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Have students determine, based on their graph, the total distance traveled and the distance from starting point to ending point of the tripS4a; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5f; S6a,S6c; S7d,S7e; S8cHow is motion described?1d An object in linear motion may travel with a constant velocity or with acceleration-Construct and interpret graphs of position, velocity or acceleration versus time -Determine and interpret slopes and areas of motion graphs -Determine that motion is relative to the observer -Distinguish between speed and velocityUsing a model car, a meter stick and a stop watch, students will record the various variables associated with the motion of the car. Students should mark a starting position and label it 0 meter. Then they should set the car into motion and measure the distance traveled as well as time the motion. Using the data they collected, the students should be able to plot a graph of change in distance vs. change in time, calculating the slope of that graph (which will be the speed) and noting the shape of the graph.S1d,S1f; S2c,S2f; S4a; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5f; S6a,S6c,S6e; S7d,S7e; S8a,S8c Aim:Major UnderstandingPerformance Objective; Students will be able to:Activities and Real World Application:Stan-dardsHow may concurrent forces by combined graphically and algebraically?1c The resultant of two or more vectors, acting at any angle, is determined by vector addition-Determine the resultant of two or more vectors graphically or algebraically -Apply the parallelogram method to find the resultant of any two vectors -Construct and label proper vector diagrams -Draw scaled diagrams, using a ruler and protractor-Attach 2 ropes to 1 object and have 2 students pull at the ropes at a 90( angle. Have the class predict which way the object will move. -Hand out clues to a treasure hunt. Each clue should have the magnitude and direction (NSEW) that needs to be followed. Each group should graphically recreate the clues, using due for horizontal or vertical directions, and 45( for combination directions. Teacher can use other angles, as well, for protractor practice. Have students determine the displacement of the treasure from the starting point. No matter what order the clues were followed, the displacement should be the same. Have students explain why.S1d; S4a; S5a,S5b,S5c, S5d,S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b,S6c, S6d,S6e; S7a,S7b,S7d, S7e; S8a,S8cHow are vectors like babies?1b A vector may be resolved into perpendicular components-Resolve a vector into perpendicular components: graphically and algebraically -Apply the parallelogram method in reverse to find the perpendicular components -Draw scaled diagrams, using a ruler and a protractor -Relate trigonometry to solving for the components-Demonstrate how vectors are analogous to babies in the sense that just as every baby came from a mother and a father, every vector can be formed from a pair of perpendicular components, no matter what angle from the horizontal or vertical the vector is directed. -Review the Pythagorean Theorem, as well as sine, cosine and tangent functions to show how the components can be mathematically calculated.S1d; S2b,S2c; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5e, S5f; S6a,S6d; S7d; S8c  Aim:Major UnderstandingPerformance Objective; Students will be able to:Activities and Real World Application:Stan-dardsHow are cliff divers and baseballs related?1e An object in free fall accelerates due to the force of gravity. Friction and other forces cause the actual motion of a falling object to deviate from its theoretical motion. (Note: Initial velocities of objects in free fall may be in any direction.) 1g A projectiles time of flight is dependent upon the vertical components of its motion 1h The horizontal displacement of a projectile is dependent upon the horizontal component of its motion and its time of flight-Demonstrate the independence of the horizontal and vertical components of motion -Compare the motion of projectiles launched at an angle to that of projectiles launched horizontally -Relate projectile motion to linear and free fall motionAssign students into small groups where they will provide examples of both types of projectile motion, explaining what happens in both directions complete with vector diagrams and path sketches, and link the projectile motion to both linear and free fall motion.S1d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b, S6c,S6d, S6e; S7a,S7b, S7d,S7e; S8a,S8b,S8cWhy is it so hard to move a boulder?1i According to Newtons First Law, the inertia of an object is directly proportional to its mass. An object remains at rest or moves with constant velocity, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.-Compare and contrast Aristotles and Galileos ideas of motion -Explain how Newtons concept of inertia improved upon their laws -Distinguish between mass and weight -Demonstrate the relationship between mass and inertia-Have set up in front of the classroom a quarter set on an index card, which is covering a beaker. Challenge any student in the class to get the quarter to drop into the beaker without moving the quarter. Swiftly and horizontally pull the card. Why did the quarter drop into the glass? Lead into a discussion about force and friction. -Have the class stand up with their hands up. Explain that theyre on a subway that is entering the station. Next, tell them that the train has arrived and have them act out their motion as the train comes to a halt. Why did they all jerk forward even though the train stopped? Why are they thrown against the door of the car when it makes a sharp turn in the other direction? Why should all cars be equipped with neck/head rest and seat belts?S1a,S1b, S1d; S2c,S2d, S2f; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6d, S6e; S7b,S7d, S7e; S8a,S8c Aim:Major UnderstandingPerformance Objective; Students will be able to:Activities and Real World Application:StandardsWhat variables determine whether an object will accelerate?1k According to Newtons Second Law, an unbalanced force causes a mass to accelerate-Verify Newtons Second Law for linear motion -Reason the relationship between mass and acceleration -Apply the mathematical principle that governs the mass-acceleration relationship by deriving the formula: F=ma-Provide groups of students with objects that occupy the same shape and volume but different masses. Ask each group to exert the same amount of force on each object and observe the motion of each object. Which one moved faster, and why? Repeat, but apply differing forces to the objects and record observations. What relationship exists between mass, force and acceleration? S1b,S1d; S2d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b, S6c,S6d, S6e; S7a,S7b, S7d,S7e; S8a,S8cHow can a person be weightless but not massless?1l Weight is the gravitational force with which a planet attracts a mass. The mass of an object is independent of the gravitational field in which it is located.