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In response to theories developed by scientists, some religious individuals and organizations questioned the legitimacy of scientific ideas that contradicted the literal interpretation of the creation account in Genesis. Some theologians and intelligencia over the centuries have been of the opinion that the book of Genesis was not to be taken literally, but as allegory or myth. Thus, there have frequently been groups which questioned the 6 literal day creation described in Genesis. (An idea refuted in ICRs June 2011 Acts & Facts: Genesis is History, Not Poetry  HYPERLINK "http://www.icr.org/article/6090/" http://www.icr.org/article/6090/) However, this was only rarely among the masses who commonly believed in the literal creation story. With the advent of the printing press, the translation of the Bible into other languages, and wider literacy, sundry and more literal understandings of scripture flourished. This allowed some religious persons and groups to challenge supporters of evolution. Creation-evolution controversy in the age of Darwin The Creation-Evolution controversy originated in Europe and North America in the late eighteenth century, with the proposition of various theories of an ancient earth, and fossils showing past extinctions prompted early ideas of evolution. Such ideas were particularly controversial in England where both the natural world and the hierarchical social order were thought to be fixed by God's will. As the terrors of the French Revolution developed into the Napoleonic Wars, followed by economic depression threatening revolution in Britain itself, such subversive ideas were rejected, associated only with radical agitators. Conditions eased with economic recovery, and when  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestiges_of_the_Natural_History_of_Creation" \o "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation was anonymously published in 1844. Its ideas of  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmutation_of_species" \o "Transmutation of species" transmutation of species attracted wide public interest despite being attacked by the scientific establishment and many theologians who believed it to be in conflict with their interpretations of the biblical account of life's, especially humanity's, origin and development. However radical Quakers, Unitarians and Baptists welcomed the book's ideas of " HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_law" \o "Natural law" natural law" as supporting their struggle to overthrow the privileges of the Church of England. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation remained a best-seller, and paved the way for widespread interest in the theory of natural selection as introduced and published by English naturalist Charles Darwin in his 1859 book,  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Origin_of_Species_by_Means_of_Natural_Selection" \o "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Darwin's book was praised by Unitarians as well as by liberal Anglican theologians whose Essays and Reviews sparked considerably more religious controversy in Britain than Darwin's publication, as its support of higher criticism questioned the historical accuracy of literal interpretations of the Bible and added declarations that miracles were irrational. It should be noted that Alfred Russell Wallace developed an evolutionary theory around the same time as Darwin, and his work forced Darwin to publish. Theologian  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Hodge" \o "Charles Hodge" Charles Hodge, a critic of Darwin's theories, also praised Darwin for his intellectual honesty. Darwin's book revolutionized the way naturalists viewed the world. The book and its promotion attracted attention and controversy, and many theologians reacted to Darwin's theories. For example, in his 1874 work What is Darwinism?  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Hodge" \o "Charles Hodge" Charles Hodge argued that Darwin's theories were tantamount to atheism. The controversy was fueled in part by one of Darwin's most vigorous promoters, Thomas Henry Huxley (known as Darwins Bulldog), who opined that Christianity is "a compound of some of the best and some of the worst elements of Paganism and Judaism, moulded in practice by the innate character of certain people of the Western World." Perhaps the most uncompromising of the evolutionary philosophers was the German,  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Haeckel" \o "Ernst Haeckel" Ernst Heinrick Haeckel, a professor of biology, who dogmatically affirmed that nothing spiritual exists. A flood of Protestant objections to evolution occurred after about 1875. Previously, citing Louis Agassiz and other scientific luminaries, Protestant contributors to religious quarterlies dismissed Darwin's theories as