ࡱ> |~{q` +bjbjqPqP .Z::#####lJ$LLe$$$$$$$$ddddddd$6fhhd&$$&&d$$e+++&B$$d+&d++j^3d$$ 1#'f`2d$e0Le`J@i8)h@id3d@i3dt$v%T+l%D%$$$dd+$$$Le&&&&$!! Unit 4 Renaissance and Reformation True or False Write a (O) if the statement is false and a (+) if the statement is true. 1. Renaissance describes a time when people begin to ask questions and challenge old ideas. 2. Michelangelos artwork was considered late Renaissance. 3. The Great Schism involved kings. 4. Both the French Estates General and the British Parliament gave the people power like congress does in the United States. 5. The Magna Carta limits the power of the king. 6. Petrarch writes sonnets about love. 7. Chaucers uses his own vernacular to write about the Black Plague. 8. Michelangelo painted the Mona Lisa.. 9. Leonardo De Vinci painted the Last Supper. 10. Raphael sculpted David. 11. Machiavelli was a Prince during the Renaissance. 12. Boccacio and John Calvin have the same viewpoint on Gods control over destiny. 13. Fresco style paintings were Renaissance pieces because they were three-dimensional. 14. Reformation was a change in the way people viewed the church. * 15. Ignatius of Loyola was a protestant. 16. Martin Luther coined the term predetermination 17. John Calvin believed that indulgences were wrong and decided to write a letter to the local clergy about it. 18. Geoffrey Chaucer was considered a late Renaissance writer. Multiple Choice Select the best possible answer. 19. What did people value the most during the Renaissance? A. the king B. their independence C. the church D. science 20. All of the following are reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy, EXCEPT It was the center of Roman Catholicism. It was the center of trade between Asia and Europe. It had a growing number of urban areas. The Black Death passed by Italy and so they recovered quickest. 21. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Renaissance? Humanism Individualism Question reality Trusting authorities 22. What condition allowed for the Birth of the Renaissance? A. Increase in economic well being B. Increase in the number of universities. C. Rise of the Christian Church D. Increase of more urban areas 23. All of the following are strong reasons why Leonardo Michealangelos sculpture of David is considered Renaissancy, EXCEPT A. Davids aloof eyes illustrated mans quest to do some soul searching. Davids red tunic symbolized his passion for the church. Michaelangelos focus on the Classical Greek characteristics as depicted in Davids physique. Using different mediums, such as plaster, Michealangelo was able to capture the complexity and depth of Davids humanism. 24. Which of the following Renaissance pieces does NOT use the theme- Mans connection to God or Jesus - as a way to express Renaissance ideas? A. the Mona Lisa B. Divine Comedy C. the Last Super D. The Decameron 25. Which of the following Renaissance artists/writers was less likely to use the theme- Mans quest to do some soul searching- as a way to express Renaissance ideas? A. Leonardo De Vinci B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Petrarch D. Jan Van Eyck 26. Which of the following Renaissance pieces did NOT significantly focus on secular themes. A. Raphaels Wedding of the Virgin. B. Machiavellis The Prince. C. Mona Lisa by da Vinci D. The Wedding Portrait by Jan Van Eyck 27. Dantes Divine Comedy is considered a Renaissance piece in the following ways EXCEPT: A. Its use of symbolism. B. It questions the ideas of the church. C. Its use of classical themes. D. Its emphasis on themes of nature. 