ࡱ> L N 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K E@ bjbj ` \   Xx \?44444JYuF?H?H?H?H?H?H?@RBH?___H?44]?[t[t[t_44F?[t_F?[t([ttxy4( ^ ;dzxys?0?xCfC4y\\CyJ5&[t#tSB@H?H?\\ĝ ]k\\ Pool Play - Round 1 9:20:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. Where does the next batter wait for his turn at bat in baseball? Answer: In the on-deck circle1010Question 2. How many points are scored for a football field goal? Answer: 31010Question 3. Which American president has a varied career as a Navy officer, nuclear engineer, successful farmer, businessman, and governor? Answer: Jimmy Carter1010Question 4. What instrument was the first means of telling time? Answer: Sundial1010Question 5. The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, served as a fort, and many men died defending it. What was the Alamo before it was turned into a fort? Answer: Mission or church or convent or hospital1010Question 6. What South American country is largest on the continent? Answer: Brazil1010Question 7. A shaggy, gigantic, manlike creature is known as Sasquatch to the Pacific Northwest Indians. What do we call this legendary creature? Answer: Bigfoot1010Question 8. An ailing worker rescued by Canadian pilots from what place, after five days of weather delays, is back in the USA? Answer: The South Pole1010Question 9. I'll name the first half of three famous pairs, and you name the other half: Sacco and ________; Tweeldedum and __________; Amos and ____. Answer: (In order) Vanzetti, Tweedledee, Andy1010Question 10. Keith Lockhart is the current conductor of which orchestra, previously under the baton of such notables as Arthur Fiedler and John Williams? Answer: Boston Pops Orchestra (He also serves as conductor of the Utah Symphony Orchestra.)1010Question 11. An adjective modifies a noun. What three parts of speech does an adverb modify? Answer: Verb, adjective, or another adverb1010Question 12. An alphabetized list of the fifty states of the Union would begin with Alabama and end with what state? Answer: Wyoming1010Question 13. Madison Avenue represents the American advertising industry. Another New York street represents American finance and the stock market. What is it? Answer: Wall Street1010Question 14. What is the difference between cavalry and Calvary? Answer: Cavalry is a mounted military unit. Calvary is the hill where Jesus Christ was crucified.1010Question 15. Prince Henry the Navigator Answer: Portuguese1010Question 16. The United States Supreme Court opens on the traditional first Monday in October. How many justices are there on the Court? Answer: 91010Question 17. Antoine Lavoisier has been called the Father of Modern Chemistry. Who is called the Father of Psychoanalysis? Answer: Sigmund Freud1010Question 18. THE WALRUS AND THE CARPENTER is a ballad depicting the trials and tribulations of some oysters. Who wrote the poem? Answer: Lewis Carroll1010Question 19. Stone Mountain, Georgia, measures about two miles long, one mile wide, and is the largest stone mountain in North America. What kind of stone is it? Answer: Granite1010Question 20. Saudi Arabias religious police have declared what dolls a threat to morality, complaining that the revealing clothes of the toyalready banned in the kingdomare offensive to Islam? Answer: Barbie1010Question 21. A baseball player comes to the plate 5 times. He is hit by a pitch, he strikes out, he draws a base on balls, he singles, and he knocks a sacrifice fly. What is his batting average for the game? Answer: .5001010Question 22. The first commercially successful steamboat was designed and built by Robert Fulton. What was the name of the vessel? Answer: Clermont1010Question 23. Ben is 9 years old; Sam is 7; Greg, 4; and Marvin, 8. What is the average age of these four boys? Answer: 71010Question 24. A father and son made wings of wax and flew with them. The son flew too close to the sun, which melted the wax, and he plunged to his death. Can you identify this mythological pair? Answer: Daedalus and his son Icarus1010Question 25. Numerous new Internet foliage cams are giving viewers daily or weekly updates as well as live looks at what annual event, popular especially in New England? Answer: The changing of the autumn tree colors1010Question 26. In 1628, an English doctor demonstrated how the human blood circulates. Who was he? Answer: William Harvey1010Question 27. What unit of mass is abbreviated by the letters kg? Answer: Kilogram1010Question 28. It's the eighth largest country in the world. Its neighbors are Bolivia and Paraguay to the north; Chile to the west; Uruguay to the east; and Brazil to the northeast. What is the country? Answer: Argentina1010Question 29. How many others were crucified with Jesus Christ? Answer: 21010Question 30. Is the heroine of PETER PAN named Becky Sharp, Wendy Darling, Dorothy Gale, or Lorna Doone? Answer: Wendy Darling1010Question 31. Ted Turner has started a restaurant chain, Ted's Montana Grill, where he is turning what animals into burgers and, in the process, hoping to build what he calls "another great fortune"? Answer: Bison (Accept buffalo.)1010Question 32. The United States participated in World War II for a period of how many years: one, two, three, or four? Answer: Four1010Question 33. AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS, JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, and 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA, are all books that have been made into adventure movies. Do you know the 19th century French author who wrote the novels? Answer: Jules Verne1010Question 34. Known as the crossroads of the Pacific, this port city serves as the stopping point for ships and planes crossing the Pacific Ocean. Located on the island of Oahu, it is the capital and largest city of Hawaii. Name the city. Answer: Honolulu1010Question 35. What world leader said that he would have resigned had there been any truth to a report that his government had embellished an intelligence dossier on Iraq with dubious information? Answer: British Prime Minister Tony Blair1010Question 36. What TV quiz show did blind sportswriter Eddie Timanus become a five-day champion on, in 2001? Answer: Jeopardy1010Question 37. What period of the year begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday? Answer: Lent1010Question 38. What do we call a natural electrical discharge in the sky? Answer: Lightning 1010Question 39. Sometimes it is possible to use exact numbers, but when numbers become very large or change very fast, exact numbers may be impossible to arrive at. Data is often reported in this way. What mathematical term describes these estimates? Answer: Rounded numbers1010Question 40. Who had a teddy bear named Winnie the Pooh? Answer: Christopher Robin1010Question 41. Who attempted to turn West Point over to the British in 1780? Answer: Benedict Arnold1010Question 42. Prior to this years victory over the Atlanta Braves, when was the last time the Chicago Cubs won a postseason series? Answer: 19081010Lightning Round LETTERS-Each of the following descriptions leads to a single letter of the-alphabet. For example, if I said niacin, you'd say B as in B-12.12Question 43. Operation Overlord Answer: D (D-Day)55Question 44. The time for an attack to begin Answer: H (H-hour)55Question 45. An elementary particle Answer: Z or W55Question 46. A military food Answer: K or C (K/C rations)55 SHAKESPEARE-Name these Shakespearean characters.12Question 47. She was driven mad by Hamlet. Answer: Ophelia55Question 48. He kills his wife, then executes himself when he learns of her innocence. Answer: Othello55Question 49. Hamlet kills this king. Answer: Claudius55 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE- The three colors of the flag appear in other places, too. In this quiz I want you to tell me what color is:12Question 50. A sapphire Answer: Blue55Question 51. Which is hottest--red, white, or blue? Answer: Blue55Question 52. Turquoise Answer: Blue55Question 53. Azurite Answer: Blue55 SUN-Louis XIV was called the Sun King. Come up with these other sunny items.12Question 54. Prostration from extreme heat is . . . Answer: Sunstroke55Question 55. An ancient instrument for measuring time Answer: Sundial55Question 56. Norway Answer: Land of the Midnight Sun55 Unique is what you seek in this category.12Question 57. The only metal that is a liquid at room temperature. Answer: Mercury55Question 58. The only four-letter word ending in eny. Answer: Deny55Question 59. The oldest living thing in the U.S. is named for a Civil War general. It is located in Sequoia National Park. What is its name? Answer: General Sherman Big Tree55Question 60. Identify the only President who served more than two terms. Answer: Franklin Roosevelt55 EXECUTIONS- Here's a list of people well-remembered by history, some for their crimes, some for their goodness, all executed by the legal system of their day. How were they executed?12Question 61. Jesus Christ Answer: Crucifixion55Question 62. Nathan Hale Answer: Hanged without a trial55Question 63. Maximilien de Robespierre Answer: Guillotined55 WHOSE WHAT?- The answers are things that belong to someone; for example, if I said Aesop's, you'd say Fables.12Question 64. Halley's Answer: Comet55Question 65. Pandora's Answer: Box55Question 66. Dante's Answer: Inferno55 LEGAL TERMS- Provide the word or expression used by the legal profession to describe the given data.12Question 67. An individual's assets. Answer: Estate (net worth)55Question 68. To revoke an attorney's right to practice. Answer: Disbar55Question 69. Money paid for support of spouse. Answer: Alimony55Question 70. A document issued for purpose of travel outside the country. Answer: Passport55 I will name four trophies and you name each sport.12Question 71. Davis Cup Answer: Tennis55Question 72. Walker Cup Answer: Golf 55Question 73. America's Cup Answer: Yacht racing 55Question 74. Stanley Cup Answer: Ice hockey 55 Pool Play - Round 2 9:40:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. Tell me exactly where the earth, sun, and moon are during both a solar and lunar eclipse. Answer: Solar eclipse--the moon passes between the earth and sun. Lunar eclipse--the earth passes between the moon and sun.1010Question 2. Edward Gibbon wrote THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Who wrote THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USSHER? Answer: Edgar Allan Poe1010Question 3. New textbooks are being printed but they are not expected to be available until November, so until then Iraqi students will tear out pictures and draw lines through references to whom in a de-Baathication process? Answer: Saddam1010Question 4. The English colony at Fort Rawley on Roanoke Island failed after many hardships. Roanoke Island was then considered part of an area called Virginia. What state is it part of today? Answer: North Carolina1010Question 5. The U.S. will impose economic sanctions on Cuba, North Korea and Myanmar for failing to take steps to stop what sort of trafficking? Answer: Humans for modern-day slavery1010Question 6. Which American President lost a great deal of popularity because of the failure of his attack on the Bay of Pigs in Cuba? Answer: John F. Kennedy1010Question 7. A group of similar cells is called a tissue. What do scientists call a group of similar tissues? Answer: An organ1010Question 8. This baseball championship is played annually at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Answer: Little League1010Question 9. October 4, 1957, was the day the Space Age started with the launching of a Russian spacecraft. What was it called? Answer: Sputnik1010Question 10. Who is zero called the identity number of addition? Answer: Adding zero to any number of any number to zero does not change the value of the number.1010Question 11. I am; he is; they ___? Answer: Are1010Question 12. Late maturity or old age in a river is characterized by : (a) a straight course, (b) rapids, (c) meanders and oxbow lakes, or (d) sharp divides? Answer: (c) meanders and oxbow lakes1010Question 13. The prime minister of which Southeast Asian nation recently told a summit of Islamic leaders that Muslims should unite nonviolently against "Jewish domination"? Answer: Malaysia1010Question 14. Both he and the headless horseman were in love with Katrina, in the story THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW by Washington Irving. Name this character. Answer: Ichabod Crane1010Question 15. Name the capitals of these three states: Florida, Vermont, Delaware. Answer: (In order) Tallahassee, Montpelier, Dover1010Question 16. It's 1/4 the size of the earth, has 1/6 the gravity, has no weather, no sound, no light. What is it? Answer: Moon1010Question 17. An early Gothic cathedral completed in 1250. Answer: Notre Dame1010Question 18. Name the immortal literary character who exchanges his mother's cow for a handful of beans. Answer: Jack1010Question 19. Which planet has the most moons? Answer: Saturn1010Question 20. Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Who was the first of the twelve apostles to be martyred? Answer: James1010Question 21. There are two types of breast stroke used in the National Swimming Championships. One is the regular breast stroke. What's the other? Answer: Butterfly1010Question 22. Who is the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency? Answer: Former Utah Governor Mike Leavitt1010Question 23. What company introduced its new combination cell phone and game console, in attempt to wrest control of the market from Nintendo? Answer: Nokia1010Question 24. Radio stations throughout the United States must have a name that contains three or four letters in the alphabet, the first of which must be one of only two letters allowed by the FCC. Name these two letters. Answer: K, W1010Question 25. Peking is the capital of China. What is the capital of Taiwan? Answer: Taipeh1010Question 26. In what play by Arthur Miller is Willy Loman the title character? Answer: DEATH OF A SALESMAN1010Question 27. Typically, it is made of diced apples, celery, and nuts dressed with mayonnaise. This salad was named for a famous hotel in new York City. Can you name it? Answer: Waldorf Salad1010Question 28. What familiar zoo animal has an appetite for insects, especially termites and ants? Its long snout and tongue enable it to burrow under the earth for dinner. Answer: Anteater1010Question 29. A recent report in the journal Nature finds that certain wide-ranging carnivores do so poorly in captivity that zoos should either drastically improve their conditions or stop keeping them altogether. Name any two of the wide-ranging carnivores mentioned in the report. Answer: Polar bears, Lions, Tigers, Cheetahs 1010Question 30. Who is called the Father of our Country? Answer: George Washington1010Question 31. Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence: "I wanted to just shake his hand." Answer: split infinitive1010Question 32. Killing an albatross causes disaster in what famous poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge? Answer: THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER1010Question 33. What street is celebrated as the Cradle of Jazz? Answer: Bourbon Street1010Question 34. John Milton wrote PARADISE LOST. Who wrote PARADISE REGAINED? Answer: John Milton1010Question 35. Students arriving at what Ivy League university found more than 2,500 workers on strike, adding to the reputation as having the most contentious labor relations of any university in the nation? Answer: Yale University1010Question 36. Whom did Stephen Foster dream of "with the light brown hair"? Answer: Jeannie1010Question 37. Winnie the Pooh's donkey friend likes to eat thistles. What is the name of this strange creature? Answer: Eeyore1010Question 38. Today we shop in a variety of stores and we pay with cash, checks, or charge it. But in the simpler days of our country's economy, when most Americans lived on farms, much trade involved the exchange of crops, such as corn or tobacco, for cloth or nails or sugar or other goods. What term describes this simple method of trade? Answer: barter1010Question 39. Kilauea is a volcano located on what Pacific island? Answer: Hawaii1010Question 40. If one box of saltines weighs 1 1/3 pounds, how much do five boxes weigh? Answer: 6 2/3 pounds1010Question 41. Tell me the difference between a carnivore, a herbivore, and an omnivore. Answer: Carnivore eats meat. Herbivore eats plants. Omnivore eats both.1010Question 42. Alabamas suspended Chief Justice Roy Moore is sending an offer of giving what item to the Congressional leadership, and the office of Rep. Tom DeLay is researching who has the authority to decide whether to accept it? Answer: Ten Commandments monument1010Lightning Round BIBLICAL REGRETS- We're going to take a less-than-serious look at Bible characters who made famous mistakes. In fact, imagine them saying, I have but one regret. Next time . . . 12Question 43. I won't taunt any little kid with a slingshot. Answer: Goliath55Question 44. I won't start to doubt until I'm back in the boat. Answer: Peter55Question 45. I won't eat fruit off strange trees. Answer: Adam and Eve55 U.S.A.-I'll give you product-clues, and you name the state.12Question 46. The pineapple center of the United States is in what state? Answer: Hawaii55Question 47. Of Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, and New York, which state makes more than one-half the firearms and ammunition in the United States? Answer: Connecticut55Question 48. What state is largely known for raising race horses? Answer: Kentucky55 MAMMAL, BIRD, OR FISH?-I'll name it and you classify it.12Question 49. Cassowary Answer: Bird55Question 50. Skate Answer: Fish55Question 51. Petrel Answer: Bird55Question 52. Chamois Answer: Mammal55 AFRICA12Question 53. Name the mountain range located in the northwestern part of the continent. Answer: Atlas Mountains55Question 54. Rank Africa among the seven continents in terms of size. Answer: Second55Question 55. Papyrus is a water plant that now grows mainly in the upper Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptians used this plant for what purpose? Answer: Paper55Question 56. What animal is generally associated with desert travel? Answer: Camel55 ELEMENTS-The names of elements of the Periodic Table are contained in the words and expressions here described. Identify the elements.12Question 57. A tissue used for copying. Answer: Carbon, as in carbon paper55Question 58. A color of women's hair popular in the 30's. Answer: Platinum, from platinum blonde55Question 59. California electronics manufacturing region. Answer: Silicon, as in Silicon Valley55 FLORIDA12Question 60. This large city is close to Disney World. Answer: Orlando55Question 61. This is the largest city. Answer: Jacksonville55Question 62. This is the southernmost city. Answer: Key West55 WHERE-Where are these volcanoes?12Question 63. Mauna Loa Answer: Hawaii55Question 64. Kilimanjaro Answer: Africa55Question 65. Mt. Etna Answer: Sicily55Question 66. Paricutin Answer: Mexico55 ALPHABETICS- Each answer will begin with a different letter: the first with an h, the second with an i, and so forth.12Question 67. One of the most important drugs used for heart disease. Answer: Nitroglycerine55Question 68. Word which describes massive bleeding. Answer: Hemorrhaging55Question 69. This major port is the capital of Ukraine. Answer: Kiev55 Pool Play - Round 3 10:00:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. Rudyard Kipling's short story called RIKKI TIKKI TAVI is a fable about a lot of animals. What kind of animal is the title character? Answer: A mongoose1010Question 2. It contains more 3 1/2 million letters, 700,000+ words, more than 30,000 verses, more than 1,100 chapters, and 66 books. What am I talking about? Answer: The Bible1010Question 3. Subtract 42.67 from 38.5, and give me the answer to the nearest hundredth. Answer: -4.171010Question 4. What is a mixed number? Answer: An integer with a fraction1010Question 5. What's the Earth's nearest neighbor in space? Answer: The Moon1010Question 6. Which member of the Bush administration visited a mass grave site and a Saddam Hussein execution chamber, paying grim homage to atrocities of the deposed Iraqi presidents rule? Answer: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld1010Question 7. The process of forcing milk through a strainer fine enough to break up the fat globules, is called what? Answer: Homogenization1010Question 8. Lord Kelvin was the British physicist who devised the absolute temperature scale. What scientist developed the Centigrade scale? Answer: Celsius1010Question 9. Hewlett-Packard, setting its sights on customers of struggling rival Sun Microsystems, offered them $25,000 in free services to switch to H-P PCs that run what operating system? Answer: Linux1010Question 10. Find the next number in this sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 . . . Answer: 211010Question 11. If you were offered your choice of a Bartlett, Bosque, or Anjou, what is it you would be choosing? Answer: Pears1010Question 12. He is the subject of some of the poems in A. A. Milne's WHEN WE WERE VERY YOUNG. He was Winnie the Pooh's human friend. Name him. Answer: Christopher Robin1010Question 13. Scotland is most famous for what musical instrument? Answer: Bagpipes 1010Question 14. Hu Jintao has called for a larger public role in democratic election processes and in that countrys government. Hes the president of which country? Answer: China1010Question 15. "I know there's a need for news conferences in the morning, but we've got breakfast to put out." That's a school lunch lady in Minnesota dutifully serving up French toast fingers just a day after she and 14 of her cafeteria coworkers did what? Hint: The odds that they would do it were something like 120 million to 1. Answer: Won the lottery (Powerball; almost all the winners say they will keep their jobs, but from now on, nobody will dare complain about the potatoes.)1010Question 16. In what story would you find the Cheshire Cat? Answer: ALICE IN WONDERLAND1010Question 17. A 1997 news story referred to the Tienanmen Square massacre as "the late one's darkest hour." Who was the late one? Answer: Deng Xiaoping1010Question 18. The noun "altar" means the raised platform where religious sacrifices were made. What does the verb "alter" mean? Answer: To change1010Question 19. Logging in Indonesia is threatening the existence of what primates which live only there and in Malaysia ? Answer: Orangutans1010Question 20. Its chemical formula is FeS(2). Technically, it's called iron sulfide, or iron pyrites. It is shiny yellow; it occurs abundantly as a native ore. In popular terms, what is it called? Answer: Fool's gold1010Question 21. Divide 45 by 1/5. What's the answer? Answer: 2251010Question 22. Who said he wont rule out recusing himself or appointing an outside special counsel to investigate the leak of a CIA officers identity? Answer: Attorney General John Ashcroft1010Question 23. She was chained to a rock to be devoured by a sea monster, but was rescued by Perseus. Daughter of Cassiopeia, she was placed among the stars after her death. What is her name? Answer: Andromeda1010Question 24. Many kings named Edward have ruled England. Which one abdicated his throne in favor of marriage to the American woman Mrs. Allis Warfield Simpson? Answer: Edward VIII1010Question 25. Which explorer first explored New Zealand and surveyed the east coast of Australia: was it Captain Bligh, Captain Cook, Captain Kidd, or Captain Hook? Answer: . Cook1010Question 26. Which of the following figures represents the number of inches in a meter: 29.27, 36.92, 39.37, or 43.46? Answer: 39.371010Question 27. General Grant and General Lee fought on opposite sides during the War Between the States. In what war did they fight on the same side? Answer: Mexican War1010Question 28. Botany is the branch of science dealing with the study of plants. What branch of science involves the study of fossils? Answer: Paleontology1010Question 29. Most American Presidents have been elected by either of which two political parties? Answer: Republicans or Democrats1010Question 30. Gov. Gray Davis received help in his recall election from what former president? Answer: Bill Clinton1010Question 31. Only one of our fifty states was an independent country, recognized by the United States, before it became a state. Was that state Alaska, Arizona, or Texas? Answer: Texas1010Question 32. Popular among Italian Renaissance artists was art in which the Virgin Mary was the central figure. What are such portraits called? Answer: Madonnas1010Question 33. What left-handed professional golfer has been pitching batting practice (throwing right-handed) for the Toledo Mud Hens, a minor league baseball team, in hopes he can actually pitch in a game? Answer: Phil Mickelson1010Question 34. What state capital is the home of Vanderbilt University? Answer: Nashville1010Question 35. If the sum of the edges of a cube is 48 inches, what is the volume of the cube? Answer: 64 cubic inches1010Question 36. Who led the German Nazi effort in World War II? Answer: Adolf Hitler1010Question 37. What part of an insect corresponds to the human chest? Answer: Thorax1010Question 38. What country put the first man on the moon? Answer: United States1010Question 39. Gorilla, the ape, is spelled G-O-R-I-L-L-A. How do you spell guerilla, the fighter? Answer: G-U-E-R-I-L-L-A or G-U-E-R-R-I-L-L-A1010Question 40. This word describes the code of honor of the knights during the Middle Ages. Blameless behavior, courtesy, and respect for women are among the elements of the code. What word am I looking for? Answer: Chivalry1010Question 41. Modern machine gun Answer: Gatling1010Question 42. What was the largest city in Europe in the 1700's? Answer: Paris1010Lightning Round ANIMALS12Question 43. Which of the following is not a type of whale: humpback, bowhead, pygmy, bluenose? Answer: Bluenose55Question 44. Which of the following is not a breed of beef cattle: Hereford, Guernsey, Shorthorn, or Brahman? Answer: Guernsey55Question 45. Were cats first tamed by the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, or the Siamese? Answer: Egyptians55 RUSSIA12Question 46. What is the official language of Russia? Answer: Russian55Question 47. The Soviet Union was known by what initials? Answer: U.S.S.R.55Question 48. Name the first popularly elected President of Russia. Answer: Boris Yeltsin55 YOUR WARSHIP12Question 49. The first warships recorded sailed on what river? Answer: Nile55Question 50. Did the early Norsemen invade the British Isles, Rome, Egypt, or India? Answer: British Isles55Question 51. During World War II, the conflict in the Pacific began with the Japanese attack against what site? Answer: Pearl Harbor55 U.S.A.-Name the large city from its location.12Question 52. In southeastern Texas, near the Gulf of Mexico. Answer: Houston55Question 53. At the east end of Lake Erie, on the Niagara River. Answer: Buffalo55Question 54. In southwestern Tennessee, on the Mississippi River. Answer: Memphis55 ANIVERBS- Human behavior can often be described most vividly by using a verb derived from the name of an animal.12Question 55. To trick by using ingenuity or cunning Answer: Fox55Question 56. To move, crawl, or drag with a serpentine movement Answer: Snake55Question 57. To mimic Answer: Ape55 CALIFORNIA-Answer these questions about the Golden Bear State.12Question 58. This is the state's most famous bridge. Answer: Golden Gate Bridge55Question 59. What took place at 5:13 A.M. on April 18, 1906? Answer: San Francisco earthquake55Question 60. What Steinbeck novel deals with people moving from the dust bowl to California during the Depression? Answer: THE GRAPES OF WRATH55Question 61. This Neil Simon play is set at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Answer: CALIFORNIA SUITE55 GALS-Name these gals--words that begin with G A L.12Question 62. A festive occasion Answer: Gala55Question 63. A sailor's name for the kitchen Answer: Galley55Question 64. The fastest pace of any animal Answer: Gallop55 CHILDREN-Name these famous children or teenagers.12Question 65. The child who on August 18, 1587, became the first English baby born in America. Answer: Virginia Dare55Question 66. She lived in the White House during the Clinton administration. Answer: Chelsea55Question 67. The Austrian prodigy who at the age of 5 composed Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Answer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart55 Pool Play - Round 4 10:20:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. Was Peru once ruled by the Aztecs, the Toltecs, the Incas, or the Mayas? Answer: Incas1010Question 2. What state capital is nearest the equator? Answer: Honolulu1010Question 3. What is the product of .831 and .30? Answer: .24931010Question 4. He was born in 1847 in Missouri. At the age of 15, he joined the Confederate forces and earned a reputation for marksmanship and great daring. At the end of the war, he was declared an outlaw, and with his brother Frank, he formed a band of bank and train robbers. Name him. Answer: Jesse James1010Question 5. In the Bible, who received a kiss just before his betrayal? Answer: Jesus Christ1010Question 6. Several congressmen at the time of the Civil War felt that the states should keep many rights, such as the right to secede from the Union. Which state was the first to vote to secede? Answer: South Carolina 1010Question 7. Which of these words is out of place: sway, stride, saunter, stroll? Answer: Sway (The others are ways of walking.)1010Question 8. If a car can travel 12,000 miles on a set of four tires, how many miles can the same car go using five new tires and changing them from time to time? Answer: 15,0001010Question 9. One summer week 2,191 persons visited the community swimming pool. If the pool is open daily, what is the average number of people who visited the pool each day? Answer: 3131010Question 10. Name the fur-trading post established in 1811 by John Jacob Astor, of New York, in the Oregon territory. Answer: Astoria1010Question 11. George contracted to drive his own truck to haul oranges from Miami, Florida, to Bangor, Maine--a distance of 2,800 kilometers. If George averages 52 kilometers per hour, how many hours should the trip take? Answer: 54 hours1010Question 12. Add 4 1/3 + 5/6 + 6 5/8. Answer: 11 19/241010Question 13. Former POW Jessica Lynch has agreed to a $1 million book deal with which publishing house? Answer: Alfred A. Knopf1010Question 14. Panama hats are made from toquilla fiber, but they are not made in Panama. Where are they made? Answer: Ecuador1010Question 15. Three customers entered the convenience store. Now there are 11 customers in the store. How many were there before the 3 entered? Answer: 81010Question 16. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, winding up a two-day visit in Iraq, came to Halabja on Sept. 15 to the site of the mass graves and a memorial museum dedicated to the 5,000 people who lost their lives in what kind of attack in 1988 -- a reminder, he said, of why the United States went to war to oust Saddam Hussein's regime. Answer: Chemical attack1010Question 17. Every complete sentence must contain a subject and this part, containing the verb. Name it. Answer: Predicate1010Question 18. If a rancher has 37 cattle and then buys "x" more, what mathematical expression would represent the rancher's total livestock? Answer: 37 + x1010Question 19. Name either one of the two official languages of Belgium. Answer: Flemish or French1010Question 20. Maurice Clarett, the suspended sophomore running back for Ohio State, sued the National Football League, asking that a judge throw out a league rule that prohibits a player from entering the League until how many years after high school? Answer: Three1010Question 21. Jamestown, Virginia, was the first permanent English settlement in America. What was the second? Answer: Plymouth, Massachusetts1010Question 22. The Intel Corporation said its third-quarter profit more than doubled and exceeded its own forecasts based on strong sales to which two continents? Answer: Asia and Europe1010Question 23. Although executives admit that the changes may be extreme, many companies are reducing or eliminating what method of communication in order to stop the spread of disruptive viruses and spam? Answer: E-mail1010Question 24. A study released by the United Nations labor agency reveals that what nations workers are the worlds most productive at $60,728 output per worker last year? Answer: The United States1010Question 25. According to The Princeton Review, the five toughest colleges to get into are two service academies and three Ivy League schools. Name them all. Answer: West Point (Army), Annapolis (Navy), Princeton, Harvard, Yale1010Question 26. MARSEILLAISE Answer: France 1010Question 27. A character in a famous American novel survives a shipwreck by clinging to a coffin. The author is Herman Melville. The title is MOBY DICK. Who is the character? Answer: Ishmael1010Question 28. There are 16 ounces to a pound. How many pounds make up a short ton? Answer: 2,0001010Question 29. Proliferate means to spread rapidly. What does prognosticate mean? Answer: To predict or foretell1010Question 30. Mr. Kendall is eleven times as old as his daughter Lynn. If Lynn is four years old, how old is Mr. Kendall? Answer: 441010Question 31. The esophagus is the tube joining the throat and the stomach. What is a sarcophagus? Answer: A tomb or stone coffin1010Question 32. What two 80s bands one with Steve Tyler and the other with Gene Simmons are having such a successful tour together that they have extended their schedule of performances by adding 24 dates? Answer: Arrowsmith and Kiss1010Question 33. This word has two meanings. As a verb, it means to shudder or tremble. As a noun, it names the container in which an archer carries his arrows. What is the word? Answer: Quiver1010Question 34. What do the names Amenhotep III, Akhenaton, and Ramses III have in common? Answer: They were Egyptian pharaohs or kings.1010Question 35. What musical instrument did the famous Benny Goodman play? Answer: Clarinet1010Question 36. Giraffe Answer: Africa1010Question 37. Who is Captain Flint in TREASURE ISLAND? Answer: A parrot1010Question 38. Did the Christian church have its beginning in Antioch, Rome, Athens, or Jerusalem? Answer: Jerusalem1010Question 39. A federal judge ruled that which NFL team could keep its trademark name and logos because a group of activists didnt provide enough evidence that the teams moniker insulted a substantial number of Native Americans? Answer: Washington Redskins1010Question 40. What is the opposite of "amateur"? Answer: Professional1010Question 41. How many decades are there in a century? Answer: 101010Question 42. What biblical lad dreamed that his parents and brothers bowed down before him and worshipped him? Answer: Joseph1010Lightning Round BY GEORGE!-These questions concern famous George's. Identify:12Question 43. The actor who won an Academy Award for his role in PATTON. Answer: George C. Scott55Question 44. The controversial owner of the New York Yankees. Answer: George Steinbrenner55Question 45. The Russian-born choreographer of the New York City Ballet. Answer: George Balanchine55 EARTH12Question 46. Within 5 years, when was the great San Francisco earthquake? Answer: 190655Question 47. The setting for Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS. Answer: Middle Earth55Question 48. In what month is the earth closest to the sun? Answer: January55 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE12Question 49. What did Jack get for his cow? Answer: Bag of beans55Question 50. According to Aesop, which insect starved when winter came? Answer: Grasshopper55Question 51. How many thieves did Ali Baba have to hide from? Answer: 4055 WINTER & SUMMER12Question 52. In which month do we celebrate Father's Day? Answer: June55Question 53. In ancient England, it was believed that birds chose their mates on what day? Answer: St. Valentine's Day55Question 54. How did August get its name? Answer: Emperor Augustus55Question 55. What is special about December 21? Answer: The first day of winter55 MEN WHO MEASURE UP- These men all have first or last names which sound the same as a unit of measure.12Question 56. The man who invented the telephone. Answer: Alexander Graham Bell55Question 57. The Virginia patriot who cried, If this be treason, make the most of it. Answer: Patrick Henry55Question 58. The English physicist who formulated the Laws of Motion; he is said to have discovered gravity. Answer: Isaac Newton55 FOREIGN WORDS-Many foreign words have entered the English language. Identify these.12Question 59. The Hindi word for a spiritual leader. Answer: Guru55Question 60. The French expression used during revolutions. Answer: Coup d'etat55Question 61. A French phrase meaning love of life; joy of living. Answer: Joie de vivre55 M & M- Here are some mental mysteries for masterminds. All answers are common two-word names or phrases each beginning with the letter M.12Question 62. Changing horses in mid-sentence Answer: Mixed metaphor55Question 63. Great Yankee slugger Answer: Mickey Mantle55Question 64. Famous for song Wild Fire Answer: Michael Murphy55Question 65. Cartoon character famous for Here I come to save the day. Answer: Mighty Mouse55 ANATOMY-You've got 60 seconds and 10 guesses to give me three-letter words for parts of the human body. No slang allowed.12Question 66. List in any order: Answer: arm, ear, eye, gum, hip, jaw, leg, lip, rib, toe55 Pool Play - Round 5 10:40:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. What does valour mean? Answer: Courage or bravery1010Question 2. Kenya Answer: Nairobi1010Question 3. The strongest evidence yet has now linked malignant melanoma skin cancer with what method of tanning? Answer: Using artificial tanning equipment1010Question 4. Man belongs to the biological order, Primates. To which genus and species does man belong? Answer: Homo sapiens1010Question 5. Match these verbs--ration, ravage, ratify, ransom--with their meanings--rescue, limit, approve, plunder. Answer: Ration--limit; ravage--plunder; ratify--approve; ransom--rescue1010Question 6. Name any three of the five US states that grew the fastest between 1990 and 2000, according to the 2000 census. Answer: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Utah1010Question 7. Completely enclosed shelters for automobiles are called what? Answer: Garages1010Question 8. Constantine was the first Christian Emperor of what Empire? Answer: Roman1010Question 9. What celestial object did Edmund Halley correctly predict to appear in 1758? Answer: A comet1010Question 10. The atomic number of hydrogen is one; helium is 2. What chemical element possesses the atomic number 3? Answer: Lithium1010Question 11. If a passage of music is marked "pp," what does it mean? Answer: Pianissimo, or "play very softly"1010Question 12. Bruce Wayne's aunt and housekeeper was ignorant of his true identity, Batman. Answer: Aunt Harriet1010Question 13. Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia met with Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, as the worlds two biggest suppliers of what agreed to work on easing rules for setting up joint ventures and to promote joint research? Answer: Oil1010Question 14. French Answer: Monsieur1010Question 15. Which company recently announced that it would discontinue its Internet chat rooms in 28 countries, saying that the forums have become unsafe? Answer: Microsoft (MSN)1010Question 16. Who wrote the novel THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS? Answer: James Fenimore Cooper1010Question 17. Petrology is the study of what? Answer: Rocks1010Question 18. Is the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation: ultraviolet waves, cosmic rays, infrared waves, or X-rays? Answer: Cosmic rays1010Question 19. Into which river was Achilles dipped by his mother Venus? Answer: Styx1010Question 20. What kind of mile did the crooked man walk? Answer: a crooked mile1010Question 21. How many minutes are there in a quarter hour? Answer: 151010Question 22. Who composed over 30 piano sonatas, including the PATHETIQUE, the APPASSIONATA, and the MOONLIGHT? Answer: Beethoven1010Question 23. In an agreement reached by environmentalists and PPL power company, dams will be removed and others changed on the Penobscot River in what state to save the Atlantic salmon population? Answer: Maine1010Question 24. He was perhaps the first scientist to give the human mind a proper conception of the immensity of the universe. He contributed greatly to our understanding of astronomy, and in 1781, he discovered the planet Uranus. Name this famous English astronomer. Answer: Sir William Herschel1010Question 25. As you climb higher up a mountain, the reading of a barometer . . . Answer: Decreases 1010Question 26. After the Spanish-American War, what President was authorized by Congress to build the Panama Canal? Answer: Theodore Roosevelt1010Question 27. According to the poem DAYS OF BIRTH, "Monday's child is fair of face./ Tuesday's child is full of grace." What about children born on Wednesday and Thursday? Answer: "Wednesday's child is full of woe,/ Thursday's child has far to go."1010Question 28. Andrew Jackson was a famous President. Identify Andy Warhol. Answer: A modern American painter and experimental filmmaker.1010Question 29. "They also serve who only stand and wait." This line was penned by the blind poet of England. Who was he? Answer: John Milton1010Question 30. By acting as huge magnets, the sun and the moon pull the earth toward them. The earth's solid land is not visibly changed, but the water moves because of the moon's pull. What do we call this effect? Answer: Tides 1010Question 31. The Bush administration assured what Axis of Evil country that the U.S. does not favor regime change, and signaled a new willingness to engage in dialogue? Answer: Iran1010Question 32. What crop is a special target of the boll weevil? Answer: Cotton1010Question 33. Who heads the U.S. agency that is a compilation of 22 government agencies, including the Coast Guard, Secret Service and Border Patrol, and is now the second-largest federal department? Answer: Tom Ridge1010Question 34. In poetry, what do we call the repetition of initial consonant sounds? Answer: Alliteration1010Question 35. July 4, 1776 was the date of the historic signing of the Declaration of Independence. What event of worldwide significance took place in the U.S. on October 24, 1929? Answer: The stock market crashed.1010Question 36. One member of the animal kingdom with a very strange and very short name is the emu. Is the emu an antelope, a bird, or a rodent? Answer: Bird (like the ostrich)1010Question 37. His stories put men and dogs against the frozen wilderness, as in his story TO BUILD A FIRE. His most famous novel is THE CALL OF THE WILD. Who is this writer? Answer: Jack London1010Question 38. He captured 132 Germans by himself and also an important machine gun post. He was honored as the greatest American hero of the First World War. Later, he became a minister. Who was he? Answer: Alvin C. York1010Question 39. If one square meter of carpet costs $6.40, how much would enough carpet to cover the floor described in the last question cost? Answer: $253.441010Question 40. What continent surrounds the South Pole? Answer: Antarctica1010Question 41. Thanks to Russias Labor Ministry, what theater was ordered to reinstate ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, who was fired amid allegations from other dancers that she was too heavy to lift? Answer: The Bolshoi1010Question 42. A power outage darkened the courtroom of the trial of Washington-area sniper suspect John Muhammad, but what two-day act by him worried his lawyers? Answer: He acted as his own attorney.1010Lightning Round ANALOGIES12Question 43. A rainbow is to the east as the Aurora Borealis is to what? Answer: North55Question 44. Gutenberg is to printing as Mercator is to what? Answer: Maps55Question 45. Daimler is to automobiles as Hughes is to . . . ? Answer: Airplanes55Question 46. Stalactites are to stalagmites as ceiling is to what? Answer: Floor55 SONG QUESTIONS-Now, for some questions about questions. Complete the following questionable song verses.12Question 47. Baa baa black sheep . . . Answer: Have you any wool?55Question 48. Do you know the way to . . . Answer: San Jose?55Question 49. Pardon me, boy, is that the . . . Answer: Chattanooga Choo Choo?55Question 50. How are things in . . . Answer: Glocca Morro?55 WATER12Question 51. Name the watery mammal that is the Miami football team nickname. Answer: Dolphins55Question 52. Water with a lot of deuterium and tritium instead of regular hydrogen. Answer: Heavy water55Question 53. What is the seafaring nickname of the Seattle baseball franchise? Answer: Mariners55Question 54. Name any of the astrological water signs. Answer: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces55 SOLID, LIQUID, OR GAS?