unscientific. After 1875, it became clear that the majority of naturalists embraced evolution, and a sizable minority of these Protestant contributors rejected Darwin's theory because it called into question the veracity of Scriptures. Even so, virtually none of these dissenters insisted on a young Earth, since the clergy had been beaten into silence on this point by the defeat of Wilberforce, and theologians mistaken assumption that geologists had ample proof of an old earth (which they did not at the time). The greatest concern for creationists at the turn of the twentieth century was the issue of human ancestry. Creationists during this period were largely  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premillennialism" \o "Premillennialism" premillennialists, whose belief in Christ's return depended on a quasi-literal reading of the Bible. However, they were not as concerned about geology, freely granting scientists any time they needed before the Edenic creation to account for scientific observations, such as fossils and geological findings. In the immediate post-Darwinian era, few scientists or clerics rejected the antiquity of the earth, or the progressive nature of the fossil record. Likewise, few attached geological significance to the Biblical flood, unlike subsequent creationists. Evolutionary skeptics, creationist leaders and skeptical scientists were usually either willing to adopt a figurative reading of the first chapter of Genesis, or allowed that the six days of creation were not necessarily 24-hour days. Scopes Trial Initial reactions in the United States matched the developments in Britain, and when Alfred Russell Wallace went there for a lecture tour in 18861887 his explanations of "Darwinism" were welcomed without any problems, but attitudes changed after the First World War. The controversy became political when public schools began teaching that man evolved from earlier forms of life per Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. In response, the State of Tennessee passed a law (the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butler_Act" \o "Butler Act" Butler Act of 1925) prohibiting the teaching of any theory of the origins of humans that contradicted the teachings of the Bible. This law was tested in the highly publicized Scopes Trial of 1925. The law was upheld by the Tennessee Supreme Court, and remained on the books until 1967 when it was repealed. However, the next year, 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Epperson v. Arkansas, 393 U.S. 97 (1968), that such bans contravened the Establishment Clause because their primary purpose was religious. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) textbooks Work in genetics culminating in the 1937 publication of  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetics_and_the_Origin_of_Species" \o "Genetics and the Origin of Species" Genetics and the Origin of Species by Theodosius Dobzhansky, combining Mendelian genetics with Darwinian natural selection, and explaining, through neutral mutations, (replacing Darwins outmoded pangenes) the source of the variation upon which evolution acted, led to a synthesis that brought together disparate fields of biology and other sciences into a strong, coherent explanation of evolution. A campaign ensued, urging schools to teach the supposed fact" of evolution, and in the 1960s, the federally supported Biological Sciences Curriculum Study biology text books were introduced, promoting evolution as the organizing principle of biology. The belief in the power of science amongst biologists was running especially high: One of the prominent creators of the modern synthesis, Julian Huxley, made a religion of  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism" \o "Humanism" humanism, saying that a "drastic reorganization of our pattern of religious thought is now becoming necessary, from a god-centered to an evolutionary-centered pattern", and advocating the use of science to further expand human capacities. Meanwhile, public opinion polls suggested that most Americans either believed that God specially created human beings or guided evolution (those opinions continue to today). Membership in churches favoring increasingly literal interpretations of Scripture continued to rise, with the Southern Baptist Convention and Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod outpacing all other denominations. With growth, these churches became better equipped to promulgate a creationist message, with their own colleges, schools, publishing houses, and broadcast media. With decreasing church membership among evolutionary scientists, the role of opposing the anti-BSCS textbook movement passed from prominent scientists in liberal churches to secular scientists less equipped to reach Christian audiences. Anti-evolutionary forces were able to reduce the number of school districts utilizing BSCS