ࡱ> SUT` Z&bjbjss 4>Z RRRR$v4  + - - - - - - $b!h#Q Q f NNN:+ N+ NN / R+ | 0 ,$$$hL6N8,djQ Q D             Become Soldiers For Christ Curriculum Grades 3 5 St. Marys Summer Camp 2007 Lesson 1. We Become Gods Special Helpers Objectives Youth will learn about angels and saints. Youth will learn about our spiritual enemies. Youth will learn that there is a spiritual world. Youth will learn that they need to become Gods Special Helpers. Part 1. Engage Activity (15 minutes) Play a game of angels and demons tag. Male staff are demons. Female staff are guardian angels. You will need an open area to play outside. Demons chase campers and freeze them. Angels unfreeze campers. Play within a specific defined area so campers are not running through the entire campground. Part 2. Discussion Calm down campers by making them sit and be quite for a minute. Now ask: We played a game about angels and demons for fun. Do you think that there are real angels? Real demons? Talk a little about the spiritual world. That there is always a battle going on. Ask them to list who is involved in this battle. Write their answers down so all can see (use a large piece of paper or chalk board.) Ask these questions: What is an angel? Once they have a chance to answer say: Do you know that Satan and all his followers were angels? Here is a list of important facts about angels that we should all know: There are nine ranks of angels. List them here. dominions, powers, thrones, principalities, cherubim, seraphim, archangels, angels, and virtues. The archangels are messengers. Who is the messenger that brings the good news to the Virgin Mary that she will be the mother of Jesus? (Gabriel at the feast of the Annunciation) Angels are not Saints and Saints are not Angels. Angels are different than saints. Saints are people like us who remained holy and good their whole lives and are now Gods special friends that continue to help and pray for others after they die. (Please feel free to use examples to illustrate this point. Oftentimes, children think that when they die, they become angels. ) Angels are especially created by God for specific purposes. They are created to do certain functions. You can think of these as chores. They serve God and help Him do chores around the house. Well Gods house. Angels that did not want to serve God and do His chores fell from heaven. Satan was one of these angels. Satan was a beautiful angel. He was a master at music and everything musical. He thought he was better than God and fell from Heaven. Demons, like Satan, feel they are better than God and didnt want to serve Him. So they fell with Satan. The Kingdom of Heaven is at war with Satan and his followers. It is a battle that goes on all the time. Now say: It is important to know that we are involved in the battle between good and evil that is always going on because we have a very special part in this battle too. We need to know what is good and what is wrong so that we can help God and the angels win the battle. Every time we do something special and good (like help someone). We help God and the angels win. Can you think of other things that we do that are good? Now ask: Who do we help when we are being bad? Now say: It is our job to be Gods special helpers by doing good things. How can we do good things during this week of camp? What are some nice things we can do for others to be