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When Cassius suggests killing Mark Antony after killing Caesar, Brutus says the conspirators should: a. Kill Antony b. Imprison Antony c. Exile Antony d. Leave Antony alone 5. When Portia asks Brutus what is bothering him (after the conspirators leave), Brutus: a. Tells her directly b. Becomes angry with her c. Lies to her, saying he is not well in health (physically) d. Gets drunk Caesar tells Decius that is wife does not want him to go to be crowned, because in her dream she saw: a. Lightning striking him dead in the street b. People bathing in blood flowing from a statue of him c. The conspirators plotting with Brutus d. A thousand years of darkness Decius appeals to Caesars arrogance by telling him that that Calpurnias dream actually means that he: a. Will invent electricity b. Will restore Rome to greatness c. Will discover the conspiracy d. Is immortal Artimedoruss purpose in writing his letter to Caesar is to: a. Warn him about the conspiracy b. Flatter him c. Ask his forgiveness d. Insult him Portia sends her servant Lucius to the capitol the day Caesar is to be crowned in order to: a. See Caesar be crowned b. Make sure Brutus is all right c. Boo at Caesar d.Kill Brutus When the Soothsayer appears at her house, Portia becomes worried because: a. He asks if she will give him a place to stay for the night b. He mentions that violence will occur when Caesar is crowned and she fears for Brutuss life c. He tells her he is going to kill Caesar himself d. He waves a knife at her Part 2 Essay: On the back of this paper, write a detailed (approximately half-page) response to ONE of the following questions. Be sure to give specific examples from the text to support your response. The concept of suspense drives much of the action in Act 2 of the play. Explain a). what makes an event or situation suspenseful, b). how the concept of suspense differs from the concept of surprise, and c). give an example of an event in the play that is suspenseful and explain why it is suspenseful. We understand that, rightly or wrongly, Brutus has entered into a conspiracy to kill Caesar. Having seen Brutuss actions with Cassius, Casca, and the other conspirators, explain a). what a conspiracy is, and b). explain how the conspiracy against Julius Caesar fits your definition. It was discussed how Caesars eventual destruction occurs largely because of his own arrogance: explain a). two of Caesars personality traits that make him arrogant and b). why each of those traits either allows him to be manipulated or puts him in danger (or both). %QRS\ ! * . 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