biology textbooks, but courts continued to prevent religious instruction in public schools. ICR and the co-opting of the creationist label  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_M._Morris" \o "Henry M. Morris" Henry M. Morris and  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Whitcomb" \o "John C. Whitcomb" John C. Whitcomb Jr.'s influential  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Genesis_Flood" \o "The Genesis Flood" The Genesis Flood was published in 1961. The authors argued that creation was literally 6 days long, that humans lived concurrently with dinosaurs, and that God created each kind of life. With publication, Morris became a popular speaker, spreading anti-evolutionary ideas at fundamentalist churches, colleges, and conferences. Morris set up the Creation Science Research Center (CSRC), an organization dominated by Baptists, as an adjunct to the Christian Heritage College. The CSRC rushed publication of biology text books that promoted creationism, and also published other books such as Kelly Segrave's sensational Sons of God Return that dealt with UFOlogy, flood geology, and demonology. These efforts were against the recommendations of Morris, who urged a more cautious and scientific approach. Ultimately, the CSRC broke up, and Morris founded the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Creation_Research" \o "Institute for Creation Research" Institute for Creation Research. Morris promised that the ICR, unlike the CSRC, would be controlled and operated by scientists. During this time, Morris and others who supported flood geology adopted the terms scientific creationism and  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_science" \o "Creation science" creation science. The flood geologists took over "the generic creationist label for their literalist views". Previously, creationism was a generic term describing a philosophical perspective that presupposes the existence of a supernatural creator. The Catholic Church and Evolution Among the first recorded responses of a prominent Catholic clergyman to Darwin's theory was that of the Venerable John Henry Newman, who in 1868, in a letter to a fellow priest, made the following comments: ...Mr. Darwin's theory need not then to be atheistical, be it true or not; it may simply be suggesting a larger idea of Divine Prescience and Skill. Perhaps your friend has got a surer clue to guide him than I have, who have never studied the question, and I do not [see] that 'the accidental evolution of organic beings' is inconsistent with divine design It is accidental to us, not to God. More recent statements have been made by Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI that also support a theistic understanding of evolution. The current controversy The controversy continues to this day, with the scientific consensus on the origins and evolution of life actively attacked by creationist organizations and religious groups who desire to uphold some form of creationism as an alternative. Most of these groups are explicitly Christian, and more than one sees the debate as part of the Christian mandate to evangelize. Some see science and religion as being diametrically opposed views which cannot be reconciled. More accommodating viewpoints, held by mainstream churches and some scientists, consider science and religion to be separate categories of thought, which ask fundamentally different questions about reality and posit different avenues for investigating it. More recently, the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_Design_movement" \o "Intelligent Design movement" Intelligent Design movement has taken an anti-evolution position which avoids any direct appeal to religion. However, Leonard Krishtalka, a paleontologist and an opponent of the movement, has called intelligent design "nothing more than creationism in a cheap tuxedo", and, in  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitzmiller_v._Dover_Area_School_District" \o "Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District" Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District (2005) United States District Judge John E. Jones III ruled that "intelligent design is not science", but is "grounded in theology" and "cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents." Before the trial began, President Bush commented endorsing the teaching of Intelligent Design alongside evolution "I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught ... so people can understand what the debate is about." Timeline of the controversy 1650 - Anglican Archbishop James Usher of Ireland states that the universe was created in 4004 BC, in direct conflict with the former prevailing Aristotelian view of a cyclical and eternal earth. 