspapers were initially prevented from printing the Pentagon Papers through the government's use of which of the following? a. libel law b. invasion of privacy law *c. prior restraint d. obscenity law 21. The law passed by Congress following the 9/11 attacks which expanded the ability of the FBI to look into people’s media use and tap their phones is known as which of the following? a. Smith Act b. Espionage Act *c. USA PATRIOT Act. d. First Amendment 22. Long tail media are characterized by which of the following? a. a high number of goods b. a low cost of reaching markets c. ease of finding obscure products *d. all of the above 23. Singer/actress Jessica Simpson has agreed to be the subject of a cover story for Premiere magazine, but she will only do the interview if the publisher lets her approve the writer and the photographer. This is an example of a/an ___________ controlling the content of the media. a. advertiser b. special interest group *c. news source d. audience 24. The _______ model says that a candidate’s success depends in part on how well his basic message connects with voters’ preexisting feelings. *a. resonance b. competitive c. two-step flow d. none of the above 25. A media scholar is trying to find out whether radio or television political ads are more persuasive. What kind of effects is he looking for? a. message effects *b. media effects c. ownership effects d. active audience effects 26. _____ was an important newspaper, magazine and book publisher in colonial and revolutionary America. a. Ida M. Tarbell *b. Benjamin Franklin c. Laurence A. Tisch d. John Rawls 27. Which of the following was the earliest form of writing? a. ideographs *b. pictographs c. phonography d. alphabets 28. Who or what were the Seven Sisters? a. a group of women journalists *b. seven women’s service magazines c. women who appeared in Playboy’s first issue d. suffragists who founded a magazine 29. Which of the following is the biggest circulating magazine in the United States? a. Sports Illustrated *b. AARP: The Magazine c. Ladies’ Home Journal d. People 30. Which of the following developments occurred during World War I? a. Amateurs helped decipher German radio signals. *b. The military took over radio broadcasting. c. David Sarnoff translated radio signals for codes. d. KDKA broadcast the results of the 1916 elections. 31. Edward R. Murrow is best remembered for which of the following? a. his reporting during the Vietnam War b. being the first radio disc jockey *c. his accounts from London in World War II d. reporting entertainment news from Hollywood 32. Who was the director of Birth of a Nation, the controversial silent film about the Civil War? a. Cecil B. DeMille b. Edwin Armstrong c. Charlie Chaplin *d. D.W. Griffith 33. Movie profitability is determined by which of the following? a. box office receipts b. home video sales c. the budget for making the film *d. all of the above 34. What is the fifth highest rated television network in the United States? a. the CW b. Telemundo *c. Univision d. Pax 35. Network affiliates are which of the following? a. promotional partners who do product placement on network shows b. partner cable networks that carry reruns of network programming *c. local broadcast stations that carry network programming d. the people who work at broadcast networks 36. People connect to the Internet using which of the following? a. wireless services b. telephone lines c. cable television lines *d. all of the above 37. World-wide, ____ percent of the population has access to the Internet. a. 4 *b. 16 c. 32 d. 73 38. The FCC’s Equal Time Provision requires that stations do which of the following? a. provide free air time to candidates. b. prohibit libelous information in political ads c. have “fair and balanced” newscasts. *d. give all candidates equal access to non-news air time. 39. The John Peter Zenger case established which of the following? *a. truth as an absolute defense against libel b. that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional c. the requirement to submit to government censorship was illegal d. “the right of the people peaceably to assemble 40. An audience member’s skills at decoding the artistic success of a new novel involves the _________ dimension of media literacy. a. cognitive b. emotional *c. aesthetic d. moral 41. A e-mail you send to your mother telling her you got a perfect report card would be called which of the following types of communication? a. intrapersonal communication *b. interpersonal communication c. group communication d. mass communication 42. According to media scholar and critic Ben Bagdikian, in 2004 approximately ____ corporations owned a majority of media outlets in the United States. *a. 5 b. 50 c. 500 d. 5000 43. The media in the United States are typically owned by which of the following? *a. private industry b. the government c. public cooperatives d. charitable foundations 44. A study that looks at why teenagers like to go to horror movies like Hostel or Saw would be an example of which of the following? a. agenda setting *b. uses and gratifications theory c. social learning d. mean world syndrome 45. A study that looks at how children acquire new behaviors by watching movies on television would be an example of which of the following? a. uses and gratifications theory b. symbolic interactionism c. media logic *d. social learning 46. What invention directly led to the production of inexpensive dime novels? a. Guttenberg’s typemold and printing press *b. the steam-powered rotary press c. desktop publishing programs on the Macintosh computer d. the Internet 47. A writing system where abstract symbols stand for an object or idea is which of the following? *a. ideographs b. pictographs c. phonography d. alphabets 48. A photographer goes onto private property and takes a picture of a woman sunbathing topless in her backyard. The woman could sue for which of the following? a. libel b. invasion of privacy misappropriation *c. invasion of privacy intrusion d. invasion of privacy false light 49. The belief that Americans should be allowed to freely express themselves originated with which of the following? a. Smith Act b. Espionage Act of 1918 c. 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