ࡱ> '` :bjbjLULU 0F.?.?24 < $hZ   :   e Ѝ# v109,BBeBe   <<<d <<<  Lesson Plan: Argument Analysis Exercise 30-40 minutes (usually) This in-class activity is designed for use in the CIC to introduce students to argument analysis in preparation for developing their own complex claims in the first long paper. The purpose of this activity is to reinforce the features of argumentation that have been introduced in previous classes (through the textbook chapters or lecturing) by having students identify these features in short student papers and critique these papers. The activity is broken up into two parts, first small group work, then all class discussion. Most of the directions for the activity are included in the document itself. I begin by having each student open and save a copy of the document on the L drive so that they can highlight and annotate the papers using the tracked changes and commenting features in Microsoft Word. It can be a chance to teach students these features for the first time, or refresh their skills in preparation for electronic peer review in the CIC. This small group work takes about 15-20 minutes, depending upon how many discrete parts of the argument students are asked to attend to in the directions. During this time, student work in small groups of three at their computer stations, however I usually have each student take individual notes and submit their own copy of the assignment at the end of class. Assign half of the groups to work with Sample A and the other half of the groups to work with Sample B. Using the commenting feature and the highlighting features in Microsoft Word, students interact with their assigned sample papers following the directions listed in the document itself. The second part of the activity, large group discussion should take about 10-15 minutes total. After students have annotated the work, facilitate a class discussion in which each half of the class presents and discusses the paper they annotated to the other class. For example, groups that annotated Sample A present and discuss their findings, hopefully debating different features of the essay to come to a better understanding of the strengths and weakness of that paper. The goal is that they will be guiding the other half of the class through the essay to teach those students. Then have the groups filp-flop, with those who worked with Sample B presenting to the class. Each of these discussions should take about 5-7 minutes. Alternatively, if you wanted the whole class discussion to take less time, you could assign the whole class to work with the same sample essay. The essays that I have found are successful for this activity and amount of time are about 1-2 pages single spaced (2-4 pages double spaced). I have included two essays that I have found work well for English 111 in terms of teaching academic argument in relation to literary analysis. Activity: Identifying Claims & Analyzing Arguments in Literary Analysis Essays The purpose of this activity is to analyze how a literary analysis essays works, paying particular attention to the way in which claims of interpretation work in regards to literary argument. Directions: Please begin by saving a unique copy of this document on the L drive in the folder entitled Analyzing Claimsadd your three initials to the beginning of the document to save a unique copy so that you can save your work at end of the session today. Each group will be working with ONLY ONE SAMPLE; I will come around to check in with each group to assign you a specific sample to use. While you will be working in groups of three at your computer pods, I would like everyone to submit their own annotated copy of this document. Begin by reading through the essay, skimming it for the main claims and the overall organization of the document. After you have skimmed through the essay once, reread it more closely highlighting the following elements: Yellow: Main Claim Green: Evidence/Subclaims Red: Counter-claims or concessions Blue: Quotations Once you have identified the claim, work backwards. In your own words, please annotate this paper using the commenting function to answer the following questions: What is the implied question or line of inquiry to which this essay is responding? Make a note about this that links to the claim you have highlighted in yellow. What terms or words are particularly important in qualifying this claim and making it more specific? Make a list of terms that link the argument from beginning to end through repetition or extended definition. Check over the MLA conventions both for in-text citation and for the Works Cited entries. Use the Purdue OWL MLA guide to check these entries and make sure they are correct. Finally, evaluate this paper and give it an end comment of sorts. What seems to work well here? More importantly, what are the holes in this argument? Do the sub claims make sense with the main claim? Sample A: The interface between the fantastic and the everyday in H.G. Wells science fiction novel The War of the Worlds creates, for both the characters and the audience, a world where dualities, contradictions, and improbabilities are expected and accepted with little opposition. Although the source of the events that the narrator describes is unbelievable, he lends credit to his account by detailing and grounding his story in the real and civilized space of England. Ultimately, the combination of these two facets of the story actually contributes to the credibility of the tale. They allow the reader to recognize the absurdity of the narrative while also tapping into a shared sense of the experience or understanding of war, invasion, and destruction and thus bridge the gap between the ordinary and the fantastic. By grounding the story in specific places in England the extraterrestrial origins of this war are mostly overshadowed by the reality of destruction and the climate of war. In many ways the emotions that the narrator relates seem to be universal and the images of war that he describes seem to reflect the reality of any invasion. Perhaps this is best illustrated in the scene in which the narrator waits on the banks of the Wey River to cross over to London. The progression that he goes through, revealing information to the reader in much the same sort of halting and suspenseful way that one receives information in a time of crisis, emphasizes the his reactions to the fantastic events around him, rather than the events themselves. He sets up this focus on the familiarity of human emotions (and one that is relevant, tangible and understandable for the audience) very early on in the narrative and he continually reinforces it with observations of the people around him: People here seemed to think that Martians were simply formidable human beings who might attack and sack the town, to be certainly destroyed in the end (60). While the narrator does not deny or avoid mentioning the fantastic here, he concerns himself more with how people are reacting rather than the events and circumstances to which they are reacting. Furthermore, the reaction that he describes in others is a relatively familiar one in which human beings have a propensity to underestimate their opponents power and strength. This commonplace response to the bizarre events almost makes the events commonplace by association. Even as this false sense of confidence starts to dissipate, the narrators descriptions of the approaching Martians becomes ever more fantastic yet he still succeeds in making the events and places tangible and plausible because they are contained within real space. As he describes them coming into view in the countryside each Martian machine seems as if it could be its own battalion of soldiers striding hurriedly toward the river (61). The perspective from which the narrator relates the story maintains that sort of awe that occurs in the face of the inevitable and ominous approach of danger that all