ࡱ> FHE bjbj o6xx  MMMMM$qqqq$Lq< $l3Mccc3MMHYYYc MM Yc YY@9#qmN^0,f |f f M,"Y Y337"ccccf   : Prayer Service for Holy Week Notes: If possible, before the service, place a cross in a place of prominence. In displaying it, you might like to use a cloth (purple) and/or some decoration of a stark nature. You might like to consider the use of percussion instruments after the words of the Reader to enhance the meaning of the text. If you choose to include the third part of this service Venerating the Cross you will need a suitable cross or crucifix. Depending on the chosen form of veneration, you might also need a cloth with which to wipe it. If the number is large, you may need more than one cross. A suitable song may be sung. Leader In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All Amen. Remembering the Passion of Jesus Reader (slowly) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Narrator These are the last words of Jesus in the Gospel according to Mark. We remember them now. As we come near the three special days in the life of Jesus, we recall the events that led to that moment. Reader (threatening) We must get rid of him. We must undo him. We must put an end to him. Narrator The chief priests planned to get rid of Jesus. Jesus shared the Last Supper with his friends. Reader (reverently) This is my body, which will be given up for you. This is my blood, which will be poured out for you. Do this in memory of me. Narrator Then they went to Gethsemane. Reader (suddenly) Arrest him! Arrest him! Take him! Tie him! Narrator And so it began that awful night that terrible night that cold night that cruel night Reader (haughtily) We dont need witnesses. We dont need proof. But we do need the Romans. They will do our dirty work. Narrator The Sanhedrin had him in their power. They took him to Pilate. Reader (with disbelief) The King of the Jews? The King of the Jews? Who says you are King of the Jews? Narrator Pilate brought him out to the people. Reader (shouting) Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him! Narrator There was something fishy here. Pilate didnt care. There was something wrong here. Pilate didnt bother. There was something that didnt add up here. Pilate took the easy way. Jesus got the hard way: the way of the cross. Reader (mocking) Hail King of the Jews! Hail King of the Jews! Hail King of the Jews! Narrator The soldiers beat him. The soldiers scourged him. They pushed him to Calvary. Reader Save yourself! Come down from the cross! Save yourself! Come down from the cross! Save yourself! Come down from the cross! Narrator The people jeered. The chief priest jeered. Those who were crucified with him jeered. And then it struck Reader (slowly) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Narrator Jesus was alone. Reader (slowly) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Narrator Jesus was unloved. Reader (slowly) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Narrator Jesus died (Pause) But there was another voice a voice that came at the end a voice of one who saw it all a voice with words when others had none left. Reader (reverently) Gods Son! Gods Son! Truly, this man was Gods Son! Acknowledging Our Sins Leader And now we pray: We admit that we have sinned as we say together: All I confess to almighty God Leader On our sins against people who are weaker than we are, Lord have mercy. All Lord have mercy! Leader On our sins against people whom we should respect, Lord have mercy. All Lord have mercy! Leader On our sins against people who are different from us, Lord have mercy. All Lord have mercy! Leader On our sins against nature and the environment, Lord have mercy. All Lord have mercy! Leader May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. All Amen. Venerating the Cross Leader We remember the love of Jesus for all. We reverence the cross. At this point, a song or chant is sung, e.g., Jesus Remember Me. One cross (or more if necessary) is brought to a central point. Either Students (and staff) come forward to venerate the cross. This may be done in one of several ways, e.g., kissing the cross, bowing before the cross, or genuflecting before the cross. or The cross may be carried in procession among the assembly. or The cross may simply be held up for a moment of silent veneration by all. Leader We bow our heads and pray for Gods blessing (Pause) May the Cross of Christ bring us hope in times of worry. May the Cross of Christ reassure us of Gods love. May the Cross of Christ inspire us to unselfish love. All Amen. Leader We go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All Thanks be to God A song may be sung. j k     F G q r c x & ' ; !*Ph$- c߹߭߭߭߹ߛߗߓ߭߹hh<h"hh<56OJQJ\]mH sH h\OJQJmH sH "hSx56OJQJ\]mH sH hhh\hSx6OJQJmH sH hSxOJQJmH sH hSxhSxhSx5OJQJmH sH 6%S j k    > i 4  & F$a$gdSx4 b c x % & ' ; l  !*<Oe`ew6OPh~ #$$-Ma  5Lcdm>?H[tgdcdm78?H "#FOcs{|HI]STdegk}-.04FM{|"h56OJQJ\]mH sH "hSx56OJQJ\]mH sH h\OJQJmH sH hSxOJQJmH sH hSxhhmH sH G  EFObcsHI]htUfgk|}/04EEFM} 2gdh< 29zGHO|'+/029ei}~𲡲}qqh\OJQJmH sH h\hSx6OJQJmH sH &hSx56CJOJQJ\]mH sH  h\6CJOJQJ]mH sH  hSx6CJOJQJ]mH sH h\ hSx\hh<hh<mH sH hh<mH sH  hh<\hOJQJmH sH hSxhSxOJQJmH sH ,29`yzGHO&'+129deizz{hSxmH sH 21h:ph. A!"#$% 9 01h:ph. 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