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Daniel Liang; Prentice-Hall, 2002 Other Requirements To develop programming in Java, students will use JBuilder of Borland ( HYPERLINK "http://www.borland.com" www.borland.com). JBuilder could be freely downloaded from Borland Website for single computer use only. The free version of JBuilder is designated as JBuilder Foundation. This textbook uses Jbuilder 9 Foundation and has a link to download. JBuilder 9 is sufficient for most of the programming assignments you will solve for this class. However the link for JBuilder 9 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/personal/" http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/personal/ ) does not exist anymore on Borlands Website. Presently two versions are available for FREE download from Borland Website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_jbuilder.html#" http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_jbuilder.html#) and they are Foundation 2005 (Release date: 10/26/2004) and Foundation X (Release date: 03/24/2004). Follow the instructions for it's downloading of anyone of these two versions. You should obtain your unique Serial number and Key from the Borland Web site. For buying older versions of JBuilder with nominal costs, visit  HYPERLINK "http://shop.borland.com" http://shop.borland.com. For older versions, obtain your unique Serial number and Key from the site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/offers/" http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/offers/ . The textbook has instructions to install the JBuilder. JBuilder uses JDK, a proprietary product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Visit their Web site ( HYPERLINK "http://java.sun.com/" http://java.sun.com/). Students should provide sufficient number of floppy disks for class programs and out-of-class assignments. Course Description ( as provided by Coppin State College Catalog 2000-2002) Not available at present. Course Learning Objectives and Students Competencies upon Completion: The main objective of the course is to learn Object-Oriented Programming using Java Programming Language. The primary emphasis of the course is on problem solving using the object-oriented language. By the end of this course, the student will be able to: understand the difference of Java Virtual Machine (interpreter) from other compilers (C/C++) develop a habit of good program design following the standard five-step life-cycle of software development (problem specification, analysis, design, implementation, and testing) in object-oriented software development paradigm use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like, JBuilder of Borland to build and test Java programs use classes and objects use predefined classes of Java create worker classes to model real-world objects understand class hierarchies, inheritance, interfaces, and abstract classes use important object-oriented programming language feature called Polymorphism use several predefined packages of Java create packages of their own understand the difference between an applet and an application develop graphics programming to draw graphical patterns using the AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) Graphical class of Java develop GUIs (graphical user interface) using Swing components use class Jframe to write applications that have GUIs use standard Java for Input/Output (JOptionPane, a part of Swing class) understand Java streams (streams of characters, binary streams, streams of objects) and Java Text Files use of Exception handlers in Java develop recursive programming in Java develop classes for data structures like, linked-lists, stacks, queues, and binary search trees use other advance features of Java Programming Language use knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming with Java for advanced studies and research Course Content and Outline will be available later Modes of Evaluation: Test 1: 10% Mid-Term Exam: 20% Test 2: 10% Final Exam 25% Programming Projects 15% Programs and out-of-class assignments: 20% _______________________________ Total 100% Programs and out-of-class assignments and Programming Projects will count for 35% of the final grade. Programs should be thoroughly debugged and clean. The source code and output should be turned in together along with the floppy disk containing the source code in an envelope. Program correctness will constitute 80% of the grade, style and originality the remaining 20%. Assignments (both programming and out of class assignments) submitted