- Classify these elements as to whether they are solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature.12Question 55. Iridium Answer: Solid55Question 56. Argon Answer: Gas55Question 57. Barium Answer: Solid55Question 58. Krypton Answer: Gas55 CALIFORNIA- Tell me if these cities are near Los Angeles, San Diego, the Bay Area, or in the Central Valley.12Question 59. Burbank Answer: Los Angeles55Question 60. Berkeley Answer: Bay Area55Question 61. La Jolla Answer: San Diego55 PLACES12Question 62. The three cities of Oea, Lebda, and Sabrata merged to form what city in Libya? Answer: Tripoli55Question 63. Where did Robin Hood supposedly live? Answer: Sherwood Forest55Question 64. Where was Captain Cook killed? Answer: Hawaiian Islands55 MEDITERRANEAN CITIES- The city of Istanbul used to be called Constantinople. I'll give you other old or native names for capital cities of Mediterranean countries. You give me the name most Americans know it by.12Question 65. Roma Answer: Rome55Question 66. Alger Answer: Algiers55Question 67. Angora Answer: Ankara55Question 68. Aelia Capitolina Answer: Jerusalem55 SISTER CITIES- Many metropolitan areas consist of more than one central city, such as Dallas and Fort Worth. I'll give you a central city in a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area and you give me its sister city with the larger population.12Question 69. Everett, Washington Answer: Seattle55Question 70. Davidson, Tennessee Answer: Nashville55Question 71. Boulder, Colorado Answer: Denver55 Pool Play - Round 6 11:00:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. I've got a list of three names who are always associated with another person. You give me the other half of each famous pair. Cain and . . . ; Laurel and . . . ; Samson and . . . Answer: (In order) Abel, Hardy, Delilah1010Question 2. Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is . . . what? Answer: Full of grace1010Question 3. How much is a baker's dozen? Answer: 131010Question 4. The Supreme Court will rule on whether what four-word phrase will remain as it is recited in the Pledge of Allegiance in most classrooms? Answer: "one nation under God"1010Question 5. "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah." What Union Army general said this to President Lincoln in 1864? Answer: William Tecumseh Sherman1010Question 6. The first declaration of war leading to the First World War was made on July 28, 1914. Who declared war on whom? Answer: Austria-Hungary on Serbia.1010Question 7. The Republican chairman, Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), and the ranking Democrat, Senator Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT), seem to dislike each other intensely, making the atmosphere in what Senate Committee the worst in modern times, according to congressional analyst Norman Ornstein? Answer: Judiciary1010Question 8. What are the three things you must to find the average of a set? Answer: (1) Add the numbers of the set to find the sum. (2) Count the numbers in the set to determine how many there are. (3) Divide the sum by how many numbers there are in the set.1010Question 9. Absolute zero equals -459 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. What is absolute zero on the Celsius scale? Answer: -273 degrees 1010Question 10. Congressman Luis Gonzalez Posada, who heads the Peru-Morocco Friendship League, said in a radio program in Lima that King Mohammad VI of Morocco was sending Peru 20 of what animals as a gift? Answer: Camels1010Question 11. Richard Grasso resigned as the chairman and CEO of which financial entity after an uproar over his recently disclosed $140 million pay package? Answer: New York Stock Exchange1010Question 12. The single foremost motive which Christopher Columbus acknowledged as his purpose for undertaking his voyages of discovery was which of the following: unlimited wealth, worldwide fame, challenge and adventure, or the spreading of Christianity? Answer: Spreading of Christianity1010Question 13. Scotland Answer: Edinburgh1010Question 14. Name the current commissioners of the NBA, the NFL, and Major League Baseball. Answer: David Stern, Paul Tagliabue, Bud Selig, respectively1010Question 15. At the end of the movie THE WIZARD OF OZ, one of the characters misquotes the Pythagorean Theorem. This error is actually a reflection on the brains of the screen-writer, not the character. In any event, name the character. Answer: Scarecrow1010Question 16. Six of the nine planets have been known since ancient times. The seventh was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. Name it. Answer: Uranus1010Question 17. He is talking about returning to his home state of South Dakota and running for governor. Name this host of Access Hollywood, who is scheduled to anchor a portion of NBCs Olympics coverage next year. Answer: Pat OBrien1010Question 18. During what battle was our National Anthem composed? Answer: Battle of Fort McHenry1010Question 19. The Republican-controlled Senate dealt a blow to the Bush administration on Sept. 16, voting to rescind new Federal Communications Commission rules that would allow what? Answer: Large media companies to get even bigger.1010Question 20. In the number .4, what is the dot written before the 4 called? Answer: Decimal point1010Question 21. Name the first five presidents of the United States in order of their inauguration. Answer: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe1010Question 22. In a standard basketball court, the rim of the basket is elevated how many feet above the court? Answer: Ten1010Question 23. A marsupial is an animal that carries its young in a pouch on the abdomen. What is the largest marsupial? Answer: Kangaroo1010Question 24. This five-letter word may be defined as the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds in varying melody, rhythm, and tone, in order to form emotionally expressive compositions. What is it? Answer: music1010Question 25. What is the greatest common divisor of 12 and 8? Answer: 41010Question 26. When is it possible to add 5 to 8 and get 1? Answer: When looking at a clock: 5 hours after 8 o'clock it's 1 o'clock1010Question 27. A piece of molding 75 inches long is to be cut into small strips each 8 1/3 inches long to make picture frames. How many strips can be cut from the long pieces? Answer: 91010Question 28. Give me the names of Noah's three sons. Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth1010Question 29. Ariel Sharon plans to become the first sitting prime minister of Israel to visit what nation since both nations were carved from the former British empire more than 50 years ago? Answer: India1010Question 30. John W. Snow has predicted that the American economy will grow at an annual rate of nearly 4 percent over the next year and will add two million new jobs before next years election. Who is he? Answer: Secretary of the Treasury1010Question 31. The greatest story that literary history records from Anglo-Saxon days is about a loyal and good warrior. What is the name of this hero? Answer: Beowulf1010Question 32. A rectangle measures 6 inches by 3 feet. Calculate the area of the rectangle, in square inches. Answer: 2161010Question 33. Recite the first verse in the Bible. Answer: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.1010Question 34. Which President of the United States has handled war relief in Belgium during World War I before he became President? Answer: Herbert Hoover1010Question 35. What is the plural of the word "mouse"? Answer: Mice1010Question 36. What does M stand for in Roman numerals? Answer: 1,0001010Question 37. What is the property of gold which permits it to be hammered into thin sheets? Answer: Malleability1010Question 38. Lake Placid was the host of the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics. Where is Lake Placid; that is, in what state? Answer: New York1010Question 39. On May 16, 1865, a five-cent coin was issued, and we still use it. What is it called? Answer: Nickel1010Question 40. What are you given if you win an event in the Olympics? Answer: Gold medal1010Question 41. What famous landmark was re-erected at Lake Havasu City, Arizona? Answer: London Bridge1010Question 42. What are the three flavors in Neapolitan ice cream? Answer: Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry1010Lightning Round DOG-You will in this series come up with, not breeds, but figures of speech containing the word dog.12Question 43. Small shark Answer: Dogfish55Question 44. They come out in the midday sun. Answer: Mad dogs and Englishmen55Question 45. Elementary swim stroke Answer: Dog paddle55 AMERICAN POETRY-Name the poem or the poet.12Question 46. It was many and many a year ago, / In a kingdom by the sea Answer: Annabel Lee by Poe55Question 47. Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul! Answer: Chambered Nautilus by Holmes55Question 48. So live, that when thy summons comes. Answer: Thanatopsis by Bryant55 POLITICAL PARTIES-Identify the political party of each of the following U.S. Presidents.12Question 49. John Adams Answer: Federalist55Question 50. Zachary Taylor Answer: Whig55Question 51. Benjamin Harrison Answer: Republican55 NAPOLEON12Question 52. Who led the English forces at Waterloo? Answer: Duke of Wellington (Arthur Wellesley)55Question 53. What region in North America did Napoleon sell to the United States? Answer: Louisiana55Question 54. Napoleon's second reign lasted for how many days? Answer: 100 days55 CHARACTER12Question 55. They rode "into the jaws of death." Answer: The Light Brigade55Question 56. Deformed, and apparently brutish, he loved Esmeralda. Answer: Quasimodo55Question 57. He is visited by ghosts on Christmas Eve. Answer: Ebenezer Scrooge55 GEOLOGY-Give the geological term from these descriptions.12Question 58. An open place for the extraction of stone. Answer: Quarry55Question 59. Areas of soil permanently frozen. Answer: Permafrost55Question 60. Unburned, sun-dried bricks used in Mexico and the southwestern United States. Answer: Adobe55Question 61. Fluid rock from a volcano. Answer: Lava55 FACE THE MUSIC12Question 62. What instrument does the concertmaster of a symphony orchestra play? Answer: Violin55Question 63. The sound of a violin is produced by drawing what object across the strings? Answer: Bow55Question 64. What kind of reed does an oboe player use: single, double, triple, or straight-edged? Answer: Double55 VOCABULARY12Question 65. Does effulgent mean brassy, brilliant, brittle, or bruised? Answer: Brilliant55Question 66. Does puerile mean valuable, childish, enamel, or sterile? Answer: Childish55Question 67. Does recidivist mean Democrat, habitual criminal, socialist, or front-desk secretary? Answer: Habitual criminal55 Pool Play - Round 7 11:20:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. What must an athlete not do in order to be called an amateur? Answer: He must not earn money from his sport.1010Question 2. President Bush spoke to a subdued crowd in Richfield, Ohio in early September and said, Things are getting better. What was the topic? Answer: The economy1010Question 3. Name the author of the popular book ROOTS. Answer: Alex Haley1010Question 4. Canadian officials say getting a flu shot is even more important than usual this year because it will help distinguish the flu from what other similar disease that surfaced last year? Answer: SARS1010Question 5. Queen Anne of England belonged to the House of Stuart. Of what royal house was King Henry VIII of England a member? Answer: Tudor1010Question 6. The Institute of Sports Medicine claims that it is second only to football in the severity of its physical requirements. Edward Villela says that it takes more strength to get through a six-minute pas de deux than four rounds of boxing. What activity is it which takes this terrific toll? Answer: Ballet1010Question 7. What is the name of the star which is closest to the earth? Answer: The sun1010Question 8. Horses run in herds. Fish swim in . . . ? Answer: Schools1010Question 9. Mademoiselle Answer: French1010Question 10. The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. What is the NCAA? Answer: National Collegiate Athletic Association1010Question 11. A small study of heart disease patients has found that an experimental drug reversed what may be the equivalent of years' worth of _______ in coronary arteries. Fill in the blank with a six-letter word starting with P. Answer: Plaque1010Question 12. Fears of attacks against international media in Baghdad were heightened after a bomb damaged a hotel housing the offices of which news network? Answer: NBC News1010Question 13. Which country recently told the U.S. and four other nations that it has nuclear weapons and will prove it by conducting a test unless the U.S. gives up its hostile policy? Answer: North Korea1010Question 14. What are the only two numbers that will divide into 17 evenly? Answer: 1 and 171010Question 15. In what city does the Mardi Gras take place? Answer: New Orleans1010Question 16. What TV series did Bill Clinton thank Rob Lowe for, saying it was renewing peoples faith in public service? Answer: West Wing1010Question 17. Which is the only country on the U.S. State Department list of terrorist sponsors with whom the U.S. has diplomatic relations? Answer: Syria1010Question 18. What great American said, "With malice toward none, with charity for all"? Answer: Abraham Lincoln1010Question 19. Nile Answer: Mediterranean Sea1010Question 20. Ken is an artist who gets paid for each painting he paints. Next month he needs to paint twice as many paintings as he did this month. That will be 52 paintings. How many paintings did he complete this month? Answer: 261010Question 21. Who was Romeo's lover, in the story by Shakespeare? Answer: Juliet1010Question 22. In which city is the White House located? Answer: Washington, D.C.1010Question 23. In 1763, the Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. What was ended with the Treaty of Paris signed 20 years later? Answer: American Revolution1010Question 24. What is the word that means the opposite of another word? Answer: Antonym1010Question 25. The garbage collector's morning route is 16 blocks. On every fourth block, there is only one trash dumpster, but every other block has 21 trash cans. How many containers will he empty? Answer: 2561010Question 26. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. Who invented the lightning rod? Answer: Benjamin Franklin1010Question 27. What gas makes up about 78% of the earth's atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen1010Question 28. In which U.S. city did voters recently go to the polls to decide whether or not to tax espresso drinks 10 cents per cup in order to raise money for early childhood programs and higher salaries for daycare workers? Answer: Seattle1010Question 29. The force with which bodies are pulled toward the center of the earth by gravity is called what? Answer: Weight1010Question 30. What two states border on Florida? Answer: Georgia and Alabama1010Question 31. The highest peak in the world is Mt. Everest, located in Nepal. The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, located in what country? Answer: Venezuela1010Question 32. Eight quarts equals a peck. How many pecks make a bushel? Answer: Four1010Question 33. If you have ever been to the national capital building in Washington, D.C., you have probably stood in the circular hall under the massive central dome. What is this interior space called? Answer: Rotunda1010Question 34. Born in Haiti, he died in 1851 after pioneering American bird study. He was also a famous painter of birds. Who was he? Answer: John James Audubon1010Question 35. Which great political document begins with these words, "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another . . . " Answer: Declaration of Independence1010Question 36. The male partner of a doe is a buck. What is the male partner of a duck? Answer: Drake1010Question 37. "Slide" is a word used in the game of baseball. But what musical instrument has a slide? Answer: Trombone1010Question 38. "All persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforth, and forever free." The preceding announcement was issued on September 22, 1862, by President Lincoln. What is it called? Answer: Emancipation Proclamation1010Question 39. What star of Phone Booth has been dubbed the Irish Brad Pitt? Answer: Colin Farrell1010Question 40. This country was carved from Prussia and Austria due to agreements made in the 18th century. The nation gained independence after World War I. Name it. Answer: Poland1010Question 41. In 1972, Rod Carew came to bat 535 official times and had 170 hits. What was his American League-leading batting average? Answer: .3181010Question 42. What is the word for a Swiss mountain home? Answer: Swiss chalet1010Lightning Round WHOSE WHAT?-These answers are things that belong to someone. You must complete the statement; for instance, if I said Adam's, you'd say Rib or Apple.12Question 43. Finian's Answer: Rainbow55Question 44. Roget's Answer: Thesaurus55Question 45. Noah's Answer: Ark55 CHRISTMAS CAROLS-Give the next line of each song.12Question 46. Joyful, all ye nations rise, Answer: Join the triumph of the skies55Question 47. Was to certain poor shepherds Answer: In fields where they lay55Question 48. O holy night! the stars are brightly shining, Answer: It is the night of the dear Savior's birth.55 POTPOURRI12Question 49. The New Frontier was the slogan of whose Presidency? Answer: Kennedy's55Question 50. What country has the largest cat population? Answer: United States55Question 51. Which state is the leading cattle producer in the United States? Answer: Texas55 MOTHER'S DAY12Question 52. Whose cupboard was bare? Answer: Mother Hubbard55Question 53. In which film did Anthony Perkins think he was his own mother? Answer: PSYCHO55Question 54. Certain sea animals line their shells with a layer of material called . . . Answer: Mother of Pearl55 POLITICAL LEADERS12Question 55. He headed the Senate Select Committee investigating Watergate. Answer: Sam Ervin55Question 56. He was seized by Israeli agents in Argentina and executed as a Nazi war criminal. Answer: Adolf Eichmann55Question 57. He returned to Iran after the overthrow of the Shah. Answer: Ruholla Khomeini55Question 58. This Egyptian king built the Great Pyramid at Giza. Answer: Cheops or Khufu55 ZERO-How many zeroes do each of these numbers have?12Question 59. Million Answer: 655Question 60. Quadrillion Answer: 1555Question 61. Nonillion Answer: 3055 KNOW YOUR BIBLE-Give me the next word or phrase in each of these familiar biblical quotations.12Question 62. Blessed are the poor in . . . Answer: Spirit55Question 63. Behold a virgin shall . . . Answer: Conceive55Question 64. He who has ears, let him . . . Answer: Hear55 Now, to prove that your team is for the birds, answer these questions about our feathered friends.12Question 65. What is the name of the world's smallest bird? Answer: hummingbird55Question 66. Which member of the starling family is renowned as a talking pet? Answer: mynah bird55Question 67. What sea bird, renowned in marine lore, has the greatest wing spread? Answer: albatross55Question 68. Which is the largest bird? Answer: ostrich55 Pool Play - Round 8 11:40:00 AM Tossups12Question 1. What is the F.B.I.? Answer: Federal Bureau of Investigation1010Question 2. The watchword for the Camp Fire Girls is WOHELO. What does it mean? Answer: It comes from the first two letters of three words: work, health, love.1010Question 3. A rod is 5.5 yards long. How many yards deep is a fathom? Answer: 21010Question 4. From what part of the elephant do we get ivory? Answer: Tusks1010Question 5. An airplane flew at an average speed of 386 miles per hour for .275 hours. How far did the plane fly? Answer: 106.15 miles1010Question 6. What is the name of Yasser Arafats ruling party that recently confirmed the nomination by consensus of Ahmed Qureia to be the next Palestinian prime minister? Answer: Fatah1010Question 7. President Bush recently gave her the authority to manage post-war Iraq and the rebuilding of Afghanistan. Name the national security advisor. Answer: Condoleezza Rice1010Question 8. Which month was named for the Roman god of war? Answer: March (for Mars)1010Question 9. What nation is the largest in Africa: Chad, Somalia, Sudan, or South Africa? Answer: Sudan1010Question 10. History reveals that black people, on the average, vote Democratic, Republican, or Independent? Answer: Democratic1010Question 11. On consecutive games in September, the Dallas Cowboys Coach Bill Parcells defeated two of his old teams in the Meadowlands. Name those opponents. Answer: The Giants and the Jets1010Question 12. What is the main vegetable ingredient of a coleslaw salad? Answer: Cabbage1010Question 13. A closed figure having many sides is called what? Answer: Polygon1010Question 14. What kind of weapon does Darth Vader use? Answer: Laser sword1010Question 15. The Great American Pastime during the years right after the Civil War was not baseball, but which of these sports: soccer, boxing, or trotting races? Answer: Trotting races1010Question 16. The first black man to play major league baseball. Answer: Jackie Robinson1010Question 17. Yangtze Answer: Yellow Sea1010Question 18. When the chief priests realized that the crucified Jesus Christ had risen from the dead, they bribed some soldiers to circulate a false report in order to explain away the resurrection as a hoax. What was this false theory? Answer: His disciples came by night and stole him away while the soldiers slept.1010Question 19. Who was the giant hunter who was placed among the stars by Diana with the dog Sirius following him: was it Hercules, Gemini, Orion, Sagittarius, or Saturn? Answer: Orion1010Question 20. "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord," are the opening words of what familiar song? Answer: BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC1010Question 21. What does Wordsworth describe as "fluttering and dancing in the breeze" and "tossing their heads in sprightly dance"? Answer: daffodils1010Question 22. It's sometimes called the "weather sphere" because most weather phenomena are found there. This layer of the atmosphere is next to the earth's surface. Is it called the ionosphere, troposphere, exosphere, or ozone layer? Answer: Troposphere1010Question 23. Perseverance and justice Answer: Blue1010Question 24. A nail is driven into a tree 4 feet above the ground. How far above ground will the nail be in 20 years, if the tree grows 6 inches taller each year? Answer: The same 4 feet (A tree grows in diameter, but in height by the top branches only.)1010Question 25. Although he says he is ready for peace talks, Israel and the United States have refused to negotiate with what Palestinian leader, saying he is tainted by terrorism? Answer: Yasser Arafat1010Question 26. The reign of Augustus began a 200-year period of peace in Rome. During the two centuries, commerce flourished and the standard of living got better. Historians use a Latin phrase to describe this period. What is it? Answer: Pax Romana1010Question 27. The head of the U.S. Cavalry regiment was killed by a combined Sioux-Cheyenne force in the Black Hills in 1876. Give me his first, middle, and last names. Answer: George Armstrong Custer1010Question 28. What is the chemical symbol for iodine? Answer: I1010Question 29. President Bush acknowledged on Thursday that efforts toward peace in the Middle East had stalled and he blamed whom? Answer: Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat1010Question 30. What handyman has hosted Home Again and This Old House? Answer: Bob Vila1010Question 31. Name three of the six categories for which Nobel Prizes are awarded. Answer: Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Economics, and Medicine-Physiology1010Question 32. As a singing cowboy, he appeared in nearly 100 motion pictures, and his recording of RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER has sold more than 12 million copies. He owned six radio stations, two television stations, and the California Angels. Can you name him? Answer: Gene Autrey1010Question 33. Here's a puzzler: what is the closest relation that your father's sister's sister-in-law could be to you? Answer: Your mother1010Question 34. Ida Fuller became the first retired U.S. citizen to receive what benefit on January 1, 1940? Answer: Social Security1010Question 35. Divide 2/3 by 5/6. What's the quotient? Answer: 4/51010Question 36. Why were the American soldiers at Breed's Hill ordered not to fire "until you see the whites of their eyes"? Answer: Because the muskets' effective range was only 100 yards.1010Question 37. Cardinal Francis Arinze, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, and Cardinal Christoph Schonborn are four papabili on everyones list. Papabili is Italian slang for the front-runners for what? Answer: To be the next pope1010Question 38. The quest of this object is the subject of such masterpieces as Wagner's opera PARSIFAL, Tennyson's poem IDYLLS OF THE KING, and Malory's book about the death of King Arthur. In medieval legend, it was the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. What was it? Answer: Holy Grail1010Question 39. What figure sits on guard over the Great Pyramids? Answer: Great Sphinx1010Question 40. The President of the United States lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Who lives at Ten Downing Street? Answer: Prime Minister of Great Britain1010Question 41. Who replaced Jesse Helms in the Senate? Answer: Elizabeth Dole1010Question 42. Ave Maria University, the first new Roman Catholic university in the U.S. in four decades, recently opened. Thomas Monaghan, the founder of which pizza chain, established this new university? Answer: Dominos Pizza1010Lightning Round SPORTS12Question 43. In tennis, when the ball is returned before it touches the ground, it is called a . . . ? Answer: Volley55Question 44. Where do relief pitchers warm up? Answer: Bull pen55Question 45. A punter may aim to kick the ball out of bounds within the 10 yard line, an area known as what? Answer: Coffin corner55 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES12Question 46. How many ounces in a pound? Answer: 1655Question 47. How many tablespoons in a cup? Answer: 1655Question 48. How many pecks in a bushel? Answer: 455Question 49. How many grams in a decigram? Answer: 1/1055 CENTURY-Events from history. You name the century in which they took place.12Question 50. Columbus discovered America. Answer: 15th55Question 51. The Battle of Jutland was fought. Answer: 20th55Question 52. The Post Office Department was established in this country. Answer: 18th55Question 53. Sir Isaac Newton announced his theory of gravity. Answer: 17th55 THE GOOD BOOK12Question 54. Who wrote the second-to-last book in the Old Testament? Answer: Zechariah55Question 55. On the death of her husband, this biblical heroine went to live with her mother-in-law and an alien people. Answer: Ruth55Question 56. What short man climbed a sycamore tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus? Answer: Zaccheus55Question 57. Name the first Christian martyr. Answer: Stephen55 SPORTS12Question 58. How many yards is a team penalized for being offside in football? Answer: 5 yards55Question 59. What is a piece of turf knocked into the air in golf? Answer: Divot55Question 60. What is a race involving factory-made cars called? Answer: Stock car race55 WAR12Question 61. The Treaty of Greenville followed what decisive action in American history? Answer: Battle of Fallen Timbers55Question 62. In what state did the Battle of Antietam or Sharpsburg occur? Answer: Maryland55Question 63. The U.S. had no women soldiers in its Army until what war? Answer: World War II55 TOM-Identify the following well-known Toms and Thomases.12Question 64. The 13th century Dominican friar who wrote SUMMA THEOLOGICA. Answer: St. Thomas Aquinas55Question 65. The Kansas native named Golfer of the Year from 1977 through 1981. Answer: Tom Watson55Question 66. American clock manufacturer. Answer: Seth Thomas55Question 67. The circus midget whose real name was Charles Stratton. Answer: Tom Thumb55 Months12Question 68. Which month was named for the Roman god of war? Answer: March (for Mars)55Question 69. Which month was named after the man who said, "The die is cast. I have crossed the Rubicon"? Answer: July (after Julius Caesar)55Question 70. Which month was named after an ancient god who presided over gates and doors? Answer: January (after Janus)55Question 71. Which month was named for the emperor who ruled when Christ was born? Answer: August (for Augustus Caesar)55 Round of 16 - Top Half 12:40:00 PM Tossups12Question 1. How did Jack's mother react when he sold the cow for five beans? Answer: Angrily1010Question 2. What NBA star withdrew his debut rap CD after league commissioner David Stern called it coarse, offensive, and anti-social? Answer: Allen Iverson1010Question 3. In the United States, they're called astronauts. What are they called in the Soviet Union? Answer: Cosmonauts1010Question 4. How many days are there in a Leap Year? Answer: 3661010Question 5. What is the smallest whole number that you can express using each of the digits 6, 4, 3, and 7 only once? Answer: 3,4671010Question 6. What is Smokey the Bear's motto? Answer: "Only you can prevent forest fires."1010Question 7. How many basic food groups are there? Answer: 41010Question 8. In August, 1945, two cities in Japan were destroyed by nuclear bombs. Name either one of them. Answer: Hiroshima, Nagasaki1010Question 9. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton recently accused President Bush of breaking a personal president-to-president promise made to protect which federal program that provides stipends and scholarships to young people in exchange for community service? Answer: AmeriCorps1010Question 10. If there are 61 Democrats in the U.S. Senate and 38 Republicans, how many independents are there? Answer: One (Because there are 100 Senate members in all.)1010Question 11. Right after the Civil War, many northern politicians went South to take advantage of the confusion left after the war. What were these scoundrels called? Answer: Carpetbaggers1010Question 12. In sewing, what is the most common seam width? Answer: 5/8 inches1010Question 13. Stanley Cup Answer: Ice hockey 1010Question 14. This red-haired general of the American Revolution was the only president of the United States who did not live in the White House. Name him. Answer: George Washington1010Question 15. How many original American colonies were there? Answer: 131010Question 16. Which of the following cities is the farthest south: Key West, Florida; Brownsville, Texas; San Diego, California? Answer: Key West1010Question 17. What ghost, according to Shakespeare, appeared to Brutus? Answer: Julius Caesar1010Question 18. What familiar saying is hidden in the following words: "The place 16 miles from the Tiber River's mouth took more than 24 hours to construct"? Answer: "Rome wasn't built in a day."1010Question 19. In THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER, Injun Joe kills the doctor--but who is blamed for the crime? Answer: Muff Potter1010Question 20. Mindy bought a 10-pound bag of dog food. At his first feeding, her dog ate 1 3/8 pounds of food. How much dog food was left? Answer: 8 5/8 pounds1010Question 21. What is another name for a Jack-o-Lantern? Answer: Pumpkin1010Question 22. What pro golfer, who made news last spring with his criticism of Annika Sorenstam, defeated Tiger Woods on Oct. 26 to move into the lead on the money-winning list? Answer: Vijay Singh1010Question 23. The Pashtun, who speak Pashtu and are dominated by the Durrani and Ghilzai tribes, are which countrys largest ethnic group? Answer: Afghanistan1010Question 24. Give the formula for finding the area of a rectangle. Answer: Length x width1010Question 25. Another long wall--between England and Scotland--which was erected by a Roman emperor. Answer: Hadrian's Wall 1010Question 26. TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT is the title of a book written by what federal judge who presided over the important Watergate hearings? Answer: John Sirica1010Question 27. How many syllables are in the word "deliverance"? Answer: Four1010Question 28. Compute the square of 24. Answer: 5761010Question 29. What is an anthology? Answer: A collection of stories or poems1010Question 30. Which Asian athlete won both Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player honors during the 2001 major league baseball season? Answer: Ichiro Suzuki1010Question 31. What sitcom will continue despite the sudden death of its star, John Ritter? Answer: "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter"1010Question 32. The main character takes a voyage to the land of the Brobdingnags, Glubdubdrip, Houynhnms, and Lilliput, in an 18th century satire. Identify both the author and the title of the work. Answer: Jonathan Swift, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS1010Question 33. What is Condoleezza Rices position? Answer: U.S. National Security Advisor1010Question 34. What country's navy was defeated by England in 1588? Answer: Spain's1010Question 35. How many colors are there in a monochrome painting? Answer: One1010Question 36. What is 33? Answer: 271010Question 37. What are catalogued under the Dewey Decimal system? Answer: Books1010Question 38. FIDELIO is the title of the only opera by what famous composer? Answer: Beethoven1010Question 39. An elephant, walrus, and wild boar will have this orthodontal problem. What do we call a long tooth that extends out of the mouth? Answer: Tusk1010Question 40. Noah's Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. In what modern-day country is Mt. Ararat located? Answer: Turkey1010Question 41. What game show host claimed in his 1982 autobiography that he was once a CIA assassin? Answer: Chuck Barris1010Lightning Round U.S. GEOGRAPHY12Question 42. The only state that touches the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Answer: Florida55Question 43. Crater Lake National Park is located in what state? Answer: Oregon55Question 44. Name the state that contains Lake Itasca, the source of the Mississippi River. Answer: Minnesota55 NAMES-What word or phrase was coined after or is identified with each of the following names?12Question 45. Buckminster Fuller Answer: Geodesic dome or Spaceship Earth55Question 46. John Philip Sousa Answer: Sousaphone55Question 47. Jack Bibb Answer: Bibb Lettuce55 IRISH12Question 48. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? Answer: Belfast55Question 49. What is the major religion of the Republic of Ireland? Answer: Roman Catholicism55Question 50. Who was made a bishop and labored for the conversion of Ireland? (His feast day is March 17.) Answer: St. Patrick55 GOOD DAY-Identify these literary and historical allusions to the word day.12Question 51. What proverb means things take time? Answer: Rome wasn't built in a day.55Question 52. Novel and film about an assassination attempt on Charles DeGaulle. Answer: DAY OF THE JACKAL55Question 53. Proverb meaning Even the downtrodden have times of joy or revenge. Answer: Every dog has his day.55 PREFIXES-From the following, identify the scientific prefixes which mean these numerical values.12Question 54. Thousandth part Answer: Milli55Question 55. Thousandfold Answer: Kilo55Question 56. Tenth part Answer: Deci55 WHAT'S WRONG?-Correct the error in each statement.12Question 57. The flag officially adopted for Canada shows a single oak leaf. Answer: It's a maple leaf.55Question 58. Medicare is a health insurance program for the poor run by the U.S. government. Answer: For the elderly (Accept Medicaid.)55Question 59. Salvador Dali is a leading Spanish Cubist. Answer: Surrealist55Question 60. The capital of Russia is St. Petersburg. Answer: Moscow55 AFRICAN-AMERICANS12Question 61. The first black to play Major League Baseball on a regular basis. Answer: Jackie Robinson55Question 62. The educator who founded Tuskegee Institute. Answer: Booker T. Washington55Question 63. The civil rights leader assassinated in 1968 by James Earl Ray. Answer: Martin Luther King, Jr.55 Little Boy was the code name for the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Your next four questions require other identifications sharing the word "little."12Question 64. This baseball championship is played annually at Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Answer: Little League55Question 65. A statue by Edvard Ericksen at the water's edge in Copenhagen harbor depicts the heroine of one of Hans Christian Andersen's stories. Answer: Little Mermaid55Question 66. Napoleon Bonaparte, at 5'6" tall, was given what nickname? Answer: Little Corporal55Question 67. Black Jumbo was his father, Black Mumbo his mother. Answer: Little Black Sambo55 Round of 16 - Bottom Half 1:00:00 PM Tossups12Question 1. Pork is what we call meat from a pig. What kind of meat do we call venison? Answer: Deer meat1010Question 2. Originally the word "stadium" was a Greek measure of length (about 600 feet). What does the word mean today? Answer: a sports arena1010Question 3. Each angle of an equilateral triangle measures what? Answer: 60o1010Question 4. What is H2O the symbol of? Answer: Water1010Question 5. The scale of a map is: 3/4 of an inch = 10 miles. If the distance on the map between two towns is 6 inches, what is the actual distance? Answer: 80 miles1010Question 6. Thailand used to be called Siam. What did Kampuchea used to be called? Answer: Cambodia1010Question 7. John Paul Jones is noted for saying, "I have not yet begun to fight." Who said, "We have met the enemy and they are ours"? Answer: Oliver Hazard Perry1010Question 8. What is the all-time bestselling book? Answer: Bible1010Question 9. The friends Porthos, Athos, and Aramis, are better known by what collective name? Answer: Three Musketeers1010Question 10. How did a pizza delivery man, since killed, say he was forced into robbing a bank? Answer: He had a bomb strapped to his body.1010Question 11. This man thought up the modern idea of what Santa Claus looks like. He also created the symbols of the Democratic and Republican parties--the donkey and the elephant. Name this political cartoonist. Answer: Thomas Nast1010Question 12. Dill pickles are made from what vegetable? Answer: Cucumbers1010Question 13. In the earlier days of the automobile, what was the platform motorists mounted to step into the car? Answer: Running board1010Question 14. In a speech to the nation, President Bush said he would ask Congress for $87 billion to fight terrorism and continue operations where? Answer: Iraq1010Question 15. In an address to the opening session of what United Nations body, President Bush offered no apology for ordering the invasion of Iraq. Instead, he reiterated his case against Saddam Hussein? Answer: General Assembly1010Question 16. Give me the name of the tallest building in the world and tell me where it's located. Answer: Sears Building in Chicago1010Question 17. A sports arena built by the Emperor Titus year A.D. 80 still stands despite centuries of pillage and earthquakes. Name this tourist attraction and the European city where it's located. Answer: Colosseum in Rome1010Question 18. What nation billed the U.S. a million dollars for maintenance of a downed spy plane? Answer: China1010Question 19. When Hurricane Isabel first hit U.S. soil, it hit where? Answer: North Carolina coast1010Question 20. The federal government is evaluating technology that would put what aboard commercial flights: a. A mechanism to automatically seal the cockpit door in the event of an emergency, b. A computerized autopilot that could land the plane, c. A sniffer to detect explosives, or d. Video cameras to monitor pilots and passengers? Answer: d. Video cameras to monitor pilots and passengers1010Question 21. What Walt Disney cartoon character has three pesky nephews? Answer: Donald Duck1010Question 22. An odometer measures car mileage. What does an anemometer do? Answer: It measures wind speed.1010Question 23. A senator from Kentucky was the chief architect both of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and of the Great Compromise of 1850. Who was he? Answer: Henry Clay1010Question 24. Castor and Pollux are the names of two stars in what constellation? Answer: Gemini1010Question 25. He recently became the first Democratic contender to end his presidential campaign. Name the U.S. senator from Florida. Answer: Bob Graham1010Question 26. In 1644, Peter Stuyvesant lost what in a battle with the Portuguese? Answer: His leg1010Question 27. Islam is the religion of Arabia, founded by Mohammed. What is the name of the God of the Moslems? Answer: Allah1010Question 28. What did Benjamin Franklin invent because he got tired of having to carry two pairs of glasses with him--one for close-up and the other for distance? Answer: Bifocals1010Question 29. As stated in the popular proverb, what does haste make? Answer: Waste1010Question 30. In heraldry and mythology, what is the horse with a single horn called? Answer: unicorn1010Question 31. Is the Hoosier State Indiana, Iowa, or Illinois? Answer: Indiana1010Question 32. He led the Nationalist forces to victory during the Spanish Civil War, and ruled Spain from 1936 to 1975. Answer: Francisco Franco1010Question 33. Identify the respective family names of Romeo and Juliet. Answer: Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet1010Question 34. Biologists have a word for the offspring of two animals or plants of different species which are crossbred. What is the word? Answer: Hybrid1010Question 35. New Hampshire is called the Granite State. What state is called the Sunflower State? Answer: Kansas1010Question 36. A new book says the year before Princess Diana died, she was alienated from a family member who wrote to her saying she had mental problems. Who was it? Answer: Her brother, Earl Spencer1010Question 37. The third leading cause of death in the United States is stroke. Do strokes occur in the heart, the liver, the stomach, or the brain? Answer: Brain1010Question 38. What state has the largest population? Answer: California1010Question 39. Multiply a baker's dozen by a score; divide by the number of boroughs in New York City; and subtract the number of keys on a piano. What is the answer? Answer: -36 (13; 20; 5; 88)1010Question 40. What ancient people worshipped Anubis, God of the Dead, who was reputed to be the inventor of embalming? Answer: Egyptians1010Question 41. What is a geometric figure with eight equal sides called? Answer: Octagon1010Lightning Round DOG- In this series you must identify, not breeds, but expressions containing the word dog.12Question 42. In disfavor Answer: In the doghouse55Question 43. Aerial skirmish Answer: Dogfight55Question 44. Sirius Answer: Dog star55Question 45. A fairway angle, in golf Answer: Dogleg55 PRO-All of these answers begin with the prefix pro.12Question 46. A prediction of how a disease will develop Answer: Prognosis55Question 47. Marx's class of wage earners Answer: Proletariat55Question 48. An official of the