helpful? (list these things for all to see) Today, we are going to become Gods Special Helpers (If you have trouble getting them to take part in this discussion, say that one thing that we can do good and be helpers is to participate in the discussion. You are Gods special helpers by asking and answering questions.) Part 3. Craft/Activity a. You can bring copies of the guardian angel icon with you or you can ask me ahead of time to make colored copies of the icon. Mount them on tag board. Thread yarn through the top. Explain what a guardian angel is to them and tell them to hang the icon on their bunks. The guardian angel helps to protect them from everything that is bad including nightmares, bad thoughts, sickness, and other negative things. Guardian angels are given to us at our baptism to help us grow closer to God and to do good things. b. Make copies of the wordsearch.pdf for the 4th and 5th graders. Make a copy of wordsearch1.pdf for the answers. Lesson 2. We Exercise Our Spiritual Muscles Objectives Youth will learn why it is important to exercise their spiritual muscles. Youth will learn how to exercise their spiritual muscles. Youth will discuss ways to use their spiritual muscles to help others around them. Part 1. Engage Activity (5 to 10 min) Have youth reach for the sky and touch their toes 20 times. Have youth do sit ups. Have youth do other various stretching exercises. Part 2. Discussion Have the youth sit down in a circle. Sit in the circle with them. Ask: Is it important to exercise? Why? Now say: Just as it is important for us to exercise our physical muscles to stay healthy, it is also important to exercise our spiritual muscles to stay spiritually healthy. Yesterday we talked about becoming Gods special helpers. We learned that we must do good things to help God and His angels win the battle over satan and his fallen angels. Today, we are going to learn how to exercise our spiritual muscles. Say: Prayer is one of the most important things that we use to stay spiritually healthy. Prayer helps us to focus all of our attention on God. We ask Him to come into our lives and help us (have mercy on us). Can you think of other things we do to help us stay spiritually heathy? (List their answers for all to see) Ask: If we pray only once and never do it again, is that all we need to be healthy? (use other examples that they listed and do the same thing. If they mentioned confession or fasting, ask them the same thing as you did with prayer). Now say: In order for us to be physically healthy, we have to exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. In order to be spiritually healthy, maybe we need to pray more than once. Fast more than once. Do things until they are a habit and are routine? We need to stretch our spiritual muscles. If we stop doing something, we might forget about it and get out of the habit. Lets get in the habit of stretching our spiritual muscles. Part 3. Craft/Activity Take a piece of construction paper. Fold it in half (portrait style). On one side, campers should copy 4 ideas from the list you made of things that make you spiritually fit on one side. On the other said, have the campers list how many times a week they plan on doing those things. Title it: My Weekly Spiritual Exercise Chart(Have them post their exercise charts in their cabins and encourage them to stick to their exercise