ࡱ> gif[ bjbj  npa!\pa!\ HHHHH\\\8$\\$"j$l$l$l$l$l$l$$ ')$H"$HH$YYYFHHj$Yj$YYV #@#x^J# V$$0$V#x*Y*#*H#Y$$Y$* > :  Root Word (Affix) Project In order to grow our vocabulary, we are going to have lessons on Latin and Greek root words. Learning root words will help you on the SAT, the AP test, AIMS, and on in-class timed writings by expanding your vocabulary and enabling you to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on their root. The good news: You are going to teach the class about your assigned root! You will research and become an expert on your root, and will teach it to your peers on an assigned day. Here is what you must submit: Part 1: Brainstorming Worksheet Find 4 academic vocab words that use your assigned root For each of the 4 vocab words, complete the worksheet with the following info: definition of the word part of speech justify WHY this is a worthy word to teach the class (Total: 20pts practice category) Part 2: A Prezi or Google Presentation visual aid with: The definition of your assigned root and a hint to remember it. (5 pts) One your best vocabulary word to teach the class and include: (20 pts) your words definition and part of speech a hint to help us remember your words definition a visual to help us remember your words definition explanation of how your classmates can use this word CITATIONS (in MLA Format) of your sources for the graphics/video clips/etc. (5 pts) Speaking and Listening (AKA Presentation) see rubric on back (15 pts) (Total: 45 pts assessment category) My assigned root is ____________________ which means ______________________________ My chosen vocabulary word is: ____________________________________________________ (approved word based on teacher feedback from the brainstorming worksheet) I present on (circle the date you are assigned): Wed., Aug. 24 Thurs., Aug. 25 Fri., Aug 26 Your expertise is worth a lot! So please take pride in your work you are teaching your peers this content! You will also be graded on your preparation. FAILURE TO BE PREPARED ON YOUR ASSIGNED DAY RESULTS IN AN AUTOMATIC 50% OFF, unless extreme emergency does not allow you to come to school. In these extreme situations, please have a parent or guardian contact me ASAP on the matter. If you end up having a conflict field trip, vacation, appointment, etc. later on, please coordinate with me so you can be switched with another student. You must use Prezi or Google Presentations to create your presentation. The presentation MUST be shared with me PRIOR to your presentation. leuck.corinne@cusd80.com (for presentation e-mails) Turn this handout back in to me on the day you present! Rubric for Root Word Project Presentation A (5)B (4)C (3)D (2)F (1)Verbal CommunicationStrong, clear voice. Superior expression (varying tempo, volume, inflection, etc.) Excellent pacing.Clear voice. Some variance in tempo, volume, etc. Pacing is effective.Voice is inconsistent. Little variance in tempo, volume, etc. Pacing is inconsistent.Voice is weak. Minimal variance. Pace is too slow or too fast.Voice is inaudible. No variance. Pace is excessively slow or fast.Non-Verbal CommunicationDirect eye contact with audience; seldom looking at notes. Confidence and composure. Excellent posture. Appropriate appearance. Effective gestures to enhance verbal communication.Direct eye contact most of the time but still returns to notes. Seems confident and composed. Good posture and appropriate appearance. Uses appropriate gestures but they do not enhance the presentation.Some eye contact with audience but relies on notes too much. Confidence and composure is inconsistent. Posture lacking. Dresses like would every day. Nervous gestures.Minimal eye contact with audience. Confidence is lacking. Dress is inappropriate. Distracting or inappropriate gestures.No eye contact. No confidence. Inappropriate dress and gestures.Grammar, Conventions, and TechnologyLittle or no grammar or convention errors. Technology usage enhances audience understanding of the topic. References project appropriately/ effectively.Minimal grammar or convention errors. Technology usage adds to audience understanding of the topic. References project appropriately/ effectively.Grammar and Convention errors begin to impede readability. Technology is not used to aid audience understanding. May not reference project appropriately/ effectively.Grammar and convention errors throughout that distract from the overall site. Overall, technology is not used effectively.So many errors that it is evident no editing or revising took place. Technology is not used.     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