Senate Answer: President Pro Tempore55 ANALOGIES12Question 49. The Nile is to Egypt as the Volga is to . . . ? Answer: Russia55Question 50. Mary Ann Evans is to George Eliot as Charles Dodgson is to . . . ? Answer: Lewis Carroll55Question 51. Watergate is to Nixon as Teapot Dome is to . . . ? Answer: Harding55Question 52. McKinley is to Roosevelt as Roosevelt is to . . . ? Answer: Truman (Accept Taft.)55 AFRICAN AMERICAN12Question 53. What do we call the slave songs that combined African rhythms with biblical scripture? Answer: Spirituals55Question 54. Who was the first African American chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Answer: General Colin Powell55Question 55. Booker T. Washington was the first black to receive an honorary degree from what Ivy League school? Answer: Harvard55 RIVERS-In which country are the following rivers:12Question 56. Yangtze Answer: China55Question 57. Thames Answer: England or Canada55Question 58. Darling Answer: Australia55Question 59. Ganges Answer: India55 CITIES- In these countries, the capital city is not the largest city. Identify both the capital city and the city with the largest population.12Question 60. U.S.A. Answer: Washington and New York55Question 61. Australia Answer: Canberra and Sydney55Question 62. India Answer: New Delhi and Bombay55 ASSORTMENT12Question 63. The hamburger was not invented in Germany, as one might guess, but in the United States. In what country did the hot dog have its origin? Answer: Germany55Question 64. Identify the part of the world where one would most likely find a nation scornfully called a banana republic. Answer: Latin America55Question 65. What was the costliest war ever in terms of money? Answer: World War II55 I'll describe four men who were known as famous "firsts" and you supply all four names.12Question 66. The first signer of the Declaration of Independence. Answer: John Hancock55Question 67. The first man to set foot on the moon. Answer: Neil Armstrong55Question 68. The first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Answer: Charles Lindbergh55Question 69. The first black man to play major league baseball. Answer: Jackie Robinson55 Quarterfinals 1:20:00 PM Tossups12Question 1. If you sailed from Trieste to Corfu, you would cross the Adriatic Sea. What sea would you be on if you went from Helsinki to Copenhagen? Answer: Baltic Sea1010Question 2. A man bought a cow and a calf for $85. The cow cost $55 more than the calf. How much did he pay for the calf? Answer: $151010Question 3. Divide 36 by .9. What's the quotient? Answer: 401010Question 4. What is a tomahawk? Answer: A small ax1010Question 5. Where in the human body would you find the cerebrum? Answer: brain1010Question 6. Mars was the Roman god of war. Who was his Greek counterpart? Answer: Ares1010Question 7. This branch of engineering deals primarily with the design, construction, and maintenance of public works such as highways, bridges, and waterways. What is this discipline called? Answer: Civil Engineering1010Question 8. What do we call a mountain of ice, once part of a glacier, that floats in the sea? Answer: Iceberg1010Question 9. Who was elected president of his nation by a margin of 11 million-to-0 in October 2002? Answer: Saddam Hussein1010Question 10. Define and spell HYGIENE. Answer: It means cleanliness.1010Question 11. China said it would launch a satellite to survey what heavenly body within three years? Answer: The moon1010Question 12. What do we call the important muscle which is between the chest and the abdomen and helps us to breathe properly? Is it the diaphragm, the triceps, or the solar plexus? Answer: Diaphragm1010Question 13. In what year did Columbus discover America? Answer: 14921010Question 14. How many World Wars have there been? Answer: 21010Question 15. A college student accused of carrying or hiding banned items aboard six passenger jets told of his actions originally in an e-mail to the TSA, the agency created after the 9/11 attacks that oversees 50,000 government-paid airport security screeners. The initials TSA stand for what? Answer: Transportation Security Administration1010Question 16. What does 1/2 x 1/2 equal? Answer: 1/41010Question 17. Identify the Stephen Vincent Benet story on which was based the 1941 film ALL THAT MONEY CAN BUY. Answer: THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER1010Question 18. What do the following snakes have in common: copperhead, water moccasin, coral snake, rattlesnake? Answer: They're all poisonous.1010Question 19. Brazil and Colombia supply about 50% of the world's resource of what product: bananas, coffee, or sugar cane? Answer: Coffee1010Question 20. What do you get when you churn milk? Answer: Butter1010Question 21. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901. Roentgen is chiefly remembered for the discovery of what? Answer: X-rays1010Question 22. The term of office for the United States President is four years. How long is the term of a United States Senator? Answer: Six years1010Question 23. Equal air pressure is controlled inside and outside the human body by means of a tube connecting the inner ear with the throat. What is this channel called? Answer: Eustachian Tube1010Question 24. Solve the following problem: .39/6 = ? Answer: .0651010Question 25. When Pinocchio told a lie, what happened? Answer: His nose grew.1010Question 26. Pencils are not made of lead at all. Of what substance are they made? Answer: Graphite1010Question 27. King Ahab was a wicked ruler whose story is told in the Bible. Captain Ahab is a fictional character. Name the book by Herman Melville in which he appears. Answer: MOBY DICK1010Question 28. What is the name of the world's smallest bird? Answer: hummingbird1010Question 29. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld seemed to reverse course when he said he had no reason to believe that who had a hand in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S.? Answer: Saddam Hussein1010Question 30. Heat may be transferred in three basic ways. Convection is one of them. What are the other two? Answer: Conduction and radiation1010Question 31. A race of monsters in Greek mythology had the chest, arms, and head of a man, and the belly and legs of a horse. Members of this race were called what? Answer: Centaurs1010Question 32. Who is the only woman vying to become the Democratic presidential candidate? Answer: Carol Moseley-Braun1010Question 33. This American author is known for helping to make the surprise ending popular. He wrote the short stories THE LAST LEAF and THE RANSOM OF RED CHIEF. Can you name him? Answer: O Henry1010Question 34. Arrange these four immortals in chronological order: Franz Josef Haydn, composer; Sir Isaac Newton, scientist; Rembrandt, artist; Shakespeare, author. Answer: Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Newton, Haydn1010Question 35. The government is preparing to color-code what in addition to terror-alerts? Answer: Air travelers1010Question 36. Southern Methodist University shut down a bake sale on campus run by Young Conservatives of Texas who sold cookies at different prices based on what two factors, which they claimed showed the flaws in affirmative action? Answer: Customers race and gender (from $1 for white males down to 25 cents for African-Americans)1010Question 37. Former prisoner of war Jessica Lynch recently agreed to a $1 million deal. What kind of deal is it? Answer: A book deal1010Question 38. What does the verb rejuvenate mean? Answer: To make new1010Question 39. Often called The Gateway to the New World, this was the U.S. Immigration Station from 1891 to 1954. What was it called? Answer: Ellis Island1010Question 40. An emu is a creature that lives in Australia. What is the name of a similar animal that lives in Africa? Answer: Ostrich1010Question 41. Subtract 5 3/4 from 7 3/8. Express your answer in whole numbers and fractions. Answer: 1 5/81010Lightning Round SPIRIT OF 76-Identify these personalities from the American Revolutionary War period.12Question 42. The Vermont renegade who led a successful attack against Fort Ticonderoga. Answer: Ethan Allen55Question 43. The British Chancellor of the Exchequer who gave his name to a series of 1767 duties on lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea. Answer: Charles Townshend55Question 44. The Virginia legislator who cried, Give me liberty or give me death. Answer: Patrick Henry55 CON-The following descriptions fit words beginning with the prefix con.12Question 45. A secret or closed meeting of Catholic cardinals Answer: Conclave55Question 46. A clear soup made of meat or vegetable stock Answer: Consomme55Question 47. A resolution passed by both houses of Congress Answer: Concurrent55Question 48. A mode of transport found along the Oregon Trail Answer: Conestoga55 WHEN HAVOC STRUCK12Question 49. Although hurricanes are not as violent as tornadoes, they have greater destructive potential, for two reasons. Give one. Answer: They last longer and cover more area.55Question 50. What country was saved by a divine wind in 1281? Answer: Japan55Question 51. What European country has historically been most affected by flooding? Answer: Holland55 WORD GAME-After each word, give a word with the same meaning that starts with d.12Question 52. Elude Answer: Dodge55Question 53. Argument Answer: Debate55Question 54. Goal Answer: Destination55Question 55. Postpone Answer: Delay, defer55 P.S.- Each of the following words begins with that curious ps spelling. Identify each from its description.12Question 56. A Greek maiden Answer: Psyche55Question 57. A mental disorder Answer: Psychosis55Question 58. A pen name Answer: Pseudonym55 TWO-TIMERS-Don't be a dumb-dumb and do so-so with these repetitive expressions.12Question 59. A rhythmic Latin American ballroom dance. Answer: Cha Cha55Question 60. An artistic movement of the early 20th century. Answer: Dada55Question 61. A German town known for its mineral baths. Answer: Baden-Baden55 BIG APPLE-Describe briefly the following sections of the New York City.12Question 62. Broadway Answer: Theater district55Question 63. Tin Pan Alley Answer: Haven for songwriters and publishers55Question 64. Park Avenue Answer: Wealthy residential area55Question 65. The Bowery Answer: Area for saloons, cheap hotels, and derelicts55 Name these gods or goddesses from classical mythology.12Question 66. Who was the goddess of love and beauty? Answer: Venus or Aphrodite 55Question 67. Who was the messenger of the gods? Answer: Mercury or Hermes55Question 68. What god ruled the seas? Answer: Neptune or Poseidon 55Question 69. Who was the ruler of the underworld? Answer: Pluto or Hades 55 SemiFinals 1:40:00 PM Tossups12Question 1. What war did Billy Yank and Johnny Reb fight? Answer: Civil War1010Question 2. A piece of wire 37 inches long is bent successively in the shape of an equilateral triangle, a square, a regular hexagon, and a circle. The plane surface of the largest area is included when the wire is bent into which shape? Answer: circle1010Question 3. A board of inquiry blamed the Columbia shuttle accident on bad management at NASA as well as what physical cause? Answer: A 1.67-pound chunk of foam insulation that hit the shuttle's wing1010Question 4. What country celebrates Bastille Day? Answer: France1010Question 5. The three secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. What are the three primary colors? Answer: Red, yellow, blue1010Question 6. "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." Was it Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, Ogden Nash, or Dean Martin, who penned this line? Answer: Ogden Nash1010Question 7. What country will become the world's first to make cannabis available for the chronically ill through pharmacies? The nation had already become the first to legalize physician-assisted suicide. Answer: The Netherlands1010Question 8. The GNP is the market value of all goods and services produced by a nation in a given year. What does GNP stand for? Answer: Gross National Product1010Question 9. "Old Marley was dead as a doornail." This quotation is taken from what book? Answer: A CHRISTMAS CAROL1010Question 10. LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI is a novel which recounts the experience of river-boating in the 19th century. What famous American author wrote this book? Answer: Mark Twain1010Question 11. In what city is Disneyland located? Answer: Anaheim1010Question 12. American soldiers at the Shkin airbase in Afghanistan, located just two miles from the border with what country, are targets for al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters who launch frequent attacks from the neighboring country? Answer: Pakistan1010Question 13. If someone has a "Cockney" accent, where was he likely born? Answer: England1010Question 14. The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution demanding that what country halt construction of a barrier intended to cut it off from the West Bank and dismantle the portion already built? Answer: Israel1010Question 15. What is the sum of 10 1/8 and 3 1/3? Reduce your answer to its simplest terms. Answer: 13 11/241010Question 16. The sister of actress Joan Fontaine is a two-time Oscar winner for TO EACH HIS OWN and THE HEIRESS. She also starred as Melanie Wilkes in the classic movie GONE WITH THE WIND. Name her. Answer: Olivia de Havilland1010Question 17. The first and last letters of our alphabet are A and Z. What are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet? Answer: Alpha and omega1010Question 18. Omar Khayyam was a Persian astronomer and poet of the Middle Ages. His most famous volume of poetry was translated into English in 1859. What is the title? Answer: THE RUBAIYAT1010Question 19. What does invulnerable mean? Answer: Indestructible; cannot be harmed1010Question 20. In how many different ways can you arrange five different books on a shelf? You can work out this problem by multiplying 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1. Answer: 1201010Question 21. In 1848, Brigham Young founded this state capital as the center of the Mormon community. Name this city in Utah. Answer: Salt Lake City1010Question 22. What communications giant had acquired 1,200 American radio stations by 2002, to control 60% of all rock music programming? Answer: Clear Channel1010Question 23. Which chemical element has the highest melting point? Answer: Tungsten (3,417 degrees Centigrade)1010Question 24. Shakespeare was born in what country? Answer: England1010Question 25. The ship of Spaniard Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe. Who was the first English captain to sail around the world? Answer: Sir Francis Drake1010Question 26. Which is the largest bird? Answer: ostrich1010Question 27. Akron is known as the Rubber Capital of the World. Which Ohio city is called the Glass Capital of the World? Answer: Toledo1010Question 28. "The problem with [it] isn't just its price or its bulk or its battery life -- it's the irrefutable argument that when one rides [it], one looks like a major dork." That was Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun Times, giving what may be a eulogy for what two-wheeled technological wonder that suddenly isn't so wonderful. What? Answer: The Segway (Sometimes the batteries run down and you just... fall over. Which makes you look even less cool.)1010Question 29. 