1785 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hutton" \o "James Hutton" James Hutton presented his theory of uniformitarianism, explaining that the Earth must be much older than previously supposed to allow time for mountains to be  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erosion" \o "Erosion" eroded and for sediment to form new rocks at the bottom of the sea, which in turn were raised up to become dry land. 1794 to 1796 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus_Darwin" \o "Erasmus Darwin" Erasmus Darwin published Zonomia with ideas on evolution and all warm-blooded animals arising from one living filament. 1802 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Paley" \o "William Paley" William Paley publishes Natural Theology which uses the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmaker_analogy" \o "Watchmaker analogy" watchmaker analogy to argue for the existence of God from signs of intelligent design in the living world. 1809 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Lamarck" \o "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed a theory of evolution by acquired characteristics, later known as Lamarckism. 1830 to 1833 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Lyell" \o "Charles Lyell" Charles Lyell (student of Buckland) published Principles of Geology denigrating catastrophism. 1836 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Buckland" \o "William Buckland" William Buckland, theologian and geologist, publishes Geological and Mineralogical Considerations with Reference to Natural Theology which was sixth in the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgewater_Treatises" \o "Bridgewater Treatises" Bridgewater Treatises series and rejected a global flood. 1844 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Chambers_(journalist)" \o "Robert Chambers (journalist)" Robert Chambers anonymously published the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vestiges_of_the_Natural_History_of_Creation" \o "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. 1857 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Henry_Gosse" \o "Philip Henry Gosse" Philip Henry Gosse published  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omphalos:_An_Attempt_to_Untie_the_Geological_Knot" \o "Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot" Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot. Omphalos is Greek for "navel". Gosse was a brilliant naturalist who invented the first stable seawater aquarium. Gosse's book was an attempt to reconcile biblical literalism with geological uniformitarianism by adopting a Surrealist or Surrogate Realist (an anti commonsense realist) view of uniformitarianism and science generally. The book's Surrealist interpretation of science can be summed up God created the world AS IF the teachings of geology & science are true. Gosse's position is sometimes referred to as "Theological Surrealism" (see  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jarrett_Lepin&action=edit&redlink=1" \o "Jarrett Lepin (page does not exist)" Jarrett Lepin for less trivial examples of Surrealism). Gosse's theme within the book was whether Adam and Eve had belly buttons (remnants of a link between the placenta and the baby). Since Adam and Eve did not have human parents they should not have belly buttons. This theme underlies the tension between geological records and biblical fundamentalism. His book was rejected by both sides of the debate because it "cuts no ice". Much of 21st century Creationist, Intelligent Design Theories flirt with Gosse's surrealist tenets to create an alternative and competing science. 1859 - Charles Darwin published  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Origin_of_Species" \o "The Origin of Species" The Origin of Species regarding the theory of evolution, after over 20 years of research and discovery. Darwin was prompted to publish by the publication of an essay by  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Russel_Wallace" \o "Alfred Russel Wallace" Alfred Russel Wallace, which independently summarized the theory. The theory's most profound element, "natural selection," challenged the generally accepted idea of divine intervention in species formation, leading to strong reaction to Darwin's theory. 1860 - Liberal theologians published Essays and Reviews supporting Darwin. A debate of Darwin's theory was arranged at the Oxford Museum, with Thomas Huxley among its defenders and Samuel Wilberforce, the Bishop of Oxford leading its critics. Later accounts indicate Sir Joseph Hooker was most vocal in defending Darwinism. 1923 - The New Geology by Seventh-day Adventist George McCready Price was inspiration and basis for Morris and Whitcomb's The Genesis Flood (see 1960 below). 1925 - The  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopes_Trial" \o "Scopes Trial" Scopes Trial (Dayton, TN U.S.A.) tested the new  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butler_Act" \o "Butler Act" Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach that man descended from animals in public schools. