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Post Civil War: What does the U.S. look like? North- ____________________ , prosperous South- Poor, ____________________ very popular West- Dwindling ____________________ populations, RR opened West for settlement The Industrial Age: The Age of Railroads & Westward Expansion Why did America need Railroads? ____________________ from East to West was not very good Travelling time from East to West took 6 months + It would help fulfill ____________________ The U.S. needed to keep up with other countries Trade links with ____________________ and ____________________ Help to bring law and order to the West U.S. Westward Growth & Expansion U.S. continued to grow & expand after Civil War, and railroads made it possible 1. U.S. government granted huge tracts of land to companies that were willing to build railroads 2. RRs allowed farmers, ranchers and other settlers to access markets and resources in the eastern U.S. 3. RRs made it easier for people to move west which increased ____________________ rates ____________________ Railroad: 1. In 1862 Congress authorizes the transcontinental railroad project between existing RR companies in order to create a ____________________ 2. In May, 1869, Union Pacific and Central Pacific joined their tracks in Promontory, Utah 3. Workers- ____________________ and ____________________ immigrants; difficult and dangerous life RR Companies sold off extra land to farmers and ranchers President Ulysses S. Grant: 1869-1877 -- Allied with the Radical Republicans RRs and Big Business RRs helped the growth of ____________________ industry and big business Bessemer Process made steel production ____________________ and ____________________, therefore aided in the expansion of RRs and construction of buildings ______________ changed America: Brooklyn Bridge, RRs, tin cans (food storage), farm machines, skyscrapers RRs allowed ____________________ of goods to more areas than were previously accessible by river The rapid rise of the steel and railroad industries spurred the growth of other big businesses, especially in the ____________, financial, and manufacturing sectors of the economy. These businesses acquired enormous ____________________ which they often used to dominate and control many aspects of American cultural and ____________________ life. As a consequence of these practices, by the beginning of the 20th century big business became the target of ____________________ _________________ movements at the state and national levels. Giants of Big Business ____________________ was the name given to business leaders who made a lot of money in RRs (and other industries) and who were corrupt in business Cornelius Vanderbilt: ____________________ industry; in 1869 extended his NY Central RR to Chicago Andrew Carnegie: ____________________ industry; sold his steel interests to J.P. Morgan for $500MM Poor, Scottish immigrant- came to U.S. in 1848 John D. Rockefeller: ____________________ industry giant ____________________, Rockefellers company, was the nations first trust ____________________ = a business arrangement under which a number of companies unite into one system; trusts destroy competition and create ____________________ (a market in which there is only one supplier of a product and no market competition) Through his trust, JDR dictated prices, got rid of ____________________, and controlled the U.S. oil industry JDR used ____________________ ____________________: bought out his suppliers, controlled and owned every step of his manufacturing process; came to own more than ____________% of Americas oil industry. For example, in the oil industry, JDR made the barrels, cans and oil rigs company needed Carnegie said, Pay no man but myself. Steel magnate owned mines, barges, RRs, mills. Made money at every level. Inventions and Technological Advances Inventions and technological advances helped the U.S. progress as an ____________________ nation during late 19th and early 20th centuries Thomas Edisons inventions: Phonograph (1877): recorded sound Motion picture camera Electric light bulb (1880): transformed ____________________ and ____________________ People could work and do more after dark in factories, offices and at home Central power companies (Edison came up with the idea for these kinds of companies) President Rutherford B. Hayes: 1877-1881 Republican ____________________ of ____________________ Took ____________________ out of the South ending Reconstruction Other Inventions: Westinghouse- made electricity safe and cheap; Sholes- typewriter (1867); Bell- telephone (1876) ____________________ made possible lights, power, refrigerated RR cars. Business advances: telephone, typewriter, cash register, adding machines. Mass popular culture: cameras, phonographs, bicycles, motion pictures (silent), amusement parks, professional sports. &,. 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