28. Thomas Mores book based on a Utopian society, challenged the ideas of the church because. A. It used profanity to tell a realistic story of peoples emotions B. It depicted a king with a great deal more power than the church C. It discussed his vision of a perfect world, which might suggest that heaven is not perfect. D. It outlined 95 suggested changes, he wanted to make with the Catholic Church 29. Which of the following BEST explains the different perspectives of Humanism between Machiavelli and Petrarch? Machiavelli takes humanism to a selfish extreme, while Petrarch is emotionally humanistic. Petrarch connected to others by writing a book about love, while Machiavelli wrote about compassion. Machiavelli interpreted humanism in sculpture whereas Petrarch interpreted the theme in paintings. Petrarch interprets humanism as a means to control the people whereas Machiavelli wrote about love. 30. Which of the following writers wrote a book highlighting everyday people trying to control their own fate? A. Machiavelli B. Shakespeare C. Boccaccio D. Martin Luther 31. Which of the following did NOT use the printing press to spread their ideas faster? A. Guttenberg B. Martin Luther C. Pope Gregory D. John Calvin 32. Which of the following is NOT an example of secularism? A. Bilingual education B. World traveling C. Multiple perspectives D. A Feudal System 33. Which of the following is a current day example of scholasticism? A. The theory that God sparked the process of evolution. B. Creationism a belief that god is absolute and created heaven and earth, out of nothing. C. Belief in the existence of Santa Clause D. The Big Bang Theory (not the t.v. series- but the scientific explanation that the earth was created by an ineffable explosion, trillions of degrees in temperature on any measurement scale, that was infinitely dense, created not only fundamental subatomic particles and thus matter and energy but space and time itself.) 34. Which of the following would NOT likely have the following bumper sticker on their car: Change is inevitable, growth optional? A. Boccacio B. Calvin C. Luther D. King Henry 35. Which of the following Renaissance concepts do NOT involve the influence of money? A. Medici Family B. Fresco C. Indulgences D. Urban Society 36. All of the following Renaissance writers wrote in their own vernacular EXCEPT? A. Martin Luther B. Shakespeare C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Boccacio 37. All of the following Renaissance writers strongly used Humanism to clearly connect to society EXCEPT. A. Boccacio B. Machiavelli C. Petrarch D. Shakespeare 38. All of the following were clergy members, EXCEPT A. Petrarch B. Martin Luther C. Thomas More D. John Calvin 39. Which of the following was NOT a complaint that Luther had of the Church? The Catholic churchs belief in pre-determination. The extreme wealth of the Church. The Pope had too much power. The selling of indulgences. 40. Which of the following was NOT a major principle behind Martin Luthers 95 Thesis? A. Everyones life is predetermined. B. Ones passage into Heaven was based on behavior. C. Everyone should be able to read the bible and interpret it for themselves. D. Everyone is equal. 41. What did the Catholic Church do to Martin Luther? They burned him at the stake. They excommunicated him. They made him a monk. They ordered him forced him to make a public apology. 42. Which of the following explains the purpose of the Edict of Worms? A. To restrict the Latin Bible to be written in ones own vernacular B. To ban and burn all written works by Martin Luther. C. A law which made indulgences illegal D. To be accepted into Heaven 43. How did King Henry the 8th Renaissance? He played tennis, rode horses, wrote music and played the flute. He was the father of profanity. He called the Pope a fake monk and was excommunicated. He created the Church of England because he wanted to do whatever he wanted. 44. The term pre-determination, suggests You have control over your life. Your life is already mapped out for you by a higher power. You make your own choices which guide your life. Somebody else tells you what to do. 45. Which was the result of the Reformation period? A. Removal of Pope during high religious ceremony. B. The spread of Catholicism through Jesuit teaching. C. Church of England coming back into the Catholic fold. D. A long lasting dispute between the Catholics and Protestants in Europe. $%&46 $ 0 O U V f m   ݷݷݰݦݰݠݠݠݔݰ썆}sh 0h 0CJ\h 05CJ\ hB[CJ\ hN(CJ\ hN(CJ h 0CJ hUCJhUhU5CJ hB[5CJhUhB[5CJhB[5CJ\aJhB[CJaJhB[6CJ] hB[CJhC`5CJ\hB[5CJ\h;q\hC`CJ$aJ$*%&  A B $ % k l   p q +  " # % & ' / 2 > ? 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