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100; prosecution lawyer William Jennings Bryan offered to pay it, but it was later set aside on a technicality after appeal to the Tennessee Supreme Court. 1950 - Pope Pius XII issued the papal encyclical  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humani_Generis" \o "Humani Generis" Humani Generis, which states that evolution is compatible with Christianity insofar as to discover "the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter," but that to apply evolution to matters of spirituality is inappropriate. The Roman Catholic Church has since refined its interpretations of Genesis as symbolic of spirituality. 1958 - The National Science Foundation started the  HYPERLINK "http://www.bscs.org/" Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, which emphasizes evolution in high school biology textbooks. This was part of a broad-based improvement of education in the United States in response to the launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite. (See  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_crisis" \o "Sputnik crisis" Sputnik crisis, " HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Math" \o "New Math" New Math") 1960 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Genesis_Flood" \o "The Genesis Flood" The Genesis Flood by Henry Morris and John C. Whitcomb, Jr. reinvigorated the creationist movement. 1968 - A U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epperson_v._Arkansas" \o "Epperson v. Arkansas" Epperson v. Arkansas case repealed all remaining creationist laws. The Court supported a District Court ruling that the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_v._Aguillard" \o "Edwards v. Aguillard" "Creationism Act" violated the Establishment Clause because it prohibited the teaching of evolution and it required the teaching of a particular religious doctrine. 1973 - Tennessee passed a law requiring textbooks with a theory of origin to give equal emphasis to the Genesis account of Creation. In 1975 it was ruled unconstitutional because it violated the principle of separation of church and state. 1991 -  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_on_Trial" \o "Darwin on Trial" Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson initiated the  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_design" \o "Intelligent design" intelligent design movement. 1996 - Michael J. Behe wrote  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin%27s_Black_Box" \o "Darwin's Black Box" Darwin's Black Box, which proposed that some biological systems are  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreducibly_complex" \o "Irreducibly complex" irreducibly complex. 1996 - On October 22,  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_II" \o "Pope John Paul II" Pope John Paul II sent the message  HYPERLINK "http://www.ewtn.com/library/PAPALDOC/JP961022.HTM" On Evolution to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, stating that "fresh knowledge" requires one to realize that evolution is "more than a hypothesis." 1999 - On August 11, the Kansas State Board of Education deleted discussion of evolution and the Big Bang from standards relating to state assessments. 2001 - The Kansas State Board of Education reinstated the discussion of evolution and the Big Bang after the removal of three board members. 2002 - After much debate, the Ohio State Board of Education partially adopted the new " HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teach_the_Controversy" \o "Teach the Controversy" Teach the Controversy" initiative of intelligent design activists. In 2004 the board created a "Critical Analysis of Evolution" lesson plan for teachers. 2004 - On January 30, Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter released a statement condemning the suggestion that the word "evolution" be banned from textbooks used in schools in the state of Georgia. 2004 - On February 19, Italian Education Minister Letizia Moratti issued a legislative decree that Italian children will learn about creationism. On April 23, top Italian scientists responded with an open letter and a petition, signed by more than 50,000 citizens, claiming that her proposal would sacrifice the "scientific curiosity of youth." Moratti clarified that her proposal did not ban the teaching of evolution, but rescinded the decree nonetheless and even acted to bolster the presence of evolution in Italian academic curricula. 2004 - On July 23, the International Theological Commission issued the document  HYPERLINK "http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/cti_documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20040723_communion-stewardship_en.html" Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God. 2005 - Evolution went on trial once again in the Kansas State Board of Education. Advertisements pushing intelligent design started to appear in European cities like Budapest that had been untouched by creationism up to this point. 