invasions seem to promise. He describes Their armored bodies glittering in the sun as they swept swiftly forward upon the guns, growing rapidly larger as they grew near (61). How strangely similar this account sounds to a description of an armored group of men approaching for attack as well. Although these Martian machines that are invading are themselves foreign, the concepts within which they are working, those of war, invasion, and destruction, as well as the space in which they are operating are as understandable and real for humans. By depicting real human emotions in real human spaces the narrator shows how he came to believe in the new reality of this fantastic alien invasion and along with him the audience can then begin to understand and accept this new sort of altered, yet not completely foreign or new, sort of reality. Works Cited Wells, H.G. The War of the Worlds. New York: Modern Library Classics, 2002. Print. Sample B: The complexity of Joseph Conrads novel Heart of Darkness fosters contradictory images and ambiguous conclusions. The charge of racism leveled at Conrad by author and critic Chinua Achebe in An Image of Africa cannot be accepted blindly, however, neither should it be disregarded. As racism stands as the foundation and framework for the narrative of colonial power and administration, Conrad would be remiss and utterly fraudulent to omit or gloss over it in his story. On the other hand, the nature of this narrative, told through the filters of time and perspective, begs for a more complex reading than simply labeling and thus dismissing the author and his work as racist. Ultimately the racism represented in Heart of Darkness serves to underscore the horrible and dehumanizing aspects of colonization for both the colonizers and the colonized. The narrator, in a bitterly cynical tone, continually draws attention to the similarities between the Europeans and the Africans. Eventually, the separateness that he strives to depict between these two groups becomes conspicuously artificial and the distinctions he makes become wholly superficial. Perhaps this is best illustrated by the narrators reflections on the death of the helmsman and Kurtzs relation to it. The narrator, with growing sarcasm in his tone, says of Kurtz No; I cant forget him, though I am not prepared to affirm the fellow was exactly worth the life we lost in getting to him. I missed my late helmsman awfullyI missed him even while his body was still lying in the pilot-house (1995). This comparison is so arbitrary and crude that it can be taken to mean that the only reason that the narrator was sorry for the loss of the helmsman is that this represents more work for himself. This statement, however, breaks down the racist hierarchy that the text seems to presuppose when the narrator pointedly withholds sympathy and reverence for Kurtz. The narrator ventures another comparison of Kurtz and the helmsman right after the first. This time he subtly calls into question racial stratification in this context by setting up Kurtz as the standard to which the helmsman is then compared. The narrator exclaims about the helmsman, Poor fool! If he had only left that shutter alone. He had no restraint, no restraintjust like Kurtza tree swayed by the wind (1996). The narrator describes Kurtz as the paradigm of wild unrestraint here and in so doing confuses the clear and defined conception of racism that Achebe proposes in his critique. Furthermore, the narrator has an expectation of Kurtz as a civilized and stable man where his expectations of the helmsman, being an African, are conceptions of savagery and foreignness, which further complicates the issue of racism. While Conrad accurately and unabashedly represents contemporary racism is in the text, one must make major assumptions about Conrads intentions and ideas to label him a thoroughgoing racist (Achebe 2040). Although the narrative does not actively support the perpetuation of contemporary