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TEXT/MATERIALS: Florida Collections: Grade 9 Houghton, Mifflin, and Harcourt **Course credit shall be based on mastery of the standards which are identified on the Volusia County Schools Home Page in each courses Curriculum Map. Below is an overview of four quarters of instruction. (VLT is Volusia Literacy Task; PT is Performance Task, an in-class essay.) Grade LevelQuarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4Grade 9Collection 1: Finding Common Ground, Collection 2: The Struggle for Freedom, Collection 5: A Matter of Life and DeathCollection 4: Sweet Sorrow, Collection 2: The Struggle for Freedom Romeo and Juliet Collection 2: The Struggle for Freedom, Collection 3: The Bonds Between Us, Collection 4: Sweet Sorrow, Collection 6: Heroes and Quests Exploring LiteratureCollection 5: A Matter of Life or Death, Collection 6: Heroes and Quests Animal FarmRequired AssessmentsPT: Speaking Activity: Debate DIA: Assessment of Reading 1VLT 1: Argumentative Essay DIA: Assessment of Reading 2 VLT 2: Informative Essay PT: Analysis EssayPT: Multimedia PresentationDescription of This Course Content: This English I Honors class is designed as an introduction to some of the great writers and genres of literature. Throughout the year, we will read a variety of authors and works (both classic and contemporary) as we explore the human condition. Through such powerful literature, we will discover our own writing voice and strengthen our critical reading and thinking skills. The following is a tentative list of the literary works to be explored: Frank Maddens Exploring Literature, Homers The Odyssey, George Orwells Animal Farm, selected myths from Greek mythology, selected sonnets of William Shakespeare along with Romeo and Juliet, masterpieces of the short story, masterpieces of poetry, and contemporary nonfiction pieces from the Florida Collections textbook and internet. As shown with the above list of works, we have not a moment to waste in this course. We will be reading and analyzing works at a faster rate than ever before to prepare for the rigors of high school and beyond. If you are not a fast, efficient reader, this is your year to become one. Students will research various topics throughout the school year, present his/her findings, and participate in small group and whole class discussions. Students will also analyze texts through various lenses: historical, cultural, personal, structural, skeptical, literal, and metaphorical. Students will write responses, literary analyses, informative essays, argumentative essays, narratives, poetry, and some creative pieces. Most writing will be done in the classroom, and some will be done at home. All written work completed at home must be typed in 12-point, Times New Roman font. Students completing this course will develop a thorough knowledge of a range of texts, reinforce their skills of analysis and the ability to support an argument in coherent writing, as well as broaden their understanding of various cultural perspectives. Materials List A binder (may be shared with another class) Loose-leaf (filler) lined paper (at least 600 sheets) Pencils or pens with blue or black ink Colored pens or highlighters (at least 3 different colors) Printer paper (if student will be printing in class) Expectations Respect yourself, the teacher, guests, your peers, and your classroom. Preparation for and participation in class discussions and activities. Students must bring a binder, planner, loose leaf (filler) paper, at least 3 different colored highlighters, blue or black ink pens, and handouts/texts to class daily. Passes will not be given during active instruction. Compliance with the Honor Code and all other school and county rules and policies. Cell phones must NOT be used during class unless explicit permission is given. If the texting or cell phone use occurs during class time, a warning will be recorded. If a second incident occurs, a referral will be written and, thus, the Conduct Grade on the report card for that quarter will be a 2; this would mean you will not be eligible for the honor roll that quarter. All major assignments done outside the classroom should be typed in 12-point, Times New Roman font with standard (1) margins. You are expected to meet all deadlines. Outside assignments and homework are due at the beginning of class. Daily class work is due at the end of class (unless given an extension for the following class day by the teacher). If the work is not turned in at these points, it will be considered late work. Late work is due within 5 school days of the original due date, and could be cut short by the end of the grading period for the quarter. I expect students to be in class every day, alert and ready to engage in class discussion. Missing class will negatively impact your preparation for essays and exams. Make-up work for absences must be completed according to county policy. Tests must be made up within the same time framebefore school or during lunch. Any assignment/test not completed within this time frame will be considered late work. 1 retake on a summative is allowed per quarter. The summative score must be 69% or lower to be eligible for a retake. Classroom Consequences for Plagiarism and/or Cheating [See SCHS English Department Honor Code policy] The consequences for cheating are severe: Students will receive a zero for any work, quizzes, or tests if found cheating or plagiarizing. A repeated offense of plagiarism or cheating will result in disclosure of cheating violations to college and university admissions directors; scholarship committees; etc. Plagiarism/Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following: PLAGIARISM: When an individual uses another person's ideas, expressions or writing as if they were his/her own. Copying verbatim - This happens when an individual copies words, expressions