after the deadline will be docked 10%. If the solution of an assignment are discussed in the class and/or posted in the Web site, submission of that assignment will be closed. Tests, and exams will count for 65% of the final grade. Programming Projects will be assigned in appropriate phases of course progression. The projects may continue in parallel to other programming assignments. Sufficient time will be allowed to complete a Programming project. There will be at least two to three separate projects, including a review and writing a recent article or published research paper on Java programming language. Examinations. No makeup exam will be given. If you cannot attend the class to take the test due to some emergency or some unavoidable situation (such as serious illness, death in the family, participation in university sports and so on) you must notify me before the test and also you must validate your absence by providing me a document. However, for the valid test absence, the percentage weight of the test will be added to the percentage weight of the final exam. Modes of Instruction: Classes will consist of lectures accompanied by demonstrations of various programming techniques. Students will be assigned a number of out-of-class programs to be entered, debugged, and run on the computer. They will be given other written assignments on various occasions. Attendance Policy: Regular and punctual attendance is required. The College policy will be strictly adhered to--i.e, a maximum of six unexcused absences is allowed for a three credit course, four for a two credit course, and two for a one credit course. College-wide Writing Standards: The Mathematics/Computer Science adheres to the College's policies on writing standards. Plagiarism Policy: It will be taken for granted that any work that a student does for this course is her/his original work. Any violation of this rule constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism includes any form of cheating on examinations, tests, or quizzes, or any unacknowledged/undocumented use of another's writings or ideas, published or unpublished. A student who plagiarizes will receive an F for the project. Bibliography: Problem Solving with Java, 2nd ed.; Elliot Koffman and Ursula Wolz; Addison Wesley, 2002. ISBN 0-201-72214-3 The Java Programming Language, Third Edition; Arnold, Gosling, Holmes; The java Series from the Source; Sun Microsystems; Addison-Wesley, 2000; ISBN: 0201704331 On To JAVA 2, 3rd edition; Winston and Narasimhan; Addison-Wesley, 2001; ISBN: 0-201-72593-2 Thinking in Java, 2nd ed.; Bruce Eckel; Prentice-Hall, 2000. It has a free Web site for the entire book contents. Java How Ti Program, 3rd eds.; Deitel & Deitel; Prentice-Hall, 1999. Current edition is 4th. Big Java; Cay Horstmann; John Wiley & Sons, 2002 Introduction to Java and Software Design, Dale, Weems, and Headington; Jones and Bartlett, 2001 Fundamentals of Computer Science using Java; David Hughes; Jones and Bartlett, 2002.  / 0   1 8 9 l   ' = U Z ]  ϻٮϻ٧٣zjhXqU hXq>*h4[6>*]hz"6>*]hXq6>*]hDNh4[ h4[5>*jh4[5U h4[0J5jh4[5Ujh4[5U h4[5hXq hDN5CJ hXq5CJ hDN5 hXq5 hXq0J'+ / 0 ^ 8 9 \ l  ' g &d P gd4[&d P ^`gd4[&d P ^`gdDNgdDNgdDNgd4[gd4[$a$(      ` q  deq_uv=>cde|}޼ޱè⤑jhPUjhXqUhPhG8hH^t0JjhH^tU hcBOhH^tjhH^tUhcBOjyhXqUh4[hH^thXq hXq0JjhXqUjhXqU5+,0l()89DE^tuVn{D!E!Y!n""l####%%%%޹ީ޹ޢޒ޹޹޹ދ޹ޢ hXq@ hXq5@hDNhXqCJOJQJaJ hXqaJhhXqCJOJQJ hXqCJ hXq5\ hXq5 hXq0JjhXqUjhXqUhXqhP hP0JjhPUjhPU2lx[.zM<6$ & Fa$$a$ $7$8$H$a$()*E^_u2@nD! ]^ $7$8$H$a$*$ `^`a$ $7$8$H$a$$a$ *$ & F `a$$ & Fa$D!E![!n""l####%%%%&&m'''[((( $7$8$H$a$ ]^%%%%&& ''''''( hXqH*hXqhXq6H*] hXq6] +0P/ =!"#$%'0&PP/ =!"#$%DyK sray@coppin.eduyK .mailto:sray@coppin.eduDyK http://faculty.coppin.edu/srayyK >http://faculty.coppin.edu/srayDyK www.borland.comyK 0http://www.borland.com/DyK *http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/personal/yK Thttp://www.borland.com/jbuilder/personal/{DyK Bhttp://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_jbuilder.html#yK http://www.borland.com/products/downloads/download_jbuilder.htmlDyK http://shop.borland.comyK 2http://shop.borland.com/DyK (http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/offers/yK Phttp://www.borland.com/jbuilder/offers/DyK http://java.sun.com/yK *http://java.sun.com/-L@L Normal 1$ddCJ_HhmH sH tH F@F Heading 1$1$@&5hJ@J Heading 2$1$@& 5CJhZ@Z Heading 3$$7$8$@&H$a$ 5\aJhDA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List BOB Definition Term JOJ Definition Listh^h0O0 Definition62O2 H1$@& 5CJ0KH$.O. 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