stereotypes, it effectively works inside this framework of extreme racism and imperialistic power structures to undermine, or at least pose questions about, racist stereotypes. The critique of colonialism is implicit in the text: Europeans and Africans alike have become something that they are not; they are dehumanized and displaced by colonialism. The hierarchy of racism becomes increasingly confused and ambiguous in Conrads novel, and to thus ignore the questions that this text raises by simply writing it off as a novel which celebrates [] dehumanization (Achebe 2040) only serves to perpetuate the lack of understanding that fosters the institutions of racism and other forms of discrimination. Works Cited: Achebe, Chinua. An Image of Africa. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 8. Eds, M.E. Abrams, Stephan Greenblatt, et al. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2008. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. 1902. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 23!+JRUVW!(!**#+4+--66669#:::::::ĹĭġĹĹĕĉġġġh"hnX6OJQJhMVhnX6OJQJhChnX6OJQJhPnhnX6OJQJhnX6OJQJ]hnXOJQJhhnX5OJQJhhnXOJQJhhnX5:OJQJhnX5:OJQJhnX *+CD Z [ 2DEQRLgdnX &dPgdnX:LMefFYsLrsCEFGHIJ8^8gdnX & FgdnX & FgdnXgdnXh^hgdnXJKLV$****T.25999:: 0^`0gdnX`gdnX$a$gdnXgdnX`.:pnX/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List,X@, CEmphasis62F2*+CDZ[     2$^$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*+CDZ[     2 D E Q R L M efFYsLrsCEFGHIJKLV""""T&*-1112200000000000000000000000000000 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 000000000000000000000000:LJ:!":  ir/222I2S22f r ""++111.222233333333322  UH^`o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. PLP^P`LhH.  U         nX@f2@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial9Garamond qhffF+\F+\$24222QP #zI2OACTIVITY: IDENTIFYING CLAIMS & ANALYZING ARGUMENTS IN LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAYS Gianna CraigUser Oh+'0 4 DP p | PACTIVITY: IDENTIFYING CLAIMS & ANALYZING ARGUMENTS IN LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAYSGianna Craig Normal.dotUser2Microsoft Office Word@@V@VF+G`VT$m K&" WMFCP GglUT#m EMFg$H*T"   %  Rp@Times New RomanGz Times ew Roman0Ln0(dv%  TXY/@@XLhLesson Plan: <,''228,2TY /@@LArgument Analysis Exercise H"12O,2H2,0''=3,!,',TT! YN /@@! LP .! '% LdLLT!??% "  TTXK/@@X4LP - TXXM/@@XLP3022TTM/@@LP-!TM/@@Lt40 minutes (usually)22N22,'!2'2,0!TTM?/@@LP . TTX1/@@XLP - TxX3p/@@XL\This in=2'2TTq3/@@qLP-!Tt3/@@\Lclass activity is designed for use in the CIC to introduce students to argument analysis in ,,'',,20'3,'12,2!2!2',22,D!C22!222,,'22,2'2,"12N,2,2,0''2 T Xg/@@XNLpreparation for developing their own complex claims in the first long paper. 2!,2,",22!2!2,3,22212,!3H2,2N2,3,,N'22,!!'2212,2-"TTh/@@hLP - TTX/@@XsLP - TX/@@XLxThe purpose of this ac=2,22!22',2!2'-,T /@@DLtivity is to reinforce the features of argumentation that have been 20'2!,2!2",,2,!,,2!,'2!-"12N,2,222,2,2,2-,2 TXp/@@XY_L introduced in previous classes (through the textbook chapters or lecturing) by having students 2!222,,222!,222',,'','!2!23122,,32222,2,2,!'2",,2!31!302,231'22,2' TXqz /@@XJLidentify these features in short student papers and critique these papers.2,2"02,(,!-,2!,'2'22!'22,22,2,!',22,!22,2,',2,3,!'TT{ q /@@{ LP . TTXU/@@X>LP - TXW/@@XLpThe activity is b=2,,,20'2TW5/@@KLroken up into two parts, first small group work, then all class discussion.!23,22322H22,!'!!''N,1!222H3!22,2,,-''2',2''22TT6Wb/@@6LP - TTX;/@@X$LP t- TX=/@@XeLMost of the directions for the activity are included in the document itself. I begin by having each Y2'2!2,2!,,22'!2"2,,,20-!,2,23,222,22,2N,2',! 2,12403,221,-,2 T X! /@@X NLstudent open and save a copy of the document on the L drive so that they can h'22,222,2,22',2,,-2302!3,22,2N,2222,;3!2,'22,2.0--22T! /@@ Lhighlight and 1212,22 T|X# . /@@X} ]Lannotate the papers using the tracked changes and commenting features in Microsoft Word. It ,222&" WMFC 'g,,2,2,3,!'2'322,!,,2,2,2,32,',22,2NN,221",,2",'2Y,!2'2!