2005 - In September, a few parents in the Dover Area School District legally challenged intelligent design after a statement read to students claimed that there are "gaps" in evolution and that intelligent design is an alternative about which they can learn from  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Of_Pandas_and_People" \o "Of Pandas and People" Of Pandas and People. In December, the federal court in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania issued a sweeping decision asserting that intelligent design is just another name for creationism, that it is not science, and that it cannot be taught as science in public schools. 2005 - In November, eight of the nine-member Dover, Pennsylvania school board were voted out and replaced with a coalition of Democratic and Republican candidates who oppose the previous board's decision to introduce intelligent design and lay doubts on evolution. The coalition ran on the Democratic ticket. The newly elected board members agreed to not appeal the court decision in Kitzmiller and have removed the intelligent design requirements from the school district's curriculum. (See  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Teaching_Intelligent_Design:_Incumbent_Dover_PA_school_board_fails_reelection" \o "n:Teaching Intelligent Design: Incumbent Dover PA school board fails reelection" Teaching Intelligent Design: Incumbent Dover PA school board fails reelection .) 2005 - On December 20 the court in  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitzmiller_v._Dover_Area_School_District" \o "Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District" Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, the "Dover trial," issued its ruling that intelligent design is a form of creationism, and that the school board policy requiring the presentation of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution as an "explanation of the origin of life" thus violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. In his ruling, the judge wrote that intelligent design is not science and is essentially religious in nature. This acts as precedent today. 2007 - Pope Benedict XVI publishes Creation and Evolution, where he writes "This clash (between evolution and Creationism) is an absurdity because on one hand there is much scientific proof in favor of evolution, which appears as a reality that we must see and which enriches our understanding of life and being as such." Around Texas Houston: The Greater Houston Creation Association (GHCA) usually meets around the last Thursday of each month. They meet at Houston's First Baptist Church at 7 pm, in Room 258. After the presentation, there will be refreshments, fellowship and creation science materials for all to enjoy. For more information go to  HYPERLINK "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=bztaencab&et=1103662222545&s=545&e=001xF-6WOYzM5Yyre44Ea_qUjH5EOT_fFIGjrfpfa5h-rD53IlUVbz3Vc0Dp47_VEwW3iQQ6F1b6K0EtKc_vUxYKpzN_8V2upXFbsOScvUeD92nJdUTjDIFeg==" \t "_blank" www.ghcaonline.com. Glen Rose: Dr. Carl Baugh gives a Directors Lecture Series on the first Saturday of each month at the Creation Evidences Museum just outside Glen Rose, TX. The new and improved museum is also a great and beneficial way to spend any day. Presentations are at 11 am and 2 pm. For more information go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.creationevidence.org" www.creationevidence.org Dallas-Ft Worth: The Metroplex Institute of Origin Science (MIOS) meets at the Dr. Pepper Starcenter, 12700 N. Stemmons Fwy, Farmers Branch, TX, usually at 7:30 pm of the first Tuesday of each month. Lubbock Area (Crosbyton): All year:Consider a visit to the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, directed by Joe Taylor.The Museum is definitely worth the visit if you live near or are traveling through the Panhandle near Lubbock.If you call ahead and time permitting, Joe has been known to give personal tours, especially to groups.For more information, visit HYPERLINK "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=bztaencab&et=1103662222545&s=545&e=001xF-6WOYzM5bqqt6T1G_CwJWJosrOSIhLAagtnP0Z504J-gEROEBe22S3gq720x6ofjFVqK-AfJcsjrsuQyRtoepYiAQVVUFC-cF56fLwwBJ0SQ-44KlLmw==" \t "_blank" http://www.mtblanco.com/. Greater San Antonio area: Watch Creation in the 21st Century, hosted by Dr. Carl Baugh at 3:00 AM on Friday. Can watch online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tbn.org/watch-us/" \t "_blank" http://www.tbn.org/watch-us/ Listen to Answers with Ken Ham online at the address below. (No nearby station for this broadcast).  