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Students identify ways in which familiar products, including information products, services and built environments meet the needs of people. They recognise the different ways that information is sent and received and how these influence communication. Students identify the characteristics of a range of materials used to make commonly available products and built environments.  Links to other KLAs English Exploring purposes, audiences and features of posters. Exploring the language and purpose of matrices and flow charts. Mathematics Measurement activities. Comparing the sizes of plants as they grow. Graphing, using pictures, the plants that die or survive and giving reasons. Measuring and comparing, using informal measurements, the height of students within the class. Human Society and its Environment Exploring the ways people interact with their environments to satisfy their needs. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Exploring students needs for food, clothing, exercise. Creative and Practical Arts Movement: Observing and performing animal movements. Art: Observing the texture of animal coverings and making prints to represent them. Observing the lines in plants and representing them through drawings.  Outcomes Learning Processes InvestigatingDesigning and MakingUsing TechnologyINV S1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data and suggesting possible explanations. DM S1.8 Develops and implements own design ideas in response to an investigation of needs and wants.UT S1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task.  Outcomes and Indicators LT S1.3: Identifies and describes ways in which living things grow and change.Indicators identifies changes in themselves over time using family records, interviews with family members and classroom data collection and shares findings designs and publishes a timeline that shows how a student has grown and changed since birth measures and records, over a four week period, the length of bean plants using informal units selects and uses resources for the construction of a pond in the school environment to attract insects and frogs, eg water, plants, rocks collaboratively writes, illustrates and publishes a literary recount about the needs of growing animals observes tadpoles and frogs in a local waterway and records observation for a class journal observes, asks questions and predicts how a plant obtains water and nutrients proposes questions for an expert when evaluating plans for an animal environment, eg a bird-friendly garden uses a magnifying glass to examine changes in silk worms or sea monkeys during their life cycles and draws the changes.  Resources Texts, posters and resources based on growing up.Assessment Observe how students engage in discussion to clarify the design tasks. Have students describe to others how to load and operate computer simulations software. Summative Evaluation  Learning Experiences: Week/ sLearning ExperiencesDateWeek 1Unit Introduction. What do we already know about living things and their needs? Brainstorm using mind map, etc. Share a story, visual text, sites on the internet based on the Unit to build up background knowledge. Encourage children to share what they already know about the unit with others. What are our Outcomes? What do we hope to learn by the conclusion of the Unit? Title Page. Week / s 2 3 Design and make a way to satisfy a need for an animal, eg fish feeder, mouse exerciser. Identify the need to be met. Discuss to further develop ideas. Detail the requirements of the animal, eg space and safety. Choose suitable materials (considering size, safety, position, composition). Make and trial the device. Evaluate success and make modifications if necessary. Use computer software to investigate the needs of animals. Use computer simulation to investigate the needs of animals. Familiarise students with the simulated environment. Discuss the type of decisions to be made and their effect on the simulation. Experiment within the simulation, eg removing water, food, to test the needs of animals. Compare the advantages of using simulation to a real situation. Observe animals in the classroom, eg silkworms, mice, birds, fish. Make a list of how the needs of the animals are being met in the classroom. Week/s 4 - 5Investigate the needs of plants. Based on observation of plants growing at home and at school, predict what things plants might need to survive and grow. Test predictions and draw conclusions about the needs of plants. Identify the needs that plants and animals have in common and what needs are specific to either group. Group or classify, eg using a matrix. Care for the plants used to test the predictions over a longer period, eg the rest of the term/year. Week 6Revision and Catch Up  Learning Experiences: Week/ sLearning ExperiencesDateWeeks 7 and 8Design and use a way of identifying the needs of plants Pose the problem to find a way to tell what things affect how plants grow. Brainstorm ideas students think will affect the growth of a plant (ie variables). Devise ways to eliminate one of these variables at a time. Explain the need