_2!2 TX R /@@X `L can be a chance to teach students these features for the first time, or refresh their skills in ,,22,,,2,3,,2,-,2'22,2'2,',!,,2",'!3!2,!!'N,2!!-!!,'32,!'2'2 TxX  z /@@Xc 2Lpreparation for electronic peer review in the CIC.2!,2,",22!2!,,,!22-2,,!",2,H22,D CTT = z /@@ c LP . TTX|  /@@X LP - TXX ` /@@XI LPTh=2T =` /@@I "Lis small group work takes about 15''N,1!222H2!2-2,',22222TT> ^` /@@>I LP-!T_ 9` /@@_I 6L20 minutes, depending upon how many discrete parts of 22N22,'2,2,2231222222HN-302',",,2-!'2! TXb ` /@@X cLthe argument students are asked to attend to in the directions. During this time, student work in 2,,"12N,2'22,2',",,'2,22,,22222-2!,,22'H2!312'N,'22,2H2!22 TX F /@@X/ DLsmall groups of three at their computer stations, however I usually 'N,1!222'2!2",,,2,!,2N22,!',22'32H,2,! 2'2,0T lF /@@ / L|have each student take 2,2,,-,2'22,2,2, TXH ^ /@@X aLindividual notes and submit their own copy of the assignment at the end of class. Assign half of 22222,22,',22'22N2,!2H2,2303!2-,''12N,2,2,,222!,,''H''123,!2! TpX , /@@X [Lthe groups to work with Sample A and the other half of the groups to work with Sample B. t2,1!222'2H3!2H28,N2,H,222,22,!3,!2!2,1!222'2H3!2H28,N2,B T\X. /@@X -LUsing the commenting feature and the highlighH'212,,2NN,221"-,2!,,222,21212T .  /@@ 3Lting features in Microsoft Word, students interact 21",,2",'2Y,!2'2!_2!2'22,2'2,!,, TdX /@@X YLwith their assigned sample papers following the directions listed in the document itself.H22,!,''12,2(,N2,2,2,!'!22H212,2!,,22'',222,22-2N,2',!TT '/@@ LP - TTX/@@XnLP l- TX'/@@XLLThe second part of the activity, large group discussion should take about 10=2,',,2223,!2!2,,-2/-"1,1!2222',2('22'2222,2,,22222TT(H/@@(LP-!TI/@@ILt15 minutes total. 22N22,'2, TX4k/@@XTLpAfter students havH!,!'22,2'2,3T 5k/@@5TNLe annotated the work, facilitate a class discussion in which each half of the ,,223,,22,H2!2",,,,,,,''2',2''222H2,2&" WMFC g,-,22,!2!3, TXm/@@XdLclass presents and discusses the paper they annotated to the other class. For example, groups that ,,''2!,',2',222',2(','2,2,2,!3.0,222-,222,22,!,,''73!,3,N2,1!222'2, T XQ/@@X:NLannotated Sample A present and discuss their findings, hopefully debating diff,222,,28,N2,H2",(,2,222',2''2,!!2321'222,!202,3,212!!T?Q/@@:Lperent features of ,!,2!,,2",'2! TXS/@@X^Lthe essay to come to a better understanding of the strengths and weakness of that paper. The 2,,''.02,2N,2,3-,!222,!',22312!2,'!,212',22H-,22,''3!2,2,2,!=3, TX7/@@X _L goal is that they will be guiding the other half of the class through the essay to teach those 12,'2,2.0H2,222212,22,!3,!2!2,,,''2!23122,,'(-02,-,222', T$X9/@@X$Lstudents. Then have the groups filp'22,2'=2,22,2,2,1!222'!2TT9/@@LP-!T9 /@@ Ldflop, with t!22H2TT 9./@@ ,Lhose who worked with Sample B presenting to 22',H22H2!2,2H28,N2,B2",',2212 TX /@@X9Lthe class. Each of these discussions should take about 52,,,''=,,23!2,',2',2''22''2222,2,,2222TT 9 /@@ LP-!T:  /@@:  L`7 minutes.2N22,'TT  /@@ LP - TTX/@@XyLP - TX/@@X`L Alternatively, if you wanted the whole class discussion to take less time, you could assign the H,!2,2,0!022H,3,22,H22,,,''2',3''222,2,,''N,122,222,''122, T`X v/@@X_.Lwhole class to work with the same sample essayH22,,,''2H2!2H32,',N,',N2,,'(.0T` * v/@@ _LT. TT+ W v/@@+ _LP - TTXx/@@XLP - TtX\/@@XE\LThe essays that I have found are successful for this activity and amount of time are about 1=2,,''.0'2, 3,2,!3222,!,'2-,,''!2!3!2',,20,22,N2222!N,,!,,2223TT\/@@ELP-!TX\/@@ELP2 2 TX^/@@XLxpages single spaced (22,2,''21,'2,-,2!2TT^/@@LP-!T^/@@FL4 pages double spaced). I have included two essays that I have found 22,2,'2222,'2-,,2! 2,2,2,22,2H2,''.0(2,3,2,!2222 TX B/@@X+?Lwork well for English 111 in terms of teaching academic argumenH2!2H,!2!