HYPERLINK "http://www.answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-daily" \t "_blank" http://www.answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-daily To hear program from the Institute for Creation Research, listen online at this address.  HYPERLINK "http://www.icr.org/radio/" \t "_blank" http://www.icr.org/radio/ Also, tune in KHCB FM 88.5 (San Marcos) or KKER FM 88.7 (Kerrville) for Back to Genesis at 8:57 AM Mon-Fri, then Science, Scripture and Salvation at 1:30 AM, 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM on Saturdays. FEAST Science Workshop Schedule for 2010 and 2011 We have concluded the Science Workshops at FEAST for this school year, but will resume them in September. Dave and Mary Jo Nutting spoke at the FEAST Book Fair in May. We hope you caught their brief appearance. Last Month at SABBSA In our May SABBSA meeting we viewed a documentary on the Galapagos Islands. This unusual chain of islands is home to salt-spitting marine iguanas, flightless cormorants, and giant tortoises that can live to be more than 150 years of age. It is also the birthplace of Darwinism, for here in 1835, a young Charles Darwin began to formulate a theory which would turn the world upside down. More than a century and a half later, these mysterious islands remain at the center of a controversy that has shaped the way modern men perceive science, religion, and life itself. The unique ingredients found on the Galapagos have led many of Darwin's followers to describe it as Darwin's Eden - a "laboratory of evolution." Doug Phillips led a team of Christian scientists and investigators to this "ground zero" in the war of the worldviews. Seen through the eyes of 16-year-old Joshua Phillips, who joins his father and noted researchers like Dr. John Morris of the Institute for Creation Research, The Mysterious Islands is the story of one boy's search for answers to the great controversy of the modern world. It is a refreshing father-and-son adventure that combines cinematically breathtaking footage with high adventure. The quest: to determine whether the Galapagos Islands are a laboratory of evolution, or a testimony to creation. This beautiful, 90-minute documentary takes viewers deep beneath the ocean waves, among hundreds of white-tip sharks, into volcanic craters with giant lizards, and to the unusual habitat of the Blue-footed booby. Featuring the only team of Creationists and Christian scientists to shoot a documentary on the Galapagos in 2009 - Darwin's anniversary year - the film brings a fresh perspective on the Theory of Evolution and presents stunning cinematography of one of the most desolate and fascinating locations in the world. Our judgment of the video was that it was well filmed, showed beautiful scenery in the Galapagos, exotic animals and made us feel as if we were there. However, it tended to "pack" 20 minutes of information into a 90-minute film. For the uninitiated who is not already an ardent creationist, it's one sided view will not persuade an evolutionist, and it's large amount of unedited scenic and wildlife footage will turn off anyone who is not deeply interested in seeing the Galapagos as it really is. However, as a creationist, I can say that I felt that I was there, and that is something special. Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, at 7 pm Our June SABBSA meeting will have three agenda items. First we will have a brainstorming and planning session on how to best advertise and market our new "Answers for Life" curriculum to the public. "Answers for Life" is a program geared toward youth and young adults which endeavors to answer the "Big Questions" in Life. Second, we will have a similar brainstorming session on what kind of approach and program we can make available to churches for next year's "Darwin Day" in February. If you have ideas on how or what to present to churches on either of these topics we would love to hear from you. Bring Your Own Question! Lastly, we will have a session which is like "open Mike" night at a club. We will open the floor to any topic on creationism, creation science, origins or apologetics you wish to discuss. It is our audience's night to choose the topics for discussion. Our fine board of apologists will endeavor to at least put you on the road to some answers. Please join us in June with your opinions and questions, and help shape the Creation ministry in San Antonio for the coming year! As always, we will meet at the Jims Restaurant at the corner of San Pedro and Ramsey. / 4   : X Z [ Ϳۿͨwwohd\dTdTN hf?0Jjhf?Uhf?hf?6hf? hf?hf?hsmH sH h:KZhsmH sH hXhsmH sH 'hhs5B*CJPJ\aJph hy TPJ\ hsPJ\hs0JOJPJQJmH sH jhsOJPJQJUhsOJPJQJmH sH hsOJPJQJjhsU#hsB*CJOJQJ^JaJph JDdd-DM [$gds$dd-DM [$a$gdsdd-DM [$gdVd-DM gds$dG$a$gdsgds  IJ!vw67ձ՗yn__jhXhsUmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0J6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH h3dmH sH hhsmH sH hXhs5\mH sH h:KZhsmH sH hXhsmH sH hsPJ\hsmH sH hf?mH sH jhf?U$7OPJKSZ[bdns{1BDo()'6FYݺݺݫݟݟݍohXhs0J6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH h:KZhs5mH sH hhs56]mH sH jhXhsUmH sH h:KZhsmH sH hsH*mH sH hXhsmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH 'Yke  UVcd-456"'.u緪ԑx緪mdmmmmmhsH*mH sH h$hsmH sH hs6]mH sH hXh3d6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH jhy TUmHnHuhsmH sH h:KZhsmH sH hXhsmH sH h:KZhs6]mH sH '#$:;  l ! !Z![!l!m!