for a control plant. Discuss the need for keeping records, eg over a period of time for comparison of data. Collect materials and set up test, exploring one variable per group, eg no fresh air, no water. Make regular observations, recording and measuring changes. Investigate students needs as human beings and some ways of meeting them Brainstorm what are perceived to be students basic needs. Give reasons for suggestions. Organise the needs in order of importance. Identify the things everyone thought were important. Draw conclusions about our needs. Make flow charts to show the means by which we meet our basic needs, eg sheep - shearing wool - jumper. Identify ways we use plants and animals, apart from satisfying our basic needs, eg animals for pets, plants to make our environment attractive. Discuss what makes us want things. Compare how human needs are met in different cultures or places, eg clothing styles, housing. Week 9 Design and make an advertisement for something that meets the needs of students After discussion about needs of humans decide which need is to be satisfied by each group, eg to keep warm, be healthy. Select a product that satisfies the needs, eg a healthy meal, warm clothes in winter. Explain how the need is met. Generate ideas to use to promote the item. List things you like about your product. Select points that might encourage other people to want the product. Choose the type of advertisement, eg poster, jingle. Make the advertisement, organising images, slogan, information, eg using desktop publishing software. Reflect on the type of techniques that are used in advertisements in their immediate surroundings. Week 10Revision. Reflect on the mind map, etc from Week 1 and now in another colour add what else the class has learnt on this topic. Evaluate unit and allow time for children to reflect over their work and to summerise in their own words what their greatest learnings were throughout this unit. +IJfgi i u fGʻfZC/C/C/C/'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h/ 5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH phsH h/ B*OJQJph=h/ h/ B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH=h/ h/ B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH-h/ 5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH phsH h/ 5B*CJ\aJphh/ B*ph&h/ >*B*CJOJQJmH phsH h/ B*CJ(phh/ >*B*CJ(OJQJph+IJghi5 6   U V $$7$8$H$Ifa$gd/ $7$8$H$If $7$8$H$If 0^0`$a$ i u fGc45 $7$8$H$If $$7$8$H$Ifa$[kd$$IflP++064 laGc346<=[\]$}kQ:-h/ 5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH phsH 3h/ 56B*CJOJQJ\]aJmH phsH "h/ >*B*OJQJmH phsH h/ >*B*CJphh/ B*CJph"hE>*B*OJQJmH phsH h/ B*phhEhEmH sH hEB*ph&h/ >*B*CJOJQJmH phsH 'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH -h/ 5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH phsH 56789:;<=[\]k~$If$If$If$a$gdE$a$gdE[kd$$IflP++064 la%&.!"~sssssssss $7$8$H$Ifkd$$IflF(P+06    4 la $%&.!#$<EԺԺԏjUK:K!h/ 5B*CJ\mH phsH h/ B*CJph)h/ 5B*OJQJ\aJmH phsH /h/ 56B*OJQJ\]aJmH phsH h/ 5B*CJ\ph&h/ >*B*CJOJQJmH phsH -h/ 5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH phsH 3h/ 56B*CJOJQJ\]aJmH phsH &h/ >*B*CJOJQJmH phsH -h/ 5B*CJOJQJ\aJmH phsH "#$<~|vk $7$8$H$If$Ifkd$$IflF(P+06    4 la,v>xy $7$8$H$If$If]kd$$IflyP++064 la xyz{dg|\ͻiQ9/h/ 56B*OJQJ\]aJmH phsH /h/ 56B*OJQJ\]aJmH phsH *h/ >*B*CJ(OJQJaJmH phsH *hE>*B*CJ(OJQJaJmH phsH 'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH h/ B*phh/ B*aJph#h/ B*OJQJaJmH phsH &h/ >*B*CJOJQJmH phsH h/ B*CJph'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH yz{ ezoo $7$8$H$If $If$ & F$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If7$8$H$]kd$$IflP++064 laefg|}~uuuuujj $7$8$H$If $$7$8$H$Ifa$$If7$8$H$pkdL$$Iflc0rP+064 la  $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$a$7$8$H$[kd$$IflP++064 la:>J~peeWIII & F$7$8$H$If & F$7$8$H$If $7$8$H$If $$7$8$H$Ifa$kdV$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 laJKLM\  e_Y$If$Ifkd$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If   ()E}~v!w!!ʲʞwkU;3h/ 56B*CJOJQJ\]aJmH phsH *h/ >*B*CJ(OJQJaJmH phsH h/ B*mH phsH h/ B*phh/ 5B*\aJph#h/ B*OJQJaJmH phsH 'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH /h/ 56B*OJQJ\]aJmH phsH 3h/ 56B*CJOJQJ\]aJmH phsH h/ 5B*\phh/ 56B*CJ\]ph ()e_$Ifkd$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If e_Y$If$IfkdW$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If16~uuuggg $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$a$kd$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la67E}~v!w!!!$$~pee_eeeee$If $7$8$H$If $$7$8$H$Ifa$kd$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la !!!$$)$y$z$&& '''')(*(,(-(мЪм~vfZfZD*h/ >*B*CJ(OJQJaJmH phsH h/ B*mH phsH h/ B*OJQJmH phsH h/ B*ph'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH /h/ 56B*OJQJ\]aJmH phsH #h/ B*OJQJaJmH phsH 'h/ B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH 3h/ 56B*CJOJQJ\]aJmH phsH )h/ 5B*OJQJ\aJmH phsH $$ $!$)$y$z$&&'ekdX$$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la $$7$8$H$Ifa$ $7$8$H$If '' '''*(+(~pj``p & F$If$If $$7$8$H$Ifa$kd $$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la+(,(-(~u $7$8$H$a$kd $$IflF`'P+tX 06    4 la,1h. 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