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Unconscious Freuds theory: a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings and memories Current theory: information processing of which we are unaware 9. Preconscious: information that is not conscious, but is readily retrievable into conscious awareness Personality Structure 10. ID: reservoir of unconscious psychic energy strives to satisfy 11. basic drives sexual and aggressive operates on the 12. pleasure principle; demanding immediate gratification 13. SUPEREGO: part of personality that represents 14. internalized ideals provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations 15. EGO: largely conscious, 16. "executive" part of personality 17. mediates among the demands of the id, superego and ego operates on the 18. reality principle, satisfying the id's desires in ways that will realistically bring pleasure rather than pain Personality Development Psychosexual Stages: childhood stages of development during which the pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones 19. Oedipus Complex: boy's sexual desires towards his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father 20. Electra Complex: came later. girl's sexual desires towards her father and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival mother Freud's Psychosexual Stages STAGEFOCUS21. ORAL (0-18 months)Pleasure center on the mouth sucking, biting, chewing22. ANAL (18-36 months)Pleasure focuses on bowel & bladder elimination; coping with demands for control23. PHALLIC (3-6 years)Pleasure zone is genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings24. LATENCY (6 to puberty)Dormant sexual feelings25. GENITAL (puberty & on )Maturation of sexual interests 26. Identification: the process by which children incorporate their parents' values into their developing superegos 27. Gender Identity: one's sense of being male or female 28. Fixation: a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage, where conflicts were unresolved nail biters or gum chewers may be fixated in the Oral Stage. DEFENSE MECHANISMS 29. Defense Mechanisms: the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality 30. Repression: basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness 31. Regression: individual retreats when faced with anxiety, to a more infantile psychosexual stage where some psychic energy remains fixated college freshman goes home for Thanksgiving, has mom wash clothes, fix favorite dinner, tuck him in at night, etc 32. Reaction Formation: the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites. People may express feelings that are the opposite of their anxiety-arousing unconscious feelings. 33. Projection: people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others 34. Rationalization: offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions 35. Displacement: shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person .... when angry with your parents, you kick a hole in your bedroom door NEO-FREUDIANS 36. Alfred Adler: importance of childhood social tension 37. Karen Horney: sought to balance Freud's masculine biases 38. Carl Jung: emphasizes collective unconscious concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' history ASSESSING THE UNCONSCIOUS 39. Projective Test: personality test, such as the Rorschach or T AT, that provides ambiguous stimuli designed to trigger projection of one's inner dynamics 40. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes 41. Rorschach Inkblot Test: most widely used projective test, uses a set of 10 inkblots designed by Hermann Rorschach to identify people's inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots. TRAIT PERSPECTIVE Trait: characteristic pattern of behavior; a disposition to feel and act, as assessed by self-report inventories and peer reports 42. Personality Inventory: questionnaire (often with true-false or agree-disagree items) on which people respond to items designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors; used to assess selected personality traits Big Five Personality Factors TRAIT DIMENSIONDESCRIPTION43. EMOTIONAL STABILITYCalm versus anxious Secure versus insecure Self-satisfied versus self-pitying44. EXTRAVERSIONSociable versus retiring Fun-loving versus sober Affectionate versus reserved45. OPENNESSImaginative versus practical Preference for variety versus preference for routine Independent versus conforming46. AGREEABLESoft-hearted versus ruthless Trusting versus suspicious Helpful versus uncooperative47. CONSCIENTIOUSNESSOrganized versus disorganized Careful versus careless Disciplined versus impulsive 48. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) The most widely researched and clinically used of all personality tests Originally developed to identify emotional disorders (still considered its most appropriate use) Now used for many other screening purposes 49. Empirically Derived Test: test developed by testing a pool of items and then selecting those that discriminate between groups similar to MMPI EVALUATING THE TRAIT PERSPECTIVE Situational influences on behavior are important to consider People can fake 49.5 desirable responses on self-report measures of personality Averaging behavior across situations seems to indicate that people do have distinct personality traits HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE 50. Carl Rogers (1902-1987): focused on growth and fulfillment of individuals Requires three conditions: 51. Genuineness 52. Acceptance- unconditional positive regard: an attitude of total acceptance toward another person 53. Empathy Self- 54. Concept: all of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in an answer to the question "Who am I"?" Self- 55. Esteem: one's feelings of high or low self-worth Self- 56. Serving Bias: a readiness to perceive oneself favorably 57. Individualism: giving priority to one's own goals over group goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications 58. Collectivism: giving priority to the goals of one's group (often one's extended family or work group) and defining one's identity accordingly. Contrasts Between Individualism and Collectivism CONCEPTINDIVIDUALISMCOLLECTIVISMSELF59. Independent (identity from individual traits)59. Interdependent (identity from belongings)LIFE TASKDiscover and express ones uniquenessMaintain connectionsWHAT MATTERS60. Me, personal achievement and fulfillment; rights and libertiesWe, group goals and solidarity; social responsibilities and relationshipsCOPING METHOD61. Change reality62. Accommodate realityMORALITYDefined by individuals (self-based)Defined by 63. social networks (duty-based)RELATIONSHIPSMany, often temporary or casual; 64. confrontation acceptableFew, close and enduring; 65. harmony valuedATTRIBUTING BEHAVIORBehavior reflects 66. ones personality and attitudesBehavior reflects 67. social norm and roles EVALUATING THE HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE Concepts like self-actualization are 68. vague Emphasis on self may promote self-indulgence and lack of concern for others. Theory does not address reality of human capacity for 69. evil Theory has impacted popular ideas on child rearing, education, management, etc. SOCIAL-COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE Reciprocal Determinism: 70. interacting influences between personality and environmental factors Personal Control: 71. our sense of controlling our environments rather than feeling helpless External Locus of Control: 72. perception that chance or outside forces beyond one's personal control determine one's fate Internal Locus of Control: 73. the perception that one controls one's own fate Learned Helplessness: 74. hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events EVALUATING THE SOCIAL-COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE Built from research on learning and cognition Fails to consider 75. unconscious motives and individual disposition Today, 76. cognitive-behavioral theory is perhaps predominant psychological approach to explaining human behavior     PAGE  PAGE 4 '(4 P 2 6 F H t x  Ѹљ߄߀slљlљlѸXlљ&h8h26>*B*CJ]aJph h 5\h h25B*phh )h8h26:>*B*CJ]aJphh8h25\h 5B*\phh h 5\h h2B*phh h 5B*\phh h25B*\ph h8h2 h(?h2#h\Oh2;B*CJ\aJph"'(}4 P ` 2 H m & Fxgd2 & F xgd2 & Fxgd2 dxgd2 $dxa$gd2 & Fxgd & Fxgd2 & Fxgd2gd2$a$gd2],, 3 t + h <  @YV & Fxgd2 x^gd8 & Fxgd2 & Fxgd2$hdx`ha$gd2$hdx^ha$gd2 & Fxgd2 & Fxgd2 > ? 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