routine.) Print up enough copies of Appendix A for your class. Lesson 3. We Become Soldiers For Christ Objectives Youth will learn that they are part of an unseen spiritual world. Youth will learn that the spiritual world is at war. Youth will compare and contrast physical warfare and spiritual warfare. Youth will understand their part in spiritual warfare. Part 1. Engage Activity Part 2. Discussion Part 3. Craft/Activity Lesson 4. We Rise With Christ Objectives Youth will learn that Christ already won the battle through the Resurrection. Youth will discuss the power of the Resurrection has had on our enemies. Youth will learn what it means to rise with Christ. Youth will enlist in the army of Christ to become Soldiers For Christ. Part 1. Engage Activity Part 2. Discussion Part 3. Craft/Activity Appendix A 7 Best Ways to Stay Spirtually Fit Unscramble the tiles to reveal a message. 1.  2. 3. 4.   5. 6.  7.   !9:VWXZe  ] e t y T U W Y Z Ƿǣ{{w{w{sohcQh72hFh-\hfW h}[hfW 5h}[h5h}[hx5hxhoAhxhoA5hxhoA5CJ aJ hxh5CJ aJ h 5hh 5h 5CJ0aJ0h 5CJ0aJ0h 5h5CJ8aJ8h 5h 55CJ8aJ8h 55CJ8aJ8+ !9:VWYZ \ ] U V k gdfW $a$gd 5Z&k } ' o,78hiJKce|h^hgd72gd72 & Fgd-\gdfW Z Jcem|}()*5  $2345$ B h;yh>hN_: hSL5hSLhoA5hSLhx5hSLhxhxhx5hoAhxhoA5CJ aJ hxh5CJ aJ hh5h5H*h5h}[h5h}[hx5hFhcQh-\h}[h722|})*5  35q<=gdoAgdSLgd72#$ ""###R###$$$ $3$`gdxgdSLgdoA """###$ $($4$<$L$k$l$w$i%%%%%%%%(&+&,&.&/&0&2&3&4&5&6&7&=&>&A&B&I&ļܰܨܰ|j h3Uj{h3Ujh3Uhtjh3Uh3CJaJh,CJaJh3h5hx5h5hhxhxhx5hxhoA5CJ aJ h,hN_:hoAhSLhoA5hSLhx5h;yh>-3$4$K$L$k$l$w$$%B%%%%%%%%%%%)&0&3&7&?&gdtgd,$a$gd,$a$gd5gdx`gdxgdoA?&C&F&K&L&P&S&W&X&Z&gd, I&J&N&O&U&V&X&Y&Z&hxh,jh3Ujh3Uh3jY h3U21h:p3/ =!"#$% Dd(#eR  C .A63519ttjalb94n%}[XF*5D n 4n%}[XF*5PNG  IHDRXKuksRGBPLTEٟIDATXֱj0` ;wKйdI D1k7JJS(#&`,JZ AZ$ú;ۊp+X Vm_H?`K~J?EkvPj8]X ,EfN+^jK%wY&!k$Yщ%,斬Klss1irJpk7diU+Hi4r>ZYO=V \4S;oY=K5f(^oǗxYkaY%VYK),Gxc&{mx]CVѪ=VNrjb51㕙k^oKc&I}Tkuߤi̙M%YΒu_u9 V`+XjA$IENDB`Dd!rR  C .A63428tckkmbMjk4ɉ@# nMjk4ɉ@PNG  IHDRDn`sRGBPLTEٟaIDAThֱn0P4ʱХE -@mK=0K)Ka@`pmU;RBBQ@S\t$]GZ(HA RoM[ 0>d Nzw[c!9Hm*)m1Q]3ڎmBHwAI7^UIV륻L&=%P<3(YduRb^JrTҔ+U&t[+ '*iiF-HZI =҄aH2$urHRWm=V4R4eޓgҝƴ;TziJKZ92 *+Lv0H K/p,UJKE>{~J' uΦ Il^Q"ӛY)3{#NITZJqY郕#mFIŜTAKQzͽPϮb%Hu)AuzˍgA&$\O^Ht]yPq!YGp3՚7lo٥:Y-t0R1J^@t3WNJ'o夽 I3U"_*sKi.HđyKBIjbJ*%8R q|w/2TC1R3 $H"$Hr/#DN%IENDB`Dd0?R  C .A63595tcfoabbJ&Q ! nbJ&Q !PNG  IHDRXKuk pHYsgRPLTEٟQIDATXձj0Є JK5v":u'Sџ!Z ,)Rb7,waNbEYdEW1>5R2gi);H[.=/%d-lO-PI֞VB/3,eE$Zo<ʲ"I?e^G>gXL2Y}-=n'[`t{tuKU׮[ BdX8llYUpȰϖ49Xe~[LV'/K gR&YZ-1tP9le,~ue-],",",?" 9X8tIME'64IENDB`Dd(#eR  C .A63627tpnerbX}*B ;3 nX}*B ;3PNG  IHDRXKuksRGBPLTEٟIDATX=n0̕Ps$_* u`!k"TQ8TjDm~?%]D VleQ|[=}d~U/)?sc+cg>VBY´T֑{klH KйPǪţVR5N0 J[k֒30-$3zi魅-$%cݗpƒTYN_dJz̴DKKP[+ȜE_֭hDmHa|,Xʑ>dk:˥ [X[+cSat2eZؔ!k^Zc0!ZlnZXoV"X V` ] m!IENDB`wDd(#eR  C .A63695tlbvhbiq'D;+Z niq'D;+PNG  IHDRXKuksRGBPLTEٟ !9:VWYZ\]UVk}'o,  7 8 h i J K ce|})*5  35q<=#$ R 34KLklwB)037?CFKLPSWX\000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#$037?\j00lɞj00j00j00ɞh00h00ph00h00p@00@00j00j00j00pZ I&Z&k |3$?&Z&Z& "t  " " - \) 3 3 \9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName;*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsaddress:*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsStreet t$~\Zc]dmyYb 6 ( , el} ~{~17 '4;LU~\3333333333333333333333333333333366)+0234557;?BCJLOPRSVYY\\QR^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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