=31'22322,!N'2!,,,231--,2,N,,"12O,2T  B/@@ +#Lt in relation to literary analysis.2!,,222,!,"0,2,0''T&WMFCgTB/@@+LP . Rp@Garamondo @0002p 0L@2*d0 !2*dU09Garamod  04 2 @0 0 Ln0 dv% % ( 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  $4."System-@Times New Roman-  2 o`2$Lesson Plan:   42 o2$Argument Analysis Exercise     2 ow2$ ,$2- @ !vt^-' 2 `2$ 2 `2$30 2 p2$-)2 v2$40 minutes (usually)  2 2$  2 `2$ 2 `2$This in  2 2$-2 \2$class activity is designed for use in the CIC to introduce students to argument analysis in      2 `N2$preparation for developing their own complex claims in the first long paper.      2 P2$  2 `2$ ,2 `2$The purpose of this ac  q2 D2$tivity is to reinforce the features of argumentation that have been   2 `_2$introduced in previous classes (through the textbook chapters or lecturing) by having students   z2 `J2$identify these features in short student papers and critique these papers. 2 *2$  2 *`2$ %2 <`2$The activity is bi |2 <K2$roken up into two parts, first small group work, then all class discussion..      2 <2$  2 O`2$ 2 a`e2$Most of the directions for the activity are included in the document itself. I begin by having each     2 t`N2$student open and save a copy of the document on the L drive so that they can h   2 t[ 2$ighlight and 2 `]2$annotate the papers using the tracked changes and commenting features in Microsoft Word. It s    2 ``2$can be a chance to teach students these features for the first time, or refresh their skills in   V2 `22$preparation for electronic peer review in the CIC.    2 2$  2 `2$ 2 `2$Th >2 r"2$is small group work takes about 15   2 S2$-\2 X62$20 minutes, depending upon how many discrete parts of    2 `c2$the argument students are asked to attend to in the directions. During this time, student work in h    q2 `D2$small groups of three at their computer stations, however I usually    .2 2$have each student take  2 `a2$individual notes and submit their own copy of the assignment at the end of class. Assign half of n    2 `[2$the groups to work with Sample A and the other half of the groups to work with Sample B. s           O2 ,`-2$Using the commenting feature and the highligh  X2 ,32$ting features in Microsoft Word, students interact o2 ?`Y2$with their assigned sample papers following the directions listed in the document itself.      2 ?2$  2 Q`2$ }2 d`L2$The second part of the activity, large group discussion should take about 10  2 dE2$-(2 dK2$15 minutes total. a &2 v`2$After students hav 2 vN2$e annotated the work, facilitate a class discussion in which each half of the   2 `d2$class presents and discusses the paper they annotated to the other class. For example, groups that   2 `N2$annotated Sample A present and discuss their findings, hopefully debating diff    &2 X2$erent features of 2 `^2$the essay to come to a better understanding of the strengths and weakness of that paper. The      2 `_2$goal is that they will be guiding the other half of the class through the essay to teach those   A2 `$2$students. Then have the groups filp  2 F2$-2 K 2$flop, with t M2 ,2$hose who worked with Sample B presenting to       a2 `92$the class. Each of these discussions should take about 5  2 2$-2  2$7 minutes.  2 2$  2 `2$ 2 ``2$Alternatively, if you wanted the whole class discussion to take less time, you could assign the     P2 `.2$whole class to work with the same sample essay     2 2$.  2 2$  2 /`2$ 2 A`\2$The essays that I have found are successful for this activity and amount of time are about 1     2 A2$-2 A2$2 ,2 T`2$pages single spaced (2 2 T2$-t2 TF2$4 pages double spaced). I have included two essays that I have found   j2 f`?2$work well for English 111 in terms of teaching academic argumen        @2 f #2$t in relation to literary analysis.p 2 f2$ @Garamond--$$22$$22$$22##22##22##22##11##11##11""11""11""11""00""00""00""00!!00!!00!!//՜.+,0H hp  (UW English Dept.\2' PACTIVITY: IDENTIFYING CLAIMS & ANALYZING ARGUMENTS IN LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAYS Title  !"#%&'()*+,-./123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~Root Entry F11Table$RWordDocument0FSummaryInformation(0LDocumentSummaryInformation8}CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q