/">"""""#"#Z#b#=$Q$t$u$v$$$$$$$/%8%~%%%%&hhsmH sH hXhs5\mH sH hXh3dmH sH h3dmH sH h$hsmH sH hsmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hsH*mH sH hXhsmH sH 4n v$$((,011(9J9:;1<I<?CCC/CCExFGHYI & Fdgdsgds& &&'&C&L&_&`&&&&&V'k''((,(.(9(a(u((()))))))))))***/*0*Z***6+V+u+z++++,,,,,귊hsH*mH sH hsmH sH hXhs5\mH sH hhs6]mH sH hhs5mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hXhsmH sH hhsmH sH 6,,,,- ---../0/5/U/P1o111111?2@2O2P2U2V2222222 3!32333334꥔tdhXhs0J6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH hXhs56\]mH sH hXhs5\mH sH hl5mH sH hsmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hXhsmH sH hhsmH sH '444455555555{6|666 7 77777,8-8=8>8U8^8m8888(9J9|9999999Ÿԛ}ohXhs5\mH sH hhs6]mH sH hXhs0J6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hXhs6]mH sH hhsmH sH hXhsmH sH hsmH sH (9999::;;;;;;1<I<y<<==>>-?.?????@@.A/AWAXA`A|A}AAIBWBiBBC꺭ꐂrjhE/>mH sH hXhs0J6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hXhs5\mH sH hsmH sH hFmhsmH sH hXhsmH sH hZhsmH sH (CC/C6C>C?CICJCUCYC`CqCCCCCCEDFDRDSDlD}DDD'E(E.E/EEEEE F FFFFFFFFFFFGG[G\GnGoGGG,Hܽܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮ܈ܮܮܮhXhs6]mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hsmH sH hFmhs5mH sH hFmhsmH sH hXhsmH sH hXhs5\mH sH hV5\mH sH 5,H-HBHCHHHHHHHII'ILpRT9VVXZ\d]d_U`Xabcdecf(gFikjTkmpst & FdgdsMMMMN0NaNkNoNNOXOOO*P+P8P9PPPPPwRRRRRRSSSSSS T T\TmTTTU+U?UZUoU|UUUUܘzhSXhs6]mH sH hXhs0J6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH hSXhsmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hXhs6]mH sH hXhsmH sH hFmhsmH sH 0UUUUUUVV-V6V@VOViV~VVVVVVV-W.W:W;W=WGW_W`WWWWW@XVXXXXXXXDYEYSYTYZZZZZZZ[$[%[[ŸŸܛŸhXhs0J6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hsmH sH hXhs6]mH sH hXhsmH sH hSXhsmH sH 6[[?\@\N\O\R\S\\\\\\\\\]]] ]%]:]]]]]]]b^c^^^^^^^4`R`\`]`````````8a9aKaLa_anauavaaa廭廭廭hSXhsmH sH hXhs0J6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH jhXhsUhXhs0JmH sH hXhsmH sH jhXhsUmH sH 9aaabbkblbbbbbbbbcccRcSc_c`chccd$dMdUd1eNejekeeeeeffg%gZgig]iiii"j#jgjhjjjkkikok~kkk[l˾˾ڳڧڳڧ˾ڳڳڳڧڧڳڟhsmH sH hSXhs5mH sH hSXhsmH sH hXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hXhsmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0J6]mH sH :[l\llllllmmm?nInNnXnoozp{pppppsqtqqq]rfrrr`s~sssttttĹĹĹ߹n6h&hs5>*B* CJ$OJPJQJ\^JaJ$ph3fhXhs0JmH sH jhXhsUmH sH hsmH sH hSXhsmH sH hXhsmH sH jhXhsUhXhs0J6]mH sH hXhs6]mH sH #jhXhs6U]mH sH %tttvxx{{{r|t|i}j}~~~~ )dh-DM gdsddd[$\$gds dgdsgds dgds dKgds d^gdstttttttuu uAuBuuuҺ{d{d{U@+(hhsB*CJOJQJ\aJph)hvOhsB*CJOJPJQJaJphh^ths0JB*\ph,h5hs5B*CJOJPJQJaJph#hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph)h&hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph/h&hs5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJph/h&hs5B* CJOJPJQJ\aJph3f)hs5B* CJOJPJQJ\aJph3f0hs5>*B* CJ$OJPJQJ\^JaJ$ph3f uuuuvvvvvvvvwww w!w޲޲ފu]E0)h&hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph/h&hs5B*CJOJPJQJ\aJph/h&hs5B* CJOJPJQJ\aJph3f)hs5B* CJOJPJQJ\aJph3f)hk*B*CJOJPJQJaJph2jh&hsB*CJOJPJQJUaJph/h&hs5B* CJOJPJQJ\aJph3f)h&hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph)h&hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph{{{{{|||S|T|p|q|~||||||||||-}.}g}h}k}}د؀iRدد؀؀iد,hE|hs5B*CJOJPJQJaJph,h<hs>*B*CJOJPJQJaJph2jh<hsB*CJOJPJQJUaJph)hAo?hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph#hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph,h<hs5B*CJOJPJQJaJph)h<hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph#hsB* CJOJPJQJaJph3f}}}}}}}}}}}~~~~~N~O~X~Y~^~m~s~~~~~~ ¨¨zzlR3h_Shs5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJphhsB* ^JmH phsH ,h<hs5B*CJOJPJQJaJph,h<hs>*B*CJOJPJQJaJph2jh<hsB*CJOJPJQJUaJph)h<hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph#hsB*CJOJPJQJaJph,hAo?hs5B*CJOJPJQJaJph  #Ku $7=_Ӄ`a۳яяqbMb=bhsB*OJPJQJ^Jph)hZhs56B*PJ\]^JphhZhsB*PJ^Jphjhy TUmHnHuhZhs5B*PJ\phhZhsB*PJph,h%8hs5B*CJ OJPJQJaJ phh6VhsB*PJ^Jphh6Vhs5B*PJphh:@B*PJphh6VhsB*PJph-h_ShsB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph)61bgds$ddd[$\$a$gdsddd[$\$gds҉Ug01oZI hZhs>*B*PJ^Jph(hZhs5B*CJPJ^JaJph(h6Vhs5B*CJPJ^JaJphhsB*PJ^Jph#hZhs5B*PJ\^JphhZhsB*PJ^JphhZhs5B*PJ\phhZhsB*PJph-hZhsB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph3hZhs5B*CJOJPJQJ\^JaJph,Ih abÿh/hsB*PJ^JphhZhsB*PJ^Jph#hZhs5B*PJ\^Jphhs5B*PJ\^Jph21h:pV/ =!"#$% F =lbGl[Ӏ/AdobedC  )0%'*83<86176=BGC8>I=44FKID9bZQX@>>ypdxG>>cC3'(4NB5?Nccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc3 }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? 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