2 1/2 divided by 5 = ? Answer: 1/21010Question 30. What's the capital of Indiana? Answer: Indianapolis1010Question 31. Of cirrhosis, meningitis, cystic fibrosis, and multiple sclerosis, which disease is an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain or spinal cord, and caused by virus, bacteria, yeasts, fungi, or protozoa? Answer: Meningitis1010Question 32. Who was the ruler of the underworld? Answer: Pluto or Hades 1010Question 33. Dozens of U.S. Marines who were in Liberia in support of a West African peacekeeping mission contracted what disease? Answer: Malaria1010Question 34. Julia Child is a winner of Emmy and Peabody awards. In what field has she achieved prominence? Answer: cooking1010Question 35. A triangle with all three sides congruent is called an equilateral triangle. What do we call a triangle with no sides congruent? Answer: Scalene1010Question 36. To rid their nation of the monarchy during the Reign of Terror, French revolutionaries used what popular mode of execution? Answer: Guillotine1010Question 37. Forbes magazine released its annual ranking of the nations 400 wealthiest individuals and the top three spots remained the same. Name two of the top three. Answer: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Paul Allen1010Question 38. In 1922, an English archeologist named Howard Carter and his patron Lord Carnarvon discovered one of the richest finds in history. What did these two men find? Answer: The Tomb of King Tutankhamen1010Question 39. Which of these capital cities is the northernmost: Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, or Stockholm? Answer: Helsinki1010Question 40. When a person gives false testimony under oath in a court of law, it's called what? Answer: Perjury1010Question 41. THE 500 HATS OF BARTHOLOMEW CUBBINS, HORTON HEARS A WHO, and THE GRINCH WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS, are among the books of what author? Answer: Dr. Seuss1010Lightning Round VARIETY12Question 42. They used to be called airplane flight stewardesses. What are they called now? Answer: Airplane flight attendants55Question 43. Maple syrup is produced only in the United States and what other country? Answer: Canada55Question 44. Identify the year following 1 B.C. Answer: A.D. 155 ARITHMETIC12Question 45. What is 4 divided by 1/2? Answer: 855Question 46. At 50 miles per hour, how long will it take to go 325 miles? Answer: 6 1/2 hours55Question 47. How many quarts are in 2 1/2 gallons? Answer: 1055 WORD POWER12Question 48. Does arbiter mean judge, worker, counsel, or fighter? Answer: Judge55Question 49. Does atrophied mean drugged, relaxed, wasted, or frozen? Answer: Wasted55Question 50. Does blatant mean noisy, fearless, swollen, or gaudy? Answer: Noisy55 PSYCHOLOGY12Question 51. What is the term for the transference of a suppressed desire to a new object? Answer: Channeling or sublimation55Question 52. A complete or partial loss of memory is called what? Answer: Amnesia55Question 53. A feeling of well-being which is exaggerated and not in touch with reality is called happiness, euphoria, joy, or pleasure? Answer: Euphoria55 Identify these q words.12Question 54. To drink deeply Answer: Quaff55Question 55. 25 sheets of paper Answer: Quire55Question 56. A waiting line or a pigtail Answer: Queue55 Let's test your I.Q. about famous doctors.12Question 57. He was also Mr. Hyde. Answer: Dr. Jekyll55Question 58. Name the hero of a book that won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Answer: Dr. Zhivago55Question 59. This English physician discovered the circulation of the blood. Answer: William Harvey55Question 60. The doctor aboard the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE was . . . Answer: Dr. McCoy55 ANIMAL12Question 61. This animal is found at the beginning of an encyclopedia. Answer: Aardvark55Question 62. A beast of burden in Peru is . . . Answer: Llama55Question 63. This bird sings its name at dusk. Answer: Whippoorwill55 Tell me who was responsible for these inventions.12Question 64. Battery Answer: Volta55Question 65. Wireless telegraphy Answer: Marconi55Question 66. Modern machine gun Answer: Gatling55Question 67. Photography Answer: DaGuerre55 Finals 2:00:00 PM Tossups12Question 1. Name the movie in which we hear TARA'S THEME, or the movie in which we hear LARA'S THEME. Answer: GONE WITH THE WIND and DR. ZHIVAGO, respectively1010Question 2. Sandy baked 4 1/2 pounds of cookies. If she divides the cookies evenly among herself and two friends, how many pounds of cookies will she get? Answer: 1 1/21010Question 3. Roald Amundsen Answer: Norwegian 1010Question 4. Give me the nickname of the London murderer of at least six women in 1888, who was never apprehended. Answer: Jack the Ripper1010Question 5. The official name for the Soviet Union is the U.S.S.R. What do these letters stand for? Answer: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics1010Question 6. One yard equals 0.914 meters. How many meters are there in 75 yards? Answer: 68.551010Question 7. Only one king of England was not able to speak English. He reigned from 1714 to 1727. Was he George I, George II, or George III? Answer: George I1010Question 8. "Would you like some freedom fries with your crow, Mr. President?" That's Salon.com's headline describing President Bush's recent turnaround, asking what group to help the United States rebuild Iraq? Answer: The United Nations1010Question 9. What TV show did Newsweek characterize as Comedy Centrals burpfest? Answer: The Man Show1010Question 10. Multiply 5.209 by 1.086. What's the product? Answer: 5.656974 1010Question 11. How much money would I have if I possessed six bits? Answer: 75 cents1010Question 12. If a car travels 300 yards in 10 seconds, how many feet does it travel in a fifth of a second if its rate does not vary? Answer: 18 feet1010Question 13. Here are some of the best-known trails: Appalachian Trail, Chisholm Trail, Santa Fe Trail. Now match them with their start and stop points: Texas to Kansas; Missouri to New Mexico; Maine to Georgia. Answer: Appalachian--Maine to Georgia; Chisholm--Texas to Kansas, Santa Fe--Missouri to New Mexico1010Question 14. He addressed a Richmond convention with the famous speech, "Give me liberty or give me death!" Who was this patriot? Answer: Patrick Henry1010Question 15. The study of word origins is called etymology. What is studied in the science of entomology? Answer: Insects1010Question 16. A 16th century scientist put forward the then absurd notion that the sun, not the earth, was the center around which the planets revolve. Name this Polish astronomer. Answer: Nicolas Copernicus1010Question 17. Two senior Bush administration officials urged patience with the American occupation in Iraq, comparing the attacks against U.S. forces there to guerrilla strikes by member of what political party that fought on after World War II ended? Answer: Nazis1010Question 18. If I were cautious, I would be very careful. What would I be like if I were precocious? Answer: A person of premature development; advanced for age1010Question 19. Taco Bell must pay an additional $11.8 million in interest to two Michigan men who successfully sued the fast-food chain for stealing their idea of an ad campaign featuring a talking what? Answer: Chihuahua1010Question 20. A frightening fracture in the earth's crust is located in the state of California. What is this geological feature called? Answer: San Andreas Fault1010Question 21. How many sides does a heptagon have? Answer: 71010Question 22. Nine ounces is what fraction of a pound? Answer: 9/161010Question 23. A new book titled, Shameless Exploitation in Pursuit of the Common Good, is a new book written by which actor and his business partner, about the success of their company that started with the sale of the actors homemade salad dressing with all the profits given away to charity? Answer: Paul Newman1010Question 24. His ship was named Argo, and in it he sailed to find the Golden Fleece. Name him. Answer: Jason1010Question 25. A state of lawlessness or political disorder within a country--in short, the lack of any governmental authority--is called what? Answer: Anarchy1010Question 26. In geology, the wave-washed sediment along a coast extending throughout the surf zone, is known as what? Answer: Beach1010Question 27. America's Unknown Soldier is buried at Arlington National Cemetery; France's, at the Arch of Triumph. Where is England's Unknown Soldier? Answer: Westminster Abbey1010Question 28. A bear had three cubs. Each of the cubs weighed 1,457 grams. What was the total weight of the cubs in kilograms? Answer: 4.3711010Question 29. In arithmetic, what do we call the quantity from which another quantity is subtracted? Answer: Minuend1010Question 30. Name the song sung by Jiminy Cricket in Walt Disney's PINOCCHIO. Answer: WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR1010Question 31. What government department controls the food stamp program, school lunches and breakfasts, and meat and poultry inspection? Answer: U.S. Department of Agriculture1010Question 32. The duckbilled platypus, the koala, and the kangaroo you find on which continent? Answer: Australia1010Question 33. The 3-judge ruling on California's recall election was related to voting irregularities in what other state during the presidential election of 2000? Answer: Florida1010Question 34. Fred, a traveling salesman, spent 1 3/4 hours driving on Mondays, 2 1/3 hours driving on Tuesday, and 2 1/6 hours driving on Wednesday. How many total hours did he spend driving those three days? Answer: 6 1/4 hours1010Question 35. According to the Bible, what was man made from? Answer: dust1010Question 36. Cell phone companies are attacking each other with ad blitzes as they brace for a new rule beginning Nov. 24 that will let customers keep what when they switch providers? Answer: Their phone number1010Question 37. What philosopher spoke of a cave in which people are chained and in which they see shadows, thinking these shadows to be the only reality? Answer: Plato (Accept Socrates.)1010Question 38. The cotton wedding anniversary is celebrated in the first year of marriage. In what year is the golden wedding anniversary celebrated? Answer: 50th1010Question 39. In geology, the Moh's Scale measures the hardness of rocks and minerals. What does the Richter Scale measure? Answer: Intensity of earthquakes1010Question 40. What does the Roman numeral M stand for? Answer: 1,0001010Question 41. In the closest race for the National League batting title in history, what St. Louis Cardinal won the crown when challenger Todd Helton of the Rockies was intentionally walked in his last at bat? Answer: Albert Pujols (He won by a margin of .00022, or .3587 to .3585.)1010Lightning Round Y1K-All questions relate to the state of the world 1,000 years ago.12Question 42. At the end of the 10th century caravans from Ghana crossed the Sahara carrying this metal. Answer: Gold55Question 43. Many religious Europeans and Byzantines were surprised when the end of the year 999 did not result in what? Answer: Judgement Day (The Apocalypse or end of the world).55Question 44. In England, King Ethelred The Unready paid tribute to these marauders. Answer: Danish Vikings (Accept either)55 WRITING-One word in each sentence is incorrect. Give the correct word which should be used in place of the error.12Question 45. Divide it between the six of them. Answer: Among55Question 46. It's imperative that you are on time. Answer: Be55Question 47. In 1936 Edward VIII fabricated the throne of England. Answer: Abdicated55 MATH12Question 48. If hamburgers sell at 2 for $5.00, how much would half a dozen hamburgers cost? Answer: $15.0055Question 49. What's the simplest fractional form of the square of four-eighths? Answer: 1/455Question 50. What mathematical term is defined as the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the number of possible outcomes? Answer: Probability55Question 51. If a hen can lay an egg every day and a half, how many eggs can three hens lay in three days? Answer: 655 WHO'S WHO-Here are 10 people better known by their middle names. Give me those middle names.12Question 52. William Rains, British actor Answer: Claude55Question 53. Leroy Cleaver, U.S. civil rights leader Answer: Eldridge55Question 54. Achille Debussey, French composer Answer: Claude55 SCIENCE-Give me the name of each of these sciences.12Question 55. The study of man. Answer: Anthropology55Question 56. The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures. Answer: Surgery55Question 57. The study of building design. Answer: Architecture55Question 58. The study of outer space. Answer: Astronomy55 JEOPARDY- They give you the answers and ask you to come up with the questions. I've got a 10-part Jeopardy series for you, but remember--your answer must be in the form of a question.12Question 59. Any plant-eating animal. Answer: Qstn. What is a herbivore?55Question 60. Nectar and ambrosia. Answer: Qstn. What did the Greek and Roman gods live on?55Question 61. Billy and nanny. Answer: Qstn. What are male and female goats called?55 NUMBERS GAME-What number is associated with each of the following words?12Question 62. Unicycle Answer: 155Question 63. Quarantine Answer: 4055Question 64. Pentecost Answer: 5055 Give me the names of these four 20th century dictators, all notable for their long terms.12Question 65. He assumed power as Cuba's head of state on January 1, 1959. Answer: Fidel Castro55Question 66. He led the Nationalist forces to victory during the Spanish Civil War, and ruled Spain from 1936 to 1975. Answer: Francisco Franco55Question 67. From 1945 to 1980, he ruled Yugoslavia. Answer: Tito55 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 2003 Titan Fall Quizbowl Invitational November 22, 2003 +,6  % & , - 1 ; u v | } E F L M Q \ FGMNR]jkqrv+,237BhD!(hD!(5CJhD!(hD!(CJ hD!(5hD!(hD!(5 hD!(hD!(hD!(T')+,y0*"sss"s"sss $IfgdD!(]kd$$IflF#d&)p#``0*    4 la $IfgdD!(gdD!(gdD!( "rrr8]kd$$IflF#d&)p#``0*    4 la $$IfgdD!(]kdg$$IflF#d&)p#``0*    4 la"s"sss"rrr 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