or ideas directly from another source (e.g. book, article, internet, lab report, friend) without giving proper credit to the author. This also includes copying materials from a source text and supplying proper documentation but leaving out quotation marks. Paraphrasing - This means an individual borrows written ideas from a source and rewrites them in his/her own words but does not give credit to the original author usually through a citation such as parenthetical documentation. Use of an idea - This means an individual adapts an idea from another source without giving proper credit. (e.g. This could happen when asked to write an original piece, such as a short story, and you borrow an idea from a TV program, video, article, or classmate.) Students from one class period sharing information of any kind about a test or quiz with students who take the same class in a different period ARE CHEATING. Students who use old tests or other materials given to them by a student who took the same course in a previous year ARE CHEATING. COPYING OR WORKING TOGETHER ON INDIVIDUAL HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK SHARING IDEAS DURING TEST SITUATIONS(e.g. sharing answers on a take home-exam, asking/telling other students what is on a test/quiz) CHEATING ON TESTS AND QUIZZES(e.g. bringing answers into the test room, copying from another student, or using unauthorized notes or technology) TAKING CREDIT FOR WORK THAT YOU DIDN'T DO(e.g. not acknowledging assistance of a parent, friend, or tutor; also, turning in another students work without that students knowledge and/or turning in a paper a peer has written for the student.) BUYING A PAPER FROM A RESEARCH SERVICE OR TERM PAPER MILL OR TURNING IN A PAPER FROM A FREE TERM PAPER WEBSITE. Grading / Assessment Grading scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F Grades are updated on Gradebook weekly. There are two types of graded assessment: Formative assessment informs both teaching and learning. It provides accurate and helpful feedback to students and teachers on the kind of learning taking place and the nature of students strengths and weaknesses to help develop students understanding and capabilities. Formative assessments count as 40% of the total grade. Summative assessment gives an overview of previous learning and is concerned with measuring student achievement which is typically given at the end of a unit. Summative assessments are made up of exams, essays, and projects and count as 60% of the total grade. Summative assessments are usually on Fridays but could fall on any day of the week. NOTE: Some formative assessments will be unannounced. Retake tests and quizzes will normally consist of short essay questions. Assignments are subject to change at the teachers discretion. VIEWING OF PG-13 MOVIE RELEASE Appropriate PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies will be utilized effectively to enrich classroom instruction and accomplish identified objectives. If you give permission for your child to view such materials, you do not have to do anything. If you do NOT wish to grant permission for your child to view any PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies identified by the teacher as effective in teaching the curriculum, please contact me via e-mail or send a note in with your student. Spruce Creek High School English Department Honor Code COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS PAGE TO CLASS Every student has the right to learn and pursue his/her academic interests. Students also have the right to pursue their education free from the ills caused by any form of intellectual dishonesty. Some courses of study are highly demanding, and students are expected to pursue their individual studies with honesty and integrity. All forms of cheating are violations of this Honor Code. Cheating includes the actual giving or receiving of any unauthorized aid or assistance of any form on any piece of academic work. Students will receive zero credit for any assignment, quiz, or test on which they have cheated. Plagiarism, literary theft, is the worst form of cheating. Plagiarism includes the copying of or representation of another's work as one's own. Not only is the act dishonorable, but it is also unlawful. If evidence of plagiarism is found in any student's writing, that student will receive zero credit for that assignment, and a recommendation may be made that he/she be moved out of an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate class if applicable. In addition to plagiarism, the following are also considered cheating: stealing tests; looking on another person's paper or allowing someone to look on yours; text messaging or using cameras/phones to relay information; copying homework; sharing specific answers; using Spark Notes or another similar source to feign having read the material; telling a student in another class period the items on a test or the answers to a test. I have received and read the SCHS English Honor Code, and I understand its content as well as the consequences incurred if I violate it. I agree to comply with the policies outlined therein. I have also received and read the syllabus for English I Honors, and I understand its content as well as the policies / procedures defined therein including the PG-13 movie release. Date________________________ Student's Signature ___________________________ Student's Name (Printed) _______________________________ Students email address: ____________________________ Parent's Signature ____________________________ Parent's Name (Printed) ________________________________ Parents most useful phone # ___________________________ Parents email address: _____________________________ Please add any notes you would like me to know on the back of this sheet. Feel free to email me at any time.      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