-Determine the acceleration due to gravity near the surface of the Earth -Analyze why mass as a scalar quantity and weight is a vector quantityAsk students to observe an inertia ball with string tied on both ends. Is the tension greater in the upper or lower string? Which property is important in the upper string (mass or weight)? If the string is instead snapped downward, have students predict which string would be more likely to break. Which property is important in the lower string?S1b,S1d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6d; S7b,S7d, S7e; S8a,S8cWhat are the different types of friction?1o Kinetic friction is a force that opposes motion-Use vector diagrams to analyze mechanical systems (equilibrium and nonequilibrium) -Determine the coefficient of friction for two surfaces -Relate friction to the normal force-Ask students to describe what would happen to an object if the force of friction equaled the applied force on an object -Provide groups of students with 3 set ups: wood to slide across the desk; a cylindrical object to roll across the desk; and a graduated cylinder filled with water and a marble to drop in it. Have the students observe the motion of each set up and explain the interactions taking place between the surfaces in contactS1b,S1d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b, S6c,S6d, S6e; S7a,S7b, S7d,S7e; S8a,S8b, S8c Aim:Major UnderstandingPerformance Objective; Students will be able to:Activities and Real World Application:Stan-dardsWhy is follow through important?1pThe impulse imparted to an object causes a change in its momentum-Define momentum -Distinguish between impulse and change in momentum-Have 2 students hold a bed sheet up in the front of the classroom. Challenge students to throw a raw egg as fast as they can at the sheet without breaking it If one should hit the wall, ask why that one broke but the others that hit the sheet did not? -Ask students why they might see big, yellow rubber cans near highway exit ramps, or why it hurts less to fall on a carpeted floor instead of on a hard wood floor?S1b,S1d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b, S6c,S6d, S6e; S7a,S7b, S7d,S7e; S8a,S8b, S8cWhy do rockets take off?1q According to Newtons Third Law, forces occur in action/reaction pairs. When one object exerts a force on a second, the second exerts a force on the first that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.-Explain how forces interact -Distinguish between action and reaction forces -Show how action/reaction pairs do not cancel out-Provide groups of students with 1 straw, 1 balloon, string and tape and ask them to construct a rocket that can fly across the room. Why did the balloon propel across the room? -Have students push their hands against the edge of their desks. Have students slam their hand against the desk. What evidence is there to show that a force was exerted against their hand?S1b,S1d; S2c,S2d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b, S6c,S6d, S6e;S7a,S7b,S7d,S7e;S8a, S8b, S8cWhy is a pool hall a good place to study momentum?1r Momentum is conserved in a closed system (Note: Testing will be limited to momentum in one dimension)-Verify conservation of momentum -Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisionsSet up an air track with 2 cars on it. Ask volunteers to demonstrate 3 different types of collisions: one car hitting a car at rest, a car hitting another car moving in same direction, and the two cars moving towards each other in opposite directions. Before each collision, ask class to predict both the approximate change in velocity (faster, slower, same) and direction (same, opposite)S1b,S1d; S4a,S4b; S5a, S5b, S5c, S5d, S5e,S5f; S6a,S6b, S6c,S6d,S6e S7a,S7b,S7d,S7e; S8a,S8b, S8c Aim:Major UnderstandingPerformance Objective; Students will be able to:Activities and Real World Application:Stan-dardsHow are mass and gravity related?1t Gravitational forces are only attractive, whereas electrical and magnetic forces can be attractive or repulsive 1u The inverse square law applies to electrical and gravitational fields produced by point sources 1s Field strength and direction are determined using a suitable test particle (Notes: 1) Calculations are limited to electrostatic and gravitational fields. 2)The gravitational field near the surface of the Earth and the electrical field between two oppositely charged parallel plates are treated as uniform.)-Describe Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation -Describe gravitational field strengthAsk students what keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth, and the planets orbiting the Sun? -rwa- Assign a class project to explore different planetary systems explaining forces and factors that maintain them in constellation. Plan a trip to the Museum of Natural history to visit the new Hayden Planetarium. Connect to  HYPERLINK "http://learn.ivv.nasa.gov/" http://learn.ivv.nasa.gov/ for offers to science and engineering educational community connection.S1b,S1d; S3c,S3d; S4a,S4b; S5a,S5b, S5c,S5d Brooklyn Physics Curriculum The person who says it can not be done, should not interrupt the person doing it Chinese Proverb PAGE  Page  PAGE 6 of  NUMPAGES 6 Physics Curriculum Lesson Plans -- Mechanics *** All demonstrations should follow proper safety procedures *** Key Idea: (5) Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion. Performance Indicator: (5.1) Students can explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects (e.g., linear and uniform circular motion, velocity and acceleration, momentum and inertia).   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